rxan i. ' THE nTt.Y NFAVP. '"' BRINGING UP FATHER , "Vbirncf Til il I I I Z lta..... 1 liabies- with food digestion and proper food slcel 18 to 20 hours daily: Helj them witlv 73urcleAiS ' EAGLE 13 HAND Condensed Milk l ' - j M tt, lC ' SALMON "KUMORESQUE" IS IPrtlNCE QEORQE THE COMMERCIAL CENTRE TROLLERS ONE OF GREATEST OF VAST INTERIOR B.C. Daily News Classified Ads. Build Now PICTURES OF YEAR (Continued Frn Page One, Trolling boat with New 8 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. .No Advertisement Taken for Less then BO Get i eavoiinble rate, ant. with the ad.J Busy! Attracted Crowds at Westholme Engiiie, all complete, vent of cheap idfWer other in- Theatre Last Night On For Sale. iillrie liniild follow, power is SITUATIOMS WANTED MIRRORS I be ,.ir .,f blh i Aaain Tonigni. llwb Hie ko' that unlocks the.uale to VOII.NO MAN wants po.lilou In MIHIIOItS AND. IIKsll.VlUIINli. price. t,flr4 tft Oliver Typewriters There was n crowded house at prosperity and Prince ieor(ie i office. Six year eXMrieiice. OI.AHS OF AM. KINS. Market Prices now ,,.r, t,, fc11W the W'esJ holme 'I'lienlre last furviilff the key. correspondence, ele; knowledge TII.OOMFIi:Ul, Hi Slh Ave. C. Now i it. iim t., r,t.m , Cary Fireproof Safes h iurIiI wheu Hie jrrcnt motion Everything Big. nf botkkee.iiiff and lypewril-Inff. Phone lilue 337; resilience, tour own li.mi rhe cily of Prince CSeori-'e i kit. picture, "H(imoresiui" was put Onotl n'ference. SUIe Oreeii in). tf l.rl in shIm" Vaults. T-bone steak lie ye u lMnleil at I lie junction of two ...... on t'nf Ihc'fjAUInjOi the eily. salary. P. o. llus in, Tclkwa. plans ami Hound steak ....... toe c.iu. j j, iniphly river. Kverylhinft I here CORSETS Lots & Houses For Sale Tonight the- fealttrc"wi ho re. n.g u: lonK experlmce a a btili . hiK. includiuii the river Ihe Sirloin aleak, per II. a 4 So peated. , extent of country, and Ihe vUion JIJMOIl STI'.NotiliAPIIF.It Want. COHSirrS iiinde lo order. Mrs. Iiieef pot roast, lb., 22.io t 250 I al your ilip,ia. "liunioresiiue," is one; of the of Ihe pcpple. Under lliee roll, Hiilitt ai lieKilllier. Ilijlll Olreclor. Phone Itlue 23, tf jlleef. cburk roal. lb..33 4 In Sic I alwn. ,rrry a Ur ,mi hiPKest photoplay, of, I hp Dybhavn & Hanson and il is. impressive with(year its dilioiit (here iiiul follow a big HcinHil .tuition. Plome Hiack llleef. rib roasl. lb, 30o and 35e ur IuiiiIkt atul Rniktnt sm. Advertise the Imilv ti- eily wllli wide ideals. SOU.' II in jlleef. ledlinv, lb... tic Irnal. inoerily and intense heart ap At the of Ilntuhurfer, per lb. ......, 350 prexenl Hipulalioii Insurance Third Agents. peal. It is a story of human BOARD AND ROOMS ' I'lUI'IO lTIi.lVl. UttlWVYS. Prince nnr(e i nli'fut Slewintr lef. er lb. We E. H. prtihuldy iV.ieia 1 1. Shockley Avenue, Prince Rupert being as they am. Tears and laughter inli'iniiiDilo in il. as three thousand or a lillle more. PAI.MKIl H.(li;sK U IntarU and jiiisii Tut "evnrtr ntiiwvv. liriieil ItrW, Hr lb. 2c tliey U in. 'every day life. ; The The properly i nessrl at a room. Ioou tMikinir. .Male I.ainb. ley, per lb., 45c Building CenlrttUf dory of the fti-niUK of the violin little over Ivvo million i.nllar and reasonnfile. Mrs. McOouicall. Vdlr m it lu Ikr MWdrfMltVll. 4Mlr l-atrtb. loin SOe Prince Ruptrl, B.C. rw rrmm in lie Mian trf IHr im! Mutton, klewina .. Site the lax rale i t!iiriy-even and aided that beautiful 401.1011 Seenlh ATenue Wet. who, ty gift. nn4 m. mttl l m)H il t an mother love, roe from obscur n nan mills on me uoiiar. 1 lie i'hone ll.y Ml). If T lb HMruiiwl uaul It u'rSur n. Mutton, shoulder, lb.. 3!c lo 2Hc' Ttwrxlit. ivnr fl. Iti Accident and nf mnlton. lb 40o ity and poverty to the height. rale nia seem hipli hut il utul I. lor I IV rainitiH t flam tiirr xu he remnmherei Hint there in no Von BALK ! atiM t nr Mr( l rnw. liin of tiiullon, b 10c ".1 rik.'M a recponsiye chord in Iilrt. H. c Sickness Kx-ul Tniiroveineut tux III tiy cil",: I for uv mninaiM tT (4mtuMi'lr Veal thrttilder roaal, per lb,. . 2e heart. . DINING every . ; ( FOIt S.I.Fl nKllh l-miar.l laid" miIm .f r.tyitit mi in n.Mtiuiti im. sg nf veal .3Uo and 40c HERE all work beini; taken T4 round the program mil new charge IIKU ra4trS Vll K.IO.H., from i'liin iuakett rlrartically usv. aJaftQJP!. cralA,!. rhM, HreillriiaM mtta tnrm bl m Plain sausages, per lb. 2ic Insurance lb.er.e - Is" n !Fji)gI4i . comedy. general revenue, Alaska, Ir.'l 14 l wtl atl ! kf Mtlx f.n.b. Kefrhitnn, "Pretty Lady Tills'' should, the raU' a.low one compnrnl witli or 4il.mnt at ISr nf lh Shamrock satisair tic 160.00 crated f. h. Mt tlMlMWT. WMMMtwf. Vt4 u. Ka Pork, lesr 50c Yn are- not immune from mjh.er . have Jieen- tll.l. "Pret many other centre.. , -imat. IH-trui I MiinYr. t ftMH4t. alia. IS A HABIT! Settlement Needed. L'. s. tjuielt.. P.t), Mx tntl.ua ItrtHk jir, tlu Purk chop, per lb. iic "rWjdent or .Sickness it her-at ty IaiJiup." ftifc there I n bevy 151, KsteJtikaii. Alaska. 3; ImiiImI Matwrf, WMimMlre f War. Pork. hotiltler. ae VatHNir. r. It. r, iM-r-lb, homo of Iheiu playing Imsolmll on the . Prine-0eorge U jul beam-niiii; or travelling. A fiirei enure SrOar tarlneer. dfH. lUet.n. sliced, lb, 0c Policy hi one of our strong beach. There ix also the Pal he to llud herself. She urfcrci FOH SAU-: liteycle in number S . per Trfxtrr. kill but eiinMHrrMl UKtn. Ham. klieetl iic And a dam Rood Conlpanic will properly Review showing interceding severely from'tow noite prmioon one condition. Apply t!53 Taylor tutor tm Ik r.ia MH4iM itf ihe kti.t . . i . atl rn4iMml l an .rr 'li Hani, whole, per lb, ine provide for and topics oi I ne nay. and from I he ilcprcion of the Street. 13 tuk habit too. Gcgd food yon your rlmiw. t a ritanrrrtl bank, rkuil In -W Salt h.iek IOC For the feature n special musical ar perhMf. She lian alrt nnffer- uf I tu. .r lh kiari. latabar in ik. imd family durinp any disability. nwr m? Ik- ltratr. a.di.a Vaowval Ihi 55c satisfactory FOIt SAl.K Filrniture of fonrJ t Chicle", pr eil from the: fnel that while. program-Aia been nrritngcd nnt, k.Hrf, M Our Policy will inlorcsl luilvtia. Ytruf Nitta avarrr whieh in itself is a treat. Sam in oilier dlricl ' have bceu net-lleil nxuned lt.il. Apply No. 3 Olapp kill la. kmrfitrd la llm ..f ,rr f.r rfc-ei Fowl. per. lb., , Sue vkre means "plrased you. Hraindayslhc vilinoo. IIu-morcsque." tand cleared, Ihe land of. till llullf.tiiK. " .filial iMklkMt.,1--IrlMfr 'riirl Mltl ttf l Ik-rkfcml kaitkal la Plckjed purk. per lb. ..... iie patroits! " I Cooked ham, sliced, lb.. . 70c vnMii. Prince Rupert . ;; district have, with a few promin- BOATS AND MACHINERY. lb kl if aay In4r ami kr.all J per rib, lb, 30 OURSAKEI wil exception, lieen nenleeliHj. an rt.km Spare per ......a. AND Insurance JAIL SENTENCE FOR . What it net tied now is n com. NHW AND UHKI MACIIINKItV. VVikkii'f. Van, II. . .t.kf( lasinrrf. Itosst lloloR-n,ham,per per lb lb, 30c 5c Get the Habit. iceheil.ive eltleuieut scheme lo ImtKitiK tools, etc.; boat and Jklnr lt. I til. . STARTING BUSH FIRE, hrlns Ihe land under cull hut ion. . engine IhiurIiI and sold; rlur-lers Jellied toiiKtie 0c Agencies, L,td. 'lefially lhoe williiu eay reach arrniiKed. NOUTHFJtN t'X-CIIANOi:. M IN Kit I. AOT. Ilrollers Sic 35c Calve liver, lb, f the cily. The IltKirti of Trade, Phone fiio. P.O. box P.O. Drawer 1632. Phone 130 First' Sentence of Kind Handed ihTii'tcsTK or irivm ts. Daley ProaJues. St. Regis Cafe it would seem, niinlil well lake Ht. 135 Second Avenue Wel, Second Avenue Out in Sudbury Court. S'lTlCt. duller, per lb Sne Ihi inatter in hand. A ale lni- Prince lluperl. H.C. Stiuirua- -Bniimt so. t." "Brit. aoma .Sn. J." "l a Itu An. f sad Holler irooklnit . nr b,, . . . Third shtnut where I lice lands could he r.-au II..' ttin-ral t iainra. .muie la IM Stat srilHI.'liy. June id.- In Sud r.hee. lb rejjinlcretl free of rhnrge, accom- FOR RENT Kiarr MIMOf IHilaton fj tf lll.lftrl. pei bury pnliee court a settler wan VVbre kvi4; rauif.u t.'rr.s, til-tamt t.tirtluirKr Cheese, per lb.. . Mci enteneed to one lltfmlll ill jail panied hi map and dencripliitiiA FOH rtKNTfilx room comfort' Tah Ho-f.siiTirR tsat lia w. raimcr., l3 Protect Ga7-r willi hard labor for -itm. mil a Mliiithl be uxeful. able steam healed flat, close r.rre Ih-miurt Alir Arm riinri 1. Hum s.AtlnMv itto-t:.l'j.t..B aro Kru (H.C. fresh) rae ... I3el lire which eventually destroyed Rupert's Qreetlngs. in. also furniture for sale, UiHO.d. s..e.raonal tnaiMUtr. rrr mo-iljct. local.. 5cl SILVERSIDES half a million fcetif pine tiitilier. II wa at Prince (ieore we consisting of Oak Parlor set, o a ma in oim n-r-or, ifi m Maranrlne 13c ments This i.- the lint I juil nciilcnce on joined the Dairymen's Associa tJnrpels. Ilanpre. Itetl-ronm Set ii tlintaa Mer,rtFr rnr a Ortiscaia of Cnfiih honey 600 rerun' to he iuel"o out for Ihi tion and drove out with then) u and Oraplianolo. I'liope lllark iu linprtnrrurkia,a Cross Oram fur lb of tmrptta faro ef IM l 4ian alia Sugar, per Ih ISWe Bros. offence. the Kiiet of the Hoard of Trawi 3H0. (f rlaim. Dreads pr loaf a...'... rfor 25c A VII r rPITHI n TASK ROTICK 11141 Wind, from Moths to ee itome of Ihe fariu, place tiiMVr wrteni II, aol b ruaiMrM-4 t-(ire lionr 'hard while) Sfl.lb sk 43.25 fOll BAM:: One nf Ihe bent ihr lnaiw t( ftwrh lrlllcale ef The Home of ANOTHER TRAIN thai pave protiiiH tif what miaht Ini'fottaMlt. Milk, per rate .... 15.73 In 17.75 lie done In tljii 'tliitlricl. I n:et liie payinK restauranls in the eily. liATto lata lata oajr Ntrra, A. o. VtflSUblM Don't hope that moths will not ' WRECK IN STATES lloanl of Trade on the nlyht of vohI location, Miinir gnnd bui-ne. lilt. LfcWI VV. rSTok. Onions, dry, California e Ramsay's .ruin your garments this our arrival and rnnvcyed lo Ihem Urn rent, with n InnK season, It TtiK VI ATTI h Of Tll S l'.ttl'PTtJT Beets, per Ih, So hut-Make Sure. frrcrtinpn from J'rinre (tupert and lease. Owner leaving town. Ar mi m ihi: ti at a a or tut 40 Four Killed and 34 Injured In Hox- News At Tlloitllli VkAKi.wast air r vi t Carrol", per lb, - lti4, Dally lie deirn of Ihe cnt ceittre I" Apply will tMM T' OKihiir MiihlS. t IT MOM Turnip, er lb, 4e Paints litf Cleatiinit, positively - Pure Railway Bridge Wreck. r.i-operate willi Ihe interior. The Ollice. (f 1 1 1 1MI MII. IX SAVkfU l l. T. CabbaRe 10c dcst'rpy any egs so tiny ami Prince ieorve penple were extremely TAr. "oirirr ikat'o ti tts ur or Cuiilillower 35e In Ho v hard fo detect which moths have OMAHA, Neb., June 10. Four FOIt HICNT. Two room house, Jl iir, A. II. Itll, l aul Ma.ufl ut t'net and I be most nmipteit t and look at.. linnpilahle we with bath anil pantry. Apply t Irnvnia la lit rexiiu tr enii.h t Head lettuce 10c to 25c were killed and itiirty-four injured lunitii niaa an uiNMriitl ta.irtnMnl M deposited, hark l the viil with Ihe keenest up-to.ah! when a lassengcr train K8 Summit Avenue, evenings. i,t'if Kirl el frtr ttoef1 in lk Polalnea, er sark .11.in lo 42.50 STO'Ci Ilefore npprecialiun. We .remember the ir-rtift r anii.n oaui, aainnrtiru 20o lo 30c WALLPAPER you pack away your Celery, per lb....- crnsjied onto a wrecked bridge Irii.i' in Mnkmplry. winter let -plendid litwnsile, the excellent FUIIMSIIF.ll BUITK TO ItF.NT ao iiHTiirn itir nin r. inai in Ciiciitnbern, each 3Aci 10 tll Nnrlll - heavy garments, us Dry neirr Whitley, Nebraska. mrint at Hi rradlluft 14 V mm! laul roai.s, tne siluallon, Ht. I.oiii Hihiiii. Phone lied tl. Cleau (hem for picturesque latMit kill lie lM ai tn Mir r vvu Hplnach. per Ih. 15c you, but enpecially Ihe opiiinillc pro. BICYCLES Iriral ham., Hank wtni ImlMinv.4 t.imitl.,rnnre barrftc,livivrt. It.rlr.I... Tofiialoes, boljinue, per lb. 00c Out of town orders Pr"" ''' ITALIAN PRINCESS pie, with a wholeixiine dicoiienL 1- Ml UuiHUr In Iklll tur ' SI in llblibarh, per Ih IOC ollciK.Pd tn Canadian Steam Laundry r.r nr t nvbira ui ik afi.rtiMin. anxious In improve, yet with a niOYfiMW. HKPAH18, PAIlTH iAII.lt ll-vrln nnirri in 11 rrriiaee ApnrKUs ................ 35c WANTS AUTO LICENSE pride in Ihe cily and surrouud- ANJ THWH. The "PF.ItFFjrr" nf Brlii'h lolumUa, lliu laia 44 jr t,t Inn. FrulL P.O. Bos 120 Phentt Phone 8. A. O. I M inK which will carry them a lontt AKency, 117 5Ui Avenue K. r fiioar.r noiur, (Florida) 20e Seoond Strstt Sixth Avenue W Prince Rupert AttUHn-l')! 1ml. Ornpefrtilt Will Be One of First Women to way. Phone illiio 337. If ticiunn, per tloi 33C Drive Car In Italy. Prince Oeorgc has a local inn EXCHANGE RATES Dales (tjrom) 3no similar lo Winnipeg and in lime MISCELLANEOUS Navel oranges ........ 33c to II J. 0, StJ. lit Phones - JtOMK. July .. IC--Princess should r,ival dial Hy in Importance, (Courtesy T. McClymontJ 35c Nlf Bto'W EDSON COAL CO. THK C.nKAT OIUFOT in Life Is llnlslns, per lb, W. Ungwlll, Mafalda, 18 years old, second Ihe Hecret of Happiness, Send llSlnriinrf 1.?!? C.uranls, per lb. .......... 300 Day Phona 5 dan KlMer of King Ktnmanuel, has e ' " ' - f Peel, lb, your birth-date, month, yean ,. per for the beat applied Tor a license, th drive MR. AND MRS. NICKERSON nd One Dollar. In James Dun. J", ",, UJt O.IU llxed nuts, per lb. 35o STEEN8L0NGWIU Alberta Coal her own automobile. The Prin slone, Privaln Ibu d0, Van-,.,: ' Table Figs, per Ptj y ISe Shaal letaJ.Warkt ces has taken all Ihe necessary going to Visit in south couver, II, C. Answer sent by n,J'""" n.32 Mince Meat f. 3o McCUrurncwt Phone 58 ckon to qualify for a license rcKlslertl mall. If.:, 7.14 ArphV (Yellow .Newtnns.. 11.23 Hitler 2.00 and her have been iiuiaui im papers pre Mr. and Mrs. O. V. Mrkrrtnn Apples (Wlnenop.! Detunark 23.10 sented to the Prefect of Home. TUITION am leaving fur the south on the Apples (OrecnlnKs) I-00 Prince Rupert Feed Co. Finland 3.20 ....... Women nl the driving wheels of stesa Prinrp llupert liuilghr. M,r. Nick-erWoii MUSIC II. h. ilnliev. teacher of ii..ii.i 41.0(1 llanana 7 5" tlh Strrf tend FrslS"'( Corner 2nd Ave. and 7tb St, i autnmobiles In Italy. are a rare sight will vi(l Senlle and San Music, Piano. Organ, Harmony, jllunirary .0!) Klrauherrie ... ......... . 35o Print Kupert Francisco on hiisluesainl will be liy nppointtnent. Phone Illue Juko tiovaki 2.74 Evaporated Prulta. gope probably abuul a iiionlli. 3i If Norway 20.13 lllark IIati ..... 200 m Mrs. Mckyrmn will spend three llumanla 2.57 While fltrs 20e LEE CO TORK'S or four months in Seattle where HAIRDRE83INO. fterhla s ) .. 5.7S Anrleols 100 TOM her mother, MrsKiukiit.e, U nl-reaily. Peaches V' S I.ADIIW IIAIUjmiSINn, Mar-tpalu 17.30 H(0 Second venoe, SELL Only lite kl'li.es can irnriry Mr. and.Mrs. II. I.. Mc- 2Jc tlw IjIooU, Ir. Cluu" eel waving-, shampooing-. Singe. Sweden 30.30 Apples , TOVES. KlJucy.IJvcr IMIU aroue tlie llntfihli are niraiu nioviiia Inlo the Inir, Hair Dyeing, Pcalp ren-inent Hwilleiiuiid 23.25 Heedless llalsfns JUU VEGETABLES kidneys to lwallliful J&o bo,lu-tlon.all jresidence op l-'tiurth Aye. which a specially. Toupee Prunes 2'o.l!0 Wholesale and Rt dealers.One iill a dune. lias been occupied by Mr. nml And wigs for gentlemen und The iiiipnrtanMhlng In n inrin. PUD. (lenetal Conlrsotors tnO I Mr. Mckersiin fur (In paL sev-Icral transformation,! for ladies;, her W lo buy fnuii ltior who Ud. 2 lbs. 33o Labor KKhang Fred Stork's Hardware months. ' Swliclie. made up from ladies udverllsp in (his paper. Thee :od fillets, smoked U) own coinbliiKs. HKX IIAIlIIKfl merchant u hd nianiifaclurer Ficsli black rod, per lb. 17 Wo nuptrl, nA Second Avenu 1 Diiy advertised Roods ami buy SHOP 223 Hlxlh Slreel, Prince have f uf t It and lliy ure bnckinu i i'i iiuiau nuuuita . nhn Prince 647rrP.O. "o PHONE DIACK 114 Ithcni front the local iiicr;liant lluperl, Jl, . C. Phone, lliu llhelr fuilli wilh tuniiey In liimi- llullbut,. pee. lb, nttotun 23o Phone iwho advertises, lf.lalit industry and prospVrlty. Herring, klpporei', per lb.... fOo