TH1 DAILY HIWI PAOE, 3. Take Care Local and Personal I mi lno lobacco Everybody 1ARGEMENTS! of of QualHy Smokes Sillvnk Aula TiailiiiH If That Cough '7 II. C. Uiidcrtul. t Phono 41. If We have just installed a Mlilii Hili' fri $ luMV rntlftt ana I Kor uftvinos'ii leu, SI. llt'Ki-t .. ft? M imi.h iiiinlMiti lii (I, on, it Cafe. If OLD CHUN will mir aa in i .11 (111,1, ..,,1 wliilr ;' Printer II tiny rtr ir, -wrtiui injnri' may hare .WanlfiJ Haw furs. Pal Plill-i l i'0 u-ne In uie lunif aiHI nirUr Projection llpaun. .' If luOlllMIJ,man by i Ik- i.rokmii-il, tiai-nti. rti-ktiir on Ihe nr.I in of a rurlt or fold trl Lll your'uoals for sale witln Leittost KODAK INVENTlON-cntlrcIy new twlile or hr. Wo"e .vray pine Syrup. M. M. hlcplH'tis. tr II lll lM lu.ljr, lrullKMIM fOUttl, '; r .uj. aw employed. This machine revolution- lis llnhliH-aa arrosa I lie elir!, no llnrry lolilcy 1 iliirucil lo llo1 It has that mellow '". pniiinrinir business. To speak mildly this limM Mr.U l Wm.4ilrriii.I.erol-aw, Awk-jf, OnUMO, 'ily Mil ioO-iiinx. richness that appeals rllr: "Ul wlnb-r I ramhl bait -mid, 1 to smoker. every L... h a wonder. Iirintf us one of your favor- liail ,rr tml 1 K-rrlble narklnr Si- nor iliriiiakilig ii.iart-inciil. -. We will demonstrate to you and it rnurb lliat I OMihJ mrt gel rid or. I couM Jalmur III"-. Mi f ativt mil lrii 11 nirtit. I irird null a raw mix-tiiM but iix-r did lil do tn mum II. It. '"n, .if Siiiiflicrn. nr- routf uaiii I not Or. Wnud't Norway rin rhnl III JOwjC I""' llllit. Syrup. n tin llw I had takro 10 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY liUli'. in)r romii ma all toiw. I ret I - Uiat "It Wi-.I'i" baa no equal." ! sup of. Xalmli Tea uihI Winn ihi rn lr. Woods 5orajr riix ColTre 11 1 MumJiilliMii llroviTy. If Hosiery. Asia Traduift fo il l run ion are iml -inrnn-nilnr Willi Hr and unlrii-d reim-dy. bill wm lliat ftaa iii. fr"jur Vfrtury I-oihIs, 1 4 n- ujjIii.ii rilt'Ddllif utrr llllrly jrari. No uailiiiK'.TAIiClyiiioiil. If A. J. Mallejl, relunieil l limit I"ul up in a -illuw uraiTrr: tbrw pme on the Prince lieorjre lhn niiirn-iii'f. Build! Build! ' ! Ira luark. trlrr :i:.f and toe. Build! a ..ol llr mahurtiiurrd onlf by Tbe T. V.. W. I la wniti ui-ri ci nn layl liilbi.-rn Llmlti d, Toroui", OnL vi'iilng's- train fnuii llazfllmk II. .1. Mclloniii. ll. the llyiler ho lliivi a v'i''n l'" many llifiew le) man. returned fill- innrniii I.iiiiil-L'r i Ihe rlicnpe-tl hoildiug ni.-iU'i-ial m the world and from I lie KOUlll. BRING FARMERS llularr'H itiMir op-n in a liny. HJ lias perhaji- n ai hil low wa'er iii.n'k. a Hi spring trade A. W. (Sarter, manager of lfn ; 1- uiKMiuig up. the tendency will likely he toward luglief J. K. l-ord (Wiiii iii lat r'in-iir,r Oeeaiile- laoii'ery, nrrlviil llii Knes. INTO COUNTRY fniiii .Vorlli Parilie Ciiniiry. iurnrii-; from Ihe itotilli. The I'l iiii-f Jliiperl Lumber CoriKmiiv has a luige Mock roil sum: ai:pAifi. from which lo III) vonr requirement!. ENTISTRY ing. McArlliurV Shoe Store, 3rd It. il. John-done, maiiat-er of DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH Effort Being Made by Colonization ihe Invernpn Cannery, lefl on ve. If Concern with Aid of Government Ihe Yenlure list liinlil for Itiver, SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH OF . C. K. iWrry wa -an arrival inlel. , from Anyox on llo- Wnluri lal 1 Do Your Building While Lumber is Cheap. ItllAMxiN. Mhii.. A(.iil 13. In ' W. A. Wallace. (roVrrnrfieni in- eyenfllir. ' I'rc'.eul requirement. at I he ollli1.'. eal tive, QUALITY yili.n-.lliu Lie Criiituiiari t:uli , VeeIor of veni-;!. arrived 00 Ihi-j yo'ir or ln-r' 1 11 1 h M. A. Mrin. itf-I Kor men Widy- lake look in Prinei' (ieore imiay from an-j Phone 361 for Prices. ri-niilnit of II11 Wcalrrii -aiinil;i oi.r 'liidw tlil el;. John eouver. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. lUiloiUjaljiiii A .-in ;itinii. mu ill llulpi r. . 8(5 II. J. Paire, an innperlor of Ihe Dr. Bayne llul iiaiiizutii 11 'wo. ill l.rifit? . C. X. II. nei-viee", aeiirer va tliiiiiJ "f vfilli-r i" !! Mr. and .Mr.. J. V. ieho- fr.-in hoal lo tram a iaHienyer na:rf ruiuijiy and Uml I hi left on lli Prtore. Mary la.l lojsl! - MtTn n. 9 to 12; Afternoon. to C.20; frmti nnu'fili. i.f llif iluy i.i-olil W't evenmir for Vnneouver. (hi iiiiiriii ik. i otmio tutoii 1 1 1 1 1 1 n4 fl S t" 12inl ; bcr LviMrg mm i.0 to 9 Im 1 imi Iik Ik ' ii-iijH-rnd- heartily Hie llii-ri car UKalnl Mamie err fmiwkhs. u. ihe. ill lli- nr--al- tark. J11-I a a itrler wai pfireded with llii ItfNjilintt- nut and mI ilnli i $50 Dental. Nurse in Attendance H-iili! uwaki- riMTclinm -i'nl looriiin-f and adjournment vva to $5,000 linrden Seanli. :ny Market. tf inoiify in ulli it t!nu imw liii-iiir.. made until loiimrrow. Phone 109 for Appointmi nt A YEAR FOR LIFE In la I m iri-. am rmcriuiH-nli. Mm. K. O. liiwAori and Ml 1 . x I i-iilil -M'iiil ri-.'.n n:ilil.- xiiii in Ales. Sain I.' f Ihe priivineial A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY PROVIDES IT llawoon till Rooms 4, 5, 6, Helgerscn Block, Cor. 3rd and 6th jjir icioliitu arirullural rlniza tlilf'i irne- IMln tor i-fl ltorhe(er,on moro-.Mhlll. Miliee. rHurneiftfcl Ihe rity llii Mo better life mveatment available moruillir e.eorled Hull, lie nli". lllna nt..rr aflef-,yivJna" No better aecurity obtainable Best Equipped Office in Northern B.C. H pic on liie In I'll lUnai.a iii'ilil Mr. II. I Ira 11 11 Mr. and Mr. Paul Po-I to I lie Menial lli,iilal -Cannot be aeized or levied upon for any cause no! furry it" huar iialiminl ilMit, Hiouia-i Snell and S. T. Fiitnean at Kondale. ' Win be replaced if Iot. atolen or deatroyed " Not Jf-cted by trade depression 1 ;iin:nali- Hie 'Vflrtt on I li e wen Terraef arr-ai in the city Klewarl arrival" rm Hie Prinee Free from Dominion Income Tax i nutixiiHl rail' ayt-.Mir vl Umtk In mi lal nllil train. "who No medical examination rojuired iteonre thi. iiioriiiiitr will Anyone over the of i resident age yeara or domiciled in Canada r o-MrHiH lM-inH lil-. If liie 8eor?e Monro n'a-i lliie.1 eouliniie 11. (li mi Prinee may purchase. r 111 imlinitnl .nilnny mihiM "X- Atlx-rt tiuiioiriiw include Mr. and Any two persona may purchase jointly. dollar- In lite iilire eoilM llii FLAT FOR RENT . C'-nil mo mT rriil of I'-'i-ir uniio:il oiorotiiir rf talUwfii-r a liimherl Mr- WV Stewart aii.l Mr.liray' t their Employers ii-1vrs may eontrrvations purchv for for their their employees m:n:ers. achaol boarda foe I'-ll. II IUI ll HT - I y Hi ami cliil-l,' wasnin lo un llie lrrel. it -. - rlllrnii'iil ! rarant lainl.- 1 , ! r 1 r r rtr, 9 fm. t s T B uokx. Sujrr i mtta lent u. A . Ins.Ott Car mew bauk rt uv. ialw- .. A... mug j Tearooms, Dining Kooni. Uvinir Koom. Kitchen !a Inn ir llirir Mm. Ho fi-rlum J. f, McIllal, eleelrielan at - .v iior window -lor price. on Sc.te7 mA HtLil tn J v ro liiih till furn shed complete, together with jlraii'iMOlali-n Tilirio. wlaiVI the ilrj'fork, i Hji injr on Ihe hoy' -.nil. We have liie .'real-.l ! 4f-T-T-r-v tt riir a h ear' lease I premises, furniture and ;nM muttuHlr llif -oniry. wimlil ImkiI lio-jjrrow eiyeoule lo .Nov a har-aiu-i and ulucx ! Ie icisi v j'! Lc fd cheat) for cash. .imiii k inltri. It Ihf linliiHI-il Seolln where' lo will iend Ihe found uuywheri. (me in and For further particulars rni -.itii i-miiiril ntviTO Kiimmertl s '( exaliilie Ihe iualily uml le i-oti-vii sec ced. L'. T. Company, 70i; , iili-lil -Aotilal rllillil lillr-IlHlf of Lime Agricultural THOS. McCLYMONT I..or- Hr i-piiI of llirlr mini at IhoI Charle I.. Vi.iliif-man lm len Third Ae. If1 llif ,iifiHirtfr'nn'il of IuihI elelrH frriiiaii.ilf seerelary of will soil: al! K--U on J. II. Ililditi li returned I n correcta sour practically 'lllrlMcnl Utf ataHMllry WfMlt'; iO Ihe Wliiideri----." Cluli in -.iirr--- Prinre lluperl liy the liinri- thi this northern coast soil requires cor- iou lo' A . CI. Fulton, who re-lBl)eI ilill). DlUIIM-ioil 11k ..n.-l-rollir firatt- iiioriih:-. He w in Ottawa on J rection. ii-uil , Itr ilwlorttl. ni-i-iiil.v. luii-ino-- in eoiin.Ttioii with the SPECIAL PRICES IN Reeourcet j VAPORITE is an insecticide which. Selling t'riple land livrlilliou'- and r-- Willtftu. ILilnillfi im l,rloiE Tlnr 'wan tm ililTi-r'io-- ! f the. I.. I'. It. and when properly applied, will destroy Go-Carts :: Baby Carriages ! ' .i-llna oii-rrliunliM uikI airaln 00 Sniunlay inoriiin-f'Hl';""! "-Uer. the destructive insects of the soil. Protect vour rout train lo lak. the i-.ilioii uf eon. -'IIiiiu (In- ri-inirri nf I li ' crop, cabbage, etc.. by applying VAPORITE. in the latest designs. eort iMnler 111 the Allan Theatre i Miinlry. Hi- ii- Itiinir fiiMu i.ii ! The Kelly Ibiuxla a.i-al'rase We carry a complete Block of everythinir for the aniL A: huorui -cloths and Linoleums cleared oirliolrn in Tormilo. jau'aint lie judiri'ienl of Maui.- beinjj Hint tlit A-rn-Hi hi v.a nnr-n- cut at great reductions. ,-tl'riil of t la "iillil i-i -iiM-mtiiiii Mr-. C. I'.. Mill and child re-. '" Me.Moiilie in which Ihe THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. - - ( Im.iIi nihl mil. .......1 1.. .1... ..iiv- .... 11... 1..........l-"lJ"y, .. w-as I'uno -.-uiiiy. . 01 piMrrimii-iil " , ,. . ,. P.O. Box 748 Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 3SO in; v.. 'nil .irilir .alii llinl lo-nrt'e IhU uioriiliftr from Van. lst-lllMK llill.l HlHl lllirii, 1 in-ill; BARRIES FURNITURE STORE lie.iril liv Judre Youn;; this uf. 'mi'liT thr iVit ln? fn"'" f Majnr-i.i-m-ral 'ouvcr where Mr. Mill. ..pent Thlrtl Avenuo Mi'llin'-! "r.iiinilil) . I Ia .nine week vi-iliiv her home. lei-uooi in lly county court. Vi'5l'Mi lUiniula iliiliiiiilaliiin A--.'rialiini The infant child of Mr. and Alavkn aiiival on the prin- wan rrlin nf ucliiiiu;- Mr, (icorpe Sankey, Port Siiup-0n, ren .Mary ye.leiilny iiflertitHin . r 1 1 nlijfi'l Tor Mliirli it wn- nrKii-11 iIiihI lit Ihe Port Simp'ou included II. SliatiucL, Juneau, and FISHERMEN!! I'll. V. U. (r.Velll. Mr. M. lll.Nh-,ell lloiplal 011 Saturday. Tlieiv Costumes les than four native Art were no Clothes and Mr. and Mr. .1. 0. Mornou. WIVES FOR LONELY f Kclrhikan. f Port Siuipion died that day. We offer easure . a A Inrludinif the iclim of Ihe two can now PRAIRIE BACHELORS The new j -.Ireel Kiirfacine drowiiiiij: aceideiiU. ' S FRESH FROZEN HERRING Fives r u.f.nable. Large selection acheino In the downtown -.nolioin. a patterns Salvation Army to Bring Thous will he carried out on tin s. The; police comuilion last DRY ICE and styles niuhl divided Ihe coulracl for QUICK SERVICE ands to Canada to Become tern of O.Vper cent iui tin city 11 Ihe lall.iriiiK of uniforms four Housewives a whole and :i?i jier eenl on Ihe BUTEDALE CANNERY Princess Island - Royal for Ihi "police foi-ee lu-lw.-cu Sam Third property abutting, STEVE AvenVe KING . YimI 'and A. Carlon al 0 a Prince WIXMPI'.-i. Man.. April l.l. Rupert Fir dimeiiDloiii luiiiher and null. The fiirmer was unable to Wlnil C.auai.H ni-nN i pnptilu ,11011," ilfclari'il (ti'iu-inl Urumwi'll lif.lai. I. I. p nice, llr Htil.tli. handle the work o all four cuits diHirx; ainl window-, IuiiiImt re-awn an lo be made by the latter. :JIimiIIi. of Ho Sahalii.n Army, lii' Ye Old snrin.. ni i a'ud ilreseif o any size. riHi-iilly 011 liirt wov home from 1111 Ouick delivery liy, imr own ear. RETUT.N TO WORK VAUGHAN DRAG SAW I'Sli'iulod lour Of Ciinailu anil (in SULPHUR, CREAM OF riiiMi.iainl-. i;. II. Shockl.y. Cow Hay. If L'liiU-il rlul.. of . CAI.CAIIY. April 13. AHer 111111 Ifi llo ! him no oiior-tiinjly llr. It. 0. Lawrence." li l. Af-lleckS, dirpute (hat ha extended for 1ARTAR AND MOLASSES of marry In jr. mn who iii'ed C. Whitt, J. F. Plallcn-herKer, Mime weeks, the miner- a Ihe 'j-iUhI whfx In hrlp llo-iii inak-j A. Moore and J. Ford ar-1 lllue liamo:iil mhie ul tlruie.bave $210 35c per jar Imnics. ItanniJa inril more Ifian 1.I'd yealecduy liy Kanilini hoat lettnieii to, work. II l. slated unytliina' vl'i', wiHiiiMi who air from Swuniii Iluy lo lake part tfYI the men have tiireed to the Fa O. B. nnKEm"6 rince Rupert Drug Co. wlllluir l mnrry and p'' fanu in Masonic fi'ativUieit ill (hecily. i en shop princit'le. 1 1 1 1 m. lo hi Imumlil up with a VANCOUVER Mall Or.l... oi artl a..Avenue.i win inn iiinfi r. II uiiili'rKlaiii.inK of, Cnliailiau Al Ihe nii'i liiii.' of Ihe council FULLER'S SPECIALS iiloaU." of Ihe lliiard of Trade la.l uIkIiI B.C. it wa di'cidi'd lo uk the )o- So for II111 lluniMiiiils of men Peanut llutlcr, per tin, .'3c. who lln Sulvulloii Army minloii (iiiM-innirid to ri-(fiM'V Gasoline with ari.lonily Whiln Swiss Cheese, lb,. fiOo. .Saw, complete Dr. lim lilaim nfml to hrinir thou-., Ihe two veel built here al Marmiilnde Oranges now OOo. Clutch, $210.00 f.o.b. Vancouver Sutherland Ihe P01I of Princi lluperl. Till uiiil.x of HrilMi url lo viliru would aihi'iliM' the city llu-outch- Frye'n Hams, per lb- tOc. (We absorb sales tax) r.anmla to tx't'omu prairie Iioiik. Fryo's- liacou, per Hi., 50e. out Ihe world. D.D.S., L.D.S.. D.D.C. v I ts." Toiuaioes, I .i fet. tins, 0 for 1,15. COMPLETE LINE OF PARTS '. 1 Kciiih'IIi Fei't-'usoiii mauiiKcr We also sell llorden'M milk at CARRIED BY US "ENTISTRY aiioUier Do not day auffrr wits for Yaiicouver Inland of the, Im- fullow'lug, rcBttlar prleii: in all its branches PILES His,Ilahlna.r rtolrud-ln BImhI. perfal!l.lfe InsuiHiicci Co arrived St. Clmrlos tall tins u for 1.0U. c ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE ON REQUEST 3 rtlaa. Ma ft'oiiWYiiMoria llii liioi-nlni und Per case, 8 for 7.75, Exchan8e Block, Suite 14 and 15 aurglaat a lion r-Miuired.oper will penXl a week In' the city. He Maple Leaf ur II. C. p,ir cuo Dominion Drag Saw Co. Limited Pr.Ctae'a Olntnieiit will reimayou at one It an eul)iuiatio member of Ihe 5.75. . rAnnnIf rrwnii ic ml a. Til riinne ni.i.n bch diu rtr dealria,ana aaura or isbihik KdmaiisiNi.wrorn Hata "-A Co.. l.lniHd, KiwanU Club aiul thluk ljeru Kau-le llraud. 3 for 55c or 3.I5 104 MAIN STREET VANCOUVER, B.C. 1 omnia, ftampl Hat It It )au PlnUoa Utl rap" an4 aiioloaa t atamp to pay puit. -hould be one in tliU eily. per dozen.