TAXI 1 43L J TAXI For Prompt QQ CALL " ' Service ! Huntley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT Phone LlmoaOnri and 7 ratungtt Helgerion uioc Northern find Central British Columbia' Newspaper Touring Cri XII v IHf PIIINCK IIUI'KIIT. II C. T' I'.l.W. AHiUsT fl, 1021. T (- rl Otrltl 1MI. 1.H M 41 PRICK m'K IkN'I'X ominions Will Ail Stand Together JUDGEMENTS FOR STEAMER HALS OVER MEASURED MILE madian Scottish to Make Trial DEFEATED AMERICAN CONGRATULATES VICTOR. 'Empire Is Behind Runs Georgian Rock to Ellinor unitea T . X ivinga 1 om on Rock Off Mouth Of Skeena River Foreign Policies 1 H A H j. ji rentHHt lb IlHnio Mar1nrlt of Marine Ii.MxiX, AuKUt 6. -Th siitnmarT nt rk of tbo Imprria -, ;.. n h.i the l,naMa reeglwb wM mr her Irtal rm FUNGI CAUSES p".ifreii-i rfrfiitjjr eoncludrd ahnwn thai Iherr was an original a r. '-r. I . nip heUe (kMKlait flock ami KIuk.i H wrk within id- .nrpj.tiofl of I'rraMpnt Hanlinj' inlrntioii In invitins Ihn I'.rh tr eRboiiirti agi&ide lb lau.ll." ke part of the DEATHS aiiona U a ilU.irin.inHTit eonfrrpnei-. Wlipn H Aa uniJpr(wil that - are off III mMlll of ,kwn Hief ami are SEVEN Ii M op. of th aonfrrptteo ejull lw ili'JHl lr fti ojipnins tiru-si.n. 4 Ja 'if will Prt. bill before the UiaU t - dltnn ihp HrilUh Irprupr illlncly abandoned Hip ochrnip for i v ii" KyirtiiWil "T Marin official al I llanl ar B.i"vaii:.r.- (irrliminarjr mppfin? in lmln In regard to the !lritih oide of tha - Children Thought Were Gather-Ing -i V.5 w.H run the Httte Ml time, three time with the tide iarniamet t m. I agani if and will i all Mmiii fur nt4hia like Muahroome with Fatal The eonfere rep stunotarjr taU that the greater part of the K;, - he lakn mil by tV4in Mrtjulrn-, hart-, Reeulle. nferen a deoln In affair of natal and other confidential li.irarler. Then not but the conference. i Dim ar published, t pbown, t. pilot! ny ibr.eJiaTonai AVIV I CCT AC ,V ar.a j. i built l wtU Ac-n aiMi a half knot., UilLI DtDI LLT 1 UT revealeil unaninmu i.iniH4 in regard to Uie main line of potiejt .f the varimj nerllon of Uie Kmpfre and the deep ronvlcllon lha( a 1 s likely i.i k more than) that. prohahi thirteen MANITOBA FAMILY i (In- bnle eishl of lh Kmpire nhould l concentrated behind lha ..i ir.ia-.-i take the Canadian U..b U Van- Knew ntted KinjiJoni and that there should be common action in regard , i t , ial MM! i. ili ! Wrr -.f a otcd wile. N,8hlwr, Until Mcthlng of o foreiirn affair senernllr- Tragedy Too Lata to I More of Hie conference believed to be. fnxruent meeting are c." .. f 3 been liuypiiy un-fi-nnw1 and the trial will be rm1 J t A ii -t IT. Mr. tlirtt rmtf4 ntnr4 f th ottttriMol) Help. i.ceary and the prtacipla of Dominion autonomjr should b ' tin momift. It will hm an iMlrr.iiNa uhl lo WI.VMI'ii, ,u C (wi n arred upon. inawmc ihr bm jjiimlM. rm thai Minn. twraon arr itraf at KUurtMim :mt" f f l.wal yarbW wilt' flu ul to wHarn I he Nal t. a a tull of .alinir ( bandits take tr(HiwW fmiKl llp III if lurm -- r it" i Mtwbr4H 1li -ni if U PftCLMINARY TfeirttlV fMl.i.lll...l flnl llu.ka , CCNSUS KETURHS ISICIANS TO ; $50,000 from mi i atui tu iuimi l rOR TWO CITIES , tcNo photos or "ltTnitllhrJcirrpU'iid hi tb tIKE TONIGHT- WIRCLCSS' ACROSS UTTMV A. Aug. 6-4re-iMary EXPRESS TRAIN ATLANTIC OCCAM ri chit.lrro gjlliprwj Mm Mui cuiiabrta Kyac Aaartcaa ueaJ ur Coatratatailns Mtl. flrorft '"el by I h funnt. wbivli rt rimkl aixl Fiuim Laailra of !ar apoa tr tklory at Wlnblvdoa Cat land.-vtvar rennu burean Blre Ihe ,. ANMAHiMtt, Am pa lfi Ht lh IraarUjr wi r a reula4 kar UU a U charaploa wonaa taaia playar of population of Victoria a 0i Nl AtUnd nhr1 . TXinwilaani f iN4. iM-atly mtHi-Mp if..t-p th- Ua of 14. Tb phota waa Ukta Jail atur U aiuk blea UU 3H.775 ami of .Will Van. Hold-up Baltifnoea and, Oh Jo Tkli Kyaa aa4 Mil cacUa. frua aklch tba rracb lUr mrf4 rlct . Ifumoon a Uuaf. Pvnjtr and Ctt Away anl Viltrn afaam. NIStlpr III. W Itl4l M'ir rkwa rooter a 3.97. Vancouver' a MkI' In flH- allnHp arfo hail Iiu-(hI ii- faniiljr figure are no jrel With Staled Package, v K , T" nuia. th rmn by irrlr.a tw rtMiiplrte. - ! an.I MMti a! uaKK.WIIJ.l-L III.. A uk. V- " a(NMM4lllHl. Tu RUSSIAN PREMIER TO f Naval Deputy Miniister t. .! thf r4fHr tfttl ItNil of Uh The aloe fleurc ahrubl .The uni of 50,f)O0 wan ob- !. altaxMigli , Mrli oiaaina irnrnlni VISIT IN SCOTLAND pie the population of twined by two bandit who ''- I - miimnwi t tiat Ur'-n Iliad.-, a pli'.lo-trai-ki Visitor to City After tirealcr Victoria a over bnarded the Baltimore and Ohio. ; iHvia and wriitrn ur. ' OUI'KVHAUKX. Aut. 6. Tlw eo.fluo. jpaeger trin al Heechcr City,J ; a; i th iuHmiii. , jti- brum fmm Mai- Ha)tR lrtniT Inine. ipliet Inspecting Along Coast .Held up Ihe texpre inecngerr fc ?,t r. I, at au, On o ItrtlMi fMriMiion. plan to and e.rakei with sealed pack. sj t p r arfprml, a tl f containing thei are lee imhi for Sr..Hand for a htl-idar. rxprrss era ' rr,uHiM a ajr a Heial d tatch. Aflor bating afloat tbr wee viitmg wircle talien along FORCE RECEIVERSHIP ca.h "3 I V- anifrrr to mi. I. tht rML, (1. J. IlaolHarat. deputy mmiler of naval cnice. nc lcciCTrn rnuotuv i ay nmn inihin to lLUU,s Oltw, reorbdl PHuro Hm-H Ihe Mlpiua eirrdjr aftcr-hohi FARMERS TO PAY FOR PROTECT GOVERNMENT 5rAlllAlU;5 RKL . 1I0HE , BRIDE at 4 o'rbx k. aroinMiiird Uv H J. Ilaoghboi. nperinteiHlent BTRIA IS rain NEXT SEASON: of wifVir UIhms. Mr. leliiral- niwi tn of inpcetim ufj McnmiA. AUg T..e p.-... MASSACRED w irolaaa UIhmi awi vcimvH of Ur djavrtitmot on lh tjoaat, ih1 Wa Married In Vancour on m.-ial Kt.n.tive i-oiin.-.l ha de- ASKING AID:aa R-ncaBd H'tfWId to Pro Thuraday at St. Patrick' m1u tiMikiiig ovr Mm? atr geuetaiJy. - Tin- uiommg oo the ided to tate p; action ! ; ' duct a SufTlcitncy foe Crop. Church. laiHioli Hh..ui" Imp vortd the Wtiilioe Sln,.rd'-. wherv the force a rccciverabip for the Twenty Soldier4 Surrendered to M(a4jiau SL.ttiaai" anal "Canadian i:uglih. .--cu uiulcr r.m ni'li Odiintbia Yarbt ami Hn . ajjoo-, ,nd Were maaaacred. t Btrrow Mon and n-' MHUHUNK lll. AM. . The Oh TfcHirxUy. AmhmI t, al H Huilder. Ud, an iuduslry a- Mrwtion lo-1. for I be I.hhiui..ii ' to luiMina rA....n .fariiMTa ul Um tiiali trl bate nialL Pnlfaa) ,((M4rc4. Hirwurr. iled under the (tovemaieitl - viAlinilk. ue. Kurllipr far Nlp. tatfieo tu the ratoi Hawker. llatHeld. "f ildin4K fW('jtf MMeruMPoi wer bape.-i.d. BROTHERHOODS osin policy to the ele of IO.- tragedy ha overUkeu thepanUb .. !ad haa wMrl owMlraet for of'frtr.'nqbri VJer4ay) '! CooUm New-roMM-. a leVAHtadlA. MHt. Tlie H.ivernmenl find thelrnv nr , eru,ti..n ot Nd.. If ft A)lrta P(lr rollin for uliUll-Laod.Mj. I3ia XSarfaHt of Van. of ihe MtliHipina. the fiab- prraenl financial ooadHrm of the .lriheUrn Morocco, whrra it ' IrfMltt. li.ll. ltutler nav for pari, lueli at raikHre rargoi ot-frmflnkf. Ifrar ar.iterii n ataae-r Utven- UNITE FORCES 2rn ney. eoinpAiiy unalifaclory a . reported ye.terday Uiat 5.- M !- for tan-" by waa iu.. i4 mmt (mmmm row, rhi .i'..lii. al'. Ihe HoriiMl After Ihe rereoiy ii it for I lie loan. .immi Kdinih Ir'MOiH ha.t been berauae lh' ramfult of Hire luetic. lb cldiiiff parly waa anler-lalaMHj the bdrrt-.l.e aNrtev al The lalcl ' for 'be Ulloet iH be in lo be k- oailurel. news ay re- er at dinner at I lie Immh i M. Will Dtmaid Arbitration Board CABINET IS TO HmI the UU rcroitiiit of the rpmiiata of aui4iei by Iiaafcamta. Hhi brMe. SIS MoeteHHi Ar. tlllM-H..!,, BEER CASE ARQUED The plain f Ckwalin Kih to Adjudicate on Claim. lrtp lo eeape eoui(iug of owe liaat and later al mtditlffbt GREET GOVERNOR acred after twenty men were in a -t her. Mijra and iM ii. i urr tJo. here 1 'Hi -nlrral AT VICTORIA TODAY Ihe Hrwly v.elled oowide iefl for vUlted lha tounakag. l'tva 4rf-uly TiMMiM". Aug . -Tha big having fturrcndrrrd tu the their home In I'rlooe Itupert, arriving hr..lti.i hood have " beiHg aai4e JUDGMENT WEDNESDAY here tin looming. mibialei wilt J bro until four railway Will Attend Inauguration Ceremonies M-...r. united and ptMtied I heir rroui ee Mr. and Mr. Anvadlo are to. Moadtvy mormiit vbW hr wiii at Ouebeo Neat rHurn lo IMI. wa. taaajlaia S-coiabe. 10 fi.-lii lite pr..M.d wnicc cut Week. C N. R. MANAGER TAKES ulaton I JAAN AORrra w MlltiHIA. Auk. (i After day reeivtt tba au urn I.. i4.lwii' mi lavW Campbell fit-..OKI ft 0 lpu ha many n. tio rliurup of Ilia oeilo. Mr. A ma 4b to with Ni.iariA Um Maiaaiuna.toatay clear,re-uim-d ha I" -" i'i"'Mited giMrl ilTTAWA. Aug. fl. The uiaj- OVER GRAND TRUNK f I V the havinir bot of friend in ni.. i t a llir mm"In I Hip Vm I'tih Army ami a 11 jir. ..'iiiiif of lha Jtini ritv of luembera of the cabinet I-; v. - " of the In- Na) Vrteraii' ( lull for aellinv riiy, he Imiiiu an old tioer. hik nig al nonn. u n i.. and be will datiiand on will go to (Juebec next week OFFICES IN LONDON M' : ueiital dlrftoMliton liavintc mad Nw WlrclaaalSUtlon. i ,. . ai u f,.- Ma m iiunl in court to.Jay hrhalf f (he no-n lhal a Iniard to attend the rerrinim a I lending t r i i.y id,. ni. ktraiKhi ihroiiwh ami Judgnirul linn iei'ely Miriilar Milh all The trip uu i rov4 wm of artoti-alion be apiHiiuted to the ai rival and iulalMlioi he came in i'oiiUH. Mr. and MHiaV by ray f paa al viaMa LONDON, Aug 6. -Another 0. w-papem Ihe mutter. tu. will Ik' reiid. rr.l oil WHlieiMlny. adJuilx'Hie of laiiada'a new lioxeroor eii-eral. Mra. Aniadi-. will iiiakn Ihelr woe paid al iok (Utiax. Lou . tieneral Ityng. Premier N. It. man get the lead orr a Imiim here AhrH lb.). Hull llHrbor. ikaoan ira nd Trunk official. William Melghep will go direct lo Quebec MEMBERS ARE Unsuccessful Fait, Swin. ii taM anil IMarby IRISH from Halifax. WIiillip. KUmian uianagrr of Sockeye NO REDUCTION IN Uland. yealrrda)- atattiooM btit TO BE RELEASED the Canadian National lUHwuyJ ha Muined ciiirl of Ibe eiit al I be lt iulo,nel Reason on Naas and Skeena CANADIAN FARES ON ptaco where i bo Maria Uopol noyemer 11 LS (trand .Trunk office here and ami wlrelea lnH wot U- Only Convicted Murderer to Be t'red Salter, tile former 'iian-ager, Rivers LINERS TO EUROPE ittnl. lireal jibMUnirav WM OV Kept in Cuitrdy Pending SATISFACTORY TO will relum ! a miI'i i Now Draws, to Close lureaaoil by the WtliUalor on t-HTiiig Meeting Rtpubllcan Par FRANCE FOR MEET!"' MONTIIKAI.. Auk. 0 The Hull lUi hor, the mow w(ra Dement. It ii ,ul 'iMrmMiu eiiMiii in i..lie .iii-iury.......oi uiMitrt not lee of ten per rent reduction le a alalioli bttU4 tu reutare lAHS, Aug 0 T". Kiene., GERALDINE FARRAR rule elit TrUugle, H I a nuidriii and , m.ix. ua ineni. tioterniuent ha notified the - mi ill nI'Mlllixlilp ottrrt vnn i . , "iiiik inn nKKOim aim ri"o iiivero i urnw- ' lv few of tlie IUi urv Ukon, and of out from New Yoik doe not wail niuippeO "Ulion and i i(l.r f t lUput.Iwan I'realdenl at V athiiiiiloo Uiat 15 Bttnu dutu ruK now many apply lo liiu'liun line and U groai llOr.'' ineH hi evel wy 1(,mbI IM'W i ttUHl- will Notcuibcr 1 1 i a 1 1 far I hry to only tha uual winter rediM-litm war the id ieatiale Malum at ! r. i. oH.-.t with tho iIIom France a the dale for the )l-uriHiunejil DIYORCE BY HUSBAND if thai,I -w ',pliilHg to rim iu Ilia rhor, ami il it t'liero ha horn lillla roiluction Triangle. Hie Mnluapina left ,.i John M'lt."'Wn. eavMkla of lionfrreMeo of the Ja ''""",r" will Mil up Uir .ii.l .u. k.f Ihe..'. Till (li the no I of otenttiig ahip Vain nuM'i Moiiilay. Mi.' iniii.hi "f In-peelor Ma great world iwer. NKW YoltK. Aug. S Ijaa 0I from the IikI ulTiraa, and raiiMiiig will and unlit lh ooat rioie iIohii ll,i ailt in auiH'iMiiKoi of Ihe I'ellegeH. an at ii filed a ml imie '' ' v Ihe !MiMiiger rale will remain Mr. and Mi K. A. Hood and llieelinu of Ihe HepuUllOHII I'nr The ball game e lietl tiled for for tliv.n.- ' hi wife Iter- r W'fivnl to ili. uiilimie. At the rcent the aailie. Hleeiajct. hlianiea I o Iefl on I lu nioriiiiitf Irani haiiii'til vthn li In: tieeu ealliHl tin evening bclwin the Klk ' ehlinc Kan '- on ground "f de1-iTi. aB ' ""ir-rwi. un p.i king t! In-l of t lit o. ki v very poor .'Wing i 111 in H I ttln'11 (nr ii. i.- when Hiey will fin iif.".-'i I", il i niliy an- and the Hon of Canada ha eru on, . a-iail have yet 04 Ul 'Jho1 while huni tmcKuig tuuluiue. i ealrit'ttou. Vlll Miillli' Hide. t..i in' 'I been railed ff i,bc r- PUbihid. i