II Thundar June 30. IP?1 TIIE DAILY NEWS. PAGE 3. i m NEW PRINCIPAL OF Let ypur ears l',e Local and Personal PUBLIC SCHOOL HAS judge of V.ro6f EXCELLENT RECORD St ReBls Tanl. Phone 466. If N.C. Undertaker. I'hone II. tf llnt-ol.I ('.. Cainpli.-ll (lie re-'i-iilly TONE appoiuled prineipal of the For afteitio,n lea, St. nfKli iriiy puldk' wlioul. I a youiiK i .afe. j j man wilh an eseeljenl rer.ird. j waip ! acctrdinir In word reeeived her.-' and your eyes the judge l-'l'fnli buttermilk a( ie c fv from the voiilh. He i a Vir-turia of cabinet beauty. For Market. If msfi- having len edaealed al Hie yv jV-4" and IiikIi wIiim.U music that is sweet and tlt your boat for ule with ORMES LIMITED ..f I hat -1,-. He look hi arad-eniir M. M. mellow and n home lur-niWng (Stephens. t tf IralliliiK al the I'rnKincixl that I beautiful Hayner Bros. Pioneer Under S.e.-1,(1 I,..hi1if' ' - li lauiirli .Normal Si-liool. Oh Ilul.y lliKl.y I . . He wk fiml uaiiliiMt at on.' takers. Phone 351. tf' Mid at I looks the and dignified hi I of I lie Vnwouver ehooU -iiinl .... ! and A i"i)ii. K i ii fxiaml :il mi. .. i.. i) ru.l re. ;i iiVI.H'k. Launch leave 0W durilltr the al year ha held a similar t..ili.in nl liiuimall. '( again llii i'aii. Hay floal. BRUNSWICK . All Hie Knquiiuall eo.le epeals Cash fur vour Victory hnrnt. Additional floral offerinpn al lnuil highly of him and of 'In Nu wailinK. T. McClymont. tf Hie funeral f tin- lale I.ieiil. ability an a teacher, and organ- is In a class by Itself Wllfml C. Mardaiiiild yenlerday i.er. A. V. Carter. f Oeeanic i;an-i'-ry. were rnmi Mr. aii.l Mm. I". f. Mr. tUimpliell aw nelive eei-v-iee f Candy Coated i rejiLlered l , p,.(,.,. Palmer. Mr. and Mm. J. M. ovemea wilh (lie Metlieal ! Chcring Gum . Itup.i I ll..(e. ;aiii.ln ll, . A. Ma.'lioiiald ami Oirp where he was right up l I Hie t:ily Kire fiepm I nienl. Hie firinir line in Krante. He i t i I Tl"' l-Hn liop'wttI be open kepui on radel work and alo on for l.u.ine July 3 wm, MHM WAITING TO PAY TAXES nrfan'jtinir irl and (rauie. Mr. Caiiiplx-ll i muieal uml t 1 I WOMAN FALLS DEAD i a inyer nf conidrrahle A. M. Kinp, Ike cjitry man. aliilily. 3he in very popular something Here's new on i a iil..r ( the city fr..m aiiMtii I he younjr twroplepiif Vie t 4 Mr. J. T. Mohlln i'-n 1 -.iiixtmi. Collapied in South Vancouver Municipal lorla. Earth flash the news to all hi .'.miiiI r Friday linj; a Hall. t the planets. The qualities that made our : !-. ..f Kmrknd meeting ANNOUNCEMENT I will I..' hHd July . Ji VAMI VKK. Ju.i. :i.- While waitinji her turn i pay laxrx. Ilent'M Liucerir Shop, of i Wrteley's Hips-candy coated 1 T. It Kieklinjr. f Namu. i al I he Soul h Vane.niMT Muniri Uraltville Slreet, Vaneouver. hate ;nlM..iiir the gwl fepietered Ml ual Hall. Mm. J. T. M.dilin drop. ifpenr.d . Vcarteii in I'rinVi Itujrt chewing fium. flavoured with 4 SPRUCE !- Prinre Hupert Hotel, td ih-ad y.l.-rday. Mm. Mulilin . in lbii-n ,v.v Hjiue, w iurrie j wan a reiiiieii nf S.iudi an-eouver. Peppermint so you can't chevy It.-ai new dining room now Hakery. iKl. Table rrerved for pritale Mn Hen' arrived in hnni amtin r it out it lasts and LASTS! 4 yitlprtilay' ith a lurjre a-ofimenl tl e chief wood for aeroplanes, its strength, ani oupfier Karlii. 1'lioiif tf SOUTH AFRICAN WINS f Ia4,-,f' ready-lo-wi-ar euW: r ' em If. drre. iMrl kiri and Benefit digestion and appetite, I durability, toughneis, ease of working, RIGHT TO MEET TILDEN Mr. and Mm. Taory rr vinil.im T.isei.. rout whiiii are lMin smooth finish, readiness in taking paint and I.. I hi- rily from tttiut Fall, and offered a t Vancouver twpular whiten teeth and sweeten 4 varnish and freedom from defects, render it arr itut-ol at the 1'rinrr Hui-rl WIMIII.E1MJ.N. Juti.- 30. II. I. prlreu Hotrl. tJ. Xnrtiin, I he Smilh Afriran There i a Jarire flerfi.Hi of breath. suitable lenni Mar. ha '-"n Ihe rijrhl garments to ehooe from am: 4 Toini.rro lnHoa a hoi tea). Uif lo meel Wiliiai- T. TiMifii, of la.lie arc invited tu call on Saturday vtssixysv vRiarrSy for Joinery and House Trim mh.i .iiUrf Knmtl Mi-ry und Philadelphia, the w.rld' cinl to iiiopeel llie eloek hm.I the rrilrali'n trfcrt will m open lemii ehampioii, in Uie ch4l-h-upe leriai ale prire. I'hoae oil. i 4 fr.-in y 1.. tl ,U. round for I In- iiiei tingle in I lie llritmh lurf murt lenni BIRTHS. f i. W. V. A. 'Im U iiiffl al rhaitipiiihip malrli l.y dcfral-Manuel i '. W. V. . rHitii a t p. m. liar Aloto, the Millies" TIki.' w.k horn in Vancouver ' BIG BAY LUMBER COMPANY 'ii lh- ll. KiMHball vmmr olaii fliampion of Spain. .Norton won on Jt'he j!h, in Mr. uilMm x The Flavour Lasts a 3 in. irtMiiil. 5; by 5-7, 7-5, C-:t. 6-3. Hnrw Jerjreni, Ninth Avenue. 1'riiwir Huiert, a on. thi: i:ih. shii win i- 'Iliere vea ttnrn lo Mr. and Mm. i I.mjh. until July 13. I ant iiuikiiiii JAIL RAIDED AND Iaa Iear, al I lie home on Tenth a liurrMHl Uuniar trii ral. PRISONERS WERE AvenimJ'-ai-t, on June a daujtli- FOR THE SUMMER MONTHS yiHrt1 MHtr- "! U.-Qia. ler. . Tttel. . . . iX SET FREE AT SUGO Build! Build! Build! Viaolitg Cntm. 75c FULLER'S SPECIALS rrwutil -if Im raiu.lhr Garden Court tU CrtM. 75c itatrli nrbrtfuknl fwr lat liiultl SlJlill. June .10. A Jit il Fk Ilti ;jire ciwl of livinz. Tfitt, U 00. yoipr iwlwwn Ittr lMrrlall liiii m IMI.Ie.l her' uml till )l IM.IHM Lumber is the cheapest building material ia the world and ttut'a ti AbwW Gria. TSc Hrtdivin Kread Hour, tin $5.75 ill iimv KVlriiikan ami .nj" Here releuvd l"l'' mililary ha perhap reached !"W water mark in price. UU Wicr. I1S0 Unit 8$atrial I'ea and Com, 5 ftitssw, $15$ pa na toiiHimHir u mA tlayr.l.. cuard weri' on .Inly n!-i.e. (ft 95c The prince llupert Lumber dinipaiiy ha lai'Ke !.l.M-k tr...n I.' a-i Fresh Ktnsf, dor 55c jh it'll to llll your requirements, but they are fast betns The Prince Rupert Drug Co. K. P. aad Murau.K. N.I'rrry 1'ayiw.J. Ckam-lMriaiii. nf Seattle, AIR BOARD WORK Mewamni mi pkfe .. 10c depleted. Huy Now! rht NC i n tuf Artw knH 2nd Ktrret lilt J l)unn"s Old Country arc rrrrui arrival in Mir WAS SUCCESSFUL DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH Mall Orders Glrert I'mmnl Attention Hlwuil. nilucd lo.. . i7V-c 'ily frwtn Im MWlh. rrs-i'lrr-tl al IUr lriwt llOt-ri llulel. All tinned Fruil Iteduced. SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH OTTAWA. June iV. -Willi n Tine Creamery Hutler, ll-lh. i Kir iliiH4tkMi luuilwr mimI approximate unl.-aiu of J:.,(!'.' Luxe, per III 30c Do Your Building While Lumber is Cheap. liili, It. fir flniu. uiilei. eoveriHl in avjalion' work Fine Mild Canailiun Cheese, per iruce. present requirements at the ullice, Seal Gove, or Store for Rent liMim arnl witttlwii, lumber rr-awn Ulii.er tile dire.iioll of the" Air ll 30c jour atMl ilreoMHl 1 any fin Hoard III It'SU. Ill-n1 were Iml Swifl'a Pure Lard. 3 lb, for 75c Phona 361 for Prices. (,uM-k drliery fry "ur ow" car three livhl rrn-li.'- and only oil" Swirl' I'uif I-ard 5 lb. l.?0 Ground Floor, Hays Block I K. 11. Sluicklry. On Hay. If pemon wu injured arcordiiif: to Superior Strawberry Jam, I PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. a re purl made today. . lb tins $1.00 ; Tbw wr 13 buHilin? prrtniU Sfial (VjlTee. 3 lbs. fl.OU. ifurl by tnp rily fwr IIm iimhiIIi Swciii attention and prompt Hot water heated, with basement f Juiir, atnouiil niir lo (IH.7S0 in DEMAND FOR PAPER .l.'livrM-v lu liheruieu ami wharf Thin w iniM mike an excellent Office alu. A auiHlM-r of ihrri arr irilir. Mtidifif" awallins iiMflrliin nf IS SLACKENING SAYS 1000 free riJen on the mcrry-i:o-iiijnd. Phone F. G. BRYNOLSON, Blue 417 Uf ilan lirftirH llir tiiiiU r..n OCEAN FALLS MANAGER Oct your tickets iu B&K PASTRY FLOUR In- oMulnnl. Our Own Tea and Coffee. A :iiiuaian nf Ihr Anslo Sat. o:r.AN F.M.I.S. June :n. I.. S. Calmip Kry's llatvin epttvial.per per lb bnllla. ZHe 50c The real white pastry flour which i ii r-oiHMnMii f Cliarl- Juuii'i. llu fd.'ii. ioaiiu-.i- of Hi.- I.iiiil means better, lighter, and more a rrnilnl nf llriilli Atenw. paper mill, who hiiiv.I Iminv li flaky pastry. wa finiHl li In tlir I'ulirr the hoal Tueiilay. ay I It al t lie All croods sold under our ' B & K" ijiurl llii tiioriiinv l- Maiti-li demand for paer i Hinall al tli' LUXE Trade Mark air MvMwrll fur allowniK hi lreeiit lime, 'tin' r.lmpany lia DE are guaranteed. i.ik in run Iiim iu tlii iiublir a lure nlock on hand and Hi.' ALL GROCERS sell "B 5 K" PASTRY roiilratrntiuii nf tin- ICE IukIiwm. in CREAM! .jufnlioii of marki'U ix a Mtul i ily muik1 livlaw. jul now. Mot of lUt i.aper i Ih,v;.v t-indrped our premises THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. Htlgerson Block, Corner Third Ay- and Sixth St Mi. and Mm. A. M. Marlnld hippeu hy water. nl !iiiaii.l iiHNlern machinery. ! The wrapping imtr i.lanl i P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C Phone a BO and family lar hmitslil fr we are thoroughly equipped to Dental Nurse In Attendance ulill rloMHl and will remain no for Vanr"Urr wln-rr Hm.v will In takr care of our ever-growing Ice Office Hour, 9 to 12; 1.30 to 5; 7 to 9 (uliirt tvoi.li-. Mr. Mar Donald the present. The general le-ireioii Cream trade. 9 Iia lHn mwiuUndriit f il of huim- I afTwtinv 'J'he ingredients used in "Do P.O. Box 1 5SS Phone 87 I.ii Id if cIhkiI Inr Hi w year and this concern a well a other. Lust" Ice Cream are of the best, I,..th h and Mm. MaclMnald. our cream being i in nortec; from LARGE FOUR ROOMED HOUSE (lui-itiK llteir widemt in Ihe FUNERAL NOTICE. the Kouth tri-weekly. For Sale in good condition on Alfred Street rily. have ai'ilUlM a wid rin-tr Ice Cream la made dally on our $1,800.00; Terms RUPERT BAKERY of frirnd lo will rprl ilirlr Funeral Service tar the late premises in three flavors Vanilla, y driiarlur. A. C Clllen will l litld t.miitlil Strawberry and Chocolate The Lot oh which the house stands is equal in me fo over al 'elok Iu i he IS. C l iidt'i -VJiftm' We also specialize In Neapolitan four 25 ft lots AUo for Minn M. V. MeLvuaBhaii Otiai-el. Itevl W. V. bricks. CAKES AND PASTRY OP QUALITY lonUld fr Vancouver where Wrlshl nfflcialinp. We solicit prders for Teas. DAVID H. HAYS & COMPANY The Bread Only beet materiel used will viit for Miinr time before Dunces, etc, and all orders are C PERCY TINKER, Manager, Order for lo her home In Port-in CARD OF THANKS. ironiK Kat piven cit'ci.il attention and delivered Real Estate Fire Insurance that KeitauranU, Steamship. Csnnerie. ete. l'runie. M'" Mcl.in- . .. . .....i r..... by our own automobile. , ... . . Mr, j. ii. .tiuciioouio oho ..!-. I'ronptly attended to ....i.-.. . ii..1 elnrnillK ii i nmn - . uf l""" 7 . . K.,itiv tti.h to fXlfinl t a menu) We make prompt shipments Satisfies JoHltrM Gakon and C It. BiflOHT, Proprietor out uf town order. P.O. Hoi 621 V Third Ave. I'hone 643 pelierali) "k'"1 , ...... , i.o.nv --xiirm.-ioii of yiiiatliy. Same quality and ., and a.Hft.1 e mr- - - ..; L 5 gallo S$1.95 but Art Clothes standard, new (.;;,;:Taff of .," 1-1 mu, ... ...reavenK-Ut. S. h""t whrrc h. r work ha nu t! ea, per gallon Reduced Prices THEO COLLART, LTD. NOTARY Hi . til 1 1 nl TOO LATE 10 CLASSIFY Two Store aansaMsHBsBaaaaBaHBaaeMiBBBBMSMeBsjeaaeMBBiBa(Cook Bros. & Allen) PUULIC Over 250 select patterns to You r. lw Royal Confectionery Ladies' Ctstumts and Coals FOR SALE at Trrc, D.CL Eicht room hou. ol cement ANY OXK luli'ieled in l'lic from Cents' Sails ud Overcoats ECZEMA Vi Lijhl Store;lir, lot frnced. fumlW XJnly 3 block from Totl Oftir nd I.hi ll.'fV-urcli may mukn appnuii-mcnU DeLuxe Confectionery! 9S.OOO. Ke ui for more perllculire. I tut hi m f.ii'i" ' o'cliK'k to H B.C.! Third Avenvc l.-r Prince Rupert, Third The Moit wrut Efirma Avenue, n"0- Company uf North America. umw. It iflwo. l I VI1C IMP"' 'UueellnlW ttllKWIi1'd. STEVE KING Liberal r,.... J .1.. ... ' u. ., uilil box n daily. Phones it ana 1S4 Prince Rupert " weeja wj vil vi- uvat a UIJ 'JTr'.tion 111 For 7;i:t Third Avenue We '0. Be. e Wettkolme TbMtie Block Those Blue 6 ... ..inMi.'ir - -dj one w: