tember 17,. 1932 | wr 2068 TH TOCALTTENS | ida Sel ay = aa ill Trousers |——— a." | Classified Ads| | | Munro Bros. istidaS ph ie | SIMPSON, 5th and MeBride, first ri ® class -r : , as eee -_ 4a 4 ass Shoe-repairing. Prices right FOR s ALE. j ORCHESTR A baie --- at no extr : — For sale—material of blacksmith Be M| shop ‘at ‘Cow Bay which recently FURNISHED flat for sale. Apply Your Dance orchestra phone ‘ 2 M\iblew down Helgerson 219 -— Kaien Motors, Phone 52. tf; Mrs. Black, Green 218, Snappy ‘oot ie ; q : ! Donald Matheson was fined $10, | “musie! Prices reasonable. (tf) suites CD) | a Just ‘atrived latee shipment of with option of seven days’ impris-| ro Wing tee ee sa eas an saanet | a , a... eee jonment, by Magistrate McClymont| 4°!, young or aduly per pair. | et a ¥ ane fall coats also skirts and in city police court this morning | F. '. Hoppe, Leones, BC. tf. | ‘DANCING Prgrscort 4 ver s at attractive " . STEER | n=" —eemeemasty eee Se ae [eee i A Se ? ware for vagrancy FOR. SALE - Lluyo wicker baby | aa ae ne ince Se ) hom Bip . Annette's. 219 | wi | CLASSES for Old Country dancing. bikes oil oo pa buggy with leather raly cover! “M5 3 Watt. Phone Bl ; ee Sere | Dr.-Richardson of Vancouver ar-| aimost new. Phone Black 829 one Blue 322. ) lies 28) m| ‘Big shipment of ladies’ raincoats ; as o18 GEO. MATHISON Mi! just atrived from ‘Montreal at very |{i¥ed in the city on ‘the Princess 217; . Wm | reduced pri¢es. Montreal tmpor- (4° laide yesterday afternoon from - - The Special Representative of the BERGER ‘TAILORING Biters. the south and sailed last night on! Saree TRANSFERS : boitieassS | , veut boned - : > | the Prince John for Massett. FOR RENT ilies Tee ; COMPANY ‘will visit our store on : , ‘300 (eae : | ‘When \puying coal—consider you | CAMERON'S Transfer, Phone ai 5 dandaeel oe Union steamer Cardena, Capt get correct weight. We sell dry coal SIX rdom house Phone Red 914. “hdl ‘Dry Wood. Chairs for rent. i 4 : m3) Georgeson, arrived in port)? ““ * : commen { S d : , mm'Don’t buy water, buy coal. Hyde lat-7 a : : e aturday, Monday and Tuesday @BiTranster. ‘Note advertisement for|°'7'15 last evening from the south} MODERN House, harbor view CHIROPRACTIC 2 XAG ap sailed at 12 midnight on her] g month. Phone Red 720. : S t 17th 19 h d q prices. oe) jreturn to ‘Vancouver and way+| -————- ———— ———--— A Cite h f lit ep ° 9 t an 20th } | Mrs. ‘Tsbeis af | points. FOR RENT—Ciean, well furnished Ww p i # i neso uaul y re a vr o eee who has modern two-room suite. Phone ; . C. Aspinall ie We are authorized by the Berger Tailoring Company to'give § leat Ste ine, ee | ACD. Matheson, manager of the} Red 444. (tf) | Whree Year Graduate Chiropractic ce with every BERGER suit ordered during the period of the Maltn ween: Mailed this ‘morning by| .. cian Fishing Co’s cannery atl<.2 ooo ge special representative's visjt,an extra pair of tfOpsers 6f the | | te ‘Princess ‘Louise on her return Marlisle onthe alone River and FOR RENT— 6-room house, Sec-| Modern*Ray Treatments Given same materia] at no additional cost. j e the ‘Yukon. 'Mrs. Matheson were passengers Scoenk, do Westview, Apply ‘on Phone for Appointment ss eae rot syen y — the 7 ¢ Remember the date—and don’t fail to take advantage of | ‘Parents ‘wishing to-register their | is ee viet ee mone thoise to , ‘ Green 241 and 549 : v yn £ ‘ > rim ; we this exceptional offer 5 {children in the music classes at i uae will spend si a the winter. ane [ . te er aa ed pen Evenings 6 Exchange Bik. a ; , ;Booth “‘Sehob: may do so Monday =_— wie oer alee hg clothes are “Clothes of Quality,” famous throughout Canada for the excellence of tail- @™,in the Auditorium between"3.30 and Westephaver “Bros. i smangship. Built of the finest materials, finished with fastidious care, BERGER “Clothes I: If not able to register per seat. | a DAIRIES i represent distinctive value. To be BERGER-dressed is to be well-dressed ily. phone 585. $17) 7 ; “3 [ : +o Jeni ; gly suggest that you meet the BERGER representative. It will pay you to visit this store SWAP HOUSES ‘For FRESH LOCAL MILK 3 gant isit ' | Dr. J. A. Macdonald -and Dr. A.| ye 7 . . oor . . |G. Macdonald, who arrived in th. WILL swap, sell or rent houses Phone Red 608 or 953 i eitleaes : & vi FiLin. - @- te rince upert, |city Thursday night from Anyox. | ——- Phone Green 638. uf N Y (a3 Lae OPPOSITE RUPERT HOTEL sailed last night on Princess Ade-|First of Series of Winter Social em teat cee ee cate mmmtantemaett DOMINION DAIR) i ’ r F r ,jaide for the south, the former go- | Events Staged Last Nicht By WORK WANTED 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 I jing to Kingston, Ont., and the lat “ Local Oddfellows’ Lodge tetera ne 7 cS — — a —t_E—nmmeEn fr as far as Vancouver ee 4 ¥ 1% | A very enjoyable dance, first of| WOMAN will do washing reasonab-| PASTRURIZED MILK Vans cy eee — | H. W. Birch, managing secretary|a series to be held during the} ly. Will take it home or do/it at mw TOA |e lof the Prince Rupert’ General Hos- forthcoming season. was held by| the house. Phone 27. tf IS SAFE MILK 1 tinsel | # - istrict . ews | pital, returned to the city on the|the Oddfellows’ Lodge in the NEW | eeesmeepee ee si nood |B | Princess Louise his morning from|hall on Fourth Avenue East last : Saieil a, ‘it peated ae “a trip to Vancouver where he at- | night There were about sixty-five HELP WANTED ‘Fresh from Bulkley Valley aH re ihe tended the recent convention of | souples present and all-had a — epee dst Farms Va Desens & if } NEW HAZELTON the ‘British Columbia Hospitals’|lightful time dancing from 9.15 p.| HOW to get a’ Government job ond oad ie Association |m. until 2 am. to the strains of} ‘Free Booklet. The M.C.C. Ltd. VALENTIN DAIRY 1) mor | ¥ . . hens tunesome music furnished by Mrs Winnipeg my otet tf RST PRESBYT ERIAN CHORCH A number of applications have eee J. S. Black's orchestra. James Had-| Phone 657 ots ‘ yy Sea we aes ee been received for the position of SUMMER COMPLAINT ion was a genial master of cere-| = = ’ = ve a y "* Organist, John-E. Davey jnurse at the Hazelton Hospital to! OADSES MANY DEATHS |monies. There were Scottish as} AG ENTS WANTED F + Ca —__—— ‘fill the two -vacancies caused by AMONG INFANTS (well as Canadian dances TYPEWRIT ERS ist Das & 11 A.M., The Minister wil] preach the decision to discontinue the nur- Thousands of mothers through- At midnight delicfous refresh-| THREE hundred dollars for spare , ‘go s’ training sc i . ett ut-Canada have ‘use Ciiatalin” jaa cuh Gin a Me ae | a m4 é n Subject: “CHRISTIAN LIBERALITY ses’ training oo - connection! 9 anada have ‘used ents were a ved with a sae | time to Christmas selling “Im-| For Sale or Rent : th ; with the local institution nittee of ladies consising of Mrs’ | perial Art” Christmas cards: es- : * Sunday School + “ - | wy wae _ as s1ft . Sia ; ; ' 5 - ——- J. W. McKinley, Miss Chrissie Wood| tablished 18 years; British Ca- Rase, Cowan & Latta On Mr. Hollingworth will be assisted oy Rev. E.R ' The New Hazelton baseball team jand Mrs. Bert Morgan in charge. "| yadian Publishing Co.. Ltd. 432 Phiuie 234 + 5s 1A. B.D, Ob Vantouvyer. Mr MacLean will preach visited Smithers last Sunday and Tbe committee in charge of the, pagrick Building, Toronto. —< nvidibog 1 Visitors Welcome defeated the Snappy Nine team }dance consisted .of. Murdo MeAr-} : —— : = Soe sxe All Visitors W me } > 134, there by a score of 5 to 1 ithur, N. W. Appleyard, S. V. Cox . - SHERIPE'S SALE + poten ; ed Se jand E. Jack. Jack Candow pre- PERSONAL ——- REP ae: oe ’ re " . | ve ATs IND oat ee sj asi : In the Supreme Court of British 1190 Ty ST ANDREW’S CATHEDRAL sided a le dapr Cofumbia i j r ried Gee . } ; scutes (Church of England) - VANDERHOOF aie aks PRIVATE Kindergartens -pay. Ad- - ; uring the past 80 years it has | . . od : jibe sithaatd i . vice given free by the Canadian| BETWEEN: MARY QUICKSTAD, Pilain- Ant nee tae lomw y. J. B, Gibson, Dean been on the market, and their W A et i a , marr iment Oreditoh), ané. .20ni 7 Very Rev. J. B. Gibsa child's life no doubt saved by its oman 's sUXi ilary | Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg caitt “thteee eee oa ssini ants -_—_ timely use M.C.C., Winnipeg. THOMAS WINLOW, Defendanté (Judg- rl ceva 8 A.M., Holy Communion Fred C. Borhaven, formerly of Price, 50c a bottle at all drug- | Tea Being Hel at qe ae ; a r : Vanderhoof, judged the Guernsey| gists or dealers; put up ~ by | TTD TAKE NOTICE that in “accordance SS 11 A.M., Morning Prayer and Sermon “attle at the recent Vancouver Ex. The T. Milburn Co., Limited am we ° On Ju i z has ‘Seon sa ca av wn I ent é yt ? ux - onoura bik hief Just 7 ay e . Subject, “DIVINE: COMPENSATION ton Toronto, On Mrs Arnold’s Home: AUCTIONEER (2222 #42 . oa ili offer fo le on the 29th day o 12:30—Sunday Schoel AN i Septantne: oe 230 p.m at m) ofifce in 7:30 P.M., Evening’ Prayer and Sermon | Rev. Basi! §.'Prockter has rented; ‘Thomas Walsace, who has been} he home of Mrs. G H. Arnold, List your goods with us—Princs a ee eee Subject, “FAITH HEALING the McGeachy house on Columbia| located at Sunnyside during the Borden Street, is the attractive} Rupert's feading Auctioneer, [ ihe, *° namely — ; a Street in which he will reside past two or three months as sU-} T ; ’ oe. . . nase ete A} f > Ainhol Beis § - il Sral Claim; Loy Forty-nine Hundred and 1cWs $4 Per Month and Up | J. McDonald and William Lo-|'Urs are Mrs. A. R. Nic! Miss CANT? Let us overhaul it. ‘It Portyowix (4086), krown cs the “Ama- iv, 9O9WS reasonabl ; -jous rhe recent partial eclipse of the ; Aileen Gibson. Mrs. C. C. Mills. Mrs ese s ¢ ‘ Number 1” Mineral Claim: Lot ~y atebucl able. Spacious gan. city . i zon 1 oe Waa? sample rooms. sun evoked a considerable amount ° : : Robert Bartlett. Mrs. James Far- will rent and give revenue , Toe ee Hundred ina Forty-seven leith ? P . ne . , —_—— ape | i asen. . ee } nownh as the “Amazon Num- s0rnsd Om 7 ST CLASS CAFE Pianos Tuned, $3 of interest locally. While the sky quhar and Mrs. F. A: MacCallum again. Chaaee ‘senses lber 3” “Mineral Olam: Lot Forty-nine natiag | F yen at All Heurs i was cloudy, the sun was visible for ‘Mrs. Thomas Andrew is acting as q- P. MOLLER | Tundred oe d Port amt “— ronen eth ¢ : las the mazon Number - nera thly rate for aii adlieds ome periods and many persons got), shier Phone Red 862 Chat: Lot. “Forty-nine “Hundréd - ‘dnd 1M. o¥Rst nd Meals Mi) WALKIER'S MUSIC ||: briet glimpse of the phenomenon | Announcements | 4 © row ane ates 3.0. pone aime (el. uacwe Se bat 1 ~ a Y * ‘la A el Ce ~ . oo |Johns at 1 harg of the home } 5 ‘ bh rebtyent ine Hundred and Fifty (4950), Te thet cntxal itd. STORE An interesting tennis tournament cookin etable i ;known as the “Amazon Fraction” Min- shade ti woven 5 was staged between Prince George! penerit football dance. Se ptem- eral Claim; and Lot Forty-nine Hun- ® , ' the 1 ] —- { . dred ‘and Fifty-one (4951), known as yuo 7 — and Vanderhoof players on the local | per 93 Moose Hall ; the “Atmiazon Niimber 2 Fraction” Min- ; ') pawod + courts on Saturday and Sunday last SEE Yo Iss UV. Tlogan i] frat Claim | i } The ‘above Claims are located at Cul- . Joos , a Presbyterian Concert Sept. 23) O——_—_—_—_— en Creek, about 6 miles North of the oonrarte C ANADI AN N PAG IF IC A meeting of the Woman's Auxil-| 217 | { Mister rg A te foe at. me ‘ » . , ati eal | | at noe upert this 27 i O1N0G ver PRINCESS LOUISE—Sept. 12, 21, Oct. 3 jlary to Holy Trinity Church was} bine (BAD FALL NEARLY TEACHER OF MUSIC day of August, 1932 : iver’ PRINCESS ADELAIDE—Fridays, 10 p.m, via Ocean = | /yelq at the home of Mrs. H. V. Tay- | Dance Sept. 30, Oddfellow’s New| ~~ er ee . ae aan A. NICKERSON \ ind Way Ports ii sent..8..17 1 29 lor Wednesday afternoen of this! sq) (RUINED HIGH GRADE Phone—Black 232 a ; kan, Wrangel, Juneau and Skagway—Sept. 6, 1/ and < 1 Sheriff, ) netlon Gal or write week _ IWATCH a County of Prince Rupert, COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. .}) ar | Moose Bazaar and Carnival Oct.) "’ ¢ Settee 06 57 SS J. M. Johnston has rented his|g ana 7 | building on Stewart Street to the) ile Local iman, who owns a high! 'Department of Indian Affairs. The| pix’ Dance, October 7 grade Hamilton watch had the | : gata ie sin Sivas ea ; | office of the Stuart Lake Indian | 4. s bad luck to let it have a very had: The New ' ! > U NION STEAMS SHIPS L IMITE D |}Agency will henceforth be sound United Church Annual Supper fall. The case was bent, in fact ' Peees ae oe ee Bapert & ow Vi iV | there Oct. 10. me expected the watch was ruin-! ypoints, arriving Vancouver, Thureday am eee olttiitin |} €d,. He took it into the repair de- ; é rt " Na EVERY yalDaYy SE coins mere wy | Thanksgiving Day benefit dance partment of Max Beilhroger, f ; sw en Cunguens slice Atm, Anyox, Stewart and Naas | Evil is never so deadly as wher /Bagles’ Hall,October 10 Jeweler, to find out if it was S, | } River points, Sunday, 8 p.m it puts on an air of respectability, worth repairing or if it would be } Che nation regarding all sailings and tickets at | | a. 4 Rebekah -Bridge-Whist, October; Cheaper to buy a new watch. He t ’ l ] 50 PERT ROME! a Seese ae ‘12. is now quite pleased as his watch ' per on e * | is repaired and keeping railroad eo |} j ; ‘ oi Gr. oe — P. A. LIEN time and although the watch Minehead Coals $11.50 ‘per ton ‘ . = == = — was in very bad shape the char- TEACHER OF ORGAN Cathwiic Bazaar, October 19, 20. | ges were quite reasonable, ALL CUALS ARE IN A DRYSHED huse it doesn’t pay to advertise poor products, Aaah bint cote. na. 4 | HYDE TRANSRER | Hill 60 Hallowe'en Bridge and/ —_— _ ~—PHONE 580. ; : Eagles’ Dance, October 14 and 28, It does pay 'to’buy ‘those advertised. 420 Eighth Avenue West amine a PO Box 2 __Jiaanee, Oct 28,1005.) | mee Same * ~~ 4. a on eke : ‘ a : ' . : S > ORS, ee oe = ee) ah Wes, a wa ae . a La . a