The Daily News SMITHERS HAS rm.voR itul'RiiT - unman coi.umma Published Kvery Af'rnoon, except Sunday, lry The, News DISCUSSION ON Printing and Puhlinliing Company, Thin! Avenue. II. V. I'UM.BN, Managing Alitor. INCORPORATION SUBSCRIPTION RATES I N City Delivery. Iiy mail or carrier, per monlh. S1.00 D. S. McQIII and Rev. 4. Eans ifll Ily mail 10 nil perls of tho British Empire awl the Unlleil States. Debate Queallon and Delay In adwince, per year $0.00 It Decided On. To all other countries in advance, per year -. $7.&0 him SMITliHJtS. Oct. I J- Sinilher TELEPHONE OS had a field rvtattil laurastiv taxi what a largely attended JI.SS'Twr inch each insertion t n Mil vn held in th.- Hall la Advertising Transient Display Delivered Case Transient Advertising on Front Page 12.00 per Inch A irn in niiiilrr the question 'f in Lots Local Ileader;. per Insertion 2fte per lino Incorporation. , Classified Advertising, per insertion... 2c per word I.. A. Mrlllll. iir,sldrnl of Ihr Legal Notices, emch insertion 16c per agate line CttiaMIs' Aesoriallon. outlined to Your Home Contract nates on Application. In pesMslons of the Nil law Art AH advertising should le In The Daily News OlTlea on day pre-teding under wtttrh II wa iril publication. All advertising retched subject tfl approval. rtweotperulc and strona-W pressed! DAILY EDITION Monday. October 17. 11 Immediately rr all affirmative taken In voir order In lhat be YOU DO NOT HAVE TO CARflY your beer from the Govemiwtil Why We Should at incorporation the Beginning could of lake the offeci year vendors shop. We will deliver anj quantity from a case, consisting In which evaal Hmither Have a Library. Would acquire tar taxes and of 12 pint bottles, upwards. Simply tell the clerk il fa Everyone agreed that we should Ijave a lilirary. There is r isjstvae for that year. no dilTemsre Af oninion. The only dlftkmlty Is lhat It torn to lie II w esMin Miaow apparent Goveriftnent vendor s that you wish CASCADE BEER and ask him ... ......t .A alh I Kfi I rasa I Kit In... las naiif (hat whilst all were keenly alive N..u n.... .n,rr - , ..e.- -", la(, importance of the mat. to have it delivered to your zUicss. for in the rily. Tilt de Brands for nentrilmtion tftnlflhings w!,,r ttnaP consideration, there need are so large tbat people hesitate in eSeat anvlliing1 new. wec two distinct factions pre-And yet in spite of lhat we should have a library. Ketchikan.' ni. the one 'determined on tm-a The vendor will notify us, and we will do the rest, i little town in Alaska wwrcely half the sic of Prince Ilupert, has ""le. . inewtfaareitan and in, 1 1 Jill.. .il hwl a Hbrary for years. They trlel in a small way, forming a j fuller ami mar definite inform More than that, we will call for and pay you for the ejpply btUk. tihrery association and pnrrhamg books with money secured ation be ruratahd b-fr- th from the prwrVed of entertain men l and elher sowree. Today quliH w lllei hey have a valnahle eoflwtion of Ixxts ami are eonslantly adding Urged Dalay. But be sure you ask for Cascade, for thirty years iht mi to iL They kk on the library as a eivie assL latter Speak on Km.behalf J. of RaM the popular and best beer made in Canada. . We into rity, aiming to important are rapidly blossoming an unreal that II wa eellai that become the rent re of business and culture in the Norlh, and yet a voter' list be praoeed. ihc-n we' are withoul a poMir librarj'. It do not speak very well fnr a previous ocaloi eomntei . Guaranteed Full Strength our progress rreness. eial Iratvellers ami other mm-.eslaVnta Not Less Than 8 Proof cent. had '! in vote ih per Spirit The long winter evenings are coming on and there are several Ihla question. He also nn-phastuMl I I month ahead when reading will be (Mir chief source of amusement Ihf iFHMNrtane of and education. There is an excellent little commercial laiiiioir definite asuranae from VANCOUVER Limited library in tbe citj,'iut it does not nil the gap. Iteferenee beoka Uie I Hvr rnmeni as to their cm- BREWERIES, are needed, edtieaUonal books, and all sorts of literature, as well Iri hut ions to the nftheep of rottd ate- and sia4d that M was not Distributor: os current novels. a aueailoai of "for nr ajrain! The present is a good opportunity for some local organization ineoroonttinn ' bat, whether tin Prince Mercantile Ltd Rupert Co., Phone 545 tn take the mailer iff tiiihl and push. U through. It is one of tHne action had fully come. the crying needs of th community and ought to be backed by Mr. Evans then movatl that a sorrf KXT organ iiaiiofi. We ktKw of no worthier oh I let for toe Coanatittee of four nxtsislmir energies' of ohe of the chapters of the Iawghlrs of the Empire or f two avrainsl. and two for. be MMviBtea) t ttMihvr investiKHtn one of the hdndred ami one oilier organtfatkttts. AV hat is the pin m! of an organization! if it does not accomplHh something i he mailer, pmearra Mler im awl then barkl DruiDf mi r in . . fupaaalKin report wnh while? - i . Hy In the Cnliama' AsKtlon Aunt jemima's TtlU was VldaMMHly prutletl HUMILIATING WAS Immigration -to hy'Mr. MeflUI wIm eialmsxi Uati Helpful Hints Thia Country. mostfas has alreaiy been OTTAWA SPECTACLE H hrWpi' Ve cannot hope lo tiicceed wHth the exclusion of Orientals, auny ouse In Inventiiration and tin pent Ami Jmu4 tn in.r iMMitM unless we are willing to populate the country wilh while peeplew tux fainr f Jba moiloH wouW ig rJr r ito (xii nvt. ruiuiiH !n iiK'u wiiii a uugiii-uie-ijiangcr ptwicy oi Keeping Il is a miiartabir and tiuunl immm the shelviBK of a settle- out everybody. This Is a big country with plenty of room for htent for anather year. Mildred llefore you dream of iating spertarle I bat has millions of people to make a living in developing the natural lneatlrU WonT nMrryliiK the fasahaatiM. Mid wittiea.rii at NlaWa. a 'h- resources. This cannot be done"without gelling In more people. A hri gMmr of baltladora dle a ire,I trateliair ntaa. sot hias Tanavto Ulnae. First the u.,v-aruanrca We offer Coal In Europe the people are find lug it difficult to live owing to the and thuttleenck was then in nrvMiuee teilin lata of do. rluaa la ulkw. ahua. crowding. Tha cheap labor of Europe is taking the business and I domealh? vIhih-s fr.i. tr llir OMiidblc ltrn in I till dafeed in by the local legal luoi-H"J awTfty from the, and the trade that was formerly Ilrltish is and the rifftilingr his four divoreed wives. , for war uurwwra, refused lo an- Screened, and guanmtd clt-ai . going lo Germany and other countries where they work for lower!during nary which the vertoos pros panutfl,and 'p-al i the people atu grew days, deliver . wages. here is room in this country for the excess population of sent were patsed baek and farth Ier Aunl Jettiitaa- iirank, ",rr wm?,kr aa the rasajM urtiain. i ney can come here and make good livings and develop. audi, aame lo ( laa Mr.d...u. !" "wwhhm awfeats in IM $12.50 to the keen delight of aa Sacked, ton - They con get out of the rut in which thy have been for centuries enea all age with iataraet and U leave as hf man if j hy-alaellons. Ai last. . ttep per aud get a broader outlook on life. II will be good for them and excetany. woald take eare af him - Ihil i temper I. .Mr. Matahae) wl naked will not injure this country'. It will give u prestige and power in Kventually the fftuiiixi to de. now He Has siaasarilml lo a mal-rinMmial up c-ssrajre la aaosea thai Bulk, oer ton - SI 1.50 dealing with neighbor. We shall be farlianteni wttstld he dldrd a our doing great things for fer far further information was paier in Ohleairo. and inese mem. writes in Weahs aaatait wlsawtil iHmoIii You Cannot Beat h1 people og annulling larried by a decided majority a poMK wowtan who If we ddfiot populate-this country with whites, we nuisl uiwi the eurtain fell. wants him to send ISM for her tiao ana wMhaaM aay ladtcatioi expect that some day we shall be forces! to populate it with people fare here. What shall we- . f the pmbahle drttr "f tto. n.-, . . r nil IT oi utner races, 10 wnicn we strongly object. unless'We use the Your kw in a- friend. Hon. Thn eaase1 a sen A U i ; V, Mm 'AHhlK II have: MM i9unr l oa l ianiana ni a lULJlui I IX. nivviii s country we no moral right lo it and MHH. III.I.NK Ten Years Ago j Answer vvrwa as the youav jul aosati hi disaahw-l. th Phone 116 n.' r' 4 Business Condition In Prince Kupvrt wiMiian. asking hr h aha ean Hie announaasaant that I'art a Good In Japan. spare the loan af fea j,r yMi aient had. actually hV.-n dioiv Business conditions lo fare to d. but that the date had im are good In Japan, aermanaad practically pay iraHd(Ni'a Chi- all the low wage countries except HHssia, and even there October 17, 1911. aama. as hr la henka. I'erhans ian fixed. buuie is improving in some sections.' Japan is doing a lot of The city council last night in sue will change fear mlMl Lacking Dignity, vwsttgaled the mailer of the No reason aau k assianad f building and will toon need lumber. Thft opportunity for Ilrltish Columbia to supply that lumber will lie olTerltig. It mint be city purchasing agetU. It Lan- .nr. awi Mm. ihism write a tlnwe delays aieept the aoVielio St lirel thai alihaughlM elty ha follows: ---May anil The aaxl' imcaieillFse. eawne4e wit ran remembered, however, that Canada is in competition with the rest we at of the world and must compete in the matter of price. There is purchasing agent ha Is in- Dally Nrw uffiea after the pa the dislribtiiion af palronavi no end of business to be done if we can olTeV the goods at the tructed lo make no purahaaes per i priMd bWHorruw. lo gat As saao as H waa toawn that Under New Manak right price. until Aid. IlihilUh has saen lh advice on what lo do with s wuuUI be an eleasla H Colonel Dockerill has just returned from Japan after securing requisition. mauve ho arc. on Ihefr way lawa swarmed wwMi offUaaok Third Avenue som Urge orders, but the orders go to Vancouver, New Westminster a irwm Montreal lo spend tha wh. woo, ih dusjfel, raalfxeal lhat and Vancouver Island firms because they can produce !ai niahl the eity eounail ler wild u 1 'niy are awful Mr. Malghen power to dtatri n. of F.vervthlnff at the Cheapejt R' at the lowest Hi hula offices would he short there than wage on nuisance aa faulUfuvlacs. cheaper in the Norlh. It is dilllcult to ay why. but Work nj the H is done. Wootlwortli Iake waterXvorKs fliere are savefal ehlhl ran. They ami wise wanted t make thei eoii4trtietkn at 37 Ho per hour. are funny peonl. Inn. What posit loaa saeure 1,,-fore lhai Ishall we dor labanaas wusild Im deelroyed ly Olof Ilansan has writter to Aunt Jemima's advlae is for dafeat at the polls. It u prob- iNe city 'regarding soiiio btit abte lhat this acraHible f ., of you lo close up the haute when e near his residence, whieh B ar BJ,B MJ- f II li Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE lie fear they come, pqt up- a big sIkh flee ami aheMer hn given tlo may Mow down. Hmallpox aix'4 -diphtliaria" mi (loverntiient far iilm.- I ru the door. Perhaps Ihey will, depart anI atuiety than ih prohb n DENTIST PARADOXICAL STATE of of thousands whrnMhey e il. ufvenipjoyiiifiit Prices remain the same. OF AFFAIRS. oi wiimrtiu i-TioHii awsiiions STEEL WIRE ROPES. MANILLA ff Vlalt his Office Rooms 7 and S Smith Ca-y Have yej slhruek a Job not puhliy Intsreale, have been Block or phona for an appointment. v.-t. Molke DANCES BANNED BY paramount' for the past inili MDIIMTAIN PARIf STEAM AND ft1 I Fliiii.-Kan -Khure Oi've not. iiiul more. The wUrl la ad Phone S7S Hiey nil wunl loeal riflroiiees. A BOARD OF WELFARE Tho only house in Northern R Office houra: 9-12, 1 to A and 7 to 9 ly tacking in Ihr dignity which evenings. ' r-lly fn t get a Jd in this burg AS BEING IMMORAL ought be some consolation fur stocks of above. Ask f Sunday Appointments Lady Assistant 'mill he's worked here for a Hie eXectation of defeat. till ll'l""' atwile Hom,,n Transcript. INSURANCE of All Kind. I KANSAS CITY. Oct. 15. -From JINX PURSUES MOTORIST. this time on or until the superintendent SUITCASES of recreation changes NKW WJ18T.M INbTnil, Oct. U his ruling, there will be no more Joel Wo"ley, Fraser Valley Sutherland SAVOY HOTEL Trunks one-at'rps in the dance halls of farmer, believes in the Jinx. Here Dr. mis i-iy. and with It goes the Is lii reoord of hard luck for less loddle and ahufTto. There re- ,lhan one week: 1 1 oil his ear stolen, D.D.S.. L.D.S.. D.D-C- Frasar Street CLUB BAGS mains for the llghUfooted section returned with two spare tires i i Under Raw Management Large Stock on hand of the population, however, the gone; collided uith truek next HUMTICTPV ;n n ltS Dra" Comfortable steam-healed rooms, by day or week, to select from. barn da nee, fox trot, two-tirp, day; ernehed Into tree same night; at moderate prices. seholtiarhe and waits. sivee, stranger a ride ami is hrl.l is Hot and cold water In every room. J. F. MAGUIRE i It. II. Cook, the superintendent up on the read, robbed of doeu. Block. Suit-H -ni MRS, A. B. FISHER, Manageress tinder the board of welfare, boos mants and ItlO. Now he is in Phone 37 Naat the PrW ftupart tlm Ihr.'.- dances iiieutioncd as hospital with two broken ribs a For Appointment Phone being immoral. jllir result of nn.ili.T mi-iinp.