--K 10 I ,TM IMIL1 RSWI PAOE 3. C3sss , i i STOP THAT TICKLING Local and Personal A Limitless Guarantee NLARGEMENTS! IN THE THROAT 41 II. C. Undertaker. I'lione 41 If A guarantee that operates at any time by uilntf : in the life of an Ames Holden Dr.Woods Noriray Pine Syrop LKr utlv"u u tf 4 I u Uruiiuv jun a.ius. Ally and every defect in material or workmanship Wc have just installed a Thai n..mi, in iiv thrift seliaitum i' Wattled llav." -Jurs. Ml I'llll- that may come to light. moat rtltr. ..in ni4 raiiw-a fijtx. !ltn. tr iinuilua iti.i ...iirli Ilia I im( uMMr kn-pa, There is no time or milcase limit on this Projection Printer uu Hi ini'-rt ill ila bir. I., sa-i pre I.M your Ii'ihU aale with Amc Holden "Auto-Shoc" Guarantee. It miiU iiU'iima- t ! af;:ra ml M. M. Stephen,-' tf Fcrvt as ImlnK'k for all adjustments, which Ilr. A'.mmI'- ,iirtar I'lne ayrnp. wutfu : are made upon it without fuss, quibble or red i nurqaMad ir Iln nxtl MMIIHr ami I'ree Oft-Kuli'ih Tea mill INVENTION- iu lint rl rlit win iiriiM tml Iwikt rwu nil tape. . .... iffinAK -entirely new ninnl im it." imii HraiHir sirim-a irf ikv differ al .MiifMiIlOT" 'irorrif, it employed. This macline revolution- i.rbl fumHi. ...) nr irM!, will five' AMES HOLDEN iMinre iIi.mmi ....lam rriirf in ll run ut iw . Cuili fur oiir '.Virb.sy bond. enlarKintr business. J o spears iniimy whs uaiurr 'v.. ....in.... .r. Mm Iv,......i . ir i th ...1 nuilll.p. k'.v..i..h.iii AUTO-SHOES" of favor- sir. :. I'rn-.-. '. urliiir. "ml.. ' a wonder. Hring us one your hme is a r.lm:"or al.-..'! lllfl la fall. I I.-I , ,VV I'l(X II III- ...III .lAnti.Mfltinttii In. a.nil 1,1.1 bat I had piild ami i-.mrli awl a Urkliui.,, ' ' ucgaUVi1-. e win uuiuuuaiiaiw juu iv in thmel I wart all I ha- Heddllllf ..III MIL I plant Cord and Fabric Tires in all W"D t cost you u cum. lime. I Irtrd ajinn-iil rrmrdim twl Partita Harden Seed. UHy Maikel. l Standard Sizes -)ruM. uui r.Niwi an im mm. a inmu i - - OUR WINDOW DISPLAY wltlMil i lu ar'r. Wwfl !Wajr Jne Mel'lii-a nrrh ' fnmi IIiiIm. "Grey Sox" Tubes For Sale By "Red Sox" Tubes SEE I'm )ri. an.1 l-fnre I lul lewl l,',ii ,...l.lv.' li. ...... ......i.i... , iii. 'Hi rti an all tMK. awl awne r-p f to"- mil ruvvfml .I M'Hl lllftll II till M T ' fllinu -niillf Or. Wial' ur I'imp MrrKf la JWI If-lllillt. Mill MXI'KIIT SIIOI. IIKl'Alll-iiik, ut in a rnTi tl. imiiii tma McArlliur'a Slum Store, 3rd' llw trad.- Imrk; prirp Ik, aiwt r, a -irrOuy .hi tf i. IM.- ti ill i. ii.r.; manvnarlurnl il I of luajirell.' a fit m tin T. i!buru tj,.. LlMdlnl. TwrnKln. Build! Build! Build! out dt. u HiiiImt rtlHfi . 1 ! i III.- i If l.. I., iln.ir.w, li'.inini.iil lax in.' ut Uii- railway i ;..r. went lit Any.ix vlanl niwlit 'i;i an i.ni'i:i mil. O.B.U. DANCE . M. Illff., U(rt ml. ii..-ii .if Lumber is I lie rlieupcl building nmlrrinl in Hit- worlil ninl b.lillillK U Mm'.i- x urrixml HiiIhtI ariivi-l yi-l ulav '. i li re'M-ln'd l'w wa'-r murk. tin- ,i.iift Iraile yralnntsy nflVMMplHi " thi I'rtnrf aricrniHin fiiini m-i-Hii Kail' IIIHli pi-vluip- AfT.lp Lt Night Wa$ Ver i- ii-" iiing up. Ihc triiJfiiry will likely be. (mvnil liighcr licora frMrt;i'lnlNii-r. i r.-aml.-i'-.l al III.- Iloli-I 1'iiim-'-' Successful 60 Couplesw - it ' ltuM-rl. I lriren. Attended. Tlirri' jISS li-li rfrriviiU The I'rinre Itiiperl LuniliT 0nip.'in.v lias n liirgi' .lork frum vtiirli In HSI votir repiirenii'lil.. ENTISTRY ZXu.ZlMMZ " Ih.-rr w.-ri- ahuul tfl .-niiiilp" PARKER IS DIMENSION BOARDS SIIIPLAP LATH iii-i-nl al lli. ilaiH'f lrn l.y f lianil fur llfT .iai. .in..rr.. COMMUTED FOR TRIAL UmiM-n' Ansiliary of llif (liu-I morn ins:. f.& r SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH or . . lie L'iilHi il niylil in tin Mr . liilym Hall, 'lis- affair imvrd II. I-:. AllMi, kt tl li- yal MlllH.i Notorious "Bath House" Figures Do Your Building While Lumber Is Cheap. I aurrraaful wild l8iuilil. I'll man f-uur, tplvr" -. rrmii tin- QUALITY Kiirr n Another Police Court Case li-.-..-(it yimr -eiuiri-rnenl?i ;il Hn- ullli--. Seiil dive, or 'I'lii'rr rro renlly morr pra-M-ni auulli olirday all iimoii m iln- Phone 3S1 for Prices. tliau hail hwii (uuntl m wild I'l-llirc Kmirev uikJ w-lll ui mi This Morning ii k-kiiII thai rcfrpliinrnta tlie Irafii. PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Dr. i-Hily rn aiul. Tj n.ii: r. u- "lidlfa Iiih.w" .ii Bayne Arllmr'a orcliriilra prnid.-l ll.ilMal Auliur -al.- .. Ih.ih.- Ki.1Umi Slr.-.-i iluiinM m aiilln-r Hie iiiiiatn ami W, lluudll wa c-iMikiiia in ltJ lp mil. Fi-iilay.' ixdicf rourl ra. llim imiriuiiK ii llir iir. Th1 rimn.ill in rliar p- .if Mri.. I'- uiirli- anil l mi Miiinn- I's.-kr apri-J ll'Hirs Morn:rj;. f to 12: Af'eincn. l.JVI UtttMi niiHinmil Mr. Ilarxti, rmix'-iior. Mm. lirrti. I) ialiii eliargftf with llii-fl and wlluu IMIIIIHIH Liuiuijs. 9 1" Yi nl ; Kur Evciiirjr fiim 7.0 toJ it . itat. Mr. hvauwaii. l . V. unk fully piTi'ivpi.. H- l;i.n.r. OR Hi- furni.T iliar-.- Xt 'Jniilk'Miirr, Urt. HrtifHl. Mm. ;u - unr-iionl !m- Imrll I-. llllllilli-ilj Dental Nuree in Attendance IvirrMtti, Mi Joy an.I Ml lic.riie-i.lnlliler. il.-tn.-l nr'ninv lur Ii iuI jnO n Iln- iatdT nlie Wu $50 to $5,000 Phone 109 for Appointim nt llrMlxR. ! 'neer, relu-itrd v-l.'nlay ar. ilimil-ni.. A YEAR FOR LIFE In in on from VjfJori i w li.-rr lie .'. irdiii!t t tti i-Mi'-ii - of Iln- J Ibhc ill! Huloprcnn Rlnrlf Cnr ?ril anil filK EXCHANGE RATES i In r.Hni.Ttlon -Mill .i -hi ""Ipr in ..il uilnaatu for tin- rnmri. I A CANADIAN GOVERNMENT ANNUITY PROVIDES IT VOW V V ltVI7U.I aJIUVfl VIVI UlU UIIU VIII i wi I If JPiarineill i-f Mm.--. H. IVxerflli-. ill tin UVfl- eat. hr t No better life investment available J Bost Kquijpcti ('lf:ce in Northern If.C. iMirio-y 'i. MeiHyiiMiil wnl u. I. I'--v"ltttti lunif" !: No better security obtainable 4 Kir .llliiuiloil hi'nl.ir j nndj Mi'-lil eiral ;n.iilhi. auwitli ?Vo Cannot be aozed or levied upon for any cause Merlin?, 1.1.1. liiphyt, I .!. .i-i ' tir llnii.li. in l:i im 4-.!. lie wan ak.-tl t Win be rrp'act if Wt, stolen or destroyed J door aaxJ window lumber r- Not -fT-cted by trade depression I I an, . M. 10, Ui- ari-u-'-l for a loan of 2i ! Fret, srba Dominion tncoaie Tax T t ram . Ib-luiutil . 11.00. n ami ilmMwtl ! any ie. 1 kaal.L ,l.lkM. I.. ...... .... H . )!:. her rent an' I!pii a tak.-n- No medical eiaminatinai required X Mm. i.ii. i Anyone orcr the if of S yeara resident or domiciled in Canada i SPECIAL PRICES W It. II, HboeMej. Hay. If u',Ha,r" a'".1 Mss-a'. may purr ha ae. ., i v liiki-t wnirU. i-l Tin- Any tavo person may purrhate ,-omtly T Ser iiui- vhi...w or ori-.- ..n'll'luor lia.l a overn.l n.-rl un.i Empioyers may purchase for their employees school boards for Z fo-Carts :: Baby Carriages iiiHij? Kt.nv, i;. iHtyn' uH. We liatr llif a-rfal-'tbe aeeo-.l i al'l.-vd lia" their tea hers -eonfrpsationa for their m'niaters. i3iiua. "'i-Jaiti. el lianrainw ai-.J valu- l -inil I t liuii.1 in IVx.-r.-ll.-- M k. l A.W t jr r M . atj .-r art. P aa.(c trc I, S T B ataJa. Sur in the latest designs. MninicfAiMln.Olt hran.knaiMhiiafci, Iminnl ... .'rt"i. 7"iml awjwInT.-. mih- hi and,and ri-nintiH. Hip- r.-iiiainuift 5. ficta a ud ' t ; va w irioor Oii-riothH and Linoleums being cleared I iijpl Ual-. It. -(aiitilie Hie ipiulilx uiul Im n- lie a lli.-rt laki'ii lo a i-Iii .-iii" Wt 1 1 out at great reductions. ..nay. I.l I. Ine.-U. 1 . I. ikMnpany, iIIO'Ikhiko bin! Ifl in i: ItnX. k'l'li-Thinl iUrrlui.J. ?.. A. If jeiliiee for Ihc ili-l'-un- wai ii"i -'llllflllt. ki.W. r.m-ii in tlie in-lniin'ai y In-anng ARRIES FURNITURE STORE KitI.U. ZMH. TUe Priiarei- ifi.rre, r.ai luin II. A. Wi-iiHan.l :. r Agricultural Lime lli'llall.l, IU.SS. Iv' llobarn, a-nveil .!.-riluv i' imlim 1-urn.lmral Third Annua S.Mn. lOjbH. tlrrmHMi from Iln- notilli wild one V. I'.. William. .r William-apiM'aii'd will'correcta sour soil; practically all wrtlrn. 31.39. ' of' Hie - larjel .tai..'iiK-r and MaiiKi.n liuiz;i!i-. l"i this northern coast soil requires correction. IUiIcIm. I.M3. cats Mat Tbr many trips. II ' Ibe ni c i:. liii.PlmMl.iH. I.HM. Ilia unluaxlin? r 13 ton "f BBSssssfasTair3BBSsssl .In 4i S.iii. frelcbl al Oeci-ii KalU and tl i"ii Li VAPORITE is an insecticide which, Iti.iiiiiniiiu. 1M. ut hWttalnon Ila ilial kcl Iln-jVeari BIG HALIBUT BOAT when properly applied, will destroy ISHERMEN!! I'oiiiiuul. I.'.nn. no lul.-. sin- bad IKK l.m-for the destructive insects of the soil. Protect your root llmiKary. ,6CI. l'riuee It 11)-1 1 and IT fr IS COMPLETE LOSS crop, cabbage, etc., by applying VAPORITE. I inluii'.. .l.nr.. 'A ii)ox. We carry a complete stock of everything for the soil. We can now olfer Zilla IKay, Well Known Here. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. pESH FROZEN HERRING Wrecked on Strait Island Reof ! Last Thursday P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 3SO DRY mmm ICE QUICK SERVICE Til.- !! kn.n n n-tiinv fh""ii- TEDALE CANNERY - Princess Royal Island 'VIM aa. r Zi.ln May, uhub ban miiile frs yi.iil ibIi- ill Kn nr!,,wu T5 Ui.l. llv wre. i..-:! l.i I 'PltlirMlayi Dr. Sutherland lieu lte r.Hi hi Vlrail II6ih. Ili-.-f. Hie mi.lie t'Oifil wlo-ie. ut FOR D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. SALE r.'i;. Hie AweiiiiiM eoaster .Mnri-i Roomed House and Two Lots i r.A. -,i i" met Id and lier fat.erew lUii'lain of lliirtii-n Hans DENTISTRYjrTaiTTts branches iiieii were Tiwiiei from Hie wn-i-k lotion 7. All in garden. Splendid water view iaii-1 ;i-e now oil Ihely way to ; $1,600.00. Terms given 'sealile. . Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 We For Appointment Phone Black 516 I hav" fc,v"al other housps for sale. Call ami TENDERS CALLED FOR L (An mil Ii r)Mss'Dav.r W WQ,ro rt aiav jp, r Thorn 9t ! ALICE ARM NEW ROAD ti. aanyo sx. vu. 157 "You Are Looking 'All In Tender are II'-iiijj ralle.. by Hie TOBACCO AND CIGARS I , ,, , , ICS. and that Is just "I know from personal experience. govern me ii I fov Hie ronMruo-linii OMSljff)fiJ , attraTaTiana aaaarr. "Y how 1 feel." After I had the of a xileeii-fi"il niml from 'flu 1 was left just like "What seems to you the Arm to M ( A C contains Hydratcd Mag- be the matter?" are now all run , down; Hie(own.wharf A pinall al Vine mil of work For the first time, we are able to offer one of the j U could not sleep; the little JL-jS1 Vx n'". destrovinir 100 er "Why, I had tonsilitls, and food I ate did not seem to do lui nl'eady been ilmie m ft but BEST MONEY MAKING PROPOSITIONS in the j a cent mouth baeteiia and my whole system pccmed to me any good, and I was get-ting Hie iroioal niv V lo luive Hie city. Central location and doing large business. 1 n Kivinir to the teeth their be poisoned and run down. pretty blue." work i iiniilcleil. 'I'll, job I ipllle iUnih I 'w 7 . natural whiteness So much to that I do not Tes." a large one and i ''O' iniiirtaiit For particulars see seem to gain strength." for Hie people r i be mining cninp. TH0S. McCLYMONT "Well, my wife had been Price 50c "Will you let me bo your using Dr. Chase's Nerve doctor and do as I tell you 7" Food, and insisting on me FULLER'S SPECIALS The P rince "I will do anything to get giving it a trial. You know j ' K Ul Rupert Drug Co. strong and well. 1 have been the rest, for I was soon about I'.-aiiul lliiller. it tin. 3rd Avi'iiut- and 2nd Strvfl sitting here too long already." While Swinr. HIieeM., pou. and again, as hale hearty as E. H. Shocklcy j ever. I have told lots of people Marmalade Orunyes now iiuv. OTORK'S Nerve Food, l-'rie'a llain. pee lb.. t5o. GENERAL CONTRACTOR aV "Well, you send to tho about this SELL drug store for six boxes of and never knew it to fall I'rye' Hueuii, per lb.. 5"e. Planing Mills Cow Bay . J ' ( f F C .l8C0LI-ART, Notary Public Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, and yet." ToiuuUiin, I .rk tin. '0 for 1.10. IIooin umt Windows. (ilu. 1 J Y LiJi meal We alo ne 1 1 llonl. n milk ul 3 Hoilun l.iiihiif. HoiikIi Henlala Iniurance take one pill after each "You arc to be the doctor ply 1 tDsoKiv, A and at bedtime, nclievo me, In this case, so I will follow following tejriilai- (.licet: und lr.'iet, l- lr. Spruro and -------------. Mn...Fo. SALE ! Lluli a..l aU .UO aasiv lr ton delivered" it will not be long until you your advice." SI. ChurlfH tall linn U for l.t0. rv'Vvt',,,,,,,,-. ! Per 4B for 7.70. Fred stork's Hardware i!!"1- feel the benefit of this treatment Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, ease a.., Col.:A?LNE INSURANCE the Coa.t on Leaf II. 0. eu Maple. p.er or for Hob. ABenl ll.mhu.od. - North Amtrlra. pays Clalma .roui.tly and find yourself gaining GOc a box. all dealers, or Ed-manson, s Avcnuc 'liat '" - in health and vigor." Mates & Co., Ltd., i.75. vrLoii & llaokett buwn.ilU. . pHONE B1ACK 114 i:aile lliuiul. S for 5oc or fJ.5 aw Wailboln,.-""n.n,,l,t,i4,t.,,,eCTaanwtAtsrr Tl...... Illo-L Phona Bins 69 "How do you know?" Toronto. per ituxen. - Lid. ..Tiariria-irrr w.pa.a.;ieyteaMa-rirrrirrr,j