SCHOOL CHILDREN'S COMPLETE OUTFITS The Montreal Importers are specializing this week in the Children’s Department. Complete outfits from head to feet are being— OFFERED WHERE AT 35% ELSE IN THE CITY LESS THAN ANY- dren wear. City Tickets Accepted Montreal Importers Caps, Suits, Underwear, Stockings, Rubbers, Rubber Boots, Shoes, Etc. In fact everything the school chil- is " MALT in beer contains ’ vitamins A, B and ©. It isa natural food - beverage, rich in muscle-building properties which are easily assimilated and aid the @igestion. Pure beer is recom- mended as a tonic for tired nerves, sach as may be caused by business Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. Ask worries or hard physical exertion, for These British Columbia Malt Products 10) TNE ie) 4 1) ae PHOENIX EXPORT LAGER This advertisement is not published or displayed hy the Liquor M a fr 7 L ' th % A | ' Qe si i. - Dropucep IN CANADA “<> CARNATION is the largest-selling brand of unsweetened, evaporated milk-in the world ‘to-day! Only Canada’s finest herds produce Car- nation Milk. Evaporated, homo- genized and sterilized, it is then packed and shipped to every part of Canada. Once hermetically sealed Carnation keeps wholesome in any climate. Use Carnation in all cooking and in place of cream, Undiluted, it is just right for coffee, fruits, and cereals. Cuts cream bills in two. Approved by highest medical authorities for baby feed- ing—that’s how good it is! Write for free Cook Book and Baby Book Carnation Co., Limited, 134 Abbott Street, Vancouver, B.C. ilk: AND CASES Me oe ‘f MILK FROM CANADIAN COWS, PACKED IN CANADA IN CANADIAN-MAD& CANS &. eS. ———~- —-—- owl : the back of Don, prize Whoopee! Five fair farmerettes mounted on fornia, are setting’ forth for pomona where farm girl. me of them will be cl . ; me i 4 | Holstein-Friesian bull of Cali- } nosen America’s champion | | | WATERFRONT WHIFFS Massett Inlet Pink Run is Failure — Salmon Pack Higher — Halibut Landings The run of pink salmon in Massett Inlet this year has proved an unexpected and complete failure. The cannery | of the Nootka Packing Company at New Massett, only plant operating there this season, is closing down with a total pack of 6000 cases most of which are cohoes. | The cannery was held open a good while after the re- gular fishing time had passed in the hope that a late run jwould relieve the situation but |heavy rains aided what few fish | there were to move up the streams and Skidegate Bar. Packers are the Bruce L., Capt. Brandy Newell, and son up to and including yesterday | had reached a total of 11,352,450) pounds as compared with 12,986,400 ounds at a corresponding date last year. Canadian landings for the 1932 season amounted to 3,479,750 | pounds as against last year’s 5,112,- | 500 pounds while American vessels had brought in 7,872,700 pounds in comparison with 7,873,940 pounds| last year. | During the week of September | 10-16 inclusive landings totalled 482,100 pounds consisting of 71,000} pounds from Canadian and 411,100) pounds from Canadian vessels. The | high price of the week for Canadian | fish was 6.2c and 3c paid the Tramp! for 11,000 pounds and the low 4.5c | and 2c received by the. Relief for 19,000 pounds. For American fish] the high price was and @ec-and} the low 3c and 2e land no new run appeared. Seine | fishermen will suffer heavily. At the very low price’ offered them. this year only large catches would have }enabled them to clear anything at all and they are now left in debt to the company and without a penny to face the winter. The non-arrival of the pink sal- mon has proyed mystifying to fish- |ery Officials. According to E. S. Ri- |chardson, fisheries inspector for ithe district, all rivers in the vicin- ity were heavily seeded wth spawn two years ago. The investigations and tagging work carried on at Mc- Clinton Bay, Massett Inlet, under the supervision of Dr. A. L. Pritch- ard and assistants so far seem to a two-year fish. Almost forty of ithe marked fish have been taken lthis season in spite of the low cat- Iches. It is interesting that most of ithese marked wish have been re taken not at Massett Inlet, but at |Naden Harbor and other outside ia scer that the humpback is} Johanna, Capt. John Wick. The run of chums is fair although the pink run has been very poor. Saltery Licences Cut After the season is half over, the | British Columbia government has | reduced the saltery licence to the Original fee of $100. If the reduc- tion had been made éarlier in t season ne ired there would on is dec have been much more activity the Queen Charlotte Islands Herring are reported to have been seen in Skidegate Inlet recently This is very unusual for this time ot year The salmon pack on the British Columbia coast for the 1932 se up to September 3 is officially jed at 857.077 case as c {with 587,306 cases at ison plac ompared a corre Area last ponda- ling date last year howing ncreased lthe N Naas packs ove: year are River with a production } . of 79,648 cases streams and on the West Coast at ; compared with Port Louis | 14,674 cases, the Skeena River with This seems to indicate that the/215.497 cases arainst 172,161 {pink salmon does not always return | uses, Smith’s Inlet with 26.362 case to the stream in which it was/in comparison with 13.915 cases spawned. Definite results have not|Central area with 229,877 cases com- tyet been announced | pared 123.491 cases and the } Various theories concerning the|Fraser River with 127,982 cases Hilaeeeeriaiee of the fish are being | against 70.493 case brought’ forward—some hold the Area howing reduced packs are idea that the spawning beds were | River Inlet with 69,354 cases as {poisoned by the excessive numbers;}COMpared with last year’s 75,052 }of salmon that died in the rivers in| Cases at milar date, Queen Char- | 1930 another theory is that a | lott Islands with 5,987 cases as lheavy freshet in October of that }@gainst 6.000 cases and District No lyear may have washed out the}3 With 102,370 cases in comparison spawn—some believe that the|With 111,530 cases heavy run of salmon in Southeas-| The pack of sockeye. springs. co- | tern Alaska is partly made up of!ho and pink varieties for the coast Massett pinks, lured off their course |shows an increase from last year | by the wily Americans—while thejwhile the production of steelheads |natives are persuaded that it is the|and blue backs is down. The sock- | I sO government's tagging operations | eye pack for 1932 up to September that have frightened the fish away \3 was 265,909 cases as compared Fair coho fishing outside the|W!th 263,597 cases at the corres- |Massett Bar is providing some al-|POMding date last year, the spring leviation, Hand trollers are doing |P@Ck was 62,498 cases as against comparatively well, one of them |24:435 cases, the steelhead pack 855 jcaught 64 fish in one day recently |©®S°S ‘2 comparison with 951 cases, and others catch from twenty to|"%@ blue back pack 24,029 cases forty at an average price of 40|°°Mpared with 24,227 the cases, !ebnts, dhe tishermen are, selling to |$°O pack 92,168 cases as against | 49,253 casés,/ the’ pink pack 210,739 in comparison with 183,881 packers from Butedale and hope to é | keep Aighing unfil,the end of Sep- | Fa8es tember RAVES and the .chum . patk | 200,879 at ce Ske jP4SeS as Compared with 40,962 cases, ! All the Skidegate trollers have | Anup returned home from the Langara Halibut Landings \Island trolling grounds. Trolling] Halibut landings at the port of has now commenced at Cumshewa Prince Rupert for the present sea- ; Provincial Constable Gordon Da-| niels, who has been stationed for| the past two months and .a-half) in Victoria and Vancouver in his} capacity as wireless operator, re- turned to the n the on ne city from the south Princess Adelaide yester- day afternoon ; " > Friday & Satur TWO SHOWS — 7 and 9 Feature Starts at 7:55 . ADMISSION — |’), & Sf SATURDAY MATIN Feature Starts 3:2 ZANE GRAY’S GREAT STORY “Riders of The Purple Sage’ With George O’Brien, Marguerite Churchill, Noa} An epic of early days in the west—cowboys and and romance Comedy—“THE KICK OFF” Cartoon—“CHEss African Series—“BEASTS OF THE WILDERNESs FOX NEWS day & ii . EE at 24 I—~L5e & | Beery | SUNMeNn—action | | | NUTS" MONDAY and TUESDAY—“GUILTY AS CHARGED eee eee EUROPEAN EXPERT WATCHMAKER H. S. OLSEN Five years’ apprenticeship at the Royal Danish w atchmake School at Copenhagen, then 12 years abroad w: rking ’ in the big cities of Europe. All Mail Orders Promptly Attended to. Prices Reasonable 9 TERRACE, BRITISH COLUMBIA a, BULKLEY VALLEY COAL IS A HIGH CARBON, NON-COKING, BITUMINOUS CoA, That can be used to economical advantage in al! st; boxes, In your kitchen range try the nut-egg size shake the bottom grate when a hot fire is desired use single screened lump. In furnaces use single sc: with a generous portion of fines added to hold a banking over night. You will use no other fue! afte: accustomed to— BULKLEY VALLEY COAL 5 Of fire becoming The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous | “Rupert Brand” | SMOKED ~ BLACK COD - Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. Support Farmers of Central B.C. The farmers and gardeners of Central British Columbia making an effort to supply the Prince Rupert market with vege tables, fruit, potatoes, poultry and eggs and other products of | district. Prince Rupert people are asked to encourage this movemen| asking for Central British Columbia products whenever p°ac ticable. Co-operation in this matter encourages merchant+ buy from farmers and if the farmers are prosperous it wil! ): encouragement for others to take up land and thus add to the buying power of the whole northern and central part of the pr vince. \MROEUR RIES AC: A ll RRS TEN Householders can help hy keeping this in mind and asking merchants for Central B. C. products whenever possible, - ire ~ he \ yho an cd a) et i