PAOE 1 THE DAILY .fEWS BRINGING UP FATHER George McMa . o j oaves 7Amm Tito I I ' ' wait in for tUo always ready for your every t neea rv, nigra f " ' ' Office m lmhul ur' 1Mb rLMu ii Space 24 feet by SS feet 1 Oive prie to mtr Pfaf Ifmt mi jtffMwHjr Ofiwfr Daily News Classified Ads. Cottonwood All over the) Kmpire, on ee ami mm laKt; Particularly suitable for 5 Professional Man Tltere, it waTrm (hf nirge it' rryinfr: 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Atrll-m-nt Takam for Laa town BO "For boner, for fcltfr? awl fro whim I stand. For Rent 1 rail rn fou all -wish ymt Mrtwtrth defend me WAKTtD. FOR RENT Panelling . A w in the fntare a ywi've done in tfce pt-lf FOR SALE SCHOUL-ilRI emitce tor fewj . t ..MMIKt 't ill Pi RrAT fail lie to eTii wrrty will end me. Mi Upstairs in our Building you, yVMi ' aiwhta every wr.k look after rt l. .u ft.... Ph.m, Hcd at , ..,.. And without me you'll perish together we'll laL fwu Mile by 7 Me-' utt ,(4, ' " " 9m n dwarrel when alUd MaevJte If f MITMKAT in Mart tpprtwients, ?SuT 1 Agents for Forget jour political on. Aparty-nt. Ml i i to It F. W. Mrt. t I Nerwecjlan A.wcrican Line Put aside petty (fnarrel of interior strife; WA.VTKII fiod hmnwikpeiwr to for lar th. Swedish American Line Yon are whelp of the lion when aH' aid and nWn tin. take ere .f rnir. Apply at MUSIC. Mr, 4 Sir Me mtofB MtatsM An.t Scandinavian American i trenrtfi in for the Km Iff era's life E?J&tt' Line. There your umtj pi re FOR TOUH JtlOtT HASi'.K or so, ? iwm wl' 5tfi Make nfy mexMgf a motto your homestead to hns-hten, Iia) wanted hy tea4eiMn; r evenl. Pryre-. Op-tn.Itate STZ sTUS FIRE-INSURANCE lH not your nunmme it wisdom efface, prKwte houite aeeferred. Una OrrMalra. Phone Me fM. If Me. lint endeavor to live it when ywi die let them write on ill lh Ne OnVe. t"9 HAIRDRCSSINQ. fMf,T M'""Wi7 1 Your epitaph 'Here lies a son of our rse. Ihree nnfur- Jr1 jlptrt M0SJRAMai vttttfetVsT1 b Our . Dybliavn & Hanson WAXTRI Two or r.ADIKR NAIRIMMMINil. Mar. ri'?ltJLw?HLiii' IVAN SPAUHOW. ntrHl roooM. Apply Hot it E. H. SlioUle? Insurance Agents. Third eei we vina, snsjnpooswr. !"Miire- m . nwa Hail .Vtw 179 mfiee. Avenue. piinre Rupert lHiraa. William WiIm.ii insr. Ralr Iyeln. Realp treauj Plsr: -j 'x aaawl a aiaeialtr. Tmimm I enare aaeari a ' . PARKING BYLAW WI AMmiH who will reeive ro" sue awdi1 'I Pnea lt;t.t, tt awd wl f..r o-atlesnen - 11 ?.S4rft eweh and Jirim Watt. or antt .aesaatar. Piaat. it ClHilCM etle InaaforwtatioaM for i,. iweiaVwilal U4 for wIm. wMI $ Twe wH rf- IS BROUGHT IN hy wwnwr. fliaw are twvtted Switaha aiade up trawn bMltos Accident and 'ininsr St.M wfM he cranlrdi fnr tm rawi n Satnrday wtten the Houtntf for Me . M aad SO, Mnrk I. REX HAHMHR i Mr u KHOP US (Msth Mtrwai. a- f aw nnr? nnn vvt Kmmimhhw meet with tlie ireat' Mwffcaw S. adiaeewl to reeSdewee Pruea,ffftfL l at s Sickness Proposed Regulations for Traffic War Vi iT'(i AnelatlaMri rtim-wit(. f Mr. Fred Work. Heal view napen. 11. u. rwne jHHe. n t UIIIUIU.U.J L . property in thi eeetion. atao II s iieis On City Streets Introduced. Seeor.j stmt Insurance lot IS. Mmk SI. eeetiow ?: alo FURNITURE RIPAIRS. Wtmn i . fcr ale. ael 19 aeves of H The City Parkins to tae4. isti tit s r r rv i ret You are not immune from waterfront hind on Soil!a I eland, fOXT WIN yoor Furniture for up Tor it lull ml radinr;,ESEQUE0F Accident or Siekne either n--!uK i-f the e-ounril fweHsit raitwav alatiow al want of proper repair. Pottak-iaw. aotict. YrftLixflr at home or (ravelling. A 8ieeye aod lsMasr lUiaweyy Oatine and Shippiaa. 8. atxl aflt-r loiia; di-u-M n. in) TSS toTtCt HOI Policy in one of our siren? which krxrral rritirMMS wrel ACCIDENT With 4ally trwlsi eervtre will H. Renowns late HudasNi'a I lay ans -t as that m. Corn pa nf eg will properly made ad the etty fatbrtw wraav iwrewie hi value rapidly. .-. SS" Third Avewisa. Phone SJJ, s maa aw wattw ignji af asjaay-j Mat, provide for you and your Will esefcana-e fir eMy property Mark l&. tf vien aBw? mr inrj mi wmni - - - i nr iSaSSSaf toT3lSttaS 9aal 1 or eeH all or part. What Pricei family during anv disability. to certain iot. Works! jret ar-und Aid. Prry Asks Board of Our Policy will interact offer? . Aatv was of P. ft noTict nsttn erws , wa. r '"1 , Consrdsr ProUetlon lh I Huprrt. if! Ws sesa est r MwJ ranj;- 3 you. t w l it i r - - a. feoHMilttee of IBe wwote aea " "I w ps mf fiaiBwri s wnxives. asasov s oaaaiaa. 1 leave U. .it aain. , "Brou. r.s. ran m i.rt tt cneket- Hrwach. thsIM the easnps re-opeu. 12 Prince Rupert file trylaw hae heeaj prepared hs fleet ete aawaJHIoo. Inirth offlaw hours will he front LtNII ACT. I c la vtrw f la,. ratamMy at ike on reromwieiMiation or I be l-1 , I? fwt. 30 1 1.P. Uai.Ki eaatfte 7 to t p.m. ftMM on the i Insurance Chi-f and lh t:hif of PIW (irn lowaaye If ton. Apply July CowvwtWn srm siltms IMS s( lataallM Is Sssll M Lhm t4,r cm i..ori. a ass-1 nssy sssas ftlfCWth HI reps and provide focv. rejrulation of am Hwoday esewlwg to Charley M. MHlralh. Mtka. reedy. J. Harrow. H reach n l etaw tksero. se oiseSV ei set tints- iwbleh rcMwtted en the dwth of m i riai i tseai Ltd. traffic oh all rity Ireele epoe Alaka. tf teeretary. Mclntyre Rtook. TsS os two i. seware rnaaai Agencies, ially in rea-ard l car parkmir. little lMttldy ItiMMi. AM. Perry, al I. Pwowe Set tf. e rywer Msae. .ioW s ssnswa j P.O. Drawer 1632. Phone 130 It rules thai on Thin Avnue lat niairta emsMN mreiK. FOH S.I.F Gorwaia typewriter in fr Sim saw . Tay waas i Second Avenue fe- pointed out ihwl there had beea rood eoMftthaa. weisrh only LOST ' aaa a ins et ei sSsasea w Nsst P.O. Osi 120 on Miiti street iietwaea I reaw S Bust at ood Avenue awl Third Avenue l1' ,",a ' a aiantfcsr natwre etgbl piufwl ad fold hs LOHr -luhrer and Ptatmnm Her W- rsearr tf w saw af Wst i Its. aw sin 110 enuoren ai twe eame aaa. Prien tt. nee rasss a sr aw m shsis ews Pin os) Fourth Avenue Kaet i svi mw-ww ewi Your and Ninth Avenue, for. a ditane. Si """ lm1,"" ."W"-'H. FOR SALE OK Newspapars; Ms or MeHrtaV atreei. Finder e s aM SSW r IWs sasM cSSMW nms wsaw t s awebi W a a a a t : ' 'I aw rrwaj aaraw a r I IBBBHra I B1SM or two ween 01 ine jijotihih i . - bundle for 25e. News Ofltee. Bed SI). Reward ttw sm wet s ' e aw mi el awe inrsww r Protec ! ''r eeiio 01 iwe pan- Gar with Uoaaos Avenue, c.r. Hare Mh WW BUS vsSrr I -.-r-m - lie at wrk pldeee I iht were i.ncruavftvivn .n,l f -,iu Tli C0R3CTS allowed U for time nt be park a oanv ion ws st fsreediitK tew minute, (hi ail Iber piarea in the eity streets lorinir. Asia Trading On. If saws sat c r tneu Mm ments that were dMiterous. e Me-llride nriRsirrs lo nrdor. Mrs. other eity streets, with the wi esse s ISSI. Street last year an extra BOATS FOR HlflE. rHreotor none IHue M3. If "ircpfieo of certain utreete t Moths noted, ear will nl be allowed t auard rail had born put on. Aid. PRINCE RUPWrr DOAT lioLSE. SEWINQ. sretT to. The .1 fpm Perry thai the Hoard of nw-ved " iiark for irn-w than lliiiiy luin. Govern 1 1 icnt Wharf. launches, " .! to tSr Oassi Usw SHstr. . d 1 1,- The etreel where Work take the nwlter up. flKFRAl. Kewlnir - l I HI n ,WkWaJraii' WaWffafl OT Pl1asS M ut". earn .t.s Ml rtmbodls, eanoew for aa Ijkaiss Lsis Aid. rtihwrside. in seeondiaff seows, may park twoVfiuiUly are a ' Avenue. Phone 3? f I Tsks suus ffisl rTrSwuS PiM- Hl f' Sri I . hire. "Parbewa fur Don't hope that moths will not the motion, pointed out a sootier Launch follows: The outh wiih1 of Sht. towtflK. and freiatd. AUTOmOOILES. mm, lauswi a ssefv re -.Me. I.- ruin your garmoids this saaeun. daairer at the eorner ef Seeend passengers pareassp is rsssuwfSf or Siath and end Avenue between Avenue awl Secnwd Street. Th For harbor trips, ajre eae of HLPKftT Motor Co., dealers- j n sarsse l s p"i l4 si aw is th-i but Make Sure. the East tfide . I it nwa sast Heventb Htreet; set a" -s k. a ..a I awaapaaaa resolution was pa sed uaaniai-ously. our twenty-two foo gasoline nw ws 1 vn- sSmiI s rssiss to .hr lasers . Dry- Cleaning will positively of Kisth iHrwfit between Third launches rua the engine yowr-self asobile ressair Tires arc- ;wessr? shoe stxl svsia ? P rrhs dentroy any eggs ao 0ny and Avenue and Fraer Slret; Fifth Aid. Frisselt felt that it was Our boata are safe and ortee sad I'ord pari .I way' al smI Irr"oiuisinr i rvss -n tf i-( I aturr russsssasW's? less. IS in. c h bard to detest which niotha have Htreet between s-eond Street and between Itiird little use puUhxr up eslra raM. rwliable. Phone Re.I Ml. If in stock. tswlies ' Isly IIS. Mil i u m i ivi i vn pri Avenues; fifth Ik n built for all ii!'i" l-et, deposited. Children would oavly clioth over Third Avenue and Fraer Hire; iaUNCII Narfcethws.' Phone . L-t we us vive you a p' o-e n your these awl the result mis lit tie . Uef ore you paak away your the e able of Third street tto. Itlaek 4K). tf. body. Ti ytor A Moore-boose. ftll nel At the iartleular oar heavy winter xanneHts, let Ha Iryuweea Second and Third Avenue; even wore. Comer Third and Ninth place where this lat aeeidenl FOR SALT LAKES. Clean them fiJr the we4 aide of Second Street you. Avenue. if oeeurreil, the dueks swimiuinK t B m I I .1 between Seeuttd asai Third Ave. FOR SALT LAKKS Launch "S.r- LnniHi I J 1 1 in i be nd leknr had proved I I CI II 1 iflll Canadian Steam nues; the Xorth side of Second II IllllU w Laundry - an all rati ion u cnuuren. S2af 'v'.lLOST Avenue between l ell ride and 29 POUNDS IIM.ISS am Ut I al Ihia sw thai the LIMITED Aid. Kerr ie4Hied nut .isn 4urut Ilh iti r.,f Hi. r i n,c Phons S. Sixth KtrreU. regulation raits were alrna'dy Wednesdays and SaturCiya. rr,n - .rrnrtv r M if m It.. .SI Ov Chsvrc st D1 SUlh Avenue VVM Prince Rupert Fire Protection. in. Aid. MeNetll was also of I lie. every hour from IS Lo H p. m. s si IM(I I-isimJ frin.i Hlil .-.w.nunaf lit V'o vehicles will he all) wed eO ttnrre SaUee (n' ssd M -olisi view that rails would Two boats oh Sundays, leaving mare prove im o nr oatesniow uik Wturf. .si to stand within 25 feet of a fire T- of little use. boatboose every 20 minutes. (US isimml rewws suMwri narsMrr hydrant or alarm box or within was ine cause- i fniojss Cnsin ssd iMarrtak I- " feet of the street At Seal Cove, I'hone Red 391. Prjne Rupert MSH silr. enssr SseeH r 1 ill corners or Itoatbouie. . II Tns bis1sl sr ssr IsHur s4 nr..i.ii a EDSflH COAL CO. public buiidiaa or enierUiaiaeat Aid. Perry also drew attention lt mwn i ns ul ise oaral lorsss esrspwe I. r. rwanr. wv aW bTsa aessa. ujr in a a a houses. On the approach of fire to the unsafe eonditioH of the SUMMER RESORTS. or mrwm rwsww. mm wilt sas . IMswfet Csfisver for Uie best equipment alt vehicles win he walk ou Imnianuel Klreel lead assr Smiii ss asiraly aaswoaaws'aSttnri Essays MHer. N stswl s nswliltaal nwsrwsem as rum wsrit. iasss, FISHING- IIOATI.Ntt required to eotne to a stand in from Hlxth Avenue tu the! liATHINO.;tf !T4jr IWW SSUISIS Vlrlarl. S. i.. Alberta Coal a.utM.i. ...i ..u. liHlMedialely on the rig hi hand Seal Cove Behixil. The mayor " ' w'vv : Mre ismseiwe raisa. custodian's sals or skisa eaoeterv. teurh of the street until all such stated that this would he repair "fp holntaya at Ukelse Maip.j T, m tmi,nl ""s. 'aa ' aaiMawa aa sasai 1 1 aaa n j an in Butter Phone 58 Ssr mis ay ows-r is iSwss eassva. saw equipment has passed, tireless. ed as soon as the lumber was "O" n. icrritcc. h stuwi sniieiav raUsHfci ruu rssissawsl WW. sw aswlsa to lae ' Uf - i... !heedleiji or reckless drivers shall available. j i Lart,rt mm- ISsI srs.. kl mkj lv tns tf rrtors iwywrl. s mm tf Um Ms aw HIUTbLLt rHUH n rtlswaiat H. Ss sesraewl rnsw Uw wsWrMiacd sr Inss rmt. Prince Rupert Feed Co. ihe proculed. The bylaw shall Speaking of (he eondiifen of Hsrs Mr M M.lUi wiiifiSo wa ar Messrs. PstsS H. HAS THE FLAVO Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. loot apply to fire or poliee de-lartiiieiit the streets la the vieiuily ef Saul HICYCLK8. RP.PAIRH. PARTS DR. FOWLER'S TrwSrn m If tovitsat Car Ik rsese af HAVE vehicles, aiubulanees or, the eity en-iHeer auK-gesied AND TIRKS. The "PHRFKCT", Sjr al las ala toll sMIWr M rsS i.r ian YO'I EXTRACT OK I'raaa ra tspttsrs is lw aa. (as seul WeANl i hearses. tUat the eitiieue in thai Axeney. 117 5th Avenue K. ALWAYS ! l!1" SIiImmI sr Ornlrr ast sess WILD STRAWBERRY ssy seethm uf town petition the Phone Mine 3,17. If council fwr new streets under Sr. i M, UrVsea. Hint, ssk- Prtoe Itetwrl. B " . ISO fIS MEN RETURNED GET ur sr Jsty. issi. TORK'S the local Improvement plan. A TUITION. ariies -Mstft eitwi sn ss I ass rmi'H a moitroi. CJ GRANTS FOR HOMES pian hrouirht forth was for ilia a sever ailssS tfevasiosrr I m sooriKirs rur As&a P Rums & s SELL II. AI'IIIII V PRYCII Prwfeaaor and sot Sne IWm awsss. -I assa i.i a CaWfOSMS tf hulidiiiK of a street on Jeffery Teacher of Violin ami Piano. A 4sst I tusk sew see 111 i s..i u C4MST MWSafiT. HUP t IMSTMl.1 I..1MITI-' TOVES. Street from Highlit Avenue to si'eese. i awes i irte n-r, asxiiraw Of 925,000 For This City $16,000 Fifth Avenue, thense to Seat limited number af pupils as-ceptcd. sw ttw aawtetf aui sm i.i sm rautf T.r irtrirr. uui i. omHss rarer. Now Allotted. phone Hlu tf Slit I asad fr r'lak-r'. I ttrsrt tf tOOWS Is tteljr far s MBS ars la snisprri s (iove and sklrtliifc the reserve ' Jll1lll '" WW") SsssaSerry, aoi IwOO tf ll.UanaW - around Seven III Avenue to Im-insnual MIRRORS I hwak Mow wewae ss n i, i iSDiiiaosr si s wsj ptaaisg suaii I Fred Stork's Hardware Iians uul of the recent grant 8ret. I.alrr Seventh MIRRORS AND RKSIl.VKRINf; Hurl ht tWssrlsry l. trwp alSS .aJ al.aal Ana auMia aat a IUU a..1 MJ. of tii.MWi under lite Soldiere' Avenue ung-hi he etlended to OLA H ft OF ALL KINDS i4l assat S S S"ll 'I- i. i kwa s .ia tf i M.f NOar; ISswe aerUi SS rais Second Avenue Houias SefarHoe will be toads f.v lu- Mill ,l .1 ' lhrar a at fSStas. IMeaxs aaallh sn ii ifiont hlixk. wat' HLOOMFIHLD, 4 1? th Ave F..I rhsin- iNses sf eaaMM to estat r PHONE 111 ACK 14 the city to J lUaiJ. n. i. I'hanes ulna 33 1; roalib n. , Mllltlir 1 1'"' '" se tMm srrra, a I LE Es ert Davie AIIart fsraitgs, Janies- Advertise in the Dally News flreen 107. tf.OM, rJttvfwZt, ii, I UUKLfcS rUMUV. Ar-plWIBI