mi iiailt wwn r'" pacie niniiT n '-" it -I - -ii SLEEPY VIOTORIA STIRRED BY Popular find ReTUM CLIPPINGS OF POLICE COMMISSIONERS; The G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public QREAT MEETINO,CAMPAION BARBER HUMOR Westholme Theatre FIHE INSURANCE i a hobby of tun. We lake keen plrnsuro til making- lure thai all polities are no wrlllrn thai lliry rnter (Continued from Pace One. Tonight, Tuesday uilend. If you ruincl tour fire exactly a property you your Some of the Cuttle." Thine Said in retere near l. carel. itieupcriciicrd or Iminranl awfiiln yon iiriititie are uixurniic' The reail a report of hf Those wrho Respond to may rind, when you cuinn to collect your llri lo.. Hint your epesker t'.hlef Try. who said that (rami). order 'NeiL policies ore oo worded that Mm insurance rompnny I not liable urn! su will not pay the loss. Why lake chances? Ilinr nl preacnl was closely re IHHpiI. (hal Victoria was freer W oldei f I If e.r an.1 H. C. HELGERSON, LTD. Hi n nuy other II. 0. city from. i lie keeo-eda-eil ranaf Mmde art Insurance Rentals Real Estate illicit lliioor sale, and thai the ii iUaiuiiex if not Mi- .! iirneral Mnttdtrtl of ioiee work i M ihJ of alt the nit-ii rnk Ih.- now woe excellent. '-iitiK of frieiid.liip i. itui m-pliaire I irl of nil Iheir enrn.n had lOc CIGAR Iihi lron;ly' lt au" f I Mother: "Paul. rruf Hllllijt Irbil In redirule I he poliee . ion ihe laUfnt trrlilie of thf ' l lie cat' (nil. ' mitonr. nr. Hall proceeded Bmi0m MO aa while. tnjeJ worki-ra wli. ti nf I Paul: "I in only hilllii I hp t hen Ihey Irted In frighten themj ten ei kkflini. And, h (M4 Lunch mil; I In- ml pullhikt It." then hrd.e throi ami Anally Matter ! nefeorr lo irfrjui ' rnii Special them. Up wild that the Payne in l)millnif Ihe tlaniain ir iu D41 - j lliaTHlrott ha shown that appa ly Independent, ldedtrd lo nolh tarr to IIIOSi 11 llefiTiiin ' Hi. renlly there was some rolliiilon Inff. and more ctner ali than erase, ht or me. ..r nliaf--trr tween hoolleffzer and the elly hliimrlf. "Willi Mr. Xlanelaiid In you may tiiH ft. t r ., . ., ,,t 40c TiMam saLK xos. leteelhe. my plire and Mr. Marvhanl tn the loilay ha for boted ban W Mi; , Paid Informer worked azalnt plare of Ihe man who doe, lit women rsHirr ii- oailr -alnl Ifinlrr. in l" rrrrt.rd by lit Mlniilar of Lawlt al Victoria, nnt Ittrr he llr chief and tin eoHiml ery lel lo uliMnn'i o in enery ier iMore rmM-i .tt o - it WEDNESDAY, DEC. 14, 1921 Hun iHum mi Ow Mill day of tmtnlf, ... for llw rmrrb.. of Leam-a I 1U1 .!,., ..li le. IISII. On of nonemenl forward we will liav .U-fevIa, uually itd i.. 'i .i.iioM hwi r our. wrt, fice Hi former, found hnmetf In n effiei.-nl Ninl ' year." Itr tilhout r.ikj' el duims 1 u I Cream of Tomato i'.'..in ail. .'lima, tm lirajBCJ Soup, iifi. funrv t. ij.i lino Duinri. lail one ntornlwr preilrVleil. td fi"s. lUiilma 1 Pickled Beats rrnVl "h"wl ,9, n.en they lobbied for a change Balked by Mavee. ialher mhtaaMy. Im 1 I'.hoice of ruv.'1r ''''u, UUaf rrt-! in Hip net lo make I he olie cm lie aid that hi effort, lo n. Hmri hMr,' "'it '' Boiled Salmon, Egg Sauce vn'nr HuiwrL ii. '..' i mhi nn-eerlie- -Ihe mean- pand Mls WarV'a valuaMe wrV lip erMh rvill. quid- II If I Pol Roast of Beef, Spaghetti TIWBCR SALI IM7S. 1 f.l Millie of all." anionk I lie tM ami ptrla nf the fMre Iwrtsef are J..W' Boiled and Mashed Potatoes tealed Irtvlrr., .milt iir. mrltnl by tlx Dr. Hall warmly prall Mi itly tiad heen vfHtlinwall) halknl H i iitiH fair (hal Ihey vii I I- Minnirr .11 if l imtrifl, nl mrr lh.n iKmn ..n iho 1Mb H ..f Oerma, ManeUnd. who lii -ahl utrlel hr th lamr "lle balkt! jke akxnit ti rrhirti rl. Lima Beans I liar mo in ftinnlM ereialenl fun f -r Ill mayor e er my In rul HM.ttfln rrri of nptvtr. CrOtr. Km. Sago Custard Pudding lurk and HtUaro. wir Clrhn lUrtextr. Iwta life." He derlareal thai Mr. Por. site iMir roodef a f.-w 1 k-i i.tvannrl, luiir 1. '.Mil IrtWKI. Tbrre (3 rn will be aOsr4 fof PRINCE RUPERT TIDES ler had "rm ron nilr hrava Inn laughs here are sm.im r trNm f iindirr. iat.a. alilef makiatrelf of a ihh frrfn the eurrectf pr. --. lartlirr rwmrsMr af li r.hlf rnrt. i-r. vvinru. a. c, or llirt fwrwirr, , Tnfjr. hwmlr 13 It,r tite mir Cuttino ptvnarks. Good Eals Gale rrinrr Hnrrl. f. C. . HiBh :oh a.m.. IH.7 fepf. The Dismissal Charge. ltaHor WieldlHs- M'leaaas- trr TlMCta sali x-sez?. I a.in . ?l : fet-a. 'You dere tl In allend li oil of man In eh4kr,- rtu ,1 I K ist liter- will br ixwrtl b ItM liWr & feel. in, rerlalii iIhIi: we iif lo ad. gn irver II Svelll? 4 Own i4t ihr toil M r In i imlwr,, IH:t? P.m.. 3.7 feet. . Ill. ff Ihr imhtImx of l.lrrlM X lf; minller thsl Wer faUhfuHy and Mo4mm lMreJ lHle toi 'mar 1.4 ". Hrk i lunwl .. H. I. tt: Vilnlay, himtwr .NH. I hewnJ o the lx-. ..f Hjr aWlllty. Have rr rui icmi M ln fri f Datum. ma-, Utah- Q:l IV.I fel. a.m.. !! i.in- anrt ' .la , we n! none kit navr wr sTrwn wortl the firi iHire. Ma. I rh ; I irar Ht I all"l fr mw.tal 13:37 PJH.. It J fert. From the Farm '.if 'linhrr i -3t allhy from Ihe aMil f otHt fii-INr .ar'ii iilar. ..f ih f vf fi. lw a.in, 7.U feet, ' i.W ir. Hall. Mr. North a fx! I Cents ti vs. to the Table irr. v ii i.u in oiMrt' t inrniH. niiiie ll:t p.m.. x.H feH. iKaprrl. B r poi. have had from 0ofl l.t "I bissMiis Iho fiUlscr of a llmr.ilay. leineiMlH-r IK l5oo ir month, had we akl .vviaiewtitjr. miurlod tfo ha'r BULKLEY VALLEY Wink - t:S3 a.Bl, ?n.l ferl. TOONERVILLE COMEDY fi.r Ihe ofllpe t wwrlli that whesi ?0Hlly. 13:1 H i.m. a.n fei. he favor art dUrreetly farmed "W elt. wHI. asad e 0tlHO A 'mttMi.on, 1" ar J C liw 7:1ft ajii.. freh BEEF Mil. Our hand are ele-an: nxl ft eltmklMtf .Hal of late eholr. rtll ? ? feel. PORK Why it fm. only hake we made n4hltiF. Imt 'laerr'. a dtow fwr Ike SO 11.- WEDNESDAY NIGHT, ELKS MINSTRIL m MUTTON i rnoaot. we are out of ixteket ttMHS lion- hater. Pi rtljrul K.taiee. VEAL THI. .......lJtTV I UII'HT II i.r .V.-.f rjlltt K lre.1 of tlollar in our allesnpt to Wholesale Order. FRESH KILLED POULTRY kU HMlJ't-l IT Wimj MliriBT. pp A loan mlieJ IhUi a b4rfcer Sheena River Farm Product MM f H lMIMTkTtoH The Den of Inlqullv. hop e da) aexi ohl tly is Good trr aaf ka H UMiur !jhr f VANDERHOOF CREAMERY J tmttt AihI now Ihe ijlir.lfcwi liaa lt- "'U ike whose three hel." YMAS CAKES BUTTER i-..iH- a lr?rr ifv. nh iih "W hat Ihrea-'f . Tif nNJ Mm! m WW aT lit saioMIn?, JHuor ao.1 tk pHl. "IWTiilr: ihFIAora'-Jieii ih-easisrralhiM.' Northern Iitericr t.Dlli fl-ll Air l.i eal twIfiJE.. a,T?. ll.Mlr I Ihr Ilk ana'aiH tfar wf nz elemenl arfwyel with the niett fully Aittrrvrar ICED TO ORDFR Par I fir Milt It a dNXMlr thr ttai af raalMH wliitm sh bate mfclered bl to TrHan. Individual Mines Pies. Pumpkin Piss, Co-Opcrative aM4 aa nn liiurh llk frrlu wtwl c tru Mt. JajMT ratMM Ibr vial par If brbl remote frvm Ih eHy's employ, it Sert of Out-PHte. Speial(sU In Blrthds, and Wedding Cskst Phono SI I r1 tjr. i i ImyaUm- of iMir J" IH)m. Miami aial. I now lemma a iHmlral Mtwfi I'.UI aHaer l MHarr -Cmm 3 OUR PASTRY IS UNEXCCLLCO ioprovel.K. nciM.ilk li-lf but wlii.li NTIWh A.lt. Irt aiHliall Tn inttla P luHM- anwiwl tk..f be pruyrea ! and I lie laml er-Wt herr"? "The Home of DomesHt Bread' " "'" M" " lr iirtiriv I., anr Iwnnaiia. isllrr - trwr'U llio.e who le. HawVr !ir. I il ml a roiur irHM iim r.'iiuHia U4iry joii n frtal vir.ai 4nuMlnl li iv ire lo see j city afe for hj bfv ntek hi it- Hee r a ervlll rt. THE LACASSE BAKERY Klffht rhonei - J. C: Sfeiv TTl ! hrrl of ito- I ra r VaUoy. iaKd Ikta eib 4ar f ! mt. lift. lrl. or a,lMi of inhiuHy wha laMiiee mi I iWrl foejtH t et W LorgTrUl. HlurZTO 'Hip ipi.li' ..r .fMr Milk Phono IM 717 Third Avsnue P 0. Bsi HI Ionian lifia narleml for QitiMe Day Pbon S otaiH hivH. N-eaii ltw ijjiry-iuj kidd a lUlil Iwlwwi tloo wlor Cw.l.Uksef wft "xUMn llw STEEN5L0NGWILL laniktrJ art- lnli. and PUBLIC NOTICE would male Vietaarta a rlly f ImoI HylM to advance under no rondilioin would W f Ihe I sy" IHm. bouien and llio.e wlm would (HI "lopM-e Sh t Mtal Works -Agent try in rlian' thi qualny I Willi ir hwlea and make it uu. This Is Hair akle. "W hy du yt iNaial Uptoa lell for Kurocaes Milk Co. We afe." UcUary Pacific are Ih? heritde Ifarte of li.-i-and EARLY THOUGHTS OF Limited CHEAP PHILANTHROPY. rohbee w1iit etttlinif my ting, Engineer FacteHat at hntef" 4t. a hm-Hffeif ra 6U Strrt and Fraser Sut Laeaar.aaifr4 a ae a tzt oaaac stmcct MOVING , a frrr oh tma fri laatNer f a laUalir barber. Priixe Rupert . 0. C LMiltae vaacouvtn llo luiiw nf a lalkalKe rnlir Tm warry tir." rpMel Ih" Christmas Ii ik'a -iiriirl.d h mm hU wfy I harUer. "buL yJ lianrr of a wvti-lr)eil iHlle lell liartes likr thai In my ri-Inmere oy wloi wa leralitikT Hi UHkMMl Ihelr hair IhI Wf to our wiili aiiplr. I'laetl al Ihf hlea en! JtMl male II eer liolel CUR ASSORTMENT OF QUALITY 00001 FOR tO f llir Imrae jriUwj an eieHelit easier l eul." i fOBfi.l jnerk FKOBUWI H.S. WALLACE LIMITED meal al no ro.l In liiioHf. Ibe Aed fcf Waiting. WILL SOLVE ALL CHRISTMAS PITT CO., New Store man palld Ihe liy on Ihr head. lUHxr Ymir hair U rfeieliMi I'lial's right." lie atl. atwaya ery xry lr. GIFTS" be 2om1 .. uiilinal. Now. when niMr waMhiiT an hMr RIGHT lid )u buy litem apple f" already I hi uneieel. far. Headquarters for Walk downstair lu lU-r-iiiriit ' I didn'l Imiv llifHi." Ihe hoy a iiMMre oh. hjkala ilar. of SICK MOIl B More on Muuddy alnl ll.ati-red: "I Iwok Ihettk lUt of Klnda Timid. GLOVES I be yiM -upreme. A pair accsatskls- our V4i l '." I lor her Voui hahr etniMn. (Viiif rreiwtl kel lloe. alosrs ate money. tdark. i i .n (an and f'V 1 ' out oh Iwji, if. Seasonable Gifts RETORT PUONACIOUS. naillko ' Vifllm 'IWo ir ;.ibiu" f t-'' iiT. n- Mr. Si-ropp John. I've Ih-il' irtttadnees eaVe tie ttart! If ti aiiniv ft" .1M STITC1 WATCH THIS SPACE il xii.- of mv uUl vetltiearta elatt latllMiT t'S M. M will pnah-ably PERRINS CHAMOIS OLOVE MONARCH DROP 12 00 erowt l.urk mooih. lavstiloii i. .il f 1I1- - .-lute HimI HOSE, . FOR SPECIALS lo iliiiiwi luu yttu mlmlf frrapp Ortalnly fw4. I al- Aiiawor. t.u .il I'uii $3i5 GLOVE I'- pCnRINS' wa ilk- lo meH lucky people. ACME WASHABLE KID HOSE 1 Xmas Drawing l.iilrumr from tortn-r flora Jack Kanurk. Ilie )oUHr man wa diro QAUNTLCT OLOVE .ilt'i olale. haW he: "I a-ke. her II In. t liti 11 ami lan 4A0 t lad Oflli-r. tMlltl street. I eould eee ln-r loMnr W by. ft3.CS, M.76, 15.75 Tickets with Every Dollar Purchase. HEADS eertaiuly." h- answered; I will GIFTS FOR MEN aled send a pifur- -i n Scarfs. M.ns '"' 'Jsj you Pure lllk Hose, all color.; Silk W That Ache kerchiefs, .ilk and lln.n; Msn'a Tlss from $15 Rupert Table Supply Co. LADIES' BLOUSES titii. .lene ib' 1 I'KI'' -' $11 M 1st Prize .... Beautiful Down Comforter and Pain i a-.il.-l I.- Prwe lioin (3.75 PHONES t11, Bit. XMAS 1 antra CAMISOLES We hate lteil 2nd Prize Handsome Satin Kimona II . baril m drat iVmt vtllb s Wsl Ibal ......1 I in.-ill eaoel'iallk fr an l sua uu all lb lime. 3rd Prize Doll la Mm rata Mil of laa, frraltlral Suggestions LADIES' GOWNS Pink -alHi. apriro Large Kewpie . beailarbaa ars diM l pu!Md lAuod, tb reHi tie i-bUae. 1 bkaial briay rrailafad latpers IkrMiik sane hhret Music lal l editions LADIES' SATIN KIMONAS W hilt. I'' 1 5" arraasrawul of um l4oah, littr or ,5 71 twwtu, Imi a miliar watcb ira U ta Milale ur, Mualc htailda loe. ' $17 60 UaMM Ike ravae Uiw.l W raiiamr4 Ittfors SPECIALS IN VIOLINS, Ule. IhHthlO I'oddeal hmHaa. Oar Stock of Exclusive Handkerchiefs, lrMUft Uf rae Its i4uut MANDOLINS, ETC. auaooca blooo aimas fcirb Im brra tm Um Baarkrl fur Ibe fall Prince Rupert Music Store Boudoir Caps, Waists, Fancy Neckwear fwirSis yrara. rctuotr lue cauae ef lb .hi..'-HAii La O09 ticks! Postortlco dollar purchase Opposite Every one ba4arke bx aUrUflf Ibe bfttot of Gloves, Handbags, etc., is complete. tllmlaaUua arllor frrslr. sad bra Ibe 1 In our Grand PRIZESl Drawing. txirlllaa are farrled off frww Ibe tfttrm, THE psriavd bluwt rirrsuus la Ute bra la callt, Ladles' Floh Co Slid Has stbre. aed palfta aMb. Jc'cWO OO Hudson Bsf B ." Special Sale Prices on all lines of Suits, Oel.Mla wnuii-'W Uar Murttbr.s)afe-ai Clre PunuMr.trratlr CHARTiatD auaiToas C0UTTe ANO Third A Laros Kswpls Ooli, REAL COAL ECONOMY. rss i sin! fjiy tibtod.ynt tl erar. I Hffrrsd s srtsl 4al Ihmt fre puu in RORIE & SMALL Coats, Raincoats, Dresses, etc. For winter use we atrunidy air brad wwrb made Dta frtl very Masr , rH'uiiimend our IMUIU.1 ibl Aflrr ha la f lrfd itlbrr fmUl I RaaMaal rarlaaa acreened Lump Coal. You'll rrbaM a built nf Murdvrk blood bll- , oionac aoair, oj, FOR DISFLAY likr it. Clean, hot, soolless. lara. sad aa vr ld la bulks s darldad Uijr Asditor for 'more a a pari SEE THE WINDOWS - l4iij ia mjt baalia. I louk saoUwr, eiburisd TrsKae la aaitiieBleir H.S. WALLACE CO., LIMITED Consumers Goal Co. Ltd. belli siawaal l Stan isd tf tf find,It Mjr bai frkradS Oune bata me wbu rscuutnMDdad sa stars riaarweus la tl's riaaealal a4ltlaf iaalle!l aala.Paruarable at.tlevMallea Aiaata Aita Jabour Bros., Ltd: J. Lorns atMiur coMillua sad sii II I S MaoLaron, Manager Ibry Sa)t Corner of Third Avenue and Fulton C. O, MINNS, Manager Phone 7 uo.tr rful raaMMl).. raSaral BslUlat, frlaae RseaH Thont C45 0. B. B Pbeae S(7 Bi SS 1 aiMSfalursd oaljr by TbS T. mm Miibara LUuiud. Terwile. Osl