THIS DAILY JfEWS lay The Daily News HOUSE OPENS iiiimimiiimiiiiniiiH: , PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA AT OTTAWA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The New PrintinR and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. 0NALDS MONDAY H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. ON , SUBSCRIPTION RATES i Speech from Throne will be Read City Delivery, by carrier or mail, jer month 91.00 Paid Gets B In Senate Chamber Again ner PlusS Hy mail to ail pails or ihenriuMi Umpire and me united mates. in advance, per year .vSfl.uu TARIFF REVISION To all other countries,' in advance, per year ............ 87.60, into a Cut TO Bt DEALT WITH SMOKING TOBACCO TELEPHONE 98. It' tmirting painful. L'nlMt you OITAWA. Trh. H.- 'Caimilinn happen t hsve Zara-Huk bnlv. tb Aftcrycars of domination I'i .,- arliiM''iil on open harden and torn further (tl open rtlgr Transient Display Advertising "iV.JJI'per Inch each' Insertion JaihecourMo(ork, Then "infection" Mom lay with till lli' pmup ami Still Canada's Transient advertis'ing.on front page .... $2.00.per inch. jen into Ihe broken liwuM, Zam Uul clicurnlanct ..f (irc-vvar .tlay. preference. Local Headers, per insertion, ...v. ........... 25a.-.per lyie". C ioud-roiao".revest this Ai''llon!'cl,Oun,dancer of fetterm ud i far, oulni: lu (lie condition Classified advertising, per insertion, i . . ., .. . 2c.per word. irn or cald, ZamBuk provide a per. tif lln Sninlo t'lnuiibcr. I ln lliuie Legal Nnlicjy, each insertion, lfr, per agate line. feci anticptir shield for the damaged if t'.iiiminin wit iilllii''! for the - fmues. It protect your injury ag-airnt lis Contract Rates on A ,'ilicCftinn. infection enure clean rd healing. iciiifijr rirernony. Thl sc.nn All advertising should he In the Daily News (Mice on day preceding lame F. Wrren. of Henfrew, iho SiiHch fr.nn Hip TliriitK' ufll N publication. All-Advertising received subject to approval. Ont write "M,in waa a aeiere cut he rcail inllio Scnali chainlitT knife. Il happened, when I with a ruatv inTiiihor iUolf, if I llmixp band bound caulda'l ret my properly op. Cold and frost KOI into Ihe Injury Hlanilintr tneanwliili ul llm har. DAILY EDITION. m2 pn Friday. February 11. 1021. and Ihe hand Kent stilt and Inflamed Since r( imicli work ha 1 Gtm When I cot bone 1 had the pi AC len ihn. in lln new PurliHiiHMil II well bathed, then applied Xam-But. Playgrounds Are Still was wonderfully soothing and I used ltiillinir. 1lh Iho exception of Zam-Huk regularly until all pain and ruriiUhintr, Mn ('.oiiiiiioiih rhaui 'i Very Live Issue. welling was gone. The cut, though hor ha horn eomplcied. The healed." The mailer of playgrounds was discussed briefly at llio Ueepand severe. thoroughly Also Invaluable for ee-tema, ulcer, ti'iiinirary eoitinsr ha plcn place meeling of (he School Ijonrd lal night and the feeling seenieil ringworm, ab-ces, piles, 'chap," lo r"ciiralion nf irnhl loaf ami of (he barns, stwlds and obstinate wounds. hluc. The Hull of Tame i In an 4- to lie s-lronf? for a m-IhioI ground. Thai is Die opinion Daily News. We would all like 'in see the Acropolis Hill rock Buk uullniohoil romlitinn. with Ihe 7am cxcrplinn of Hip rn near the MAIL SCHEOULt removed arid if this can he done, the result will he decidedly lihrnry entrance; anil in I In1 henoflcinl.) The hall players mnl Olivers really nee Ihjs improvement. Senate a si,ul iia nf elahorale Foe. the Caet. .. FOR BREAK FAST 'We r"eserfrulteMigg"e1fy, liWweVr-r, Hlirtt Ihe, first duly is to f"eo7K.all Dle7S rnrviim nrnl oilier ilecoriiliiMirirt Mondays.' WVdnf aday and Sat. the school c)iuJrsn' and IhcSfjrgcslhiumher of tlh'se vill be ri'iii.iiiiH o he .lone. Yel-wllh nil unlays til 10:12 a.m. i - servedby (he impnivemenf of liay3TvefJiri,lef'S!The chief ofo- Ihe ilrawhaekx of mi unllniihe.1 SAILS htijMiiiir, Ihe rcretnony prniie4 From the KetL Rupert Brand jpclionMo building Ihe school at Hays Cove was Ihe lack of play In IneL nollilriir in ili.tilnv. Sunday, Tuedaye and Thursday grounds. .ow that Ihe school is piniTri there u is aiisoiutel AWNINGS Shuffle of Seats at 1 :5 p. in. necessary to provide ground for Ihe hundreds of children wh The Oj.t f lh Meisthen ml- will allend next fall. TENTS minislrnlion. the aejo'n will For Vancouver and South. KIPPERS ai feature of peculiar Interesl. Tueedays 7 p.m. Boards of Trade J. F. MAGUIRE Some fainiliHr fliriireit will no Thursday 11 p.m. In Convention. i lonjrer he in their aeeiialoineil Saturday 5 p.m. A Nouri&hing nnd Delicious Breakfast Food The annual cnuvenlion of the Assneialed Hoards of Trad 712 Second Ave,, Prtnc Rupert aee. Sip llohrrt Ilofilen. wtio renrtiery i: ami zn has been dealing with a number of subjects of interest to olhe Agent for lei Ihe 1 1 fin e I h touch Hie year Front Vancouver end South. C H. JONES A SON. Ltd. of Sunday Hp. in. Place in frying pan with a little fa wiir. will moe from hi l.l TO COOK: than business people. It has passed n number of resolutions, 40 years' experience maker place near Ihe head nf Ihe lahle Wednesdays 10:30 a. in. ond cook for ten minuttt. of which interesting. It advocates olhe , .....,. some are very among Saturday 8 and III. lion. Arllmr Meiirhen will a. in. things the establishment of a Chair of commerce at the llhiversit occupy Ihe Prime MinialerV chair. February 7 and 21 Sold by nil Reatnurnnts, Retail Grocers CL But&j of H. C, This is an indication that the convention considers com Hon. . ". Iliwel who at on Sir PRINCE RUPERT TIDES SMOKED DAILY BY mercial life should ben scientific railing-on u parpilh agrirulture ltohert' left will alio rnoe ilown For Anyos and Alice Arm. or mineralogy. The establishment of such a chair would b Saturday, February 12. ha Ihe llotte.left Ihe parliamentary Hon. Marlin Hnrrell arena Sundays Wednesdays 10 V p.m.p.m. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ill setting Ihe seal of confidence on commercial life and giving it Hieh. 1:2 a. in 10.8 feet. and hi eal will prohaldy .le From Anjroi and Alice Arm. '. " ' 16:13 .ju, 18.51. Prince Rypsrt, Q.C a standing in the province, "i- occupied hy lion. Ituperl Vi- Tuesdays ajn. Low 10:10 a.m., 6.t feet. Eberts . more. III. lion. A. I.. Slflnn hat 'htirsdayt p. in., fishery r 22:18 p. m 0.2 feet. xticcumheil fei Hie illnr from Commission. .,,:, .,- .. vTM'? which he uffereU oo lonir. Since cor Port Slmpton, Arrandele, Mill i The Hoard of Trnde rnnvcnlion wants JhCj finding of tli laet t.esIon aln, I.lenl. Col. We laland and Naes Rler. fcberts fishery commission majla public. The habit of hiding th McIo.l luiaal on llir fJoVirn- Sundays t! p.m. findings oTa1 commission5 Wiicii'tWontrafY.o'tncMicws Tf Ih applicatioms run caziu pr.nMiTa incnt jid anfl Jmeph 'Hindu who From PtvSlmpson, Arrandele. Mill i B.C. Covernmenl Irrigation Project iil'ptirlrd (hi Oninilin have Day, waies laisna ana rasas nicer, i L'MlKR CRtZI.XU ACT fiitvernment is not in Ihe bes ihlerests of the country., Judgi .Applleatlnn for permit to rraie li- ianrd on lo Uie majority. Then Tuesdays a.m. Khfcrts was in this case to make ligation Appointed some invef stork on the Crown rne witbia eira will, loo, lie three new faro Ihci SOUTHERN OKANAQAN VALLEY, nd ar nf t regarding the fisheries on Vancouver Island." lie took several Omlnr District of Ihe Province or Britlia Queen Charlotte IslsndsJ Cnlumhl durlnr tbr ucci.rii candidate. jn Yale. ol Olm-r. I. ... 55 tulles .tith f P ' traitor (oa of months of his valuable time making Inquiries nlld then the report Htl mt b (lied with hc Dlitrtcl For. H.O.. IUt Klsrin ami Wml I'rlcr. Kor Massetl. Port Clements end offered at At i:TIO. l PrnlirL.ti. II. t MA fs pigeon-holed and access lo it "is refused the public who paid ri.r at Cariboo, Crinbroot, Fort 0ori. torn. Upper Island points-, and Mh. 1921. Judge Eberts for his and lamlorip. .rlvin, Prlnre Hupcrt. Vnrou- TsrlfT Revision February ? and Irt Irrigation installed (be I'mvin 1 work, in whose interest he was supposed rn. Vrrnon or with tb Cwnmmion.r of System by The larilT rcnlion will lie 'rorn MaAset. I'ort Clements and lo be making the iiujuiry. There is a f-hy dor"laccompaiiyiiig ftrarlnr, nrpartmcnt or lands tl victoria, para luinbla. mount anion? Onrrnment bus. Upper Iland pnlnt's B.C., on or (wrote Vircd Jl, tut. J ' First Payment, 20 cent Cash, n, rsr per such action. . Jaatanre ', Burnt form upon whim to ubmit p- ne to be Kiitunlltcil ilurlnir the J-'ebruary 5 anl 19 ortftnf uelni (lie Wr'frtf date i f ,i. " roar t cbtalnrd rroin the Di- eiinn. Tltei dovcrnrrn-nt tiro. School Trustees and trirt Formtrr at Ih arv runnel piar tf per rent. In lhi vor Hkldeirste. Queen Cbtrlolle Councils. r rn.m the Drpartnvnt or Una t Vw- poaU regard are no v-nected Municipal For Returned B. 0 Soldier siitUtnr term t tnrl. to ha drnllc. Tliey will City spd Lower Island points: There is often friction between municipal councils and The rraiinr or liTrftock on in Crown he linneil eenllally on Ihe pro February 2 and I A 10 jrreent rah Initial payment and i school trustees overthe relative rights of each body. The law pmhlbitrd ran without by law.prrmll co.intul imp. eclfon and ciirotirnpeinenl of From Rkidetrate. Quem Charlotte after live years, snhJiH in cull i at r . provides that the school board shall decide what money it requires O. R. !t SDK, lome Indtialrh's; Ihe sertirins of City and Lower Island points-February Lot In new Townslte of Oliver will lie nlT. and that Ihe municipal councils shall find the money. The coun Deputy Minuter or Mnot. dequate reenttf; i.-tcripnicnl 5 and ID lime. Pcparlmrnt or Land, of inter.Imperial tradn and of For foil d. Isil anii general mfoi ( cils often feel that they are not treated fairly in this matter. Virion. B. C, They have the odium of Ihe January 14th, tll. Canadian national rcnurce. ft. II. NADI N, levying taxes while Ihe trustees have Kinct Inal esi,n. a rcmmlllee of Itepufy Miniier of Land V, the pleasure of spending. In Ihis city there have been strained LAND ACT. CrJiinet, hended hy Hir Henry SUITS relations from time to time. If the trustees levied their own iinylnn, Minister of Finance, ha CASSIAR niSTRICT DISTRICT OK tax and people knew exactly Dial they were paying for the schools, CAaMAH. oiired Ihe country ami riilerle TkK MiTICE that , J. K. Htarl and evidence. there V. krrrln or Allr Arm. The committee ha PANTS would be greater satisfaction and in some cases a greater ormnatinn rro. prrtor. Intend to apply ror Krnn.Mo to inee een htiy in preparing Its desire on Ihe part of trustees to keep down expenses. We do Mw the following deieribed Inula: iVirfmenrtn at a pom planted on tn re nmrnendalion for Ihe Caliinet. -but think loo much has been spent on the schools here. It is low rmriD in ikm the nnary him or water-mark tit to tnerwe nonn mr roi The C-orernrnenl will eventually CAPS rather the other way. Education is one thing that cannot be . make its proposals known to the K a iliunre i, 4VI.1 fL. more or lesa to neglected. At the same time the practical education of a clean ra.i nounoary or niter Mouth mineral llouae In Ihe htiitsrt speech. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC naim prutured in a aoumerly dlrrrtunt lowif of good roads and of library and other establishments is nenee Kuivinr proanrti'rfi or (aid River WJtlt Ihe whole tariff lints SHIRTS Moutn iKMinn.ry m tow water rnrk; ttience I III own Into (he arena, the budircl S.S. PRINCE GEORGE sailing just as important as the education given in the schools. rollowmr kiw watfr mark to north boun larr cf Lot IMi: thence rclloulur norm debate may b experlivi Ihls year JII'loiRht Tliursday for Kwanson IUy, Ocean ra: V,'- ut'iiiHiary ur iai anaa 10 point of rom etc. t mrnrrmrot. lo lie lontr and result probably In ver, Victoria and KeaMle. cdne-dsy I" Pile January ain.i tl tl,l'l.T tftl.l niAH, Atent. some clone division. Throughout reduced from 8. S. PRINCE JOHN " th session, fn fact, there Is likelihood lor Port Clemenls. Massclt. Huckler Hav nnd Notlc of InHntloa tit apply U Lt LanS. Dr.JOS.MAGUIRE of keen flshtlwr. plain marked southern Oueen Charlollf Islands February I In tni Hirer Mtnlnt Dlitnet. Lana Htewart. February Plli and tilts. dlatrlrt, Brcorainr DlMrlct of Alice Afro, prices c. nd situate it motits or Lout Crrr TRAIPI BKHVIUC. l.1lts DENTIST. djoinin HHvrr City, B. C. Ten Years Passentrer Monday, Wdnda and Bt'X.finir we Ago fAr Hfrilll.r.. ttelnea M.nrux I jllllOtlton and XMnDiprp. Take notice ttut tn tuxlerilrtMd, Anthony NrOuire nt.Bcrn(rl w, Barrett, In Prince Rupert Inn direct connections for all points rail sml wu'-Agency Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block or Uirfkrcfwr,Alice Arm,tntMid occupation lo ppiy prospector ror permi.too Steve King AH Ocen Stenmirilp LnM ion to cm tb rotlomof detcrlMO UndJt February 11, 1911 for tarortnt!te srd rfins fply Lady A'tittant Open Evening Commcnemi at a po't planted outt)tl The You iik Liberals' Associa on ti omu, t vitr " Office Hour: Sund&y by corner, it ebain southerly directloo from Hart Block Third Avenue Phone 575 tion of I'rfnce Ituperl 9-12; 1.6; 7-9. Appointment ST.. eorner or Lot ; tnrncs Ji enun was north) thence to chain meat) tnene t launched lal nlsbt al u meet n chain oulh ttience 0 enun fait Dd in Ihe K. or P. Hall. The. office sse 1 ' 9 - 0 sN containlnr tl scrn, mors or lei. bearers are: Hon. President, Dr. ami hum r Mroiint:, WE OFFER THE FOLLOWINQ QOOO DWELLING SITES BER.tAHD W, 8AIIKKTT, W. T. Keraln; Hon. Vice Prelicnt, BAGS! BAGS! A Double Corner with magnificent .iev on Atlln Avenue, nted Movember 10. It IB. Fred Hlork: President, Dr. W. K. ;'l5ii CANADIAN PACIHC RAI Htll; Vicn President, V. D. Kecley; Xeclion 2 $750.00 Pair. LAND ACT. Serond Vice President. T. H. . Duy a bsir of subsUh'trtfyiuiIity, casjstxssj iiaoirio oeusj Two Lots on J-'ourjh . venue on firafl Hill with beautiful VITICE or ISTEMTIOX TO APPLY TO ' or material that wears and with Serncf Arneil; F.. H. Kerrelary Trcaiirer, B.C. CoastSteamshij) Mew , u,. $2,000.00 Fair. In Oueen Charlotte Itlanit. iMnit ni.fnt a framo that is conttructcd for A Fine Building Hite 50 j 50, at comer of I)jinmuir and Kecirdmv limtrlrt nf bkecn. and Hltoat hearns. F.icciitiviwH. II. Camn- aervlce, yt of light Wfljrtit. Ut ""four aojojmqi ut 111 od be, J, S. 0. L, Munro. us Cowper, ejulp you properly for roiirlh the deHirafile tin MARY Avenue, one of most iten lo be S.I. PRINCESS TAkE .MOTICR that I. llMme Rabin. M. P. McCalTery, V. A. Kills. W. II. . . 'd Uitt or Trlnce Ruu.rL occuf,ail,ii a a a at l HUH' $1,000.00. us.t.e One Lot Sixih Avenue in Mariner, Intends to apply for permtaalos Montgomery, ',. H. Morlimer and ror netcnisan, junesu, osagwsy, on Heclion 5 F. , .., $425.00. 10 Iraaa the rollowin dumbed laudi: TonCbrllian. M. Crosby Rupert ' Two Lot on Park Avenue Heclln 1, close lo Third Avenue, iiruuirDrinr at doik DiaDtea l ine n'irthil rurper r Lot 4S. oo Oeors e e 716 Third Avenue, Prince 7 and 21. Kopert 24( Ffbruary January only , $750.00 Pair. lolnt. thence ouut t.eo rb!n mor or 'J'h launch Knox wlli Iwcnly lea to the low atr mark or ,dra For Vletorla and Seattle from frlaee H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. iiarnourj tnence outorttenr and ronow. passeiiRers from Kayex (o I'rincn Vancouver, In the aaid low mark to ater ctuitni 12 " Insurance Bond Rental mor or lea to noint due et 1 to Hupert rn on b rocks between January 15 and ?9; February chain rrorn the1 Kouthwral corner or Lot Fnverncm anl Plfnieh porpoise l; inrnre rail 7o cnato to tb outh Dyeing Dry Cleaning ' weal corner of l'l iiii thence Drta-eterlr Harbor yesterday anJ oil the ror rate, rrrtioo and sutan, W and rollnmln th Men oiler For good work, mark of N4eo Harbour IT chain tnors or pasaenser hod 'In bfjput ashore. and rennble tirire prompt eend lervlee W. O. OFiCHAnD, osnsrsi mv Subscribe for The Daily News e lo Uie pelut or comnj'OtrtDrpI tud Itcriiey Mulvaney. and Pan Oslom to CITIZKN8' roods . . . ... . . n.l- RuDrt rnntaiolug t acre utAr or lea. CLEANKR3 A v-or jra Avenu ana n ire ' r mMt p. papinij iw.i. rowed Inlo Prince lltiperl lo gel DYERS, mi 4th Ave., Vsrv The Leading Dally of Northern British Columbia Per frd. Mass. B.C.L.M., trent. fouver. Irtgulrle (olielted luted lh in day or January, H, aid. . i r I.J'