USK MINES ARE FACTION FIGHT G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public BEING WORKED GREEK CHURCH Westhoke Four rooms, fullr modern. Sixth Avenue F-ast 13200 :: Thai Four rooms, Fifth Avsnue Kl 2300 Five rooms, fully modern, double corner, Ilordcn Street 3400 Driven MURDER CHARGE Crescent Tunnsl Being Two-apartment house, four rooms each, fully modern, onignt and romon Summit Avenue 3500 on Kllsslaa Mountain and Terms can be arranged on any of these. Pospsctlng Elsewhere. NEW VollK. (tel. 15 Ni. ii .1. No trouble to show them. o Yariakako. wealtliy fig un-porter I SK., Oct. 17. Tho Kllsela and manufacturer, H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. CARTER Insurance Rentals Real Estate Copper Co., Ltd., are at ill shov rarriel dnd from tin. m. Ntrli-ala DE Hffi ing the 100 foot cross-rut tun Ure.'k iirilndt liliureh wild nel below (he other 'msin workings iktlll friKHoied. rather Klrrilo of the mine in order t gel Vafradaki. palor ,.f (lie NOTARY drainage and slopping levels. ehurch. and Xanofon lletkku.. THEO COLLART, LTD. - PUBLIC I"he progress ws hampered for HUHtrililenitrnl. are lrnf hrld a time by the uufore.u onUsles in file i Hd Slip Police Station rut Ton .SALS Lot nd rt room kou ind biirmtnt tif ir pry rrk, SltOO, In thouiatler.uuf IWmxUvikpw- leehnieal eloirpe .,f li .inictite SSOO tK bilknr to elrntrd but good progress is A dozen Miineae.. detained RmI taut fir n MtrlRt Ifiiursiic PMONS BLUt M WCSTHOLMK THtSTWS SCOC ,0. SOX SS now being made, two fight men GRAFTING TO SPINE liy Ihe poltre for tuciionlng tiy shifts are employed. oaistanl lMtrirl Attorney l,n.' SUM tnkvrtitts C.mjxnf f Nsrlh Sm.rlts. I'he hleanin are sllll Umnpany OF HOSPITAL PATIENT ine. have w-ni thai r stto t ; T biuiI IUrl euoit; on tk. Cok.l. ! U tJUn promptly. pronpeetlHg Utelr large mineral Vafra4akU strwek Vartakako boldlngs here. with a heavy gNl eandle.iirk J. I). Wells nil the lat irif liHTrtiilT. oh. i: tilling a while the victim's arm w ol from (he hill parked a piece of bone eecn inches long 'lel.l l, Nei.kka. load of rook iepperej all from the shin of (heir patient Result of Faction Fight. 1 Special Lunch hrough with native silver tn willi an el eel He rotary saw. ears Ihe I remedy was enacted tu rfrey copjver ore fr.nn the silver gen at a reeenmg hospital nr enji"w. 111 me aya'r,lp'rs grafted it the man's final florde. on f ihe financial dllrct, and. The fanner of I he Hfceenn are rolumn, w tilth bad been ehisHed M-rording o the stories of exited looking ferwnrd l getting In wi mil tn rvewlve the splint, ami in If Worshipper. n the oul-n- 40c inttHfte from Ihe time he vra he lie contract reoeully a ward- ,f a flu hi wtiteh d by the iKsmlitton government ttrattKht intn the operating roodi Booth has teen gving on In the ehurrli , TarkirRtf TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13 brouati tho railway. They are the itataml was be ng carried U9 i.-'i . liet Ma , r Comerlv 365 Days a Year xeen to know wlirt her they are his eH by orUettie. vf the irk (knhotte Cbtjreh "5chcoI Toys and Teachers' Macaroni Soup it" the rmlraet direct nt Ily this remarks jle bone graft . lefcrsleU Pt and over 30U of those days iieuia rise ei-t.i-ilon the hihet price to he nM ing, perfneme! for tnberetilni Potato Salad had been w dnvole to (lie baking u. matte nn-'r Adrnia!on r -' - Clmii-o of in the past, simply subs to the of tin sp4ne-, surgeon have give. Ihe direction of VartskakiM. GOOD BREAD Baked Halibut, Spanish Sly 9 ' to r iilrartorn. Ute aleint. a man M years old, vU-om- aeierot donaltoa had Lamb Pet Pie Flie Tesrnre oil txHti has n.mpIHe recovery to liHk forvrnn) - Tryuu every day gel n iped to keep the ehiteeh pn-ru. EEL Boiled Mashed Potatoes arhe1 here. to In the course of mx month. . (I a Mile belter and a little or belter. Carrots In Cream The men iwum to the altar -Not strange it you like Rice Pudding stir their basket, laying them it, as you seem to, for we're .oftly on the earpet of Ihe mm. selling more and more of nary- talker Vafradakia la his it all tho time.' Good Eats Gale Notice to Public tona white vestment nr hi red oaseoek and point ! ur. REMOVAL N'W F im down bis buna, f law RUPERT BAKERY Watch for Wednesday's Owing lo building alterations Llbby s 8ll e, ,i.e. :ioo , j.cL and. urveying Um eun. TtlB BaAGkWAHKER HUIKS b. Ill, Third Avenue Phone 643 Lunch we have to move. We have tin, while th.-y earli ri.iioa waited for the enllac- till Wednesday noon to 33c, per dozen $3.89 r ( return la thair seal.. have moved thru Off ee and VI cKoumIo vaeale the biseroenl. This 300 tins Hrfaapor.- Pine, Red Dtood Floowa. clearance sale will be shert rather Vafra4ta aM: "WV Night Phones JO, Steen, 171 a apple, large tins, sliced, W l-or.orill. Blu. XTu one and full of real bargains. per tin 23o, per doi $2.49 ili i ray far the ttesyl. ami at. Wtslcrtor For Sale Oar Pt.ona 8 II will nol pay us ta move &00 tins Jutland Sardine, 'p. reaoaaal vwsse raaa thee good lo storage, so through Ihe ehareli. with key, each 11c, pr Block 12 STEEN S LONGWILL we are going' to sell them at dozen $1.19 Vsrsaaakos. lesxSrr ml a lar-i.n rifcn Three room furnished price that will make It whir a for itMrtliaa h Shaat Metal WorWs 106 tins Paa fearl Sardmr house. Section 0 $1,600 worth your while to get here .uhi to ..u.i Fatar Vafra-laki Agent for MeCUry Fnroess early on Tuesday and buy a (Norwegian . JSe aloe. fr,,m hi. pastorate, rose wtilte Uiey last, per tin 19 "httt We lhank cmh c - crreri ' - ''xs METROPOLE HALL Sanitary and whole month's supply. H fr on hi seat. so fast many For rent to lodges or similar Heating Engineers will be at leasl thirty days per dezen $1.99 You are going Um fast." he es kind patronage in I Ik j-asl sr.J v. organisations from Nov. ,1. lib Slrest sad Frsssr Stmt before we will reopen.' I'ienie IlaHtS, average 0 to l.tisnea). dravour to tnefit a co.lir,usrce ct tkr TttE lbs. eaeh,' per lb 2So "Mind your own hJn.s. Ktl Agsnta for Prince. Kopsrt - - B, C THE MORE YOU BUY Norwegian American Line MORE YOU SAVE Ionomy 5ttJl Cured Karon. down." the priest ordered. confkience. Swedish American Line 1000 lbs. of Highest Qra'de S00 lbs. arriving Mmi-lay. The heads of the eott9tgalioii Scandinavian American Bulk Tsa, quality guaranteed while It lats. per lb- -29 were lifted lt view the saene Line. Taking 1 lb., per lb 43o 100 nillett Safety Itazore to I lo bad M4 r atosHhs hotletl Oliver M. T. LEE Taking 3 lbs., per lb 42o clear al S9o ud men .truck, aad wnnsen Typewriters Taking 3 lbs . per lb 41c 30 Itoxe Wrlgiey s Nu wreansesi. rHio a nisiies saru Gary Safes. LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S Taking 4 lb., per lb 40o (lurn , 30 pkgs. lo box: I a d Patrolmen Wills rash- TAILOR Taking S lbs., per lb 39c special, per box 69c .-d into Ihe rhareh. There h REMOVAL SAL FIRE INSURANCE- Taking 6 lbs., per lb 3So Kellogg'a Wait ite (ru eneuuataml a seelhiiMr nh of Fit Guaranteed Taking 7 lbs., per lb 37o Hakes, par package. . 10o voiitig men a ad screaminK W are moling into n a piennse. . Dybhavh & Hanson Taking 8 lb., per lb 36 Grape NnU per pkg. . . 18o v in, a. He lelesMHHied tm the I'll i r ) emn- an,l rsliier lhan Iran-' nd mMad them, and Taking 0 lb., per lb 35c Yictitr ItoAetl oat. -!). ir-r'i4 eei)ltimg III "i .tore ., Insurance Agents, Third Third Avenue, opposite P. O. Taking 10 lbs. per lb. . .34o sacks 33c went to the (mat af Ihe ehurch it ..rth .-ir ahil I" Avenue, Prince Rupert Phone Red 136 Any fpianllly over to lbs. Silver Leaf IjJrd-1- Head Crushed In. .u..nK our sal. CVCRr DOLLAR C18M PU-CHU-a-.,ii his wife 1.ending over There, at. per lb . .33o 3.1b. palls 69o a i hsii ' 11 The tea market I very firm paits $1.14 him, Varakako was lymw See our Windows for rrwss. anted In bl seat, hts basil and Ibeee prices will never palls $2.19 pi I" 4le Ihe el. Store o.hed Ihe be lower in Ihe next six I lee leaned CurrauU. pkg. 19o Barriers Jrniture ued mob pointed nut Father month. Hallis. Seeded or Seelle, Vafradakie and llleskkas. A H.S. WALLACE C0.,L1ITED 200 Dozen Bee Brand Jelly per packs era 21 o wilni'ssc. were taken ! 'ii Powders, Assorted Flavora Mixed I'eel. per lb 43o .C50V. n r-0001 ! ie station with Ihe prison". FUflNITUnE nD nousnw- V'vlB frS. Single packages So ItaUs In bulk. er lb 12o While Ihe rest of the r oHrreaa- Twn packages for 1So 9 lb, for $1 held 111 lh- rhurr'i mu were I'our fiaekagrs for 2So Hoanled IVamtU, er lb. 15c J 17 II 823 Third avsnue r. - New Ilrazil lb. 25c under heavy police KM4rsJ for X I ..n-r i rrK auet)eMr I'.iithi packages for 65c ?uie, per ut"" lurtir until the ...i.ut M 1 is ,J The Store .in Quality Twelve packages for. . , .79o Pure Strawborry Jain. Victory i.irney and ileteeirvea af I'm Two dozen lots or more, Hrand. l-lb. pails 72o li.Hiiclde iuad satisfied them-.rltrt per dozen 75o Sunlight SNipt 4-bar car. V of the slory of Ihe of s - Canned Vegetables Iimis, enel 26o edy. Quaker Hrand Tomatoes. 3s, I'alNMillve SiHp, 3 for 25c Lfc per tin 14c, per dnz. $1.65 per dozen 97o Jaboin Bros., Service & Values Ouaker Hrand Corn. 5s. per Lever's I'anliiue. per tin 10o AGED 94, CHINAMAN tin 17c, per dozen. . .$1.89 ler dozen $1.14 amwsiaaaaaaBa SB HOME TO DIE GOING aSaiaaiSSBaisaaa Quaker Hrand Peas. 2s. per Kmpress Itakiiur Powder tin 19c, per dozen. . .$2.19 I l-oi. tin, per tin. . 23c the CM rioyal Cily (ircen lleans. St. 3 -lb. tin. er tin. . 69o V Wnol'YF.U. tVI. 17 I - Wc are preparea for SOME SPECIAL VALUES FROM OUR STAPLE DEPARTMENT per tin 1 8c, per doz. $2.09 5,1b. tins, per tin. . .$1.29 Jung, known as "Ihe Father of TOWELS Assorted re, 0 tins of earli Jumble I'sek Aple, t:hlnalov.n." is VI years of age. Weather. AKh luui line, per case 31 tins $3.99 I'er box $1.99 nearly blind, and wistful In spend While llrorade Turkish Towels with borders of COO lius Del Monte Wired Lillooet Netted Hein potatoes, hi last hours In bis old village in mauve or sky; when embroidered will make dandy I'cadies, in) 26c, doz $2.99 per sack $2.49 r.hina. so be I preparing to go Let us help to keep you wan gift. 1'ulr ............ 11.95 home to ilie. lie will le aecom-, paniel by bis fourth wife ami DAMASK CLOTHS Sanitary Market their twu young suns, lie Is ijulte, llur new xliHk .-f t'nderw.-Hi 1 or the small family thesg will be rifuelt appreciated; neallhy am) was a contpieuoua III.peel mn iur isii- thf )'r ' : i.aS : size 30x30. Made la splendid grade dumusfc. lich 1.9S Walk Downttalra and Save Money rharaslar in Yanauuver's early i. of the Wat. Uur I nderwesr is days, when be went ball fur, Ohi... '1-iirnliiiU s ami v aison SHEETS Mores of tililnese when they got um oirf t imp I .ESS 72x00. A ilrl-rato article ul a reasonable price. into trouble. I'er pair ,. 3.25 VssU fr I , Watson'a Silk and Wool Ladlss NO LONGER MASTER PILLOW SLIPS Consumers Coal Co. Ltd. The ulrmaii was boa l Ing TurnbuIPe Pure Wool Ladlss' irv tMrt Only a few dozen tu clear at, pair , 75o about hbi calling. Watson's Silk and Wool. . Ladlss'.. n.aairi Dra-sr'"- FOR THE BABY Room II, Snita DUk "Al la at." he said, "man ha Turnbuira Pure Wool... -- CrirTlDll co-u .a j his work. After All-wool Pilehers, warm and omiifurtuble. Very S!c Atib crowned ron- Watson'e Silk ana wooi s. Comblnst- h-i J Hierlng the land, nin.leriiiir I lie Wool Ladlss' T.eohu.l.. Pur. special, car In. age su, aud linrnesslng the tide., : , liaby's all-wool Pullovers, with fet. Vary special, he lias conquered the air. V have them. . just..I o you Uill H v.,r!: ' lr pair .1i60 airmen refiresenl the final inii'IM" lii'ca. -- " t .ouihiiial'"" uehievemenl of maiikiiHl. ah-. ves lr:i. rs and JUST ARRIVEDLADIES' DRESSES in largo aud "Wba ouMiered the alrf" rs-lorted medium sizes. Silks, Serges, ele, priced from $17.60 one of his hearers. - Ltd. to $65.00. Hee these. "We have," repealed lb ulr-nsaii. ' .ik vw r.V-i Telephone blandly. Jabour Bros., We meet all Competition and Guarantee the Quality "Uy, have y.uf" nj"iaj"l the Number 7 of our Merchandise. niaer. "W'U, jump "ul if u THE HOUSE OF 0000 VALUE O, O. MINNS, Manager. wimfa w six i - i.- IhkIi. mul sea PHONE 645 Will Take Ooal Back If not Satisfied. who'- tt.'x-' lb.' 1 iiniMirgU aSSBSaaBHBSnSWSaSBajBSB avolsmu. I