J'AH!; 2 Tlir DATI T NHVS TJu KHUi , The Daily News THE WONDERFUL BYLAW FOR PRINCE RUPERT . BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The Newt FRUIT MEDICINE INCINERATOR stainl lnll-CALCULATION I Ik-ii hrrrli,arauulttH)Mvnil Of StSISVS) BSr Ifcr umber Bought Direct Printing and PiHnhing Co., Third Avenue. ,.nntll-nsl ami ilalrrt friwiimm Mill i.f lel.rnar,.1 .tsMhi la, anil ii ... puklUhMl 111 lh Sniuh i luinhil cMtrilr H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Board of Works Would Uie t ftta 'f arart. !, i, ran Every Home la Canada Ms $25,0001, Rtfarrad Back r,a lied,tha rirrtil f.-Hejla IB araaa:rsf a ihe aiM relsii- From the Mill naves you tho middlemtn' I. kll the lamia hint wtllna she SUBSCRIPTION RATES I for Site. beundarie, m isw ranMr area t iae miMion. Wc solicit your patronage ' fnUIT-A-TIYES" With Isteana lii-r am-v ami Kwti iw nun' a 4,n i month 11.00 City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per t Uy mail to oil parts of the British Empire and the United States. To those tufl riof with Jltrttim, A bylaw fur If 5,000 providing we i.ioh- nin'K Ki,r, t u ii- i Kuarantee" In advance, per'year so.uo. TotfiJ Livtr, c"jiuiii.', Shk pr for the building of an tneln- Imttun DIMENSION' BOARDS SH1PLAP $7.60. ralor in the city was bmuaNI I kll. thai iMrmin T iwiup l.laiMt lath To all other, countries, In advance, per year .in. ..r I P(l i am rltwrf TELEPHONE 88. mtf Trtn.hU, Rktmhtm, Ptim i n rnr tlit first I line by the immnn SIDING FLOORING CEILING Contract Rates n At . .icf.tlon. tkt Ctuk, F.(tti4 dad tr lii Ihwnl of Works al last Mwhr"fiZF"aJTuTVVT, All advertising should be in the Daily News Olllce on day preceding tfntions, Truil--tlTs, rlrea Mtinell ineeu,,g and after d..- Jl;' J?JJSZia, t, Lumlwr has, now renchod rock-bd-dm fa publication. All advertising received subject to approval. prompt relief assarts a pely usiut, was referred back the tt - ii. uri mmi -f ia uraihr.dia horc is ' iMar, irn nutmaif ne Iiuildino;.time present your traatmtnt U isnimnlltee rt recovery ln the far reroiiHiendalMiii , ZZn aiil ie In iH faithfully followed. a lit n alta i.rMlhw.i innff Itasari' wieih f .t. nt our office, Seal Cove or Vhr 'j DAILY KDITION. sitts Tuesday. AurusI 2. 1021 . ... Ihe at if.iimiir r tlw I is -i - I" no mtiUim Fruil-4-tim"it lhtnty Alii. Iiyltliavn and Aid. Perry jtMirtit. .1 . .him. ihrer r. al-n Hi- maJt from Vi7 ronUlnlnf th were of the ..pinion that an in- Jtf, M PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER Elks Prepare tntdleioal principles of applet, , ineri,.r running int.. nmel, l't'r'' CO. Elaborate.Program.w ortnjet, fin and prunes, cotuUueJ money miitlil lie trigger limn ;(h waaer.mM it .? nisi, k The jvlks.i have prepared an elabtiraiiprogrnrn for the big with TtloabW took and antiseptic. prtvaenl iicmIs de.naBdeil In jT'-JL fsJ,vT tnX triaj King I lay .tomorrow. The Mayor has proejaimeij tho day a chic 60o a toi, for tJ.30, alte,23c. lly to this piiggestlon. Aid.. Kelly "ZLX? !'"TS'.'!:tTm.'S!L At all dealers or arat postpaid by slaleed that eheafr meln- taTwi TatSe? half-holiday, sh there in really no reason why-It should not le one a Fruit-a-UrS Limited, Ottawa, Ont. ' klart- as ami le Wl Krm -t " rnliir riiul.l Im lnalalid lilil Hie f the The Mayor adds of Hie greatest event- in the history rtty. the lliai all allend lo honor ine future reiliilreinenla of Ihe Cllyirset ihro. ala rnr reHl I., the to hi proclamation request ling ral Ix.nnilanr T.arnhua IT. ai-rl or ournnilry and to show the young people thai the older one, SUITCASES had lo be eons Idr red. i.itfin ikm. i.nh siaaVRk eai a... SPECULATION or INVESTING hold it in respect. Alderman Perry wanted '" t "m,t.t"uJSTf JaaiV?! ISfw'ii TRUNKS know atmnl smle. and Alder- ia, Mmir'.. ..r T-aiiwMas it i aaa) it ar rariflr nrean ,M arta4lat an the ' man MUershies nrnmi gas wn r,.,. ,,j i11Mf, nmmj irr a Crowd Psychology HANDBAGS 'he uer ,,li,nl hv Uilrrinan "jerawM i.. ih- laM I nf Vaw.."ee W hu h do J i i folluw t lit lulniiktr, t.n tin J m Difficult to Understand. I ..t I letaaal. fc.tther tih all Mlamt ne j- A . .. A. - k.... .... A. . I . . j The psychology of the crowd i something that It i difficult. vie.ei lift! sorh an Ifkeineraliir !, ity mi,m -f etMtnre aratu'' tiH-ani aaee lni nr uw vu pai'er, tui Ji ij n tt. is the ime m.w wwit-Med wtwiM $J&&C'&'riS and generally lose your sauiLnl, wiili n. ti, (f to understand. carried by the impulse of the People are away, Tents, Sails, Awnings nsuiiie Hit nwn aieHite aan ga !.'J,r,;i.!.Ji!' "'..''''T' nle eertiAeate with a tarjr tal. Tur !-( moment ami at such time" d thing they would not otherwise -"'"t. and llierr wintld he no Hwl tear anal sat ikaaiia fWaanra. . ff,....! rvmernnvent and Munkkjpal Iund. :i ,-. . to The News think of doing. Yesterday a special despatch Daily Ii.w, but it it tare. Tour best buy today . told of a fun on a bank at Boston. Homebody must have started J. F. MAGUIRE ,ff',- i TJ'TsaTllsarar ee aftafl is i I'll a nnlv iuMlnl )! take eSWI aM ataBim tnt sl aaS) net n. also baa fur tlOO 5v Uoib at that perhaps deliberately. An impression was created that ,t 'a run. Nait the PrW. Rupert H 1 niRhl was i hi Klevenlh AvettHe k panlkd fnr skit ' ara ta ta . Aa llrltlab eiebanite advaneet y i . ,j and would not nil their the bank wa not safe that depositors get Kal. It will be necessary for ,Si3S, 7S About the Aral we reeiuniitended U. K a- tt , i around and the money. At once the news Dies depositor gather ueli a bylaw to enie iH-furr ihe B iarf MyuirMK intnra . m ttM.Tt. For information on bead atarlal t . r demanding their money. The bank pays them as they come hut LAND ACT. a ratepayers for ratification be- rats amaea aaafl i a ana aOeei ta the crowd becomes the still the crowds gather, and the larger XOTICC Of l.TtTlo TO APMY T waaeaa aaaaaat ta a awiawaaa ar mat, aditiil. greater is the fear that the depositors will not get their money. I.KASE l.k'kp. fore beinr finally fatwileaaa aaat )Maeai kaa ta she Pioea THOS. McCLYMOlNT In rtaarr 1. Coast Land (ustrtrl. Rreerd Kltee Witrtrl, eaaifeMMd hj aaaire Ska This js an example of the manner in which crowds are influenced IM Mstrtrl of PrMK apart, aad alias le aniMk) Qi laaas n 'laaetta na the ?t Sometimes it is to who ALDERMAN DRIVEN Marrh. Ill, hira nHrrte M stM M feaa directions. lynch a in manv man TU sjalkt rati I, Claud C Kelrnuia. at SSMl eaTeel. ! has offended them. The matter of right or wrong does not enter I 111 I naert H. r... "-BPStK maatrr o R kMl, , maffanr. attend tn af-eljr far permltalwi FROM HIS HOME BY netilrMMee nt I aaata. in. It is the impulse of the moment that holds sway. is leae Um fciniimine Jpwrtkm lead Cwmiiatm'tt a set planted Msaat tar lex trm 1t at linsii rsa Mr I. iswr UNEMPLOYED VISITS ) Another Evidence of fa rails awrsa. www ts raaisM mi. Mwswi la rtrssa "with. la r rtiilat sktrik i n wsTii. t - ntaTwrr r RUPERT Development at Terrace. mil sad awvUIMaf arm. awi ar Mnin ikuai'iTre tiit Try BAKERY Another evidence of the development of Terrace is the fact TU tasa. UH. VICTOHIA, Auir I Inrrn- l luet i n i manki a aer'r ip ta that a Prince Hupert business man is about In leave here to open idnved men. ainlr aeekinu eilv le hi ail tar aatMrai m AU Ut SIEEI UIO KtSTWCT -MSTMCT or arte at kMHl a. f.Jk.. up in the fruit centre. He sees a groat future for that district. t9 ...I.- U imir un.ru.1-1 ii'i-i IU..ir,i i i aMMieaar at a ataan a at u CAKES AND PA St TRY Or qWAlRt With the clearing of more land and the cultivation of other crops Tak Mim tast I murnd U spplr U lb ileiirTe Sanirsler. chairman of ..?,l.r I& Jlil The Bread Oaly baal atatarkaia a.' tl.....lr.iit, iltnluiimelll Jvill 1 tytn fn.lf r. TV, il$! jfSSrtTKA W t-TJ JSK the Civic unetiijrioymenl relief Wrstssa tataaal. am aaarte k W I I UrJets for be a fruit district, but there are some lands there suitable far er ar lend rae: eiMiuniltee. imi! of Ilia Initne. mm, slTTae rhaM. k that 'Ittstaaranlt, Sleaxesati;, dairyffTg,, and doubtless (he future will jee many farm Qt eon- JftEtZTZiJ? ! tV. Vs. H many T Jolileaa nten nmr to. Ietai t rraatfitr attended la aiderahle extent. imaaio lt aaa raw Tw M.-s x. W. ak the alderman ftr work m , k w riTa i.saw inanra nth aa Hmmm. smi SS ttwkM. kj naa. Satisfies Joatra Omm and C. R HiMn f r1l Thi year there have been a lot of slrawhfrries marketed in kona rMf. el a Hmmm to Ihe ekeninr. ami in fael. al aH Prince Itiipert. They have h.en of exrellent quality, and strawberries .r Uirale m aManasiiit.Miy tllh ltl hours of the day. that he liaa sVVYnVa'IT.'V'm ..'iTir.'. t PUHaiaSI 4ITumlA.- seem destined to become a .staple erop for that district. V W MrnTYRE. UeaWsr. been forretl to esd tls kte al Take antjea taal I tatend fc aearfT tn ttje l. "roa. ttW the City Hall, his elt.b and al rZtXnXZ.XJUZ Providing Conveniences . 1SKFX5 or his .North Kaanieh farm. He ?t J"fJ m For the Fishermen. tritea Imine only lo eal a meal Mataat jStjat a tis7i tT rV t. ats-with Tsk anur iai I HMratd tu srrir to th A few days ago a despatch told of the decision of the Juneau Otirt CMWiUtiiine f LaMta tr his faiiily .w.inally r oLJTaaa a, .' rL i to prurrt fnr Mlurtl rat sa4 rf in send a nlatil tn his mn ,.'rH-.!ff ?!.! city council la erect wharf at that city.fur the use.of thn fishermen. r SIS ar M Isad falhiw, Juneau has about one-third the population of Prince CmMsriw l a paat assail al la house, rrly In the morolnir he aw emviir i Dentistry-"r-iBJ iiDri rmntrr or sreunsi . t. i. " , ti.VCr"ti aT leaves lha premfsejt , . an ataya HuperL Waiwia HUM. MM w. M.- w.. c. ' A year or two ago the Dominion fiovernmenl wo ptMiifr lo nana rtliaaa. wl l rhaim to nnrai wmr rJI day Mkltir after Itte gJ ' put in a wharf for the fishermen and do the work immediately. various chie matters in hi Take mm. asat T taaaaa) . mn a w Loraid Mar tua. tti .him tsar i.ioaaiui,4sse or I aart. r. r Then it was derided that the time was not ripe to go to the 4. W. MHXTTRE. Lorssor. country. The wharf proposal was dropped and the only convenience I irsi. ttfl. It's (telllnn III be a terror." aa reea atkala I--"-- Helgeraon Block, Corner Third Ave, and SiithSt the fishermen have is the II oat built by the Provincial (kCEMA W.1'0 tkWTaicT wstajcT or Ihe alderman aaid. "There are - jrT-" i r - r Dental Nursa tn Attendanca a many men i,ul f wiirk anil pit and asarai Government two years ago. Take wuttrr tIMI I lavlaod ( tct4T to Iht few Jej availalile that K is 'ha an.' saaA M nta. aaat t rkstat ta Oilice Hours, 9 to 12; 1,30 to 5; 7 to J It is not the work of the Provincial Government to provide I hxr rn miiori n r of liait fw a Hru ' wharves. The marine and fisheries are controlled by the Dominion. peoiin rs nararai r im fwtrbieoa ijulte Uteleaa far me to see every l,. J," tted Vati er Sl sares M SmmI at wai: of them. I wouhl f The from the fish the Dominion. the one have f'T ;Jtl'?u revenue goes to The foreshores tenunetMCBS- SI a Bl efaaied al Mulbeatl tmnrr 1 Stfci la. TBl I a. urne jer anyimnir h mmi, ie-' - all belong to the Dominion, except where alienated. In view of Or,turn litaH marked A. W. M.'a E. C. If. . . , , hktrik I.AMI MTli T i.i im y it -I.I this fart, the Dominion should at least have a wharf of some kind tkeas aortb rstalna. ml ta rliatn, I., it a inn yiriaeaMt i iwv . 01 aaa i bjahmittf l M't snath as rfeataa. sl a rhaia to wal af lo refuae them. We tiave r.o. iiox inss Phonafl no SSa'aTWtT.'kS at Prince Hupert which would accommodate the fishermen. Laraleil alst tllh, 1H jubs available now, an I simply ,ta ti ayiil re aataeal awl aeaei.a LARGE FOUR ROOMED Kwl There is nothing in this suggestion which would belittle the A. W. MrlVTTRE. IjaeaUT. work of the railway company in erecting the fine dock for Alaskan k I, "rr. IwM. try to dodk-e the apHieBia XtST 2 T-u 'Zi q ,v For Sale In goexj condititm on Alfred Srsl and ocean shipping. It is a due piece of work, but common SkELIk LkJin MtTBll.T PISTMCT Or ... re ia nolhlnff else lo do. Ap- ETSLirZ lLX 'u I cTtr.s Qk-l 'Hitumi ItlOD parenlly there la an Idea khnwl ianer. taeye smim swb. : JlUU.00: report an effort was made to break the contract after it says soon i.-i ii.. ;iM t,-- -it l u.i. ..m'elialti a, aMta aa enatna. rii ta 'haiiw in was started. This failed, and the dock is built and is to be Taka swtle thai I Inland ta i4 ta iw "" r ' "ei" MM r iwaeeaaem The IM n which the house stands (a cquai ir i :i i hWf CantMSlaaliaaer of IM, far s heenae uork In offee and lhal I. lawated Mat Med, tti completed. We are glad lo give the government every credit for tm eaenrt rar aalaral raa amt petraleaia an ft laniisa lAr.k four 2S ft lota tit or Uad rottsma: chairman of the si see aerea aa reel txmmit- doing the work. They had to provide the money, although they CajMnenrkat at a foal plaatea: at the did not plan the dock and, apparently, were not in ympath with anrtbeatl eonter r aeeuua IS, Tp. la, tee and tha unemployment com- tnfUm t kit. mitwi i i . t r DAVID H. HAYS it COMPAffl Ortaun lataaa. aaa marked A. W M.'t .1. mltee can Klve people Job. Thai. JJa.'n1a i. it's erection. t. C. Ibetm saaiia St rtjaiat. eai tt Taee aatiee vast t. at n ., ia C renCY TINKEK, Mnnagar (ha Mm, nurth tt i-hIM. rut ta roalaa of (a not true. I qua't la course, law rj wiiiaar ..r Land f -i a areata. The big doek does" not, however, help the fishermen. They Flra InsairsaeSSJ Kent Eatal 1 rnr Miami a, am' rti,M,in Ha"3aJtHTl sit down to read the in Jjf 1 1 1. paper? at kmd are still without proper accommodation. Possibly in the near aeeaa as rnwa A. V VrllTTRE. Laesler. ine eveninir at rmme Uboul cajtatpaetat- H s anal Manird at tnt raa future and with an election approaching it may be possible for k. I. fkieiliia. ki-l I WarOwtSt wwnjt aa awimn ia T a havinjr to tee twenty nie ol aa frsa jakaad, and aurkei r I t i k t Pince Hupert to gouge from the government a dock where they kkFX.1k IkID PISTWCT BISTWCT who are loollnir fnr work.- 'Aartjae. a aatMk ta sreat ta may moor, protected from the westerly winds which now and QUE :IUWITTe lLk."l. aaam. aneta aa etjatna. imi sa - - - a "I can nly advise the men past araaNatnarnBana. then blow up the harbor. Take antire laat I Hitid m apply to Ihe FOR THE SUMMER MONTH: cater Csnrniiiiipnnr ar Laada for a HeeDM I r to the lralrle." aM Ibel c'sntkisj.Iaa i We all have to take advantage of election promises. There W pfnefft fae nalaral aaa aad tvtruieun alderman. J2lJL?J seems to be no other way of getting anything. Now that the aver alt seres of land aa 'oHama TuMaiaUj Cma. ftr i:iiafiitfiata al a m pttnun at the IkFCXa .AJin MSTMi T IiI-tm:. r if government through the railway company owns practically all the waiaweal raraee T aeekkin 1. Tp. I a. H viVlN iNkmnrTf ii.4 CtU Otia J rabaia Waad. aitrfed A. W. M 's S. W. C Taka tnttea thai I kaiend lo asm in m Garden Court r tl lal waterfront there should be no difficulty in finding a location. If - w..afc ftA i I ii a A ...I.. Oaktr Otiatalislsair as landa fi a Heeana there is such a difficulty, doubtless the Provincial Government aoata eumni tt nremt.enttoa. si tt rbaiaa u, point of Ten Years Ago an penapaet ray nuntll fa and ael LWt.aikW IWCrntM 'atee tit arret at la tn ta fulkurs: would co-oerute. When the matter was up before they were Laraled May taia, Itll. tn Prirvcn Kupatrt t Pual planted M TaakH WiW, KM W A. W. MrtTTYSr. Lorttar. aanbneat aaenee al II Ta. t U f U arf el asked lo donate waterfront at Shawatlans Passage, beyond Heal k. i. qaeituw. tttej. .Ufahans lataad. anatted A. A. M a W Gove, which they did. The land was reserved for that purpose rneaee. raeaf tnaia ta rkaiu, Set a'i Co kki.Es i.asn DisTajcT nisTiurT or rhalna. tauettj to rtjslai. neai aa 'httaa tu The Prince Rupert Drug but never used. If that site is not suitable some other may yet be QI'LCTt CHkaUlTTE lLASIS. August, 2, 1911. paant ul waTfiaaaraaiiaal. Take mtkre lhal I Intend ta ai4r ta Ih The home and Mrs. ; Laettwl May Hit. ta I ar t of Captain Ira Atccat ec4ired. The Provincial Government allowed the fish buyers to r.hier rntouaataner ar Latvia tar t tieen A. A. kJepMAJI . Ideate. PM0NK m tise their dork so that the fishermen would.nol have to go to Seal over la peouiert( seret tar or natural land tat aa rafka:atvl itrulean II II.nralla I.. Hoberaiut uxMImr wa la.I the nitvtil...nreua I..o 1 1 I A I ieilusi. kaent Mall OnJara Clenn Prompt Attnnllon ffive.... anil itniihMnca Ihv tviutil........ in.nnral b"o"".tra n .. if - iwiiiiu f...n. Cummeaetar at a pal Haaied at the . --i"fl "i siltn t ntSTM' T I.I.TI H1 II MiefawMi rornrr "T sornini T Tp la Mist .vynea Jttmda Anyus be. i oi tts i hiitti ii n neressai. At any rate, this is a good time to again draw attention loraium i,uud ikim um U4iihtn mrnr to the need ,,f nlMlts. Some day we shall get them, but it takes t r'lSi i&'tk MrtrSknV ".a came the bride t Norman Mark- 'olft-nsSSi a lung Urut In gi t anytluiig which is to benefit the men who risk. mama,uSul of tram rMRmenrriueat.sa mia, rait to tntiei to inloali of I lie Newt tHlilnMal: . Mlaff.. ,i arise f'W ae areea' ar aawnesi una s aa.t.iwmt ana aeir. U .af their liv ou Uie IMnng hunks. Luraled Mar , I Ml uey. Mr. James, perinriillHr Ihe1 raatnia-iat tl t ait paaai'H at P.O.DOX327 "DEMERS" n.r.i....... aaailiieeM rvrpee air an"v i. I p. is, A W MrlTYRE. Loealor. . Oeaaaea island, aaaiied t w M s it r I. OitroViii, krai ta) -rhakw. . aaa lhaara awrtk ! aa titfnrl iHEEXk tA!in pistbict- nisTrncT or The Creecents bra! the Quill anub ta ealaa aaat It rhaina m pi.tat ui T.k?"aVi.ri ilaiJkiu.A.iyw lha! vera al the indmrr base ball Located Str 111. Ittl. OUR SALE A W krtlTVar lrslof. Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE A. I. ikareVaa, Iwi l OF HATS. DRESSES, COATS, SUITS, SKW over tin arrea t land aa foVi-a 1 40 to VJ. The lineups were at mrrt I.ASP UtSTMlT KiaThn t or CHILDRKN'S WW t-"' fnlli.u.. I'n..a.ii. .... Hl.lla liiu Ol tESj rHIMJirTt tSI AftH MIDDIES, SMOCKS and MEMBER Or THE B.C. DENTAL CO LLC CI wt faM ul S.rlUKl It. To a. uraraanir" " - "' -- Takt ajnllre taal I ltital I a..i hi S '""ef""' W "I reen. Hogera. Ilnbb nir and Ilatr. 'riner Caestaiiaaar ar I anaa r t urenae ...111 iwutllniia frw a fU rlaVS mOfti DENTIST arin -a iijt. ana marseti n. . u.a .i. w. i - in aaataunl win i.uiiiiiiui. iw y , I... i Ihii.-. Mth is ihina. eaal tt rhaina. gelt. Quill Drivers H 1 1 ia n. ! trrrZ ef Kail Phone 575 Smith Block Kr"":.'.': Vanre. Johnson. Ilaker. hav. oiHami II I net aaaated a- ihe anrtfe-r Our prices on tlicse gooas ore unHue,,u. sar aw-Hti Baa a a iuwiai aaaw aw I at I (if laetjoa t. of Vfir High KTada dental work at tba lowest prices. or hail Seeiton'or seruns)tt. Tn It. Tp t. tad ttrtiUi Baifiley. Tiibey and Hennlna. Nelson i.iaIS Baarkaal A W. Tp N ,in.aj 'iranaat V r . and It will pay you to take ndvantage 1 can glva the beet of refetenra. Lwated Ma v ftnd. uti. Dunn anrf Ue. Rhea w,r. Ih. I Kart .saltt eaalaa.rbaiaa Wtai ui an paiai rhaina,nt 5 jrtara in active aartice. n. s ri.AhkE. Lnrkior. urnplrts. rwTiHieaniawnL A. I. Onedtm. Aal. Laetted May tltk. I It I 01,'lci Bcurj-I I2j I I ltd M. Ipt EiMlrj tkltlk I.AKD marfui.T- distsict or a a t vitrei AMLOTTC ISLAM t)S. W. fl. Harbeek, official movinff NOT--.af !a?ffiJ8Sra man for h- Canadian tkttVIk THEO COLLART, LTD. ila pniapeii for aatursl tat tad peo-sirsai. I'aclfle Hallway, arrived in town V pi.-, itniai.iii'f and miII , Take imttre taal lal a aaa a. u. -.a. satl . . . . . . . . v r mrrvm u, inn laapiwai i CnWf of laa for Cstataljslidter a II nw "tUX niuaieavinr al a pnal Wasted on the i"u; lata piciurra in me . lanaa Raoet, AUCTION SALES Conducted Vf propravcv rnr iaaiairi r ami imi A HEAL BARGAIN Ut ta4 fits aiiaai wrai Una of TZt'hJt- a dpi Sf.-Sotth' und'r wnlwel tr Ihe 61 er tit utea af land aa fulln. 8eUon S. a.lOO.OO, 6n.M tata, saltan aa v if tl t rxi'l plaiilxl s the -(J Before disposing ol your effects, it will be to itenre oaeia h efcaUM. tall It (halht. irana iruak raaine itaiiwar aawsasaai n.rner nr arrit'W in Ta t FINE INSURANCE -Tkt innat libaral Mariaa Itis. ) anatta It rnaii.a nrat It rtaaina ta nainl 9asVTittiid, and SMrkrd if. i I asr' Coast aalrot fjultkly paid. Tha faturaata Ceia. t fl faxaiiienreinnM, tad InehtdWr lha anrtt nrth k" rham. your Interest to consult us. Phone Red 157 tlt af Ssctloa It, Tp. I, sad Ihe seats raaSTaV SSm au i iiiiiii, ! a saat ta a merie a. ualf f twtiua a Tp. t. Oranam lalaad. iiineii' 1'Iii.miI : rr: 823 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. battled May runt. Mil. There mar b aomttbinv you 9 n St.- ata LL.-. iL.1 TV I.- lattll e.-, n. I. lunii, aiarsaar. as. a, I. Gtrdun, Airat. vanl. Est the classified column J. durdua, A a