pAnrc t v ... ... . - !. vfl aSS5 BRINGING UP FATHER V' ' I. r'- By Geo. Mtfl T6Fn?mzm .. r.. ir CO TO THC I oVKtCTQftV tV , MMC T.r M tOOETX I 4BT TO tQuq O.NHCR WWl.ttMA f, COkNCl, .ViyiJafitlSil Mafccs ixxie JLl' cream sous, delicious o'oaxned dishes, oVavie and i . itm . da rv 1 1 mevmz.j!ir re:irif iv nm jy . wrxm i m i run ---. 1 OW -II LLrfiJL. J - W) M tan- I ' "- - -i: - -- TKn HAmn WAR VFTFRAN trc I I ilU iaaPiIl7 "im ituuiu j oui l vi-ci m I Mriw nrnrrno!" f BUSINESS DIRECTORY Fashions V M. Mucitiinnht. principal of Paint will add the years to lilic iml'Iii- schools, saw I In" I Ii in. These Good Plnces to Make Your Purchases wheit Yew life of your home, and our nrc ro out to buy j.iii.l in.irlli nam.' "f I It Stanley iiew wallpapers would make Association Faced Wllh Problem' it tiiii'Li'V M.rli U'l tie lie u:u for FemicJ the interior more comfortable or Revenue producing Hesuit , Vlll .... ..,.,. ,.v and attractive. Moderation Bill. the Ih In- is Approval performances s.i'V AKIt.V W ATKIIH I I HMTI IIK AMI nF.Sr:ilL i.Mniiirs SILVERSIDES decidedly u. Ihe opinion 'that Ihe Tin- .I'liii-aunual Knvral nu-i-i. MKIHJfjANIMHK Stanley dip wmiI lliis i'or l iln ttAVtR BOTTllNa WORKS . C4adian STtaw tononr ini'clins: ir llw tival War i-t l t jwiui, SiwliirK. In Hit It I'rkufF lrMI -- fhMM III witraio otton cor. imh tad Jia. I'hMw. a. tnr i:Inmi an.) praaanr t"pL BROS. orati' AK-intitn was la.l nifilil llirjM Orrra 31 1. tar wenod ho4 tmnU-lr. Ijnril PHViie, hnwocr, Viincuiner Ih'KI in Mio i inn mi 1'tilnl .Wft '.I 2nd Street ' HAIlHKIt SIIf) PAIXTKHH AMI IIRIUIIIATOIIH H...I w.-.,. aS.Mil Til iirwiai. n,.a1,n,, Taints Wallpapers htyn. VOiaNAM BABSIK. SHOP rritMTi.'nK IK to acaootn ini'iil iiliiniii. J hy C. v. Mickey Mar I ay, w oul uf, l'T fiarlwr Bnh 111 IM . tan iM Frsf ftra ft Varnishes Kalsomine I Mi aiulilor. kIi.iwciI I In- lliiaiic' t' c Kamr. Hie fnriiicr in the licw- Thlrtl Ar.raana- TfeWM aaCMU Urvra 441. of llii-orgniiitutiiui in lio in a nilal KiilTeriiie fnini injuries in an IIAKF.IIS PAINTS SU OILS Glass, etc. early hiiI M(e latter al liortie lu.illliy vlalr but I lie nVfilll f name FEKH STflllKS IIh' chili will In' ii'i-iuuMv nlfi'i lril with hi IIMIe ilntiirltler who a la c-kisi aaaiRr TMC . W. ID0C CO. ,ftsl . Wisor 4 Newton's Ait Supplies f bird AtttHHi ratlin, oua, dim mi wVllitr Mrs. S. Frizi! by the ni'w MmliTaliiui Hill ill liealhV iliM". In Iheir i1hci muicc nupcnr io co. Piclnres aid Piclare Faming which will iiniliiliit Hie yah' or vtive t.vcl"n laylor. wiiiie lor a 0,41. mr fi Al aM Tlk . Smith ' Phone 22 P.O. Box 120 hi'i-r at Hie canlcwn. This will I'linie i ial. niul Mi'tirriiu. wlm :illA CUOCKKIIY. NOTIONS PAINTIMIM ANIi HKUIIUTOI..S Comer Third in fftl In- .me of Mic (Irs I itrnbli'iii.i willi liliiyi'i. rallier wild, llltawu bad THC OCNNY AlLfM CO. insii MKitnnxvrs. inrrAii SILL a CftOIICTT ri STT. wliirh llit new ci-ciillvc wil! he no iliDiciilly in winninff. nltltoutrh TMnl Afeasw. ueeawiM lMt Hurt. I aaTHUsri aunarr faci-tl. l is Mix.-iibli' lhal a liil-liarii Mackay wai liack n Mm1 ic Tr 'ITWI4 riirr t 411, Kl. tout 411 IM.IIMIIINO riiiiui mil)' lie unaiiKC.1 In (lie llinl peri.'.L IXKANINfl AND PIIKSSINU 1 SALMON IH'nviili' it ih'W .nnirrc if rcvi'imc i HKNWl I. MKItCIIAMilHK ticm a LonawiLL i in place nf lUc mil' which will he In Ibe fourlli cume, plain ix Toaro ovc works i',pMBt tv) art WINO CMOS VUIM OO !..(. man luH'key, Vancnuxer'wan nr- 711 Sam aiaowa r tixi a IlKNTAI-S I.a-1 niirlil n ift'uiil nf bJOi) ci'KSful. 'be bailie in MiHrl C0A TROLLERS r. w. hrt ps aui an. was pacn'il by the asHiioial inn in and fccoml periil wna one nf Hie r.UK.s lillllCKlUK.S siabliRli a (iivki Vclcran-' inoLtfrrineiponlftstH at er neen LINICT1 rRlhCf RUCIRT OBOCIRT Trolling boat with New fiHiiball Icnm in Hn"fHy league boctry- and both Mackay ami Third sr. THC rtMor BOSTOK J 17. A ORILL(nasi aJare lo .al lar. W aod rsllna - fkntie SKIN PAINTINn EDSONUSBI Engine, all The following uMiccrs were Skinner were PacV in their places. i BILL a ceOtttTT T7. complete, c!ci:'i! fjir the i ml ensuing half yea: ' 1 Sacaad In the first period their wa no THC ILITHCArC IIAIIDWAIIK -- For Sale.' llniiiuao' 1'resiilenl. I.ieut.-Oil. i s -iinns. in I lie second there wan Howe"- auAuiTv ""ii Hinrrr MKTAI. WOIIKS Bulk C. V. Peck. v. :., M. P. . ' t a soal for earh I cam, but in Mie hipra.'Nlirrv. painla M trt rmen a .up Oliver Typewriters ll"Jinl-:ir- Vice-Prcsiib'iil, fUp(, pr - Itartlktat la SKaai ai.l.i. J. .Mciircjfnr. V. lust period. Ibo Ottawa play CinAltS.ANIl TOIIACf.O 1 aowt'i STEAM COM Cary fireproof Safes & Presiilcnl, AbJ. J. II. Kelly. seemed' lu flav.keniiff and Van-J. VOKAHA - ft TMnl .. WIV IMPOHTKIt OUOCKHIKS v-m - rt in f o b. cart Ml (vnicr nai. no u-ouoic in geiiina " J'ice-Preiilenl. Dr. J: A. Wesl. Vaults. Secnml Vice . t'11 (nllien lo. Hie lsltijrsi' one. ALBIRTA MfAT -AREtf ITtlM a LOWllL . presiib-nl. 4. . nn sirf.i - tixM is . dsn. -.Il4rl Plinl. Ii almost looked its if lle Ollawa llftUOfilSTS Lots & Houses For Sale Secrclary - Ticaiurcr. J. M. v cre not parliciilar nhoiU wiiiiiiua i.aiinciiks i-om mm: I TAIM'HK- -I.AIHKS V OKNT.H NANAIM0 V.tUa (liiinrbell. al all. ' W. V McCITCHIoai I . ... . ... COIL Seemsl and milk Htes.L, Lass sjaRBITROMa." Ct B)iail 40. T. LIS. fptMla real oBV Kxeculive J. Mason. Abl. T. riw larieat dm' fmat In Nnrtrwra tt. C l Tbr iiue.aet HcaL t. 1 kimni and fi hum Dybhavn & Hanson HiJversiile. C. V. It. W. Were irM- sanies in. the SLaulcy Cameron ami T'. l.uvc. laiiklioekey seriCH lUcd That m Insurance Agent's, Third a iuelion Ibat is ifiux ilebaled Albert 4 ft Avpnnc, Prince ftupert PYTHIAN SISTERS HAD almost ihree followers everywhere nf the wlieri"iuck I wo(fame or J Classified Ads. Umitrd Daily News Phonil Hi,! FINE BASKET SOCIAL are ?allicreii loeiner. Ino0i who think so, bese their con-l 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdveVtl-amont T-n for than BOe viction on- Ihe way the uanies, :nJoyable Evening Spent in Castle liroKc neiween anroiivcr ami Hall Last Evening Cards EPSON COAL CD. and Dancing. itltawa in Ibe recent H4. In was ran. i HI SM.K 11x10 halibut boat. FOB MIT the lliinl and flflli Ottawa games I fully iiippei I'rlsco Slnndanl ktw successful in seen 1111111 or WANTP.Ii Second-hand furniture. I'.iiKine; lllKSK SPAi:H fur r'nl. ruraii-ln d. The Pythian WeSn Kislcrs, lliii?rf ' Western hiw-key while -Vnnrnuver If you bnvn anylblnn to .lOxjl work boat 28 h.p. heavy iti tenernl cir prlxale o(IW. have S'n. received Temple during the last 2, bcbl a very enjoyable wen Ibe foiirlli same playiiiK sell calf Hrd 213. Wfl pay cash. duty; Apply Prince lliiert tlir weeks baskej Biwinl In the C.a(e last l!alern rules. These sceptics K. M. Crosbyt 715 Third Avenue 31x8 work noat or lrller 5 h.p. suMSitsiir lu Peek. M..r.- Hay eveniiic., Tlicr" were t$(l say that Va u'oiiver wa allowed lo West. nf Ynln; ubnyl iR-rsons present for the R 100 cars Coal will if- dlie and the llrsl. prken win lhe latter saint' by a slaclwn-ing WANTKIa- ly yowiiaT man. room IS ft. row boat, J h.p. inbonrd PUJIKU lfirHI-- II.Miin. nn.l, GOOD by Ibe Senator;' in Hie third veie won by ll. ltlake, score 93, up wild iiriTale Jamily. Stale elitMnej; 4HH fUWllslieil hwiekee.inii ; and Mrs. TTTb'hrlsl'OI. (Uinsola. licrifsl. II is true Hint Ihe public Hull 3n9. ready for ennlne; Macleod terms tu H. Atn llaljy Xevka aparltnonU. now aen undo from River mine, owned linn award went (o Slrn. (K. mini i" in rallier n doubtful mood ofUce. HI 23 h.p. .I-cycle cnRine; j by Prince Kupert citizens. about professional 50 h.p. l-cycla ewtlrir: , Clapp, -07, and yv, II. Sherman.-55. sporl especially AV. We have the exclusive rient to ' V.."I'KI- Klrriciaccd 7 h.p. Ouaranlen mlh yt hire the revelations f last irisery engine; handle this coal in Prince RupertT l.'iIInwin(c. (lift playhiKNif canU yrnr in American I.eayue baseball. clerk. A(iJy f wrilina. P. n. , I h.p. Adarns engine. oil liiNl.arE tll fuiulsh-j Don't be misled by other coal K. A. Woods look the platform but it Ik h serious nlki-nt ion to Imix 877. If f.amich -Helen ," il h.p. n. tnf Tmnl mam trveriookina tin : - dealers who um our firm name and rafileil tiff 3 number of make Ibat (rnmci artrflxec. " i' 1 ' "" ' lne, lojlet, lierlln, ove, fie., liarbur, nlca reslilmillal di ! to advertise their coal. SITUATIONS WANTED. nrllslically decnrajrtf and nmtily complete. Ili'inonalrnllon. f,. irlcl. Oim nr two aenlleiiiin If you want a real goul ' icreen-e) tjlb'il Ijnes c sAjppr. The P. O. Nil H0. HI ma), call op LIKELY ANNOUNCEMENT !UdOO ni-.XiytA!. I.n.Jy ean re. ii- . iia ,m .in. j ii'i-' ' M. M, STKPIIlNH. pniw ,for Hoi bote were won " imncnc (riintwortby burdwork-inx I'Oll IlILNT and l.anl 1 Phone 58 liv Mis. C. Kinbleton. (lrsl; Mis. ABOUT RUPERT STATION middle nfd woman fond Hill 8AI.K One h h.p ryllnder aillWIile fnr lwi Hfnllemen (icorKo Leek, ijecniid, and Prince Rupert Feed Co. wi-ce K. A. Mrs.Woods,I. Mel.third. Hunter.The 'judges Mr,Mf. WILL BE MADE SHORTLY of nrsl children coiinblerffflOn.'Gpinforlabla Wrllii'Mra.ltmi propeller I pyele PnliuiT ami bniWe engine, shall clujiii, Apply 210 Hlli Aviinae tsi. W. . I.. Wall, drawer hot, .Mr. M'Koij enali. Apfily llnnnaii'a) Corner 2nd Ave. and 7tb SU oiof ilunscu and S. Ma Newlmi. KOll IUI.VI Pleani.hfalwl Uir-iilsl.Nl,, Caa) f"M 111 Jlride, II. fj. . 8(1 , ...... There waa a feylisai.l!l uinount O. M. I.anr. xuperlnleatdciil of p-,.,, "'f rtMiiii. Xnrfidk llooio. ri'iiuzi'ii irom HxsSilc 01 in cuiislrnclloji for Ih" Canadian M('VKKHEJ'Kii;!r(J!t .i.i: SU.,.,!,iJ !..., iiMHC iilaojt iW. " iKixe.. N.tioiiitl ouilwuyB, was in town rerjllires miIII(ii; Whole ur with balh. itnuteil ttn Haya Afli-r supper lime -Ay a yesterday afternoon mid left on part limn. I-'or appointment Oivc (Krclo, HeaMinablc ptlrp. ITlIINISIIi:i HtHTH TO HK.NT Acre Lots for Homesites aiieal ilaiicIntfPaiil Aivazoff r iii-plyinj (b train Tor Winnipeg. Mr. phone Ileal 21. 82 Apply PyO. Uox 770. Plihne 417. St. Louis Hooms, Phone HkI NURSERY PI the Woslliolme Orcbcalra I.anjr. who has. been In IHe sniilli at TERRACE. B.C. POlt llPVTPiiptiiahMl letlroin fur (be occasion, nporae John for (en Uayhnd nnlbinff dcll-ii j:xpi:uiKNt:itii rSTHMMiiiApimn Mill SAI.l'Plrmo in trrsiil rnn. if 1 1'"' " riti''- slone was ill ollarile'of the whisl lie to mi' as Id IIir new sin-lion desires iMili4n, laMiiporary-nr ' dillon. Aiplyf Mrs, I.en. Mrln-(yrr, I' HiIIib. i I 1 1 11 A'-rc l.i.H. adj. iiilnit the Hill Tirk aim Towomie al Trrraiv Jutt aa Um Uiblt's and Paul Aivaxpff nclei buildin here, but slaliij lerinaiiiMit; ilox 171. News Hay Oive Avmnie Phone HAIR DRESSINQ. ;il-" rW market.In a snl F.vrry fc vei lot une nil iciiaraiiti'fd a 6 ri. nivt,lo us master of ccrciiloiiiea for Ibe before bis tlcpurlure for Ihe east Office. Hi ItMl 388. HS Ml .i only ft imnulea' alK rroin llm Pen I dances. The rotninifleo lu clui'KP that there would be probably an' IAIII lllllSlAO. 8PF.CIAI. S0AM' I.iii ' .lid ' iiiiir, one iw providea a r.xl I'-oiniirlsed Mrs. A. Al. Ibiyne. announcement in regard to It in WOMAN WA.VV WOIIK MY HAY KUHNITUIIK, I'Oll RM.K-Sinall treat loenl. Marnel wavlntr. Fare, i tranlen 1ir s Ihhiic. HiiiIiI a buiii-mer , or hour. Phue la. Out nil houn for rent. I0 Hlh Ar. li. ,n ih iHiliie al Trrraxe tna If I nut (Ninvcnor, Mi-h. '(icorjfo f-ek. MrsJLa fw days massqire. Jlalr d'lnir. Ladi'! It lit mil in Ilia a"raa anl.inrk iraw . .........,. . lloli I. , 83 iHTfll-h. hi. .iirijwiMH 11, i n .!- c .IOIIII-IIIIII1 FOIl SAI.H -Hnllsh bnby liiiirgy. coinblnK" mndn lnl switrbc' It ' run- of lots fiiin nf and .lack KiiIkIiI. ,,, . mm UUIti' .,n K'nn- yt Phony Illa'k Itrt. HI ' FOR .SALE i.nanes - BUILDING PROPOSED ran. ii.iiaini- m r,. ii and. It iikjiiiiu ... in it I.,.iiin ii im p Jl C UiirrriL, rirtri.. -ifii' iiiii.- i" I n.jWl- 1,1 ;m mil' ul ibeai' trf-rors iiiey are PASEBALL SCORES ON SECOND AVENUE l Olt 8AI.ITllV liumlred feel TI RAI.I-Pliino. Phone (Irecn nppnliilment. tf ail wm nr liavc d'Hiiikrt in vaiur. 515. NO selue nii. iTiioiI for chicken KENNEY BROS. & CO. Coast Leanue, Applicati on ban been made al fencing. 8tfr.(i0. Phone 'Ireen AUCTION SALE, DANCES III' Me' ' ,.,H 511 or P.O.lKU 307. 81 0 Real Estate and Insurance fsenMIc l.o Anitcles I. Ih'- ofjleo of lli buiblina inspector HVF.IIY SATLMUIAY MVUMNH, ii.' .,ih'i Terrace, B.C. Portland I. Sau Krapclnco 5. by Ibe Union Iiutependeni Syudl- I-'fiH H.I.i:Hi'd ami irinfr. .UJOTIOX fALK of I,nl. 18. Illock till 12 D.inpe in Mrlnlyre Hull. Y.'rnon 9. Sacramenln y. c: le, Limiled, to erect a two sory library lable, dreaser, IIiio.imiih, , 8, Section 2, on 2nd Av., will Ailmissimt: Ocnllnien, 5: f.-a inn bull;;na mi Second Avenue card table trip. Phone Mlack be beld 'in our kuIqh room on ImlUa 9.ti I ' I""!.. MrttRt You are Dot near Ihe pfttulln Ilbx k. II is 515. tf Tuiwdey. April I2lh. al 2:30 1 I ' - sperluiaua-lag neortni l.cek, Auclioileer. ACCOUNTANTS UAVE Ycur Suit Cleaned wtan In he leased by O. Howe and jun, Co'jiJ.haril furnldirn bought and Term cash. vou uae pr. 81 and Pressed bv our Steam used sin ilnwnM.'iirs and ACIINTANT Uiua'a t)lut- at a j KXPF.IIIF.NOF.O - 77.we'! Machine Method. Price reason maol tor Kirma ai 4 bam Irrlta-llona. sold. P. Lefllatre. Phone, flrrcn oi able. Give us a trial. It rfllarra at once and tradit- hall abovo. The proposed hulld- 5H. tf BOARD AND ROOMS wmiM take charga of ft ailr brail Ui akin. KauMa ux Dr. 1 li If will be 21 by 40 fret am will unoks, nholo or Prt lime. Phone Quae's OlnUii-ul (rra l( you nnudun tUa LING, TAILOR Black B02 Caprr aud nd iM.sump for ixmui e. . a r nl 1,1,000. C. O. Howe i-. making ion KAi.n- -Albion ran(in wllh I'Oll IIOOM ANI ItOAIUi Pl.onc W. F Wllllifrnft. I''1"'' aa d.aJ.ra tjiuwn, UUa iik, IKI. ur UuAu 4.1 wis.i' the plan. - reiicrvoir. Phone Dlue j. HflJ 121. If :ilack 259. " I