4 ,r t 4 ' rrm tutet nwi TV .;;,v r. i BRINGING UP FATHER By George McM True Economy aritu .VF. MEN YOU -VTTIN' f F I ;VE VOU ( "i X'XrPjX WUZ A. 1 WCLL-VftM Ti ,n THERE FEfiJ THREE DAY-.- U. jO MMC NONE', I DON & J J Cft 0HCf ffl CCBTa.iJi li YOONUOT;iT UPCARUV ft i. DOKOUTMINK L HCEO . Old lOO EVC f 1 roixowco J C TL JbDON T U J 4" r i-2. J ir?f F YOU tend ui your last year's ikirt or dren and have it returned looking like new-iin't that true economy? Freque'nt Dry ' ' ! at lxtL fTom ttevies. Inc. 5 S?"" ""- Cleaning and Pressing I I HMSMMaBHIBHIBVBWBMMHBMBMMiVWMVBMnHJ ""-l"MW""""""J a """Bnnnnnamfc. will prolong the life U - i U - r"r"S BEAR DISTURBS PERRY BOOSTS ) 1,1 of your clothing and We d keep it fresh and new. BUSINESS DIRECTORY PEACE OF CITY PRINCE GEORGE COAL May we help you These are Good Places to Make Your Purchases when You go out to buy economize?1 furry Monster Picked Up by Tells Legislature of Wonderful Police and Lodged In Cells Riches of Peace River. EDSON MINE RON Canadian An Emplrs. A real hrown boor wandering-at AERATED WATERS FURNITURE AND GENERAL LAUNDRIES Sacked Steam Laundry large on Ornfl Hill. Prince flup VICTOHIA. Feb. 10. Hoi h A.N. MERCHANDISE Bulk CAVER BOTTLINO WORKS CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY erl IiipIi past residential Mackenzie of Vancouver in n sec mov-iijr, Phone 8 "Jos Frsvr rnvne ill ritftft for siri-rt WILFRID OFUTTON -Cor. Third tin Tin. S. Oar-la tnd rrMnf rpL lion, wr.s the shocking discovery and II. fi. Perry of Fort Ororjtc ('hut tOrrru 1st, tor rM band tural- STEAMJCOAL llial was. reported to the police in seconding the address in reply DARBER SHOP imnt. PAINTERS AND DECORATORS la-1 evening . anl resulted jn to, tliV speech from the Jhrone in f.o.b. cars HminVnrresf anil confinement in Un Legislature yesterday referred VOK AHAMA BAR0CR SHOP FURNITURE FRED SCADDEN Ihe cells at Ihe police station lo Ihe forthcoming liquor control Udj Brbr BilM 7J1 Srd Ave. FRANK BRKMU Sliiti tnd rtr Ption Ora tf Al... Inc'ay. . " bill. Third 4t. Pbwiw Ora 441. NflflAIMO - WClllliCTOt Tim alarm was given in to the The Fort George member fao BAKERS PAINTS AND OILS COAL Reductions police by n hysterical feminine as his opinion that (be C.oern-ment FEED STORES voice at midnight. The bear had did not aim to make a profit la cassc BAsinr THE A. w. I doc co. - rivi sva. rturtl Avi fnone It uos Painit. uilf. Ula tad been wandering alioul. Fourth out of Ihe sale hut would sell nl PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Wtlipapfr. on All Lines Vw lorallon, fad Avf. rl TIB 9l Avenue and had frightened strong as low a price as possible. v CHINA, CROCKERY A NOTIONS PAINTERS AND DECORATERS Albert & HcCaffar men from venturing forth for Speaking of his district he em their evening in the rluh, children phasized its richness and said: TMf DENNY ALLEN CO. riSH MERCHANTS, RETAIL ELL 4 CROISCTT t- P0a 4TT, Limited ucrn hiding in the closets in Ihe "There Is an empire in the Peace Third Awinr, opposite PmI OOlre. ' ARTHUR'S BLANACT Phones 110, M4 Furniture le-l stage of terror and women Iliver with jls wealth of coal, oil 'Thiid Ava. I'hofwt 40 k 4a I. P.O. tot 411 j PLUMBINQ v.."e !n speechless hysteric.. and farm products that hi ten CLEANING AND PRESSING To Special Constable chricbcr years would lio.uid.ite the debt of GENERAL MERCHANDISE STEEN A LONOWILL PlMaa S. falls Ihe task of npprahending he 1'. (i, 11 Hallway and give miI- TOKYO DYE WORKS - Prrliur and dr 4J' w"a CIN YUEN CO. eltaalnit Srd Amme - Pbona until my Hrother Hearnnd restoring safely flcient tonnage .to make it pay. jTli Sace A. -y Pan BUI 71 RENTALS WE SAVE to Hie resident of Oraft Hill. There are .10,000,000 acres of land P. W. MART raw hlark 411. Large Stock With vary steps and a full com n the Peace'' Iliver district, of CAFES GROCERIES plement of armament!, the officer which 10,000.000 acres, ran he THE BOSTON DRILL ! LINZEY'S PRINCE RUPERT OROCCRV start PAINTING is reduced proceed", to (lie secne of alarm. lasged ns good land and would Third Ave. Phone IH K rnnd pure to ell Cnr. rih and ralloa Phone III Your Clothes For a while the furry monster is yield wheat from 3(1 to 50 bushels. BELL 4k CROSSCTT mm 477. n where to he seen, hut finally to 'the acre and 'oald r(t to 100 THE 'ELITE cafe HARDWARE Barrie's he is traced to an unoccupied buMiels. srwuu piir-ii writ mr i:m wmti. unui. . m. I II w tnd Ava. sum i. SHEET METAL WORKS Have yi". .i t t.n shack. "Oil''' peepagvs vere abundant hipruantllrrF, plol abd ruhrar op-IPlws. It need -.ij. 3 Ti In the Darkness . and Ihe Imperial Oil On. had Mak-ed CIGARS AND TOBACCO . EtaritMai la imi siaula j "' 1 1 "" " ' ' ' Furniture Store, The door is openej and eauti- big claims t'n li. '.. recently. -- SMnnd ROWE'S ran r--st..rr .n id Avenue Pknn IIS lously-a; pee(-iti taken 'iSnto the Hojturjtcd,-assistance to. got se.t-., YOAHmA--JJ Thlri) Av Wt, i IMPORTED OROCERIES fit I be in up in t J tstM Third Avenue darkness Milliin. - A flashlight tier. . alberta"bIlat BAJnsrT STEEN,a LONBW1LL Pftaaa S. Just ibri ta: -tsui a) the Inner ! ruth Slrrtl - PBOIM tos .. ' scans depths, hut no- DRUGGISTS Bd(ir s,"! i r ! : 1 lli'njr' Is seen.' Presto!" Woof! i TAILORS LADIES AND QENTS tb ' . tat bring x LAUNCHES FOR HIRE Hrrr! The Man in the Moon Orr-l ; Henrish nrtirulc- W. i. McCUTCHCON lion! linns! goes llje door nnd Srrniu! ArmiM and Slllh StrrrL Lavnah -NABSCTRONa." Ptteae Blaak 400. T. LIE OhhmII Poal opira fresh. SAYS:- rn lrel drur koune In Norlharn 1 C. The llOS.eeo Boat. Ale Clraolnr and prvt.int Terrace Fruit Lands rejnforceinent Is soughf. A passerby Is cominrnileered Jo the Modern Cleaning t assistance und again the lonely AT the fish I unci, yesterday f.x- B 20 Acrat,3 Milei from Terrace on sh:ick is besieged. The' hear Is inayor 'McClymofii, Illustrating Good W agon Road. heltind the flour anil the Assistant luw the word "hanbiil" was In Pressing Co. Good black soil on clay sub-soil. hearing Hit (sounds leaves pot- every persons mind here, told of a Daily News Classified Ads. CurrVi 4 Acres under neit plow, 7 acres more child who at uight, "Our 3rd Avenue, partly cleared; 25 bearing fruit liast: never more to lm seen. prayt-d trees; 2 good wells with lots of The i direr finds that if the hear Fctber which' art in heaven, hali SCBHTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Takn tor Le than OOc Dilery water; well made log-house, 18 is to be captured it is to lie but le thy name." by 24 ft., two stories, with addition a n?h- handed. He his 16 by 18; log barn, 20 by lemoves "SIIF. Is only a bootlegger's UANTAD. i'iknukhs will hi: rjrXF.ivKii LOST 40 feet with cellar beneath, full belt nnd attempt lo collar the daughter, but I love her by the undnrmgned for the Tjl size of barn still. nur-l Nlj-ht Phonae i. 0: Sua 10 feet deep; Price animal, and aflcr a battle in which $2,200 cah for quick sale, $2,400 declares the thirsty one. - STIlXOOHAPHIIHS" Kxaminallon chase of the hull of tlie gasboati',)s r Small blaak pure on me consiable s I ro users are on terms of half catb, balance 1 a a for I I.C Civil Service. An "Tnltnn ' ikPVirifft.' flvn fnl li.nii tveomi or Third Avenue, containing Day Phone 8 year at 7 per cent mi rred by the. IhniHts of the sav A MA.N has to be . married at examination fur junior and by twenty feet beam, owned by small hanuc and key. KENNEY BROS. & CO. n-e under paws,subjection Mr. Hear and with'Is brought much least a week before lie realizes senior stenogrnphera will be th lliiiUnn's Itay Company, Finder please return to Dal'v STEENSLONGWILlil that it is didlcult for two lo live held Saturday, February News as on where she lies on the beach lit Ottlce. Keep Ihe change. Real Estate trouble is taken to the Shvet Metal Workj and Insurance policn cheaply as one. 1 Uth, 11T2 1. In Vancouver, Vic. Port Simpson, Tend'Ts lo be In 31 Terrace. B.C. Mat ion. . as and Mr lar funca toria, New Westminster my olllce not later thun the Ajant for Theiv he awaits his master. He TIIK man who has no money is Midi other points as there may o'clock p. in. February 20, IV2I. LOST -Sterling ler rlgnrrtle Sanitary and I? Palsy MazziY cub pel wlio is alv ays willing to divide willi arty- be live or .more candidates. M. M. HTF.PIIK.NK, P.O. drawer rce on sf'orn of SIlNwallana llantlna Enlln" ''ia inwMw poin? to liea dnncing bear when Lake. Finder please lly. Candidates must be Hriti.ili advise 1705, Prince Hupert. 11. C. tf TOM LEE CO. lie irrowii iip, - V a a subjects, resident of Canada, fur Urtlly News JHTIce. 3 Prince bin Bireei UuDert ana riw" "if"u J 1 JSOMH people marry for love, FOIl SALI-purse (it least one year, of the full age seine boat 43 810 Second Avenue, West WHISUEAGUE others.l for .money,'7 nnd. yet.-.others. Of seventeen years, and not ft. ly II ft. C In. by 4 ft., 11 tons FOUND inrrn are uuo just wane io gei more tlian thIrtyrflvo years of net. 17 gross; 25 h.p. three FOFNIl flold mounted wolf tusk. . VEGETABLES married. age. Applications to write will cylinder heavy duty Corliss engine. Apply Itally News ofllce. if Wholesale Retail Four Games Were Played Last Wed-nesdny, Hull and In MAIM and. be received up to noon, engine guaranteed SMITH & fiPP.AKI.NO of marrying for Instead of Usual Three Night Oeneral Contractors and J-Vbruory Oth, 1021. ronditlon. K tec trie FOL'NI) Mnn's fell lint. Apply K. C.'s Far In Lead. money, i know of several young' lights, bilge News office. Labor Exchange Application forms nnd full par. pump, five berths. If nun who would be willing to make llculars may bo obtained from Carry fl.ooo humpies. Price for PLUMBING ABO HUTU The St. Andrew's defeated the a business deal .of that kind, pro MISCELLANEOUS Prince Rupert, B.C. tJic undersigned or from and immediate sale 12,600.00. C. I). ENGINEERS Oddfellows at whist last night 5 viding Ihe lady is also n good Phone 547 P.O. Dox 725 to . Ihe Knixbts of Pythias were locker, is amiable, kittenish and Oovernment Agent. W. II. Payne, Ketchikan. 35 Will the young lady who chnnsVd Estimates furnlbi successful over the Valhalla G to not of a Jealous disposition. Mclnncsj Civil Service Commissioner, FOrt BALK 0f LF.ASIjQb print n tin bill nl the LaCasse Hakery k 3, the Sons of Canada won their a Victoria. Jl.C, January Ing business and plant. For on Wednesday, February 0, be. Address, 3rd Avenot, UAVE Ycur Suit Cleaned game from the F.)k 0 to 3 and the i)r search being made ol a 12th, 1021. .particulars apply Dallr News tween twelve nnd one, ftc4 Of S?e.-,sid Street. and Pressed by our Steam Knights of Columbus scored an- Scotchman's trunk by those re WANTED Scoond.hand furni otnee. tf call and set hAlanee of change, Phone 174 - P.O. . Machine Method, price reason, sponsible for the enforcement of ture., If you have anything- to FARMS FOR SALE able. Give us a trial. ' the Prohibition Art in Manitoba, n SIXOND-IIAND FURNITUni: sold a Wr.r Veterans, 5 to 4. sell call lied 243. Wo pay cash. LING, TAILOR Etes02 Tin standing follows: cfrkscrcw was found. The man F. M. Croifby, 715 Third Avenue on commission, P, LeClalre- C. P. H. FAIIM LANDS The rich Knights of Col. II 2 22 wus arrested. West. , , If Phone oreen 54 i. tf prairies of Alberta, Saskstehe-won Hons of Canada . 8 I If, FOH KALK Folding and Manitoba are especial, ANO TUMI baby The fhort has much In be buggy. KniKhf J'ylhlas . C i 12 man WANTHH Second - hand baby 15.00. Phone Oreen 228, 33 ly suited for mixed farming". P HONO REPAIRS MUSIC FOR DANCES. HI. Andrew's fi 5 12 IbnnkfU for, when he is up If bugjy. Phone Mine 329. 3A Land that will product Lie ENURCEMFhU ARTHUR'S. Valhalla 6 0 12 lh ears in debt. SITUATIONS WANTED KOll HALK. Perfection Oil Healer. crops of jrraln and fodder, and HOTO Sons of F.nsland G 6 12 SOMF. people are so dishonest Apply P.O. Hox 100. 32 well adapted for dairying or Agent tU$ Phone 481 Phone 481 I. O, O. F 3 (I G I bey can't look a potato in the Thoroughly iper!rneed book FOR RENT livestock raising- ran still be mad. InCr. ' 101 ks 3 0 6 eye. keeper desires position. Hook, had at prices averaging about ft. W V. A 3 0 a a keeping or similar wrk. Accept FOIt 18.00 an acre, with twenty A MONO Ihe things that don't perrnanetTt or temporary position. HKNTSeven.roome house, years to pay If you wish. Only Rupert Dance Orchestra HardGhing get a smoker anywhere Is wondering- Hot 158 News otllce. 34 furnlBbed, suitable for roomer. 10 per cent down. No further ' Apply ICO Third Avenue 291 Fust, Red how much of the cabbage leaf payment on Ihe principal until Four, five or sic pieces in his rlparetle war bought by the FOR SAL! next Pioneer Laundry. 33 the erfd bf the fourth year; then Now reMly for engagements manufacturer as tobocen. FOIl It F.NT- Th ree-room furnish. sixteen annual payrnonts. Fn-teret Phone H. White, Red 1B2 a a FOR PAFjK. Five roomed modern fl A serious condition arhloh It ('' ed apartment. Apply 208-210 per cent. nevso when you arouse the liver, X THIS Is a free country, but house. No. 428 Fifth Avenue Ninth Avenue West. tf Write to 11. 0. Loughran, Land M kidneys and bowed tr setioA by f there isjiothlng mjlle so free as West, 1,1.150, Terms. Call or Agent. C. P. it. Station, Van- Hotel Prince Chartered Accountant usIncDr.Chais'sKidnty-LtmPilli. i i free eold. It can be found In Ihe or phone for appointment. 8HORTHAND TYPEWRITING and Auditor. Onspillsdote. 2S.iboi,illdiltr hills for the gathering. One of the best resldenllat, ACCOUNTANT8 GEORGE RORIE ur. Chases view, double corners In Flection Pitman tenngraphlo Behool KXPRniKNCKI) ACCOUNTANT $1 AO per H n W' af lUrle A Sm.ll. C.A., Vannuvar aad Try A cUsilffed advertliement 2. 1750.00. Terms, Kvenlnjr-claises. Monly, Wed. would toko-ehireo of sot of Prlaca ItuparL If you want lo buy or sell or if One business lot on Pecond nesdsy and Friday, 7:30 to 0 ftooks, whole ' 0 WT PHONE r.O. Baa M or part time. FIRST-CLASS federal Building jou want anything-, A lot of business Avenue, on grade, 91,100. M. o'clock, Individual Instruction, W. I Wllllstroft. Phon i r. TarU. is done that way. M. Blcplien, It No. ta Smith ttlnck. tf Hlark 250, if n n