PAGE TWO eo THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H.'F. PULLEN - -'- Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance ...... For lesser periods. paid in advance . per’ week ..... By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, paid in advance fer yearly peried .......... By mail to all other parts of British Columbia, the ‘British ‘Em- pire and Uniteo States, paid ina@dvance, per. year ..... .. $600 By nail to all other countries, per year 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising. per insertion, per ‘word ~.... Local readers, per insertion, per-line Lega) notices, each insertion, per agate line Transiet display advertising, per inch, pér insettion ae 5.00 8.04) M2 on ’ DAILY EDITION Saturcay, Sept. 17,. 1932 SEES IMPROVEMENT Major P. Ashley Cooper of London, England, governor of the Hudson’s Bay:'Company, in an interview at Edmon- ton, said he found a definite improvement in Canada, over} ayear ago. This was gratifying to him. He also-said'there had been improvement in Great Britain during the year, Sometimes we wonder if we really are‘in.a‘better:con- dition industrially and f ‘nancially than.a year ‘ago. ‘Busi- ness people who find the stringency:greater this year than last are not easily persuaded that times are'better,and yet when a man comes from Englandiand sees :an ‘improve- ment, especially an Englishman, who is proverbially eare- ful, there must be something to it. AT SIXES AND SEVENS Possibly by the time this appears in print there will ‘be some definite word from Premier Tolmie:as‘to‘his future plans. He has declared for Union :government and -has heen repudiated by at least three 'Consepvative assogia- tions in Vancouver. Both T.'D.'Pattullo and W. J. ‘Bowser have refused to join a union with him as ‘premier but it has been-intimated that he will continue with the ‘forma- tion of a union with such Liberals as may be induced to take positions and possibly with one or two businessmen THE DAILY NEWS —— UNEMPLOYED om ‘a0 8) RB AR Rg a A Vattous Matters Taken Up at Gath- ering Last Night in C. L. D. L. Hall CANADIAN IS WINNER Ross Somerville Defeats Johnny Geodman For United States Amateur Golf Title Various matters of concern to the unemployed were taken up ata largely attended meeting last night of the Nationa! Unemployed Work- ers’ Association in the Ganadian Labor Defence League Hail on Se- cond Avenue. There were about: two hundred .persons .present at the meeting which was presided over by W.-H. Montgomery Correspondence was /Stewart statine that men there had held out for relief which they were granted on September ‘11. The communication jconeratulated the ‘Prince Rupert unémployed’on their stand against jaseepting the degrading conditions which would be involved by the ac- jeeptanee of -35¢ an hour for four days’ work per month Much discussion took place in re- gard to relief work about the city and the eommittee was instructed to ‘take the matter up again with the eity council. Room and house rents were also discussed and the) meeting was addressed by an apart- ment bouse keeper who stated th he ‘wads willing to help the unem-| BALTIMORE, Sept. 17:— Somerville of London, Ont., ted von the Untied soif charmzp Johnny read from unemployed states direct . amateur ionsimup by defeating Gsedman of Omaha two and one in the thirty-six al. It is the first -¢ has ever won the hole fin- ime a Oanadian title. BALTIMORE, Sent. 17:- first\Canadian to reach the of the United States golf championship, C. Ross Som erville of London, Ont., defeated Jesse Guilford of Boston 7 in the semi-fina! here Johnny Goodman of O: the other firallist, defeating Francis Quimet, defending cham- nion, four and two. Th final amaveur and 6 yesterday naha is Pm a a Saturday, September 17, 1939 em) eT I = of The . yport World en ee ee died CUBS MOVE To Make Political Tour. 5 I ol Roo evelt 1 speaking ill be ployed ‘for a smal] remuneration. | Complaints were also received | ‘|that ehildren under school age had received no clothing and that many | who had left sehool were as badly off in this respect The meeting also went on record as-being opposed to unemployed be- | ing imprisoned in various parts of} Oanada | The gathering was addressed by| G. Kane who outlined the banking ?ystem as carried on in Canada to-| Is Wedded ‘Iday.'He went back to the days of | Confederation and advised the un-! employed to return to the land and raise enough to eat as no govern- not previously very openly in politics. It ‘has -been ‘flip- pantly suggested that Cory Ryder, the finanee.minister,in the late Hon. Joe Martin’s:cabinet, is still open to-eonsider | a proposal. Mr. Bowser is evidenty the ‘hero of Vancouver's Tory organizations and it has been suggested that he may lead a Simon pure Conservative ticket. A new weekly political sheet Vancouver proclaims Mr. Bow- ser as leader of another union ‘party. It annoiinees,Dr. Tol- mie’s political funeral in seregming headlines. Meanwhile Mr. Pattullo is busily carrying on and shew- ing himself to be.the .in the political em-| broglio. He declares for a governmentof alltinterests in| the interest of all, death to'political partizanship’ and pro-| gress for British’ Columbia. 89 hours, 40 minutes, ‘and ‘Toronto i ne@5-hoilrs and 20 minutes “The foregoing changes have been decided upon by the management | New Time-Tables Announced By Canadian National Railways ment whole sérvice the year in the ‘light ef conditians and requirements prevailing.” subject of ‘transeontinental MONTREAL, Sept. 17 lowing official statement was issued at the headquarters of the Cana- dian National Railways here yester- day: “With the inauguration of fall and winter schedules effective at the end of this nionth, the Contin- ental Limited will operate through train in both directions be- tween Montreal, Winnipeg and the Pacific Coast. the stop-over of sev- era) hours at Winnipeg being can- celled ‘The Continental leave Montreal at 7:05 p.m. daily and cover the distance between Monttealand Winnipeg in 38 hours, | 40 minutes, and Montreal and Van-| Angus MeDonald, for his -fourth couver in 89 hours, 25 minutes. East-|offence on a charge of drunken- bound the Continental Limited will | Ness, was sentenced to twenty days’ igave Vancouver at 3 o'clock each | '™urisonment, without option of afternoon. arrive at Winnipeg 49 | fine by /Magistrate.MeClymont in hours ‘later and reach Montreal in'city police court-this morning -The fol- in train service especially affecting 'Western Canatia will be made effec- tive October 2 ‘between Wivinipeg, Saskatoon and Edmenton. Existing local serviees are belng rearranged to provide a.westbound train leay- ing Winnipeg at 6:30 p.m., arriving at Saskatoon, 8:50 a.m. the follow- ing morning wand Edmonton at 8:40 pm. The eastbound train will leave Edmonton in the morning, }Baskatoon in the early everimg and arrive in Winnipeg. the fellowing ! morning as a Limited ‘will ~ “THULE THE TOWER” in accordante with the announce- | made in July last that the| would be reviewed jater in | Another important improvement | ment could carry much longer }with such a vast army of unem ployed No members of the texy, senar ly in- | pag although especially in | Kaye Don vitec who has married Ameri on city council! | Man in the Moon | K AYE DON IS MARRIED GREENWICH, Cor The crop of wheat on | this year is exceeded only crop of political rumors in Columbia the prairies by the} British Kave iver Don, British spe¢ Jake says that if they don’t soon} 1 Eil Ma! settle things in the south lety gir were mari to staft another movement Thursday, Dor | \new northern province | Dor lone some busines he’s going } for a di ailed for A fool there was And his name was Which party to. follow He did not know | The He tied himself | Greenwich Joe } ‘nd will sai lin England marriage OLD COUNTRY FOUTBALL Baseball Standings NATIONAL LEAGUE WwW. +t Chicago 86 6 Pittsburg 79 #864 Brooklyn 77 69 Philadelphia @

at §t..Lowis yesterday, It was the Afackmen’s sixteenth victory in ths fast 21 starts, Washington by defeating Detroit Chicago Cubs Senators the Detroit kept Tiger pace continued thei nennantward mareh by defeating the Phillies at Philadelphia in the only National League game yester day, all other uwled eng ménts being rained out Yesterday's Big League score sched American League Philadelphia 3, St. Lotis 2 New York 4, Chicago 1 Washington 8, Detroit 3. Boston 6, Cleveland 2 National League Chicago 3, Phitadelphia 2. KincolithIndians — Fined Here Today Brought to the city yesterday af ternoon from Kincolith by Domin- ion Constable E. G. Newnham or boat P. M. I 8, Emma Watts appeared before In ‘dtan Agent W. °E. Collison thi a charge of making home brew and supplying liquor t Indians and was fined $50, with tion of two months’ imprisonment and ‘Frances ‘Watts charged with drunkennes | reserve, ‘were fined $20, with option of thiry in a eacn on Une To Pay Taxes Halibut Landings | Conditions Are Much improved in Summary American—17 600 pounds, 4.1c and +2c and 44c and 2c Canadian-—43,500 i3c to 42¢c and 3e American 10,000, Cold pounds, 4 Ingrid H Storage of improved | 4 1¢ and 2c it is expected by | Sherman, 6,000, Booth, 414 }2c i Canadian 10,000 Ingrid H., Rose Spit and 3% 18,000, Atlin for 46c and 3c Atlin for Butedal and 3c 16,000, Booth ana White Hope Butedale delivery Gibson, 14,000 |delivery, 4.9c | Southend | Re Gulvik, 9.500 ‘and 3c FOOTBALL BANQUET ‘Commodore Cafe TONIGHT at 8:30 4.2c and Cold. Storage, 4 Presentation of ‘Trophies Good Clothes Do Make You Great Order Your Next New Suit From LING The Tailor Second Ave.—Opp. Post Office ‘Phone — 649 WIDE RANGE OF FINE QUALITY WOOLLENS TO. CHOOSE FROM We use best trimmings; high ‘elass workmanship; perfect fit: guaranteed.