, TI?n DAILY NEWS. 1 : mi The Daily News " -ANOTHER VICTIM LLOYD GEORGE PRINCE RUPERT BRITISH COLUMBIA AND BIG STRIKE MAutO-SIlOCs" MinM Mm Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by The News OF UMATISM as.t miicadA Printing and, Publishing Co., Third Avenue. fl i c miicuije II Kvcn...by vl 'Summary af Hli Attitude on the ever used would aG5tV,l ytt ..H..F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. ., . ' 'tntir.VW.nAfttr5at tVli 1 situation. I just Tr.atm.nl With "FRUIT-A.TIVES" the average irivtn W a pr,Vmate SUBSCRIPTION RATESl LONDON. June 10. Following ; City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month $1.00 is n sunun.ir- of Mr. Lloyd, Hy mail to nil parts of the Drilish Empire and the United Htales, lieoriie's nlldude on llie coal! Auiew Iloldcn "Auto t in advance, per year 10.00. iiikc as pr'-arrd by n London than ordlAsry tire. umT'S ' To all other countries, iu advance, per year 17.til. liewspaer writer iilld baed ' mm Uto helpu to temcnlrr ti.on I ho lirillh I'rlme Minis-j rasy U yo lugt, the the, tZtV can buy. TELEPHONE 8. tern recent jipceches on the" strike sllualion. j Transient Display Advertising. 81.26 per Inch each insertion III" lirfl 1HIIIH I" I" ! IWj AMES Tr'aiisfenl advertising on front page f 2.00 per inch. of Hie notion that there are huire HOLDEN .ilocaliiHenilers, per insertion, l . . . . i k . . . i . . . Sf&c. per line. proflls In I he tninet.nnd I hat thej Classified advertising, per insertion, ... 2c. jer word. KranpinK rapiialintft are tryimr, Legal Notices, each insertion. ,6c. per agrfte line. in rob Ihrt itilef rs of their share. - Contract Hates on Af fllCtition. the iniiuts are not paylny because Con! ami Fabric Tires in all All advertising should be in the Dajly Wews Olllce on day. preceding price's tumbled down suddenly.. Standard Size tOtt GARCtAU publication. All advertising received stihject to approval. MR. AM Greu Sox" Tubas 83 Hickory St., Ottawa, Oot. If the price of home coal were DAILY KiJITION. Friday. June to. 1921. "I was for many yean a euiim ay increased the cost of every article Motor " UU'I tkat trrtillt Jitew, KktumalitM fix would o up. Rupert Company, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, Phone 13$ 1913, 1 was laid op for four niotilli There N n. nmplrnry In re-duci- The United States' with HlieuiuatUm la the joint of the waii". toil the tatpayem Rood & Frizzell, 3rd Ave., Prince Rupert, Prjone Green 26! Opportunity ftr Peace. knees, hips and shoulder aud was ennnol be nkel to' eonljibute preTenteJ from followlup my work, tft keep up the wnpes nf one in. . With the wiiy cleared by OerninnyN acceptance of the Supreme 0inirili repnratinii America now ifnds jt tios-$Thle 'that of ineetriciao. dusiry. program, PLAN EXCURSION I tried many remedies and was Ooxernuicnt control ho done in go uheml with u simple peace declaration which will end under the care of a physician; but moro to dcidrny Hie ine for 'her technical state of war wild lierniniiy: Hut even that straight nothing did me any good. Then I natlonalUation lha n million FLIGHTS TO FORT gAT FISH nnd SUPPORT A LOCAL INDUSTRY! which nholve! her of all with the cut lu the normal; riuirern . ait in U-giia take a to 'fruit-a-tiTcs speeches rould have done. ;";;iiation1U nnd details of-llie Versailles Treaty, will not. NORMAN OIL FIELD hoiindary week I was easier, and in six weeks I 'llie principle of the nutional EAT apparently, secure for her the splendid isolation which she rovets. was so well I went to work afiin. (ki is a premium on ineffle. The more frankly she slates her views at the council table Of the I lock upon this fruit medicine, ieney. It would mean n vlaailie - TOHONTO. Junr 10. n.ninil . liatmns-the better for world peace and for that reason the. presenco 'thiil-a tirrt', simpfy marrrtlo! U A of iniccors. trip ertirtiina from Toronto lo of her spoKi-snie nagnin at the meetings of the hupreme Council curt of Rktumalitm, and strongly army If wo Mirronder lo Hie Ihreals l-'orl Norman In I he Mnrkecuio Brand is more than welcome. Whether she will accept the parts of the ail rle everyone suffering with Kbeu. and slarviiiion and innke mi an river oil flel.la, in f-iurtieu ihtya, Rupert Versailles Treaty, which are iosible for her, -yet remain to lie mitlsni tdfiTeTrult-a tives'a trial." imprwtldeni poare. wo irlay be fl.ftOO for the triji. are anlil In seen. The Harding cabinet's altitude' to external alTalrs i- hesi- AMKDKK GAItCKAU. irretrievably damaging Iho in-ilustrics )m ronleiiiplnleil hy n company taut and ill defined, mil the Allies have everything lo gain in of Hie country. avhlrli roMia In rtm nix or waiting patiently until such time as it shapes itself. iOe.a box,6 for $3 JO,trial sIie.2Se. eiuhl hitr naval uMiplano Cnp-alile BRILLS At all dealers or sent postpaid by of arrylnit twelve pntaii. English Papers and Fruit-Utes Limited, OtUwa. OnU IMPROVEMENTS ABOUT Ker-each an wll aa shout .l.nnn Irish Question. ImmiiiiN of frelaht. The i.eo t English piipers.say that the Irish situation is gradually.going JAIL ARE TO BE MADE l to Irnvel Mten Toronlii runl from fiad to worse, l-ar from ceasing, the exchange of aliomina-Hons SUITCASES J I jlnioiitnn hy train. IliU ron-aummlufr SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE lielweeii llie criminal element in Sinn Fein and the criminals Wat Authoelied by Police Com ten .l.iya nf ihe fi,tir- among the Hritislr agents in Ireland seems to he going on lo TRUNKS mission Some Tim Ago But ir4n for the rotiml trip, ami hy TO COOK Cut fimh into required portion. Dip inflotrl fouler ami fouler lengths of atrocity. The .Manchester (liiardinn Work Not Don. eaiilaiu lb i.7Mfl inllrHi frtitn oaiu r. riac in very noi tai anu iry for 1.) roinutea. seems to give little more favor to the olllcers,of the government HANDBAGS Ivtlnionlnn In Fnrt Nnrhian. Ihir. i SOLD nY ALL RETAILKRR in Ireland thnii to the Sinn Fein itself. They are criticized for "Vnrioti improvement ahout ty.nlf hour Meh way of thej turning Ireland into one immense university of miscellitucoii-crime. " Tents, Sails, Awnings the rily jail, whieh wen nullior- 1,780 mllea. i Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Ltd. Co., Later, it says, the graduates of Ihis university will be ireil by the twill.-o coinniiion (Vinacnl. of thf fealeral ami! thrown out of employment and Hood into Kugland. Then the s.iim nuin ngn iiut wiiien iiavp Ontario irnrrnmenl 'l tjerra.' latter country will feel the effects of it.policy whereby soldiers J. F. MAGUIRE not leen timih. are lo bo at. ary lieforn (he Mhenie rnti te and police arc m'iiI lo Ireland and given little reason to believe lenilfHl tn nl imii. The? nerea. cnrrioil oul. Next the Prince Kupert How) thjt. their type is allied 'any more than the drunkards, looters ity fnr-n sra'Av.z Inabl the ' incendiaries nnd nnirderers that may happen lo he among them. ci'll room ihwir io that viilor The Manchester tiater savs that the atrocities committed hv the, cannoniave imcoliali nrprna In OONT WAIT BUY TODAY a'-e nuJJiiTig than for jof the J LAND ACT. liriwuirri anil thr hHler proler. AJUU'.-liM' nuire reprisals, .thec,liou tlon of oni" nf lhr window military. - -. Kll f lnUnllofl t Apply t. Lit Lantf. Foreign Exchange and Bond witt rueinlionil at th In Oiimr Cturlolir .ln1 und IiKtiirl. pnlir Co-operation Instead " Itrrbnluii linmri of I'nnre lturi. and roinuilaalon uierllntf lat nitrhi OVEttiMIOHT t elOriTi Of JRIvalry' Urged.'i fAkE oti:E lluil Canadian nh A nml it vraa deri.Icil that the HMlTHKItH ru::lirM)i.. llvrrmchl ppifil trr Ih-uii; iiim.e . piif he; i,f d,t : Aid Sloran Lid. or I'rlam ItuiM. ViTlcr Tr COTNnrtH , rjrliuniii-. ti'finilt. ft an. a till milk iH ST ! " work will haM lo w Kiven A Hcfore the Vancouver Hoard of Trade visflt.rs had liad an rninalUrfi frH and rnira nan lrtir. valat trtwlera. WifwrbTllml Trixler nln - opportunity of seeing Prince Iluix-rl last night, they declare that, mi-itd Ih fi I'MrtniTXilMrrllirrt lo 4ijr rir timlT-nniion i MUlHl'lem if U cannot lir ilnne for rtnilVr Honour am rh..J,iiv mi Mml'Kr Ve rm-nnl.r ti , ii--.atle invpolor In take iiiiin.-.t i ar.iwi.,i- " rti ."" Hulior from all thev had heard of this city, they were of the opinion iimninriis a MMjlhrrlr dlrfi-tkm a pl ptanira rnn Cmi on ladl-rl Ideally. Vot it il K'rkttM im or Tundar Inn nriee.. and ilae thn- rrter f(r iiii.i ..-.! .ftuft that it had a great dostiny and that a hrilliant future was iu store. r.un I. h. n. in. ibrm lie ft- irir r IMfi In tl'l awl day romoatlion.rf jiah-.of Itl.a i ..foe Ihe 4di f--I! or liidi.N with h. W el (or"'i etrliarnc "n ni -..i,im mi in a s. w. airrrutn tu mw wawr nii l'.iir, iiuii iioinl. a uetl n Ihr Hrtenl. f (ii-i- t'U They e'eeni to think that both VIOLA DANA PLAYS tutt tu n.4 lii al Uminwra. ta in Prince, Ilnpert and Vancouver will mc. limit let fl. mmrlr (Kmc bit uJIMva ab-rlwal iMMnri, H i I liov and ""II all rlaa nf fiwrmn lamnN r.ni)tr ml be cities and should' be'no wiier wrk; Uinrc norilarrhr l II. !. run,. I .. . . ' il that ihere great rivnlry between them. or im to hlrn ttr mark; imwr o T-inrall, i'miinii aorf ram, inalo.n n in ilalmt:. oinlorilv alii, ai.lir.iiitn.il- i.l i There is room Tor both of them and each possesses natural assets ri. i-rlv nrr Milt wafr maia i'i r4nl ENGROSSING ROLE of lt Imrfrr day of may Jular.im Itf.wa at,m the am otttrV f u-r of umi i lMnd fiiriiiht uimn reiin-l. Many hdiil. .rf.-, . j i. !..; tl two aiwt ruaUicHif T ri4iiiirfM-rniat tm and ' VVi1V. W1 HMtmtmaimmt IMI lie it amiiu he aold ai ptr-fnl i (n.-i. that neither resources lake can from the other. For the lies! ukt r li Court Moor. Vawir. ' development or the two cities, it would be hest to forget rivalry ctiimi I.TI.. T.nn II. JdlmMO.wild stori-.k i;o.. In "The Offshore PlraU, at th I rlarp. II. llrt arbtilrH,. , itnaerliiwnt All 1 I THOS. McCLYMONT and, rather, adopt npirit of co-operation. Bnlh jdiould gel together IMILb May Jrd. Oil Empress, Has Part of'OIrl I.. . Wartirr. I mj. eMreiary lo arhrarf' ami iusleadof working against each other should work LAND ACT. Kidnapped by Pirates. ard,n lb)inllhr reirtiBeikl of rMte Woak.l 1 All foreign bond sold on convenient partial , in unison for Hrilish Columbia. In that, way each will grow nud Iwtona. a. i' I payment terms. If datired. Drlitrhtrul Viol n Dana. Ihe ef-fenTxepiit The loseai or any IMKWr rwi nrrrnmrtn Notlct cf InUfltlsn to apply Ium L4. pnxper and natural causes will make a fair division of the gret arpflL business that may he developed from the fields of IJie interior, In Baote i. r.nttt MM OiIH?l. ird- lilllf arlrena, will lie eiiiiip. trtir tntinet of rrtnr nufwrt, and llii een by loeal tbeatre.(for in , , e3 Wurk latlaeer the camps of the coast and the routes of the ocean. , vtMM rnu. m imim oui(iii or oranie lannrry, smith nitwl. and m th stellar role of. "The Off.hore Vklwu. H. K. aV mllr rait north ! or Gnn Itland Utnt. I'lrnte." (he Metro nrniluetion ri m Te notice tnt i. Alfred k. vnnt. or NO, MORE BEER OR this at the police commission enm-e litnrt. a. :.. nmnation land aur whirli Ik Mhowinir al Iho Kmprena MINF.IUI, Atfr. meeting last night following the Iratr ejr,thn inland rolkiionr i apfitv drcrlbrd rr penniMhjn Unrtl: to Thealrp Ihl week-enil. (Tana f. I ' SIGNS OF IT AFTER riding of a letter from A. M. Oitntnrnrlns al a ishii planed on 1M In Ihix unilMlul plelnre, which riftlira.TK or ivireovKMCTs ! iMrmwral end or a land bar I U mora . " Johnson, chairman of Hie liiiunr SAV. or me nuinet finwf or Ijm 10. waa ailnplfil from the lnry nf Tan-- Mineral.nifia.Halm, iluteif la lhi i MIDDLE NEXT WEEK control board on Hie iiiatw-r. iIn Hanae 5, O.a.1 ntttrtri; unwa around nf F. Srott Filijrerahl, n pnh-I "iu Mmiix IniU4, of ! niairi. i ; GRANU TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY inr Sand Bar. latlnr in all nut narl lrr liiriinl-- ittrtiwr lUoi , Chief VirkrTS staled lliat Ids alwre ijom Wau-r Mam. and eonlamms 40 lalied in The Salurday Kvenlnir ma llw "Trill'- Ulivral "Uuii. anjooi 3.8. PHIraCE nUPERT n rmnn men had already notified arrw, more or i. Po.. Mix TAkK Mil U K hal Lt V. Yalhlore.l ill Unna ha thai Government Control Will Then - ALmr.n r.. wbiomt. a part K . :. i4i-i-.j Utrai fur J..n-n; IS- persons and places cono-ci'-l liatrd itn fat day of rti . i. ll. h rinir nut all her iiniimint jrlft. I aKvxi. rjf hrfuir hav. rree Mmer'a r- Thursday and Sunday "ldnlBht tor . Be In Efrect and Bars Will nnrair o. ittei i . mien,, miiv flay rails, Vancouver, victoria ana oih.. i of this and the prnjier eirps were LAND ACT. Am Anliia Farnham, the girl man In flat hrrnrf. to ail lo llv Be Out cf Business. beihK laken. who l. xlnlen hy a modern tilr Minma nmiror for a oriiiirair of im 'W ' ' 8.8. PHINCC ALBCRT. -rtiVrnTH for llie It Is expected that afler: June Not It of Intuition to apply to Laaaa Land. nl leal younir man, lie eee her a i:ron Oram nf itw pilrniMO-aiMrre of riaim.oblalklbl For I'orl i:ienietiN. .iasei. HuvMa-v Uy J - 'imI ana After midnight of June it It 13, when government sain of In Kanre S. cnt Land nutnrt. Hrrord- prevlona effort. or.awl(eetinn fnrtnr i.like ti.nt nutir tr thai e4omrnrnl a'Jion, before un ..im. K,iiiiii-rii Uiie.-n r.iiarloiti' I rlam " " will he illcKar (o -lf or offer liquor comes Inlo effect, many Inr in Middle dlrlel Vwtrf of lrliu-v on Ibe liiinrrt,.Wtft. and Wrll aimair snort ine iMnanre of aura lfilln-al of si.-uiiriJum- mli. . for sale any liquor, hecr or near of the local bars will elof their i.f KrnnmlT laland lmiroeiinia.Jiaim Hill tvl flay of jr. . tl. If I Tr " . .. ..Tuaniv-r", al 11:M Tak notice that I. Alfred E. Writnt. or I'aiin-i Wkuraww-f mORDAT, heer or to display sisn hearing doors permanently as fa- as ermrr Hnperl, n, r... nrrtmtlinn land tor- Ten Years j IX Win V. ef unh rt.W. ror filllllteni. niwr ..r..- .....- -- wmutf'..;.-I the words, "liar, bar their i'i nr. inlrfld lo atmlr for brrmiailnn 14 Ago ... , H...Miin ffll nil II" lltfc in r 1 room, present business Is concerned. la the folKminr drarnbed landa: .MINKItAI. AiTT. it'll, uinKiiiK iiin-i-i 'i'""" - salnVm" or any olher words signifying Mayor Rochester Intimated i.onimmrtnv al a nnai oianlcd on in In Princaa Kupatrt , irorro r.i J ninda and I nil' tl fiat-. LIN". Hie rait rn1 of til Hand Mar known aa "Han AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP , niHe of mall or brewed at the meeting llial the Sand," 40 rtialna writ or the north Kat criiTinr.ATE or ivrnoirMr.Ts. For toll iiifont.aion nnd reec val nn ''' -M beverages. The officers of Ilolel Prince II u perl would lake ronirr or Lot SIS. aanre I. Coail inatrieti June 10, 1911. OTII K. i... .. kc Third Avenue Phone Incnra arouni llie rntir catirt Bar, takint ".lanrjr llanka," -liati ralrh." -Loe IIW I IWFfc WI-IWW " ' Hie police force were warned of lids course. in all that part abovf Lrw Waier Mara, There waa n had ahooliiiB- nf fnllon- anil "Man S." Minrral irtaima, ami eoniaintnr' fan arra, mora or tm. fray at (he Cold.Hforairn at noon utiialr In the aaa lilarr Mituni iMflnMm il ibl-h V wufitli-r of I aialar liKinri. Dated tnj a I ft jia y'of April A D.' HI I. today, when llotner .WiumI, crni Whrre hK-jiKl . -abont to mllea tip ibe ..a f.a a t kiiranii HiT m a iribniarr knovs a v HiK siciimf: iiniiT ur kiiiiikii ro wiiu iiriiik-, imi'ii a kuii on liljcat lirar liiver. COLIIUHM. Alexander Malhfenonr brother of TAkK Ximi.K lhat I, l-lrla W l-almore. PAflnC RAILWAY II TIIK MATTEII or TIIK "AnMI.MISTHA- r.J.:. So. avAtl-i:. at arni for aifrrrt r, CANADIAN Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE TIO.1 ACT hl former narlner. Thn latter. Wrirhl. r.ai.c. No ittai-i:: iiorer M and who Wrirlil. Free Minrr-a Itrrlinraui !o xsnta 151 TUP MATir.R Of TIIK EH! .if. OF em-aped Injury, wan in .; Ixrt-a U Wrlrtil. rrre Minrr-a lfun B.C. Coast Servicei MAHfA kAIH-.m.1.1. tlKIXASEII. armed and MEMBER OF THE B.C. DENTAL. tOLLECK .atlrinpled lo faeape, Siwr-a Vernnrate So. J r.v ai-i'tinirr . ..!! TAkF. MITICE that In the ordrr nf Ilia IrlppliiR, fell on hi head and n'liiiii, rrrr HiiH-r f i-runrat a, avTIT w' DENTIST Honor Judir r. Mrli. Vounf. madn tlie Iny M(iiiied for. few . liwjiaril H. Unirr. l"ll Vnm Jitirt it PrinceRupcrt lntf-HHilli da of Annl. IH.. wit a moment. OrlincJO- Sh. Tr.a; liaiM Okimie, r'ree I a "HaiW Qnil.n7frnm Phone 575 Smith Block M,;ntrJ Adnilniatratnr of Ibe Catale of Wood, IhlnklnK he had hilled MiiM-ra i:eruarai .to. 11717 t;. and lolin ------ , ... nana kauniiiaiui. cicncauvi. and an oart ra alrr, tifM-rlal Free nifH-r-a CeniHraie I High grade dental work at the fciweat ' liavins rlalma atalnit llui aald etui are Malhiekon, turned the irun inn . Ikll. Inirnit. llilr dava fnaii ilw ilata, Foe Ketchikan, Wranflsii, -une-u 1S prices. lrrl.v required lo funilaA Mine .npcrly Minaelf and tried Mow lurrcf. lo amply lo I In- Mllilnk Meonrtler 4, 11, 1,5 I can five the beat of reference. wrined to me on or Ix-fore the iturijr-r.r.i In hl for a Cefimran- of tniprovrnu-nla, for llie June 13, 20. 27; July 20 yearn In jictlye service. iv or May. A. II. tl; and all parlirs brain out. The wound l not tinronae of oMainlnt a :n,wn (Irani of For Vancouver, Victoria and Ut- , 7. iiiilrini'd lo llie lat are required e pay rki'h id the ahove rlaima. Office Hours-Mr, 1-6 ltd 7-S. Open Eveflinjs Hie amount of liuir Indrbirdiwaa n m IhouKht to bn anrioua and, when 1I n'HTIII.H TAkK MITKK lliat ae Jun. 18, 25, July 2. 0. 16. 23 30, furltiuun. ho recovera, he will, fare lion, undrr aerllon at. m.i.i im rn...-1 jnii ii. jnnn in, a ineiwed Iwr-ire th Imi of nr!i ,r For Swanson Bay, ucean r-..., . - - . omnal Adininiatrstor, chart of allejuplei murder. Ill-cat.- or iinproviin-in ' Vancouver and Victoria Crinra, liujrl. H. C jiAir n una lain n Af,ril, A. 11. 191 1, , Nlnpklsh, Beaver Cove, Dated inia Tin day of jla.ty. The Afrrremenl 'hetween Ihe 1.1.WIS V eUaioltt i EVERY SATURDAY AT NOON. II TIIK KDI'IIKVR CIllHT Of IIIUTIHII from l.lll l MHIA. elly nnd the fl.T.l". on aneHa. n,.,.. ,. r M,e World - Full Inform.tlen Try RUPERT BAKERY I.t THE MATTER tV I'llllHAIK.OK TIIK MTATK OK menl matlera was. almwd yaler- Bags W. 0. ORCHARD, General "n IIAIIOI.fi CIIHHTIK METlIALr. day hy President (i, M. Hays, nf Prince Rup.rLiJ Menu., and 3rd Iho fl.T.l'. The city neal hfin Corner of 4th Street I TAk'U .MITtr.E that (i the SIM day of Suitcases For Also for ar. tun. aminnmirauon or m eaiate been affixed, hut II ha yl In or Harold Chrlttie Mrtralfe. dcrnaaed, lr-H'laii', CAKES AND PASTRY OF QUALITY waa rrano-d to lulm II. MrMullin, be approve) hy Hi nil liens nf The Bread Only belt materials used onirial f ohuiibla AdihliiKlrslor. I'rlnre liuprrt., Dm-lh I'rlnen Itupri-t; niid ratified hy Trunks Vrders for KSK II HTIIUl TAKE .tlOTICE that all Iho I.euiKiaiurr. LIMITED Ifrtout owlns imiiilra to tlm aald en tain STEAMSHIP CO. OF Bf;, Restaurants, Steamships, Canneries, that etc. ar required to iay llie aanie lo llie Ad-imnlairaior TentS, Packsacks UNION Promptly attended to fortliwitn, and all rrma liar-nit The 8. H. VrrAVe. 'flupert made 1 Vsariivrr. Ore.n falla .nd ftj arromita arai'ial llie aald edale are lor Vanrouvrr. Bella 'I'.ifaa VaiinS ilindav nolnltkl. Satisfies JostPi! Carom and C. R. biCGKBT, Proprietor inininramr rrnulred to uilliln Hl ih lliiny ai.iun days Willi,froin in Ail-llie it speclul yealnrday,trip aroutid Willi ('resident Ihe harbor F. M. Crosby or AnTt., Slirai Ann. ,;Ver Vi ill. Vrlnay a. iu. P.O. Box C21 617 Third Ave. Phone 613 naird liil ism day ir May, iwyi Hays nnd parly ahoard. liefotu 7IS Third Avenue, Prlnre Itupert S21 SaoenS ananua ;uin ii, mi'Mui.111. f Ailiuloiairttor. proceeillnit on IU way Houth, JI1JJ4JJJJIHJJII" f "', a""" Itta