I kXI 139 TAXI TAXI Phone 75 WE NEVER SLEEP & Hale (Huntley PRINCE RUPERT Prince Rupert Auto Block rafrion Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper 707 Second Ave. - Prince kuprt k XII. " I'ltlXCK IIUI'KHT. II. Ik, TIIUHHliAY, KKIHtl AltY 10, 1021. VMUrir't Clrtulail 124. Sirtat tilt iss. PRICE F1VB HKNTH CREDITORS VS. GOVERNMENT Representatives of dominion are forbidden to enter the shipyard RUTH AND GEORGE NOTT, JR. Ifficial Receiver Refuses Admission of Capt. Saunders to Local Shipyard! TO OFFENSIVE LEGISLATION fuses to Allow Government to Seize Material and con- PROFESSOR OF I Tabes Particular Eiceptlon to tinue Work on Ships Being Built there, until Settle- MCflH Law Against White Girls ment is Made with Creditor WILL j I Being Chsa.Employed by. !...- : PflME Tfl A'MVfW I I . II p - Hii'TiM tin iMiiniip procrd-iri8. VVi!ili lVUIllA MATTER CONSIDERED lodges uaims nc amiui BY THE GOVERNMENT "Mim-ned bark lo J'rinrc llu-i pert and nine orders to tin walch- J. A. Bancroft Succeeds E. E. VICTOIUA. fib. 10 A iliplo- Be Removed but by Court men that nu one Iw MTiiiitf-d In. Campbell as Assistant Manager itiifilu- iinlrsl Ikis brn ma'l- by enire ihe ard rxrrpl Willi a pn Granbr Company jCliina azainM the Hriili Coluiu-, ft mm myself or my asitnl. C. lie rri-'ulalioim i-nliilji'liii IIjp Made Work Work rsnjement for on Ship Repair Ci.nrk. I'lli.r l tin I lird per-iu.MmJ rmployiiu-nl of while irirli in to Proceed at Drydock by Wallrce Ompany, Hip Dominion ..(TIHnl lo VAXUjrVKU. IV1.. Id Si -rnal (.liini-.!- HtalliliiiH'iiM. an a I'mlcMtor J. A. Hanc-rft. oT Pa ciilrr a malfir uf xirlry. mranurr ofTcnoitr to Hip i;iiinee. but Men d Off from Conttructlon jMHJIII l"nhrrHy. .'!. . . K. K. Cornmnt Loekad Out. f)oiiiiluiiil i inaile uy (In-Hriiih :Cr:iiiHil a afi-:nii mi 'Du'T "f 'lmHly aflrr lli.i lintruc-lioii necrrtary of jlali- for for- Tiif r? ;1 .) " between Hie I mm in ion fiovrrnmml mid the lhr (iranl (noliIt.'l Mliuf. Klrtro )rjr-ok a aud It-Inrru-Jfar old lauLter ut iiu Com i-isn affsirM and hail lin (iifil. Uii azrut forwanlcj lo Ot f'liii'lliiiy unI 1'imrr r.j. at .ny.. oi-.iI.ui man, foi lvr oinrdrr Unuod li. Wtdr u trial Hrl.lf-PhH i!i.yr t;i In I'liiK-r Itiiprrl Ijrv Dock and Knginr cring (. of HMniiif. iji. hmiiiijT, arrivr on at tawa and by Ihr Ottawa -inrn-mrnl I'tofrinor IWlirri-fl i hraU of r.-i.n AM.rtriiiiK tu troilbiony at tl- trial. tbn cbiWnn iit-a IK. Ihdr- I!-..- ivicm-r ill lisHikriildry, lio lorkrd the tiovrrii- at tin- wor. Midi lnlrurlion lirouulit to llif aii'-ntion of I he l-ciiIozv futility nl Mrliill ami lt IUdo wlll UhIi r.illirr body nil U-iac ulM lu a truuS. from llii l'-inHiiirnt the II. 0. rierulivr council. i i win' iti'i uir Mimyiini, put uii a uuuiue nui tu waicn- In rrrnt llneiiiiiliiii wnl.- ri-.-.r.-iiii.-il ... .. . I'remirr OIier ami lii raliinrt 1 u If I.. II.. i I... I.' ...r u,, nijr rr.n..nn ,.ll Hi, eihj .tiucs in uuow uiijutir 111 inc junj CAicpi uy in cn- ,jntf aiHl.HI. U aUIIK- ... har I lie whole itn-tion umli-r ; t:.- ion r...rr.n inr ,.rr...,. ..r ,,fs MM ,,(,r, ol ,,. rhd of Hi Beatrice Is Ashore coiisidpralion. lahinv any iiinirrini or bimh ...,:.. ...i.. ITLis t '."! Im been taken by the rerciter lcruiii the Im- llu-rffroin. A I in ii'M.inlrtl " H.3 iii' imu'iil i-laitn the.right lo elxe the large iiiaiililie twi'liTf lii It.inkruplry iid"It an iw.nii'1' li;pi"I u i! 'mi l a Ihr BotrOunenl rredilor i In Ihc mmfciny tin tilt? strength irirr 1. on Ifc-rrmlwr f llii Sui'tTin 3 uirl niluratlv of 1 1.; FIRST STEP on Lasqueti Island This i .. a U.I l - - I a . J a j I in (or.lon from llir dai n in In ii.e wttli.it llUfi am at the Tami lone ralli-?ir I"'' Wr. The urr' of Ihe LIQUOR LAW IU TiflUJUYM tl jtl Hr iiwii inpferrr, If. A. Hull, lo uH Jn nukins ihr irdr af l. Pa sengers Put Ashore and Princess llf HA. IIII.I1W ' appoint a rpprr jnlathVio jro-pi'l ii. WjIIhi-i-(! I ll-.ll i''iniaiiy I' I'rlif l IrMns for Oils a. Ihr liiprrl of Ih unprtiMd Met'on Being Put to Legislature Patricia is taking them Back to P.Removing W. Baldwin Thirteen Has Received Employees Order irlilor5 anil rtni of Ihr flr. 4 i- u-iiiB I In dry h J-atliintil had alrrady r. du-" ' : wri I'M nlv on iifl i inr o liatr a full iiivrn Man al all nu I lo jr Ijinl no This Afternoon Pre- ' Vancouver; Algerine Reariy Away From Here. i isai ! work in- dour liny iirrprml of all malrrial in rnr rrrJilnr pU an ll'ndui prrf. paraolry lo Bill. I'Iip Cnnailjiiii Nalional Hail- r. - - fim-ii ai-i- umli'rlo' yi.il in iirdrr In farllftatj a rrrnc mrp anolhrr. Kor lhi to Proceed v.'ay.x aiidil ofllrr, winch lia l.n - 'In void. inrllli-mi-nl with m a rrcehrr rranon I har drridrd not In allow VICTORIA, Feb. 10. The liH'alrd berr .ini-p April. 1118. l!;-4e- ' -a u.-il f in. for l'ir hlilp. 11ir- ali aikrd a rrprrnpnlatlvr or lli Oominlon Initial slip In putting before , In 'llOnlA, February 10. rail In Ihr .-ulapr ilcaiiicrwiil nunc! next Thursday lo i 'I .v .oahi, iMninii.' fr a i(itiiiiriil of ll alu nf Ihr ijnvrrnmnl on thr prnilrn and the Legislature the Ootrn-ment jVaiiroupr where the future head Mffffinr was rrreivril rarly this morning wlifHi aid Hie Cdnadian : fiii iiHimw lo-i'ilu-kMlnl inr.lorUI llnc in Ihr ffom now on Ihr only way nv control of liquor bill Is .'v. li.'r-. i ,i.ihiii jinl. MprrwnUtir of tlit Oovrnimrnt being taken this afternoon, ,1'arihV i-imkI lranirr I'rin.-.- Ilraln. r. boiiml for I'riiire ltu.prt. !w,"7 wl 1 ''-VT" i I'SHiiipiiI. Ihe nioiinu' r Ibis ". Mimu la.- io .iln3 rrrrltril ihu rriieftl, pti obtain Minru.m in bv n- when a motion Is being presented aluire al Tucker Hay, UmjiujIi Muml, in habuie Uiaiiiirl, jiC), ,la b. r.,,,,,, fr in imii. ,,r id.. tinlti-nll Imavltird Ihry wrrf trrtw forrr or by pptllna an onlrr In committee of the fSolf...... .if nuiktrtn ' t. . . n... ..... i .v...e.. ,,lllic UIIU I IK1IUI1I. lOf'UI ' i m i Snumh-r- !- i "imi-p J In make an rquilahlr from Ihr iamr rourl Ihnniah whole calling for presentation A laleiiienl wan i-mh-iI laler b J. II. Ta.lor, tiperinleiidenl, audilor. ha rerrully rcceivcij bis i r 'i .U.- oni of ii-:hIIpiipiiI, aflrr di Mrh Ih orltllnnl appoiplmriii to the LleuL-Oovernor iii many '"Mfui;liii- lo Ihw pfr.i l. Tho lo Hie rfTcrl dial llir had been oir Jedidiah "nn mailp. lbi nN'r would of of address praying that he jMri)grr -nl on ! .ill tin- ii'iiirrml rif iin at oiUva Ihr l-imrl an ,iM lakf a rlulT of Hull ' nrrrtily har In ovrrride ihr before the Ulu.,,1 .m.leeei.r.in.vl.li.re. v..l ....V ..,. ,.,.,1 II... .I.ii. n.-.tlno- ell. inip.il r.'hlnH no Hint Ihry had cause to bt placed " ' ' JiiclUdina; .Mr. Iladwm and T. C ' 1 - in M-riui'iifM""d Ihr nut I It In Ihrlr ju- rieinal orlrr madr In rrmbpr Legislature a bill providing waker. Chalmers. M vitrf elerk. from ij Uiat 'i..iiniB liii; in) itr. lire dpparlmrnt. lal." for government control and Tho inaslcr of llin ---Iconier ran her for Jedidiali Islaml and here lo Vaiuou.er. 'Hie bank n-i-oiiul . Men Laid Off, sale in sealed packages of !i 'niii or nuprtlor, Raeep lion at Ottawa. ' tlieuri! In Tucker Hay, LusUrli Island, where a settlement exists. is not beiu moved at I lie -present l Iillil. 'I had inlt-r-iirw An ar-anu-f niriil lin brn niadr spirituous and malt liquors. iliriiiriily an time but utl ill paymeulM w An iiivesliKalioii being Ifelil In tlclcrmiiie Die exlenl of Hie RacaUer's Story. v,llli Ihr rrprvi.riilulivr nf rlwrrn T. Mlrn of Ihr WalUrr l.e made llin'ii-li Vuiii'oumm' uii. "- nin.a (. h iMily Ihr mariiir ilrpirlinriil and Ihr "oinp.tiiy and Mr. Ilodsrs hy whirli " it.image. The. Algerine i ready lo profeed iiorlli. forwarded lo the uriois depart-iiipiiU 'aliw. Mr. ltM ilppuly miiiilrr nf JuMicr. thr i.r laltrr ha anrrrd lo prrmil thr ASSOCIATED for distribulion. iiali'iiniil: Inllrr of whom gnvr II a hi Wallacr mrn frpr acrc to Mir of Mr. Hal Jw in will br in charge ' r . , f... il....... !.... .. .w oi(nloii thiil Ihr llankrUplry Act yjnl ,,on Will I hit' .undprlaktml 0rges Development ol Ihr new rolisoITilaied ollice. Si llli 1U. wua I'll 1 1 ci I lid nol aflrrl Ihr Orown and llml that Ihry were lo br iim-J on rr. BOARDS MEET White mid Mi.vs V. U. KdmandV V i in ihr Ihimrlincnl of ih r.rowir uui iiiltlrd lo rnirr pair wiirk mil) and ii In work Deep Sea Fisheries will leae for Vancouver one week I " nJ t in i ics fur Uir nr-r lln trHMir.'.rfiirI all' llo plant mi I no rompiritoii of ihr ron Inter. f. 'f ill-' an ma nil Rur-i-i-mml and malrrial Ihry. foiiiiil In thr l-orl rhUliuforlunntrly nrrr. ,Rtolut!op are Passed Regarding P In ship, now on Ihr ynril, and I'ompl.'lr lln liljm fnlr Ihr l:iinur olT of ievrnil Roads and Hospitals and Thomas McClymo- t Speake of Fos. ibiiitie of Herring idy Ihis, fresh flsli all tin' year ' il in .i i .i. f...i liy Ihr jwilhoiil ptiyinnl pilhrr lo mr m u r 1 1 who riuiiiol b. Inkrii back What round. Other Subjects. Industiy, Quoting was Beinic Done f" Miipvar-ii. ih ili-parl. i-pi'iiivpr. or lo Ihr unforlumtte oiilil Ihr diniriillfp-i Hlwrrn Ihr God Market, I tin- rrrrivrf and lln lorrnmrnl im in Scotland as an Example Wiilliirc frilllori who ihiii"d Ho" K"l V.M.OlVr.ll. IVb. IU. Thr There was u Krrat markci fo irltb-il. Mr. Huitirv U ulni AsHiMlel Hoards uf Trade, u herrins, not only amoiiv Ihe orld Record Ski xeryllilna ponitip lo allow Ihr t onvrnt Ion hrre. prised n resolu "TTif tlsliiiiR imhislry is indeed the lifcbluod of litis runi-inunity," Slavonic races and Kalian- of Jumps rrpalr wirk o roiilinnr. lion ri-roiiimciulinK that Ihe rot said Thomas McClvnioiit in an address yesterday at Ihe Kurnpe, but also 'aninh lha of nnintainiiiK public hospitals lull lutirheuii in Hie llolel Central. "Ii is (he rentre around which Orientals, especially In Ofiina. Hoi Are Made Revelstoke HOCKEY, believed there were plenty of (lsh at orr and above Ihr Income from cvrrjlluiig .t'Ue rotate. Five years agu there was lui llshing aud oilier snurres xj and I hrre would be nu djlUeully in 4 Seattle 0. Vaneomrr S. al Sr. MilunUry liorne jointly by Hie provincial dune here lo sjieak of. The railway creuled a new economic selling Iheui. He Hiijrsestrd that fmul Tournament Gives Railway Town International allle. Ifovrrnmrnt and th district nrrv condition and life trade came here of its own volition." Ihe Kishrries Association and Hie 'lorunlo-o, Moiilrriil al Mmi. Keputatlon for 3, vd. Till wa carried by lhi ra.sti In lmildiiiir im a idare il was sometinies dilllcnlt to divine Hoard of Trail. should ualliec data Winter Sport j Immenie Ifal. Inir vole of I ho rhafrman. what induslries should Io develoied, said the speaker. While ltrci,'a-.-d to liMt inaller. II would Ottawa 7. ItuiiiilUni 3. at 1)1- Distance ' poikI inrexltnenl lo Hrud Covered by Athletes i 'In a A resoliillnii lihauiiiiously tawa. lisliiuK was nol the only iud.islry in Pnnre Itiiperl .1 was the ,, adopted lakimi the atand niralnsl discrimination n(iiiOst iniporlHid. Tl 'al.'Mojj In-, - j Mr. MuUlyinont rerrr-d lo'lhe .tfl' Hi . l..lin L.:i-1:1.1' I I 1 !.ntt.1lf frrisht rales i'ir 'I "IJ I'. I'llHI V 0 11 '. JOIMMf fator of the a naltint Ihe wei. duslry was pratty wrii iiovfioiivj- l" " ' ' '; ' '" i" formation of a bal company hrokrii lie ii. m-mIitiIjiv iirti.rio.ini ut Hoi niiiiiinl ki " "V " rr" " iartally linaarnl A "permanent dy,.tur Thanks. While there was a irUiaet litre- "V wliirfi was Mnir "l''')r loiiniuii.,...! llmliislrv I In. Ilh wen. liPonlflit .. .... . .. .... 11.. BlviliK was favored jnnl also lh Burd lo ,alrs. It may be ald lhal jn f ' S.a . 7. - V.""'"'?! T"". NelMm r n,ncU.ik.. mku UU own rerunl of IK. f.'d SHIPPED EAST HukiiiK uii of all appropriale east ii... WISIIPU llieiu eirrj Horn., ii in.- a" amaliMir pi..,,,; ,.i ..:.i ' i i .. in. . . i .. on the whole, Jhe inysl was . l),heries nave employment lo.....a ,.,,-,.. Vvas well manased he i. " n'l'i. nun wri man 10 .., ..... ... , - ., . ., ..ii ii.... oiuiie vn hii i'mio.ii in i iy i..-...e' ......i... thou;;hl it was likely lo sneered. " "clr"li liniktt lilt W(ifi'M.oiuil rt'nir.1 ly jiiinp- hriuuinu aboil! an .Noval'lulry. is the lishfrimMi. There were Mention was also luadr of lite tod hiahwav- from Vancouver lo "c. uii nirreiino ,or 13 frrl oyrr lliol mailt l.y Amlrr Over Two Million Good American Si olin. SpiMkinf;. uf ,halibul. .MrMc-Clymoiil stores ill Ktirli places us the one lUIicrics of which iiolhiui.' was Eggs Pass Through Vancouver, of whirli he told, all living frtuu at , jniadi' present. - t ill.,,nenry iron,,-.., ...."i"ioo,,,, nisi, jwur. ... , Rest Oriental. saiil (t wa v eer)bv'b.V ll:i herri'itr linlillry. . .HI' lllU B l OH lJIOIMII I VI Hill I' JIIIII- mliid. T'he halibut Industry wa l fret BALLOT BOX FOUND , Mr. MrGlymollI answered the nn,I j,. ,.,. fi , ii... I, .i i..i ... i... ii.,ii . . HI,., i B'-mi) nun to.' iriinu join iiiiiov I'J i..in VA.Ni:OUVi:. IVb. lO. More tpealed, he IhoUKhl. lo its fullest nhjeeJIon which had been offered SECOND LECTURE s iri'i I.nl ''Il and Injuird liln'nrm. lliiui Irn million I'iikpI Hound nnd MEMBER TAKES SEAT extent. Jl had icrown from ui(h. tit he developnieiit of this industry Soviet Russia (ii I" foiiiprlu vmiiia- lo u biokeii rollaiboiie C.liineKC etrn were liriMifshl lieri' Invi lo a lleet of Kill nmls! uml wa lien, lie said if the tlsh iwu u,.l. ui. ...ins iiuiiiu town'.. III... fliiiuroia,.., ;.. nun. it-.... ilurln I lie lnl two month for VICTOIUA. Feb. Id. The ml. ot itifut aid lo llo rouiuMinily, were akeii in drep water Ihry W. W. LEFEAUX M'rU , U'S" t,,f 'il" "''lovriiu'iil, iit,'intid by tlm local tdilpinmt lo Hie eastern flllcs of I ii w Imii-I Lit iiiI' ballot box front Living Example. were belter limit if taken In thrl Club New York, liolon aud I'liila. ihe Delia byrlectlnu lia lieen The ex.mayor said he wtiuld harbor and he lli'ouylil (hey Thursday, February 10th Uclphlii. Of Uieur S.ino.OOi) wrro localrd, the ballolH .couiilfd (bih uilwici-.le KoiiiK after oilier apeclea !would be iaiReJ,;. T hey rould'suii. lit H p.m. 'todayb1" wt,r'rilioy jiiruiiyiron, Juiuki U'i.frcl und 133 Ihe proiliirl uf I'tiKCl Hiiund hrini I'rtertion liaw lieen finind o iat of Hah. He rcferrod tu hUt'Xiy'ri- Hue vva buill wlivn he wa younjf. Seal reserved for luUir-a l"',;ull"'a tliu rcctTrd mad" TuunUuv of U'b feel. and Hie roniulndor woro Cliinoso, a majority 0( Oiu. ence in Scotland where u branch I h'rjjiiii uvluiny but a tuck pile u I