11 '1 'PArtE TWO TTTI. llAlf.Y The Daily News HAS NEVER FELT LIQUOR FINES Published pniNCK Eve ry ntipKnT Af'rnoon. rxrept nniTHM Sunday,rolumbia by The New. THE RHEpiSM : TOTAL $2000 J. A. Kirkpatric k Printing ani1 Publishing Com pony. Third Avenue. If. F. PUI.t.RN. Managing K1llnr. 'Winnipeg Magistrate Has Busy Since Taking "Fruil-a-iives" i Day In Police Court with SUBSCniPTION RATESl The Famous Fruit Medicine I Boclltagers. "The Store of Satisfaction" City Delive rr. Iy mail or earrier. per month f 1.00 Ily mail (o all parts of the British Kmpire ami the Uniled State. r. ttot i rAiioiio, x.s. W IWIPKu. li . .' t in - In advance, per year $0.00 "1 uffrc'l ltlieuo4lisn for totaliiuw ?.lo; I.-M...I M To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 fie year. ii 'HB ' '"idly at Wbm -ii i.itir- cuiiii. r iti." if I m unalUe te fet up. rcMnue tijum y I'nalrihttliHt TELEPHONE 88 I UtiHt medicine 1 w aiKertlse.1, iv violators of I ha UanHobsi Christmas m Practical Gifts finntraet llalrj on Xppliration. m nu trrlMl my aM-lr bl lh 1 iuraite art. All adverll4wg shotiM lie in The Daily New OITiee on day preceding HIWMnIM alaa earn tmtV. r'indiay . McKar. a sn raibllealinn. All advertising received snliject to approval. ' In lt, 1 saw in an xlifrthmnt was fim-d saoo f.r itn nis.i'-ion Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. that "rrmt-m mM ff R)f-m-lim of iniiri' iha'i l" h'n l.-.i bj tout a hmx, ami got rW; Ilea of whs,f. wtiiefi ..ci-aM for thentfok "KruH a liyes"rislit atooc " Appropriate Men DAtLY EDITION Thursday, Dee. JJ. IMI. was iiMHasiiiiD' imi up.mi fer aUiut it monlK and I hat aottle lionrmi latV-ls nml inland BfTer felt my Itheumattsai te". revenue iteparliaent euU Jews Returning JOHN K. OflbUKHsOS'. whlrll, lliey uelxel. W. rr f. r. To Palestine. Ws a bo i, 6 forff.' jO, trial rfieMc. ireriea. Wilh l.hritm rlmely appmaehing Use thoughts of many At dealer or rnt postpaid by j In defence Mi-Kav aid ".'ft Mufflers in drawn nitu rally Ui the Holy Laud with all its faeiHatioii cmi--.Mrt KruU-a-tites JumiteU, OtUa. j I lev of .th1' Imo01 found in a i mi the ptMirrlnfr to of Hie s,-rne laid ilwn in i 'torn were tiiiil'i'itHcdly the pi .p. V full Taut.- to -nil the mo I Neckwear Srriplure xyrittnys. At various lime the Jew were expelleil .njf tf aj inatii .if llie room l.i-l i.In.ii. iliv.irr. comftirt-,n The wery ibias for a i.ritm . from their native nionlry. and jut a often tlie returned. Just whoe name h- did not Irii.iw mi aifi li.-axtvnl kioi ilk would tie proud tec-oe .-. urw it hwtk a if they were t the ;b of a long period of expol-sion CLUB BAGS 'The aCijwajti or the Balanri- l PHcad at 3 00 to M 60 In. A largt I-rlii.r) 1,, .It.,,..,..n. lor the nit gradually returning. "Wlial are the Jew doing for he I wan,'he exntaiucd. by -nr. pactern in . Italian anil I in P.il -line 1" ak a newpiier writer. Ilepresantatives of th" ng 'he neople fr.m whom 1 unliM' h.miI;iIiom were ri-i cullx m London pleading that (lie land Christmas had pure has Die holiMfc . snapty 'hHinsn hose. 5pc4al 75c lo 11 71 liinlil mil he given to the Jew. Gifts lum. a reintttii'ii a l-"i Belts Th' British Umpire .urrpled the mandate to administer the ; IKers. .nii. Ilnnu in.-ful mi.I lnting. In i-oiinlrx mi (he understanding Ihut we would ail the Jew to Large Stock on hand. I ' I U U a Mid ease," ri-m.irk l.titl nl'tJll Ih - Dress Sox rtuhlih in it hi national home. and.at the same lime see that Prices very low. ,-d. !lr Pbajlh I. h Macd'Mi.il.l Trom $1.00 up Always the right of the Arab and other native rare were not interfered ae maW the fine. Acceptable Willi. The tki ha lieen n try ing one. There have lieen strung J. F. MAGUIRE itus IHtUrnaril. who, ih-Iic all-on rlhheti arsed 1 null .H'in-t demonstration., noting, and wen MnodVlied. Hut it Nut tk Princa Rupert Hotel i ajr. i the nianaver f Mtc ii l ! all eoor. Special at SOc par i iiitiM'i.(iiig to notr how the Jews have quietly gntte on with their 'ion ijife. wa fined :ioo Handkerchiefs. abnree etdia Mm k. plani-. ami how th are rapidly estobliemng lhemelve in 1 futm eiaai of ""f in an alm-I hi ti"' (4.1 ' t'l.-a' a a heiiib' r Sptctal al 75c pr p -'al.r the land. place. . . p ii, .... ,i.i..-i 1. i -i 1 r 1 When war hmke out there were ome lb Jewish rohutie in NO TAXES AT John Malkiii paid Sion f Pura Irish Llnsn el graiti . ,. Special st $100 1 Palestine. Today there 7f. between them . , are owning I.IO.flOii Mfce fMesa.Hi f li(ii'r m Special al 35c. SOc and 75c tUt par pair aire nf UimI. Hundreds .if Jrw have settled in the rsmnlry. ami hotel This l I he -c. II Hsmstllchsd Lawn they have expended val nm in .igrirnitiiral ami other enterprise. GOLD COAST S iriitm aa-ainsi Malkin Special at 10c and 15c Since IttIM the Jew alone have speril over t2.iHW.H0H in ha Mahaii' was finct Sum, the country. (for posaenumn .r a 'luanii SUITS Cocoa Production of Country IsitM r. while Antr ..f--i For Most Part Imminitt Half Total , pr.priiir of Hi. SuMi.-i i,in.' - Dress Gloves Agricultural. 1 worlds Supply. ,a"tet. wwere !i-oiik i..-t j, .1 ii '..r 11.. . ..t.i da. your choicc or ANY suit im STOCK The colonies are for the mol a grienlUi rat settlements. part found, eotilrtbufi'd a like iiii In Kid, Chamois and Waal. The dot the Undsrape Ironi Heerheln in the south to I Ian in tbe I.ONIMI.V !er. ?l. Ily U. Kur artwci" vkcr fiiiw SIM A k,' rmtw f..r i-botce. north. Sme of them date (ark to enr and more. though the adiaa Hraaa . llie iM msi. rae for i"lt ti T At Sals PHcss. majority of them were founded withiu the lat Irt year. At first allh its nOa?dat fu m more than I av art $39.50 the riduniat had a very hard struggle. Hut they throve, largely a million and a half, as aien in owing lo the ue of ma -hinery and the more upt-iaie methods it:rit program cost srir's-iROAD Tin' .!.-. emptoye4. Tlj i evidenced by comparing the yield f their . .. . in. Caps -rop wild lhoe of their Arab neighbors. Wilh the Arabs the lon I'.hurrhill. seTelary of TOO MUCH, DECLARES I nhreakald- i'aa Ilil-, hack, inrlnilini.t I.I . 1 1 r-red. wheal and barley yietd hii average gr trluee of Mai- .m liu. ai'd otb staple ha(-- "f all ahutil CI per arre; in Hie better J-wih i-oluuiea the ftVitJ yield up -oun.ry wHh.mt la-.av j MANITOBA MINISTER .111.I. Al sal pries. MOTHIhO FINER MAOC ui sir unci t:i per acre ami more, in Aral oraetge groves 350 re rale vm MBonniUyaaeal. The of oranges ier dare are considered a very gwl average rrvf. e"""m 1 1 1 ii imier-hi- I N 1 1 h I whereas ttie iejfl front Jewili groves N 10 to (HI per eenli more. ItUMl.'MI of Itt. Jewi-h ine-rdulers also obtain double tbe ybbi from nattrr Mer 'Hwrii r . II. iHlgsrSstMsrs. MAOE.TO.MCASURC SUITS HebbaHIn and SsmURaady try al tbe u m iiior will i... Miievards. The average yiebl of milk frees the Halite eow s 130 in a rarent allre ketai terinll the im-ial 33 1-3 par cant. Discount lo .o gaJbM w aniiuni. against tto gallons from the cxfi ia Africa a Soetet ia this '"'itieM arMoval pi of a '.iMMi.nno g...-ni trie jewin farms. rtwu'i iw wurr wan wa aan i r,,Ait budduVg pestaram. -utotio- PrartiAal illustralMHis of the progressive and scientific Hri! m ine naiaa or lae ihn IMst ' ted lo the raltioel I hi looruuiii on me pan oi we j-w.n roionisis are me with oh ever Imm. Cda'. com vi, rttaoLKi a t i a uriepHiion reui-eMSnnag III-- In pi.u r of lae primlive Arab chain-pump, which brt m miUm The roeia pwdnasnn at the Winnipeg Aul-unotoie alul ami kittar .fUS raiacg Lao m h a . aniri or a mule that walks round and (ktiid liaasl round with iU eyes is so tarse that In the Mao II aha Moiar lea rue. Mon ruiiMiioiii. ine jews nave iniroiiir)i modern pMtnp war k ad tlt Use eiort ftgsjr mt na.M 7m ais vast I. it n nfcsli. Canadian National Railways t. II. .UCPbrreMU. iMMiater of a . arraaaO" awu Mse, oil or gas motor bc the irrigatinii of their oraHge and tesmm ia retwensed seHy hatf the psihiir wns4vaaHotincst il 1 gruse. In irdrr U remoe the tagnuit pool which brefsl fever worM's sappfcy. sawa a eaarre. Injc the uasHiug of ine abinel the Jew he nlantad large cluster of eucalypti tre. ndent in The Tisaaa. Tlie MM .t,,,4 4 ,hMw anatt ml IU lite miMlsler tiOMVIe! mm Hi II tisa IW rltrM wtvi in the Plains of Shannon they hate founded an wp-to-late snlswi of aoid. whir cave the I. rlMMW l-l Prince gntrrasi'St was n-l ! opposed a grin i Mitral statsoii ftial to the in America. This station has eehHiy it nawse. has deattaed I SHM. It Rupert the risMl Smiifina scheaae, inr ana s cSaiM l kiaal uf rf m acrompfisned narve in improving the vines, fruit and cereals of late yaars. karwt awsair lo si irifi or the feeling .if Ibe peode at Ho-precul n a ri TSTT, UfSiol Kery year Egypt import atmut CHO.Oofl worth of table grape sea re My of fcafcor aeal tunc oild not wairan' rrr 4, hn. im jsyswaa a ijf pru. j he agru ullural Ution has sireeeled vpon the vsertor aUntatia lo such an undertaking. . tti HHftf in arelimattzlng a variety of table the native workers Shipyards grapes ripening three wek of ataroa. t he aulnmotule elubs it tZh NVai. proH rais. c rear t ws earlier Mum tior rarietie. which Egy pt imports. In like manner tmraiug. The output of cold t n a.itoa.BTi taaiarraaii eoverin iw.t or nun nv.soi ,r"- olive ha heen improved, and by a new. method the midberry laaiw aot miuWi over ct.nniLpon rv anre ikal 1. I Mvari, i.r.. f fle . a period year. f.,r i-,.1,. Vm-i.!, . aawi t. iira tree i. wow m leof three weeke before the normal time. annum. .There has beat) a struct ion of trunk 'i 1 rnr a lini M st' r ! pen.. Operating O, T P, 20.000 Ton Floating Dry Dock highway . s-'.B, unI alrl f its f.4li.wiM decline in the 'of stpsni palm through the )riMmre In or.l. 1 1 rSsl Nwai ' aaria al pu. 4wu.i Blacksmiths, Fatten Arc Developing kanseks and U ihie, also io iattor SSMlr rial ,rf ljr I. rararr ..r 1 .4 ill Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Industries. la hmld the road. ?A iioiuh 1 thrnr mmi an hi. Mssar. mull makers. Founders, Woodworkers, Etc Uflnitdy. Iher fitiiniodilte are palilie woahj be railed 1 Hmum. umw tot e Hiaiai. ilin auria upon Then not ory In apririiMiire hot in industrial devetopment IpViillTul. hoi are not gathered. sake iMitiays Mi tea re pro. turn .s mrrr.pmttx m the Jew re lo ha fore. Thay hane. .ince the war. estaldihed hota aula and ttsnher are other pased under the arhante i I.Ann arm iaa7T vaaav. Our plant i ,pi .1 (.. Imii.lir- all ) miKler:i oil work, aaxl laid down plant for the distilling of cental itHfMirlaiil product ion. nttte. flti 'ajfassfer iit ist. oil, in funicular eeure of reranium nod -Silk, ftlvsrs Broksn. MARINE AND thyme. II was infd out I he rlo-mc i:ol i rat amju m lt. fariorie. (rl'i- work. lMix-makia and idher induatries )uv I'he rivers of Ike (sold Cial woatd asii in rMct arrssrr i.a Maraarr MS Heu founded. The hiuldiufr trade of Palestine i are so nrofcen by maid and rotoaatnt I'm. in TM T H rosat aw 1 now virtually crease the vala ! farm and T.t iMe nan t. a COMMERCIAL WORK controlled l the Jew, and the manufacture of cement stone is ther interrupt hns I not ine 1 iHuer pr.iperiy III JiaillMSM. Bel - 'Use baaas to pesstss-l Inr I4mhi mkI iitirch in I heir hand. rauntry U forrefl to itapaad on ler ....ml ,10..... ..i aalural na 8V foili sVw PHONES 43 AND 3SS We lind Hie ame sfarit of enlerpri-e when turn In railways. Ai peasant las are e"l W we local laniioiia. create tosirtat Iraffie. W raM nt Mi U rurttrr I UM III. and home imlii.trie.. Iu and around Jerusalem factories hate two tinea. The ftrat run from and pmi rs.l caMM. ua aurii permit ronidalinn of rural . Mi ire mm ml . ISw-imv lieen opeoAil for the weaving of Oriental carpet, for the maiiu-fiiclnre mdi to Kuaaasi. IHt uiOea. scho.'N. 4 rbata in awtat 4 isan mi in r. of -ttvec Uligree ware, for ior carving, the making of and carries rorsa and mangauee Mtiuaw S4 re. ae -it o r. aom.kTos, Mii.ai mother-of-pearl article, aud Hie like. The foreign trade o JatTa ore. in adsMlhm lo serv ing I be rna x na. ai 66 5 'mount to iiearlr three million pounds sterling a year, MMl it is gold minea, far whteh mrtMse SURPRISE PARTY Dans aialoalur II. iii DEMERS nearlx all produce from the Jewish colonies. it was cotislruriad. The seund cMt. akd ritaou 1 a t FOR MRS. JACOBS rnisjrjc aurcaT i.P piarai t pts The fact i the Jew Imve done more than any other race in railway tine goe tnhinJ feoHi Tai t or cfiaT. as we LADIES WHO KNOtf developing Hie otl of the cred and and in fouuding suilaHc An ra. and laps the rwal aoc I DHaraa.I... B r , in.i amna p. MMJiiHvr.n h rumen.nltut r "THE RENDEZVOUS FOR udH-lrie. They have, m fa. t. uuk millions of dollar iu the district. i eighly.ftsa inhes FourUsn Members of Forestry sji ' ' aeii r..r Sxnn sad aatnrsl tusja r'.lb.oiar .-tMinti-v. and are fuIU prepnred to Kol several million more. in length aial raaeha Tafo. hut ucpartment Dropped In at Her ;ni--i ia4s jisii arias i tt .ii.ni Assortment of . Ihay hould is Homa Lat Is rhaui. aiMta as t rlstlaa rrM Splendid create not only a and heing raphtly eontinHd to Evening. proaperoits thriving Palestine. , v f li f-. iBwir m.i . ;'" " whose iiillnence will w world-wide. There are KuuiMsi to Jidn the other line. iHmiim. larnc .ml a rasias. ihen ! titday lou.niku jpW. IW u(( eiuiilry. against ?o.ono las Uian fortr This means an addltiawal 10a Mr- Jacob, of Alllll Avenue. Ir niaiiar.aal. raatMnau i . DAINTY XMAS GIFTS ' M,M,,liMB "t Wie land today is about 1100.000. mile, awl it i ipaaWd thai tlie ane of the early reeiriVM of the i""" m a MUSKTT. rW(l. 'Iitti... in old IMile times it nntMiHeil----- railroad w.tH be fiaisbwl in the city, wu gien a surprise parly; rsM 1 H4H. tint w V"'-...ifi wi rirr uiirr inillM.n. kh.I .... a large exM,rter of i-erenl and fruits lo (lie I neat two years. lat mailt when fastrieeu i.aal I lialed SaaMaW 11 11 HANDKERCHIEFS .".Srrs" anrounding nation. The railway nead an estt hi and preMil member of Ine Pro. ooai. ud r.TauLrjM act. OLOVES SK'' 1 ih""- .Hie hul natttrr ha lt-rt Silieiul Kr,.l f"WrT AMPfltT tASh WSTHUT SILK AND WOOL HOSE BLOUSES iHl'' f,,r lU tlurr tiros parity mm ea. un-Ikuid iservane ijroppeil III I THICT or COAST. HAftor. ;hrigre P,,,.l,,,e laraely dend upon the activilie. of Hie Jewa. lo lb (told Caasi in thai It al her bouse. An informal and Tk. anile umi I. " M fuae.ii, r BO PER CENT OFF ALL WMILLINERY amiaarBiBi as wruMiiiai naiiaiusr naaiaaai rlhe Aral, demand that the Hritih should withdraw the .JerUra-, i has no natural harbor, herondi moat .iiioyaWe avenina Nllisil h uavijr fur Use, iu prmfmA I'ktv iii.i. tin-'i . i-'i'i.-l '" B Ink.! " '"'" he Jewish in and Aeera posae breakwater, sueut i-tmu kA.iiur i s?1. ' ' " M ;,,l;Tr race Pale-tine can not ' Kittle aw I mi laaaa owMmmrinr t . QRAND CHRISTMAS DRAWING l upheld on any impartial examination of the ce which eaahl travelter awl good tune. pusl phaleit IS rasNM asaUt aad ae riuim value.. $50 00 m wm rvwn iti wawMi rurnr ar Liri First prlia Evening Dress, good io be 15.00 landed in lighters, i. Iheara aaal ebina. Hwki norm value while I h- ship ure wMlged Am There'a a hitch In evar wed-! (Maw. ifcc r,i rniii. Second prlie -Silk Blouee, 7 50 liutg. .stMtW t rkllM la PMI ! Third prlie Trimmed Hat, value. lie half a mile or mare away. aM. roMaliiMK arma, MmiT. vr ki. At Takoradi. few mile n n 1101.11 sppuraai, a from GREETINGS! Miataac ACT, rem m At. I Hci-i'iidi. an entirely new harbor "DEMERS" CwtlSct. .1 lrtsi.U Phom to remedy this inenPveolecr LAND ACT. I 3rd Ave, To my friends and patients is being made al a cost of tl.- UHtk. lo SOftC N.IU f lsiall. t Apr la laaa Ian. 1 J"Z I rnmrtm aunt, auaai m la ctiai Laaa noinri. hwi.ntmt Duinri 600.000. U ben aompleled it will !, aaaaa MM.. -- ' - i n.1 if ena a)H. (ist Umm n tatlaia A Merry Xmas and Best Wishes IHalrvn. IwMed Ttaai H-a. v- rill lalaM (rnvide a place for ships lo lie ld ,.n na a4 aalf IVsiaWf im. 1 iiV. nolle, insi nr Miraoada, 0f in Bioath water; nriiiimg more l,-.lfrr t. B. C . aeeMiaUMi fiowrrnan. STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED for the New Year. Ilk .s, last I. Mr. rtt.fw. Il...nl lilrml- III H4y fr prrfcoo n laaM UNION Mchetne 'heret' they III iH 111 'l .him. ale .. 111111 111.1.1 Hi, ' vnif' itMrrtied .a.7tM. t... ran, lis brought f"f " "' IU daw aeriif. la flv 1 .aUMHWiiir .1 a Dual ataiuni ( ha S t .'K alongside dock re- - w.miii. nr 'ritrf hit 4 effilRi'.! Sua tia nnrlS WMia Rork. a','Z', AateVeaa a.u. '.;'''':, ? Dr. JOS. niains fn )e put in hand. IHiw.'.lNl " I. MirtM r utsainnif'in. 01 aais. n.M-in. Ikon.. ,,n, .rttla MAGUIRE, . ... .. . ... Dentist, riltl .if .1... UlMi u I tli. in .11 i-halti. ...i,,l. "' AS ' ''h 4k ih.1 Mr Hi,1 a rV.I .i-HIuhjii. ... . .... CiiJ. I! .'.J.m.. Su-eM. SHU a sa'I's" Off, II, If f Rooms 7 and H Smith Ulock l a larv f iifw whn drte- 11a Ill rf iuihi. a. a !'" i i,rt r.niniai. ,1 a arnniAit fiiiir,t s s...e a... wca asanititf, it earning, teS ii,.3 tUh itiy tit NuirmlKr IIII , hafil aruinuiaii 1 m. 1