ANNUAL REPORT WILLIAM FARNUM AT 1920 WESTH0LME THEATRE 70S BffnchM - OF POLICE CHIEF vMm Film to be Shown Tonight It to e Royal Be "The Joyoue Trouble-mkr.H SATURDAY Drunkennett Wat Much on In crease In 1920 Collection of Canada Were $1 1,413.60. Of nil Iho rolon William Farnum hn plityod- ami ho ban boon an Vrordlwr lo the nntiunl report r.rior rrom irm aifo or tr- nono of llirt r-lt( r i.r police for ll'20 h flllod him bollor thnn hi 18 YOUR B3Y A CHANCE! uhmlllod In IIk' police, rninriji. lall. Hint or Will Hlooh. in lh kion I'inl tUUhl llHTO WH !,- now William i'ox produrlion, Tho not miss (tie small 413.50 collected by the rily police; Jiyou Troubloinakor. wluoh i will I in line nnd other revenun dur ing I jto bo liown nt Iho Uohiliolrnc til... I'mii 'I'tinrM VL-aJL n If.lnt ,r Thonlr lonfchl. monii amounts. IrtMt rni in Hi i"tca court re. Thin U nyliijr a ront doal, for SUIT the nrm uay 1... " c,UiJ ulliria In fioa.rontlrlion. During Mr. Farnum ha rroaioii many th draw a cheqne for Hi" year ilrtinlenne wa rooi (hat arowrulon in ulajio for ine cmni iiiiii'Ii urt I hi lncri'i nnd I here h, lory. For (U"o your d plajod rre J05 rue it airufnut 117 in Iho principal chartHtor in iho 9 tju r- lti!. There were 10" mac un-.i.t oporh-makimr drnmn. "Hon Hur." I hp II. :. I'roliiiiillon Ac), 35 For Iwtt yonrw ho wa Icadiiuf man year. inuiit nii'l dniH riff. ?n rae with (ilea Metlieroole. He wa bOY ...111 win 4 U Art l 1 t' of Ihofl wllli If romicflon. lonir n in,co4ful nlnv olar. And r mainly juvenile, one forgery, and All DMlsr . koa. r trwn all lhi hr.iionod bofuro ho Ucvnn I ..iLns list!. i- rhnrge tinder He Municipal hi 4 ' orloi of screen DAT .mi t(nff fnr U'nrrl (Act. 'SCHOOL Till HUllklltK " i n i lie month of January Ihere BOARD URGE Mr. Farnum t.a inornbor of n ui r-'' 18 rae, :rt conviction and frroat olapo faintly. Ho a born GRADING GROUNDS ltg t a neserru-- . $33,000,000 n lolal of M,lt.5n collided in at llolon. I!m inn f an arlor. line-. Til tuol xorinti mm wa and after u brief experience a a leuorus 1511,122,317 ill il of Ibcft from the poron Moit of Trustees Anxious to Have Intiofolan Joined bin father'a clock v hu ll I proriTdiiur olill. Thr Hays Cove Circle Improved. company. 'Ihu ho l.ejran Iho We are making TOMORROW, Saturday, SUIT DAY and w rrr 4 undT I ho Prolillii- brilliant career of which hi per. ni'ii Art rni r rnri or I'lmiiiioii Ihr mallrr of 'playnround wa formanro in 'Tbo Joyoiu Trmihlo. we want to sell a Suit of Clothes to every man who nv fiiu-y. Ilrrml and rnnl wrl?hl dUriid h Iho orlifMil hoard lant inakeri," accordintr lo advance re. ui'tm found rurrrrl. nipht nnd Ihr opinlUri utronoly ex. )rl. ii, at Iho peak. comes into the Store. v SON COAL CO. prra hy nomr of ho inrmbor Ihnl any improvrmrnln along lhat MAY ALLISON GLAD 'HIGH SCHOOL linn thin yonr Vhotihl he iuai) nt LE1SHMAN CLOTHES are the Best TAILORED CLOTHES liny tiiii I'lrrlr. It wan Inli- TOPUY IN DRAMA fM-fWrJ during th lt malrd !haf would made in Canada. Every garment has a fit and finish i AT KING EDWARD three wki liK'ol (In. Cily (mnril In rrsard lo (hi. In "The Chealor." May AllUnn'i that only the most tailors it. ! expert can give ! i Truro Palinoro noinlnl out newrt Melro production, hoinu i 0 cars Coal New Building Will House Lower lhal whfli i lie riiiioviii of'ihi rork hown at Ihf l'.mprr- Theatre i loDishl, thi beautiful School Classes After ul Ai-ropoli Hill would b an ad iar bo. Marital Rlrr mine. ownd ! Holidays. uniH0i' to h haol,air playor.nie.r he ha boon K'on her prealont ho Fine All Wool Blue All Ritrwrt ritlf na. tin main iden of Iho movrmonl for opportunity inre Wool, Tweed or Wlill" nolhinir drflnl u (o. onloro. motion picture. tut th tlule rural to plasroundit wn In oni Iho p ideil, il Ma from hr "II le Jho chance 1110 thai I . thiaroal in Print Kupcrt rhiMrjMi nnd thl roul.l pl ho Suits Worsted Suits .. I I I ft a l -I ftlrliifi of odnlon. l-lli .if ihc dotio hy Brtnllnit iho -h"I have wanted for 00 Innir." aid Serge oipiulmr of ihc m-IkhiI Imard nd Mli AIINon. Tbot iv to play vround al Hay-- i.vo cirrlo. of Ho- irinniiU of iii riiiMiU 1 raii-hl drama. I havt- been mi !! I((. hiith -rliiKil H1 lw o ueoet;ful hitherto in ciiinedirn Regular $05.00 for -$43.50 Regular $50.00 for $38.50 uwftot a real good trrro mM in llir Kinx lunrd StImk.I PREPARING FOR BIG lhal I had l-u-iin lo fear lhal t nflor llm nriiinir of Ihc new HUDSON BAY RACE liould lo condemned In pfay I hem Regular $75.00 for . -$57.50 Regular $65.00 for . -$44.50 Phone 58 liuililinit. I ho (nililir rhoo ritop for the remainder of my career. i-riii.j-nr ih llej liir hulldlnu. "Then nlonsrrame -The Cheater' h rv . J 7 Th mellrr informally dl. Possibly Fifteen Dog Teams Will wilh fla plendid loadine role of Regular $90.00 for '. -$69.00 Regular $75.00 for $57.50 r imiirii i ecu l.u. . ( niolil prri rali try In Start n March 1 from Lily Meany, Iho ulsar ninnep who r tod A. and 7lh St Ihr iiain of Ihr rimal fiO- La Pai. atnioal become a oaint throujrh Hho jrar In nnfT In ho Ihr r- ho roTenoratinff lnfliicnc of Iho ((liiirrnifiil.would lx iiJ.on what buildin? norlh Till" cuunlry I'AS, Man..ha Fob.gonn 9. com.-Tbo nun iho' love."1 , x These fine days remind you that you will soon need a Tin iioinmlir flnr' room will plrlrly "tlntntji." and orrj rniih- CHILDREN WAITING NEW SPRING SUIT. Public Notjce, ji.lno In al liny Vnoand nipro oi wanl lo ilrito a loam In iho. jt flrni'ticrnalln" Im "tiit4 tr forlhrnmins llolVin' lUy lutu TO ENTER SCHOOLS jibi drparimrnl. ill Marr'rllu. lorhy hr holtl hoto March I. i J. Mallett, Ilhr allrnilcl inn-tir taul rinrp night lo inlriirtnr.rtplain Ihoro.Nino i on a If too ixitlillly am aaro.!of flfloon and From Eight to Ten Little Folks Buy it now! Come and see us tomorrow! thai ui nTili., rontoManto faolns iho tarlor, Kept Out of Borden SL ti'i far Iho I on in and Iho nuiii, nn ,T- Manorr nnan IPATRICKTONNIS" lor of !(! aro; O. II. Hanrrnfl, There are from oipht lo ton ownor; Thoo, l)upa. drior. 7 little children availing admiion ; CASE IS UP AGAIN iok. t'.. n. Morgan, ownor; flilly lo Horden 81 root Kchool, according It I I'.ikll u. ilUIIVVWt 4-.111. inlorlon. ilrltrr. 9 or II ilocn lo a report of Principal Macdonald MARTIN O'REILLY has i.formed... a new Sworn Statements are Received A'allop iioyno, iwnor and drivor. In Iho choil board Ul night. It m:raijiiJ wun J. II. From Phvslclan.and Nurse 13 doir. Larry Mr Kay. nwnor and ha been rutnmary to admit V under the firm at Hospital. drior. ! drt. Sam I'rtintoau, children at Iho beginning of Feb. ownor nd drlor. 7 doo. H. ruary, and tlil done at King name of 'I tin pnirirk Mriimni ilnlli Iljorkninn. Winnlpop, ownor and lUlwanl ScJiool, but there 1 no I I II n I enawM va (iirllur invrhsalr. at tUr Irior (140 Infurmalion . s. Klow. room for I hem at Horden street T & MAI I h i t wi rniniiiinon niroliniT lat art. ownor. driver not namod, 1 1 until after the ww llayn (.oc ninhl and pwnrn lalimrnl from don. laloi Caniplfll. ownor c-lioo i opened. It is Just as chep tu get youi iinuflnu .iinun rv rMi Jean Marry. nur and Pr. and drhor, 7 dopn. Tho matter came, up on Hie trlntlns done wet! and done at B & K CHICKEN CHOP f Engineers, J. I. Oari wrrc rrrird. Th tonard Soppala. Iho proat reading1 nf a letter from I'lof loaie as It l to send it away. Try Frascr Street I lh,rmpn'n Union alo had a lakan dritor, and hU loam of Hansen inijiiinnc why hi boy the Neva Print Fhop. B & K SCRATCHFOOD PHONESi Inrjrr amount of Informnlinn us-(tONtln? 17 ioir, and Mro. V- II. Horrlman, could nol be admitted." UkNO act. Ihnl Iho ilcrraord had not wllh a XrinK of 15 mnlamuloM, Ir. Kergin aid thai receiving AV These are balanced rations and if fed with uren ho IV.lIc .1 I. Prch. Crren 4 1 0 Iimi lxaid lit lh brt ninnnrr ate tndiratod a powoihlo ontrioH. clae WTro formed once a year um. the necessary preen feed (ALFALFA ' jl-Tr lh pojice whrn hi hnd hrrn Loral inon aro Inlklnn of Ihroo only in many citie. ThU rouro (net in rjif ft Irtsr.Ltnd HuerL DKintt.lua KoraiDr utuiu tDoul Oi MEAL). BEEFSGRAPS," GRIT, SHELL pirkisl tip. Commilonrr MnA. ithor tcnnm froin furlhor north will poihly bo adopted . here. ado tml oira ball imlrt rui of id. town- and CHARCOAL., are sure to rive results doiiald iprnjif I In' opinion that tu.l aro laying bark In nfio up Iho TruMee Mr. Ling strongly fat or. It- toil at . . Arm, taa toiuuior w na i! and INCREASE EGti PRODUCTION. hi did nol want lo n Mir I'Uhrr-inen ilualion hoforo makinr a movo. ing it. vjr Tiki-r.f nniir I'url lliminoiM,Itul L JowpD eecupmuon IdfT tinwr,Trta- LADIES' AND GENTLE- Union enlrr fnln n rpa 1 II win divided In notify (he ninxit la imjr tor ptrmuuon to purrotM ' We retail feed in any quantity Um roikUi( aetrricra wuiuh HEN S TAILOR (ii'llon wliirh would ool I hem a Tho chlof of pojloo hfiH boon in. parent of mnall children that it Cnauuriu-inr t ph punted tt im ' fit CviATUO lol of monry and which Ihoy wrre klrurlod by Iho poliro rominlion wan lihpoihle o take them until rhimt MMitbeKt norm:corner Owner l lot rhtln St, lul;tbrnre tBrsr.IS THE BRACKMAN-XER MILLING CO., LTD. ' THIRD AVKNIIR bound to lnw. Tho mallrr lin lo rail for londorn for uniform after Iho 11 miner, holiday to main aoutm loenr. 4g rteini melt to . "IPhono Ked 130. hMn kfl wllh Iho "mayor Willi n In lhoo moiMhorn nf Iho aff who when Iho new cluo would be potni If terra,or w aoil eoniamint I P.O. Box T4S Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone S50 view lo loopliiir il mil of rourl. nood thoin. ready for occupation. Dtt'il .Noteucrr isriii rui"1. lilt.incininti. IT jiV. I I iAFTEU,Lmj - '- I ilaw OHAM.THl LOTS OP f?OM oh Sam - fo IS SPiEHPiP EH 7 PlNE.- just Love to i ahp rs just CO FOU A SAU- f I ME PVC -I viva c VHIl I - " I v-UMt-oeTABLE- ill I C- ui -wia ' .GET A bQATr ; I HATP A VAIR, r-CK. two I i rrv o, i BlO" TO MAtf? 1 FOU THAT O&EOGE. rM mm 1 n 173-' m mi BOATS nADDIAGB r TO LET" III V IHI fVeCAi ,1 jvv' yzitismr i.. A torn l- .E ha.