p.vor. 2. titk nAit.T, wrwa 1. - The Daily News v SUFFERED DAY CANADIAN IS iniiMllliiliiiiiiiimimr ' PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News A D NIGH T NOT INSANE , Printins and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. MACD H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Appeal Against Conviction on The Tortures of Dyspepsia Murder Charge Dltmlsied by SUBSCRIPTION RATES I r ' Relieved By "Frult-a-tlres" Judge City Delivery, by carrier or mail, permonlh .m 11.00 A r.anodian Idier. I'Jiarb-. Cut Uy mail to All part or the Hritish Umpire and the United State, Lrrn. Ha iron, C. II. Tellelt. Hpplleil In the I'niirl nf in advance, per year .s ... . $0.00. I u a terrible mircrrr from i:.'iiiiinnl Apiiil Mr. Jutiii'r To all other countries, in advance, per year 7.B. Dysprfsia and Contlif alien (utyeut. l.ii ling. .Mr. jii.tic.' r.nleriite anil I had pain fler eatlnc, belching f u, .Mr. .1 in lire S,it,-iiiiiII lor eae M More Tobacco for the Money TELEPHONE 68. constant heatWhe anj did nut ilp l" npMnt iiBnin-i In- cunvH-lion of well at night. Finally, aritnJ totJ the biTiriler of hi- siiei--mi.ln Transient Display Advertising i.SJ& peWlnch each insertion ntit lrr"Frii--iitri", la awrrk,' and for eae in . ..n rm-ilier mid-; -Transient advertising on front page . . $2.00 per inch. the CoDitlpatioo iu correct) and eliee, niiy I In- l."ii!un Tillies. , Local Headers, per insertion, ; , 23c, per line. toon 1 wa free of piln, hraJachfi The exeeuhoil was llxei. Tor Classified advertising, per insertion -. , . 2c. per word. and that rolsrralite ffflliif that Maii'h 1, hui mi Mi.- ri'.-i'ii or Legal Notices, each insertion . lBc.per agate line. ctompanieat))ppi. I continued ri-presenlutiim.. (nun ilo- (111. to tale this splendid fruit medicine addiu Jieriui i ii whs mi1- and now 1 am well, tlrunf and DAILY EDITION, las ThurtulayvAprll 7. 1021. Tleorous". JtOBEUT NKWTOW Hnel. Tin. r.'- lint' so lroitg 0o'. a.box, C for$2.50, trial site Sic. aiiHiilir iiien ln had served With At all dealer aeat I'elllell In Kr.ii vmiIi tin- :an- or. ptMCjuid by Coal Strike Is Ccmada's best buy-the ' The Ma Question. Frult-a-tiye Limited, OtUwa, adiniH ContinK'-nl. Kiul he n nd The Sniggle helween the eoal miners and Ihn operators 0(1 reMt)ii( f.,i Ins urtioils. Ihnli ECONQMY Pockagc Itlie I'aiinili.iti i i.n ruiM'nt iii- Ihe mine in Ihe 01l Coimlry N tin- one1 supreme interest tolay. SUITCASES -I iii-leil Sir f liinif lliis... uiu-l 1 icr!flimliws Ireland, which i continually in tl limelight. HI in Ihe is one singe in the hig struggle between capital ami labor in which j TRUNKS iiMllep. IIIUH Tot Tellell s.ii.l lh.il the lalxjr striving lo get what il consider is its duennd i-apiltil i renl ilefi'iiee. tluil of nmitely in- either jJhigiig to it old lime -privileges or in "some eases i HANDBAGS ijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu fcanily, had n..l been rnj.ed u the llghtfngfr it- Cery exist en'reV v noil iieriiune was nc. noiiiMiy ' . At this dilsiice il is diHlr.iilt loTell min-li abiml the righlj Tents and Awnings ii ainlrtl nvIIIi Ihe e itMiee which fiuid wrung of the tiestiin nl issue Locally people line up nc-1 id i u 111 have li.-en rutin.. Since jft-ording to Iheir fnleresK A na-nls latior men sympathize wilhj MAIL SCHEDULE tin- death the elforts nf Hritish lab'or and employers sympalhize with the J. F. MAGUIRE in Ihe neiiienee hm niwouueid ! EAJ FISH and SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTi nWftuiM.r a-lanre iuan-' IlritMi employers. The nfatter of fight or wrong; is left fur Ihej ' neoole on ihe snot to settle. 1 112 Scond Are., I'rinew Kupert I il v lit evldenci- luvfline available For tht Caal. . , . front V'ifiivich Arttentil. 'There; l...u IV'-.I.. ..I ' ...... U.l ' EAT As n labor dispute' the present.is. a very Important one, but wuiiuiiii nilirmini. miiu r. HrifUh wen also v nii..eK in i:nnud inrilar ul 1 0: 15 a. in. . il more Hi..11 Hint. The nrrsenl Oovernmenl is beset with ililllculties. In .the llrsl nlace there is an effort being mode1 ho could tfne cot'cnt exl.lence! to force tlermniiy to live up to the terms of the Peace TrValy and PRINCE rtUPEHT TIDES thai Tellell. itwinii lo shrapio-lj Prom th Kaal, of Hrilain wi .mils ree..M-.l nl Ihe fllnl Ihllltej Sunday, Tuesday and Tbur. Rupert Brand . that country is taking advantage Vif the home dilllrnlljes and Klher countries to evade lis respnnsiliilities. In Ireland too Friday, April 8. of Ypre. Im.I never uflerwards day at 7:45 p. in. there-is trouble and the intlnenre Imlh of Ireland and Oermany iiiuh, l:?ia. in- ?n. feet. twfu reHM-ill- rr hi unions. is used to stir, up strife in the Hritish coal Held and keep Ihe 13:17 p. in.. 20.1 feel. () T'te evidence . nllcelril in r.ann.la Foe Vancouver and South. Uiw. 7:a whs eonUineil in leletrraiim fruiu Tuesday 7 p.m. BRILLS spirit of iinresl alive. n. in.. 3.8 feet. ' Ii: 15 p. in., 5.2 feel. Hie Attorney.liciief-nl. Ihe ,Mill-Ir'.ter liuu-ftdayt II p.pi Miners Toolish In i 9. or Jll .li.'i- nmi the t'riine .-wirn Ill I.', ii.in t Saturday, April Destroying Mines- j High. I :.r.( u. in.. Si A reel. .Minister of lh Iioininion. I April and :t r. In niot of the coal fields, efforts were made by the miner I I : i. m'v iO.I feel. Tellell weiil villi Ihe 3rd f.nn- lo deslroy the mines by Allowing them to be Hooded. The pumpmen Low, 8:11 a.m.. 3.3 reel. adinn Over-a liallulloii loj From Vancouver and South. , SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE went on strike 'but ninBy-of them returned. Then efforts ill: 15 p. in.. .r..5 reel. France. He was hit in the tiend Sunday Hp. m. we.ro made to -induce them-all to leave Ihe 'pumps and let the The. tune usefl is I'actno J'lan- al Ypres. hul he ri-eovernl. mi.l Vednedaj ........ 10:30 a.m.; TO COOK Cut fish into required I 'irti-.r.i. a water doils vork dan!, for.In 1 20th .Meridian west. then he foutrlil al Feluherl and April H. H and .'rt tatter Place in very hot fat t- j r : : This constituted a deliberate attempt at "sabotage"- as the It I counle.1 from 0 to It hours iiieiiehy. Al Imlh plaeen lie n BOLD BY ALL RErAllXCJ French caII iU II looks foolish to u, for jt successful it would from midnight to midnlRlit. v knocked over hy a shell and Foe Anyoi and Allca Arm. mean1 that llrltaiif would btafmot obliterated as a eoal Tiniliii-iiig The table given 1 for Port h.irieiU He whs iiitallde.t. hill imday 10 p.m. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, Ii coirntry and wilhoiil her coal sne cease to exist commercially. Simpson but the time for Prince later he Jiped ihe airtlh HatUlion.'dnesday 0 p.m. Then if the miners jtioitld be successful, most of them would jllupert varies only a rew mlnulen and in til 10. v. hen he h i.ih. have to le.ave the country iii order lo secure a livelihood. Destroy on tome day and oa other i patch rider, .lie wa tiloxn over by From Anyoi and Alloa Arm. Hritniu's commercial supremacy and half the imputation would the same. The ranxe of the tide a shell. Ilecoverlnj; fmin ron- Tuesday a.m. have lo emigrate. i:iay "be computed a S per cent ci --ttiMi he ttn Maeetl wild a 'hursday p. ui. Labor Solidarity greater at Prince Ituperthan at lranx,rt wjlh which he waj " I'crt Simpson Doth at spring and servinK whn he Wo hlowu into a For por aimpon. Arrandala, Mill Being Exemplified. neaps. Therefore the rte in the nhell.tiole.and n large I... In Ihe Br. Walea Island and NaiPIr. , There is a lot of talk in, fabor circles about the solidarity of 10 Prince rtupert harbor is slightly sKim foil on hi head. Itiuoday p.m. labor. That there is a strong tendency in .tins direction is shown iftyater than Port Simpson. Home GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAIL! iy the action of Ihe Imuspoi-t workers in deciding to join Hit1 Secretary t IFrm tenth' Slmpon, Arrandala, mill The height is In feet and Mr. Justice Harliiiff. in delner. miners in Ihe present struggle. Labor is.getting together in Hritain S.S. PRINCE GEORGE wilint of feet abdve the avenge level ol inllie ji,.luienl or Ihe t:i,rL C 7' 7 ' ""er- and il would not he an imliWe y possibility lo see a bilxir govern lier low water. a' jn' Uldmalif Tin isday i i 1 jiald there evtMdenee ment in tftal country in Ihe ueirr future. How radical such wtts no jmcn, vcr. Vielona. ami F V k a; Hie Irial which o6h Indicnle .government would he remains to Jie proved. In Australia Iher I.Ai'll ACT. Quaan Charlotta Island: S. S. PRINCE ALBIRT the! T-li'M mani He had wns had a labor government years ago, but at that time socialistic For For Porl ClemenU. M; I I; - thought,-was not. so common as it is'today. ''Social experiment Notice of Inuntlen u Apply U been driuklnpr a (tikm! h-h and had April tl hii1 .'i southern QitfrV ( -i.r. I-1- V have to be tried before the people will Settle down again under Purchait Lane. used (hreuU In the woman wlintu From lewrl. April 1UH .1 :s h lie killed. Kviilcnce loot lliee any form of government, whether Ihey will be tried in Hritnin In Skwu taint ltmra. Apl-il II nnd !H TRAIN SERVICE. (rirl r Cnaul, Hnr- S. M Mll it nr1 ItOfn obU'tnHl which letups,! lo and turt,,.,.l.i? remains to he -.eeii, Those of n who live at a distance where Passenrer Monday. Wdndy of i.nlon Bar. cljmtunr kl it. show that Tellell wa la mine I wo for Knillhem, prime lieortf Id- " ' me government is more staiue owincr to me greater opportunities For T nraire that Srtnn H. Brwiniirfl. Bkaawar and Ui Yukon. r--- 1 ! " ' i Inir direct enneeiiin vear- beT.re the com i' .n uf III . .. lor individual activities, will watch with .great interest, the de-vebipmenls i.P I'rlnM .CI nrw.rt nMifiaru.ii n.i.f.. tnr.h.r- ri H. H mill i i i j of Ihe next few yenrs. Much will depend upon what wr. Inietwn ta IMiy tor prmi.io t0 j'-rini". The IMirl IIkmibIiI il hes From Skaoway and Yukon. Agency All Ocean bteamihip uno rfurrlwic Its-jaJkjwinir dcriiiml Uixlo: t refuse the nppliealion olnl In fa nriinalHM aid i m M happens in Hrilain, for that country has led the way for centuries Aprd 1 and .. c.snrrwivSfi tl i Pfl Miml on tneipR. Ihe case lo u deHl Willi Iit on. TuifM OSa. lr r in iidvauced legislation, which has been copied by other countries. mmiiii iiim of mi l. nvncf rot to main: ,, ,, . , , ,, ', J ii mat country Ihe population is largely industrial, (-'duration ha UuiH- noma to rhalna; lhon- woal I nil- iiffiin- rtTn'i II ry. Willi i-iilllll tin II.wart, Matl Bay and Swimp been free and compulsory for many years so thai Ihere is prnrfi chain lo.ihorr; tltror alone atmr lo-poai more freely nnd more in Ihe in. PalnC mt caDUioinr forty arm. nmra or lu. ("rests nf ilie rally no intensely illiterate element to deal with. The workers noH.M.n n. aHOUlOJHsr. prloner IKOII RAW can all read and write and have had some training in thinking Dafit January t. Kit. April 1 1 am. 28 CANADIAN PACIFIC jor inemseives. The future is full of possibilities LOWER CAR FARES l-IIOM .......... f..n,7Ui OfCiaa afaTian LAM) ACT. FOR WORKMEN AND ' April tr, and -10 B.C. Cpast Steamship Senij Neuaa tt I nl tut loo ta Apply I Laaaa Lax. ID Hfffll IJM nisinri. Hornrilinr IH- WINNIPEG CHILDREN Ailverlialrtr U often expensive, ri. l r iaii. Hani t. arxl citnata ai btt 4 inlMi my. a.ljoiniBn ft.m. hid' it i nolhlnif like n expensive 5. S. PRINCESS Tafl iVftif-f.tmi nnrraaa R. Bnxinur.1. a an eniptjr a(orn and Idle r. kf.1. kiu.n Jun.au. kaawv, Ala. WINXIPKO, April Iwer! Better Dentistry f Prinre Import, cxrupalmn maiir marl- clerk. tf Diin.rj MaMh 7. 1E. 28: Airrll S. 1. n flreel ear fiire for workmen and -. inlonds to anplr for rjtrmiMion to f rlnca w kae o rollnw.iA Otarritml lanoat !'-hitdren Will moot lik.-ly he iml For Vancouv.r, VUtorla and S.atU from i:inuTenrin II a pout plantnl on IM i'il foree roiniV linn- (hi week. Warch 12, 23i April 2, tttt has never been placed before onlli II n. nf lot It, tnem-e JtM t rhaint Tliene hfjfJiirea have 1een S. S. "TEES" Ironi Prill. , Hui"-' f-r " T.2 mor or trtt lo low atr mar; thnr Mi.i the people of Prince Rupert o(Tere "is 44 ' Hay. tuwuirriy rtiaini alonf low wiur mar; hy bfV .y4flUliMijt I'lm trlii nll, Ae-I lit ' I' LOW PRICES tnenre rati t chain morn or ( to mn llailwuy Cnpi)Vnl.a r.oneeUn TIMBER SALE X 2093. Iflver and Vanwuver e'- airr mark; Ihrnrt unrllWIy aloat sit a preeedeni to tKyoiM'tiliifc of ne-yolialinn walrr mark to rxL eifnuioini y irni fl lctKlT mm i. rr.H-iv.it by IU ." considering the material I Ufe uKi rtV or . helween Ihe ronipnuy Miui'Ur nf Mrwla ai finnt. H. .. nol fu...rai. r.ri. ,"Y'' which is the best money can buy. OHM A.I n. SIIODIII.BST. ami Ihe rily lijjjettle "iilalandinir lairr Il.jliaa for tor n.ii rmmiaM.on ihr of IIIM l.lrtfirr day of April. W. C. OUCH""....a mm n.a.il'- - fl I have proven this statement DatM January 1?. . ililTi-ri-iiei. lltidt einl expensive T" 7,o frn f HpnM'e. imii aitl Cor 3rd Av.nua and 4th Strut Princ lynU4k. ii an arra .ilnai'd on Tan iki to many patients. The best CEITiriCATK OC IMI'HOVe.HK.tTV. llfialion. IHanif. inrt-n i.liarloo lonwi. Iiuirin teeth used on all -work. lniorlnnl developmeitla In lino or(,iiiiiikt yr mm br ailoif fr rr-nx.oai MOTICK Of APPUCATI'I- I'oiinerlion with propiMed nefrn. . rurtlwr pirtli-ulara it ike ;iiir li.or HIHY atvl SioRTH UTAH rRirrriov . Phone 575 for an ppialmeat ..... . "(-, . r.. . lliiu.r.1 n.ifna .1 1 ii.I. .n tu 11 Italioii huw li-!!-j!ri-.-l .iiirinir i.nrifi r.fivfiu-r, prior .an I lilti.nm or IIia Caailar Dlairii-L ws.rtl Wiifforl, H. :. Newest Designs in Rooms 7 M'st On Xtm iiilumt mrr, adjoininr Ihe pact iwn day. 25? and 8 tl' Holly VarrJi-n Oronp. TIMBER SALE X 2831. Ijiwfijj homrr: i:nmir1 lwin or Komi. Smith Block in inn lai of Wa.lnng fc.n, Lnnd tlaia HW lrntra lll ht rtrrlr1 tir Ine Hals. Dresses, if lllwr'a Aiwrlra. Xuiiitr of noiim im Ten Years Ago Vim.ir of laml. al ifU.ria, B 4;'., nol Orliflraie: 0?4a-C Office Jfou rat lan-r man r,ii on tin- Ion day of April, TAKK MllK t that 1.- Kdmard lm In Prince Kupert I'irl, for ln onrrbaie f Mrrnre stall, to 12 u.m. rr Mmrr'a rrtinf-al Numurr lltli-v, lo r S7,ll'fA ft Iff OalMm. N.tul.Mit MAGUIRE iniHxl al ilie end of amy tcv) aiyt from Hf.rur ami ixiar. en an arra ailuaixi on and C4 1 9 p.m. tlwi dam Itrirof lo apply o lti Mlninr iKKrov Inlrl. Mann. t. U1 lioinn. Suits 7 Hf"-ordr tor Ortlflrai ut Improtmicnu April 7, 1911 on (Ii ).'ir ill Im aii.i.i i,.r m. O p.m. for llwi DurnoM .of obtaining a crown nfil of limlrr. Dentist ' Oram of ram of llw itxn. rlaltni. Mer. Kelly & MrOlnnU rnrinr I re parnrtiiara t the tbirf Inrvtirr. Open Eventnga AM llltTIO.H TAkK .MiTICK mat trfton vlrtoria. M. il.. or liuirin p...! n.inr. iin.lcr tlcrlli.n (S of ItM "Mineral Art" icnrryinif oit- operation wiTji II amrl,' H. Ii, " mint ly. ronniM-nrcd brfor lit iHvanra of nirh OrlinraM or liuprovetiiMiia, l?an or ulrikerH al "Kelly'u Uiil" "DEMERS" 1HI IiATtO una tin my of rruruiry, a. D. today and nil i peacerul in Ihe TIMBER 8ALE X 2832. -3 41lrne1 KIIWAHD LCW1X ciiy nfler yenlerday jiflernooir ralvt Irndrra in I rorrirrr) by th Minuu-r nf l.anda al Vlrtoria. tl. 1: , not riot. imirr Ulan ii.Min in am mv fr At.fii G.H.Arnold Notary Public - JI.m Mhel llolloX (laughter of, 'ell M7fo i"i ,7 VpTSeT. .Vd" Bags Mr. nnd Mr. A. II. llolthy. la.t llniilork ami r)alain. on an area min.led! AGA im ifuuin awir 01 nifriip Hay. liana I. HOME FOR SALE. night heenme the hrlde of Arthur Coatl Mairlri, Fine 7-rpomed house Siiitcases ifb-rnnnl Jllanfl (r.N'eill, of fjiiehee. Two Hi ytrt u allowed for r on a 38.rool lot, furnace heat. On nc.nl of iiiiil.r " " Fifth Avenue, Section 0, $6,800.00. Terms lo ho arranged. The eeremoiiy wa perfornnij hy lrk.rta.Furllirr h.partlriilar( . or Jilntrlrl nf in lurralrr,r.hirf roralr. 'i 1 1 1' 1 1 and FISH A13" A nice bungalow on Filth Avenue, Fecllon A, with one lot. Trunks flev. F. W. Kerr, Mim I.uura hupri. II. C. fnnrm For reel nice HOME COOKING 4 room and hath , , $2,200.00 on term. Ifollhy wa Jirldemiinfil and Lionel Go lo in. An excellent dwelling; site on Dunsmulr Hlreet hetween 4th Tents, Packsacks llolthy. heit man. MUSIC TOR DANCES. EMPRESS C0 and Sth Avenue, on Oraft Hill, 50x50 $1,000.00. Mr. V. It, Vieker arrived ye, THE ilpO'l H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. F. M. Crosby and(enliiy wa ariernoon ueconn-d frnni iy Vnneouver her tin, ARTHUR'S AifeL Where Everybody Eat Insurance Bond Rentala 718 Third Avenua, f'rinr. Kupert hand, rhler Tieker. Jul after Iho Phone 481 Phone 4H1 Iloxea for Ladle. prnpr. MalUe of Kelly Cut. j I ll