9 NEWS PAOr TWO i ; : The i Daily News H SO FASY TO BE PENALTY FOR pniNflR nupKnr - nnrrirfii Columbia AunQTonNR LAW EVADERS J. A. Published Rvery Af'ernnon. exrepl Ritnday, by The News uim Kirkpatric Printing and Publishing Company, Thlni Avenue. IILLLttllUU.I.Uliu Osath to Those Who Will II. P. PUM.RN. Managing Editor. Take "Fnilt-a-llTes" The Pay In Soma psrts of Russia. "The Store of SUBSCflJPTION RATESl Wonderful Jrnlt Medicine Salisfaction" Cily Delivery, by mnil or carrier, per month . . . ... ... . . . . .1 1.00 nmil to all of the British Empire and the United HUtea. Hnaliv U e Ily parts lice, n. The death in. advance, per year affl.no ul iMnA ierr.M fn.m Ml iM imltcl.-.t in the Kutth" awl l My Local Record in Business Speaks for Itself To all other countries, in advance, per year ff.ou mm J l?vr (' "r 4ilrtrl upon rtaMMit w at I fell pain eallaf aad hl ileaiKi in .-ae the aram las I Ml May ?t. toH .i. r Ihlrtet ti yeara -. I TELEPHONE 08 roB.nl ttfe. Uk4mi mm jwlttrh Ihe ir..ernnwMM ha lnn-lUed Hp. ami ilHn hae .weurreal m tin- a'T,,n. ,.r n. Contract Hates on Xpnlienlion. to lerp ait. I wMfTtthic) M BMl. iii .-al of WSW late. ..1.1 I II ml B l OI I ll Ire f . (i II II ,i' 1 i - in i.l All advertising should be in The Daily News OfTrfte on day pre. thin ttut I WgtiO , Kra-n.Mlar.k a -aanl and In At UU. a ff - A CMr1l8TMAi BARQAII OfPORTUNITY IS KNOCKINQ received subject approval. y VOUK ceding publication. All advertising lil ' al la a li.rl lime Hie (ortli-iaU whom h linlw.1 t '- DOOH Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. CeUp4Uaa lu.lii, I felt ili.in tu Aitdminm Ihi' aiuill !' Uere all Hadieal -te mre pala, aowUrlias or f1v1, hh. at n eilm-olay. " !l.iinir lakii Ihriii.atliHIt Id DAILY EDITION 4 bo I a vtfeH. tler i n ' . . 1 ami wrfl " NllM to rheik ih" MS'l'f'i Facllltfes for MaJa.a AHTtH'R IMtALXtlKlt. hteh lte M.i.. ai'nin.limn n Hartt Shoes aOa a hoi. A lor J A I rial le'j-At iemnilr a- nolllltilf u".- FUh,n"Bglevhich dnmage.1 the fl-hing ! n the waterfront Uealrr. o. t pliMl by in effort ! i.ae lavalmn. l. I ! nil. -i i. .ik. . , th (latter I llmtniajr il.. .a ,n i f.n- drnw iittenlimi oim-i- more to Ihe lark of -.oninl..dati,Mi rruil-a Um l.imii-l. iuw. a I.m hI ILbing I1-L The Daily New ha mentioned hi ntatlee leadee h aiire. an .'...ion iiil Worth to 18 00 All m, pr,M t11 M tried to impre on the aiithnrilie lh n Ike A-id i n aain-i u.-nt-mi HAHTT SH0R8 lr..n. lint- lo lime and ha. am Hfimimn tvn.v . SUITCASES Wranaet and Ihe Fol . ha- dock .on , , for arli.m wiUi view to hiding a permanent Canada'g flnent make. Otilv tli. lri.led that will -belter tbe fleet It i wonder that Imk.i i,ia.e a aaemner i i-.-hthi owner prefer to gii ...nth for the winter when they run not l.-.ne unks lrmnell la the llwwaii. whe l i-'.'inlfatortaig leathers are um in HAHTT Sllof--iMiSUttful i r their ve.el, lied up here in afet for few of a nthwet wml ehe-li in.iriiini - hoo emlNMiy the tnM il. , winl MiMruk nfwrrnwio n" ruining 'd -weeping them from their mtxinnR. op Pi i nrc Rupert hnrlior i- well mted to handle big -hippm CLUB BAGS l! "rilv. In It rrent report hf a craftniArmhii . and hfl- tftod shelter for tbe .mailer hoal if there wa a n.- Large Stock on hand. ii..in,eed lhal lh- Wel rr-ull-. All shapa and Isalhara on pri iliwk The Provineinl (.overnment Hoal are ikn imenum it Prices very low. I.taineil hy l.i.ma h.i.laf i n.-.tariiuo II wn never intended that tbe h.uiltl prmide n pl.-for itlae an.I ..r. inii id. piiriMe all Ihc boat- in the harbor to winter. It i not the duly of the J. F. MAGUIRE illaer lheineve l laclnr. $11.00 Provinrial Government to provide urh eenmmodntbo. The Holt Ihe haHd 1 1 leader and 'reml. i I.miKii i.mernment i reHHiibie for doeke and uharte and' Sett Of Prince Super! hem. Wner h tillage. l.a-irefiled rniilml the fNheriea. They are the one who IhhW make pro-m.i.hi ttt ltr up Ihe t.an,lil it fur the nhcrmen. The Pmvineial Omernmenl and Ihe .-it 'ha MNnel ine tnen nerear I" might aid in providing faeililie-. but Ihe main work hot..l he NEW APPLICATION iucirir llie villaae a a nrninn done IhHihtle by the Domininn.the menil.er for the ditriet. when bi eleelioM i OF MORALITY LAW iio oiker neair. Gift Suggestions for "HIM" at Xmas nured. wilMak tfce mailer up with the new Owernmonl after sweocs ron nusstA. it i formed, Initio! new little . an lie done, awl it sine not eent Cass In Victoria Eicltta Com-m a if there would be any relief lhi winter. msnt of CourtAt irrlaga SliM'.KHOI.M. l- H n.atplele ranae. ineltMtinir a larae .i-lnimn ,.f Csrsmony Lacking. ia farmhand hate h--ii ..r-vanited Neckwear .. iu-. pneed at 7c u $i.7s. by lUtifimimi.i fr the Swimming Tank VIGTOIUA. T. It. NVith the aurMe of entiaraliiia ! Ituia For the The Children.propo-ed swimming tank in the Iloolh Memorial Srlrool ..iiiineni lhal ueh a prteeu-MHI Thi baa ben lirmiaibi al-il ) Belts In inrvidnal U..se. front $1.00 up. i peimarilv for Ihe children. If il i ImhII and arrnflgemenl ran eiiene.1 mm tery Me ami Ihe rnnalanllv fallina prteo ..( lie made for the pnblir to ue it in the evening and a charge eHSH qnevlntn. anil thai it wheal and Ihe far I that farmer., full ranae of beaulifhl aalt alia Any in ' mmle f.r the prvlfr. it will be a diHiirl privilege. That i a he iWeniu nt eisiM te eoaebl- ait mir I he rounlrv hat.- iua.1-aareenteltl Mufflers - ., fwr iJirialma. PHcad at (3 00 ta M0 mailer. The flrl thing i to make il pibre for all red a eemtHft wIlMia Ihe Ortai. wUh Mo ir -.T. ' e.-omlarv With all Ihe nsl eeole a ehameil. there w lower I'.irr Iri.h l.inea. fnenserly Me. Tar .stl i aoa&Uc Ihe yoimg people of Ihe rily U learn to wim. wave. voiiiter wimmee. there will l ho dilliciilly in improving the aaysax wtieee weti agnr-i- Handkerchiefs and 7S.H.ni.iiirbM Ijiwh Special 10a and ISc ttlimfr. awl it p..IWe tMn e4hi lead. Mtstlrae Ja. rMcilitiee at llie .Salt Lake for wimmer that arranjreriient; may he nwle alM for nwimming on lit aWe itlig ha the etly v4le enrt. The Man in the Moon MaOE.TOMEASUrtC SUITS MobbsHIn and Ssml.Htady of Ihe harlior.- reerve4 juJgntent Ine S3 1-3 ptr cant. Discount Thntr who are keen on eeinr Ihe wimniHg UHk pnijerl i t a mao,. aai( uhkms. etHirsnt SAYS)- forwardnl -hHikI ee that the aldermen they eleei are favoraMe ii ih4 fafaftnalWw of Mia lo the rtirmeo that ft may be earned fiirwanl wit limit neiay. W ark. efce ptwfeewHWMn, ttk IK Ihe world i itoina I" p praclietnlr siuwsarallty in I be I.HI. il atlpht i- wtie l learn rhay feaN a atnee nt KatalliHed Repiitali- n . itir onlt way io ' ' iiMte af a ttttM. Make Morse,Creek In be a lor a while. baxli lanMrd -t NereanrfiV and ..numr ii i.fa i in "Till e a whle aai eeeSun Recreation Centre. win- nnf V Mnre OeeV a reereatimi eentre? There U quelpMM." nU Maritrale Jar. ta.AUA need a anerry l'.hrii . n I ream of nor water fbiwig tbnwgh it from Ihe mountain I hate n tUtubi I here aee Itua. ma. Je I.'tiki everybtutf '!. Thi water wwtld Iw Jnl e pure and -nilaWe for wimmiHg a ilrea) al analMy lauuat. "f ii. i - Oi Salt I-aLe xrent that it laek the "all water which i aid U people in Canada lfnjr a Hiee pMt IH.IH Iran IW a Saw a- IM'i 4 r .4 I itr Ihefcllhfnl. The .More Oeek at preeHt an MHightl ditch, pe4e aee Mmx t a TMF.IIK i hi crtase Ms bellli. . Hum Ihrar oia wherea il might be a beautiful lake. auitaMe for'wimmiHg in hate snt cwte thrmmii a aia-rise Mil to hite la woelbf mi eMM-lewitallww MM a iMHH t-'fl ml 1 Canadian National Railways it, of Ihe e' reremeny. Ttieee are ala Ited Nlh 4. Mimmer and kaliHg in w iiter. In order In improie one by Mr. U tl 11ITT llrl thing to do would be In raie tbe dam rterl feet and make many xple t have awaiaea aajel Mlgfcty aaaj bta w4e awl Arte: il ermanetil. lielher Ihe present ort of dam would be a Ilvrce hi Ike lisuini Mate on taiwl USA' ta, i U ill(eieiill -Irimg ue not we do mt kaxtw. Kventually it might be ?rMHHtd nwl reeoiintse to llrsa a .i sb erra.ui v rr Prince Rupert maile a permanent -Infrturr. WHIi the lake well IHUmI with water ami hate lnea goa A FT Hll the wy thi Haeeae eata.r mmm usa isiibit w and the Mump Uuei out and then Mini' nrtitie ittaKe IhiIII Ihrwwjih a form of marrsane IA leleelina) m and mmA$ went. yk,Inn) i t hmi r iihft.i. a r HmspaL us s. r n!nngide il with lxmlhrHie awl (lathing bone there wsmld lUniJa. . who leehnleally hdj. aMase of the aaaspatpaj . a. r. . NM (wctaeer. Sar a Smw l eaUS tm er- be a great transformation in the appearance of lhal part of eal.l lo be in the aaase p-u arera will hat lei put 8m sad aaaani i e aw the city. lute, a thee lefe.Bl. into the ainer froaa tht lime Shipyards Thi work ran not be ibwie all in one eawi. The flrl Fata of Children. dbw a Ha. ' of water ulllrient tn make Itathinr If thi eeli.i .f lite e.l ranw aw -.i a aa. Mmv w-ria thing S to gel a good depth o rtmtrn m Pm at DeeS , plcal and kating aUraiihe. Then the olher will follow U to he eonehlered In apply ! II.Nr of I be mnt e.eMi.t ,1 Operating O. T. P. 0.000 Ton rioatlna Ori gradually. ia of thi ort, no ms saa pori. we k rum U an epa laymu ! rra H iet The Salt Lake would ntlll be ned a the favorite pot for ay where ueh proeeHtlMi are eonle.i whi. li laat elet.n,- r"- lb Engineer,, Machinists. Bol.mt...re.Woodeorksrs. IU. holiday and or thoe who have boat. For the hundred, whuj goiHr lo "!. ami. if eHfwreed. -...nil,. makers. Founder.. have no 1m1 and who feel they eaniHil afford to pay the far t whal wimhl be the roaull f a a ai rsarr lsi Maraeer pis Ihe lake everai time a week, the More l.ke wiiubl provide a l'liee peHle are liabla to a AMo.tNi i he ilianaa that 0 t T.tr is-! r un si r iteMkki!.I Our plan! i i nmpped t- .11.- l v winimiiig place and would be a onibible follow up lo ihe win-miug fine. nr. in itefanll. lo insprixNS. B4 you any wneve i veUhensT fur wniiii S at1 aM laHk ripoal of Ihe Rotary tltub. meni." ronllasHHt Id Mtjri!rute. y.Mi had baebM the other bor.i- a mm r.4u MARINE AND "and in the hitter aafce I base i-rnipr mSl rmllSy '"" 'l Tak Another Look Moil wnatnl beewme uf THAT If I'rtaee llHpeii Cily tSWT SrJSm tm an il,.j COMMERCIAL WORK - - nae ia.. n4 eaaws at Morse Creek. rth aaiMeen 1st ihe meaaUaae. liond. .ell at par for the fir Kw m. nm Take another tofck, at More Creek awl see if thi Miggestfoii Their uipurt would fall eiiae. lime ..n reeord wtlhin ls day of a o r. vnvrtro. inHrwl PHONES 43 AND 35 i not a reaMuiatrle one. Ily laking aelkHi nt .nice the eily cmild upon the elty r Ihe provtare. Ihe 1.1 Iterate beinK eb4eil, they rrra. a mm. rt in-i-l on the mot compete anilar' arrauiremenU to prevent any If the fiae la not paid, the pa, ouhi i he ai peemlHm aWer a n. tan IMKkiliility of Ihe otherwstfe pure water of Ihe lake, being touted. enta aul ro lo priansi; ff Ihe hr' time ..f I.UWeal foM-ra- wvl v. etraoi r.i h rr. While it would nut take much money to be Kin settiuar the wheme fine ia pa Ml. Ike rhildrea are tie. MS under way. thi U the time to make a hegituiHif? so that all plan privet if money that ahould BO e af Ifeai I. H M eaaall. Tka wii' "DEMERS" fur ItuwliHg in that erlHn of the eily hall run form to the to fee,) and clothe theni. ir waa a bird of an election Puaeaa. B . avaia ratata. general rheie. The new engineer might take the matter In bawl i muat hate tuue seejr aer. wllh lnrk ami a ieek in il. mm aa aiMiwuae a- wxtii and Ihe mayor and . ouui'il for Ihe eoniuig year might well ioueiy ronuler what ) my duly e tarnsaarVl maW Caraaoaeaw H paai atni in ihi rae,' riurudd Mauta-Irale s "THE RENDEZVOUS FOR JiDJESJVHO. (five il niiioi.lerHlioii. One of the ae4 danger.mi. lo- Jay. "I hall reaerve Judjt-nieni peraon in the world i he who . i alwaya killinir lime. U ULmiann r. raasaMMae Se trm. Splendid .a.sortmsnl of " a a it a i STAMP SWINDLERS IN I.HKA people are all he) up IMtaS Saetearfiar II.rem IHI. 114 ia. !at, GIFTS THIEVES beraue their raMway la Juat DAINTY XMAS FIRE OR ARGENTINE REPUBLIC finished. If thai e.ma try i LAND AOT. anything lik ibi Ihe people will Nl af IMMlla W ! la kM LaM. A ,.-,0Lt May rob of valuables if kef Sale of Bogus Fle-cent Stamp e onn find that I heir trouble la Caatl La4 Dlrlt. ateanHae DolrWI .""M",F,,tI you your T rttaaa haprrt. (ad Mlatia al CtfUla OLOVH Year. Hat.- only ju. Haa Been Going on for tnin. Cam; rill lMa4. at lxaue. a a Tit now ! 7 in. "LK MMILtlNlM ALL .S.nTr.1 II. A erlaea Rvxwrt. B CCNT. OFF IllKNflH lee. so PK IN "pile nt all lh eofmiilllee H0.1M). in Mr fur erkOua t I A SAFirrV DIU-OSIT UOX will -w indie of large proportion haa ay, there eeiit tn be no lark bed UikI. iieeil periielraled on the Arttenllne of employment for Ui xoaaipa. ramar.r.iaaanria Hi . i aorta pmbmi f WhlM n tiotk. $.50X0 give you cvtry pruttction. Aunual i omoftVe deparlment by the thMMW la eaafea anrth. Ihw an rtun ucfl L IhMV 4e totta mmn. worm n. rental t$ and itiwards. printinn and aale of fale fits. (SL ASD rCTROLCtIM ACT. eKW rtt. l avauia ttmt KM 7.M enl Mlamps. The aale nf Iheae ratsrc mTratTssri mstsict til-Thict H. HAI IMilMD. ptl"l. nelieTrlmmed Hat, alu -lamp ha apparently has been or riMST. ptitos I. Aieal far .. M. a B. ruh Co. Third Til imiMw UmI I. II. a. fuuiiell. af niMf fln.hf ft. IS!I THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA koinK on iHMsibly for years, but II iMMwta. B. f: , oreapaikia mialor roiawr, was only reeenlly dleotered. The lnl.4 ipt4jr far a llrea la ftll snmiaaL ACT. "DEMERS" fur lr.lriiM tad ntlvril Ml l'" ft-kiaiif ilefiarltnenl ha ordered ihe witn-drawal dtwrtlwd ittutt: Ciianinnar I CHIStal ! lmfwUi I .oil n-.l A i.-o l pliu4 it rlMiat awlb tut IS rtitiat of Ihe Inane in queatlnn. ! fran Ife Hurlbrnl rarmr Of Lai XOTKR i 'the pnninfflre depart nient ad-m Oil. ihrar ..( rbaln. tlwera aoriaj Matlwlla Nn I waarfel rum, oii ia mmmmmmmtm ia fheiaa. Plrtok Wiran i r .,m-Ct il led Hint Ihe fraudulent alampa MHI rBilM ll hi rf rMMiMtwe- thr iti.irtet: kA4 Klaeaai naval ha, were praetleally Identical with the .. r.i.u.a mmm wir. mf af'!, iT,im4. a Ml aa4 half fraia il lVl UNION STEAMSHiror8.C aulhnrized nnea ami that II wa , . '""'Si 1 TS aollra lkl I. Mr. Il.iwire talltars '"!.."; aa. In art , 'i,B,ri' M FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Secondhand not poaaltde lo Irare the source of 4SII ialNl. v.a...f''. if lll da fr..in tb ifalf hmT. In a t4 . "''rVlaaae aaiwafa n, Hardware, etc., FOR SALE at our Salesroom, Ihe n.uelinahle aupply. i.oti. Ann erTfiuLCDM act. In Haa Wiiint hrri.rilct r r a ('.urnAraM ! f.e Pari aa 0f- II. H " S23 Third Avenue West. Phonees Black 815 Red 1S7. Five.rent alaiiipe hearing the ihisrt.iiiii.t rrfmnr nr rniir.lah kiv.iE iiihicT k. pis- . laniteiHeat.rmaa ilra.il f of taw Hm aafpnM ai' riaiet ui .nanHi I, il, Jaa. I .... aaiil B.f 00 MIWOM ...art. a - laka anttr ikat i, II. a. rantwll, Of1 Atid furltwr Uk anllra I la I ariMe. Calllat ai T ' rriee GEORQE LEEK, Auctioneer fit aeaa. c.. arrHfama minlliS Hief, iiader aerlioa jj. muai nm v II. liar- iaa i.i JSCS BAhNllir. lnner are acenled In oayinent b. inJ. turn m ibaata im tjraairl fi.ra IN. i.nan nf ' ratimrat CIS SaaaaS i'ir iif,iini and natural taa mi in iw niirnv.Bwiil for postage. Miaf i)ari4 lanla .iiniirD ai , liaiail li' itlk dar "f 1nibr till