ST I III a-" J V .... I fl39 Metes .r'CTOK upl i NIGHT or for Taxi tley & Hale PRINCE RUPERT V- Phone 67 Block Northern and Central British Columbia's 'Newspaper Joa Brown Fred Sjrrotuck Kl I'ltlNtX III I'KltT. II. C TlllllMDAY. AI'IIIL 7. IU2I. TttUrtfir'i ClrtvlMlM 1,t0. tu-Mt. St3. PRICK FrVE CENTf oa 1 Strike Continues in Great Britain FSERVATIVES HEADED BY BOWSER WERE SOLID AGAINST PRINCE RUPERT ' KOYAL WEDDING PAIR POSE FOR CAM ttullos Big Fight to Prevent Pumpmen Let Money for Court House i HBaSBBaBaBaHaaBaaaw Keeping Mines Free Voted by the Legislature ' BaBaBaBaBaaaBaaeaBB9aarB.SaBaBaV& VL 'aBaBaBaaaV From BeingrFlooded .. .. ...... ........i..- ..r i,....I. I, ..I i.. ....I LONDON. April 7. X-.mjii, llcKrU rtccivfd. rum the .Mi.II T I'. IMIIUMII. lllllll-lll l l.illt-. iiuu r1" "I" " L 1.1-gi-Uiinv l g-l lif S1M.00( appropriation fur npw DEMPSEV MAY BOX niiiitig mil re intimate Ihul the ."IrikrrK have udupled n mure i Prune lluperl, Kulmliiijf the rurt Iioiikc. upprovcd, AT HARRISON, NJ., gtit?ive nlliliidr in onler In make volunteer? crne work at jVi.i"n.i Urtil Time of Saturday IaL MIDSUMMER DAY ceepiug Hip xninvr free from water. Force Is Iioing: u-icd in j. Hdmi'y. I.iImtmI member fur. Vancouver, thirled tin ome iiitaiire. iiig i ihf M'.vril.l Aliid ; II Al Uorruwstoiiiiiie. Srutluiid, bomln were llirown ut.llie pil-iead I rumored a I ii-mi - lo inlimidalc the worksr. !w. J l K iiiR. minbder oLjniblic" w1rk. explained dial letliiarlrr here lliul Hi rtfnim-iil lmllinjr l Prince HuycrJ are not .idnpiafe Oin'-tilHT.I-iiii.'y Oclil LONDON, April ".--The eumplete breakup of Ihc conferenco e the rtupler. mill that government tervKe are in- v ill lie field al lln-. iwii tetwecn representative! of lh rnincn', the coal owners and Hie radi in Hit- north country. Tlir-i.,wiUuO vole i to New Jersey, r.n Friday. iovcnini'.'iit with a view to settlement of the coal "strike t's Juiw St. There nr.- all inuuin'i'd ill Hie llou.i' nf 1 mi- - - litmiale f ldWt i- r iiinw-uiii'-- i" in Jt itum l- Lloyd liorye yr.(i'rday Ml veer, tnldmxt will be aixml tefl'nreal tint Hie iMni-riwn.Mii it !i'.iiiii' ill HrcAHin- f".' flrrmmn. LABOR MINISTER entild ! aeviied uf -.'in Ins I In- ptarp I" Ih'IJ lln- In ml The Xalimud l.'ninn of Ti iiti- a i t. ... ... i it t fl. aRpif I j B aijUliaH mrl YVnrkt'r lHlay iii.-inuii:ily !( Mil 'Milrr li MWIKl ',"""M" '" '" !" Tb"re an' l si iir-iu'lic f j I .1 IIuih-H f.T li am mill vN4l . ii-iniiiiii aWUC i rM. I o- I eaV aV Bl.Taa iaaHI i ecidnl I it mipnorl Hie iroal ; IS ATTACKED BY .iWin.." ! II. II (! njlilir work urtiriut ion nl' n illi Nrtt Y'-rk i i.iri- in Ihrlr lrl. j llii )iar i roiiIJ.fnily ij Ihan U ini'iluiil. I.i'ailrro of I'tr miner. union j Now V1n '',r t I vlio rwnfr-rred wit li l.hiyd Utrut FRENCH MEMBERS Mi Building I -eslerday refurd it unlrr llir "r rt-i.rr.riilr. Idx rHins. I nl.. Hill .iliiiual.'h mi . tump men and jiinerr l r Mr.Jnli- itxiveil Ihul l'riurr ita .iJ J V JiHw.1 wirk Ret'gnttlon of Senttsr Robertson piMidiiv nrvoliaiion rWh'iit. llif "uKrl l.uil.liiin I.p -IriKk ul 1 um r, -rfhrr hi TTPTT) AT T A MC villi Ihc ownern. Demanded But Ht Is Defended Cy Premier Melghen. UQUOR LAW tlTTAtVA. "iTV Ilou of OmiiMon ye-terdty1 the Wnrr MhiwH. Ilr !. JKMiwwi Imuran. in.i.)N ii. ii mil in v wnitltl i.l.l ,,L ui-il ullli Ui lliivrriinii-iil. BICYCLE RACE POSTPONED demaiidi'd Krench memlier the resignation uf Parliament(if lion, IvflllllHC' lit llll lllllf llf rrinre Tarol l Oreece and Ibe I'rinres Kliiabftb fildeoll KiiJmtI !!. minister nf lilnj r..l. ix.llllnj GOVERNOR after Ihelr weddir-g ceremoisj. tubor. They rlaim ol IfKimauta pbolojrra plied jnti Vit iM.ti-rnni.'fil Operation Not Potsiblt by iir-in . airalust Hie Callfnlic iialiuuat 0r Thirttcn Hundred Miles Ir Thar Ihelr marriage would lake flaee had been Ihe rumor foi .. iu;.ihhi l.lllll... May 1, and May be II. uui.-iis wliirh barnil from ' are Eiqhty-four Hours. month, and It wan therefore no tnrprite when mad public. I r r.niiilrj I ) ar. IS ILL AT Delay. f rrirceiila(ioit at thn JtuilJing H I" HI.-Ijinl ifHrWi-IT Trade Ouifereiirr. kllltl-. turn Kl- IM10 ilralfan i:iih:ihi.Imjn Aiuii t.f Mrrjr;. i mill M i iS. GOVERNOR SINN FEIN GET Premier VICTORIA,expects April the-7 preliminary The , I'remier Meiirtien,' di.-etnimed I M ." In- .I'l'li il. VANCOUVER I (U-nlli nr.- Ii-mliiis lit Ur iv-'U work facing the Hint the Itiiverinoeiil fiillunieeij Mitt Rupri Monty hi vein mid pntisnj Senator 'itiryi-li- mr-. Tliry ll'l r.-i Control Board will tlr I'eIIiiIIm ... Uf jl.:ilt Hiir mill ir.-M loi- HAS BROKEN UP POWDER SUPPLY Liquor be such that It may necet-t't-tl Hiertiiu. ' Ihr lull- l-l.'lill.T Mr. Wat Soliod Whip Aboard tho (i-mii i.'rliM-k lhi iiiiirinnic ill the of The mailer wo allowed lo p-ttponement drop utter heuted ill-cu jsion. O'Ul In imliiir a lln . !.. nf till- Hllll ll'ini l Victoria Sttamor and Will I the opc.-at'en cf the Modera-Uon ili f- r tli. li.U ...lij ul Mil., vriiifl. Iliry Mi- a lap ulirml FROM STATES 'Undergo Operation. That Is Opinion Bated on the Act untl at tale t H"ii.Mi- ..hi l. n Irli-wrniii i .if all i.i...iii-iiI . Trunks Drifting Ashore July 1. He thlnkt it It ASK SURVEY -Irli-i; ir.. VANCOUVER, April 7 Near Scene. hardly postlble to be In ' "M'l ll.-l i Wireless Communication Between readlnest by May 1 W u ri-.nH nf . LUutonant - Qovernor W, C. WOULD CONTINUE anyway. 1'l.ilMI.IHHI ,. Nlchol la III and confined to, Apni 7. Trunk.-IrlfliiiK Irish Coatt ind This FOR HALIBUT I lilrli ..( hit room al lh Hotol Van-coumr ! UNEMPLOYMENT RELIEF alirr m ili nrislilmr-IiimmI Continent. Id. I ln .riiiiirnl RUMOR REGARD following an attack iifjj'jhe pliirr ulirrB tlie J W..'IMI..MH, which occurred on lh Victoria (Mayor Qale of Vancouver Dlt- -Iriini-lilli' (Imei-nu- Mink, Vmmii I.O.MHlN, April 7 Pud'-r FISHING BANKS ' H"l 'l ifrltni,iti fo imlicKite That Hie yel fhuil Kem niiuuudlliui iWamtr. Ai operation cutting mailer wun me aruimd Sinn TO COURT HOUSE lln- for Internal dltordtrs wilt Govern ment. hae lit-okj-ii ijiji. i,. wa iIii.iMiveii'11 ye.-lerday ii I lln- I in g,, nflrr taka ptac tomorrow or Saturday, Al. yIfllVe-ti8nT!MTrhi-ld here I ti lit in in iioxr- heariiiui tin Memorial to United States De-. p-.i-iii-yf- Hon, Chltf Juttlca Mac- .m:ui:vi:. .ihii 7. iin I" tr tllx re-iioh-iihilily for rtnllll of. H Miwder w '1'-i. III partment of Commerce Re- Hr, the ,ireidnl lln- HlldliiK were No Official Announcement Yet as do'nald hat bn' sworn administrator ami rlly i -ii'f nnirrr iirr Mil ai-hu-ell-J. Let. quests Use of Vessel. Contract IkutlijiMB in iilyiart' liiiiyti' ii'M'rved lifter all the evidence There Idi. hi--ii v ir.-li-.-6V',l"-iiiiittirnllnn to Being "lnl- wlnlr ii,iri- llii-il to act- ponding . ..iiif.-iiliikf uilli Hie I'rov inriul in. wa the lrih tha recovary of the llouWn-ant-govarnor. Ciixri-iinirul in Yii'liiritt t-'ilay between A minor reached the eily e.-teiilay JLXKAl. April 7. The territorial c-l on North I'li.-y tin- ilriiiniiilliiir u i-niiluiuu-lluii v--l eou-l und America, afternoon that the coti. b-Kislature has .asked the PROTEST AGAINST kotrtr. ,p imn.irnj,!, f I In- IK llilfl Illlnw Jini-r tract for the erection uf Hin department uf cojiiiucrre tu ai-i?u B lltf , . Soulll n lln- aiirouM-r uui-iiiiluj mi-ill ACTION OF STILL ?too.(mo pmsiii(-iil kovpriimeul a suincy jesseljlp try lp W' Hi- ..i ih and i!ri ANOTHER FIRE ri-lli'f. GERHANYifJABINET bilildinx heir had been lei to locale new- haliliitl bank in the 1 X..iiIi.-im McDouicall & McNeill, the Cal-jniry ItehriiiK Sea or Kutzebue. Sound. .c. That Country Refused Right of rontrarliiiit linn. Thl report The belief is cxpressed'herc that 'flu:.-"f rfoUKfllMllliB RAGING TOKYO INTERNAL RUMBLINGS . Accets to Kiel Canal of DELAYS CHOICE is, however, entirely without there are halibut batiks yel lb '"')' anl Hi IN MOUNT VESUVIUS Crltlth Veitel. continuation and quite pus-iily be di-scoyen-d more .estpiisivj ' ai Hii-i- ' may he unlrue. than any yet found and that the 1 for iit'w l'AIUS, .April The rtmiii-il Spent Sess'on Yesterday' Con. who I'nileil Ooverniiieht should III In. Savenlttn Hundrrd Houta De-ttroytd, Mr. Speaker M'ion, ii--lurned Slates 'Ml llttlllit III Eight Tamplat, a NAI'I.KS. April 7. Y'uh.i in of uinlia.-udiu- linve drafted a siderlng Applicants for yelcrday from the capital, iutei-et theiu.selve in Hie iiiHtter iiKiir iu-lic limn il Iiuu I't-rii fur note of protest I y Ocriuaiiy Liquor Board. itlalcd lliat it was his under-.fHiidliiiC and try to aid tluj liheriuen by Station. refasins Sohool and foiic atsh!-! thn! f"!"'ry xlXlpfll !. 'Hirli' ir lii- on leavhix Victoria that loonlintr them. ID irrnnl luiiililiiiK lii'urd in llir urrei lo the Ko-I Unnal to Hie Yltn'OltlA. Apnl 7. -Tlin rah. the contract wa to liave been rtepresenlative llliaiies Ilrown. EXCLUDE TOKYO. A.lil 7. Another Unit licit it'll uleaiitei' Wi inhli-ilun last iiruno. inet was in Kessimi 'yi'slerdny let Koine il:y Hit week but had who introduced Hie uudioii, ei-pressed niulntr litre. - II liu ili'tlrnytMl ehailer to a Kivnrli eompany until 2:10 wilhun1 a break il. heard no dellutte word at the upliilon: Uial the i;h-Iiik 1.700 Immikc. rluljl U-Jiipli-i. a iiionlh. The ..-ei was under .-ince, cu.-i-ihtr applicani- to Hie Ihiuor to it lieinsf award-.'d. industry of Alaka Could be ORIENTALS M-liuul liuilKU anil a iollrr u wllh niuteiiuU f'r I'oltiml. SINN FEIN IS Hie Hull. l-'illj- HTltiJII WVVf lu- board pivliininarv In uiaki.u ! A. 15. McDouifall, K. IS. Mc-UnUKiill vAry generally extended if the The probability appointment-:. and J. II. McNeill, of survey were mude. 1 PROVINCE Juii'd. U. S. RETAINS l the aiinounceiin-nl will not' be the Ciliary linn, wei-e in Hie eily AGAINST TALBOT! niadi until next week. A. M. early in February looking" over BRITISH COLUMBIA JuhiiHnii. deputy attorney-cni-eral, I lie. ite for the new building ESMONDECOMES RIGHTS IN YAP its chairman: V. T. Me-Arlliur. with a view to their pos(hly of M CONVENTION IN Says His Appointment an Attempt hattlwuie merchant of M-curinif the conlruct. to Urg to Use Religion for Vancouver, and t'i. IL Li'lVihin Aiiiiouncemeiil a -lo the final BEFORE COURT Policy, OREGON PORTLAND, mentioned. Propaganda. That Is Claim of the Oovernment are nainot b-inir nwardiiiK or the contract I. up Because Chief Factor In to the present lime, entirely un-nlHi-iul. til w K I 7. f i h;.. a. I'Oltrt.AMl, April 7. liUIII.I.N. April 7. -Sinn rein Winning War. MADE BIG HAUL , Tried Today Before Police Magistrate llullliiililu niilliii) iiilerecln will ili-rliili-n Ihul I lie .iiiiililnulil Of ATler Being on he ilictiril al IliT aflei-niiun'H Lord Tiilliol lu he l.iuil Lieitlt'ii-mi WASIIINO TON. April 7. Ie-I'laiiuc CHARLES ONCEllORE Ball. Hie I' I led Slati-K Stole Loot From Mall Sacks and M-niill nf tliv Inlei-imliuiiul nillt-luir of Ireliinil Im in alteiupt on Unit ti (,, . ;, '. wiiidi eiinviMillun. llun. Willlniu llieptiii or Hie IliilUli (iiiM-ril-inetil lelaln liKhts in Hie. Herman Cot Away With Half BCK IN SWITZERLAND YA.NCOfVLII, April J. HI , K Muy Sluiin uf Nanuiiiiii, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1-r of to turn Ihu inline of thu colonic at the principal cou-(rihutor Million. lilolide'. trial will be proceeded iiiIiii-h, will (ie un uddrcM on iippuliilee ami hU ii-lliiiuii into to the Mcttuy over Oer-many-, In Him dllfllAiiO, 7. ilumliW LONDON. April 7. ilharle. wilh 'lliuoday police declared thai the ol nglu to the, April Iho inlnhttr irmiuti-ed nf Hie prtiiHK'aiida. II a (li.veitiim bail for inail tack Troiii a former eniei'or of .ulriu-!lun-cury, cogrj, lie I now free oil province und other on Iho pro-Krain liili qiiellini it iHin-Hi-claiiun. Allies pri'iiuiiiet that they awanl- who Hlole believed lo reached Lucerne last iiIkIU. S7.&0U, the bond beini provided ""'"ImZi ' ,,0,,""'' are 8, r). l-'uwler of NeUun A Calliollc at un uirent of t) runny cd Hid Maud of Yap lo Japan liuek yeoierday from are 5011.0110 lo lie wus very ili and wa met by- Juscih Kennedy and James und J. J, Mulhollaiid of the taiiie will he rcpuUive to tilth Catholic, undor u iiilnHpiu'clioii-loii which have necun-d hi wife. Connolly. city. the luteinciil tuyt. it trutlt will tin it'cuntidei-cd. 750,000 in loot. by v