POE 2. THE DAILY NEWS. . i i i The Daily News SUFFERED DAY SWANSON MONEY AS BAY RESULT SCHOOL OF The Tobacco Everybody xPKINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA ; Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The Newt . J NIGHT SUCCESSFUL CONCERT of Qualrfy' Smokes 1 Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. " Nucleus of Library Will Shortly H. P. PULLEN, Managinq Editor. Da Establl.hod for Children The Tortures of Dyspepsia Town. of PPr SUBSCRIPTION RATES! Relieved By "Fruit-a-llres" OLD City Delivery, by.carrier or mail, per month . .' $1.00 RWANsnN HAY, June Irt. CHUN liy mail to all parts of the IlritUh Kmpire and the United Htulei. Linrt.ii llui D'oi, C. II. The Swnns.Mi Hay recreation hall in advance, per year ......... J 0.1)(I. "I u terrtWe eulltrer from ilmim tha.kn.l Ills l Krlilav niuhl lit To all oilier countries, in advance, per year ............ $7.50. DytprfiU tnd tVajieura tot y earl. hear (he niieert by l.eelb' ilea-J I bad pain after rattu;, brl hinf r, illh ami hi rtwripiiiiy. wli"V TELEPHONE ftt. constant Leadacbp ao J di J uot iWp bad twicq ln-en put off. Pan i. n ellat oljlit. 'Kloally, fritJ MJ larly,,wn Hie affair enjoyed Ion DAILY KIJ1TIOJ1. ThuV.ida.v-, June 10. tut U try"Fr0it-a-iivr? Inawk, Ihn ehtldren. Aflrr the eooccri. It has thai mellow the Constipation was cwrrectwl and Ihe hall wus rfennnl for daiicltlir richness that appeals, m soon 1 was free of pain, hradacLra ii ml the mufic provided was iar to every smoker, British Columbia .. ' , and that miserable ferllnf that llcularty appreeialsiil by those, r t I And Its Pudding. accompanies Dyspepsia. loontlnurd parllolpnlinv. The Home WalU " The pnioT jf the pudding Is in Ihe eating." This liliie-worn to take tffis splendid fruit mtslictna was'played al t?:3o, suvina mav Im well nilied in Ihe province nf Uritixh and now I ain well, stronf and Tlie srhoul chil.lfeji. under W (iiliiinl.iii I.mIhv. The. pudding i the ,Modernli(m Arl and the Timorous". ItOIlEUT NEWTON. tjietr teneher, Ml Muedooalit, e4lif are Hie penpl f the province. YeMettlay the hitler he pun Me. a box, C for J2.M, trial niu!ic. had ehnnre of Ihe auto of ln-k- m lo eiil (he pudding and in a hiirt tilde Ihey will know what il At all dealer or seat postpaid by lMapll the fael that the Fruit-a-UvM Utnlted,OtUwa. PRINCE RUPEItT TIDES tastes like. What i yet to e found out is how Ihey will like it. mill U at nrewnl eloa. nmt h Jf it is gotnl lliey will continue eating it And Ihe law will he ur-cessful. tilUl half of Ihe men who ww I1S ID'LSJUPPORT alocauindustS '' If there are Mtine (iheeli(iialile features iiImmiI il tliey formerly mrftys have gonp Wnliifdilny. Juno 1 r. will send il hack, lo Ihe legislative rooks and it rnmaiilioit will SUITCASES away, the children oii mm une HlHll 0 5.', H ill , 1 0. ,rl. EAT bt changed by inetfiis. of nnieiidnieiils. If Ihey iln not like tin-pudding TRUNKS hollar luAi-t. The prlie for itMCi p.in., It,5 fiii. al all it will he thrown into lice political garbage run I In sluiI'Mil selling Ihe large! l..w 3:&3 a.m., U. frH. , anil lhe act will he repealed. . i HANDBAGS nuinliKr wn 'Won by Ml Mfl-auk .':53 pjn. 7.H. fisyi. Makai vr'Hi twenly-nln aales Tliuriuliiy, June lu. Rupert Brand Moderation Act to lierrvilil. high -ld:57 a.m., Ift.W fifi Will beOpposed. , , 'V . ' Tents, Sails, Awnings As it nsolt f the iHneerl andL iZ.hU pill, 20.11 fmt. ThA people in their mandale of October 20 asked for a dance $St wu rrnliied for Ihe I.ow-- t:5rt n.in 5p fwf. Miidernliuii Ililll. Afjt-r much consideration anil rare fill prepura-i school. Tin, logelher ,wilh Ihe Irtlfl pjil., H.Ofeet. . . . ' .... i F 1.1 J ! i j J. F. MAGUIRE noil me inn nas neen proouceii .tun was jeMeniaj put hi nperu-fitioi).. government khI. will be e-imiiilt IT tour uki r racin rttan- -BRILLS- No doulil, this act has been evolved lo Ihe best of Ihe Nxt th Trine Kupert lloirl in IxMika of Hie juiptr. dard. for the Ruih .Meridian sL abtlily of the provincial government nllleials,ivpo.usihle for its choieo. wjurli will bought a It la counted from u to II houra. ''"".Willing. There have been great dillle tillies, l Mirmoiinl in a mielepsr for n scIhmiI library. Ironi MiUuight to midnlRht. making the new law and opinion has been many time divided on The table g,i, j 'for Port 1 several of tle many elaiises. It would have hdeii inipoiMe to WELL KNOWN LOCAL ttiinpson but the Uiu f6r Vrinro tt SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE ." prepare sueJi a measure and pleae everybiny. The factious llupert varies only a few minutes whlch opMi.ed certain ixirtions of it will continue to 0pe the MAN WAS MARRIED on iome iiays and on other I I (J I.WIK -cut iJih into requirwl noriioni Kb (B g,.J operation of these sections. The authorities al Vicloria neither WATKn ACT, 101 1. the tame. Thw ran of the tide hope nor expect that the act as a whole will he unanimously MOTIt-K H HKRIBY OItl tlwt HI - - IN SOUTH RECENTLY mar be con)puted as 3 per mil st)uj nr AIX retail:its popular. Political allllialious will no! govern the support or UoBMr I If ursirnsm Huirmar or nrilita greater at Princ it u pert than at iMMili br and wllb tn sOTir r His 'opposition of il for these Always fall where legislation regarding Euwwuv cxnarll ha pfetml to Mis. Adelaa Woodvorth, of Banff i,,"fl lmpum ball, al apr.nga and Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ill liquor is concerned. Th law is ahout lo he tested by aHiial inn pnnniani lu in (tuykhkis or 1. Bride of m F Nlck.raon ' ' weak SM'ltwi tt r Ihr vrtlrr hrt I It tm- jprne- wUj aprflicatiim and, dnuliUe, ninny jMiint will lie found. mi ur'i si r iiv amniH t,t ism $ I rial in rwrw or tft unrwontrd 0 Kirater than .Porl Mimpaon. Two Attacks Are lc oT Hrsr Ittr. MrVutlin Cisk The height 1( In fret and tenth M Msrtnnl Hir in lb frinr Ha-ft The wedding lok plar ipiirl Already Launched. WWT Diflrtrl MUtMMIml br of fert above the avrK eel n' Alrendy there have been two attack? launched against the ontrr-in-UotHmi mmlirr4l Sis si-ffntrH y al VsjiH-ouwr laol NVmlnilayl r lower tow watr. or on lb I lib daj Orrrjnbrr, Moderation Act. 'fh first is from privnte'lipWrfmHirler who ItlS. br ranrild In o rsr in f Milward Freeiam! Mekernon. Hid trtrnr rmn lo lb wivrt or f Prinei' Hupt'ri. and Mi-4 RUPERT BAKERY ohjeiU to Ihe prolitr. lax the second, from the returned soldier VirtMii nivrr hi lb rnnr Huprt associations who have announced their Intention of ojwnlx Wswr IMrirl im Utll boIk or Ailelea WiMnlworlh. of llanff, ! AIL SCHEDULE urn tsorollauoa lie far pbUbMI lllu.rlo Rii, A MrlnW ..ffu.. ! violating the Inter clause prohibiting the sale oNiiear beer at i larw motb In lb . C. Usiflla IV Abe tut llieir Ijflrs. These two attacks will resolve themselves into IM lot llr mosvias in on tttur iallDg. ,Tln ceremony waa wit-' CAKES soon rarb r4t(S or tora bwpir pib-HtHI AND PASTKY OF QIMUT1 test rases which will he taken lo Ihe courts. Itofh Miles will light in llw Ptmrm Hprt Wft n-el by Mr. 1 1. Mr.Vulcy and Foe lha EaaL The Bread Ubh; teat anal.-na iat IwsinrL Mondaya. Wedneadaya and fat- to Ihe last ditch and tile caes will likely reach Ihe highest Uttrd IMS tilb utr of wsrrb. . M. lll W. V. rmer. After a honry- Orders for . . viail urdaya al 1 0:1 5 a.m. T. raniixo. itMn to llanff and l her tribunal of the hmplre before eilher give in. Some busiuesM'. MUMlr or tanas, that Keataarant. Steamai pa, Cseoerwa,it. ttr " which have enjoyed a large meaore of prosperity-ii'uder Uie II. C pointa. Mr. and Mr. Mekereon Prooptiy attenaW U LAND Afrr. will return to Prince From thai Cast. Prohibition Act, will be killed by the Moderation Act. They will. llupert Joaera Cao ami C R, ituMrt wjiere Ihey will make Aundaya, Tuesdaja and Ttnrt. Satisfies KioocaT, Ncnwfj diowever, fight for dear-life jatiih.wtlhnol die without a struggle. Retlc of InttollMja t Lmh Li ' ' P.O. boi Ul Tbird At. ratals Ihelr litne. The i well days at ?:IS p.m. . In Oomb rrurvui ituktfs Laml tiriM. uroom Especially does this apply in the case of Ihe beer lntiiie4 of the Rontib( liUlrtfl or Fnnr Muprii. sml known here"and for eeveral year war veterans' organizations at their raiib-e-iw.. MIUSI vjfirious MkE .OTIX Ibal Unsdun ri.S A ha ten encased in Ihe -office Foe Vanoousae and South. What Will the ' . ,, UM rrisil4i ionr rrb Co. and I Ul rrotrn or ennr nk Naprl,lslr, of II. V. Niekeraon A Ot l.d Sunday II p.m. Final Result Be? 4 V p " ' MilrM lo apply tar prnuuwm lo lrs Ihe local wholesale and limler- luetdaya 7 p. in. . llw roUnwlnr OrtrnltHI Isnda . These present attacks on lhe .Moderation Act will not be the OaiMnrwinr al a il Maaid on tool air ilrni. Thurday II p in Jasf ones-, eilher. The enforcement of. Ihe act will nut be an HI a uMUbrriy I. II. o It:dtrrriion thraro Irum l$o ri Cost mArr IMt-rallat or raumiay noon , easy matter. If it is to be successful the opposition will have lo in a S. W. dirrruna M low milr PYTHIAN SISTERS Dentistry- mark. Hwnrr 7 as II. minr sbwr Mv be fought and will have to he beaten. Otherwise lie av- will aalr Durk; Ibror norlbrrlr ! H. mur From Vancouvar-and South. become and when laws or m blra nw losrk; ihnm sm GAVE FINE DANCE Sunday '. 8 p. tu. inoperative are not enforced it simply rt. nmrb aknr btrb sir roars tai rwot means that lawlessness prevails. This will not he pernritted by tj rommTWairai nd rantucnv arm Mondays a.m. nir or any governmeiri, o the rpiestiou arises: If tin? Moderation Act f AUl nH a OiJ HTOHVUE u .fnadaja I:50 a. in Ave.ndSiith I TO . T. If Jtrfinom. Affair Last Night W.a Both Yt a tn Heltrcrion Block. Corner Third liecomes iiio-ralive what will the result he? There . can only le tittt SI1J ird. Itfl. Successful and Enjoyabla one of two results, either open ale of liquor will again he allowed Land act. 100 PresanL iSaiurdaya .lfl:30 a.ni. Dental Nurse in Attendance with all the curses it involves in the existence of bars and retail Office Hours, 9 to 12; UO to S; 7 to 9 stores or prohibition will again he adopted. It is not likely that HaOca af imaaUen ts spl ta Ltssa Laad. Alaii one hundred nraina al- For Anyoa and Alice) Arm. in itabr a. ismti lm lM'inri. tivrora- BUndayi 10 Ihe voters of British Columbia would ever go hack to the old m ItKlrtrt or enrmu Hiiprrt. sad allasl ietxhd Hip danre Kiven hy h 'vva..tn-HJ" " u p.m. ' n n. steni which the first result would mean. Therefore. Ihiit would Miimi l-atosr. I miirt soUiwi or orrni- ijnwij. t-mtlh loand. Slid IH I'yilnan Hlaler lat evening al leave but the course of prohibition and that is Ihe course that mil xam nwth eai "f Qeno lutna Urnt Ihe rll Hall In Ihf llelirer.n! A,le tii noue irsi i. Airr k. wrirni. or From Alfyoi Brm would most likely be taken. The fact of the matter then is thai Crlora Huirt. a. C . off utauon land aor- Ill'x-k. n affair was at nttc?h,,..ri.,. . ... if the Moderation Act cannot be made successful after some irnr. idi-imI In aiilr rnr nrrtniitton 10 fiij'iall" und auri-ehaful. The la Ihe rmiuruic senbd lanrti- years' operation in which time amendments In il can be made, ;raniumrinr ai a iii instil oa in VMthdin iirrjielra. oniilfnff .'huradas nnribai run of a and bar I K miles liquor sale in the province will he abolished altogether. ,l if nf Charlea tt in soaib(i rcniv or im 1. Ilalatrnn, rdann Sam if prohibition ever conies again to this and Haiiso t, iJiainet; Ibrnr srotibd For Fort Simpson, Arrandalo. Mill province, we tlu'nk il Ilrall. vtAlfn: ft, flrrrn field, ror- faRANn TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY " Utf enure Kaial Bar. laatna in ail Oiai mm Bar, Walea Island and flaaa Rlvar. will, il will be here to slay. aU Low Water Mara, and eAntatnins 10 nel. and Will Itmwne. druma,'prM- af mw a e i e - - oconos arrea, nmn w mi. a.m. S. S, PHINCC flUFCRT ' frincc lumn e. wiiiqht. j.n,vto.-u niuair- thai wan ex- -Frofn pu mill aiiitintf iaid inn in rnr r apni a. u. isti. Slfr,p,0n( .., O6" ' tirm inur i. ii Man rii nil 8ay VValas Island and Naas River. Thursday and Sunday iHldnloht for anson r LAND ACT. 1 :30 when lh happy affair s.iJr,),., a.m. Falls, Vancouver, Vletorla.and Saaltle. fa,iusrfl Dr.JOSJAGUIRE Iiroltn up. Al tli- rni(Jni?ht Fiturf ul.w....h.V.WM'IV.WHJ ai. . n, I ia. in.ai J Saturday w a P. n, Notice af Int.atlo la aaalf 4o Laaaa Laaa. aaeiair inMN 'I In Hanae S. Iaal I arw biainrt. Herura. njiwjuirjR riTrewiitneiiia. inrlnd. North Qutan Charlotta Islands. m m tiiainrt or I'rinee Hn. and atluai injr irf urea in and raL. MEMBER OP THE B.C. DENTAL COLLEGE in Middle eaotra on tne Hatl West snure wera For i;iiarotli Iiani. i m i "f krnneOjr lllM erei. ..ltn- ..n onih-n Uiwn DENTIST lake Hour inal I, Airreo E. wrlrM, at Tlie June. S3 Train saraice. 15 rointfilllee Jn Vnarr Hunerl. B. ;.. iM'eiipaUon land aur-eir. rharfr enm-prlae From Paa..,l-e, WkDNESDAY and 8ATURDr " l intefMl la apply tt ivrnuaauja M MrH ,. II.' MONDAY. Ilayne, Mra. Phone 575 Smith Block la Ilie rMtoain? eerijl laMa: v Jtinit 53. a.m. Fur Until Iwr. Prine- 5ra?r ; , J oimmennnr the Owirjce htrJc jind Mra. I. MrCul- . i mm. mr i at a pnt fiinted on rn'sr. niakiiiB dlrert e.mn High grade dental work at tlx lowest prices. earn end nl tbe Hand Car Innwn aa "Kane lirh. K. fl.hli iah J. inalr of....... i ,iiialn mid I ntled I th best of reference. waa can give Hand." 4 rbaisa weal of live IHoeta Hit i evwtfi .Quean Charlotte Islands: LINES. 20 years ta actire aervlee. nirtier or Lnt Its, Hanre s. "aft Dl.lrirl; rerermniiea and C O. Ilown wa For AGENCY ALL OCEAIt STEAMSHIP iheore srcnind IM enure Band Bar. taaias informal!"" ai d 0 H.ii- im all tin I pan above Uim Water Mars, ii (he ilimr, r ..i fnll ,rr-rr Phens .u orrice Mn-YMi 11 i t 11. Cpeo EvenTnrjs and contamlus too arras, mope or leas. June; 24. .t..i.L.i nii K9fi Third Aaanua Al llltli K. WHIVMT. bated tins lit oay of apm a v. till. For tKaaway and the Yukon. M TUB SI.'lhrMK iiill:uuil Olt'HT 'JF MIITIWI Ten Years Ago Mondays noon IX THE MtTTFJt llf Tlltf "ADMItHTHA-ll.1 From leiagway and Yukon. In Prinoe Rupert RAIW ACT" CANADIAN PACIFIC and Hatnrdaya p.m. FISHERMEN!! l?l TIIK MATIta THE EHT.lK UF June 16, 1811. lUwart, Maple Bay and Swamp B.C. Coast Servicei TAk'E KliTtr.K thai In Ilia Arder or Hia 'Tha pwiple of Ilie I'rra-hyterlan young Point. Uimx Judaa I. Mra. Yuunf, made Uie r We laenly-Mrbin Oar of 'April, ll. I avaa Clitiirh hod a rarut rnr FOR-- offer can now anKnied Adrfliniatrstra of itie EMat or PrinceRupert Maria aatiffiriaha. deoraaed. and all partlea joyahle picnic ai MeflaLalla yr-4 Ralnrday - p.m. Sailings from FRESH FROZEN HERRING liartur rlsuna aramM Ilie said ealate are trruay afternrjn. Iht-re wo a FHOM . ' lerH;y reqi'irad lu turiil.li aaine pnifierlr Wrangell. Jun.au ""J,, . eenned ti uie m or lefor ine llurly-r.r.l tartfe KullirriiiK of Member nf Hunday For Ketchikan, . DRY ICE ttir "f May, A. ti. Its I: and all parti p.m. June 13, 20, 27j July 4, 11, 18, 26; August 1, QUICK SERVICE InriebtMl t iih eatatcar required lu par tuff ciiurrii anu their frl'nd, Sealtls Uie amount ut tbeJr iudrbtnUieaa to lue KiaiiieH of 'football and haafrball Advrrtislnaf it often eipenaivr, roe Vanoouver. Victoria and fT. BUTEDALE CANNERY - Princess Royal Island rorlliwlio. JMI ll.'ateStrUJJt. W ludd on Ihn Ixarh. A but it I nothing like a eipmslva Jun. 1S, 26; July 2. 9. U, 23. 30; ug"V"' iTert Bif, omrial rTinre aclfiiiiiiairaiur,'Hujer1, H. C. aplondid ujper waa aeniij. Itrv as an rmpty alore - and Idln r Ocean Falls. Fort Hardy.Victoria Piled this IM 47 t 11. Iff I. F. W. KtrV was in charx of Ilie clerks. tf -Nlnpklsh, Beaver Cova, Vanoouj and 1H THE at.'frirE m't or bmitich I)ar'y EVEHY SATURDAY NOOW. MlM!MBJA. I DAVID H. HATS & COMPANY I THE M ATI IN I H fHOBATK.of THE ESTATE UK The l.irpiiae loriT (ranted Bags ' Tickrl lo all porta of th World Full loferntaUen from bollle llrcrixoa I IIAHOLU LIIIUTIE SILTCALE. o wo applicant uenera. W. C. 0rlCMAt7, C. PERCY TINKER. Manager tue wimcr. itat on ti fiat ti.y or Worthy aflrmoon. V.. J, May. Suitcases Corner of 4th Street.ana ara v.n, May. mi. aOiiilul.lratioii ul ilia eatale naru and J, Aflliur Umllli. Well built FIVE ROOMED HOUSE AND TWO LOTS ir Harold u u.Clirl.U...n l.il M.lralrr,ii. ....... drceaird,U in. a omnlaf Admliilalrslur. rrlnra huprrt, bril-lali The lea held yeaterday liy Ihe Trunks P CI in Section 7 t-i A A AMI U;liinilila IIIITMLH TAk'E ROTICE tliat all Ladiei,' Auftlllary of Crntral lls. ror oale perHwa owlna inoniea to the aald estate pltal, at the residence nf Mrs. UNION STEMSHIPCOeOFUM Sp,enaVideewnand Jpl.lUU am rrgulivd to pay Ilia aauie t tua Ad-iiilnl.irslur Tents. Packsacks furltiwitn. and all iierMiua lia- W. iieiisoii, w-aa an unqualified 'a.a V a s.juill taa I ins suMUtils astinal the aald r.i.ta aret tor vsurwiver, Srlia ""bfi,i,t l,WTilMM-ror Half Cash, balance to suit rcuuirrd to nir the aaiua Willi Uie Ad- aurrfsa both financially and ao. F. M. Crosby liiinioiraiur wiinin tinny ait$ irum tor Cially. rrl ainipaon w aaaat oate tiere.tr .aoa aaaNKCV, erlaaa SM Phone 07 Fire Insurance P.O. Box 1 DBS IKtrd tills fCID day ! May. IVtl. TIC Third Avenue, I'rinrv Kupett etl Satane' Aiasas aUHa H. MsttltlUN. Adiuiulalrslor, Advertlan In the Dally News.