AUG For Prompt AP139 TAXI Service 99 PRINCE RUPERT Phone i Block llmotttlnri and 7 Pautntftr Uelgerion Northern And Central British Columbia's Newspaper Touring Car I'lllNCK lUJl'KilT. II. (i. Tt K Y At'fil'ST 2. 1021. TMir4ir't eiftoictiM iMo. o ats. PRH'K HYP HKNTH ussian Soviet Money Was Stolen a i u is n n n 'H in ui i a v i ira'c 't it'b' ntii n rait e m t - k e m a ui i ibii i r if nmi 'iti'i' n a rm in m m m in n. rw m, mm rak. vn. iiii ii im n as k is ii n n i ra i-t v r n am - nn a va r am ra t.Km ,r, u i .11,1 .i v r.a iii or.A . mi m r . m -I 1 a M W! ST PACinC CONFERENCE UNITED J TATES Skipper of Fishing Boat arged with Mealing Much Money i DROPPEO Itf BRITAIN WILL RELIEVE Diamond T. Misdng Since Wil Take Part In Wathln.ton Fund Soviet New from Russian at Confrene Suggested,aa Originally RUSSIA FAMINE Last Friday at Midnight York; Said Be Financial Acrobat fiNIM'.. Aug. t. 'T-at HrM. - - The rilt ilre are earrhing fnr a INherman named Hmer ntm ha deopawnl the .rM,aa to o)f.l 0t Thl Doo a. j,, kipr of (he IkmI Diamond T., who has been mming bold a prrltnsiisary r nrrrnr m Hrt Snvo!v Chang Re- .,' ';. far qwalft and he atrrfeaj latlon with SsvleL mtf- night Already mol of the city has been ecourea, NT iv YOnK. Auautl IV -Jacque Robert Qlbrario. 32 year t Ink art In tl VVaoMnKt . lMt wrthHwl avail. Several queries have been received from e, ii uu Mn uiIia AnlMtt tpvalva rnpnnril r 1 n n I.. wn nil w , CONSULATE CLOSES runfioiiw a Hrlainallf mm. W Nfl5li;TiN. Avw. i. rt. Kelrhikan, awrne of these Hgetlng foul play, but th local police . ii.l -ntir tndav rharaart with nnnH larceny of - DURINO AFTERNOON irralMl fey rrvdent HaedttiK, ar. " n7 " Amr1'':" drvredll Ihn theory. This morning (he missing man's wife and oca. a fund belonging to the Russian Soviet Government. FOR ELKS' FLAQ DAY i urd'Ha l H iHrn nul in of. rioi-rf lt Laitlrd Malm II. It. Tlwmpson, owner of the Uramond T., arrived from the ftVial cireWni. rrfw.r-rui l gepj4 a imlliii ...l...t flAM. AlaLH tin town. . i d n ajaJf d -llrra montMy I Tha roan wat arretted on or m mm m I an note I went,a I f mm- In vow nf I Ik- tifiK ltm. i H:- ikt faaHiitr in Raaai. As far as the polite know the missing man was last seen al Iiimi f Mayor Hiwnealer FIRE DESTROYS PLANT I"W i-ovr-nwi nl ananiiir 'h-t 1:15 hi- at aria n a nil ; mi Friday at?at vtiien - ti..- Vnrk World aava Qlbrario I lUDOOted to nave taken . derbvriiia Wednesday OF CWNINGfCpNCERNS IMa jrlun dura nM irv"lve sid vi kr- t. ine klper .f rnnr IUT 1T7 1T I afternoon n legal half-boiblajr -nilLift if Ibr K iri .r a Itee f.-Mni bit Ulnn. tv iiehHlK.4. I i W A 1 .1 . th Soviet tuna imounil aggregating )gw,uw, ana trvgiu aer-asMl of Ibe h rrf ilknia with a aa l i a.uu nj'' in Mtiaala. w ilc-n Iravisa I r Krlrlitkan. - u I... auMkillra unnxlliui.... - nllkil KlkV Baa and aVId stay im a -ctic ui iiiiiivihi iv.ww-.. .wMH. - " Dominion and Weatarn Canner nformatinti to this effe r-aHi-"d history of butlne wliardry." lh Aasertraa IWnteatale and Shepherd Fruit product FISH ARRIVALS the erty IliU martiln? from STREET TODAY wMI t eac durta lb Nh aorth. I'rir In thU Limited Con. CHARGED POWER SUPPLY i Par Use ewrv" r-leria KHUlWXA. A MR. X. A big Ire Ab-MJt 75.009 rcitri'' HtlllHit wa TeBrh Offie.In the whero Itflvernmrnt h- was,1 New Yc.-k Stock Etchang Do- aenl eteacmg iMi Wa Markat d at, Eiehmg , lowkieir fnr a and alei layed Optnin? Three Hour M-atrwjrl I b- rs.nhste will I aaa of Hjsm NKn lae T . at tbe waleefrtvat where he was Account of Fire. wen 7 tJ:S m itu Hi'Mir.v sifxI-Uye l frirn. Hr Vrtera MN-lmed Cmmmrr n4 events M - ii 1 new tiaswaV of haai-. -aid ! have bn aee-mtnanied! NKW YnK. Ana- 2. The Pmit Pr.Mrta UinN.l Ikmi .ui 4- t4 al f-'lah V.x-'"tirnae j'-v a nesa-htmr. Riwald Portan.eprnina t the New York Stock . b.. . !a vki. Fulo Comoanv futwnlla la Cltv sntuuniiaa im all i l Vl.a)0. ltia nine. Tin- . a U. a fisherman. ilhxehanjre was postponed for A. m I I I ft J L I h ninji vn IW- ntMfcMt- -f tb- ra- . . w'th r? nn i uee. P.-M l Cleared From Customs. fliiree mouth this morninc on ac-JaritaH 0. 1. Cameron. I Laid Over. niim H l-'irisra the 'lt Allko Vulurin Bata W,ui arrived' hr vn llie.e-al f a fire wliirh dealroyed RUSH TO GIRDWOOD newsra wi au warkei. I MVgMiialMHie fnr er auprly see ddn' ia-.i r Si- j liamd T. at 5:30 on Friday, the north wall nf Hie anuncia n Jan fr-ni lHMer- ,u ii. irulM iu..M,i i.-ln aud DISTRICT NOW ON The faHa'inK pMele- IttjllM.Uiel ll 1..wm.A .U.I fM,n ll.a tary n the rwr f the market. umri trrrw ia(P Mr fam atfaw tW-M a niinnii iot5 t- HWf'l'l tf nWJWiV...,,.-, V S:I5 but the b.wt Clouds of emnle wenf Inln I he i r rreMeai IW WN-Htatf sf ilva I'.ily ilnrrt utv ir f reeii us at V and le. ,m - pm and i slill in prl..niain ezrhanae al 1 1 30 o'clock. Prospector Bring Out Sample of r.n. rliarirM lal aiaW. Imt to tk al-fira rNrna. fiii: j-wrniiiar, Ukn mm hefMre mlrfnlirtil in i a etaaiitry-.. (tf T. .. Ifciivan. auperia-rt-naVal Fabwlow Richn to SUSPICIOUS traao i-n.i. liMd and nay KrWay he had aieled thai be Anchorage. , W . 1350 itiHinda. Ihe Hynraee. ENRICO CARUSO ii,.-h Wwt 0afO t uiiltt. Km- maiur w, ; repartaa- ! leave I hen. latd I low im.uikI- red aliM.i. and I j,r,ua is a man ef S feet. I r'iniH. aa iisvr. AN-JMMU.K Ma.ka m. i Uueen. Mi H.Un.l red aalM.w.1 neK-s in h4hl. He w.ifli-d 'lle In W. K. Tti- npnpaay. al tli- rtt-i f li iiipninrn sm ma fenin ttif WanU Aid iU-t Fear to p..Id I., tbe Laaadian Hsb aaU, m H.4MM. and was clean shaven SINGS NO MORE Ikt ouiwrUa nn ralm ailli . ai.A- ii iu a iMir lfftre . im w waaw MWV F VBPPW Ta ft Pcy of Po-I ,IUW Stiia' He wre a Mark fedstra hal and tinn "", -"'" m.4 Ml brina pama4e. of Heal Influence. dressed In a khaki shirt and - IVnea. fc, ItK- ii la tmurf "f ...Uoo, n.y fM,tt,. rtrt,r.. M rali t,, FUNERAL OF REUBEN Mark Irausres. Portan was Wonderful Tenoe Passed Away party tanmate (bat M ia aarv-eable ' anund-l man al 1t )pA bowania i n.m hi in fuH RIO A, Aug. a. While dreJ in dark elolbea. , Today Following an Opera-M in enteig a e.ntrmt a Uk Uk t-vHH fnr tbo awpady f a mavlpxniw ,wing Rt'te'a apptal for foreign EDGAR HELD TODAY. lno Mn'a Clothes Uon Sunday. iliW. ir. (. .n.and .4 ie hr.-fs-r ? a'd tf tlarvlng people, the Sb'trtly aftermm tlay Art ins, ' Tli- t TtVCU IU eiecctlv commltlM of the The funeral of I'i.- Ule Reibei. Chief of Police Hailey repHled XAI'LW. August 2. Knf ico lr .r-rjMis.rr. lb- niisiniuin JLHUUiltlX irilVLll 111 ai J.30 this 1 he had been workint Caruso, world-famous tenor, died '"rM p,"r charae imp! lo la ba IBMIB) 5MV Third Inttrnat'onale today Kda-ar t.-ik plar. ttistl perwm- 1W per imwIn. la Up lpeB4MM. !- CUSTODY OFF COAST snt from Motoow by wireless afternM4) II. I,ally no Ihe case and had disoov- today flliwina- an :"MIIin ou an a"! to th wor'd taker's. Parlor H.-v. I ke .re J rIc that u' before disaper. Sumlay. Heart weakness de. and Juae I. I:'J. Ivtr.ii nra t" have i'-e OF UNITED STATES proletariat, charging that Hiirker rfiriatiiia Interment iUg Jordan purchased a new veloped. nereilatlnt( an injec. la fnnm.-d w"n th Government of England jwp made la l airview rruietery. 'salt of elnlbes and left hi lbn f ramplior ev err two bourse mill in H-raloaj. tbe BUT IS t-niteiir ulpbitr aaka tbal lb UMal Henry Marshall Htd Carqo of and America dtatre In -chanfo I There were ftK-eJ tributeo ..t nHee al a Chinese plaee in J tie sineer had a relape a week rbarav am ou-rmlyla.ntxi yr year Liquor and Fie Brit'ah for a pi tee of bread !fr..m Mi rT. -are... Mr and tnvkn. Tbee rlothes were WeK- ms fr..m vhieh he failed to re-'.Mrs. Fin?. ! an opoortunitv to organlie Ii. Piil Mr ud Vrs. t.firU By Mrs. Jitdaii as beta? cover. iBal lianimg rua remaia PLENTIFUL" counter revolution on Rue-flan a K (iray. M. and Mrs. H. J.ithat of br huband'e. rbrrd n in ami- aa Lumber V. Tbe NBW YtlllK. Auv 1 The oll. Iineoii i.n.l lllo friends. It i. ihe opinion of Sergeant MANY VII I 7Ti WUPM I'laint Unpen """ ' eebiayaar Heary Marahall. rarry- . Itertey Ui.l Jordan is elill t Ibe aaka tbal ettra -I Undtd Hr In Jul rofttpeay Fa'r laal the rMy may aay! be iae a an ran of Ipaaor. w. taken nly and will yel iun. up. j POST OFFICE FALLS mauatait i f ftfut Found. available) fur Um uar of the nmi. XZ Jf. Meeting Called at Vancouver RESULT EARTHQUAKE paay. i Hi tbe nwaia iT I be aewr MUSE'S PILE DRIYER e and brooabi Ii. -- Kbe w.i ,77 nan auniart lur Prince ttte prrarat Muwerl auatrael I.uatbor ftyin a Hrtliph flit- ul had un to Discuss Unemployment and GONE TO KINCOUTH Mn.MK. Aug F.iftht bodies 4- hr-.unlit paper taetiral inir Millih regu-' iM-t-n recovered fnun tbo 'I. iiH-tilb "f aa . e ia.a ranerllt-d. . :i at try Means of Finding Winter Vork -um-. and more are said to have .nul roninany 11 uetweau m awwuin ir Local Contractor Ha Job of lop! ibeir lives as a result of an teller llb IbU new frotiueetion nulldlnn Klncollth and Alice "i I hi i.i il 1 rarlhouake ier.- whirh caused lha - .ui ti.iilli-t I" ' UlilHIee eoinniiaabiB n ALASKA CANNERY AT Arm Wharvea. haa. 'lioB of A I.I. Wrry and Aid. VICTOIUA. AugtM 2 In a bobl attempt to ward off uhcbi- Htonice at Hari to collapse. aii-l KENAI WAS BURNED Tbe driver belnnaiaa lo vtithdiavtu winter. ll4ray-lie.icul pile ..'i..up iHiy. r. Kelly. IjiU-r Ibis v.p u4ovmMl snsi IhrealeHmg Ht w- Mu-e. (be local eontrael.H-. n ihrr vap i and aller the nwelMt Ibe rmiiinl Karri saat out a anil to II fly great emplover f UIkw ill the CHURCH SOCIAL i. nHtPitlrmi lite letter IH roiiiiint-' Llbby, Mcltelll A Llbby Company'a ..f the c4ti was taken out 01 iwe nanx-r MVvUWI ml alw. lit liiaiirial men and the mavr (n, HHtrning , ,w 4lf Uaatain " '- tee, um ilertdina to leave il until Cannery Totally wa- al im Dtroyd Younn Psool of First Baptist ii irlhiug ean to noat tbe gweraHKnt iu eoiiferenre un-l er ltsbWnvlois tair. Kwinilaa. Tlir liialiMt the puM-rinleudeiit was in al and 1ZS men Out. Church Have Enjoyabl y ii ii.-iiin tend!" not 1st started in the' Way of busines- ami im.1u-Ii The H- N-und for Kineo4Hh where work Tim. i-- l.pb The' ' - " JI XHAt'. Aua J. Ihe l.ibbv. teraasca wUI be nekl U, Van.ouver on AnguM I" I """C ) t ., nr.. iM TFNnFRS FOR METERS McNeill k I.kVby rannery at Keaai li. the .nvilatMHl ll.c Alluruey-tieueral -aid thai i man) men ""rf Mf M- ikosern- A mol enlnyable lliiie was -tnumeiti was vas tolally deetrswed by lire lsl facail .the winter without work and without U tag lurU4txl wllh .p, n,e r,miraet fir tbe apeal last eveittHtr when th OPENED BY COUNCIL I'riday nlghf, aeconhng lo a wire. "IIHplHg Hand Soclely" euler-takne.1 siiriiiner earnings. wharf at Alwe Ann and Ibe Ibe "rrail lUnger" at th u"W (avi.mbie lee taeesaite picked up al sea by "ndllioiis are Tender for 0 hous.- meter (.aptain (llaseanek of the Admiral Premh-r Oliver ami other nnmler will attend the gathering, pile driver may also n Ibece ehureh. , before rrluruius- t' Prinoe Ilu- m Ihtin ew were opened by Ihe nly couiu Wolsoa. The biir rannluR planl Durtnu Ihe evening game work fnr i -4lrbes herax. oil last iimhi and were re. is now a sitMMUlrring mass of perL Ibis depending on were enjoyed by Ihe young people. H'Sl is irivuiK f erred lo Ibe I'lilililiee Committee, ruins, al Jiulldinas and marum- wbieb it may tte needed here. Tha dev. II. Itediuan, I'liy.-ra i h one of Ihe point in eiy heiHg destroyed. Hie palar. Mrs. J. V. l.etllle. Ilia i "f in-. The rniiiii-ellon with IIm-iu to le In- J. II. Kline, aaenl of tin A.i- CITIZENS IT NEW HIGH SCHOOL leader nf. tbe "llelpiiiK Hand Ho- a i la it.i " iv lidlit for Keatiaaled b-iiiy the iiiiinNtle inlrtil l.lae in Juneau. re -ii-d a p PRINCIPAL TxCrZS a yet. naatl. Mayor ltutli-ter pvlvlaeMt trief ataaaaiie r-u iin tiia )"' VICTORIA; a. i ual short. that If Ihey were pot neesled Admiral W'eUon lw sure ami iv-rre Mmmm A of Prince Rupert -Em. !Joined la Ihe fun. and wlhehrr now, it would not le o moeli epape fir 125 eanneiynien VICTOIUA. Aug. S. -II. SuiHh Ihe seaior or JuiiW enjoyed use anleriuii lUeoi ul Ihn prea-senl ttltal lft,(ll rases ir salni'-H t"T attand tha f SaskaliMin has been appoiuted lheinjveit most would be bard MBIAN COLLEGE lime, Ihu l)tn Ihe ally shlpiHeiiFsiHilh fneit KeAai. principal of the High School bar. U say money. Il l Underelood (hut Ihe ln.00.1 KIDDIES' FLAG DAY PICNIC sui-ceeding: Ir. Hobinson uu hep. Ijiler in lha eventlig refresh F1Y PRIWfiDAi nirc follows: liniit i- meals were served, and- th - VII Tlie lenders were as eases f saliimn ai' on tember t. J1U U IIMJ CunadUn lieneral Kbwtrit tU.. Whalhar Ihu auiouni is re.i.' n Acropolii Hill Wcclnesdav, August 3rd yeoiitK peo4e broke up at 10 Alia Ilii.fA i-aeh. Parkard Hlet'lrte lative of the pa k or u LORD REAY DIES. ocli'k by siuumv of the N Uilv pritteinal Csi.. I.UI.. 110.75; Kerentl Meier Hie uirk already put up, i FLAG DANCE FJHNHUHU. Awir. t. The Houal Viiilc iii Mr. Hut uffici. ' ' I'-otumldan aad TransfnriiM-r ' , MiMilr.-al1. known in Juneau druUi of Lrt! Heay, Itonald led al Hie oiano 1 " stionUt, died It in . riiamti. i la" Mi-i'-i I..I. The Likby. M. N ,11 Libby L Auditorium 9.30 p m. s James MeKay, tn bis M?ml year. . . . "'K n oueention. : T.n . I' ltn. Pnin .- Ilu- i-annery i mn- ..r he larB.-l in I aUHOUneetl. lie formerly, Mrs I i'ui n of 'Hiur-"..'Vernor WoalHtHujpeH Knuply Co.. ItoXvi Xorih. eutltwetern Aiaaka. N f'irlli. i C.W.V.A. Band WeitholmeOrche.tra oj ttutuha auJ ul--' L'C Haxbui itacb-al 0j ally tinlajr i'iy year a lent Kietlite III.17; Ward particular of Ibe lire have l. n served a under secretary of and I registered at Ih Hotel lllll, j Lieu trie Co., Ill rtccivod in litis oily. Kiafe for India. Ipruue llupert.