- PAOF. 2. TITG DAILY 1SEWS W.I THE Daily News NO MONEY IN MAIL SCHEDULE To Clear FJUNCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA For Ihe EatL Your Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News VLADIVOSTOK Mondays, Wednesdays and flat, Skin Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. v unlays at 10:15 a. in, H. F. PULLEN; Managing Editor. I v W I will mAke you Plenty of Necessities Out Little iii Spring From tn taet. - j O V' ' I feel better. 1 Cash With Which to Pay. Sunday, Tnesdaya and Thuri. ' SUBSCRIPTION RATESLV ; . ! v 1 TnKlil, April IV Ilenidenlw nf lays 4X ?:43 p. in. City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month 11.00 'flmlis.i-.lnk' . Uy ma to All parts or the Hnlish Kmpirn and the United States, bnvr fib-illy In nl ' For Vancouver and .i'i I pli nly "f l(illn'. bill no South. in advance, per year .... SO.OU. j 7 ' eollVn- Tuesdays , p, in. !K'y, (K'f'lll-tlillU t II ' 1 To all other countries, in .advance, per year 7.r. II Tlniradnys lii'Hili'iii .if H. ivuKiiHi New . .....P p.lti. ' ' Xui'iiry vthti lm 'jtil returned !nlur'nH IflJS ii.mi , . . TELEPHONE 68. . .- rrmii Uinl eily. s April ?. I2JH.I 33 i r.i ii H I ntf cun In r,,rclin'd Transient' Display Advertising $1.25 per Inch'each insertion j ORMES LIMITED j ! 20 ntJhln ii p.ii,n.I." be nyrf From Vancouver and South. Transient advertising on front page , $2.00 per inch. .lllil ' lOMlillll(Vi: v u I Kllll f Sundays Hp. in.1 Local Headers, per insertion, 25c.v per line-Classified i'IiiiIii'm i'ijaIa i.oul Miip.lliinl Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. AliH you troubled h 1Hz: advertising, per insertion, ........... 3i., per word. SUITCASES wliii I tbey tin jn Auicrlen ami . April H, IK nn.I ?H P 1llot..l)et,orolhrr diMrr : - XA Legal Notices, each insertion. r . iRc.-pr agate line.; oilier HiitiK! In iriiirliin. Tin1 af cf Sprlnitime ? If so, you nrej , ' Contract Rates on Aj , Jicfctlon. TRUNKS uly jlliUiff.. Ill" m-.h I' i-tnmiey Foe Anyoi and Alice Arm. Ami pm ify your skin to ifi ve it a All advertising should he in the Daily News OHJce orf day preceding lit Niimiil. iliiiii lint vir-l .Sundays 10 p.m. 7.ani l)uk's'antifMie hrrlai lean." publication. All advertising received subject to approval. HANDBAGS mally illrnnrr. fi .mi Vlrciilii-TAVnlnuailaya p.m. .refined I hit the rel tic tit tn ik an.. ' ''t limi uinl iintMiilr will nrcepl tin From Anyoi and Alloa Arm. Ther rou tbe pores to healthy B, "" imper ' miles. V nue. een of Tuesdays a.m. circuUlion. anJ (leanaa Tenls and Awnings and stiiiv: DAILY EDITION, Wednesday, April 13. 10.' I, ,ett. nnvi'riiiieli . eoipl"''''. are mnl 'hurdays p.m. tiue. Thu, with tha ad nf , ; 1 4 in fixel, ebiiliex nml uekel fur en-weu to qimkty rid itaelt uf 11 Lumber Business , ' . J.JF. MAGUIRE u-e wilb lly pohlir tilillliev Foe Poet Simpson, Arrandala, Mill Never u cooiinon otr.iinmt- t: "The identilitile nf lliese neees-ilie Bay, Walea Island and Naaa River, i I cosmetics in a tender troublrv. i.e .1 May Improve. 712 Second Ave., Irince Rupert i Hie annual fat and expluiiKtl by fnrl Sundays to p.in, minerals are A, a result of lUe llPci.sinn of the railways Li Ibwr-r Wk ral-on Mini huge nlnrr line heen Iin- From Pt. Simpson, Arrandale, Mill rimtion and intUmmation. W ,it; , i...k. carrying lumber fWmsUn' 1'unillc, rail, there niay(bnnn im-provi'uirnl imri.ll ioiit VlailiMi'idk for fbip. Day, Wales Island and Naaa niver. fa you hae Ibo sal est. nurrat and in Hi.' Iiimli.cr I(iiito- of I hi district. Iat nntiiniii itieiil Into Ibe ' iiiii'i-jiir unit tire 1 uiMotaya a.m . temr'r n er diKo'vered. Ttwu;' V. Hie r.itc'vejr'VoiiMilt'rrtl.iy ami PRINCE. RUPERT TIDES Iwinar held Iberr indefluilttlv SOOTHING AND 1. 4be railway rununittiol(t ndyaiired The' ,J PURIFYING, - WWrejk I.oImk dmn . Quaan CharlotU Itlandsi T.Jtm llttk 11 aa rrUaU In tm.i ... 1 as a reMlll mr1 inif(lie wit nn oi iiuiiurituj, mm ittu '" Wednesday, flprll-13 tkt tJ tipo44 trOmnJl. aa r, ,,. . "J w'ere idle in so far as that lniiiiet was rnnreriied. After wtailing :iKh. 1:23 a.in.. Jfn.o fm't. Outsiders Starving April II mid i' tl m SOc kM af Mil t-aan. i ? -i . i r i rAi . ' 'A few iiflt SAUPUSumt te. turn, to ., t ihc i.i a Iong 'tihie to see if there wuirld be a revival railwayn, luiv ,it of VlabOM. From ilecitMl Unit they' nnl drii the ijrii'fs in onlfr lo.iinliire business. l.nK. II :fi a.m.. J.t fr lok In the n.iHIi roiiiOon nre April 1 1 and 0UB3 S3:I3 i.iii.; 8.3 fee. very different. Tliere ihe This was jil dono by liie rsiilwa- romniissioii but by the i.. i t ,... ihmhi- Thursday, April 14. lannii nan ii'iiuer tiiuiiey -iior x For and MHatiway the railway association whichr is nil organization thai iiirluoes representatives High. 5:23 a.m.. I0.I r.. -iiiille.' nnl luinirer ami n.. April . IM and !H Yukon., of all th,e lia,ndian railways. IKH tlii.. trt.il feel. I nave taken liberal loll of ihe From Skegwav and Yukon. The sad thing .eems (o be that the railway commission did Iiw. iS:n p. in.. 5.2 feel. ltuian.been "Hie chiln nulliorlllea Apr l 2. l ami t; EAT FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY ha.ve Kenilln lnHU" il-. not us belter judgment than to order such rtn advance in rules Kiauds I In,I VfoilivaiKluk The time iiswi is ractne stan uliare . as'to kill the business. The railways alu seem 4o have been so I2l;tli he;- )ii)plieM with the rel i.fl lUwart, Maple Bay and Swamp EAT dard, for the .Meridian tl onxiiius To extract the lasf dollar from the business thai I hey It fs counted freui 0 to 21 houra Mlwiia. a eall l wliielr the fueal FOIt Point. themselves in doing aulborltifit birxe ihown nn ili. t . injured to. from midnight to midntaht. The table given is for I'orl lemlllnri in ,fmii.l. even If the KltOM April 1 1 niu. ? Strike Settlement Simpson but the time for Prince Japanese wwtbl let Jbem. Rupert Brand "rhehe lfer April III and .10 Failure Regrettable. hae hvn laUnsr II n fieri varies only a few minute I lie Ml h in I Hint imiii o i. ,iiiiA II seems regrettable t lint '(here is to be industrial war in on some days and on others is (Imi Japan will nii Aave to CkIiI AilverllaltlK la often eiienlve, filial Hritain as a resnltof the failure of the negotiations: between the same. The range of the lilc C.litln I hoy win ni,i imtiiiII Ihe bi.l It 1 rMilhinir like as atianalve - JJie fioveriinieut and the miners. Tjie oiitrtime will certainly be may be computed as 0 per cent exjmrlalioii of miylliiiiK Uuvl may a an inply lnre and idle -BRILLS Prince greater at ltupert than at 'injurious to everyone. If the big slrike goes into'nffecl there w'ill litter Im (le auaiust Ibe Jap. elerka. If Port Simpson both at springs and be all sorts of hates engendered and it is not improbable Unit neaps. Th.ervore the rue in the Mieae. fnrren. . ""Hie lack f u'ri'tiie actual bloodshed will follow. This industrial warfare i real war Prince Hunert harbor is MlahUt umney iii Vladiviinlok is remiHiiu " and might is apt to wfnmt as often .-is right. Igneatcr than Port Simpnoni hii-in.-- slaxnaliiMi. Aiivone Willi in 4. SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE The height js In feet and tenths , Good 'News of feet above the average level at KiwmI uitiiiey eon day aiiylliinn TIMBCn 3ALC X 2C93. TO COOK-Cut fish into required pctx r.s. D.p ii& he wauls and cheaidy bill in Its i for u lower low water. batter, rlace In very hot fat n fry rnirsri: ; Regarding Cars. aiisence imltiinir enn tie .il.. se.im letNtrr ill be rrerltMl br tr It is goidl news i.n regard to Ihe refrigcraljir ears and those Iiusineas Imnsiva ere fiisl elo.ma later Mionief iimh r mann LamK ih tirKiru.Km it H nr:.,aimi.m. SOU) Itr ALL KEtAILKR.! LAND ACT. ItJI. foe the "f I lrr iwrrkao ltli. who have gifVn o murhif Ihcii.time, andieiiergy-lo Mling the their iIihii-h' itlui rn-tirie nir m mt ila.eaai fri nf opmre. rmtr an4 ll'mkat. i au arra .nuaied Tan Canadian fish & Cold Storage Co., lil mi InUntton' hi I f tn-rx dnwn." NftiKt f te Apply t Land. mailer under way yill feel claleil over the outrTimeT The govern- LlauL frn riurlstle .aol' lnlnl trie (. yrar lll lie alhi"l l.r rr , irfeiit, yielding lo the pressure of public opinion, seem now to In scn Land rimt HxoMinr Di-rir iitl nf umber. of C4M.I. nnre I. tad (llud tl ra1 SURVEYORS TRICKED mnnrr pariimianp nf inp i.oirr f nr.iir realir.e that fish- oars mit bc pibvided'and tjiftfrifTc i going on. r I oKm najr. id'oininr lot It. ftmt. n. r. . la.lrirl fnrmrr. I'nif ' lnipri, H. i:. - We shall ell welcome the sight of the first of them here, after the T niir-init SArman a. BrMtmrtt. BIG BLACK BEAR SO of rrlnce Raperl. fierupctmn nwvr man. TIMBER SALE X 2S31. ftreniious time we have has! in trying In 'niakfhe authorities nee. inlticl tn applr for vnrmiMmn to f .. realize the necessities of Uic,hiisiiiess. . low U follnint OWTtumt nat: NOW HAVE HIS HIDE eakrt ltKVr. ia tie reenwl liv in Mtnumrtatr at a pl piaatM nn inn DMrr l i aivl. at viri,,ria. .a r-t, ltt-r I Han n. aM i 1 1 ih ,a..il Road to Skeena. '.w I win luie of lot l, tnmrr wi l mam i ' mt nr l in tew walrr mart; llwitrr Kew Westminster Surveyor Kilts tin, -i sj,4 Hai.iin. ii-m.a ' Is Next Move. J vtnerlr to rnama akmr mw wattr narai Bruin with Aim whila ASSISUnt "f-ruee awl reuar. nti M ar a Mlualnt .tuw t,itrt. tiaati- . ial iiWi There et-m to bo,a posyibility of gelling t, mad built In the ibenrc m'I t ritain mnrv r trtt l Burn Attracts Attention t "e ear will ft allnl fnr r PACIFIC rair mark: tlMrc Dorthriy annr aira lOMMral of tuniier. GRAND TRUNK mo'ulh of the SkeiaJRiver In the near future, this to be the wairr mark lo ioal. ennlamtna 1 iwl ' mnarr parttmlara nf itt hwt tnntrr KflMll.MlS. U. 'i A a" " S.S. PRINCE GEORGE salline first section of the road to connect Prince ltupert with the interior J m'.rr or m, ,.r: ,th..ul r XilhMKt n HHODIII HST, llie uiil nf inin. eiii,lriiiiT n l.iwr Midnurhl Th llay f i - of the province. It l a momentous move and if We can gel it ; oaira niuun i. iti. M-ilihing JIM. hhhkI. an.' ...tlintf ; TimnER SALE X 2S32. n . e i unu) 1 i -going this summer it will be a great'lhing for the city. loin In nlen uulllll tlfli-i-n linn, i Seatnl bn will tie iwiM ht Ihe 3. 8, PRINCE ALBERT It is difficult io realize t-irt nf flirtr For pm i i;t.- M.i - 1 ii just what it would be like lo be able uiepeeled nirrtiilu.il,,,, than nmm Ike . u, .rf ,itrii. ii. !lo drive or walk to the back end of the island over a jrood motor: ... the r,l nf liny .. ,lir.;...r Tj.-.r t Miutlirrii O'l''1' t;it..n..ri- 1 veywr. and I.. I. I.ul imer, ' lii IMnbirk and rtalxm, an ara Mtvalen HlewarL April Hlb nml 2'h road .We have become so used to ihe penned in condition thaly WATEft rr. mil. rimiiianion. wiibin a mile uf .NVv IT?! oi.trTri; TftAIN SERVICE, ,,.a. it will be a wonderful change to be able li drive out into the e.lr.iiimler'i. ejly liiti'l ., j ,w.i i. jr. win tm- awniiii inr " I'asoeniter Monday, Wednesday and Catordii loner is neiutar OIVKS inauilu ' irvitbi nr uwiier. lor siiiHUrra. rlnce Heone- I do."' '"'j 'Si country llnteiur the IJeiiiMi.nl iK-erfmr f Hriti.n.eenll v. Ilnin Nnnnene,! In .-n... fii'lhrr tiarlimlan nf the rjuef t'nrealer. nil -m'- '' " lumlili l.w .Mil .Ilk ana .i Mia I . ,. . .. ln direel eminet lions for P KimitMrr lUmuril haa beea strawl 14 I. r.ev... line.. While V Steamship Linei All Ocean Agency IIMIT Tkat fnr.iianl to lite prnvtafin f Laliuier altraited bis alli nlioni ,T .7. .' . . ' r"aii'a w . ... ......r....-s fee lAfermatton ai -J i-lino as nt Hie water Art 1114 be. ...III I- i. .1 .1 nn . ii "ie, niirie rji.ni"ii-i 1111 eaaa n in rfiapter St nf the Slaluta nf ISI4 soTM:k or arriJCATIov. ony Ttaaat 0ta. Ie TV ataa.a. Hal Ihr reaerte nr Ue UBrrmnteil aiu-eil willi 111 axe and now liua iiiHT anat Sunlit ar ah taAtmo.s nr Bear UKe,JUrlliuilB I 1 winrral i:ianna aunal in Ihe Saaa a line M in-k, bide. luver Better Dentistry a.itfc Martnut lll.i in tlx. FrUw-r n-! ieiy Oial.tna nf IM i:a.iar lliainrl. Where ri Waler IManirt emabluthed b)r teraleil. On the tlUaull Hirer, l4JMOIflff orMi r-ln Cimiirll tiumncnit S ap-(nr.vnj i,a. Unity Vanten Oroup. (n the Km nay of rwrrmlM-r, lawrm iiit-r: l.naan I lawto or seaine. llii. be raorelled tn an far a I Imi In Ihe mtiW if, Wathinabm, I nlwit la ira ai'l renrrve penalna to the wairr if Ten Years nf ,Airlra.. Aumbrr mt hohlar I r has never been placed before UarrrHit lover In IIh- erinre Huirl Ago MiiVr1 irnilrii Q7tf-:. PACIFIC R Waler m.lrlrl aim Ilia I nnlire r CANADIAN In TA k r Mnii'. that I. inward I aatin. the people of Prince Rupert urli raiH-rllalka be publulnl fnr Prince Rupert rr winrr'a Certiorate dumber tattt-i;, ihrer nimiint tn Ihe 11. c ijairlie intmil at Ine enat nf mir v itayt front oaiatowM racirio ocean a. LOW iiul for tUree tjNMiiti. ia ntie ihi ine nata hrftcr lo att.fr In the Miaina -PRICES i rh iminiii nf aMiir rw Ktawr Mile HnrttrtirT for orllSraln nf Imtirmretnattia Steamship Serncei r April 1911 13, ' B.C. Coast llfhed 'In Mhe I'rinre Unpen Sitff tar the ttairnaiae nf nbtalnln a l:mwoi considering the material I use liMlrU-L Ablermitn T. II. I'altullo lias Oram nr rarn nf the almve riaima. I.a I'll lhi tint a nr Man-h. A. Ii. IBil a.Mi rrntiiLH task mitii.k mat anion I which is the best money can buy. T. O. PATTl I.I.O. . realxneij from n city nii-nril, turner iwriirin aa ar the "Mineral an" ....inra, aalRV I have -proven this statement . MliMair of MJIiH. bavins deriileil in innke bin henil-quarter- mil I Im nmimenrrd berora ine taaoanre Al,,k' i,f aiirn i.ninraia br irnprnvrmeBia. to many patients. The best LAM) ACT. in victoria. He will inir.u inn a t at say nr r'uruarr. A. u. ' For Kelchlkan, Juneau, Sfcagay, teeth used t'onllnue In It. Rupert March 7, 18. ; prn - on all work. i-nnituct hi real rs- IBItneat kllWAHD LkWI.1. Prlnc. rot lea of Intanllon to avplf la Laaaa Land. lale offlre iuiJ boblinirs bery. I ror Vaneouer, Vl.torla and Seattle from '.if Phone 575 ftr id ippamldeit 111 lUtru-l eanre nf. i.al Prlni'e Lino tiulrl.tnainri,anil Hrrnnl-lit .ilnale Www, March 12. 23: April 2. 12- n- in Midrtle t'aaare nn llw .Snrlh Weal hnm It. Ilrutiiiel. iMitritieer of llu Batfs ' 8.8. "TECS'i ri-.uo otnre ltup-" ' H ft Rooms 7 and 8 1 ariiiH-ar i.iano Tiniiean I'liwiT.niid UkW .. Taka nnlire mat I. Alfred F. Wriaht. nr Valla. Alert Hay, lienvrr t.'. Smith Block rrmrr nuprrt, n, 1;., nrriipaimn lana anr arrived yenlenlay from Ibe entilli lllvrr and Vnnrotiver rery Suiu ',r. intenn to aiiijr fnr imtuhmmio to ami will oiieiiil few' day" Suitcases ! ine ruiiMWinr nrarnnrn lanna: a Here Office flour: -nmiiTii-mir at -t !l.nii-ii i.n the (oii.ciiiiK jilnns ior (lie power r'aii. am 'ml Hi iIm Hind liar knnwn aa "Hae Trunks far raws, ,m"lfnV 0 to 12 a.m. MAGUIRE Hand ' 411 rhalna weal uf IIhi .Norm Kal plant of the cojupapy at I'orl W. C. ORCHARD, aensrai - , 1 O p.m. inw-r ni mii ara, iianr- aw i-nam iiiairirt Kdward. When" Hie ilrand an. e Datnirta " D.fi.. anmri'l llie-riiura sand Bar. lakim -Trunk rnnc o-r 7 O p.m. n all that rt alx.ve Waler Mark, J'aeitic Itallway la Ihriiiali, Mr. Tents, Packsacks Cor 3rd Af.nua and 4th Street 1111 .iiiiaiuina.J'l'i arrra, mora qr ii"a. Ilrulliicl Open Eveninga Dentist ' AI.FIIkll K. WNIOIIT. naya bis t'oiunany will hated this ll day of April A. u. I St I bo power able and In lihl.fiipply (lie ey Willi F. M. Crosby MINl.ItAL ACT. 715 Third Avenue, Prince ltupert Dillirail floxs In In town on bia III '"MITiril'ATH Of IMPIUIVKXrtTS. way lo Ilajiiiori' Ojt n privaln Mrt. M.J. D. Smith C Ha Elltln Iiriuinii," .iiiti-HrllainU dr...no. I." "Brll. IhikIik'hh i rip. JUr, ttoH Is boont-ilitf G. H. Arnold - 'Notary Public trinia Mill." Mineral o 1." "la;laima,llme annate Nn. f"in tiw anil naaa"hi the eiiilomininiiiif I lie Hi-cl. MT LADIES' AND CENTLE- SMITH & MALLETT, Ltd iiivit Aiiiunir uivmii.il or i.aaiiar inainrt. procily Treaty wilb Ho l.nileij MEN'S TAILOR Wtierr IfK-alrrtf On I'aulrarfa i:rrrk. kll-ioiiii Ktales. FOB 8ALE. Iiivit Fit CoaumTrrn TAkK i)Tii:K that l.wia w. rtlmore, a a I I? 17 THIRIJ AVENt'K & Heating Engine?" A Lot Third rri'i. Miner'a ijertilieale u. 391111 (J. aaenl V.. Kmad. of Monlrrnl. Is In I.n H Oypuaiu rt omaa Plumbing on Avenue in Block 34 Llinlleil.fur lhiAlir V.m Arm I'i raonal l a Hone Liability,Mining I fmiDanjr ter Mill-IT', Ibe t:lly plannlnK to build' a fins Phone Red 1 30. for ondSi"1 Adjoining the new Concrete Building 1a i.rrlillraie frririi llw date o. hrrrer,ln-(. Inleuil.tu apply amy lo' Iwo-slorey iMisiiien block on Enamelled Bath Tubs, Wash Basins lie Mlirfnr llrrnrihT fur a Orlillrale (if Third. Avetnin (ippnsilo Ibe trie, which is beinj? erected there. A very desirable business Inii.roniiii-nia, fur Ilia riurnoae nr niiiain phufm eichangp. Chartered Accountant VKro Toilet uuiins. v,iv; ma a i rouii tiraiil of earn of Ilia almv .and Auditor, F,,tu1g ' location rlaiina. Every kind and Size of Pipe, Pipe A.Ml ITHTHMt TAKE .MITICK that trtlnti. ' GEORGE RORIE H. G. iilirti-r arrlion Si. muat be rimnMiriil "Taxi, nir? esrried in stork rrui" . ilt, HELGERSON, LTD. fore Ilia latuani's nf aura Orlilliaia nf "flo to bell." f Korta A H.ll. C.A., Vaattmvw an t InC n Insurance Rental Real Estate linprovi'inriiK, l'rirwa Kutiart. Whatever your frobloma In ' 274 At Ml Una tain Day nf Marrn, A. I. Vf'ji ry. sir, an't Icava Ihe rlly - --- a0 ism. llWiii Federal Uuildintf I'linne I ft or LLWIS W. r AT Monk- aweaaaa.aaaaaiaaraa