THE DAILY NEWS PA(1K THMM 3 u gjj Local and Personal Universal Trading Co. i Launch "Oh Baby." Blus 648. i t.J for bous or Bl. Regis Tail. I'hone 45(5. tl Corner Third Avenue and Sixth Street 11. C. Unlcrlalf rs. Phone 41. If Wa llnoll Radiolilc 3.25 Hayneri. IfniTerlakers. . . tl . I . I'hone i. i men pen 351. V If Low-Price llpk Leaf Radiolilc. 4 00 rVvs A for65Yr. T' . . W'aHAowr on J Dulbs. City m 55 Easily digested-baby's MarlU t'i , if Radiolilc . . o.Zd K. D. arnvH la Quick-Turnover Sales best food from Hajjtra Hay. Lades Wrist Radiolilc 6.75 r KalrbM T all lUikelball ladies' Wrist . . . 5.75 i.-jn abftfie tontaht. n MORE HALIBUT Announcing our new Low.prica 0uik-Turnot, r Policy with Ilia Universal Tradinsi Company with .V. II. Me4ksVaUB and I.. Jrnvrn Ruaranlre, of dependable merruandie. We ar- bound to make it pay you to trad here. Time at Night a ifre the Correct arrtvaal 'taal arht from HI wart Yours truly. RADIOUTE WATCH ; SELLS TODAY I'NIVKIISAL Tn.MlINO COMPANY. V9T pRieliWI Moe reralrinx 8. K. Shane, Manaser. ee BTrflt)! MlIlrMe 8tret. tf About 180,000 Pounds Wat Mra. C. A. Ilanrr. "Pplrrlla Handled at Flah Eschangc We offer these This Morning. inHmmi Sjinntt Put Office If. A. HuU4rir8 arruo.1 in th of halibut arrival at the Huh Extra Special Prices ff niirbt.from Itfvara Inllrt lani i I hr m H ,. f..r Mio flmt claa flak) li. I.hriamolaw aad Airs N.4.I.- w. nt..i:t in.- itc mark. Saturday, Monday and Tuesday arrived jraatatiJay fn.m Port K- I'h'- f"l i inaj wre Iks ar-nai mil al-i: imi i h w j7 m m a nam mum Ta !!. ;' mi piunl am! i 1 1 1 v a jr ir c . jfizB-tt tne Martin Hnnn tmri t'n 60 MEN'S SUITS, Fall and Winter Weight, 20 GEORQETTE and CREPE DE CHINE r'lori in . &.OINI ptrntHtn. 'lJ ! n lli ardtoa rurt I hi. mornitia ibr H' ..Hi t-oliTiri W dUMrtaawaaa. lalecl elollis and designs. Special at DRESSES in the latest shades. Special al Va ai llr and It. ' BE BM I WI Hk ST mi - rw - .... Cbaiirnllor. II.OM fHin4: Mr. X. M. IMrbar arrivrd lat and .11 V 0 U J A X J KCl-. 60HI pound ami Rainlrr $30.00 $20.00 $25.00 a Mill iroa jrrraiw and i rrg- 5Ofi ounil xihi 1.1 Uic Mariftr bitaffd al tt lUi Prmre llu Su r J t OMHINATlON CRKAM HIKE Ki.h. i.. . at IS.Ir and ?r. pert. J-a together of J0NTEEL FACE Brtnatcuid.Hi..t!.-tB MOt IC.non ihmuh!,iMMtndo mml 10 DOZEN MEN'S OVERALLS, blue slripa 1000 YARDS FAR WEST PERCALE, 36 .... .... u J NTfcKL ROUGE. This is $1.86 Vrur. .0 iHiiJ. iMtld Ihr Hl. and Aadjli.n Danrr Nirirty lunishi Wbiol al and Mack. Special at inches wide. Extra special Pacifir i ihri at I a- and value for $1.25 Sar. Hrfrrnh- ai..r. ro.MMi pnd: fUair maata. $1.50 30q yard VMHi ..tjnd. ami fWnal. 2M Ornies Limited A.' H. Qat Itrindl-. ihr Vlr ltuiil id to Mir Kinrlatr Urta Mtnitta Murinrr, arrivrd t' luh'-ri.o al t t and O. IV-IIKX Tfcl. '3 MMI MUMd tm tfca Praaa Uenrar'la) nmht Yonr abate of 25 MEN'S OVERCOATS, S00 YARDS FANCY BORDERED CURTAIN THE RECALL STORES 'n rn MmwaH. - Third Ave. and Sixth St UllI'l-l. 7MMI a IMI ' latest daatgtts and cloths. Special at SCRIM. Extra special ' L- J i -.rner hni).'xi. MiM at'iind. "ll l rj lA Third Ave . opposite 2nd St. I ha Canadian FLh and idd O. V. IlarrfJIgloe and J a me Oarir wra arrffal- in the nt .2 j Yrec Delivery Sonne l Tif.- al 15.1 and ? lrni MyteKr oa Hie Print-, $25.00 3 yards for $1.00 Kai n. s mm fxKiml . Himki i.rorar la aiaht '. Una x.und; Lhrtnimir. l.Mf fNind and KtlM Je, I "nSPiakdMr "iRSJial iHuiid. mild l the Canadian pinsmnw at" the and lapth Mii .You will find many other bargains in our establishment 1 ih and Uotd Mitratrr Co 4HMah pUtom, Tu4ay. IHU 14 lr and 7r. mention here too to I N n. awjTndy numerous Mayftswaa, IMN ..i.a - n . EAT FISH old i Iba liiaaaaa Vtmk nnd Jaaras Aadefsoa kiad J. J ld 4mrnmr U. al HA wmt '.awgaian. Jr.. of 4t tMtenHin Hilda, romi immmmI. "f kaMkut nl IJikiii viuad .'f nnn Uiave, Hearl. n-aaard the nljr And Support the Industry alntn. ! Ib' ianndMi taal MN on the I'nncw i.enrf. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. which sujiKirt8 you ih and Cld Mont Cu. ai ietnrmi CJolhier. mid'-ni tnhi-iaw 15.6c anl fur halibvl Ask for esurineer relurnr I lal nulit 9 ,c for aimon S. K. Shane, Manager from Hewarl where be ba afwiit Fresh, Smoked and Canned Tb llrav arrid aftar Um ! aa waaku niak4ar kpetu.ji Fish wilbkdooo pound of halibut. Phone 376 Corner Third Ave. and Sixth St. CbJaf A. C. Mmfy. af the pr... Distributed by ANNOUNCEMENTS iaaial police, ratanrd lai Mail or Phone Order Promptly Attended To atftlM from a wrek'a trip winch I rw n l i n n i uai of Canada Albtatie liaanv lank trim a far ai a Prince rriday. OrtoWr tl. H. And' Uaartw. T" Nail. Wavlbelnta OMkaalra. PRINCE RUPERT The Old Time dam-e up J. II. Lambert, IMadtdon gov-IHamil i r K. P. Hrfil. id't. .'ii'i. un- Ila4tal AmHtal IHhmm. 0. msMsr wo4t aaMbaaer. Vr Ihe aillnr nf Kniglil .f RUPERT BRAND toUr 31. ratnram urn nitM as taa Prittcr Pjrtbias. (ienllasnen. 50c; ladies fHor from siawwt wltar be fj-.-.. (iiMid muir and r.-frrsh- ORAM) llAZAA ia ak4d of An. paid a Vi4t in aownaatsaai with l. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY nuneUlton Gaurati aad SL J a. Ilia dapaiiatenlal warl. ... Co ani S. S. PRINCE RUPERT Sailing Wednesday 11:00 p.m. for ph's vaaU. Wsdaasitay Vet .urrbio tie lb- -ure and a Tbursday. XaaajwW 9 aad 10. uanrrti ada, all elaimina- llriaade Anyox; Thursday' midnight for Swanson Hay. Ocean Falls, f r t tie IW Naval Powell Hiv. Yanejuver. Victoria paHwrify. mat b exaeedinaiy r and Seattle. A IT . ofia- to We jut-- it al th.- rjOBrrsa. Wed-ue.l 3. S. PRINCE GEORGE Saturday 8:00 p.m. for Stewart. i my l'it i. i.-.i t.jr flsucrm.rt Otrl (tajdat TVs laaBt buyaa. rind Yu will en-ov "i I'KM'iimMc at anv Paciik Coatl Tbanksglvlftg Iter. our bet adverttea art Ihor-aagMjp even in. and the Hum-:.m' S. S. PRINCE JOHN For Masett. Port Clements and Pine. 3o Hr ton. plaaMPd attests. C n-uinar' ihe. Kuckiey Hay October 27th. AM poinU Southern (Jueen of iuurtn a good quality trip t Gilbert and Sullivan's "Trial Coal Compann LiMiletl. ilanre in uniform. Charlotte Island October 15th and 29th. i ' my of our bard (ru-u nr. Price. by Jury by la friavr Hunan Pnaeta 1. if Train Service. WIRELESS REPORT Paener MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al 11:15 Muttaal S.-iHy. Nmomlr Si. i. m. For Smitliers. Prim'e Ueorge. Flinunton and Wiiitt,-peg. 111 1 1 1 luipand abate euvp4y geHU; gear, A buiidJne iwrnsH ba been H II MA KM'iH 4'jiulv : ealm makm direr. . . nmction for all points iu Eastern - c Maine;, groceries and provisions PriHwtrli-rian r ail Haaar. Nnv-inbrr taken out by J (1. Mdy far rtoiK'trr. 29.6 1 teuiperalure, Canada and ' nited State tl flS.atM reutM- aad allerAtkMi. M; nkhiii Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. EV to tn Rmnra 'llvealra kuiM-iaur. AI.KHI" lt Overcat, light City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue Phone 260 ENGLAND FISH Company HIV CbrMmaa Chaar .MNwtrd The work will (natal I ha aouili-'i wind: harouteter. 29.- Ketchikan, Alaska Branch sii.iw nnd HsrtartainmeBt. Ihw-j building of a eamsn foumU-Ua. S2: li'tiiMrature. 18; ea smooth. imiiIkt C awl 7. floor ami sidewalk. F. MiiliY ISLAM) Itainiiitci i Godwin is tbe eoMtrnator. fresh uthwet wind; b4nnneter; Hi Andrmr'n l.ndtc Antillan ... tt.Si. leiaperature, sea CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Joe al.' if work. l."i-eiiiliiT V. tiilka. ealared, aiMaartd P. O. Bo I 743 raugli. iu the police court h iMorniRR B.C. Coast Services JAMFS HITNTFR o an.wer to enargas af ault i,.n ... , n irmnu and vagrancy. On the f.irmerlHKt IN ItAAj lUnW lie wa fined 1 80 or M day bul uuxckSMITHivp. anh par nnnv ONE MILLION DAMAGES Sailings from Prince Rupert " " a a - rata W a a a ar m Ihe latter wa diiiiiiad with a BUILDER reaiMiiiiiendalion from the bench , liM.I.VS Texas. Oct. 17. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway that work be retired. T,m. Da,-Elder .Margaret and Rugglee Trucks llobinsau, CotMlable l.ugan. Ser. After raging ix tiouro last tlighl September 5, 12, 19, 26; October 10, 21, 31. r ai ranged for the buine purchasers. a fire starting in grant liajtay atvd Jhe aoeufed of Part For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle ecti'.n f Hie town rlrst Anu and Cow Bay gave evidenoe. It. 0. Ougbton. Prince Rupert, B. 0. f Ki.ber (lughton, wm avua-! and MireaJintt the renidentlal September 10, 17, 24; October 1, 14, 25. for lb defenae. taction, wa under eoulrol llii ... iiiornlwff- The total will Agency for all Steamship Lines. r (!-- Canttruelion or Ida Pulp mill amount tn spproiinwtely a nttl-li'in Full Information from New Fall and Winter will necessitate moving a portion dullur. . W. a ORCHARD, General Agsrjt w r r.i 11KAUTY OF TIIK SKIN of, our lumber stuck- In LAND ACT. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prlnoa Rupert, B.O. Samples la order to clear these aoeks before Mm B.lnr AmIi. bf mn rain. ml I.ImIIm . A.l I LtM. LlftS. J I. btelu!. tr Um m 14 I t'tMM.OtuU. . tli.k construction commences, we Hi I'uMI una inline v. nmmni uitirKi HOT rl iL- Ill V.PWI.K of mme nupen. sml siiatie tl Cipitm Imtaii .1: i arcani dlMPPMf. ... are making special price redue-tuiiis. cava, nil Ull II.n .4 it U Mtroft, Btli "'J mM In eerlaln odd lots of Tk air. imi nay M.rixwtio. ar All ur I. luanaua I a i' . and mar M.rl. B C. awaptuou afermiB. UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. I. nj, T'lTlfc kl.;ll W II tM shiptap dimension, lhase reductions lawinw K PI'i 'vr prrnMMiuq iu ihm Just Arrived draslle; will Ukr fnH. wl.f tlwnritiMl Uatli: ttilinft rran rriar Rararl p are liny i.MMtrai tl t BOl 4KUHl it lb. S.f , ft tUHiiV.Vt.lMla,r.llmf tl atr Hr."'ui rtttt. Tttitdir, I 9ML, move quickly. Hrlng yuur lum- rnearr S. rktlM aartfe t WtuU Rork, tr PtX Simbm. au. . u4 All.. Asm, Sunday, audaifnt, inrnt r 4.1 Huaw aarw. lame, mm rbaa Clllas .1 OmwiI. aae Mw Krkf A'! Wool ta iUa( Oct, tl. .Vuv S, tt, Pr. UNDERWEAR her requirements to us and save ,., iiw.- is caiaj hul in.r n i, I. Jta. I. . money. Prince llupert Lumber ,,,;.".;, ml fair tett rnui-a Call I.a ttaatMM, Mill Baf oa MUlsf Oct t. It. .lev. II, 111 BAli V A 7, tf. It, tt. -fliorcury Mannoiu. etc. ('ompatiy Office Seal C"ve ttl Smm AtMH. JACK BARMtLtr, AfMl PrU. ft, B. 0. Air.111 M (. alv. rhk Co. Phoaa 301, it till 4 irvUtuUr it, till,