10"I Till DAILY RIYVB WAS WEDDED BRUNSWICK..THE. H. 8. Wallace INENGLAND Married Miss Joyce' ii MACD0 NALD IrrTrlrlui Parnell In 3L Clements mm Whatever your friends Dane, London. When II. K. Wallace reftirm-il 71, can play YOU can play, 'il Sunday iilphl from a lit --tt itt if It I rip In Hit Old Country ,j if you own a HRUNS- In1 hroititht llli him hi Iri)-. i WICK. All wc ask you forineily Mix Joyce I'd r n II. CUTB RIER I.iiikIiIit of J. W. I'nniHI. of to do is to investigate Soiillmea, I'ntilaml, lo wlmiii the I!r jus wick. ' married nl Si. ."lMintl- HaiicK. Ixmlnii. on Jnniiiirv 22. Let your eyes and ears complete The new rnnie Mirprle h-u bi plenminl Sir. Wallace's mid U MACDONALD'S "BRIER" has become ho the jutljje, many friend lien? who since lil arrival lime lieen keeping him a Canadian institution. Smoked by the I'aymonts to suit the luiny rercUliiK congratulation. who made In the bush, the purchaser. TIk' honeymoon wns spent al men history. on Torquay hlrc. iimoiitr ami Ihe I'alvnlon.beautiful Dexon.l bill; trail, in mining camps, prospectors' huts, factory ' iifcjD jo n l ft arrii4R Mini ill.lrirt Aliunde anil win the made return on i j yards, on trains, steamships, in the luxurious cncinih(erpd lie Adriatic,ell heavy roiillf Morula wflh report being homes and downtown clubs of our Canadian of sexeral foundcrfnit ship. Two' cities iMacdonald's has always been recognized day were auenl in New York ami one day ill Monlrenl, from vlirli as the smoke. (illy Ihey enme illfTrt III I'rinee, lluier'. They have late'u up (heir M-riieiire in I lie Wullaee llloek. ! q MACDONALD'S CUT " BRIER " the same tobacco hit Miirinif three hi liionlhx.aheiire Mr.of Wnllnee a Utile but in new form maintains every Macdonald tradition since Meiil rr lo 1'raiiee ami viiii 1858, and gives to smokers more tobacco for the money. the Imlllellelil of the (Irent War. r.u the ileviiftlalioii I litt hail lieeii ( inaile hy (he tlvlilinsr annfen nml' llie ImlllriiienlK ninl tinr nmeliln- Amonu llie pitl n I in liun-i' ligh Interest Good Security ami ll-'lglllto lie I nil ml Aere I'ari. 1 VtiIuii. :haleaii Thlorry-. Illiejmit, j ISeiJ n go together, hut here is an Kl .MiniieliiMitil nml llrunoeU. j A.m. Wv recommend the huv- inrof 100 BIG GALE BROKE ALL BRITISH war BONDS WINDOWS STORE IN LAST LINZEY'S NIGHT Sic! yo i 11 por cent. t present nr f orcbanpv. We upp;e$t cm-vr r.iip.nl.'i h.. ilmiiawi' u ilniii' v it pmr VICTORY BONDS, iImmiI llie i-il in la l nmlii'e vale lilrli raiirnl al il height a In nil whir only yield Si per cent, into, 1:3(1 al a hiuh a teloHty u to these. Call and talk it over. mile) an hour. Only s WO Bonds left at SJ20.00 Ifcittu lll ttiere were it;iI each; par value S-lfC.OO aMniiiB Mown ilowii. I It..-..- in frnl of !leve KillK'x pl' for. Tm; BnriMi Empire Is Yont Security. liillillK- ire ami tile Allies I'fe beitiir inn lhl UMiriilnn. 'I'll Attrnl mifferer ill llie j.nle. fhos. flnmeter. . the I.Inter i roe err McCIymont al the eorner of r'uHoii Street ami l(ll Aenue wtiere all the plate Slu aimiIown were llon In ami iiimileraHh ilnniaae ilmie to the ii'l lien the torrrnl of rain -.(.! riitlil III llinxufh llm liuli-u S50 to $5,000 , w iniloun. I A YEAR FOR LIFE lliiiiie.iuaile hreail. ple. rak' WOMEN EXPRESS SOME j CANADIAN GOVERN CT ANNUITY PROVIDES IT illil I Ihe pletle Smifloii Ilium-Tea i iHiki'il llowliia,umviIk,3ltV Local and Personal POLITICAL PRINCIPLES S-i I Awiiue. f M f t FOR BREAKFAST 'Mn tn-uiiiy ohwuMhlr In View of Llkoly Dominion Election . i win.f ,m Wvtffd hfwn for caut It. i:. llidei taki i l'tiuuc 41. If any '' i-plk- i if Ijm. aioicn or 4mioyr4 COMMON DISEASES In Near Future, '" 'tmtt drprtatmn Hlll'..l f KIM. I'III I'llll- Council Acts. Rupert Brand ' "! Incomr Ta UMtN UANbtROUS ;- tf Ai " -c- m Httoai dinkilH la Canada VI' ri i mix. I.h. In view ..f uninrt'iiivi' on I al Kmi'i'liiit tin- pii-iliilil ( ail ini 1 1 eli-el ion. , Does the n may p Chiefly Ordinary Cold'hoo'in,! x p.m. r llie Ciuinrii nf ,W omen lieiv lia KIPPERS ' nntiafrn arhnol hoattia for nenulre Peomnt 'l "t m tHefc mtniirr. l.lt Mir IwaU for tale with ,M,, M wMnterniK rnlain pulitlrul . a a.M. Ir T la - Treatment. M. l. Slrplieiu. tf l"",u,"'l'l''' wlnrli haw lnen . ry- . , . ,l:lieU auil emlorei-il hy mextiliK Delicious .i , a a A Nourishing and Breakfast Fcod. B A enlil in Ihe lieu,I Mill now I In! . Jtf . 4 4..M k!l.. MIIMMJIIll.lilHL ...111 k a.l...I.'rf m , o" rn. eiin nacnu. cim--- ot...... p- mwMmHmHt Imm-iIh of aeute ilieae tilllei.M it m IrealeU iiruiiintly. i:en Oirn Ihe'ulO, WalkprN Mii-ie Slort'. If aaiiunfwuia in tin eily. llm fol- eolU iloeti work ilrir oir il leaVi; a a loving: an the puliliral ie'i. u TA rflflV'. Place in frying pan with a little fat lite patient weakeneil ami liiihle to ItaKkHliall lomvM. I'thilnti Itll ikllPiia.iui Imf lllattll' 1 U LUUA. and cook for ten minutes. an allai k from ilUeane. When ui. t u, i sse. ml Hie. n i- ,......"..- -."..i..i Food rolil In llm lienil appear, i herk; . ""7 I . . Inspection Sold all Restaurants, Retail Grocers & Butchers llie rexer. aiiny llie Hiieneitii 011 ei. iiai ii Mtr by 'mi-tz.'ttt j n.f lj.it. .... II. ....1 I 4:111 Il otter-, (in;im iu lllniim. Adoliiioit of MstriuiaKq, -l'iiiiiii-atiin the nfter.xreakiie.' luah. hrul.v Ully .Market. SMOKED DAILY BY "' af fullv Ii. Unlit ii.-irevU'ri khj (elected by riprrU. of amount iu!i- Mrtii.l'ii:. oretiueAl lull uhieli? a it lut you rn t,h how It to rooked. I111. ueil u for 4ilil the'' ivXI'Kin' SIlOK Hrj'AIIU i i"Q'Tumi4j .ii-ii ill Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. h only place In town where you can do thU ii heail for year. v fit it.i IhU work, im. MeArlhur' Shoe lure. 3r,i uieu muninaiion 01 poiniouii .iml Willi womlerrul relill. 11 i,NC .f ieniltlolal"..t THE EMPRESS CAFE prompt, relieving n IhhI eolil in a; ' ' I I'lihlirul eQnalily for men ami Prince Rupert, B.C. nilihl unl n i-ano of nriipe in Mr. anil Jlr. l..tvvrI r.u ii i.iul.i luiiif. in 1 1 m 1-1 1.. Upelt. NMniieti. rre Everybody Enta All White Help f.irni Ihe iniM-eilieiiM of t'.rin-Pii I"'"!- "f Harry l.lpell. Iitral 1 Thai Ih.ise who shall hereari. Fmpreae Hotol nioclc, 3rd Ave. nn lioleil mi every tot anil xxoiilil nmnamir lair I.tiell .V UUIIHIliK- l.e tutiteil in the .ileAtnrat 1i:.ll -Ur.i.i".'.''!'.-...-'. 'V 'iVA'J- J1''"- r-ivl y. -1.-. .ttv; ri-rs.M.ii JHx.. M,eJkinir knowlmltfe of THEO Public ' er- "-ion 1 lie rrllleeux Man IffTlill fur KitKli.sli or Freni'lu COLLART, Notary , - - - few l;ty with lin n iiii ami In- Tin nituraluulion of woiueu Real Eatnte Rentals Insurance family. imlcpeiiilently of lh llulioiialily .1 1 ton delivered ! . . or liusfiDnJ. FOR SALE t Sacked, 3 1 2.SO I'eililera are Ih'iiii: hjl;el by the The praMioe of thrift in ailmiiu Moat Liberal MARINE INSURANCE on the Coast lUitiiiilian Creilti M.-i. - At-HH'ialnm Imursnce Company of North America. Cays Claims promptly ST. RE GIS BAKERY ,for the pnrrliii-r nl tile ttnlinn; i-lrntiiii of piihlii' u(Tatr. jelalioii a 11 it -ail.'iy foruH-rly 1. : r-.r P.O. Bos 66 W.tlkolma Tk.atra Block Pho'ne Bluo 69 'owiiml by the I'mnfnj, ltnp-pi-l FULLER'S SPECIALS FUlierien. The I'l.mi iniits of wharf, hiiildim:. iiKi.'lilnery uml Lmpresn Muinialaje, i.Ib. tin ciiiiipiutnt. Tin i- .veirnmeiit i fl.no. Mr. Business ManI rt'frel (o lease lit" liitlil. Touiatoi'M. lui t;.' Iin, 0 fur I.Jo. " know Ulfll auviill Ynkima Spudi only 13.00. we pnl ii IIU'IIII - I 'lion. A Idler from :i 1). iat - Nabob Tea, per lb. 35c. Sine For Breakfast, 0 a.m. to 11, from 20c up llllln reu II I'll I UK ill-- fOHil fliilll Use eouomiH For Luncheon 1 1 a.m. to 2 p.m. from 40c up l'rincc lluperl tn I'mi lMwnril waul Strawberry J um, 4s, pur-reeeixeil'Mml For Dinner 5 p. m. to 8 p. m., from 40o up It I 1 hy the eily Ouaker", l.0. Our Coffee Is Good. coum-il lal nielli The mininter 1'. s. i:olIee. :i ih. for I. ... II said thai the rn.nl will under the Sweet Dianv-. 3 duieii for tl 1 ji -mm 1111 aaai ' iii. i 'm ..amv nnie. tnir lirmitj nml pulry 1 ilillcmil. W'v ny n'cial Cousiileiiitiiiii nl Hi- iuhli works j. I'ruiien, rS. 23c. now 2 lb, far In uiir hiikeiy di'jiiirtmrnl. deparltneiii hut In- n I I not ay'55r. "Our Reputation Depends Upon IL" when il iiiikIiI Im -i.irted. Itipe Hlite. ui' gal. 1.10. tii-een liatie Jam, I b. tin aiparlmeiiu You r Uul I'M 111 perial nllttynt, 10 111 25c rCZEMA lag wb.u tliisi-n. .) Il. for 11.00. f Richmond, Third Avenue u u. Dr. lliitt. i . fn-ii :&e, ttdc.and ti5e. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert Liurnt fir It ri-llavi-a Eriruia aluiiee aoii fckln ami t'alin (Hive S nip. IS for ?T.lo. hrsli Ui. .kin Hauinla Ihii lr. 1 (tiax'i ciiiuiiii frra II )"i uieuUon tbU anil miu km.imiiiB i riw.ita. uxv a There mar l somthink you Elr 1 all ulr or a UUIIU.I, 1'4 waut. See the clainifled colutnn I