I IMGE TWO TITf! DAILY NKWfl TrMtlL Weather The Daily News STOMACH ULCER visitors AT PuMrfhed Prlnllnp rniNRR Hvery urn1 nupRitr A Publishing f moon,- except Cnmpnny,ibiiitimii Sunday,Columbia Third hy Avenue.The News AND GALL STONES ROTARY CLUB J. A Kirkpatrick II. P. PUI.I.RX. Mumming Bdilnr. Dr. Sager and Ntw engineer Campl.Wly Attr Saff trtnf 2$ Yaara, SUBSCRIPTION RATE8I R.lievad by TRUIT-A-TIVES" duetts at Luncheon Yesterday. "The Store of Satisfaction' f City Delivery, !iy mail or carrier, per month $1.00 Hy mflll to all part of the Hriliih Kmpire and the United .Stales. Th'Te were two nue! ill the In advance, per year ! ffl.00 ll"'iir Cluh Inni-ke,.!. ye.lcrilay r To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.!0 1 1 i n. ir. jTlaai'r of I'l.ri fnni.on it F.Jl. Wtnl laker. Ihe TELEPHONE 08 -Conlrnet h ..nuinlaV. n,. -..i i-- aid al. Practical Christmas Gifts Hnte on pplirlion. ' i iarS he lived in ;i mi..re n-city All Advertising should lie in The Unity i Office on day pre llinn lln tl"r had ceding publication. All advertising received subject to apnrnv.il ui. rotary clut. I '' hail Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. ilimn ami Mm! ii "lie "t ' uc tiii.'l li..iilal iir.riHt "ii'hut li'1' c')l few Appropriate for Men DAILY EDITION Friday, hwombfr :'J Mut ice ttuiieri iH'i.nlc ilted Port inion. Transfer Salmon MM, tOVMMOa I'r. Siijfrr abl I he ilcceia et Irtrnriw Fia, Hitxnriwr, P.Q. ieMndrd l,.ri Sinii..ii Ihik'-Iv From Fraser Rler. Intenl of trait ferriiiff the salmon effg from the Skeen "lamia mv TS'h -r. JUiU 25 n Ihe l..-c ., r lice ltllierl Mufflers Ik Xt lrbl4 Uk who itgjret trnnafernnit ymtnmga. t lie araa prontl of I'mice Huperl Neckwear Ittvor ! the Prater, along itime a man said I my Siomstk. tine doctor .imi aii lie hoie. ' ' ' lnl It.' fi II ..i.if 1.. ntl tbe mnt Mm- lew I'riri lew in the Praer to other fanailian river where anothrr fleer of the Cancer; said, Mil. neighbor from the uuth would not get a chance Ui rupture ;.!! areler wirl of In life in the f...ii.io.it -er. cam fori. The very thina f.n n Chriattna a.f in.th II eem ii.elea In imi rttftivatiiiir alrnni ih that river EteoMrh Ulcer of:tool the her,Livrr( aal stoBes;othrr,laflamma. li'lriel. Il wa ii. Ie. l,i H. ... hi. i iM Itciulif ul Knit .ilk would be proud I" i.-c.ie ..ne ..f n, nimI h i tmnllv any r them get through the trap to the Cmw-li;wi tlon the ' il BMrfer. what loi-t Siiii..mi sml l Priced at $3.00 to $40 l. A lame eeeli..n l, rln. It,. i.c c.f the line. Thr fool nlmtm do not have to go to Ihe Three r , I roatitllrtl oce lliave been. Thev hail to face pntl'ma In Stwi. Hillas and Mm. 1-VaM-r by wav of Pttgnt Sound (tint thr Juan d Piiea Archipelago. exf tire hMl i-ettlMi la ilaotrr!. 'fart mm I hey f..im. ilo-m ami ieielnia b.... Spaatar 7a to Jl T3 Imi lh;ii i- whiit thev lwayflo. The reitll i they are iirnrly ill I la uld I niMjit to to tbe hri' make a match tin- ,tare Belts cimglit he ft ire Ihey reiwh Oiii.-ntiau witter. The gentleman who Ul, bare sa Ukwr cat out of nyr aoeaihle. made the nirgetion any th.-it if th- were placed in the Skeenn ttatuarh aact fM tooea rmterHl. I City Engineer. Hun.- ii-. fui iiitil laMnit. In Dress Sox ;nit other nll-Caitnttian river then CnuAriian would tret them all. via. tbea 74 yeara eM. I aaM "M.n Mr. Whiltnaer. ai.l ih -e wer. i.l. I.I. .,1 I...V.-- The prnol to fiike alnwm egg from it Canadian river anil Taea. U tr iuWi. thr.-- fainir thai uruek bin. Trem $1.00 up Always Acceptable place them in a river imi the boundary i our of the mot otolith I fooad they h4d me a tat, aad I forcibly in reawrit t.. Prince nu-ert Pnrc all ad rual ..r.icj .v I . iiggctioii. we hava yet heard. Chat we hae we'll hold houJ atKt take tfcres oeeaoeaBy, aatf I am The flrl wa l be r..' all 0c .-nbt Spcstal at par i pa ,f ut II. hi- our moflo in Hit cne. o meh e4ter that my eM ft'taaJt poibilillea Bi-hte..i.' : Handkerchiefs. erond Ihe larire amount lWilaTere !. . .!. lU k, t.r. ofleo atk me what I bavehae to Viscount Grey for myself to look o veil. I am raining aehteveineni for tbe amall i n 4. I., plea-e a heal her Special at 7 So pte pa British Premier. to ni e jo)tnf lift eryanadi' j lay monev ana mm ir nr. i i. . . 1 1..4 eif i UOIJSRY pt.re r ... -. .1 VieMint drey in spoken of a a noMh4e Ilrilih Premier l.d II. TV. r.PWAUlH. I .nice of knocker in the riit Pure Irish Linen el yrade n ". ' Special a; II CO ) follow Lb ml lieorge. There i no man who ha nrh Mittading SOe a bos, 6 fort? 'A 'rljl te3Ae. !t ntT Heh e,nilit i.Ml ,r,.MT Special at 35c. 60c and 75c it,26 par pair. iliilils .imi who ha the confidence of the Hritian people like l-ont At ..-l-mor ent r"ipi'l hy FruJt-a-tirr i itt Ma iMHind i. (Il'i Htmstltcbed Lawn firey. i the met mdii'Hl in many reapeet of the Liberal-anil 1.1 aided, OtUwa. Special at 10c and t Sc ha never had any aperiiiiia raat on hi notion hv the member of any party. Ilr i re peeled by high and low. rich Tbe Man in the Moon SUIT; .nut poor, lie i not a jtimmI mixer'And t lie re is none of the deina-p..(rnf CLUB BAGS SAYS: Dress Gloves about him. hut he i keen on a retisrv which will give power In the ieopte and wiM enrh the elflh ambition of the few. Orey for J. II Hi- . ..I.I 4my YOUR CHOICC Or ANY SUIT IN STCCK i the only ootvtanding tnan in lintain with the exception of Christmas j MA.NAfil.Y4i a wife te Jmi In Kid, Chamois and Wool. I.loyd fleorge. fdifficuli a ha me inn a eycl.N.. rne f,ir rbo-e. Gifts ! At Salt Prtcas. $39.50 Oulttlng Business I II K hkm asMtoyinc aern u To Enjoy Life. Large Stock on hand. Hi,- world ia Ihe one wti.i i ( Our atlftatfon in once more drawn tn the fallacy of thinking Prices very low. ..iieinn.... Caps i h. .i... , .., ...., ,. . . of quitting svitrk in order In enjoy life. Work i the mot enju J. F. MAGUIRE nN'K in. I.din ii H- i. . j .. , U make the w.rl.l utile thing in Ihe world. Inactivity i mir'. The bruit hy mini way . t nlirmkahle iM-a ! bark. I me.i i in r. . 'iiicv a -i.l'.i. ul.- fr ibnnvarrae) wnuM i tvaiil to ! thing. Acconiilihment i hi amhilMin- It i th- Next tba Prince Rupert Hotel m. icI ..IK. i .lapi. h.v.e .if all 1 1 1 all rhnffevir and hunlera. NOTHINQ PINCR MADE ;niliitinmiif every man with red Mood in hi vein. The lrrniiou I ,.i... At sale prlcas. life i- the hiipy hie. nd for the man who ha" oner Id th.-j .otrriiiMiu life tn' tH I" to die. j OHIVI.YO an MionanMb at t i ui.. an hmir ant atway Tin- ihM-uui who cuter to rnmntMMtf of retire! men ha,UNEMPLOYMENT 'in. an thai tbe Jnver w-MI reach MA0f.T0.MCASURC SUITS Webbariln and Srml.R.ae t'H mi (limirtii(Hi..ihr. .h eft 0Hirr pivtril p.,f nd travel, lint (here tat ii-cfnlHr ma. If he enn not get hi -iiccc. m life 3J 1-3 par cenL Discount piitienl o tNke up mmr oilier hohtiy. he in pretty ore hi atient FIRST PROBLEM I UK tbiav amat f u dl v ill ilic There are other hohbte. of rMire, but smt many of real value. i la-ni.'ivJ afib .Mounter abmtt The ! rnw wJki ha dmotrd hi life In ane line of work Liberal Leader Will Have 3lg i. whv a ! of W'Mneii stick to f.vi vo rtta-H-St x at i H parliw eiintlMwMi if he thai Task In DeaJIn? With Out i i heir Utiaband. hi ir np. Ilapy i the man at i nun c w rsar lvu Muttut -WS mi. li n time if he ha a hobiiv thai will can- hisn one HRtil time of Works. . t 4r i .-vaT, avv.ij jiii'I elernil) merge fine in the other. ! Hi mxi i id nee m an old 1k. a.. I, t a Ml Canadian National Railways OTTAWA. Iee. 23. -ilmwt. koe i like imiihss paint on a aMMkS vu aeaay ' a n. tu pr.a-i Action of States tl . eeefe4. wHt be vtM'a fane. 1 1 fraaOraa n up rr pi lull aatcrawe aa aaa uaa hicii'. wnn ax tot-mu t Lead to Trouble. Re of Ihe fir.I r..lleot to be a bit hsM not renew n. mi pfctM.d 4 .ana mint aae ia May m fnaa ah ata.n g-jit at ua There i in the United Slate tily a leswlency tn deal tackled .y i lie inenniiiin ..ern. y.ulh. a.I aaa,rtaia.ta.a aawna i a mi raaia taie fmttt Prince Rupert summarily with any movement of the wwekiNgmen m re nt an flic lit. There ha lately been a anna caaiav e imlio-lrtal Hirbl improvement in emptor, NOW' that Use Onrteima aea-a teiiggle. While there are many who aympnlhsze with n a rvaarrr. jan. that method, they do not realise it danger: II i the Hurpn4ion ment, but tbe kituatum I ad-rtrillettty i here pft away the In lie . rre a Ha. re. of the one of yreat dlffteully. bantu -1 and null knoekina until Pea sMraavr ia, HSi right by wealthy thai trad Ut the movement lor UMirpa-iion of the In ftntario alone it has been ifler be .-ar In arrive, aii.l .U. "f rSTS)ii.SI v VI T Shipyards rigttte ly worker, more commonly known a the rai at erat ii duthk t wt-I dictatorship of the proletariat. Neither are right Cm rule eat i mated that there are M,ftft Hien erhap ynn may fttcpel il Tail t or ioif av'ia i i rak' (" ttM i. i atwai. at wf out work'. A ;.lxv- wrong;. Hub? , the farmer cla. the workwg em. I1hi year aao mi pf-neiinee4 lirwit. a aaaata rwawr. atv-aa a m.iiiiifaetiiring cla other cla i had unenipbiynteni even JI.'HT a .e,,lr were beym-nine aeo a UrH to fcru t t"i iimtr Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton rioatlng Dry Dock vr any not m the intere-U f kntta 44 miuivi l im Um fiat. iae a the . . Ker I ben become, Ihe .Meivben gu-.-riiiiient to f.-ai thr reputation ..f -iwa Mrt, i laaaanariaa at a put fiatae n oiiHlry c mut ImihI up for il righto nawl ee that Bollarmakers, Blsckstnlths, Psf e CnQlnaar. Machinists, MMi-iimecd of Ireiaud. alona eome Helfal jnd U Wb- -tn 44 ta t rnrttrr i UM tit. a f4try it i not oppreed l any oilier, hut it i nl a bad for our to n i a. Haw,. taan ik ae makara, foundara, Woodworkers, EM get ;.ll the power a- for the other. The tendeurv in Ihe Tinted relief under which munieiaial-iiie. lerry and ken the eoatntry m eaai. iar ani e "ie. tai.r arta aa hhiih tn aa4 ar rtaanwataii. nm State ) ne iinjiii or illegal force aguiu! Ihe worker in any ilMtnjirlsauf Canada twee to ihe iMiblic pyc. MHM.I (. aere.. aave- r fctea. tie reinihuraesi a r no':aTo, n'tM handle all kit. .xt.!htral wf Ihe Our plant ...rh.nl;ir niiilry Im.iiikI to le.id i ti rerial whk-h will have THAT a. Hta. i wbo ia man lbr.alenina aamtml each foaakd H ;i li.i'l efTecf. I f IMAIMIM M tJ,an im k M kfl MARINE AND arjr to rsoend to relieve . . .. ... . . . roai. rtTkoli.l art. lriv. on i hi enhente, over neater laioa i wane if ne wi.ne.irerarf ai rtar tn inanii'-T tm nn.MM baa been exnenaVat. Al to -av- hi- ptl!bvjj r,HH.Iion TTM',T. r TZu f COMMERCIAL WORK Ho- o4KniiM of the preaent etn-icr rhe nlaitet. Mhll In (be rte of lrRU.ru anaiaa WW r. limn . arc.; GREETINGS! eaon, ta federal nivera-ni. a kittn a.ih areal pr.ee.. t. 'xrlr75 riTUt"", PHONES 43 AND 3IS -ul ubntiiled proMaal lo alt tJanana d., the e.M,n few .ZTTZT. .TTT die fiovtorial aovernrueut. nnee year. nar nr. mi aa raata. laear. n.ta aa To friends and U...r oath my patients winch, lo encouraifc etniilnynienl. in. eaaft u. a,tat " ai nt. A Merry Xmas and Best Wishes Hi., federal troveanuieiit vvoibJ HiuiaMa it m i-iirae :...n jiart of the arlnal coat over Ten j rra M HefT. Ai Years Ago rui nnniiiif ii. iti "DEMERS" for the New Year. ''inialed iM.rinal ct of work lr..ned by iMMaieinahtlra. la. f tn I'rtnca Kuprt 1 covi. au ecmoui'M AIT raiacg arrsar t vn w.rai. r IHS !i.-i he piroiiala. the etttrae eimf a tbii.t or i ot, a.nr. Dr. JOS. Taaa aHlr thai I. il M Cnnwit af "THE RENDEZVOUS FOR LADIES WHO MAGUIRE, iwa to be borne Dentist, ecjually by Ihe Decambar 23, . 1911. D ultra, a. C. anataa Miar. i.imI v. Room. 7 and Smith Block iniiniei.al, provincial anal fe.keral In the jli4.i frm anyi.lhe firtu aiir taMH atat for iw4ural I lima,,tm l ui nnMiwri Ua rn...i.c r. r i-i,..a v MHiienta. af Mejffery A Oibietn have arria l a i . ana-ariaa at a i .uik4 Splendid Assortment of t rhaia, M.aih aa4 t rtuia '.-i rr.aa T.. iliee propoenU. il la an tmaari.. I weal,three aalra f ttV M. raraar f 11 4SS. iaa ra.i ! -iin1, the only province. I'rince HiiM.n real eatate. aata. iswac uia sa rhaia. ni. a.o ar raaHw. ibeter aorta av rfe.uo tu Dini Hhi.-li have an far acaWeil are af aatMWraMl, raatalaltai ti r. DAINTY XMAS GIFTS Miiinioha. Alberta. Haakatchewan 'teorae Mnreaw ha enl lo aur ur a.H a. rri"iTi, pe'".ai. and Hriliah Oiluatbia. The other fienrae Kriaae a larae bos of rrvd m. nan. aeat. IvSI batad Saaltmtier fi. I'l-MMitcea have not au far In It an Haida i-Ii.m ..laiea fur dial ribul ion HANDKERCHIEFS CAMIS0LCJ up the Ixiwiaion aovernnient'a anaoiiit I'. nice Itupert frUtn. cnw. ."n rerwarti ct. OLOVCS NEGLIGEES Jsi MmwrrT rwesKT usn wstmit-ms- SILK AND WOOL HOSE BLOUSES , propoaala. TMl T of CIM1T, nV.lUE I May Evolve New Schema. VI.' ....nn ,sira. i.. vv . a.tmor.. I T.ta .llHllH. UMI L M. a. euaacU.- af 50 PER CENT. OFP ALL MIWILLINERY i What n-lie Hie for meeiine the Mv- a ChrUtnsna p.yty lrV'uT- oT'nT 1 wry ii.ii.lm-. i .niin..I ' nckel in iiiialion the new ifovarnment "af"i for i heir anawhler, Jlurtel amevr aaaeni uwit: numaiaarmr i a GRAND CHRISTMAS DRAWING will eolve renaaiiia to be ilesnr- Miaa MarjoeU. Mlaa ua Swi aaai4 IS Hiaata aaatfc ana to rk.lat alue $5000 tl!.- r"""na. from Um aurtaaaal wwr of Lot First prise Evening Dress, iiuiicl. The Liberal leader I 18.00 ( e-'" oi me aanr siuaie vea i s, "ear. rmvm- ... Second prlie Silk Blouao, value IfaMM mil ia rhUH ih 7 tO .eiia-roeeed in Ihe prat lnMA rte upplicl hy lrufeaeor Paul aaam aa aaaia m ei.iai at rtawavara Third prise Trimmed Mat, value. CAME Icadinir eMne fornuitioti Kaufftnuiiii awa. eiaiuiMaa arraa. twit ar lata. LIBERTY DRIVE MOTORS FOR ROWBOATS llul, once ike new Hthaialry I n a rltr.jt.rrn n nan.veenraal.A ni, ?-t..l. direct drive. ., K..ai . . , y,.,,. . ,., worn in. there l little doubt MiaiRAL ACT. trsfH fttrt-ffbr t'x Itth "DEMERS" UeiMndable am .turdy a real outboar motor, u,n kind yon dial Ihe difficult iroblem of uh- Cniatala af imarafamaaU. LAND ACT. 3rd Ave. have always anld. at a pr..e w.ilnn (ha i mploynienl will li. ..f Hi.' a.lUa af laUall.a la Al U Lm ImuI. rw. D ..fail 1117 jo one M.ta Hawaii CUu lHatt. at! It c.awl laaa itMirtrt. rMCuremr iMtirni f.o.b rinre llUieri; alt water AM mtra $121 An. Water-cooled fir.l for eoii..erali.n. - -..w ataavc ntanaaa af rrta. nu ar rna rwr, taa ki-ih u4ia niiiflllcr larl I'i.in. i Lmi u...i I ill l.laad. in. burned band- li ..p. u. i -ul of wai,-, , .Ui Una I.","4,""' aad a hSt neat aarf li.lvi' f' thai Ray MardunaM. af and detitti adjusting aniipio and i nicient I'aul Aivanfr I-ft l:i-i nilii I'.f 'tl. ipiiip-f.. . HuMrt.. R. C.. orraeatlua S-hrn UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED Ttkr i.i for ihtl , Mr, M..rrtv tl..i.l i..- I .( aaraattM. laaMi WO CRANKINQi SIMPLY THROW OINBT COMPItCSSION for the aotitli cni' iiie in KurMjM , ..r . ii, , . ..rtia.u. v., tta.tt. .ui-arf itm ion-.iH rtwrtava hmh Siltinta from I". Xmb . ' it " data Iwnil, ,. aeelv ' iu ai a ii nuM.i ar Hi. a a Vaaaeatar.Vlaiarla.i.iiii.eut i'Al altlllav BURNS LAKE GARAGE where he will upend four month t ta Mimiif Hr.4ar far a i rnSrai .1 rura rhtiat Ik,rib of Whte HiKi. f ear Sia.M. N.M altar, Saraa aad ASaa Sjaa m nailing Hie principal eitie. II. aer.Mi,i. fl- tk4 lmnm, or .trtaawni iuen. tu .aaiaa a. ria ituai.. ii. .n..u Oallla al OtMala MS HI rUrV.f vu tt.UUtt oci. rl"ll r 11 itK.tr .lain. a.' I It- . Ill rluliii ..Ulll llirura ..... - ' I, 0, Distributors wa given a iid-otl ui th Awl f,..h Ilk. iHtor. ibai aetloa au4 enaUiMae f.ir aire aaea oaitiaV 'a! awtiiie. itatN, mil at, ea MiUr.ii Oft II. Agsnts Wantad BURNS LAl(e, B. 0. h"n itle where manv ,.f it -li f"nMi ra Oi. i, i, ''a mlH of ...t t rufnOMHired Carntl'aw a.f nt I' a IIAn,in .rll-,r,i( r "r . " .....i. a.Mi rnaaa fme-rt-a. i. li. h.id ,t n. , , i Kipr...OM.tii I.,, n, Man rtta na. ata4 li , nib ttj ,,f rtatrmUf till Dated Srl.ii.b.t if, lilt t y ' i cirvi-'i snMsTM-n