rAflP TWO - TUT. DAILY NrTV5 The Daily News SAVED FROM AN FIRST DAY InbHbl pm.vnR Hvery nuPRftT APrnonn,- f jinrritfii xet pi Sunday,coujmiiia by The News OPERATION i AT ASSIZES J- A- Kirkpatric Printing nnr Publishing Company, Thinl Avenue. II. P. PULt.RN, Managing Editor. Mr, Justice Macdonald Hunt Osar "Fruit-a-tlves" Completer List of Catot With a VUw SUBSCRIPTION RATES! ' Relieved Me Sat Hsirlnqs. "The Store of City Delivery, liy mail or carrier, per month If.00 B.r. Satisfaction" lly mail to oil parts of the Hrilish Umpire and the United State sun t'sios Ht.. vic, The Alte iirt nfwir,i her-rti-nliiy 'I utTerrd nilh all tle s mpuaM in advance, per year of Female IreuMr. mill rArsaar Cmmii-Oe4 Jifliee MaedonaM.4 ftfC whi Ix-f-i I '"' JimIk'Mr. My Local Record in Business To all other countries, in advance, per year. mnJ eaailsal Hrmt. I ll In ienina wenl im u f Speaks for Itself law (loan lo the lawk ami as TELEPHONE OS Siai AKtoradlsr4aito the case with a tew Hlmg H May ft l er Ih.rlr. n y.-ar. ag.. I ..pe,,,.,, flll ,,. i hem for m (, "' hate as operation. henrlmr. ops Mini d"M- ha' euired in the affair- ..' n ,rni( ., . Transient Display Ailrcrltsing . .$1.10 per Inch eneli Insertion I atari ed Uktee,TreK-a.tltes"aaa The Molmea NtHrnVr trial is idd -land i nor the -rviee for men thai ha i ut,- i Hi. aUtr' f Transient Advertising on Front Page. $2.80 pr inch ttT4 medicine Im nmfJt4r rWm-J prneeedlng Imtay. l"'li.jr CHRISTMAS BARQAIN Local Readers, Insertion i 2fl line and The I'raroek s. PriiriU'k ft OPPOWTUhlTY IS KNOCKINO AT per per mi of all my misery wwinj. VOUn D00a Classified Advertising, per Insertion 2c per word mm fm mfmmm bearlia and aralinu ease was callcil hui itierr Legal N'nlire. each insertion . . Iflc per agate line the IrrruM OiMilfwlsau, ami Ut I was No HNS WIT. Contract Hates on Application. sated e i the fraH r,eliettie, In the .Norman and m v AH advertising should he In The Dally News OfTIee on day preceding "Frult-a-tlff." AMrto.lleltlh iMunmla Park. publication. AH advertising received subject to approval. Madam U.J, C.ORSK. Inf Dm. ease. I.. . I'almorr Hartt fiOo a to. 6 tor fcr -O, trial sit.. S3. eamnael for lh plaint i ft. aakisl Shoes At dealers or aeot potthl hy for tone lo inswei I If l"'it-menta. DAILY KDITION tt Tuesday. Ice. '3. 191 . Kruit-a-Ure. I. nnt.it. lnu. They hitil Jllsi nmw. I i tin. -'nil. ., , vesierdny. IBbbW Worth to StBOO-AII Asked to Support 1'ln' Mnr v l.apadat ci" u ona pf(W l(0 a Christmas Fund. SUITCASES was eellea ana A. M. Manson 1IARTT SHO nro nrimitted .Vfrv rte The Rlk are asking the people of Prince IlHperl to support splainel that l Mdiill. Canada's finpt make. Onlv the a. ft, Chri-lmn - Cheer Piiitd fiw those families that cannot secure nrdi- Trunks Srtiitiiers, enatnael for th -f-nre leathors are used in HARTT wrntM not be "in low ti on. SHor-beautiful narV Chritnia treasures in the ordinary way. The work i ik1 til shoes loniabt. cmbod the bt in hiiy v.i i niilliied to the Rlk onler, but all families in the il CLUB BAGS I hi- Keteioiiu ym. Ilabinirloti thre , lh.it are needing it wiN Imp assisted. None will lie overlooked Large Stock on hand. '" ore an llgei nrcarb ot craftmanthip. because of Iheir nationality, religious belief, or fur any olher Price low. a towing contract will come on All hap and Uathtrs on pHca very sim.ii It. it. llughtnn. of 'lh-r reason. Clin-lmas is a season of joy and all should share in thai joy. J. F. MAGUIRE V iiuvaion, iti'ars for Ho-I'lainiiff ami I. IV liniier fr $11.00 Mod of ii are mil in a position to go out after those who are not Next tha rriftc Harrt Hot llir 'Wend!. -o Avell to do a ourselves and help them. Because we do not see The ease of lift s. Miehil.n such people we come to the rtwiHiisioii that there wre none. There in whkrh ilefenhial is euervmt wo are mistaken. There is more need for A Christmas Cheer wilh khtnapr'oa. w iravrs.l Fond this year than for year past, for there are men out of until net I riii, a. Iionngtiy and thee not find the iih1 spending The Man in the Moon employment ran money. entwn nf seeutnr. slating lh. , Tomorrow night the Blk are giving a big minstrel sImiw at SAYSi Ho' aeeuaml had acokrn jell hrr. Gift Suggestions for "HIM" at Xmas he theatre, the proceeds of which goes toward the Chrilma and wu nnw in Alaska. Tin-jwttae Cheer Fund. In addition to attending the entertainment, those uanev4e that the I n who are able are asked to cooperate wtlh the committee in TIIK MOe yon think of ii the led Wales tnjernmeni Ix- rNiii Neckwear ni.i. rank'. inrl'iijiii n la-gr- .rli-ilm I I.. charge and cHtlribnle to the fund. The Btks guarantee that it more yoti fel Dial Paul had a lot ilioned for him. i. PHcad at 7S lo $1.75. witt be ued lo advantage. of courage when he wroti In The rase at Porter v. Hort-r those women and told them In . over a fiehinn bnal hustm-as. Belts In ini.dual hove, from 11.00 up. keep quM awl nt e Think About always rejwirted hy Mr. I'almnr hav Remembering Friends, shnoling nff Iheie gnhs tn I he been struck nff Ihr ila and The Christmas present or other remembrance that arrives on rivl lug. A full naj ef beanUAsf knit aUba. An man asked I ha I il he allowed lo .law.l Mufflers time i worth mneli more than a belated present. o one likes to a aner unttl nevl aaatiea. Ito- - reretve nne far i.hriatmas. Priced at $S 00 t U SO. feel that he wn an fefterlhoughL The time to send a iwesenl is HOW (Mfrerent Ike wortd so that it will arrive at dbrisjtnns time. wnuhl hate t--n if 1ft vnm request Tne irKnree wn grunted.nelinn of linrsieh Handkerchiefs nre Irieb Linen, rnrmeety Sue. T$e and It " Horn Ifc For a day or turn before Christmas there ts a rnh to sreure in n"r Tiesw uiiaiia ipswm a vs. (Jursieh railed and Mr and 7&e.ll. H,iirked ln. Spall 10c and 11c surh Christmas articles,a it is thoHght will be welcomed, by thej iMffereal aispte Manson renaried that, allhouvb There has be and iifl MA0t.T0.MtASURC SUITS HobtxHIn and SamLRsadr rnripients. ui something purchased many two of Ine members of hi firm the articles intended to te jmrrhaed have already lee sold. AMI what U wrong wttk the did know 33 1-3 par cent. Discount were m eourl. iney no That is part of the tragedy of Christmas, not to be .Able to give Prince ttnpeff peonie getting baay whether II wa eile bar Ine what we wan I lo thue .who.wouW appreciate it Having Ihhi in afier aHH oti me eivie ies ether lw parties Iw gl key to vi4w we suggest raaKlTig Jiyrc hae at once so as to avoid tne mli Uivna allow Ike bearing to proceed din-uig the day or two tve'ceding Christmas. ' "Your business must be very targ-wnen Huy friifn a torr f tslabli.hed RppuUtinn It lh nl ti ! ! as.i r . Mhov peorde Jinking fin- lhrislmas presents are glad to have TllKftB have en a numbi you cannot attend In it IhwIi lamlaiil f M-n han-lisr al'd imtiiiii. Sltsfanllun li of Christmas goods from the stores to ait them mi making of trains and anioa dronjn d laiat all. remarked the fmtne. " n hoi e. SHggeotHHis for tirhtma are a convenience to the mera nwl nstter water but ' enngratulale you riAiimunity. This t the time lo think about (L Why not make ne na U a neatly as (Hter After ine nennnv of lite Ceeil rMfri lmes ltii week so that others may be We to do thrtr llesner wttboaji anyhoily being a. (Veil ittvnrre arlboi. eoort ilaan I a rhN astna aad s rfcaiaa slAippmg lacr who are unable to do it now? Xo merchant ran any tne wssrse far tne run. adjourned until ten o chick ihia ls aurWwsO s la when the rush is a a ia is gue good sen ice on. ti c(ak. thM P Km HA PS the right way i In morning. sf man mai at. Canadian National Railways Get Ourselves Into . g in naekwards. a. ut lew r) a. rs rstrr. SMaraat T(je Christmas Spirit. tit ,' . j CAUGHT IN TREE II,rrvtf itsa. ImL IH L s The Christmas ifmt It Ihe great thing. We have to cultivate TIIK diffigplly Uadt,IpeMH j5ir we miss moch of the enjoyment of the frslhre seaon. We fsnnling the ailvertiaenieat in AND WAS TORTURED o. v Ktf 4tf U T .auiot celebrate with the onelflh if we ourslres are selfish. the (laity Xewa i thai tuy u. rtMSC aMM LOp WstaitT- bit Prince Rupert THJ..T iw coasT asat. a Ie cannot Join with the young if we arr old in sfMrlt aa well as in ually want l g eigbl nktmn town MIHTH Y1M:Y. N. fser 3. Tak. auMe Msl I. IxMily iifflrmilies. Christmas aHd buy Mimething. named WNt Stanley Vkt. a c. f .six... embodies the spirit of eternal youth. -W'hite a hoy rer far n (maam ! io. o lusting joy and hapfMness. If we gel otirelve into the proper a nf Mils die waa tnit atone in wi sad aaaaeai a aa u tsWs a. lose, i .awisiiin m a M t1 i mine oi nuiia to associate with loose who have lierome imlwed IJIST, strayed or stolen one Uhe forest galherHa beeahnstls, a WnOa M a ia Si aarair at I ll. Shipyards with the Christina sjMrit we siiall have the be.t celebration yeL fury Party, agent and ssmsewnal breaking branch naagbt and eaaiiw lEeaea isvars eas( aa svssi Mhaaka.sa rsjaaw.Ssms mwsot acstta s-iS as Toenter into the Cliri-lma spirit we have to get rid of the desire worn out. Finder kindtv relurn pinned him in the fork of a tree. aa raams b. e-sss ml r mm is lamal. n btVromulate wealth or lo wUh ill Ut our neighltor. We must, in in I'wnJer Meigheo and reeeive A hieh wind waa blowing and II lawn l'.r MOWCafn.aw sr tes.Uflwssi Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton rioatlag Dry Dott fnrt. Iianih ever- note of diseord from the chorus. Rv thinkoiv fwHlieal rewnnl In heasreo. etery moteanenl of lite tree rase u M.a. st. Paiad saaaaer ,M, kmd thmights and p-lHg on joy vihmttmis we become part of i uel the little fellow great Englnaars, Machinists. Bollrmars. Blacksmiths, PU njr oioii- oi ne worktL iwriicii is ine amy kuhi or napfMHes O.NH thing that dis not set a mi ay. His eriea were heard hy mil si errant 1 1 u srr. miktrs, Foundsra, Woodorksr, CU, wr need worry a!iil just tioiw. you anywhere ia thinking about ! young girls who on their way ri-o-f tw eanr Lata wataKT ran t or oai a sat t Lbuying Chrisjmas nresenta M te sehool had uandered Into the T.. auoer UM4 C O r astwat. a. mt Our plant euipted to handle all " Ctt a Bit of Holly nsi have n mneey In for -'-s FlekMla. arm par """"T" r t-ti ..i mo. '"" I S,,f a mm, rurl t-r prln4.uM s4 or" a Christmas Tree. them. Ihey ran to the nearest house, that .aaiwai aaa aa mm Snsla aWriM MARINE AND net a Lit of hoHr or a Christmas tree and brighten np the a a of Mrs. Hofcert Jessoane, who soon'bmmi rsi uv a a.. rwwt m im 1 1 1 h6i o.e for the eaMi. To mo I neoiile it is MirxrllMoim lo mm. OXK arfvanlagr in living In mcaleJ the source of I he erie and I laeara eaM aa anai.iasa aneia WORK tijn m h a thing. To other a suggestion doe not always mme Prince Huaeef I. that nobody managed tn exlrteate the fright-! COMMERCIAL aii. The brightening of the house for here wHI rive fewd boy from the of the lisssssr ss area, ass) w up the holiday is one of you a present trap a r itiiijnii, inaiiM PHONES 43 AND 319 th impor!..ni lhiug alMMit Christma. It i wise to make the fMHWhase! at the ten cent s4are beeeh tree. If the liUie girl bail j 1 -- -. " -- - - rM a tttM. . pfin e itifTerent. A movement of furniture and general changing, a not wandered a war J row Iheir of the whole Ibn-ouI of the living rormis aids in rnltivaliiig the ANOTMEft advantage in living I usual rottrae to aehoot young riML SI etTIW'Ltl M ACT j turiimas iaea. ro gel awa from the humdrum existence of berr is that Prince Ituaerl neonle Stanley might base pertsbed from rMsc werar i.sa Marajir ms rM or ire eur and to do not usually aivr tma fur exposure or starved Us death tsut or roaT, ayfc uie acquire a new.outlook on life is imrxir men rasa asSKs Umi i. R a eaa.L at tii.:.l ' iu.'r iirrouuuiiig a- an a a a..ioi lo rjieer us up and- make us i.brislnMa presents. Iwaraa. a r . mmtrnt eawnr. mmmm is "DEMERS" IVQtl' far I seaairt far Iwo- aijxe u. i iip ot:isiii. rhe little thing of Christmas make Uie - HAT A HEAD. Man sad aalaral isi aa hs iwiar sfrison worth while more than the lug things. IKNCH upon a tiue there was a Hub What a gtorbma soring las IserSad efeatas laa rm o i rase i a sui Hai4 ssata aae raaMM M.I WHO mm a who bail a dote Christ fua day! I could dare aaylbing. face IttwVE. meaar sf It 111. laeare aatl IS "THE RENDEZVOUS FOR LADIES rbd iheata ssaia sa hmmm issr. .. I pmsenla and be said ttiey were anything on a day like this. eaiUe. aow ata sa 'mmi u all iosely and in didog so et-liressed Wife- iUwm an down tn the lor rawenawnwai. raeiatanit sia of Assortmsnt Me real ttieughla. flul milliner s iifMiah Anteriena. ii a rnsrrT, iMaraat Solsndld at a . free M ltd waa a lona, hoik lime ag. OssMl wmftmmt 1 1, nil FIRE THIEVES OR s a s "Oh! Mr. Junes, please buy a GIFTS I UK Queerest person fn the liekei for intr eniertaisMoeol. It LAND ACT. DAINTY XMAS world is the one who mum In ia for a worthy eane. I assure OeUsa al lauatlaa U Aaalf la Lasts LasC. SSk May rob you ot your valuables U Icq with a big head in the marpiug you. la GnM laM tsorvt. asaaeaiaf Mitrtrl CAMISOlU tbome- and saya "ha had a wandeefHt "Certainly. Mia. THeaabyl Ami OLOVES HANDKERCHIEFS hEOLICICI time last night. What is tual rouse f" Tata aanaa imi ear n i roost 14. or an u mn UunnL HOSE BLOUSES a a a rrSr hwirt. k aretiixuco axrsus, A SAFETY DIITOSIT HOX will "I'ayina lite expense of the am ad i lo ( f..f psmoH ia least SO PER CENT. Or-P ALL n1slLLiaanw TIIK most disapnolnllflg thing entertainment we gate hts week lb Mwnltl desreibed laadai ' Msvtar al a i aumst al Is. I X i " about the r Jtift rcry I""'00- Annual last eieeiiou ww the for a worthy euuse." a mama anrta al Who aoi, lAery pu.vha- DRAWINO laak of free cigars. I a rkaUi. nuria. ihM. an rtuia ' GRAND CHRISTMAS $5000 :'jwta) '5 and upwards. sL Ihr iks 4S rkaiat aos lUViheaea cms alua a a coal a.id rcraoLci'M act. lrlMi aad 4tMaar rust itm aaora! flrat prlia Esanlno Drass, 1800 TIIK most Popular person, dur. far isa Stcond prlxa Silk Blousa, valua 1M rmscr stfsiar nsi mstsict dis- R. mi;dotid. AMinraat. THE ROYAL Ing th next two weeks will be xaKT ur jit, mct . rsi fsr s Hi a. rot Co, Third prliaTrlmmad Hat, valua. . BAHK OF CANADA hanla Qiau. Ttka fjlU-m is.t I u a e.u.o r n.lM Sf4eMier it. i at I f " i"-. r- seriia msoiEr rprsartr. a lamwl tHt I it a tortus ta prert MtSJtaAL ACT. ' fur iwlrslrmu .iw aataral mi Ihs l4-fM( "DEMERS" Pre.'' r THE reason the people did nol dsrnbd Linda !&iuisrins l s OsrtlAtala af lataratsaiaala. 3rd Ave. support the ilevermitent was he. iml poatol ia rhama aaatfc awl la rlulas S'-TH B cause the manufacturer were iir .a.l IS rluHIt, thror aarlfe W.rWIs- i )aril ctaua, stiatu ia a rbalas. lasm-a .t rhaxo. larara Hm Ofsu UHUar aselalna af rrtar S doing it so Hlrely. aseta as rhau.. t.. ..i r N.uin. en msinri iseau d aa ffaseesa Kul imiTED. iiurat, swilostsf ia artas. i nor or leta. 4ts4 ISM. M a hatr fewu ssrr iVi s -i " FURIslTURC AND n a. rrs ktt, Sfj-irfsst rnatsaiea. UNION STEAMSHIP CO. p. HOUSEHOLD GOODS, Sond- EVEN TO BAKERS. as aulira Uol 1. Mr r tar ear. Hea.M. m "fH trtni-r it, rf. Ire Mar'. caruarii ., iiii . mimmI. He 1 wish . sialir ea frusa lh oala Slii. o mttt far. Vaasasi'. Vlslarta, eoubl make Hill you .n n.liu r-r a aaa a i - nandkat S23 Third Avanua WMMat Mwof rsr a fnari. at "" W.iU .. . i mvi honaa: Black 1B n like ratsrt nifMT tsso i.htsi:t dii- Mar 1R7 plea mother used ta bake. iwwals. tar Um aaaum af iSliMm . is, TatrlrT tktr rut aa maiia a. a'r!eii Oram af lit tha rltim 4. ii, ja. I. . MUSI Oct. OCOROe LEEK, 8he And f wish Ibftt made Tlli laasdL-A a a.,a 1. at. as n.ii . ,f Auctlonaae you " ' " aasaj wj ft, V armasa-aa. v i farther use as Or nui arilsei. P"! the daugh my father use lo frmi .!v. PaOuo niaisi aiosr, aadsi r sarumi it. mmt a nmauntft l II. nee. n. is. Aaailir. rrtss ."i . "ely far a Iih.imi la ptsseset r.Vrs ia wKMm nr -a r.riflri al Ml asasaa AtaaaS Acm make. tludsou Obreaver. L sss aaiural aw iha rwl lMifllSI i' KUi riU4 Iaa4, ' utwueudnf tl btlMl lh "IS T if N .tfmUr Hit