PAGE A. ,m TUB DAILY NEWS, I In., . SCOTTISH STARS TO TIME FOR DEEP G. H. Arnold Notary Public - PLAY IN VANCOUVER FOR SALE SATURDAY AFTERNOON SEA FISHING Westho!me :: Theatre A line ilnulilc. corner on Sixth Atcutic, Section !ix, al Collou connection. Splendid dwrllimf. site. Will Then Tour Vancouver Isl TMI t m.m m mm, . Street. Miih sewer So Declares Captain Barney mniuiu uiNLY, Purely a buy nl $1,600.00 cash ur $1,800.00 on terms of and end Leave fee North Johnson at Rotary Club THURSDAY jUiio.uo cah ami balance in onu nnl Iwo year (-i Hrj, Thursday Night. , Today. I 1 for tlie 1itir. ' "j- ' VANODlVKIl. June 10.- The The piifsl of honor al Ihe Ho. II . slSBC, 'as a...,. Heidi Nh all professional mr tary t'.luli IuiicIhmiii lody was H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. foothall leant lefl Kilnmulnn liy Insurance Rentals Real Estate r.Hptalu Harney Jolliston. lint tUiuadiaii National train last tvell known doiieer skipper and liiuht nt II oYlook and will he Irnnsporlallon man of northern In Vanentiter louiori-ow inornliiir. waters, t'.sptaln Joinon Kate On Halurilay afleriiiMiu they will SWANSON BAY Ihe club u sliort ami iullgliteii- iitci-l a M.iinl.iinl s"i' I rn in at inu addrrss on transportation ilriekU.n Point. Tickets for Ihe Bring in Mr. ninl Mm. A. Shirley ami ifaiiii' liave Jieen .elit(L liK.- matters ltii'rt nrllciUrly ts'iiiiei-lrd di-nllnif with Piiiice with family hate lefl for Vancoiiter wildllis. ami iriil Hh .-il' srs.l - Oriental Hie speaker shipping. oil account of I lie riming of (ho In Hie fiiind stand are eoiuplele- poinied out Hut now was h ino.t jYour I'lant here. Mr. Shirley was. ly sold out. The local footliill CROSS CONTINENT fatoraMi lime to npprosrli the formerly superintendent of I he iissiH'ialioihas arrautced an ll- Old Gold Hi I p mill. ' nerary lo show the tfsilnrs. HIKERS ARRIVING Innre steamship rouipunlss with Ihe tii-w nf iiidueinir them llli ahout the rily and district durinir .Nearly every one has some old -Mr.. ami Mrs. Drown mid Mr, im VAwrniiUFD rnv iu ",clr "wM ""J of their fjay here and llicy are lo jr ftuM Jewelry around which is mid Mm. l.urren have jrone. to In' royhllyriitei'laiueil. III TAntUUTLlV till ltf. of IhU rily. in take adite T on I of il,id", or nol in use. Yaneouter wilh their, families week ! slep liiwurils seiujin? their the Scots cM will tour Until Mr. Drown nud Mi". Currcii Fifth from Hallfai Within Week' hlp Ut n In load part If mil j? We run make (I nter Into tanri'uver isiaini aim win a liiay were formerly machinist In the Hat Just Reached Southern en I Ire earuoea fmoi here. 1 up P some pew design VI" lay you select lenui fiinii Ihe Island ' local idanl. Terminal, Tain John.on dwdl mi (lie w II cajdrfoY whul-jou 6" ll't need.' leaKiie. On Thursday nlalit nexl ,-,1 known natural fuellilie4 llml f f Yuuluat lirt MirpiUcd whatf Mr. itetrridw, formerly post UCV tvill leave un Jhp Prince Vx:ni'vr.ii, Jnirti 18. The fernl lure, the splendid harlM.r I . maMer here, has eoiee for Prince It u fiiroute yu mil do wilh Diiine seem. .poiic Ip.Vaiu pert lirtli trniiM-iihtliimlat walker ! etrelleiil wharf thai was near i Iricly inch's arliele. .cmiter. His family acfnuipuiiietl (o r'diuoiiloii. arrlte lo-re fnim I tat I fa I in a Inir romnMloti. and Ihe fosl John, Bulger f V V . werk rrnrhe; the . HV lAlat In Ihe rluss uaranllue InIIoii IIihI I . Paddy .ITiiiiiSjni-"'ji'T'K'nl Uiff 1AG0FFINS GAVE of lUmrles Hurkiiiau. The n ready for operation any was jietelel", injured about "the Iii2 hike liHik liim ltd day. The Utile lliil II could be put lo u irs I . ,..ihsi L wres.1. wncn i a siovi). in. P.4RTY IN WINNIPEG dliers wrm the Itehiisen father Aeltially il would lake irselira ;hi launch' exploded, ifo was ml smi nlid Mr. : nd Mrs. Kill. . ly' Mie ssine aoinuul of lime for : taken liVMIli' J iVpt t ril tv Iifrfc nr"1 f Tr.tsrttlned for Coupl t Ci ,n ,,1,11, fpnj), , s irfettl from I tl .' I Vllllf,llHM.. ll ll.IlkM till...., now baniraMi'mled"' i Married In Fort' Garry Hotel. -- "-;' iurii.i " ' 'HtH would I., eo direct frmn Ihe tBMsssssssW , . . Miss Is'tfielWuftlf','vfNie local Mr. and Mrs. .Sam Mavoffln of ''iillierii Mirt. Ifndrrwrlter, lassssat txM.vAissssssssssassssasssi r. i . 7 a - . liospiial slalTiV' J S relumed' .' hen 'rinoe Itupi-rl, who are Kiiesls nt lUKtli MITIhltl. ".Whirr iwhfii sIimwm facts ami figures on r-uiiuay nuer Having spent a the Korl Oarry unlit lh end of .XiTlit to ox rati rims 'rsMiiiecleil with Ihe risks. In re. . mar M.iprrl. a l tacalion in Vancouver. this week, en routi to St. Paul, l&IOi JlAtte ll.l fc'anl In shipping from Prim. Mountain Park rrttk-rs s:n - - ' 't . iitivilrrt a at a a.. a'.. entertained at a rhartiiinc,al sil-a imdrn 9 ,n, ..r. U t "IM'" mum nm mil annul nisi 6 Many people read aad newspaper Ihe Fori Oarry on no taliti rcue fur murli for Iheir advertising Monday even in? in honor of Mrs. ;ikrt. 1'ittn io-n. a . mm j .vf. rharitlnir lilsher rales Ihsn thai Humoresque' Black Diamond 'l-inms ns Kiev do for rtews McOregnr Malhesun and Culh- P.m. tlw tu Ott Iff, itsl. fnaili" for Ihe lower e.ut.1 rllls lierl Anderson. A festie (aide niMkias,. rsNMn na 4, sn in III" "rirnj. . ALMA fcUBFNb (Qreat West Coal Co. Ltd.) al Smllk UlsiMt'rl l l(S rtttUr I il. a. rcaturlug was set forth" in Ihe hallromu on Mnrc Pathtw thun "The Music Maitr" the seventh, floor. The liride'; "I" iar(k t.- . Mb fi,' ine eaplalti rone uileil by iw lairs, ana t.raa'rbtiir ..nt. .Z ....... .. . More Fun thnn COALS McCormack's chair was decorated with a J r?eHts rsued ih...t srwa nii Jnlliy untllllf Ilie business "Potnsh and Pcr.mi ttrr" duster of blossom "t"1 turn of IMiws lln,.rl I.. I.l.i orange limjj TSJr nmirtfiof nur u uw nit rrushrr. " " ' , FXTRA SECIAI. MUSICAL PROCRAMME with a hupe lulle how. Tint w mm m fbui at swiui i,um. Uie matter of Oriental shlppiuir We have , heen appoinlru. places of Ihe ladies were marked V. "rZr:"rT'V, fn.m here u,. promptly ami .erl- VW(o S-.lo by Ram ItraH. "Ilsmofrava.". . . . iKwtk a?cul in this district fur Sodas ly lxHiqucts of ore li ids ami . IrctbMM hy the OffWlra: - llnvse well known coals. The if grill If men's with rose t,ou- mcMnrr or pbsl hnm. anl stun rut- In a small war at first, part K..I NWre" Matte former is bituminous coal "KairrfuM Aateaan". ... ... Anbi Ru haxra a tannaires. Covers " work . f were laid for is nitjurr flr ll I ..rpdrsiBsi.. nt-rais f!resary, was Its aud the taller is a silb-lii-(nmininis 6 lbs. carton for 30. ' Later on in Ihe eteniiiv tt 't:-.. a. .u arrant with the various prt-lue-! "Hiaaian Storatar fea;" UMwttnHi eoal, both of first number of additional suesla hmi M 1 ..MiIHsmI auleHal vt Mini '"" Industries fur CSrtfiK-s If "Salbt d'Amoer" Vu elans quality. rante in fur tlie dance. mamra. Ihe slrainhip companies show "Eh fie" . . klaMrsrt Fort Two tf A So,, muso Work. "NoctMrns" ... Ta'r The lllaek Diamond coal has $1.25 I Dr Insdiua Inss bu ti mm i.uml W HllnKIICss. u Sflld their ships a greater sale'm Kdninntun V There may be something you Vwjrrj sr T..lsf . jiid drlOr-rlsi T.i. n .rr f.,r Iinri Sunslilne Comedy, 4,Pretty LadyM Pathe Revlt (Iran any other domestic ,nl h, piinM enlnmn - h- ..f Osii'ii, ind vmii 1 President I.. 1. luiy rm- Prices 25c and coal. I'rices delivered sacked .i-H'tr all labuur. Inirfo. matmal aaxl Mtal KralUlstrd the (lub UMn il L - 5.5c Mountain I'ark, 915.00 rro"': ,11 II,,. first ,r..!.... per Ion; lllaek liianiond White Spring ts nni... rr-su Mm ai u. h inee (he rlub was. started, that i screened lump', t.U0 per UNIVERSAL run llll.i bill.if.sia" lk nb,tUm im.slws u bllu u...arr Ihcre Was a full BllciOiSlice of THE EMPRESS THEATRE Ion. Unacked, 911.23 and t bn-km iliw an.1 tfrrmlac, rrfrrrvsj Ut IllClllliers. bitr Thr iMMrtrf M .sis.ll all I TONIGHT ONLY, THURSDAY 1 3.23 rrspeclitely. Proper IsUiur. SsM. m.u-rlal ami irfasi nsirr4 -. Salmon jwI l. .ulr shclhrf Ulj: ur i.silrs.hrf ul .n illilsf ralcl ln.ur nllll.l weight guaranteed, Can take , t-lmi orders jimv, for delhery 17lh TRADING CO. Part Star of Sbo.o sjastlss! Work, i A trip llirutivh the et Indies MAY ALLISON ."I"s antral America will be lune and after. ..r ii as i-4m .r r i. m rwi. We feel sure if you Kite Per lb. 10c aa w.n r.,sirr,i rnj amwam bits 'iiciivrmj on Krhlay Ctellllllf at these coals a trial that you Helgerson Block j. iwi is- mtmrrd i lis. h'tvi mf " o clock in Ihe Preshylerian , .iiuw i om nur tr ir. r"l,i,fl, Hull will If thoroughly talislled. ,.f linirn rrf.rtnl u. aln,r l.liuim liail !) lit llrv. John "Are All Men Alike" Watch this space for II i. r.ii,Mi"l lhal MtrrH-tat fm4t Kllot Wrilfht necrelary of the Philpoli, Evill & Co. Weekend Specials JUST RECEIVED fnm -i i .iiw. mi. ur tr..krti .i.sw it.aiiadlan llible H4clily. Ktery- Two Keel Comedy, "Wen by o Ne&c i British Manufacturers a Mi t. .""i'ii; bki!MM,'r y-'"'- The lecture will Cukh , Two Reel Western, "The Battle nt Eldcrbuh full line of fottn ii'niii. f rtn 'i : i neimr be well worth hearing. Hays Block, 1st Floor hr.. Hi. i 4 ...silrci, si .iaraii'a We buy American Currency; as4 Hi?, ii. ,a.itm-.r Phones Green 317 and 55b Turkish Huckaback Tw l. , i i.-M'isr.. lb. iialil II. 0. Undertakers. Phnnsll. If r jo.-i an an t wb-. Silver, Gold or . S . I. KIM' Bills Towels and Towelling ill Inmnrvf BASEBALL SCHEDULE The schedule for the rasoit Rupert Table Supply Co. On sale FRIDAY be- DE LUXE i follows:June 20. Hons of Canada ts. YOUR LAST CHANCE! MOIR'S tween 10 a.m. and & p.m. rUk. PHONCI til, tit. June ;- lied Hot Hunt of CLEARING OUT SALE THREE DAY 1,000 yds. Prints ICE CREAM tanada. Special June ril -Klks v fled Hoi. Chocolates llatintr i nlarKed of.. our premises Special value July t Klks ts. rions of Can-ada. and installed modern machinery, YOU 5 yards for $1.45 we are thoroughly equipped lo July 8 Sons" of Canada vs. 9 . Q COME lake cam of our cveri.'iirowiiiir Ice Ited Hoi, Ladies' Hats iJreaiu Irade. , July 13 fled Hoi vs. Kk. Mens Work Shirts Ihe inifredienls Used in "l JUiy ib pons or iiiiaUa ts A laborer is worthy of ber FIRST f.use" Ice Cream are of Ihe best, Klks. I hire and a little Lit more. All sizes and patterns. liur cream bi'iriv .Jlnportet, from July Ited Sox vs. of Our entire s'ock of i Tlw lu.uraiH'r When your stenojfrapher sllr)r r rtte fur the south tri Special at -weekly. does happy gold with a work box of make Alois's.her tuu will Is-sill witiru follow lu Jwir rl yourelf altlirt. flrl II $1.65 Ice Cream Is made dally on our Canada.July 57 Klks is. lied Hoi I On Ladies' Panama and riinnlilrranuu, ih.i ut. It ft our premises In three flavors Vanilla, Ausrust I Klks ts. Hons of Overtime loses' Its terrors, buniiwM U) ri-ndrr ferric It u Strawberry and Chocolate. Canada. Hats Outing and ''pothooks" become sir duijr to m,ure you si iiw We also specialize In Neapolitan Aujruit & BunsrUf Canada ts. I Thursday rUruuiUute more interesting, when she Kttriul. is tasting such a reward. Vuur JsjIicjt mill du sll llul so Universal Trading Co. bricks. fled Soi. Also GinLS' AND CHILDRKN'S Imuran. i,llry nil. If WM-rofiii-i, Wo solicit prders for Teas Aujctial 10 Ited Hoi vs. Klks, HArSat Who cares how hard one rrlmbtirtrnwot -a.Ill fullow rlabt ou Dances, etc.. and all orders are Autruit l& ons of Canada works lu luttt. When rrncl dile route Friday Half Price when receives one Klten special alleiilioii and de. vs. Klks. J'u lll lm jmniipily uuiiOrd. Ail such sweet appreciation. suili iwiniu nlll is likrn rire or Hvered hy our own automobile, August IV fled 801 vs. Sons and by u ou 1 1 t-,L tt'e are iniloui We make prompt, shipments of of Canada. Girls' Dresses in Gingham J ut tl ou Ibif job. Iltve our uuo out of town orders, August 21 Klks vs. fled Hoi Saturday call. White Voile Get the Best! Wholesale August S9a-Hks: its. Hon, of; Canada, i McCaffery, Gibbons & also Ssles Agent 5 gallon E$1.95 Seplemher Sons of Canada - John L. Christie Doyle, Ltd. Travelling equipment may lie and upward ts( 'led goi. j of this week Infants' Rompers Insurance Real Estate per' (ration Bcjitciiibor 7 Ited 80s vs. Klks discount Prince Rupert, B.C. Pkoaell P.O. Bex I62S 1 lie same in general uppcar-unee. Two Stores Junior League I t 25 per cent hut there Is often a Juno 10 Tiny Tims ts. !ry (frcdl ditTerence when it comes Royal Confectionery Docks. lo wearing power. Juno 23 Dry Docks vs. Kin? Limited UAVE Ycur Suit Cleaned DeLuxe Confectionery Kdwards. " - ' Jabour Bros., and Pressed by our Steam Jlirks' Tratelliny Hags are of- ' Machine Method. Price reason phone red 157 the (Inesl leather, with the Third Avenue, Prince Hipert, B.C. June Tims.30 Kiiift Kdwarda ti Tiny 17 and m able, oive us a trial. Third nd Seventh. workiiiaiisliip lo iiiatch. l'ltti-d July 7 mn Tims ts. Dry Corner LING, TAILOR Black802 or U u III ted Jiaxs and Suit Docks. July li Dry Ducks ts. Kins Case lei ns send you particulars jw ards. Chartered Accountant unc prlcen. July 21 Klnif I'Jwurus t. Tiny Phone 555 or Black A2 and Auditor. The Inlander Tims, ourcaalv' GEORGE RORIE BIRKS Real Coal S'm7&7- C. V. EVITT of Boris A Ssull. C A Vtmiwmr turn Flrat Claia Boerdinf Hou.o-S30 1 live the preference when you Auctioneer PHONE SIT Jfiiuf KuporL r.O. Bull VANCOUVER, B.C. Sooond Avosuo PsumUT buy to I lm merchant who sdver Auditor and Accountant Federal Building A, Roobninf, rroprlolor Uses In tli 0 dally newspapers and Room i smith Block J. Loawa MacUaaw, Manstsr Aiijuimfttm buy advertised goods. I