PAGE 2. TOE DAILT NFAV8. T'nirsdstr . art ,, The Daily News 0 OPERATION WAS FINE RECITAL MAIL SCHEDULE PRINPE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA ' Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by.The Newt ROT NECESSARY LASTEVENING Mondays.For Wedneadave the EaeL and Hal. Printing and Publishing Co.. Third Avenue. unlays at 10:15 a. in. CAMPERS! Prom the Cost, H. F, P.ULLEN, MANAGma Editor. Mist Lorn a Tlte and Assistants Aundava. Tuesdays and Thtira. "Fruit-a-tlres" Restored Her do Convent Proud In Their days ai 7.15 pa SUBSCRIPTION RATES I' To Perfect Health Performances.. IT COST City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month f 1.00 Foe Vancouar and Snuth, Uy mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States. 1SS Pa ns it c Ave., MoiraAU 'J'he pianofurte reiUl render-tl Pun.Uys tt p.m. In advance, per year 80.00. ''Vut ikm yean, I tuftrtd grrtt Idjil nlghl at Si, JUepo' Tuesdays ? p. m, To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.60. Id the lo.r part of my X-ody, Arnlmy lif Ml l.iH-tia Tile, Thursdays It p m $47,000 with awellior r Lloalluf. I ar a nssisleil by Mi Knlhteeii tiriiil Saturdays noon TELEPHONE 08. apeeiaUat mho said I mutt undergo and -MUs . Marguerite Yuuiu, From Vsncouvar and South. pr.ixed both iaa 1 1 M a nr. an operation. I refuaed.. n Sundays 1 p. m. Transient 81.25 Inch each insertion irarj tkomt "fruit-m 4if" Iirise to din..' who liAil tm Display Advertising per . . ... . . Mondays a.m. H 1- f 1H Tb Transient front JtfiJeJ to try it. iuritinnie riKiuii nrfiir ""iWedftooilat ....... totao put out YOUR fires advertising on pagt , . . . 82.00 per inch. .. .t a. I a. in. in 1920 Local Headers, per insertion, ........... , . . 25c. per line. Ttt firit box gAtt jrtat relief; and viiiiiions. II was ih'iikimiiii m Friday . a.m. I continued the tmuarnt. How hitimiiiI of llii- Mei-lli'iiee of Hie Classified advertising, per insertion 2c per word. my Saturdays 10:30 a.m. health U excellent I am free of linigram rend'Ti'il ulxl II I ur-.riinfcr each Legal Notices, insertion. 15c. per agate line and I "Frult-a-Urea" to know that. rUhl here Contract Hates on At MlCfitlon. pain pile my Foe nyoi and ailea Arm. warmeet thanks". in Prince Itutiert, llicrj, were All advertising should the .Daily News Oltlce on day pre.f Mnie.T. OAKKAU. younlhful artists eatable of Sundays 10 p.m. THEY DESTROYED ce.lmg publication. All advertising received subject to approval Wednesday V p.m. tOo. a box,0 for$2.30,trial tiie 23c. rendering smli a high rla From Anyoa and Alio Ann. At all dealers or eent pqatpaid by form of piiii-riatnmeiii, The Tuesdays , cm. DAILY KDITIOH. Tlnuil.v: Jim.' .1(1. 1 9? . Fruit-a-litea Limited, Ottaaa. Minall liuisie khiiii lit I lie Ariol-iiiy .'hurndayt p. in. wan nly i-aimltl" nf phIiiim $150,000 -oroe priid thus seventy-five Useful Work SUITCASES Foe Port Simpson, Arrandala, Mill ueeeaaitating tUe nuiolter of In- Bay, Walaa laland and Naaa Rlvsr. In Housing. ilalioH In'iiiK IiiiiiIihI. but the The report of the Prince Rupert Ilniiityr Ltd. shows that TRUNKS onwrt that was proviiled the From Friday PL..Simpson,... Arrandala,a.m.Mill OF PROPERTY LAST YEAR there n demand here for money for huilditig operation with HANDBAGS lirlvllegiHl fe wa of a ery a ay. Walaa laland and Naaa Rle, liiuli orlr ait'l w.uil.l liave phiii-iiansl Hie ver.v,lie.l of ?-M"iiiily. The fact thai n xrnall company like aaiuMays a.m. fnvrtruli'v with many en- tni is awe in pay ceven per rent tiilere! hows thi larger! Tents, Sails, Awnings titiainnientn arivea in k retrnUr Be Sure Your Fire North Queen Charielta Islands. ''.concern could make 'even a higher rale of.interest winiout charging cuiicert hall iia far larRer eity. Por- borrowers more for their money. The overhead on ,a large Ml-s lirna THe. diilaye a June S3 Is J. F. MAGUIRE Out disiinet mastery of the piano. concern i always le than on a small one..., From- In view of Ihe evident demand, for nnlriey for legitimate Nrxt th Princti Jtuprrt Ilotvl truly mnarkable in ine n June u, ..uiiB. and nil ih.i.i- preseiil building, there is a good opening here for dlliiaiiliaProucern that euiild imiI help tiul feel that tire South Quoan Charlotte Islands:! won M ilu a regular lonning Ihimmc-s The capital of Prince Hn-pert LAND ACT. youthful tvrtit wa iWlinol in For- Jtirje 24. i mm Iloiising Ltd. is very small and as a result (he field of activity the tti-iir future to win a pnxn-ment Nslk of I. Spplj t Lhh Li. plnr in tilteli iuuieiil is limited. Hither the local concern should he liiiill up, or another In ounn i iurtuiir IMiali land lu.inri. Foe iKagway and lh Yukon. lirmmiBf lutuiri or error nuri. aixl rirclwt. Doting Ihe pmureoo f company he induced to locate here. Lack of available funds for I lie event ii eflleHAiioiH-ul Ml M oix lay r. no.m liitildjiig iv holding the place Jiark. OiM ta.e sumv mitii:f Co. Lid ttul of oxli.ii Prmr n.h liuprrl. Tile w Jic-srnted by one uf From tkagMay and Yuaon, I I EAT FISH""" rru.iin rrrM ana 1mm p. itrtu-f. Saturday v n m. There are many people here who have money in the hank mrma io i ivrniMtun to ia tier MloW 'Hi.i wtlli a ritl earning only three per cent. Thi money ronId,Iie loaned at eight Ihr i'inwttr lulkiwiat itMrrlfcsl ti a in Usd Ual4 an r oietlal given for proflrn-ney in Haw art. apla Bay and twamp1 in i Knnwir utwruon mm rmi mat music union v Ike UHl nf Ui . per cent on safe mortgages and it would at the same time he uvd i.unir I. M. .N. 14; lliir tlu rt. mnr Point. t' in s. W. 4trctMa la law tbJ Aeadetny hy W. F. Iliirvey, of And Support Uie Induxlry in improving the city. Po.lhly it has never occurred to many man. lurar 7e ri. Mirur um mm San Francisi-o. FOfl air marsi ihM imnhrni IM ri. rmt which that they would he doing a puhlic service hy placing building 4- Mrk mair mark: Hwr aa AllermiliHK Ihe nuMiiH-r. rn Saturdays p.m. supports you rt. wtrrlr akwr Mak iur awrt In tial FiiOM loans. There are many people who wish to erect houses hut ofily r roBMnriimnmi a mi twu arrM dered by Mi- THe. w-r' Ask for morr or . teleclions Mi Kalhlen SninUr . p.m. occasionally is there iixuiev javailflMe for mortgages. The demand i tMwti nti a iui niHOE en. ly Smoked Fresh, and Canned LTD.. 7. H Jnbnjma. 'irnnl and Miss Mamuerll! is-niucli greater than the'-sjipj'ly.-' UaltfcMjy Ird. im. f v Youok. I loth these yttuntr ladle Fish V Prince Rupert L.VXD ACT. have exeelleiil Miieei. ami hw. ed n u Hied effrrts from Ihe care Distributed In Public Eye. , ' Nolle ol intootlM to ppl to Loom Li4. by n nanrr . rjntn Land iioirwt. Hmr) ful Iraintnn they bate rereiveil WATKft ACT. 1911. Prince Hnpert is very- much jii the politic1 eye to the south. Inr rmtrirl of pnnro hjirt. n4 Ito.l. al Ihe Academy at Ihe hands f mraam I iuip, i u mi ouiiiot M Everyone eems interested in the developments here and in the o winlr rati CMtinrtf.aurtn Smltb t or uno OMwi.l.uod ind uiti I the Sil-r Suierir a&J tta oilier HsoMke notice in is Liu urntav nwt uoorroMe nk or taat aetuokj m Canadian Fish & Colt! Storage Co., Lti posMhilities of the city in Ihe future. The sketch oMIm new im Dotim ini i. nuru unni or iiilrurtArii The , renIUiu nf tornwoM by owl wasa in odviro ol Hi, Pnnc liitrt. a. c. orrnnauoa itnd .nr- Ihe -.t jr.,Vo ahi tlnels'titiey rtrranr ' unnwil no as PRINCE RUPERT rouyl hone here was published recently on the fniut page of jror, inlnd l apply f"f prmmm lo ordrt i Wtrtna. IH folloaiDf orritil tuxUs jravr , ntfLf iwlthoyiny(Inlr a p. Tnai 1M por.tot M of lk m Wtr tj aearninoi an Mil b of ijif 'Daily Times ami caused considerable mmnriDO . m.i txuitd on tho nurimejit. rft$ 't lfriefirfilei ei'if nnu.t rod ff t ooimI ir I mil plau audi- IWfbHf IIOfWIIUIItMOl mi ' People toHhe south had an' Ditwas mat tn rr of to irotBl RUPERT BRAND idea that somethingif a s.W.honro tit S.IN Umi oaiiimM liiMnrt:brnr tbrnro or Ul.round l, cure. t I .! . ! of tvor Ult. HrMoUM tmi village. Jnit they, have had their eye opened in various wnys of I'm rnuro Snd Bar. takinr la all IMt part 'After Uii'1ioMaton of Ihe and Mrnml Wifr Kir m tn prr Ma . l-rt niini oumhoj or . .. . . Low watr Mara, and mntainm! I I tl ,l A riMieert, short addre.e oeor-ia dooni Moori ti mic, h urn me ceiisus reiums are puniisned everyone will scsiu imi, moro or i. r op pro.-d on tn uiai.iuir of lMa-r, ! them eagerly and the returns from northern Hrilish Columbia - Datrtf taia lil.dar i.rrn ot e.apni wkkjht.4.0. Itll. made by lii)iop Hihi, Jiidse F. Itl. tm rolud m po lr a In Me II. Ynuntf. Itev. Ir. II. II. M nni prrtanM to in wtr of will certainly attract attention. While the population might have V THE V-i-nrvr iih;bt IF BhJTMH 'Irani ami fleorae Tile. M. . Walor Mtrmol ItMWtrt Hir m ami Ik tool Prmr noiir hutr1 of bi-en much larger if the mines had been working, there will be a i.i the TTra III nr I Mill THE t -anvisisTaA- Mrt"jiffery and I. V. .Mnrriasey. I . turn Ibr anoniha rnnlMi lo lb tm it,patniMa-e)C tMrit lur goMi showing as it is, especially in tljeMiilerinr agricultural arear-. TP I.. SCT" OMl All Ihesr Brnllrim-n hoke al..uil aa ) far nm otn Uir of oim asonin man.!m io una Dr. Sutherland It THU M4TIFR ir THE ffc. .lK or iiniiar lines . etineuna n.Nrd m in inyt nwn Wair Curious Study TIK 51111f t lliil In IU nrdr nr HI. ideasure anil surprise al iK-h a Iiaml iMMnrl. im til r of aarrn. 4. It f D.D.S., L.D.S., D.D.C. In Psychology. Honor iodr I MrH Voanr. mart in delightful eitlertaiiimeiil aiwl t. H. rATTM-Mi. lortiiT nrbth oay of Anrtt. Ii. I . ami.ur . of land. The preparation for the Carpentier-Dempsey MMitl Admim.lraur of In .Ll ol wfltieiiiB- the really reuiarkabb fight makes a Maria ktuirni.iin. dmvawil, end on mnt curious study in psychology, it i a monster advertising -hint lurinr I'prLjr 1in. annul tnr id eoitl are projrr- that Ihe three younir DENTISTRY in all its branches roqitlrvd to un omawrlv lady artists Hlj mad in their with Tex Ilirkard as Ihe master advertiser. The frrtnrd H m m w l(or in UnrlT-Crat whole campaign Uir of Ma. A. O. it. and all park slndieit in frlu.fe. tliey vokred has been carefully planned and not an opiorlunity has been lost IIm-IhoVbtAcI amtMnl m lb of thrir UI iiuM.Miu ar rqa:ird nojr t. Ihf opiniouf hat i'nnee ltuprt Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 in reminding the people of the continent that a-irreat event is to rrlHlto. IOWS n. Ml'UJT, fead eaUVr ( ! proud of soeh ALICE ARM LOCK-UP. For Appointment Phone Stack 516 take place. - otnctal aonuniairalor, an in htii I ion a m. Jrmeuh's noTict to coNTaacroaa. Pnnro Huprrt. a. c. Sald Trod m.rvnlMl T-'flr i And after I)i id una lib day of Hij. itft. Aeileiny. whieh was eafiable of all, the lor AH event is not a very Treat one. There is arm lrk sp" il m rn-.t providing aueh wnnderful lh ll..itrl4 a y In lliiolr -4 I'ul-iM-Wor. .Jo be a boxing match between Ihe representative of France and I.S THK SI'fhCVE OUfHT or aHITISH evjuration, Iwtth uf) 1. ii rv.k mmm M 'tr in IUI OMM. general soli. lh iui liar ft imtr, ml. lor in tile United Slates, two chaiiipiou-bomers for the World Wll il i; IS l-BliniTr jei uixl iMirlieuiarly ta muoie. awl -oinijtuk of a lrtl al AMr Arts l! THK MITTIH or THE ESTATE or m Ik Alba jrtral lnlr. M - io ne a iweive-rouud go without any decision. That discom-jige n.mil4 .IllUilllE HKTCALT. All he sii'ilefa dwell on Uie Hooa, swriaalswa aoa roetao rT T ! TAKE OTI(X thai on III f 11 day of i-bl thai (lie ir Kr o m va .ott rr u um, betting and ordinarily il should 'have discouraged many finm Mtr, iti. admimnraiiun of id miu wiiiiinuultv a n tt of ion. I fj. l lb omro r 01 mma t;nn.iw Mtrsir. drwL in-lM.U. whole owed'-tir' Uie Sie-rkir. J Mkjuy, ijSi.. liotrfttnvo.1 Arnl I attending, .o well has the event been planned and .-leverly rnikld U John II MrUullin M ikw. Voumorttr. . GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY onm.l lur. pnnr Mprt. am who eoiulnf here some it i. II. MrMultn, ll. liotvtnawfM Ai advertised, through the newspapers only, that il has Jxohic u, Ha ASIl CulunilHa IIJITHER TAKE 1SOT1CE lint 111 years axa direelly from Ton into, rratrt rnmwiii U.liwuiiM,enoe Mwti A inn, 3.8. PniNCE nOPEHT PRINCE OEOftGE most people the big event of the year. 3"he Irish miestion inks la-raon ovinjr inr4n lo ttw uld tat io link pioneer Weslrrn or th llrl lnirsl of eoklir W.rf. aaili'ij.' r rnrlir.d it) pay In u.l Ui In Ad-niinu(ru.r iirwia. n. I.. Ocaaa ......,l...-i.,i,-c oeiore u ana me Hnli-h strike is siniriv fi.rtu hb, and all urmi norma lown, had been the main fac Tli ! or any lMr ml nrnriiv Thurtday and Sunday Midnight for Sanon Bay, . M aralnat tn ld rtai r tor in atHl Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and SeaiU. . an incident. The whole continent is aroused and Kalnnlav's rI"lrd M Bl lb Mm with In Ad providing the Iruly wnn-erful M um Wadnaiday 11 p. m. foe Anyoa S.iur4r P- m-tor 'W"" munatralur lihln lliinv dan (rug tn and modern wlurntloniil eobilWMra KnrMovr. result will he washed by millions of people with the most date nrf, . ' . Ifcbiir tvora liirmimi. 8. 8, PRINCE JOHN . u- uaira mi inslitiition thai Ihe cily Kkes Virt.rf-u. B I'-'.v J " ''"' u, lense join any or KIT, I III. i i.. y,tr Purl Clemen!. Ma''. H ) interest. JUli.t it. urMULUt. JM I'., till. ' AdnniiMiritor. i.-m in ri. juaepua .raJ-, II Mllil 'll inoiliern Oneni.linrlillr I-I.ui.t- .t-.ilf lelriv. I'll nliilllv ! .lili ..I i fur. MATTra or rnr. BAKBrercr T Train Service. - ...... A T AMI I THK AT.H V THK "r rl. Jllrpll ill III Bas Paan.i-er MONDAY, WkDNESOAY i ' SATURDAY "'"" swnrT lie PAI L truillfllir l.t liil.1r.. ,.,! I..I.,., 4. 111. J-i-r riintlirra Prime lie..rf. Mni'mlmi " ' Dr. izrii tih:tm: m r.Aai'l'i:y. Iiifc- out in Iliein all thai w.i rt niakina direl rinniiiuni fr n't point- w m"" JOS. MAGUIRE take MincE put on ttw tin oar f Suitcases l.anada and I nued Ktalea. Jiin. A. O. ll. I'.iil Vannart nf Curl latent aiul undeveloped waa a AUENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMIHIP LINES. .lniai in inn lmlnn of firttiih jrifl thai few lutnuia man an autlmniHl anlrnnini to junpl I i fuil mtni mate tt and -rvai .una api;v MEMBEB OT THE B.C. PKNTAL COLLECC j 'irr luirl of frill hwtrt in ti and wa mure Minn demount rated Trunks rii. Ttcbai omen E2fl Third Avenue pnona v DENTIST. Crit lrilc In or boiiaruplrjr.hrilMU CoioniMa. avllioni in the performancea of the three AiSO fLMTHtM TAKE NtlTICE Itial III yntintr iini-iral pupil at Ihe concert Phone 575 ninnr "f in rmditur of Hie laid -aul Tents. Packsacks Smith Block Mauari will u )ill ol th on of V-Hania. Klven that eveiiliijr. Hi'Ku grade denUl work at tin loweat pricea, Ii.ivaf Bank Manaon Huildlnr.4 Conxtl!.ertnn barrlouri,kitiiri n nr..i Tho Program, F. M. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY can rive tha beat of reference. on Mmo.jr tli mill day r June al In The Crosby . projrrnifi wa a followa: W n in activa aervler. Niur .i urNNi in tn orirHo DA 11.11 l frl u( Buirt lb I'mmn Piano Atijn "Autumn" hy i:ha- 715 Third Aenuo, Prinre itu(iert Servicei Cfljcelonn-I-IZ, 1 i d 7 S. Dpei fyenlngs ui orrii'.n UMUlliui UU I VIU OtJ Ul 1111, inanide, Mia; I,. Tile. B.C. Coast CI.OHOE Aulliurl.l MIME.Trbto. Omferiiifr of Medal. Vocal duel "lilirw Hadny from Prince Rupert MOBTHAOE Al.E OP I.tJkH ITl!ATK H Sailings ! :mhii mutiiict, rhtrin llreee" by Warner. Miaaea M. The Inlander DOWT WAIT BUY TODAY o UULt'MBIA. YounaVgnd K. fSrant. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau " " " tt e t lidrr and k lrttn or liw poaera o Piano moIii "llevell dn rln- June 13, 20, 27 July 4, 11, 1, 25J August i, i i Foreign and elp Mitind In a rrruin InoViilur 4.f First CI Bottrdiaf lieu Seattle Exchange Bonds and MrlrM llrt th Ikik or Aarqat, K. o, lemp" Uy Kriml, Mi I,. Tile For Vancouver, Victoria tail. luri, im pMKiurm at ll.r m Hmn4 Avmim tltaa4 If? 9, 13( "i 7' r tii mi. luur Viieal noh--' jhank Ood for ai KosttMosj, June 18. 25: Jul 2. 9, 18. 23, 30; August OVERNIGHT I HONTS A, Trvtftimtmr TiM-r will ii orrra for mi it ri'BUc Oatilen" hy JtiPKl. Minn K.I r US .. M .. ttMUU9U. rails, Port Hardy, Alert Overnlplil nroflla ore lieinjr muCe ali:tio Mr. Grorr by putcliaaera.of forelKn uy la, Airiuiirr. 1". nl.iTiarka al rr giterJng Imp'jrtant 'if tli Uiy of Prior Himrri. brtii.ti co-HiiiiUa. (I rani. Nlnpklsh, Beaver Cove, Vancouver and Victoria advance' al II ii'rkxH on MHid. Piano aolo. "J'olonaUe in V. SATURDAY AT NOON. 'Ibr tsth EVERY dar of Aurual. tft, at tn. W'e advian liivanlorii lo take Jinmediale advantage of exist, ,'. lurl lluii.r In III Utv of rinro Hi.-r1 nharo Minor hy Chopin, MI-n Our plion nurnticr la a g intr pricex, and place their ordera for-either forelen exchariKfl i... iu- r mi up m prilipil illlllllliia. tlw fhanited. Nfw num- nlM World Full information from i r&llim Iny rirotrty i Tirkela to all of the - hunda . parts or in. Url. e e will; foreife-n exflianne on aUcontinental I Ail i hat rriain parrel or tract or unit Vocal aolo "Ava Maria" liy Millard, ... ..iiuian ln,nL huropean jminla. u well aa the Orient. We 'luote prttea and 'iui hi tn I'rurinr of vrumn ooliiiii' wuy onu nru uu ciuonrn ui jureiKn liond. IOIIIIilete Infrir. lia, and imir I'irili iilailv kuuwn and MiH M. Yountir. LING, TAILOR M21 Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.w. inallon a to dallntc, maturity ani approximate ylelda of theae ,jui-MriiMl tvl . i:n.up ai Lot iim ll it.,Hi.ui.r.xlr..i aiul m.iii..iiw Piano fciilu "Murrhe Mlifooa' 2nd Ave. hond furtiin hed upon lequeat. Many bond ottered today will "iiiipriiinK "i" Imii'lrnl ond ui rr by i'oidinl; Cajiricrlo" hy A. he aold niur or l. anain at pever prenent low level. TtHMH or 8Aj:i 1.. MUs Twrnlr ir tn.l. Kcariiii.l, Tile. THOS. ra.h;Knr lialanr furllH-r mtiiiii parllrulari ton liu tu lava.itnnrUon Vocjil duel -"What TIioukIiI Iid LADIES' AND CENTLL UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C.LIMITED. McCLYMONT with ul of'iily to AUaara, I' . 1 Tell MT ' lulion. Barrl.tra, frliir hii,rl. brulali to Ihe llime" iy Tr. Ahl. MEN'S TAILOR lor Vanrouvrr, unit rll and J!""0" "1.yi.J,,"2f Liiluiiibl. or f Mrr l'v, Marauall. MUaes M. Youtir and K. Oranl. ' All foreign bonds sold fit l Allr. Attn. W.fl Moa "L on convenient partial ilri 4 'll,il, sfitfltor fur III llinrl GviCanTito ir Anyoa. ""' payment terms, If desired. aK. till nour Lumluu HulHlur i', Pluno nolo ' It r KoajUrn" by TIIIKO AVrNIJB rur rnl kitiii and BAaastiv,E"'- ii . . 'inlr HImI Wi.l. Vaifn'iviii H ' Mnt; "ICludr de Concert" hy LEE. Oppoalt rut Offlo wef m m w . mi.. I'ATUl al VklHiuilrer U i; u. .tll Phonai Had 1 311. djy of iuu. A. U li. tit Mum I. Jiio.