PAGE 0. rn DAILY IWWB ..L-itru'-L-aiisi1 il .-11! SAVE THE SURFACE You Should O,di,f(tion PAINT MAN'S' SLOGAN Take Care rfTxri 'COMBINATION!CREAM I larRrly a tmstter of Good Diceatlon. Westholme lln; ('.. Wrurlil of IlianJrain-lli'iidiTim A wise person sho'uld ttw licrcham's Theatil I"ills to relieve digestive HI nd onteel of Hi:.. I.I.I.. Willi xrrrct Momschtc disorders. On ac lit'MitiiilU'ti'l'! III VillH'ouvi-r. Is count of I heir service and reputation TiirtiU ! .a l r a . It Melts Into lictlillllK I t'ou'll of iliiji III for relisUt.ty-TAKE iuuai, lYiaunee ana evening, and TOMORROW low n on Ins way In iim-'ii'r Your Skin BEECWS from I'l nici' (iiti'K. So tmooth,so daintily Mr. riwlil it il '-ii t lln- tir- Sold e.errwkera creamy, It Combination filrr" lirlllllilliM- mill Cauae. PILLS I.-1 mil. TOM Cinm Jontrrl,that the In beiee, IVW. MIX Un absorbs it easerly. licllrxi" lliat I'rincn ItiipiTl ifti'ry Lartesl Sale ef ear tledklae U ike We-M , Not a tutpieien or iiiurli in ih'i'iJ t-f ion Tun1 innlt'i -lioll. grtaie alter me;nothing Siiii'c 11.1 i'ol of i.lilll to And dot fragrant tht porta.with the iioi)url liii'' ill'"!'!"'!!, Iii .:iy. REFINE GASOLINE "The Daredevil of the Screen" rate Odor Jonteel--the ritlUMI I'ilH III MltilH I'okI limki-liiviillifill NEAR HIE OIL WELLS IN blended perfume of ihhI roli-r ivi-nl 36 (elected flower. aiirfilfl'. 'I'lii llils a u.rtiM cITitI To nouriah the tiaauet iii lln- illy ii- liiiiri-I.H ii-iii rmll Plapt to be Duill Clos lo "THE to keep the akin aoft. FEUD" dear, and pliable and lirouuli nri- liniri'K-iM dy lln- ' rori iVorman Gusher particularly,aa a perfect aiMMi'iinM'. lie liihiM-.H l foundation for powder niM'rllc I Ii i it "(liilrway of lo olillp w ill Ii.' iiiiuli' nl I-'or I you will find in Combination BRINGING UP FATHER COMFDY in "Jirrts Cream Jonteel NortliiTil U.C." n Hit K-'l iorl on .Noriiniii llii iinniirr, iwiya llin In S cet," every requirement you lin I'iii-illi- mnl lo ii iii lo mir I'l iiii i' (iporu l.llui'll. IL in nnl PAT HE REVIEW showing c face have cream.long sought In a liiiiii in Hi'' titullrr of niirar- oxixvlpil lUui any roioiirr'lHl (luilli((,. Today i none too ii nrc. liianlily of !lir miilor isniill will Soon to give your akin I'Miihirol i .III oolntt iiinii of tion the benefit Cream of Combine,Jonteel. REDUCE NUMBER OF li':illKxHllllioll i' within ,inlit. Empress Theatre 2 Tonight and Tomorro Take borne a jar. In I il ie lln- Illli-llttitll of I lie RAILWAY EMPLOYEES luipfi'lal Oil i' puny to iiiiiiiu- 60' fr.Pluiv ciiimi'-Ii for Hi- own um in roiiDxro. Anii i.i. iiiiiur Hip nortli, with potmibly nomf for BEBE liollo ill tln niiiiilirr of .Miiiilovri kpIp lo olhr- id Ins; i,Vfopiiirrli rllic Cnnmlian .Nnl kuiiiI llailway- wtK tlowii Hie Markrmtp. ORMES LIMITED A'siiialt plant will ( luiltl fur wcrp mnili' ylrr(Iiiy wlit-n Jsfl iiii'il ul I.i'ael!' ii.-nr Ioto w.-in t!. puriKwc ai t'nrt Nnrinan. IIip rsne.. riirrr is to Im1 a rinlm nprnienry niutriat bpi'iir nlrfuJyl MM lii'il of l..')oe un wliiil- yliitn, n Hip KTmiinl. Hip mmJoHta. m DANIEI Th II is nlnlPtl. t - lion iriKfi will tw tirnl. nii.l I hr St ore oil revpiilly il-iiik In Hip l(iiKrliin V F7TcnrggHsl MANITOBA SHERIFF DEAD. Oil wpII te known U lie nf MilH-i ?! I'lrntly hiffh pclrol rolitrn( lo IN KIIAMHI.V. April 1.1. William inahe Hip irotlurtiiMi of unnllti LAND ACT. lli-ndi-rsnn, nhcrilT of lln- wi-mIito in I litat way f'nilip.' Tli.E OF l.XTEMIO TO PLY TU iu.liciul ililn. l o f Manliolm TIip Toplnii.' nil He iiorthp -n: "OH LADY LAD? This Diamond Pl'HCHASE LAUD. 'Tncc 1 trt I niul r-sMcnl in lloi rt i'lp will lliu hate Hip unoluif In Prince liupert Land DiMrifl. Heeord-inr prmnpf litrt IH75) i l-al nyi'ii p ibl.Mii ko( fur tin'in. aii.l-imwi-r District r Coait. Kanre 5. and ailual A CLTaMtee'eeataVat Engagement Ring X n an Islam! lying off ice nor to caant o( boaU nn lbe MnPki'iitio will ' COMEDY and GAZETTE , i .wrhcr Island. ii" Ho Iimiih.mailt' pnnlurl. Il ia H. ti-i. J! j Take nonce mat I, Inline Hadiaod. or I Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation carpenter. 1 wili you 'woulil Ifll mo," sp.fli'it Ifial I lie irii. -.till v ill In ; inlrnd U apply rur perfusion to purtnaie 'the following drarrtbed land: ill J the naniil. vtlio had iWn a got lo nrk in I lip i';tiy pnrl .if Cumins: lo nmproee-'Ttin SCREAMING SHADOW $150.00 omnirnrinr at a post punica on an lone linif on Mr. Siiairira' trail. till 'ao. moot niyotlf yln and most sensational of all lltii. lland auoiii 1.100 feel norld westerly from Lot tit). Ilanee t. Coast District, tnrnee what i 'your oIij'.tII.iii lo luiv. Starling April 3D and a l Every We iiaeday ar.TV around ih island lo the pom I of com. Wc guarantee ii In !, well menmnrnt, and cooiaininr l acres, more jiiK ynurllff inirril" CANADIAN LUMBER or leaa. I'll. I tlon t unmJ ,li'!liii' cut, of goiMj color am free Jl'Ul'S IIADUOD. . from uny (law. et in tile Dated March am. il . you, ipplirHl SnaiTtre. Tii Ma ON BRITISH MARKET tf being mow Miluabh ilciwl Mian tttHil ; &ohl ami excellent value. rtv. IUii iA.ilisJaoli'rMiati iiie'm-Tit- tpruca Is Weak and Utile Adrancs TORPID LIVER Wc hava just rcccivwl an ithrd! .mrjt' Diamonds a it- not going I" Buying Is Done .drop in prii k. Sfiiitlt if mim:hai. act. For 4 Mouths SPRING HAl John CMiTINCATE or IM llIVKML.Tn. I.OXIKlX. April M. I'll. -, fur over Bulger Itn. Act Amendaents MiTH: uiin.lWn lii'iili.'r in l. llrili-li MaiuiiMlh. Tirrr. Iliaiirititp uiiwral Jeweller lamia, situale Mi tin lUnlnM-a Minlfit IM- murkt'l n pc lill ill a low k.'l al-llinuh Tu .In I) nr las- Hii-r is Wi pn-pare ai1' n .if I aslar luttrlrl. t here loralrd: Ike! in latest styles. Ladies who have r t yrt rj Hp li HiM-her nv lumle UHiunlain. lliprr ari'inli-iili"ii of a eri-rrl awl arn as S Nltrr tu JL 3 taatsaasa aria nt-elaaa aaad TAlr. otii:f. iiiei timi UK Muunr ImI I tariti v tn ihV itfin-pul ileioaiiil tanal. rlrea-iaa II ut all iwnlMs ami their choice will do well to look over t j-wistl GIFTSTRrVrLAST. rsdaoad to U aa i id-eiaao te rrettfieay. I.inutd. i.NfMi-Prwmel Uaboilyi Paw4i. II ea aa am ,en-'-u-rr. n .... rnr -inrr, riiiirei-' forlumlifp ill Jlir iit-nr fnturi' un.l i Hill I. InlriNl, aluly day fnm Iih-tlal- Wl-u ibr lorr lar.inare' taiy, aeew ar veved Fre-emptloe landa mmiw.aa eoaSaed ta aw- iirr-if. to apply P' H" Muting Mr-"rilrr iiip.ny ib'al'r ppporl lliul lin y nti TP'') 'I not WMkuig imajieily, awd Pwe "DEMERS" Ileeecde will he greeted oeTerleg ealj rnr litf fir punmv a or rnnralr biiiaining tl Urania new abi lo nttg4.:o-k laiil in al not supply eamru-n liOr In PsersMifMy I O. Hnx 1127 land suitable far agricultural parpoeee 'r 11m- alume claims. I'JSO priri'o. lltll llieri" I I i 1 1 In r im tier l..fii anl rerry on lue taasi ead which la non-timber lead. Ami furllN-r Ukr Willi I net ariion, un-dpr (rolurl. i.f liar eisirm. aeejsw Ike tnael. Partnerehle pre-emptlooe abetiahed. am-IKiti 37. tntiKl lr i-i4itrie-iHref lirnrf Ioiik Icrto buyltrs Ik-Iiiu iloin for bet partlaa of act mora thaa (aur may ;th" u-u.rn; uf urn Orlinrale of Ini-inivrlfriil. Vrrmur rlerml Up. lur pet gets lain ta arrange far adjacent pra-amptlona IVii. Uil' lijviie Ik-Iii-j giti by baisad. raiHiipeiaaJi aria M euu ntrr with joint rwjMaaoa. bat eaek makla ' Palrd lln glut dav uf M r. n, A. fl. till. Hie Miri..inilliol.V-l'"a.le Junrtiala Iffjufclea, reskiw. Houses lor Sale elalaaa.aeeaatary taaarafanaau 0 aa raapaeUT in Hit llrilUli ttirliUfi'r ia not lo tllibwreyi -ljatl ilrr PIN ip'ieai) re Pra-mpton aaem aoeupy claims far H.e tii MwisBioa. rkrar aaiy ba i.l AGAI1 are yaaxa and matt ImpreTamante te buy nr ri'iitrPll Ho- pr-"iil awl 'ftrp- HHllrr by acta iiirrrir) vn HOME raJua ef lie par aera, Ineloding elaar lliiin-. bol riiHiPirUi taar and cultlTetlea ea at laaat t aoraa. ,li;r, ip.-i i er liter, awl nuking llw baw ae iirAi bafora raeelTUig Oown Grant. Chevrolet !Hl b'i- PI'I IUf of- oniio' "f Hi'-Ui'n-k lb.- Umeri. iiMired C allnaiaa n p, n ' i a i I'd-.r -l 1 n and tialh Where pre-empter la oceaplloa aet linnI, inln Ihe Mienl, awJ.ran f tnalMj Ineebens. Mnall limi-. ri ar fir liit laaa than t yeua. nd hu made pr. on nlca IIOMF. COOKING and FISH AM)C For real S3.2S0 00 portlenate tnaproaaniania. he may, be. ; 'l b'' ,riiiilnr"'IVini-' -lioirinil llin-! si. Allre Vi-lelll AsfeW-r, Ml.. ri: liuiiMiiulr .-I. U rninit and eaoae ef tu-health. er ether cauae. be I aa trry badl run wefa, eied Pad Co lo ll ltll, lln-plarr . treated Intermediate certificate ef I lie in' (3,600.00 un-preTament OFFER rrM.-w.'i. njm.afc"! -lliialloii a P.rtud lorr r rmar NstailaM. I irwal lli KtrlllH Mriur Wi-.l. I r'n-. and traaaf ar hta el aim. ' CAFE ITWHl 1-1 $1,600 00 Reowde witheut parananant reai' a r'r,'iil ietip: -xral is ne !. bul rt am letwf. oar THE EMPRESS HI Ultlilli Ui-.m. f.l, .1 rnmi; dance may be leeuad. pravldad appll to Car Purchasers 'Tbi' .riMMf lltll l-krl l !'( let aij kHMMl lamugM nw huar a elal lid lulh. S2.3SO.00 cant maaea lrapreiamenta te eaten! of rf Use I wiaiejrti nrr Pip., brl-.c 11. U r III Ii Arrniii'. 4 rinHiin and I let) par annum and reoorda aama eaah weak. Prli OiiWh'i- aprui'p f aan Where Eats White K!pCI In Hi. luiMffH-iii. ion Kil- arail- year. Failure te maae Imprevemeala Tin' aiinodiiri'iiii'iil iiiiuli' ly I bad el lull nr II I an mum Iwllrr Everybody eiL wrj ellrariiv.-. 13.600 00 er reeord aama wltl eperate aa for. (Iih i:ii.' r"li'l .Mnl'T lnn-pany lirot niul ftiiul ipialily ..m' im.I r isaly iianl ! i.. aajif am a diloral Kmpre.a Hotel mock-Jn)1 lo MmIIi Avmiii.- Haul, i n failure Title cannot be obtained la brills att! Hi fjt like it rfpulitt lrmm padey. I re it eerxfi pfweemiead tloacie for Ladlaa ami lulh S1.8S0.CO lea than t yeara, and Improeamenu Dial il uill mak' u cn-li ef 111 oe per Includlus I ii!ii: w flrnl I lie Urcr Pills lu ail) 'me Iruubled ailli ttli KlylHIi Akiiiii-. I mum ami acre. urae -1 by yueber ipriir4 l'tll eleared and eultlTated. and realdeaoe n-fiilii. to nil nin iuiiT ot ltrr inaWr." (iti Srrlliiii tlirlil. s rimins S1.SOO.00 ef at leaat I yaara are required. Mmli-I "l-'our-Niin'ly" unto. al tin. ... 3 by f) s.-pi.iii al 127, Fre-empror Mliliarn'e late I.tier l-iifcv arr fir a teif. et-u impniviil $2,650.00 holding Crown great 10. mnl :i by 5 al '.', (Bi) Hti-fii.n nnu. s n ami may record another pre-emption. If he iiniiii." i. protiim rry popular elal al all itralrre or meiMI ilirswl iaa In Hi. Uil gra.k-d. .(3,000.00 requlrea lana In conjunction with hie 10. are rcfiutiily be iiIp. rrerajit ul prire ly law I. allllwru lu., Put farm, without actual wild lhof wlin urn in Notary ((it Knurili Ah-iimc. ; DHHiia and occupation, pro UlMllnl, Tesneiki, lint.' THEO COLLART, vldad itiilifan '.' by C iiiit"Hri: Idlh, llrrplare, rurnar.-. tn and realdance atatutury Improeementa made II..' mnrki-l for rurx. In Hip prure In surtax l"l f7.00S.00 granted land maintained en Crown nl un low II I IO Willie M. Joint Real Eatalw Rentals m lliV'hl of lln- C.ln'ri.i'l Sali-K Uaaunreyed areaa. o eseeedlng I J by I ho. nl t.l. 10.. .t the I. Iirilll ttTfjgC, t!euw i- III.' : ...... , a. U.I i acree. may be laaaed ea hemealtee; IIitoi-iI. il in n-jranli-il a . .l . t t.tfl-ill Illn.'k 1L Wi! ' Gibbons title to be obtained after fulfilling real, p.-ew.'lll tune eprure i rln-aper Ili n'l un (!riiitL V'.IIm In ila iiioe. " ' McCaffery, & dantlal and Improvement ri'rtnin Dial Sfi.DVH Clipvrolct ot sa-wer, I ,ruu. "'""' lh. r' For condlliona. t In ii nti I IiIiik ele III Hie wo.ul ilioll with Ml.liiiaJ'.l-i-ek. Iiei-i-tia INSURANCE on Ltd. graalng and Industrial purpoaea roiir-MiH'ly" rur will li Moat Llbaral MARINE Doyle, areaa oaeeedlng 141 acraa be mark.'I. l.iuhlflViv- Norti Americs. I laaaed by one peraon or oompany.may ciil.l dy iii'(jl,li., in uliii-li iI i-iJj; ahil Hrylal Ineur.nee C-ompapy of Insurance Real Estate aim. factory or Industrial attea oa i-vi'iil lln ri'fiiuiN of 7i.nn Valleyn III Hie. li OUe b-ii Ititep, Westkelme Tkaalte Bleik nein timber land P.O. Baa C Ikon II P.O. Box not eiceedtng 41 aarea 1628 mar be purchased; eondiuona Include on opPu ran anl lliihl Irtirku RAILWAY TO TAP Ibi'lire by Ho- rcnnililp mule In payment Natural of hay etumpega.meadows inanraaalbla uipl I Jill.00 on iln-r.l i-are olle of lip' MfOliPeleil, ecnditlonal by ealatlng upon roada construction may be purehaaed of a read w ill fi-ai-h I Ii h Infill of RICH MAYO MINES Hipl II -aver Hhers: or III Hie ull.-i -iialive to them. Rebate of ore-half of oeet ef 1.(1(10.1)0(1.00. from n tiliil al or near road,plica, la net made.eaceedlng half of auroaar 'I'lial "lliin iiiiiioiinccini'lil Charter Granted by Dominion (iorilun'M I.nn.lliiK on tbr Si. wn i PRt.BMTOai' Fngg 0HANT. provpil of pri-ut illll'IKKt to Government to Company Cp-Itallied lllter via Jilliel i.nke In I h- junction Blue The ACT, plirrliiierrn l I'viilcncnl ly at $750,000. of Hip Mayo II her am. Itin-eun Potatoes! Robertsoi of scope this Aet'fa enlarged te Creels, ,rl''li,Jr,?r!?''!' d acre. Hip Ihmhv inrronep In aalpc Majesty e yoreae The The I.lea of I he line ia in inn lln time srithln which the belre or derlaeee rrporli'il ili.rtn t h p at' A bill hiiM been p!iHci ill ()! T;..,.rc1d pre-emptor may apply ' wppk. to' u tnr.irioralliijr t Ii 'layo rb l Miil'ii miiilnu ilialr i t. ri'iinrlM Country Ribbon under this Act la .-tended Old rrom for one year from the death of Valley, 1.1.1., with a I'apilal Of tstnrieliilep.: it Mliii ti bate been euen peraon, aa formerly, until one Pacific Ltd. imjMteil from time lo tune. One Carload year afier the conclusion of the preaeat Cartage in' ;Mi,ooii t lib head oflln- al d war. Thla la alao made ye-tro.ctlT. Dawson. It ha a power t iaiiip , .;.' Fruit Dealers Ne feea relating to pre-emptlona are e -.rilie- ami In borrow money. Nearly Caught, No. 1 lua fflnllan,or by- soldiers an n 'I I.e i-.impiiny may lay out. con- A ni.irn wile lii-f.nulil l...f..iu Agassiz T .11.1 rfun, II. Ml ' ITovlsloii.7 -- '"""--. i"w ii t. yeara. si' ii I. .'ijuip anil ojciute a line of "Juxllce lf I lie I'PHfe. If, wiih Cak lor return of monsrs First First ir,,..1.du nd D,,n P'd alhee August aa Phone fiUl 327 2nd Avenue M'iluay .'oiiiiiiPi( ii(r from a iiyil llpepei o f "all'lililitfT 'rheco Just Arrived. Plain 4. 1111, en account of er taaea on eoldlera' pra-empttone.parmetita. feea al or near Hip juui'lioii of the Well' mi wllllPaapa, bill lllilil'HI- C. V. EVITT in on agreemente to purchaaa Mayo nii.l sie'.vai'l (titer bi Yukon mirea. were nKiiliial him. The in y,wVtc,,,r ,ou ""M b' nfembare of rorcee. or dependents, acuulrod Auctioneer Teirllory. in h iiollieily iIIcpp-L following illnbiaTUu look pine.-: $1.75 DE aatroent direct or to Indirect,March II,remitted Ills. from ea. Auditor and Accountant I.ill. fn.i ill! Hip talley of Hie "Vou'vp stolen no pliiekpnaY" IT'S Sales ' Quality SOS.PUrtCMAgIRS Of CKOWNl Mayo litter to il junction with 'No, anh." LANDS. "Have yon ploleu iijiy jjeew" ?" sack. per Pro rt Ion made for laauanee sail." of No, .. r.rocf Crowa frame lo eub-purchaeera of Half Sack- - $1.00 Fuller . sm A Crown Landa acquiring right, from "Any turkey r" i purehaaera who failed to .25 oompleia "So, ah." . 10 lbs. - - - furrhaae, Involving forfeiture, on ful. taraet aad taiee conditions Where of purchaaa eub-purcbae-la. 100 POUNDS COAL The mail was ilUefinrireil. Ak Sel' Una lint1 In tmr uln.lit" . be kleppeil mil of Hie. Jock lu; iUallly S-ea - - krl A Perfect Tea in cel.- - purchaaa price- due- vi and veismaj taaea per.mar in every isek, not Inclu.linp; the sack ' aloppeil beforn I hi' Justice ami We nuai i;nlee Hie oe eunnouteo whole area. Apiilicallona proportlonalely ever ul.I, wiih ii In on il ilin, "lo' ilo on'iJ a Perfect Package made roust be CADOMIN mine run Coal for furnace- and steam .urKel. American Currenc-, by May , We Buy FOOTHILLS clean screened lumy and stove size for heater anil l.awtl, fiili'i, if you'd aiibl ilni'kM, Bills. ORAZINO. you'll 'a' hail inuf"- 1,'mi.Iuii Tlt-IIIIh. Sllvar, Gold op SaltAf"':i Or.sing Aei. till, for eyatematle rsnife. ' Sales Acc-iit development of llveelock Induatry Dee. Ifa Hot It's Clean Leaa Soot . , vldaa edmlnletrellon for grailug under dlatrleta Cemmlaaleaer and rang, Our own truck delivery Table Go. n -LnrcrP Supply John L. Christie Annaal graalag parrnlla Issued baaed TIici-ii'm no tnoi'i! imn In hnvlinr Rupert 1'ilnce Rupert, B.C. ea aumbera ownara.rargadi Stock prlerliy-owners for eeiab-Hehed i r Consumers Coal Company, Limited rfiuiJa Iliat nobuily knows about tit. i 111, PHONES foria Aaaooiatlooa for range management. Room 11 Smith Ulock J. Lornb M acLahkn. Manvr I'honem 7 & 311 I ban in w inkiiiir al a pretty girl Free, or partially free. perWju for aedUars. eeaaperg er laeeJegm. In the dark, if ,.., II' WTSiaal a w 9