.v if- r i. - r s 660 c?"A wail Service TAXI Phone For Prompt 99 PRINCE RUPERT Umoolna and 7 rasacrgcr Tearing Cars Northern and Central British Columbia' Newspaper I'HINCK ItUPKKT. II. (1. TllliUHD V, OUTOIIEIl 13, 1021. VMtr4r't ClMvUtl 1127 SOwl (m 42. PRICK F1VK CKNTU Win ase hampionship SANDS UNEMPLO YED ACCOMPANY DELEGATION TO PREMIER CHIEF RETURNS AFTER PROTESTING Police Garrison York Nationals Win CANADIAN LAW. Heavy kwt mt1 1.11 j warn agymaaaiia n 1 jajwa Watches When Workless -Go to Downing Street 0 LONDON, OeL 13. Thouaand of England' unemployed benes or 1 to by pcore aemlled al tlie Hmbankment thi afternoon for the purpose of accompanying a deputation lo Premier Lloyd George at Downing Tha Nw York Oiairta i Ike world MAMTM ATAMQ Street to demand "work or maintenance at the trade union rales of waves or relief ncale." i i lie Yfi .Ve a te4au'a game a score nvmiimiiiiL SEj? v(4aN j The deputation was allowed to proceed to il destination and Ilrooklfn tiaMr w I1" ierl the IN PROVINCE was admitted to the Premier's residence. Elaborate police pre .. . . a a autioiift were taken lo rope with a poible demonstration. . tun to trie we ek series, was ihwhw Thousands of police were stationed early this morning within a Netif. lb Oieni Hurler wfco lost two u;pm, ,, 0 f, DJekU g radius of one mile of Downing (street. Entrances to that thorotigli-rare i. one rf th fltie.t exhibits of lit feP juMmo and munro for ; ' barred under heavy guards, while mounted were police occupied . .hi at bay throughout Ihe rftarteaL ) Weetrr.lnster. the to Palace and other approach Buckingham vantage points bereft f ji utile handicap. Thry were .-i.iiti, Ih kit- wat nominal al tbe Lib. j - .'ife FOUNDATION OFFERED BIG frain PLENTY OF rral Com rutin at I Hi Man yes-lerdwy. Ha ia a wrll Inowa mm - had ni riaB ami is lioeI w 11 1 I S illy. STONE TO BE MONEY LOAN i.ui WORK FOR imki randida!" It 1 eieje-!.! w ll tweel J 1: Mralob j :iea wh baa (''n M.in' J Gminfy; TRULY LAID IN AUSTRALIA EVERYONE i.uri Joato anl b was a Lit-al f ie I nlom.l j -' inn-i iMb.-r iiorutuatktfM M tti-(pi l b Caramony la Taka Pla:a Tomorrow Treasurer of Naw South Walts That I Opinion of BUhop tarlud: 1 Umm Morning wttn Han. T. O. Says fio Intantlon of Borrowing Bunoi ae Eiprasecd al i .Hi Mamro. Ubarali . - Statey. Pallullo Officiating. In U. S. . inert. Rotary Club. tnrrWii.-ti ' Oct." Armpff'pirnta have brfl made KYD.VKY. 13. Amerieans la tbara work anough for Junrri. Oiroallr. for iba laying of in romrr are Irrmsr to obtain inveslmrnts all worfcara?" anqulrad K'ootriMijr IUU-lt. E. Ileal'ic. sl'ina of the new Ut rniHj)t a blab at ont bundretf million . .-- 0 Dlahop Bunoi In addraaalng I ilifral Duildin? at Market Squarr to Munil in Nw Soolh Yalcs and a) lha RoUry Club today. l mimmmm il. w niormnR t Irn o'elock. are offrrtsu a l-ean of Ibal much H K anawtr without haaltatlon The biz sUHir arrivrd yfatonlay If Iba stair bas diffiewlly la rr- I thara la planty of work for S1LESIAN QUESTION n l on it i llir lnrrlMa "litis swurinir H .ians tm l&iljnd. i. M all. Thara la no naad to haia HAS BEEN DECIDED l it at ' Jj-ufc44, a irt .r . litfte was laid by lh Htm. T. D. Sir Josapb Cook. treaur.-r tor -, ihmI raoovraa to raca aulclda to ta kU rttim - - .i ttncnl tba Olfmpt T Knt la Ens-i 'alfullo, untMatrr of I inl. (! Australia, lold (he MriiMHirne : istiy- maka rcom for olhara or to LEAGUE OF NATIONS 1 Mki-t .34142) low iLC W B'.4 nM 'ittwna. br IS. I?l." Owiag to Irans- lloue of HrtrernltiNaM yas adopt lha naw doctrinaa of ri.iit.n- rhaaav M has bern rrtJay Hti iltr CommMiwaallh ( tha radlcala lo raduca lha found iinpomilHr lo .have Ihr ha no intention of borrowing p.. houra of labor of lha working j lr NKVA irt. 13 Tlie Lracur YOUTHFUL BANK CONFERENCE reaii'Hy on Sslunjsar better thelnioney in Am rlrm. jnf NalMM I'council lias drrUled -r, day. Thla would ba to an-couraga Uantie lo tomorrow inorninir u.'Iij. loafing and would th- t pr filrvuin qualMn. pre-tIImh( Mr. lVMullo. throiwb V 'Hi: pot ba good for anyona. Tha D fmttaar lla baaed ROBBERS FAIL CONTINUES nfluriipr Ibr big building 5 WOULD SEND ,nilirr on Ibe taitia nor on : Id I a rich hava baan a acandal, itlained. is on bis way to M '.raw an Indication of tha raault of eroowmie rw(MliU and sruaran-!n ily and sfeouVd arrive this even-as- I Idlanaaa. If Ood'a law, 'ln-craaaa 'moling aaainal tbe rondiliua.duloralion of MAKE GETAWAY b t2 UNEMPLOYED . .it ban and multiply,' ba ap-pllad reonomk- laaaie Ilia will be a op- I It. thara will ba planty of I Ho- in! of (lif drriamii baa not don Today. ater box ia which will be placed T . work for all. Thara la an yrl lrn biadr pul.lu Ara Arrealrd Two Houra Aftar -ie r I be local daily news. OVER OCEAN: ' i th unllmltad amaunt of labor to Occurranca Whan Autcmo- Lo.MWlX. Hcl. IJ -Mb con- aM: n. lleiMiurce and tha Yan- .(; th ba dona by an unllmltad ATTENDANCE RECORDS b:ia Breaks Down. forrnce baiwea the Iriah anl rtiver Province. Ihr llard of ' III' numbar of man In tha raatma IlnliaJi laajar continued thl rattle report, a doeumanl from Cm'grat'on Said to Ba Ona of al- of aclanca and lnaatlgaUon.M ARE NOW SHATTERED VI.MIKi.. 13. -Fivi- nwmiBg. 11 ia N-lwvtd that law n Rotary Club, tbe elty direct Measures of RaUcf Proposed . ..il l wo te.iJi.-.i m Ik.. Mbhw ..i firl subject unurr dicukai ory. Ike annual rruort 01 na In England. TEACHERS 'AS GUESTS Al End of Savanth Oame Total 1 baajk at Klir i -lrdy waw ar. war lb br-acll.- of lruc i eity. a irti list of tba A?Haul- Cicerdad That of Olhar High r4act v.Hiatal tw bxMar f.4l..w- lilaiul inclulii Ihr inntaaoa ma! and Induolrial Aoolar UJNIKJN. Oet, 13.- FiRtigralton urin OF ROTARY CLU& ON Sarlea by 32,3 67. a brraktoii to Utrir auto- of ki.lua.jing ty In- Siiua Fein and srveral aoins. and ovTaaa xttlratcatl wMhln V0 flLUJ iua4iil. I'br moawf dii " Officlala to Spaak. I tie Kiuuire U said lo b- 'tic of TUESDAY NEXT WEEK M NV YUHK. irL 13. A aw nas anui.i lo Ho.rr tboa Smshm ... PAIMF IIPPT ANT) Tbe contractors will be rapr- tb propo! aow4od by the r.TiH in w-rld rH- gal- rr- tl.-iHi. Ii.- nibawr.i wti-3ll nl.d by M. I. MeOallrry, a!liot,rliM.it for iba relief of ANK AND l'h- MnviibT o( Ibi- r.Hl 1 14 wa madf jaotcMHjr wn yoiii jj iim-ii alxiul SO yaau-a of GIRL WAS DROWNED ntMtter of Ibe firm, a ad short uiwuiliiel. 'Ilia scJMfiie would iii uf iliriM ia t.. adtlrssas will be wade not oaly ti.-uriL t It.- tiriiu iiml ami luff he rr-ind lolal lo th- rnd of IK" .r -bafivawd proba k4y inv.lv.. (iovarnnienl llf IM HIT tt rvrulb awaaa rt-arlwd ttuj.7Vi lliC i'MMM-d. VKRNON. rl. 13. Tbi di-rM by tbe iMamber for lha dWtrtet. aranl lo an.ist euiigraula in of Iba trhwti will Ik- II 111 JH1L pwUld tU lh-MUa Hwawrl Ho r niorr than 8j..io: 1..n.-r itian w a4oiil yriatlay by Hon. T. D. Pattullo,- but also by t!eilm t Hit- lands of promise. lltnli vt BIRTH. 1:1- nr -f it"' alh f Jll Mayor Hocbler and niemUerH of lh WcvlHI hlKh mark - Ull lliurxl.iv ' iiiiik ary 011 l b-i w born al Uw H ' fv-y" S.tvai o' Uoldlratn iba eity council. V E. William, uaxl al dinner Im arm-n In I ! 'a raeaipa wrrr filn.Wi. ANOTHER RUSH TO Bttwean Forty a Tbe lolal for Ihr t-nlirp Hm .ilal lodnv in Nr. and Mr. F. SU'- waa oul piKMiiii( in a eauor jtrasidrstl of tbe Hoard uf Trade; looutand Doltara Ilia 84. IUU On that Uul.or.liin riMMim u(i-atalra. O wiH run about Ihr fHH.0 A. Morri. ( mhiumm llay, a u,hn ih- ruii.r uiiwl and tbr (ieoriie Munro, prasident of tbe STAKE OIL LANDS Fr- ili'wii.-d. Aswcialion; -oil mil a Wricutlural aurl nl rhIM rllar wHI b mark. ident Duby ot Uie Hotary Club; 1 ' Vt Um aubjt'ft of itiM-us-iou. nrrr it. DawaoB. Fred biork. J. 11. Miles or Waterfront on Columbia I'Unk 11' wilt ! iM-ral aliorl a4ilraa, PRINCE REFUSES MrMillin. O. V. Kvill and other. River Taken Up by Ex-cltsment v .iv riiioiHrU'iil airakria and m all Its Own. a an.i The mayor and utember ( l.-riy arl iijoyuliUi lintr i etMcUiJ. ATTEND FUNCTION the ciiy oounoil ba barn offi- - if caali WHEN PEOPLE HUNGRY MEETING of LIBERALS lallr inviled be urnseBl ami HEVELSTOKF Oct. 13- This - 1 1 -Hrt Subotrtbe fr the Daily News, also the Hoard of Trada. Aurl-rullura) dUlriet has an oi exattrnient all 1 1 in- r4- Aociatkn and Hotary Us own. A rush has commenced 1 Ik- IihiI LONDON. llrL IX 'Hie Duk.- Club. A central imitation is to tbe Nelson oil gas lands al Iiiii1M of York, the aeeoinl a n of Kmc and all supporters of (he Hon. Y. L. Mackentte King, Leader also extended to all people oflaHs landing near here, and arire. has rafu-d an invilalion j tbe whole ilUlrlet is covered 'xyUatk held iu the the eity. ot the Liberal I'arty of Canada, will b- i-.i.-ii m: L Jeii, ihr :utl-i- ti ai Arranitemrtil for tlie event,with slake. - Miles flf warf hemld oe Ibr ground inai 1 LIBERAL ROOMS, PATTULLO BLOCK, are in the baud of It. Hryson. front on the Columbia ltlvt-r wajld not be rilii for Mm t- Second Avanua, Prince Rupert, on superiiilendeni of eottstrueUon. have tteeu lake) up by ormiee-(ors attat lha fmialioii wbile and the staking still continue. iHauy wurklM urid ara 00m-bllad 13th OCTOBER, PAYS HUGE EC AN la go hU)ikry. THURSDAY, CANADA INDIANS LOSfllYES at 8 p.m. LIST OF PENSIONS STACEY CANDIDATE Uln InilAtxn for organisation purposes, IN FRASER VALLEY Sum of $30,802,404 paid Annual Man and Wlfa Burned to Daath to 60.237 Disabled Soldiers ly Saanlch. The meeting will b addressed by In Shack al Cast and 19,411 Dependents. MISSION, ot. 13 - At a con-van! Fred Stork, Liberal Candidal of r.urrYalives here hnrrlble ion A VIl'TOIUA. Ool 13. ' Bhora i.K.miaW, tsajh wai lhal of l IimIUiis al Hon, T. D. Pattullo, Mem -r 1r Prince Hupert OTTAW A. Oct. 13. Canada's yesterday r. It. Waeey wa eli-M- ' 1 "H.t u :,. K Knoai riv Turs- Hon. A. M, Manson, Mi inber for Oinineca anyual i-i i.i Hat as a rull ;en U eonN-ni ibe r.""eiM-y 11 . " 1 IM- Mil WALTtn SCHANQ i..v in.m li. alia t i! -hWi H. F, Kergln, Member for Alhn i.f ibe Orral Ya ati -a f a- V i. - a --t iliaii- Maia. Tlie YnnU. . ui- li. 1 will UllV WKM lIlVWU M.- ttUriHl) and oiliera. I 111 Mil.MM. I s ,v r M II :. .'87 Uml'leo soldlei-s and IU,- j teprewnii'd iMe .-.lHirswy Uur- - . U lo ITII.IV I I ,1 N . -i.lN Wlli-M '.. III.' lil --lil.il .111.1 Willi k . . 1 r . . i ail S..'i 11.a Wi.lt t u uei.aeuu. " -' l'.trLanl.