The Daily News OPERATION WAS jlMPROVEMENTS PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA I VADIHTTC PHIMTQ Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News NOT NECESSARY i Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. (Canadian National Management "Fruil-a-tlres" Restored Her 1 Ha Built ' Stations, Engine i Sheds and Other Facilities SUBSCRIPTION RATESi To Perfect Health Citv Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month . . . 11.00 By mail lo nil par of the Hriti.h Umpire and the United State. 15S TArinup At., Mottaxau CO-ORDiATICK WOtlK in advance, per year o.uu. "for three Jcar. fjrfrrJ frtii IS NOW COMPLETED mis s To all other countries, in advance, per year S7.60. fain In the lower part of key body, wlth,iUnr or UoaUnr. I u a In lhe revirv.- of Iho (Uinailian TELEPHONE 88. specUlUt aba uM I mutt uJrp Nnlitinal llr.ilwa) kmuM for I More Tobacco fbrthe Money An operation. I refused. irr4 it i huvtn thai itiurli to-urc inch each insertion hn bfM'n niad in iniriinK Transient Display Advertising $U2o per Jtn'Jtd il. fa try Transieht advertising on front page 52.00 per inch. The first box relief;aoJ the irviee in dirTon-nl part nf greet js I ho line mid in briiurin? the rail- "2&c line. 15 Local Headers, per insertion, per I contiiiurJ tLe trr-Aiarnt. Xuw my the 1 Packages' lo xlandur.l. Imrinx way up Classified advertising, per insertion, ...-... i?e. per word. bralth It excellent I am free of Legal Notices, each insertion 15c. per agate line. pain and I zit "FruIt-a-tlTes" say year the ctivurdination sctn'im' with the flrand Trnnls hi hern Arm est thinki". i.rkl out and rnnlrtiUitn wnrK Ime. F. G A RE AO. Foh. 10. 1921. i iroco-linn; in jrnd i DAILY EDITION. s Thursday. iOc a box,C Tor$2.S0,trill Ue c n many inri nf the- In all, ?:: country. At all dealers or tent potpU by hraneh line ixrv nndr entrue-lion. Fruit s-tires Limited, Ottawa. ' II I! fl Difficulties ( At Shipyard. Nw .tationa. rar -lil; an; rnfi.rtiiinilft dimnillieH have nrien at the shipyard between SAILS iihrr iiiiirtiemnla hatc )xHn the iTt'ditnr represented by (lie receiver on Ihe one hand and Ihe put in on lhr i'lrrn line- (iovernment on the other. It looks aS ir the Government was AWNINGS follow taking rather a high-handed stand in regard to it. They are In line with the inapajrenie nt' , MiiiMiiimiiniiiiiiiiieyo in which they are placed and TENTS taking advantage of the portion (Miiicy or iinpntvinit exisiinv their action, if Mfstained, will midutihledly work n hardship on fi.rili,ir un VWnlorn lines and the creditors. With any ordinary debtor, the property would le J. F. MAGUIRE making timely nn, ruilint pro- seized and sold. Why not the same apply here. The Oovern-Iment ti- iun fur tin inainlenane of-llie. has rirt moral i-lnim on the material in the shipyard seeing 712 Second Are.. Prince Rupert irnirl) in the Ix! Miilile AIL SCHEDULE lit has noLbcen paid for. What their. Ieal clajm is .we do not Agents for eiinditinu, rtinldenMe nioncyn : know. C H. JONES Ac SON, Ltd. were expended, a follows: J For tha EasL . . FOR BREAKFAST It is greatly to he desired Ihatn settlement be arrived at 40 years' experience a makers Irt Arthur, expres huildins. Mondays. WiMlnsdays and PU and that work may proceed at once. The present indications are Prince Arthur hotel n-w .tinineiurdays at 10:15 a. in. i .not very hopeful, however, unless the fiovemment changes il i Odin, ami rtllrrnlir.n lo lwrler: From Ui East. Brand altitude' and is willing lo; allow that the creditors have some hop, etc. Sundays. Tuesday and Tbura.i Rupert rights in. regard-to the property. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Mioiun. rar repair hnp. days at 7:45 p. m. Krl Krnnee. new live.elnlli y ) South Africa is Friday, February 11. and For Vancouver South. htHixe, frejpltl ulWre. iTSine new KIPPERS Sanely Safe., lliph, 3f59 a.m.. 20 fret. Tuesdays 7 p.m. The result of the election in South Africa has been watched 15.33 . in 10.5 feel.. Ilainy fthrr new ah pil. Thursdays II p.m. -here with a great deal of interest and the result, as far as known Low, 9: 31 a. m CI .feel. HtinierlOO'lon wal tanl. Hat unlay 5 p.m. at is satisfactory- The people as a whole are apparently .Morrhanil. nev station. Delicious Breakfast present, very' 21:41 p.m.. 5.1 feet. February is ami 20 A Nourishing nnd Feed Hiiximis to remain a part of the HritNh Krnpir'e. They Saturday, February 12. Sle. Anne, new olalmn. South. From Vancouver and have fo'und thai under the Union Jack thejhave better conditions Hish, 1:2 a. m, 19.8 reel. Tran!rfina, ixlenion In r 1 1 Sunday Bp. ra, than they could hope or expect ir they were an independent republic 16:13 p. m., 18.5 fret. paint hnp. dependent on their own resources only. Today they have Low 10:10 a. m 6.1 feet. Vel Yard, 1'orl 'flousre, elen--ji.n Wednesdays t0:3u 8 a.m. IU liUUIv. nnd cook for ten minute?. m. Saturdays a. great influence, whereas if they were alone without army or navy 22:18 p. III., C.2 fret. lo Mattery huildina: new February ? and tl they would be without, prestige in the world, an insignificant The tune ueO is ractOo stan unrrele rhlmney. 210 feel hiah. Sold by nil Restaurants, Retail Grocers &. Buuitn state such as might be found in Souili America. dard, for the 120th Meridian west. new lurnlahle, rrhuiMinR Irana. For and Allca Arm. Anyoa fer tahle nund&li'in-i'onerele, SMOKED DAILY BY ' It Is counted from 0 to 21 hours, re. 10 Omineca In Its Member.Honored from- midnight to midnight. Port (rildlns h.nte. and ei(i-ndin$r ware. Sundays WetlwesdajS tf p.m.1 p.m.i Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ill table for The given is The member for Omineca has been appointed speaker of the Winnipeg-, "alteration, to r. From Anroi and Allca Arm, hut tbe time for Prince Legislature, an honored.position, which will reflect. credit on his Simpson l n huildinK. Tuesdays ajn. J'rincc Kurt, B.C vonstiliiency. Mr. Manson is well titled to undertake the duties Rupert varies only a few minutes 8 nerlinn Uuein f!nernnienl ?hursdays p. ui. on some days and on others is and his ap;ointmenlshould prove a popular one None will be line between Winninec nnd Fori the same. The range of the tide more pleased to Jear..qf..JjU.'CfaS Jhanhls..Xrie' Prince William .- iror ron simpion, arrinoan, nun Rupert, who loot on Him as, ayriung man ol. great, political may be computed Prince as 5 per cenl Urand Itearh. hnlel. new hath B. Wale Island and Naaa BWsr. promise -(janahleofi rising to anyositfopT inllhe 'gifl of the irreater at Jlupert than at t,...,- n.u' loii.i i.nii.titKT in Sundays 19 p.m. "country. ' "' ' ; - ' ; Port Simpson botb at springs and -irn to water.' simply, ice rrearn ' from m. Simpson, ArrandaU, MIII.4 .s.V-.i?oKF"Wi; f rr neaps. Therefore the rise in the Plunt. flsinK.wp ah.Jio ground. B. w' 'nJ N ! 1 Our Friend . - .... Prince Rupert harbor is slightly Tuesdays jn..I ltuiei loo inn roallnir idani. To the South. greater than Port Simpson. Marpo, 100 Ion eoallnu , GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC Our neighbor and friend, the United Stales of America,' is a The height is in feet and tenths plant. Qwn CharloUa Islands: country with which we naturally have much.lo do. We are good of feet above the average level of Kam.acV. new turntahle. new l." f ,, r, rl.n , . S.S. PRINCE GEORGE sailin? a Il pit. irur Aailtil, l til i .iruiQiiwip mp'l customer of (heirs -and we also sell to -them occasionally. We lower low water. I'linnicl.y. 100 Ion. roalmu I Upper Island points- Midnight Thursday f..r inm " ' ' u ' have many United Stales citizens living in nil our cities and a land acr. plant. J IVbntary S and 10 ver Victoria and JMilIe W.'dncdny 10 i -S. considerable pari 'of our farming population is made up of people j rrota MasL fort Clements and S. PRINCE JOHN Melfnrl, 100 ton a-oalins plfliii. who came from lhal country- We-depend upon the people of the Notice ef Intention una.te Apply te Parchaae Ilurnlxildl, new turntahle. Upper flcd potnta For I'rtrt Cl-meni. Mn-.'M Iturkl- Hav :"d . ' ' ' Slates to purchase a good many or our municipal nd provincial Id CMiir Land Oniric!, areordrar Di raAksioin, IS Hal) engine Fehrtiary S and 19 mithern Oue. n t liarloltc Inland !" 1 h bonds and we also look to that country to finance our big business trlrl or Irtix-e Huprrt. ami mioaic a&oul PtewaH February and l"'h (tut hair ml ml or IM town-iu hnue. boiler and machine iop. mr m undertakings. We cannot afford to quarrel with them and they or Alice Arm. tod adjoinine MU ."ia new lurniaMe,, MiiMin?. "or fflldefrate. Cjueen CharlolU TWAIN SERVICE. ....... are equally hound with us. 11 is lo be hoped that the prolest I and . Paaeenaer Monday, Wednesday and Saturday up and Lower Island Take noiu-e that I. owpa Edar Trtta-,.tt houxe, anit house. tw nh- City points: Mmoiil-.n and '': said to have been made in England against the attitude of a or Port Htmmond. oecuDatioD firmer. forSmilhers. rtm ! lleorg -Dirndl to ippir for prnnMHon to purcLac iits, rarinen'H work and material February 2 and 10 injr direct connectiona for all noinis eni ani sertion of the U. S. will bear some fruit, for thfere is an press Ibe roilowinr Dnrntml utxi: From Pkldeaate. Charlntla Qukq iiisidiious propaganda going on which is Iiound to breed ill feeling. Crauortmn l a pot puolrd at IM h .ildin?. new exprr-e oiTr and Agency All Ocean Steamahlp Llnei let trtrnra IS and nnlbrAAt cornrr or If, ar'.!ition lo pxpreo room. City Lower Island points .-lam. north; uwnre 40 chaida tbeix-4 re rarmation atd reefaueit e Ae rhaln muiIi: tbrore 4 caaim til 10 Prince AlhcrL 3 xlnlt addition to Fehrtiary 5 and 10 Clt Tlekat Omaav IM TVee A... - point or cnrorornrrm'Di, and eontaiDinf engine honor, fiddilioil In l Alton JXV icm, nirire or ir.s. iUHEPH ilDOAH TFETHLWKT. hDtldin;. I For Sksavay and tha Yukon. nAtl ."fombr tl. life. ' Dr.JOS. MAGUIRE Katnn, new Svlall engine February 7 nnd 21 K-ewewNy.e mmm",mA Nolle ef IntADtlM ta A pel J te Laaae Lane. From hotir, turntahle .lank nnd oilier Skagway and Yukon. In Skrrtia Rurr Minlnt Dmnct, Land terminal facilitie. i . February 12 and 20 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY 1 1 DENTIST. rtiMrirt. Hrrordlnr Olinr or A lift Arm, North UallleforilA new trnck H. C. and Altuate at roooia or Loun cr-'i oanaoiaia racino octaa atat" AJJoininr mutt city, a. c. scales. TAke nolire idai a im onoerAia-ntd, Miff Valley, new freight hed. B.C. Coast Steamship Service. and Smith Block Rooms 7 8 Aninony McOalre and VrrnaM W. Barrett, HoAlon 'liar, four workmen'! or Alice Ann, oceopiuon proipector and Lady Assistant Open Evenings itorrkcrprr, Inlrodi to apply tor pemtu cntlagON. Kfvvxcxty ron oatznu rtiixiTs s.s. pniNCtss mary Office Hours: Phone 575 Sunday by (ion to icane the rollowmt dcAcrud landii VIrln-ia, 5 stall engine house. vvih oaznu act ttji, For KsUhlkan, Junesu, Skagway, Aiasaa, irv. 9-12; 1.6;'7-9. Appointment Comnienctor at a poll planted looirjtait Arplleallnna rr to lire-atork permita mi' Rupert corner. It cbalnt aoulnerly direction frojD S.E. corner or Lot Hi tbence ti cnini SOLDIERS KILLED IN .on the Crown ranee vltlun eata January 24; Fabeuary 7 and 21. norU: tbeiice 10 cbalna wett luetic 4 CrailtiA Malrlrt or the r-rolars or Itntun For Vancouse, Vlatorlrj and Saattla from Prlnei chAina aotitb; thence 10 cnaina eaiit and IRELAND YESTERDAY ColuaitilA duriDi tiie rrtiinf aeeaao r Fabruaey 12 and 21. 16 and 2 January 111 riMJl I (lied vim llMrlrt for- WE OFFER THE FOLLOWING QOOO DWELLING SITES rontainlDf il acrei, myi or lena. BEATRICE A.MIHJ.KT AJeOUHE, eaiera at Ctntxn, Crahbr.k, rort 0rr, S.S. PRINCESS fc A Double Corner with mnpniflrent view on Allin Avenue, , BER.NAHD W. aARHVrr, WXFAKT. IVh. in-Thomas kamlMifM. aelMm, fnnee Hupert, Vancos-er, frem r-eleee Neserl fee Swaeaee mt, Oaaae ralla, Hare-r Seel ton 2 $750.00 Pair. Dated noTemter So. I0. the Vernon l ll Ihe Cimmlilnner el atarae Ceie. Pewell niter, Vaeer aed klela Malpin, a memlter of Drogheda Orirmr, Department of Ijimi at vieiorta, S .m-for Two Lota on Fourth Avenue on Orafl Hill with beautiful Iiaff Salere'ar LAND ACT. corp. and John Moran were found a. c.,vi or ffore Alarrn It, nil. ratea, rerraUa aad railinia, apP'J view Pair. $2,000.00 dead ycAleeday morning. They HUnk forma u,vm whirl) la o Droit ip-plirAtioiiA Osnsral AosnL A Fine Building Kile 50 x 50, at corner or Dunxmuir and CAStn MXO OlSTHirT D1STWCT OK may be Milaioeil from tne oie- W, C. ORCHARD, had been laken fcnlf lren! from B.C Fourth Avenue, one of the hiol (Wimble xllfn to he CASKIAH. Irlrt Fhrettera al Ihe ebote named piarr a . i jit. ci...i Prlnrc Rupert. HIE OTICF. lhal I. K mark and we, of armed their home hy a arly vr fnrtn the Ieierlinejt of l.anda at Vie- had $1,000.00. II. P. Kerkin at Alice Arm, occupation proa. neclr. Intend to apply rr pennnetoo to men to the place where ihry wer jioria. One Lot on Sixth Avenue in Section 5 $425.00. lease the folio im deacrlhed landl: killed. The rrailnr or llrettwk on the Crown Two Lots on Park Avenue. Section 1, close lo Third Avenue, iiniencinf at a port planted on the ranre without permit conntitute treapait, norm ixn ixiary or ixh joit iwnre roi only ..... $750.00 Pair. luvlnr the lilrlr ater mark lo norm cor Iirolilklted hy law,0. H. ,1AI)i:i, Advertise in "The Daily Netf E , a dialanre o 491.& fC more or ! to Mintaie'r H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Deputy of lands. eai oounoary fir niver nouio mineral Insurance Bonds Rentals claim produced in a aontlieriy direction Ten Years Ago riepariiKnt or Land), The that Quick Reiulti Paper get. Ihrnre foiluviAI prodnrtion or (aid Hirer Vletona, M. C, mouui ojusury k low sau-r mark; iooc in Prlncej Rupeirt January nth. 191. folloumi- low water mark to north txmn-ury or ai aaa& ihenc rollowipr nonq ixunniry or l-oi r,i to prMni or com nienceisent. February 10, 1S11 . . ilMM En0.m STAHlf, Are.t, It Is polb lhal David Mnyd The Bond Between Pale January IT, toil. Oeorife, chancellor of Ihe ex BAGS! BAGS! LAND ACT. chequer, may have lo reln hl Bank and Farm olUce on aeeount of a nervout .noTire or iTE.iTr"i to afplt to Buy a baa of subatanilal quality, rcllapae from which he Is suffer of material that wears and with of Agricultural pur. In Queen Charlotte Iilanda Land Umrtct ing. The ryes of Hip country urn a frame that la Cvnatmcted for STIMULATION nworainr uiatriri or hkrena. and miuata service, yet of light weight. Let Jo the welfare of at .Nulcn Harbour adjmnins Lola III and watrhlntf aniiouMy. the Dominion. Thia Bank play ita us equip you properly for TAk'E .NOTICE mat r. Hume H. BAtilnr. e e e travelling. aa a national institution by lend. fart ton or Prince Kupert, orcupAUoo MAtter MIh nieeson entertained at five eflort and ita veat cTtry reeourcca Mariner. Inieiwla to arrlr lor oermlaaion lo euppoit egricullural activity to ll lo leaaa the foiloelor deerrined laodti hundred lat night. Tha prlies F. M. Crosby utrooat, i;ommencinr at a roil Planted at inc. were wen by Mre, (1, A. Sweet and northweat corner or Lot 44J. on Ueerre ThM lelrtt4 la any eeleryrUe poinli IDenre aouth 1,99 clialoi more or Thomas Trot if r. 715 Third Avenue, Prince Kupert ef Ike Mil ara lartM I. ceaf.r leaa to id low waier mark or paaea e ... vita ear kraaca anifHi. , llarbotiri iBeore outheaierty and folio - V. C. C. ma too aaid low water roars 10 cbaina Mr-hun, general super- more or leu to a nolot due welt 7.40 Iclcndent, and Xr. Van Aredol UNION BANK OF CANADA rneioa from Ibe Koutnweal corner (it Lot Dyeing Dry Cleaning BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBUflBBBUaBBBBBBfl 44k: llieore eaat 1.40 cbAlna in ibe aouio-weal have returned from a Irn days' weaterly comer aoa or rnllowlns Lot III;tbe tnenre hi to oorio-water trip up the line. For good work, prompt aervlre Cy taPjaKiTliaaaBBJ fW 3j M 1 J K '1 M!fcaaaBaB mark of Ntdra Harbour IT rualna mere or e v and reaaonable prices sene) pood a Prince Rupert Branch A. T. Broderick, Manager leaa to Oie polat or commencement and The Prince. Rupert- Industrial to CITIZENS' CLEANEltS & aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBTiaOiETanaY CnnlilolUT I aerei more or leaa. DYERS, 2037 4lli Ave., Yn-coUYcr. Association member. 7 nuvi v. nApinviiu., announcrs a Haled Fer Hie Ired.ta day Naih,or B.CL.S.,January, Ifll,nfeol, ship o? four hundred In this city. Inqulrlei aoHcited