TWO THE DAILY NEWS ODDFELLOWS' WHIST After Every Meal BOOTLEGGERS The Daily News ?,f DRIVE- AND DANCE PJUXCU HUPBIIT - I1IHT1H1I COI.UMI1IA ion time wmi i t t t vinnpnTriP Published V.vfry AflrrfTnon, except Sunday, by The New They are reliable ? ff1'" About 100 Parsons Enjoyed Af Printing and Publishing Company, Tliinl Avenue. li Wnenrou the maintrn.r if""'n'? of new. fair last nlfiht In K. of P. WRIGLIYS rHLLKX, Managing , LilioUMieeti r ntipttoB Sis Ketchikan Men Qlvtn Both Hall. u use Flnsa ' and Imprisonment Atmut tan perswna alien.I.-.I n SUBSCRIPTION RATES I BEECHAM'S One Fined. mwyahlo vshlat ttrlvo am! fty rmtfwry, by ifldil or carrier, per month .$1.00 given ls I lie rMtlfellim' lly mnil to an par, f he Hritih Umpire nnil the United Stntes, Said wtI FILLS KrtCHIK.VN. Aun. 17. Luttite in I be Knighl off Pytblatfc in odWfre. per ywir , f 0.00 In boirs,25., SOc -urea atrsfresnil niir nine nionih Hall lsi night The prise Win-uh To nil other coimlries, in advance, per jaflr 17.50 A.f M4M ta IS WM in Jail and fine, of sw ill rants worst Alrn. J. fa. miMiHt hT JmlKe Rolert V. Xtmk. and A. J. Morlny. Thaff TELEPHONE OS leiinma in Ihe I'iiiIihI !ltc laliuti re for SUITCASES Mirht arrt for htli'Winf. mrts HW on a asji wfiT Transient Dinnlnif AdraftWhg. .1125 per inch enfth Insertion m tafiajsjaal were aenf t jali via., ffasss) whila W. . liarrHi Trwienl Adrorlfrbig ottiKmni Page . I i?."0 per (itch TRUNKS fsv larnaa iMMtiwr from asm taJ Dm mmu's MWisolatlan I.lain Um lleiMler. per insertion pet lint ttsree month, while the eenlh'Mr-.i,nu.i, were srrvM nml (aasetfled Advertising, per insertion 2c per word HANDBAGS awnviatMl wa awetl a Legal Notice, each insertion I5e per agate line tine of 25o. Hah I fill muie played hy Will Onnliroet Hate on Application, Large Stock On hand it w. msarne, PhH warren. J.M!4.aiim ami H . vwyvw. Tlte All advertising should lo hi The Daily New Office on day preceding, to select from. R. Rlajr MaV.hie tativn ntittt in rhaJte eosnVrtMHM pttlnVntion. All advertising received subjeel to approval. e-i to aso msvniti mrv u llarrte. lien iasMt MMffl J. F. MAGUIRE last an f$ r lata. C f. Vt J. HIiilHf and HSM-r lvif mn.Y F.nnins- Wednesday, Aug. 17. IBS I. Next the Pn.. Rofwrt H-l l W ptrtrneed tit was mater of rrrrmnnlM. 'isnlNi tm Jail: r. OfaMs M hree nMMttlis in jail: O. l. Velie Possibility or tttty L.r rfTmrT- rTrcT ai4kM ay S6S withosjl Ten Years Ago Still 5c General Election. OrEfO i Hl ! -' tin Mil nenlrno' made in this yesterday that Ti null" em I intond t- psar jataa Following the suggestion paper for ihe arensrd pep. In Ptinca Kupart the general election would not be earlier than next spring, la prompt Tr niiiiril rs akd' f..r leniency in all la ul laad M I a mw mw atteiUion ha beaw drawn to an article on the front page of anrSSittSwr l CatSjp 5C a xmm nt Ismi lwd Keen Auquat 17, 1911. VURtC LEY'S fps steady in wh4h the writer suggests thai the flection will M. if. Saturday Night GraMat MiM X.W. . M iWt ts awuH hrfore. fjtmal CrlBBsm bn returnee)!, Bine before Ihe e&td reul U,are known. The article i a IIMM MU M HHM. Mt " 'MM. kept to the pre-war pries. ortit it tmw. aet M eaaaai m pmmt f must Pay pnc. from a visit io ihe mouth of ilw follow : aw JMMiina. nnre UnfMn-in N'aae River and enlhiaalr And to the same huh stanl-ard "From Ottawa V learn, quite unofficially of eHpe, that the sjet&Maee, lM the ifMVmlsnU blsMj Ua truH irrMsstaet paeeU census figure when, published will show Mime Wtfte astonishing Mini i ' mlT. A(Pyi- that Ihe Jurte had fnwaal ahem mtM titer. of quality. result. One outstanding fcatnr r the growm x Quebec, not strait LAN DffratcT --M t r a Miilty. tlSM they had ait had) fair only m relation to pojMtlation btialso to the increase of weaHh. Qfc'tlSi ciM&ofri sss,' No other eoody i:r$ so BnfM aw I iriaU ami sh Mrey witi mm H r. BiycJnriep.lfc4a Unl I'am ldiy tniler lhere,lnre going to be ome heart- very psw ttjsc ttesMtt. Ha ivmMided mover 1st h pres lont -costs so little or does burniogx in other province isa respect to neat in the Hooe.of orr S4t oC Umm Heat smvoHe wh asveamirijr mir of aarther anM iliatiaa) ntant OMimMrniv M MM I As know, the province of Quebec M so.mucli for you. Oimmnm. nearly everjone norlkwMt Mintrr of meet m lake Ms faSane at fHHmn by in in the tsty vahsMj l fton tMNs, has a given number of repre!enlathes in the Home of Common, r-nhtm MtM. I W IMnf9 MB M WM lolatimj ih laws, mih ff n llMf la ha a sawmill in 05 in all, and tlie representation of other province is baoed upon Ihe mhjsm of aitier men, wall " Handy to carry beneficial their related to Quebec. For instance, if 'mil wit a capita population per UNM MM tsts. tati; isms at M late prts. as rsn"in of flavor -full i in all out of A- W. 1TT. In effect the province of Quebec gains population proportion lha hT Chief W A I, 'Vsr-rt n ti ton wshwI mwal xr the price Hf courtesy In the nrminrr nf Ontario. OntarHi will nerforce' have le retve- ealrlille solace and comfort tor " fur ew f as "i whMti I her- i Viekrrs. a seittative in the. House of Common. From 1MI0 to 1000 th!aJftR?TSfr7 itfSSS a "tMTSee. lie) al satt he woulrf table ha been in!ailed in lh renrexenUitioa front the various province wa a follow-: .TualpM wi i '"-' tit tfw yountt and old. I MM rtlMiMail ! i at I kmI w I Maw Mttifiim wHash tlo-yrity police court and sraa Ontario, OS; Quelle, 5; Nova Scotte, 20; New Iiraiwifc, It; pfwww rm Mai i ui mmm wsmsM KM. ai ra nanafal sum- f..r the first dote today. Manilobt, 7; Itntish CSolmnbia. 0; Prince IWwanl UUhmI. 5; t 3m mtm mMlr err nr ohm u r.NmmI t w M vr. ihmaala vrhrh I hey wmuM nt THE FLAU0R ml MM of Vettaa M. TP Northwest Tcrrilorie total. 213. 4; Onna tUMl MtM W ' y, t. C feH. Many ptpki read nem'saapars ap- X .aSSaaaaBBt mm "Iniritig. the uiutli Parliament, 1000-Ot, there bit one mc mmrh for Uietr advMiiatsw LASTS change Id the representation, a at being added for'the Yukon c Mta mm SS alWu. MM M -bIM to pMM M ootwuHM as Ussy do far avawa. Territory. Thia JiHMle 21 i memlters and thc distrilnjtioM wa a SCHOOLS FOR follow; Ontario, fffl; Quler. 05; Nva Seotta, IH; Nfw Hns-wick. 13; Manitoba, 10; NMhwt Territorie. 10; Hrith SkCfSV LAS WSTWCJ--T T O 2m (loiumtiih. 7; Prince Rdwartl Island, i, tind the Yukon, 1. HWDTTI I71AP PALESTINE "In 1005 nrovifion wa made for the creatiiwi of the new rlaSMMSM Ifljmm 17 if n csacmaTtom or aistavc. province of Saskatchewan and Alberta out of part of the Northwest (KM i aroMMt m SM STCnl t mm n m tm urn t Innra ta atriM atmi Umi Territories, Saskatchewan with 10 ami Alberta with 7 1 ! pi i ! vm MtXTMlN , - tj HUM l arMMt- " i 9rtwm t. p. i -- nmpir. -rt a4 . of 321 member. W VI B C- MMwa ttt" member-, grand total making a I It MM mTMHIWi Mt HMH. !iesiive ia IIm- edsseaUoa. i.Un -'f.Ml M. rrtra' ista. "During the xessiou of 101 1 a redttrihtition bin was pa(ed St MMM, MM rtMt MM 9l f the gnvarnmasit mt Palestine tm iia at nteawi, i I MS- . providing for au increase of member to 231, divided a follows: jswaFria"fpBj"'Uraw4 MiS SAM. M. iksi .1 k - - ., r"1 '"!' m m far t ika r4a Ontario, 82; QAm Am :SvkK. lOt Ncw Uninswiek. 11: A. VS. WWTIM. lantw. r r- - am mmim ,isi j rs-. the rh.4e rH4rr w Iv VwT'Jr Manitotia, 15; Ilritish Ikilumbia. 13; Prince Bdward lland. 3. and Jit.mrrmp, ms , proMiMj with .eiinwta wsibm sarraa txy Hm mTmxBS'mT'wn7af M X Egg Coal Weston's Eg! ltS L0 MSTMCr n the Y'ukoh, 1. LOTTK nMJMMS. four jMr, rt a hhvwmI her- &tltm tE&iiLy. at! "It will be noted from the above figure that the older Tin I or Mild HMi to nr Matt M OM istnew Jawaacx, 31 w vNlaae smm. w ad MtMMae tiaartu tad a Coal 1 province hare steadily lot membernln in the I!one of Commons U TMft e Guaranteed prwvWhur "leiiwiilary u. "Ml aujiue af Vumw Ila4 all exrepi Quebec, of conre. and it is more than likely or ttt itm mt fnOrit MM M t VMaMnsi fO M 'XlTV '"V" Speciality Alberta Standard that the redistribution, which will be based upon the cennnow Ortium pomiw I'ImA.roraar MMtxa if have hen n KWi, whffr tfl Hal-- '' al MM mi M OxICwM 030 - - PHONE 630 being completed, will e lhee changes continuing. In other mm anre M im wide .rk.l (arovhhHl ,, vlll.y,. X X tT.w STjeT word, the Maritime Provinces,' Ontario, and Urili'h tM MM, MI M poibly rgmmMIKM. W Ihe iiilMbetanta hNe .-a 'wg-Jg " Columbia, .will Joe representalton;, li a coHidrablr extent. Mt tHM.w ariTrst.tttl. imht. 'aken nvt-r hjr he r nno nl Smiw. httmn iii Guoranteo! Conl mfan. if "i' Indeed it i ald that poKiMy OufaVio nfay find herself with 75 vn, 3 eeln. W.M W ZSuTZjrjXltjil we say, we will remove it an ! member in place of 82 a at present- . opened dsinar the) estrsvai (.aa. nfT. tK you have u 1 "The Ottawa wieacre are of the opinion, however, that Tm mmcc Umi I eial year, H is announced. .smM haaaMrr M ia,M km Kri there will be no redittribulioii before anothergentraf election. flSniMMMatr f .Meaanrm aUa am heuiK 'a-a, jwaiieas.tMlMf M r Mje sfagMsa erT rr.bMSVr aw f na SM (I give that for what it is worth.) rr TOMI StS wm SM af MSMM liM M a f W for the devetoDfneM, .nT ",r 'w""Mtt IM aawia uly !- r r s$13.50 $14.50 In, a word, it is taid that the government wihe to know CMBjnfWMr t a aaac pi trainina llcstea for i-a.-h-r VST MrrkMI MM K"" MaSa "Ml.'r.' Ddirer,! M1 MM Of tMttka the worst and is not disposed to bang in suspense until such time , IVaeher. ve also hetfia aopoinl. ItSmrtTCii? 2?umJimS? ABSOLUTELY NO CLINKERS AVD NOSJ as the census figure! can be tltdiied for redistribution purposes, IbMwa MUI I arui Mlto l.v .hkw, the Hed,n-JX IbU? HtillMAWtaflHsjBBaL. Maas BbVi 1 1 Ml iie) tMMh 'tlietr of MtrM Mar al Wm Disarmament hUtf m Siissm IS. Ta. s, asji ta aoatt nhlMf k im ami Quite Possible. Mtr ar niaa t. tb. a. u A central adusaMon fmniiii'i,, V!iJS?viZrt has been fowled. MM I Ml tirr Tasasiwa l. riin.uli ,.t Disarmament U quite within the realms of possibility. It t. SiiSm v ,pMratt. tasawa antia at-e Mr nh NOTICE TO FISHERMEN roar Mir, m, three Jws and er r sai TtnMM it t im wrthw may at flrt be only a restriction in the amount of money opnt on armaments or a restriction on the number of ship ImhII fur ur SKLCNS arv lean's. aa4rv of t., sum 17 i ami it t InaVr "" eerier . aa4 (wini u im of in the navy. In any case, Jt will be better than a rac for Tit BMMr UM I BHaad M apptr M Mr " srrearrrMrnt 7 ii M"ilMar aM Uh rwrM to smw M Good Supply (Mt txmtmmmB at taaM asr a in birre lh SiiMpta of the vll- m tlte rsei CaMl aT Viwsanr supremacy such as was going on when fiermany forrel war oa M wajaMct Sbt Mtarsl sa .m4 dm the world. , ate hm m awa m ntmnm: hteca pn.vda the MsitdiiMM 4$ZZ' tlZJnJtt7ir,t Herring and All BgMnaaMtf M a MM furniture aal. keen thasa In re- iff trtaM uru- an ICE, . . . - ;nawr iiim ana an ins wans aia Dire Need of , . Inlum Itaasf ftMHftr I 11141 Salmon r r'T'ttSe.'sr; . W il.- -.1 - ii. . i .... OMSitrMM. MstrSjnaM. Sua Ma It An Ambulance. . '-- i i. i"T" nq Ul. aad 1 nn aa4 SmIS IuMA An ambulance i liatlly needed in the ally. The Daily Nows other eoi of maln-teofinf . lad lllrmlind The nantlaOna of UMI rsrr itaM ani. has drawn .atlentson to lb before. Only recently events lave Lented Mir fllft. 1SSI I Ilk irrt ia4 tills! far rati MII t4 . w. MeusTiar. bacamr. ,U Uvrat atl aucf 4 mmH rnraiiiti- BUTEDALEj iMTijrred which have again brought the need to public notice. oorana, eei AUCE ARM lu aM'fcxt rr antr M' dat la ilw AT The New h l.een asked to give publieily to the need and to try if tttik L4.1D ISTWCT -WS1WC1 or .paper sniuk painax Catuaaaia ae Oaerib-etrmliMr aa4 la I a ol r to induce the autliorUlel to come to the rescue. QVtt CHUSilTW SSI. .WIM. laa Laa MerlHiISM dwlnrtt of tM Tik atttlra I I Intra to apaly So M It habn put like this; If a patient has to be carried to the r of Kpoculaliott s rife a to tne irrnsiara tm aMra oT B. iMl C tn aa wim ift im hospital under conditions which cause him intense suffering, the te o.r eft its rrr Ir of auaral lead M sa f poseibilily of tb iHsUy hrte norw inriut tea ialla at Omi, r, auLlioritiew who fail to provide the necessary ambulance are the cmnwai it a it UMimine. .. chaninff hands mh nrmni hi we 6i.irtrt. MtlkNshed ey aaWra la IM ts. ia. te. MIMul aamer or aahMiSia one who are directly responsible for causing that suffering. They Grtbam Idaad. narkfd . M.'S S. E. C- '" ' rei-rni VSSII o eipertit In starrk.flriUh is is. vawb Alien rtwni aa m MiH(M 14 fsrre.4 AIM ibmm nana se eluliu. aa raaiaa. ttui nnnu-n i II t. .i-,t ..i tad affact, Jr. are just as guilty a if they stood over the man and tortured him Mats se rtMMM. rut so tiuMi to o a. apt?i. Dentistry when in that belple-s condition. These people- would not like to anippintr win MMe this sssk and tpaty liaiiur at Laadi j be ar.n.eil of audi inhumanity, yet that is what it really amounts Located Mir A.14 W.In.IMNTTBK.tstl. Lenter. the railroa.i wiu be atosed attain. Dnwrtmrot Vinrta. a.f C,.UMi. ! PHONE 109 to. The oer-on who through neKleet or carelessness cause vMa, WW (All ore tukn ut Ibis automer Jatv teia. tstl I needle, .iiffennir the Ki4. PHSrJ-.J!,?2PMrr orhaa bm m hy lh eredilors of i- just as culpable as savasre who would Ai SSEES LA'TO OWTHK T iirh t of andM stand owr his victim and punish htm until he al last could hold I Tika" n,nr (hat w. I la-laa in'lootr tn tM I 1 n ' .Ul. . MtntaaT n. UWicr the oi rr nntifir mijina i Hdgeraon Block, Corner Third Ave Cfeier oaiMitlsalanrr f I Mil tnr e Beaaaa- Tika auUra IMl I MMM la bM M Uw I out no longer .mo expire-, under the hand of his persecutor. in Dr. .pari rr Mtoral tM and prtrataai name of North Trust tVi. t jwr JMMftotr or I au la rnt a Dental Nuraa In Attendance evrr ote I'M af land m fuHawi: a a a to BraapM-i tar iMlartl as. Mat MWMawoi rmmma it a pl aMesM t tM, 'lt,r 9 to 12; 1.30 to fj 7 ! vrrn iwat emaie CaawawMiae at a pt ataatad at IM Office Hours, tlrslisia IslantLaad krT a. iL'al. i market is "-te!-Vi DM I I. . tnrn. r."' m. whim Se CMII Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE tx.rin nil . .aui Me(H4rn week Oarnsr, ibMica acaita ee mim. wit se ef llIlllltlalt1,, purchase) u(en Ileuder.on a (kaiaa, aurtb SS ettauu, mm it cbatai to Liirttad Mir fiht Mt. MMai ar rmamefrvTaafii. lious aud I d fer tlM awl ttlao UMtsst Mlf Slid. lift. ir' MPffawr.y MCHBEB Or THE B.C. DENTAL COLLEGE nnilil- i: U EMMmv Lacitar. satMA t on wsranT wTrKi a couple , r lota from J. l.uliati A. i. Uaedua, 11.44, gi'tan ciuaiotu iM"t TOM LEEC DENTIST SkECSA LASD Mavaim MisaaCT or for oo. Tika mtare IMl I iin.a.1 te ipNltt le rrs ihabiott tai Airs. eHEE.iiA J.Avp histwi t ratcT or Tike iM4ire tMl, I inkrad h aaaVy to Urn e e e mtr riiMluiMr or lamii tur a HlU Phone 575 Smith Block 'hi'-1 1 "OMMisatoMr r l.anda for a Hmum TUa aatlr IMl I iatad ta im4 M the' Palrl fM MlaraJ fs. aed iviruSMM . Th Id i legrapti nffice t he. Ulirr oomlHtoAW or Ih1i iaau I'M" ki fntwri rur naterai eei l High grade dental work at the lowest prices. ar 4i uim t had m branei to rru-rwl fur etHirel is. J? ? GSlStm VST by I the of 44 ut ttad can give beat reference. 'manracwr II ar I'm inui . 20 yesre in active srvi(. WiruMl aanM af 'sioig tt Ta. s, Mire lteudln and lav alao to CMWOMVMIt II a Dst alaaiMl it o "'sasm Ukiad. MiM A. r m m w. lirthim I,land, laarked A. A. M.'e a. w C, Mirtkwnl aaraar ef IMM If. Tl IS. iImm m ee 'MiM, i tasi se reiK Oliici Hsurs-MZi 11 ut 71. Opto tl"nr, iiih ss Mum. i SS rttw, i,MVI. 8 "' varamiau and teir- OrtSim ftiaad. tairkad A W. M.I . W e elaia cbMS. SO r ajaawi la I M IrtnJagt nrth mi rltiui, am ee rkuu M puial of way I1 hi tteeu einkina far antrth se fftaMM, M tMiai. etsyawntiiwei irt-rW"" unwarMit. sa rhale. l It iMh te pMat at Ua V'vMV'VfVBa. Luctlcd Mir Had. tssi. aouit yur. aid was racesily get-n laaiMr. UMId A. I. OaeitM, Alai. MIS tlta. ISfl A. A MJML. Mm. ling bad a i aurvm, i iibape A. W. VriSTYar Iaailar. e e e A. I. (MMM. AttM UkttVll THEO CQLLART, LTD. - ggTffcY SKEENA vi se t.A(I cnai.i UHTailT itf ir,i.e aisTMCT or Mining activity on Ilia IHIanee turpu I.wt n waTtUfT niarucr or i'i.j ii ran i llllUirTl iiin. Tika l M tae I tetrad aMr. umi tMr Tikr aaurr UMI I 'fad w. suptvs las, Imer Ui. bee V lt a ver ntdice Tiia nanw umi BHaa to tfat la tMit lul Cuuiuauw a nrar We have I een inttrarted to sik for ofTers en bot Block S5, Section Mr laaiisioi i.r i mjwi. r ir aide. An itH CrantHlinwe af Ln fa ttMau'ln nnmnn r anMi U a aaa I" laiaallMa Ui n..(irt f in ra. aarf latrMsMa .itier gosl lrUd lias 1. and for Lots 12, Blotk I, Section 6, on MeOride St.. including the otar tie arm ,t lan-i f .u..wn heMi S.JsTT.Vrn-fTM'M7rZS.'',r,",,i-rL? r-lt '32Sai .. 1 " oi-iie. al Hie IW IIexue mid im building known ss "The Ark. Any reasonable offer will be cud-aidered '4umelB( Ml a liluUMl il tM Oar i ' . , favorably. aprtarut mrai ,r . te n H, l l Ilmn' 4 ll'i'lgaod Iim- live men TJAJKrlT 9yCttWmumnmriU& ,M-tSe.H'eM rfiai k" wa iiaaaa. ann an'"i w a TUB MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA, iaei al work I. ilia Mooarell. M-oi-ly I. .,i the most liberal company on the coast, pays claims quickly. rtelai. h'.r a m n.. ml su .in Til! rfcunjau 4 4:taav '" SO st to work Sf rhaint l-.mi i,r are prepring lu pMat af SS ajaana. aaaWi S4 rbMM. 4M M faia I INI. I HILUO P.O. Baa 69 Wa.lhaiaaa Tkaatr Black Blua 69 nM.rx-,rRi Phaaa Im l" at.. M,y ft 11 llieir ptiNH of anaiii'wmt cLiiIiiipi (Ripper Creek all A. W H'lSTTfiE, iJirator tap trtrl Mill tl, ini I or.1,4 M fllh lll A J. Ui l'H Airlll VUlll.'l .W. Mrl ,n,r I A W MilTIHR. I .ir A J HmoIwi. ViH, J A I il., AfriK