4 Page fl mil DAVLT IfafWB TBirj ( , RETURNED FOR TAXI ROBBERY CASE f COMBINATION BEFORE JUDGE YOUNG CREAM HIS SUITCASE Yesterday Afternoon and Today Westholme Theatre Spent In Taking Evidence While. He Jumped Aboard Steamer on Both Sides. TONIGHT ONLY w pnteef Santa Singh Claims Suit case as Taken. Tin' J. It. ltiiilluiiil taxi robbery l'lt:H WU pl'llffetlftl Willi iMMUnM . v,eTva. a,. saiil:t flnpli, Hiliiltt, vim li-tt .in i w o VMint in tli.' rniinly court ' Tho most popular man on the stngc tcday )eM -rilay afternoon and tlii' fur Vitticomer la! Thursday nteht, mailo h haly return In the incniiiir hn exldeni-e fur lh. rily seslenlny ,111111 mini. Nulla pruaerullottiiud I lie deTenre was Wallace RE!D allege Hial In nearly inl"ed Ihe (ii!4'ii. 'I'lic ( vi niljoiir 1 1 until IliU when further slciiiicr la I Thursday nlnlil ami, nflciiHmn indeed, hail In J 1 1( 1 1 from Ihe ilenre will be hraiil. i wharf.a llir mvs.h'I wuM niliiiK J. I'clrjn. fhuu uIimiii I lie money iii'l. Id rlainn dial In- jutiipetl i aliened to hate Ini'lt iI'Iiii. will..ml lil.t" iiilr'iii. whh-li Min- Domini k Mnrn. Hlrwitrd III the talned ronli.Tftlili' eaidi anil 11 111 Urn' Chili. I.. Luxiur, bartend "SICK ABED" pit si hook, anil Ilia! nniillicT lliiiilu it In I hn Itnyal llnlrl. ami (.011 ! made ..IT with II tln l.oal wnJ'"!1!1''1 MMlliiul.y Mid Maiilonald lenUits. The city .police are in-i-.Li"ulin m'!i llti',Willi lor lilt i ro.s.' Picture from the big stajje hit, anil a warrant is out 'eiiUmi. Ii. .Mai shall, taxi driver fur the arii-sl of the xupecl. Ihmlley "T'nle. Joe West anil th In addition to the groat cast to include nccnei were tin- r. Unease for the A Wondrous Beauty KELLY DOUGLAS TO t'efenee, 'The aernnril slali"d Hint BEBE DANIELS he hail only iua.li' one run nil the Cream CHARGE OF uit. lit in i.ie.sliiii, I lull beins tii aBfl ANSWER ' the Marine Irnnworku with Joe rxr r MM Wally Reld .as a sick man aptl Iielc Danit-ls u YOU will love the fragrance first. Then the SELLING INTOXICANT Wi'.l, who MilAlanlialeil ihn nurse. Enough said. , I smoothness, the delicate creaminess, stnlemciij. The billti which had linen foil liil in the Me of Ihe ne- of this marvelous beauty cream. It fairly melts Kelly D.iujilas. I.li.iilcil. lire the cr..ed hail been plaeed there -It' into the skin without a trace of grease, or the liefenilanlM in a rfiarK1' "T sellinjj Christina lime when lie had' WALLACE. R.E.IO liiliinr in eiiilrai.':ilii'ii of the It.I". a'SICK. AB ED Pathe Review News Gazette rhanceil II. fur niallrr lull clogging of a single pore. Anemic tissues 1'rohilijli'oa Art. which a.l- em A FARAMOUNI AUTCRAfl FCTUJ l(h'.I."llnrrl, a rliiiirniil man,! speedily drink it in, becoming smooth and softly jnurpeil in the iiuilcir cnurt this whit N lo In put on the flaihl pliable under Combination Cream Jonteel. A i.Kirnliii.'. I hi nfliniMiu. I ill Ir. i-harr.'el thai I he wholesale perfect base for powder. Take home a jar II fiunjiany nohl a -liarrel uf , . ; EMPRESS THEATRE TONIGHT ONLf today. nver jironf lierr to I'eler Wesley. EXCHANGE RATES J Mr. I.ouie I.ewU nrrivpil .ym. it'oirleiy of 'I'. MrClymuut. lenlay from Vaneoiiver to lake a SleHinif. IIUT5. Elsie Ferguson .olliiin ii milliner ill Mian Mar-l.i'au's Kranen. H.Sti. m ORMES LIMITED shoi. Krniie- (llelwiuiii , S.83. Lim. 1.59. in To Be Troubled With Murk. S.23. ireee. 8.3(1. The 3 Ilonjr Kontt .5I1.HH. "His House in Order" Store Constipation t niteil Slat'. 13 V Note This is the Best Elsie Ferguson Picture ever screened The Cause of Many Ills VICTORY BONDS MUTT AND JEFF NEWS GAZET7I l imihihtr. ir you do not rrel .n and r to your IX THE SITIIKME i:olllT or HIUTISII fCetirlmy or T. Mttayiuonl.) COLt'MMV fimllv phyalrlan one or the Aral Ihinr he lll do Is ak yon to hold out your l2l', VJ 7.5(1. l. TIIK JMTTEIt OF THE ADMIMSTIU-TIO.N Icnrue The reason Tor thii la thai the 1923. 97.. Mail Your ACT eitidnlon of Hie Ion rue ahowi the con-dlUiiD "' and t!2i. va. T ff I.V THE NaTTF.II UK TIIK F.STATli OK oT the Human, and bowels. to TtSTATE.ms.Ri.KM WILLIAMS, UECfcAShD, I.V If ou allovr your bowels to become ron-tlaled 19;. 975. ' Special Values Special Values Broken Watch you llt bare bilious allaras, MH 193.1. 97.' TAKE Mi1l:K That In I lie Order r III hi-adaihe. nulled Urn rue. foul brraUi, 1931.0(1.'' :iwour r. MrH. Voimr. iiiaale the JII. dr TIMBER SALE X 2S17. liioie valrr Irau, and hearlljuni, ete, r Jjinnry. A. 11. Iil. I a ippoinird 1937. VHK. liniiiiiralr tlw rMale nr ctuirleii troublesome pile, vhirh rausc so mueh healed tewlers win be rrrrnrd by ti To Us Wilio?i. drrete. and ill parll'J havinr and aniHiyim-e inlery. Minister or laU at lrtona not ial'r laims hrrrbir araln.l the Mill r,latr are 'bihth, BLOUSES rquirrd ti fu.li name, prorer!)r rerilled, keep jiiur uowelt inovuiz rvrularly aud than laam on toe t till day or Marra, III!, tt'lue. no or lTtre the 1 at dar of Marrh, you awiii'l le slrk. . '3i -s tjawc'i'".i ---. Inr the purrlMM- or LKrnre X f(17. W Wt) Tliis is a good lime of year U. Il, and all rrtlra Hxtrbted to lite In .MUburn's Mta l-lvrr ('UK you wl A- ihiiiffhfrrT."ti Iirtl lbi S.Jio.BOl) reel f Kpear M Hemiuek aj, Utf are peimirrd to pay the amount or and tu liuvv (lie regular uvcr-IiauliiiK r liMjrblednm lo me rrllritli, rnd JuM lue renieilr jwi reuim for this iiorniiis !i Mr, ami Mr. S. I.. an area adjoining lierna I. .lo. 1, una.; Thursdays Friday Saturday- JOII.M II. MrMI'MJ. pore. 1 1 ey are purely vrretabk!' ami '.aeliy. of I'iinviilli Aeiiue. ill (ale Inlet, ygrro CIMrlolte ItltMl OIIj dune. iiRlrial A(lniln..lralfT. do not rope, weaken or Mrken. trlrl. j Iialed llil 11 'liy of Filimary. Il. the (ieneral lli.-pllul. Third Avenue Line a box large enough Mr. .Jan. ri. Inrrl. Bo( III, llalirai. Two (f, years will be allowed tut rt-.i DEMERS DEMERS ix enoH tk. ! wotes: -"("or l'o years I suirered inoval r Umber. i Prince Ruper and ut plciily uf sufl puck, IX the trnf:MF:LOtl.VBIA,:oi ht f biutisii with runMlpalioii. 1 muld iki yl any-Ihlnir The Kinji fi W'lwire. t3.lilll Itii.. rarthrr parllrularr t.f the chief lrflr,' ins around. ' 4 lo rure nie, and hardly anythmr leleua. ir.lli.n nn.l jhe II. tun. etral. It i or Duirirt lorrttrr, rnact r .V TIIK MITLII OF THE "ADMI.MSTIIA-TIO.N would rive me even li ln-rary rrlli-r. one imperl, . t. ACT day my unele indiieed me to try vnimrn s It.nun lh.. are the llxh arrial J We satisfaction. guarantee and l TIIK MTTMI- iF TIIK KTATE OK l.aia l.lvrr I'lllj". and even brourf.1 mc a 'iMlay. Tlo-y Mill el nl Hie re(t-'lar TIMBER SALE X 2725. IHIBMIT t.MSIfcTT IHUA, ULCLAStU. ale liiiimrrow iiioruinv. IMKSTOK. ItiiJl t hmiii round tliey were d'na; Hie rood, salerf lenders win he rerrlted by the' $50 to $5,000 John Bulger TVWK .M'Mi K thai In Hie Order nf ll 'and arter ounr the wood lal !. re , Viol.Ier ,,r at tetria. II. .,. tKt" CmvMir F. MrH. Yoinir. made me eilh rtr Jinn.-. 'rf). Iiiliiiiiwn- II ii eil later Iban w on I he Hn dar of 'prtK A YEAR FOR LIFE r January. A. I. ivn. I apimnird Heted ol my trouble." ill. ! the Ir.tM-. irf Llrenre VVr, Jeweller 'd.iilul.lral' lo Ihe will' or llolierl Km-..uraii. Nilbuni'a Ijia l.oer I'UI are f-r t vial nu in l ii pnliee eninl lint lo em vaaw.ixr feet r penee and Mem A deeea'd. and all parllea hav. rk im sn area siluaied . I.ime.tufte ftfl t A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY PROYPES H. all mailed mrert GIFTS THAT LAST Inr rlaliiin nalul l lie tald etate are at dealer, or on rereipl lin.rii.iiiK for 'Kiipplyiuir liiiior. in I Im.v l.laixl. yoeen (Jiarlolle itart Pie'.. Iwrebjr requitwl' to funilih Mine, profrly or price by The T .MHUuru Co.. Uluiled, the Turin of lianl efiler, (o ImliaiiH. Ilrtrl. renlied. tu me ui or Ix fure tlie tut day Tiroi.to. OdL i Two is ear. will be allowed for r-. No better lift .aurMisrnt available of Marrh. A ll. tan, and all partira indebted iwnrsl r tlHiher. " - No heller ecuri:y otKainabir t the elate are Mn'Hred to pay The I Mure AiiirW Ciirlinii Cluli urtliee lMMnlar. ,.f Hie iJuer I'ore-ler.J --Cannot be aeijH or levied upon tor an ;Jt ine aiiMiuui (it uioir ioa"Dieanria to we irt-t4. N rntlee, i... or l.i.lriM lureslrr. fi.rtl.wtIU. njertahieil a VnililerhiHif rink nl N.rt. U. i . ' -U'iU N replarel If Jnal, stolen or destroyH Olin II. VfMUI.I.IV - Not .ff ftH by trade depsraswiii I fie wek end. I'lve iMLrul Adininittralur. can.r were ' Kree frota Domanion Inmate Tat I m led :l.i ll or tnl TIMBER SALE X 2323. day Fibruary. j FOR SALE i played, it I .ii,li Hani lM-ker, M maJeral euaninstkM leu.fed CANCCLLATIOaj OF RCSEJIVC. Iliiiican M.iuro iiud fi. J. Wall I waled lew ten will be rrrriieif kr tliei Anynne over the age of S years resident or domsnlH l Casa" Mi,,cK IS llf llKHV UIVC.1 that the ITireelllei VullW.'l lionf. The , Ulol.ler t,r liiil. .1 m m. may purrhase. rrrervr rovermc Lot e 1 99. tJaasiar Distrirt, later lltan mum on the loin day of rrn. I Any Isra persons may purctieae jointly House of 3 Rooms Is cancelled. l'i Inee (iiMi.'ife rink won Hie mM ll, tur lite purr Dee of Llrenre A Jf,l Employers may puttbsse for their employees school boar! WeelEndSPECIALS ' U. It. MAIlEM. lo ewt 1.1 an. reel uT prre. 4dr ami! )eir leo'kees- ei fee their ministers . etvoeit Mioietrr or Lamls. -aim;. Irrmlork. .ii an area stlsaled ,w tai..4ii (.f and Batb. Kully Furnished Inlet, otieeu i.hirtolle l.laixls liolnrl. iliepuly one (i, year will e- allowed for re-I Am I at'l r f Ir. t. e... Ires I ST S Section 6 IRin It Is just a cheep to gel ynui loot a I or umUer . MaaiJa.4 if A a les Oat aa. tar e tMut H m4 mm .' -m rnelNer o.nu-iil... ,.r n, rhi.f 1'.....,. $2,350.00 irintiriR done wel' and done at .. i rK Kreelr -;irg just urried Vlrtotla. U. or Dl.uicl I'orrsler. iTIure i-4sSfSSs4s - . 2 doi for $1-25 tome ax it is In nenr) it awxy. Ti 4 Room House rhe i(ctt Print Plu.n LA Nil ACT. New Zealand llullrr in hulk a Sucopd$1,600.00 Avenue, Section 1 . , 2 Ip. $1.25 Are You PHYSICIANS AGREE roM or noticc. Public Noticb, C..iliul 11. C. .Milk . . . 2 tins for 25o I AHMAII I.A.MI llHTHIi;T I'lAlllll.T III It lid --Il I' Lot 1st Avenue H tiiw lo fiiye . . . -. $6.00 ON REMEDY FOR COLDS T.Ul. lu.llre that CASH.1 Weer III. Keoll hlnip. A. J. SlnOKnT.O on wi. or Trlrtraeli I'reek, H. C, la-rtipalicrit Mallett, TANKS AND EXTRA SPECIAL liHl.an Arent. iniemis to tfply Inf net"!-KMi Section 1, rloae to to lease the rollnwlni intrrWra laoii: Besner Apartment! 1 Ton Australian Mutton Insured? Treatment Now Offered in Cap ii.imi.rinr al a post plsmeit inu ranis in..re or lesa ix-rllmenl or Ihe norHiwet Choice Ix? i (o fi lb. 30c lb. sule Form for Home Use. or rorner I lie Telerrapli rreei lownaile, formerly of tho firm of $600.00 HIiiuiMer A I(i : Hit, 25c lb. marked Initial 1'oal: Ihenie reiriti tn rhauisi l',hoix, iter Ih 30o Ihriiee rail 40 rliauia: ilienee xhiih ao Smith & Mallett, hnsno I'll-, jienernlly nufeed eliainsi llirnre west 40 rlialna In the Atlas Slew Mullon, ier 111. . . . 300 ii'inrie ure ,. point . . ' ii f ,ifi,otuefiienl.... aruf ,Mnfai.tn. h McCaffery, Gibbons Takina whole ide, per lo 22c riiiine petiple only begin lo an lo Ihe irealmeiif for fold or more( or Ir". w.lls,HIa connection with the firm appreciate the vuluo of V- lie. The rld hoiiuIiI are Hie Wr.HSTHI r.OTT tlMViH.X of Smith & Mallett, Ltd. bale. Prrenilier allayinu of Ihe feterlnh ro.ndilion, I tin. II0.I & Doyle, Ltd. Cooked per ih Corned lleef, sliced,40o l ire Insurance when their the relief uf the III u ki-ii la r nore.. I V It a fa I TI hut has formed a new Boiler Works Iioiimo i burning'. nexit and the keepllis of Ihe 'n-lein iy hie et.'i hKMK )i.i uf or iuuiisii with J. H. open to carry atir the nyntenilo I 'l.l'M HI S. Eartnershin 3rd Avenue Phone 11 Laid in bulk .... 2 lbs. 5o I poiioiiii K.'ilerateii liv the fold. the firm Don't lake eliuncol Prop"'" a Ill iri.-l'h. willed ran be oh. John Hrri., Hweet I'dlali.es 2 lbs. for 25c tafety flrnt. Call and ce (Hilled al any druv Mlore'. will he ix TiiK MTTHt i.r Tin: imtatk ok name of found in . iipeul" form jiiet Ihenu i'.ii'" "l-!"".s, LiCir-!HI. I1JES-TATI.. l'reili llhuhurb, per lb. 30c inreilienis. vU,: Apirin. 1'he-nueetiiie. KELLY & MALLETT a..t.lant WlMW Oninine. Hnlol. t'.alfein. T.lkKl0'lirr lhatTn Hie Order of n Head l.ellure 18o and 20c Cilrale. Caecara and I'.ainphor 1 1. r f SlrB. Vornia, niate Hie Oth 0r Urf '1 DENTISTRY snd Dybhavn & Hanson Moiiolironiale. The dinlrlilitorH Sfll.lllUalrat'tr J?".".,r Ii," Hie''ealale' i J S.pomie.i Heatingand Sanitary .M.rlns' . Cntftclaltf I ' Choice Celery 20c and 25c have pi'iiiieiJ the full formula on oi.rti. rtir.awl a.hI all parpes liarint Engineers, .si..L Don't neglect your Teeth Insurance Agenl, Third each box and any penron fan ilainia aja.n.l ihe aaul ealale are Ivrrbv Waithed Carrotti 6 lbs. 25o Hiilmiit Hie io their Ii nuirerl in rurnlan auine, (iriperl)r vrrilled Frairr Street phone oetf One decayed or mining tootb Avenue, I'rlnco remedy family lo me, 'mi or lirfur, tlie I at Hav of Marrh' Ilupert lowera phjxielan if denired. A. n. Illl. anil all nariira irnieiiei t. your efficiency lai':e and tender lale are reoiiirril lo PHONCSi I 1,1, Ml! I'areiilpx. niip-l ix an wiiii retnarkanie ,, , ay the amouul or . . u S lbs, for 25c proniptne--, Kven a hud roM , w. ,m inu v it,II. ,r MrWI'l.uv,f.rinwiin. Office Creen SS !'. DR. BAYNE ii'lii'veil in a it i u Ii t. while it Im oiiii iai AiliiHiiislralor, House . . . Qreen 4 IS j P.O. Hoi Office Houn-Morninir, 9 to 12; Finest outheni Cabbage per hut rarely tinl gfrlppe 1 no eon-tillered luted this tat day or fehniary. a' Afternoon, 1.30 to 6.30; Satur. lb. 7o LADIFS' AND GENTLEMEN'S ill .10 lirMir, Hul U VX iv OII,,U.W day, 9 to 12 only. Evenings, M.T TAILOR today iiin) have ft in I lie hoimu fof I.V THE IfVltkM K (.ill f OK tlHIfjill TuecUyM day, from Wednesday 7 to 9. and Kri- Rupert Table Supply Co. TllirtD Fit GuauaNTKBo AVKNIIB elni'rireiii'le.per On Jinx.Huh- at all dri'iiuM. 35e. IX M.MTK" ' '' "ti''HntTIIA- Travellers'Cafe FOR JJ DENTAL NUKSf IN ATTEMDANCK LEE Oppoaluj Pint Olllte .Vr..jj-..MT. PHONES 111, 212. Phone Red .....,Wui.lrM OK And Roof mONC 109 FOB irroiNTalENTji 130. Advertise In the Dally Mw. Tilt 'itlrv.ur.fi, ir.i,r.ABr.....U. - baker y Furnished lliHior, K. MrH. toiinr, mails tlie Iliu day Uts Allies Cafe, SlUth Street. Open from 0.10 s.rn. to u.'IraUir....... lo.,.iha.,,eslaie or oainr ids M. riaimi Inner, 12 mldidght. Dominion HofejJ PACIFIC CARTAGE LTD I'hone CSS 827 2nd Avenue aralnat tli aald eilale are heriljy reouirsd Quick Service OXJR GOAL WILL PLEASE YOU In furnish same i.roperly vrrined to ine on C. V. EVITT or iM'r.ire the rd daynf Marrh, A. Ii. Il. Good Place Eat ju,t KenKalelleO''" to Phone 93. S. E. Parker, Mgr. Osri Lump. Clenn Kggr. Mlna Kim, IT'S HOT. NO SOOT and all irllra Indrlited lo the raiaie ara Av. "IT I reiiulred lo .ay I lie aiiiniinl of ll.rir la-diblrdiieas Boxes fur family partloi. .Vroer first Careful attantloD rlvaa to all ordara for Auctioneer (uraitura, frtlgtil. b dtras or otbar Consumers Coal Company, Ltd. lo me forltiwnh. L.HMalo atif Wlno Street, .'rln-.; tranafar work Auditor and Accountant auii.. ii. jwr.ii, Bros, Proprietors 0BDER8 takwi roa COAL and WOOD 11 Smith Block, PHONE 7 J. Lome MacLaren, Manager OfUiial I'rmre Adiiiiniatratnr,iiurwrl, H. :. W, Louie- Wlnjr, Manager. lion a. aaataXairaaaausaieasraniax tttti Ualt'U UUi Ird day ut rbrury. IVSI