, 1(iv June 110(1021. THE D,AILY NEWS. PAOE J. Local and Personal I Official League Baseballs $24.00 doz. 1 Ct. Taxi. Phone 458. If Regie Slazenger Tennis Balls $7.75 doz. rDiriTDrnuniiiiMMi miner. MACDONALD'S 11, C. Undertakers, Pbone4l. If tSITKRI-f i4t ptia ft irjrli.ell. McGregor Footballs -Star $10.50 each fWII-ltil l ,-) nitii Fur afternoon tea, 31. Ilefris HHtl ill it,, . ICufe. tf Footballs - $3.75 each M.List M. Stephens,your boats for tale with tf Fine Cut . .Hayner Broe. Pioneer Under FOR THOSE SMOKERS WHO LIKE FISHING TACKLE SOLDIERS' CONVENTION takere. Phone 351. . tf MACDONALD'S CUT FINE, OR FOR RUPERT POSSIBLE! (iaoli fur your Victory bonds Lines, Rods, Reds, Unit, Baskets, etc. No waiting. T. McClymunt. tf WHO "ROLL THEIR OWN" Alderman Kelly Put Up Fight to l. I'aiilhorp'J arrived on lilt? Have the Went One In Prince lae'l from (icorga niglil jl you wish Gcl 'he most for ycur money come Thl City. Victoria. to us. Get our catalog of bascbull goods. ALL J. II. K.-lly returned If Hi.' Don't forget the Board of ily la.I nixlit mi I lie prince Trade dance tonight. Saint Andrews Oeoriie ji ri.-r nllriialiiilt I he nil. Hall at 9:30. mial pruvineial cuttv.-nt lm of the real War Vclraiix' Association Communion irvice in llm which n held alOhllliuack. Mr. Presbyterian ; (.liurcti Sunday jKellly.. who in president (r I III' iiornliivr. il'jrparntory service ;local brunch ami whose juri-ilic-jtmn lonixlit at H iclock. elteuix frmii derail Fall In Siuei'lon' home made Mellon Alaka anil pi.l Tar mm Prince , i...fct i..i ..i. r. i i.or?e. in an interview with Ihe ''" ' ti.iiJv.: - . ,i ' it , ,i l-rld ami Saturday; also home inai llrad, Piexj i'ic. 33 enlioii tluvlargol and most lciilhulllc o far lifld liy thel will II ml The real Number J. V. (Xitlon, of Vancouver, h a(Hitiin. There rrc CO ilnlc-irat'. anion? the recent arrivals at t lie One Or Jiuicii'ifoii. xhiplap and Build! Build! iiirlmliiiii M'vrrNl from I'rliire lluperl llulel from the Build!. llnili hI Albert MHIatTery'x at eastern Canada, sit member of price iiiipnilil: to licat. If SIIUUI. ' 'tin- iro iiirtal leyivlaliire attended. . k : Mr. It. W. Keith iirriM-i: from You will find tin real number - Ihr lieael liulliltui tniitei i.ii m Mie ww .1 ami II unanimously decided lo:one' fir diliieiisfaoi, xhiplap and Slew ii 1 1 on the Albert lal nivlil and i lnins at the Prince Itu. . fv.ii !. rvirlirtl low wa ( murk. i- id- .pi mjr (rode arliMly miMirt tlir iiimrmciil fiiiili al Albert" A Mctlaffery'i pr,""fc up. lite leinleitry will likely lit? tow,ml limber fur llif nm.ii(aiuiiliiii f all oU at trir!i iiiiio)iilil to lirnt. tf. perl Hotel. iIkt orvaiiialKUiKfUiK.cr nia linl J. P. Fonle and J. ii. I.aniiuit it r IIiiiktI Lumber Company Im- H dirge to k ........t m .I MlMl I. ......ll"l.nMi..u.lllMn1'm l..kuu iNlxin,i Mr. Jante Olllrlt.f of MhcII. are anion? the Victoria tii(orx ii, klu li Mi (111 nir rriiii.rrmrnU. TIm- (i. W. V A lm. hI tho nrcMiit ' HiP'I'riiur llupcrt la-l ' in Prlne lturl. retfixlered at lime f.,(Min.(iiirt uurlli ..f irop. '' V("IOfrt.iwli'r' she will Hie Prince llurrt Hotel. DIMENSION BOARDS SHIPLAP LATH ,-rlv whtrli uill mii.p niiil.- n liillfiVUII llr liMilllflv Mrx. (iilWrl. aIJiillin'nl in flll' upon Hie Mis Walxon and Mix Me- SIDING FLOORING CEILING FINISH ,.....ti.....,.ii.... Offlci-rx ii?U'9 eity Hlirf Uuillan, Ivlli of Hie local ol Do Your Building While Lumber It Cheap. ....ii .. i ii. . ''"r'e Htr '' l"'paiJ linu and a ndlce MtalT. left for I lie mulli last Let uk kin,.:i5u-at. Um.h CHEVROLET LIQHT DELIVERY ., , , ., ,tiuir for iivfrllmei wurk accord veiling on lli Prince Itujiert. rcipnrcinrnl - ui ii.' .,(Ti -. S.-., ;l(i illl IT IHRri lir lllivfllll HI I - it WAGON. You ill liki n. or lttr lr llir il iiu of lie i.i.i ice Phone 381 for Prices. iltuiiinii'll rolleiitioil In Im lirlili . . ... , ,.,,, Oilier model 'ill i icw are llir :hi s ; ! I t in truck ll:i' truck 'cuiiTiiii..i, ii infill. Norman Allen, the Canadian! ,al Pi.rl Arthur. . . that riiiiipare with come Ihat are rated a Iwo-toii jobt PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. ! .Mr. h'-li.v ma.ie a lrrim..u : contraft for Hie iirinlinp lUploxite reprexeiilativw in ilw.'- (Chevrolet ' $9(1' t.mi uijt rar ond l l"-rolel f II, toUi inx car. II..1 l.... II ' ... .. - ' .. . city, returned from a liuxinexit " " ..- oj i lie ,-Miruiern ii. i.. .Miriruiiurui srn-ially known a the Haby Oram..'' ,Miili..n "f Ho- n.iHiali.ni h"ldjalll In,;Ur.riii .xorialion'i fall liMl In aiicouer last night. if Phone 93 Pacific Cartage Co. Phone 93 in Priiii - lliirl and. on arrrtiinl j rir ,,rjze ,PPII jp1 (o Frank l. Ilice, of Alice Arm, i 1"' "" ' "" '"' wuii 0e. liwaii A I.alla or UiU rily a iilnr to (! rily and i rei.l CHEVROLET DEALERS ' Peiitieton .' lie i ronlldMit it; . terrd Ht the Prince ltuiert Holel. will Im lield llie year after.I Kir dimension . lumber and lr. Mice in uceomnanieil ly!i! triii W. Durham wa the Uhijdap. I. I. an nice, fir Rniuli wife and family. liter deleB-att fiooi 1'rinre ltii.doora and window. lumber re- Dentistry-Dr-AH Bayne iieil repnetiuns.irie local ao. Him urexfra, vt any rue. The rak aif Caiirlwit-' and La rial i.in. vuirn tieiivery liy our wn car. Trace .. Xickerxon, iiivolvinK a :box Phone W. G. Barrie PHONE 109 11 II. Shocklry. Cow Hay. tf ili.pule in rcvard lo lumber, wax 80S 123 adjourned I hi in. riling' in Ihe MISS MARCELLUS AT Mrx. Cliarlex Kmbleton arriv-vl osiie court until this aflrnoon. THIRD AVENUE - POST OFFICE BLOCK l!tljcron Block, Corner Third Ave.and Sixth St oil the Prince fieorjre from SCHOOL BOARD MEETING iSeatlle. J The funeral of her Al lat evenina'x mivliiis nT the Dental Nurse in Attendance litithaud, wlier dvalh ix-curred clial board Mer. Siren anal Buffets, Dining Tables, Chairs and China Cabinets rfTiV llmir. q in 19. i in n e. T l o Mi Marrellux. domexlic laxt Hunda'y S'veiiiiiK. uill lake LonsrwiU'rt aiipliralioii for an ad- Window Shades, Curtains; Curtain Rods jSeii-nee I earlier al Ihe lca Iplare tiHiirryw muriiiii?. vana-e of 3,5iio on their conlrarl 'eliiHlx. nllentlcd I lie iiieeln-'l ' on Ihe new rhoo al Hay due. i Blankets, Sheets, Pillow Cases, ..f Hie Scliortl lloartl held lal Arlliur )"iialijiiii, of Kdmmi. Hsres lo and Archilerl J. W. Comforters Potter illsthicta'al to xi-C thai Hie I.-..-lit Mini im iiii.il.-.! hit- i.ii.iiii, nun Hnntn 10 i rinve nu ller Willi in fiirmatioii in re- m-i1- to nxxi( in I lie, conlrarl amoiiul oa paid them. aural I" Hie niiuiretiieiilx forfor Ihe ntw caui1 houe hen' FISHERMEN!! her liraneli of Hie xchaaolx aMirri- which i. Ixuiik buili by Mexxrx. !i uluili. She wax eoiKiwerrtl by ' Mctilffer)'. Albert, Mi'llougall A 'The Outing Season" All Aboard for Salt Lakes! Hie Ixtaral lo obtain price lilx McNeill. We can now olTcr from the varivux lianlware mer-' and don't forget yoor ehanlx of Ihe rily on a niimlier1 slrPx nrr beins taken by Ihe. FRESH FROZEN HERRING of article re(iiired for eqiiii-ip,,y lollie einimix!oii Ui liau Let us supply the BATHING CAP Lit. 50c to $2.00 each inenl. In reirard In the purelinxe? rlmrlrrs or c-rlaln club in Good Eats DRY ICE QUICK SERVICE of four el.flrirt own 11 wax ale- '' cmttra?Ileal on biihuiiI of i-lihsS lo rail for regular lemlerx ronlrawnlioii of Hie II. C. pro The Prince Drug Co. Rupert .BUT EDALE CANNERY - Princei. Royal Island for the xantc. lilbilioti Art. To aiblaiu a can We ran furm-li eer tiling cellation of a charter it i (lrl rrom Soup tai Nut, including t'HONK 134 3rd Avenue and 2nd Street tii Ulnavx, Plain, SlulTed or Mail Order Given Prompt Attention Mi Ma Cari-aill. uwinle.Uor iiiece.ur obtain a conviclion. IHm; Hike llulter. Peanut many ya-ar wllh Ihe Croliy iJiri' and Oliif lluller. Canicb Meats, Ilium' al Port Simpo-m. allot, de Mr. Mr. llaiurn arc DAVID H. HAYS & COMPANY iiaiilly at .Norwich, iinlario. of,,,avil,,t " l"'rrow (ruin for Chieka'tl. Lobster,hrexxiiiB. Picklex,I'iineli-laa-Salail , """rein ere uiey win vimi l.iiciimoiiin. Ml Oirra..ll wa well Ceneml Rnl Etlats unci Insurance Agents known on the inKt. Ijitcr they will return lo Lake Sofl llrinkx, "rape Juice, Dr. Sutherland Kalhlyu where, with their raiuily. Lime Juice, Fancy Cukes, they will fpend Ihe ni"t tew and Fruits. 11 "" K'niiiii Avenue llloak S. 1. few FULLER'S SPECIALS D.D.C. III I'. u im a days No D.D.S., L.D.S., iiioiiIIix al their xiim'mer home.'' charge for packing. Only $750.00 Cash Ilaaliiee )aiir a-ail of luilii-'. Altogether IheyAviU lic, (tone about Free IMhery, '"i- l"l Ital Cirauiery Puller, lb., lit Hirer months. .' DENTISTRY in all its branches t aexxad for 2.00",.00 anal a dendnl barnaui. line Creamery llulter, iUlb.l b.ue. ner lb Hie! ," ' ' emirc of paxxinir the Munro Bros. Fine Mild Canadian Cher, iKr 1!"ou,lIi ,ul ,,,M? l"'U countria-II, Exchange Block, Suite 14 and 15 O. Doa, 1688 Flra Iniuranca ritone 87 30(,lioii meetiii? niglil, it was Phone 88 Third Avenue For Appointment Phone Black 516 swiriVpu'r,', iLiniyiiwVi.V w.,,ee,,w ll,u,1 , ,,axf ,",;n w,, fwiri. l'ure lnrd 5 lbx. St.SO f'T. carrying on 10 lbx. ilnn. u.o.r .... l.l '"lcil 1'u,!,"7 " w V"" Hie poi re 18 lran. Suaar tt.iS," P0,Brfje when cars are needed for 3o7 "DEMERS" N'one 27 4-.n ....i 1..1.1. ii. iia.ii.,,.. i.i i.-wl oh-lh. Mwra Our store is now open with a large stock,of imported jlES' READY TO WEAR AND MILLINERY ark. 15.75 A ralher xtnmtr replyT being Pure Olivev (til, reg. f 1.30, now made by Hie poliraj coinnil.lon in Voile Dresses I.OO. - , . lo certain allegation, "that have. Japanese fancy fioods Big Reductions Special C-otTe'e, 3 lbx. 1.(10. bVeti made by lliu altoruey tfen-eral, Dress Hats Spec la 1 atleiition and prompl IhroUgh llm crown prosecutor, and Blouses delivery tu lUlivriuvn uuu wharf of inefficiency of tlie city order. jiolici'i The feller xupjiexted Consisting of PORCELAINE from Sntsuma, Shipo and Kutani FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, June 10th and 11th 1000 free ridea on tho nicrry- that liluuii) for certain proe- factories. LACQUER WORK. TOYS. PAPETERIES and a Ko-round. net your tickets In eullmn not lieinir successful ncr- Our Own Tea and Coffee. I hups laid more wit Ii Hie prose-l great variety of articles in BAMBOO and Antimony made by Fry's Ilacon per lb SOciculor than with the police. foiTe. skilled Japanese craftsmen. Fry's Hams per lb 45oj , i r Picnic Hams, lb, 35c ,t the ineriinir of the police - and Fry's Ihil wm kin..ntiii per Our Store is full of articles of interest to packed shoppers. Fry's Salt Pork, per lb 35o coninilishui last niKlit, Coiiiinis- Art Clothes ii:alily. Willi reasonable Catsup special, per bottle, 25c sinner Mardoiiald brought up thu Ladies will be specially interested in our showing of real Japanese price, a xlaiidard alvvaya mailer or ceiiani ouiccrs sial-iiiK Silk KIMONAS. Beautiful garments! kepi by '.ook Hraia. V Arivrtix In th l)a'' I tiut they weru out "to fct" Cook nro.. A Allen) Allen. certain individual. Thli piuc- " .". "' ! Ilirn uimlil linvn in '!.. l.n. Wkl' Clilomfi tii Colli Over 250 patterns to sel-Suit mice u'Vf'fvSlmi-uiouier ami wiiu J,'c-'''''''' ,IW -coiniiiission.-"Also, Phone F. K. Akase 6: Co. P.O. Bex tod njm Ortrttilt ' t from I B inS'riu- x if certain officers were not sat Red 85 61 W .HfJJ'.ViXi Jsficd with their position, they STEVE KING Third Avenve Dr. ominifiii in L: ""fl? w.rc not beiutf held. They had 519 Third Avenue Prince Rupert, B.C. " Prince Rupert 5?i.?r4 dm.fih.. .uiU! b r hand In their rfsignutions 'ttXWr "" " '" "ondition.