I UUW151921 7 rrllt TAIXI 139 .ml. mdln Huntley & Hale Hflgeron Block PRINCE RUPERT E X4 D : Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper. IU -J VI 3S. I'MINCF Itl l'HHT, II. II, PHIflAY. JINK 10. 1W21. VUHif't Circulate 177. Swttt tilff 41 PHICK FIVK CP,NTH Prominent Party is Visiti North PRAIRIE PROVINCE GIVES OLD ADMINISTRATION ENDORSATION AT POLLS Vancouver Excursion Reached LONQ STEP TAKEN ; PREMIER frllNE Martin Government TOWARDS SETTLE. This City on Steamer Prince LO.VIKI.N',MLHT COAL Jlim-1.iT.UKE Tin-1 . in Saskatchewan Is onfi-rf iirr uf ettai m tvi Court of Appeal at Victoria i.i li pti-a liiw iler.liMj lliul Gives Judgment Against Slsw- George; Gets Warm Welcome : a liallul Ili-W.Ip onTlie luij n fi-i-icfji in all tin-coat 4? art Company. ; Returned to Power dial. Iuir lx.ri'!t",,rl by 4 iuiihii., June iuf- iy iinnii- 4 itniiUH juiJi'liK-nl of Itic OuiH 'of lor llii- iiiitM wi'M a III -ilil- Hot .1 till ll.illlprilr.l l .1 loW. ntf.tlly nun vfuii !tleiiieiil of'IbV lrik AiitA-alM it l affjrmpd. Ilial Hie ISegina. June 10 InrnnipIHe rfliinift in the .Sa-kalcli?wii . I.fl V't.ii. ...,. .....I I.-.I f..II.......I ILi.ni ull II.. J'ri'iiiier Min-. of i rf- 'Irrlioni indiculr lliiit fi Marlin Cuveriimeiil will be returned l4aT'1'- le nre itrj " iiwj ,.i,w.is. .ii. u, u 1 1 mi mIiIi-Ii uuw,ta Aril 1. 4 tflryiti't. In Jl ll,.- !, Mir v i:irnirr Itntinl t.t Trade rxrifrsioili-d Tlii I sriHruUy tnii(lcr- r M.iiMi.l for (In watte," of min. itl jMnver illi a oe. i-raei! majority. Ojir.oMliuii grontw in llie ,., iln I'riiK'f limrge luI illplil at ID o'clock und Unlay ! ma n Unix rlfp l-iwuid-. 1'rllU-a" 3IllfUt-i lis fAatrl. ill flit limine, 'ilvilei in 11 varoui far on, w Plotal fnjni twentv lo -t ..i-nip Ihft eily. Tin' ariv iinrtilcr till person Mini i";n-r in 1 hi cva) imluti-) ! iiiIih-m in January. iO'D on ll- venty-IIve mfnil.cri onl of llie isly-tlirce. 1 ne reiuni ot . I ll.i. t. 1 . . ... of 'iii-jl llriluln. raiididalet ii lliati had heen 1. mil i riiiiiniamni. .vnnouKii (iicir inp 1 umru (iM-elfic asivi-nwiif Itist llif iidepeintrnl larger expecled. mim-iv ' pleasure lour, uiey re nil taking unk ii mure Much Important Business Was hlrike llien in iiniirif"- al Hip Premier Minlin an hi rtiiiuiiig mate. (Jul. Crosx, carried r- Transacted and Church mine U..11I1I Ih- nHlled ! Cily h liirge majority. Harri Turner, llie hliiid eleru angina a ' .nl uiMl pawning liiHU iiiuiiuii uiiu luri winiii uiry will tj Work Promoted. aliiarlioti of llir miMPrn. rweii. . Hin ilie of business lnr Ihey represent. 1 tine was OFFICIAL OF S9LD1E3S tylwn oilier rav- f a Similar "'""" ai a" '"Jei.ei.deiU. ha been elected 111 ba.kalooii. ,1 tlneii a I In- does. la! iiiylil lo inert them ami they ... ... ..1.... .... Tti-rr i.H. June In. (Later Sakiitrhewan vemlenlar. rieriiled . . mm"- - ' -, Uli - After itartakiiiK of a ulili trtil v.r.n .m!.-.I .1 In-nrly welcome by all Pi nine llupert. j DV KU;l3 fiUl uJlLll ofrain.l Ibe roinpany here. nol to experiment .with group government and returned thr -t 1 lia lieeii of interest lunrli. iii.nl-il liy llir Voiin-irn 1 Hi.' anl , f obi- enjoyment. 1'" - I M- rlin nilinJiMlnilloii lo ofl:ee for another term. The guvcrnmenf iti.i...- before teachin Prune Itnperl. al Alert Hay. Auxiliary of M. Andrew's Churcu. Ernrsl A. Robinson Discharged 3lEN ARRESTED FOR .iiH.rier will number aU.ut 15 nn.t Surf I11M. l-.verjr h--i" Ihey w er- icreeled a (lie Anglican Synl resumed its rdially an 111 I his eily and sessions al 2:30 yesterday aflcr-lliere - ci"?l;'T"" highway shooting r,:"r ,s,"'4 NEWSPAPER MEN hao been litllr missed lijr w.011. The elertinn of tin- exreu. eircnoHw air uriij urroiJiii iu PRINCIPAL OF I In- excursion)!. lk iiy taken roiniiiilli-r u liatitiK iivr, Alan Robinson and Alex .Paulsen .lh view held by political au-Susnectsd Hun' llir-y haxr wrv llir f s IttM 4(H'r, Arrhlanifi (llin mov-aiitl TTAAVA. June 10. - Krin-sl Connection mur- lliorilirx. IN VANCOUVER lilorlnl in llif nle 4n- j rntuiwi ton of 1',-1' rrerri A. ltoiiiuiin. fuilii'r a-i.tanl der W, F. Salsbury. Tin- Morning l-ader'n latent LOCAL SCHOOLS Imi of 1 lie "ini- uiaKr" and al 1! ileal li of llev. Jnmr lWn-liv ilireelor of (lie alaiiintralioii ' f;KU-vi today arr: ISovennnent, ihkIiI llirv liac ilancnl and Imiiiiu MrlUillacli. n fitrux-r tntrt- drinirt mi-lit of Ilirtihid-Itero" Civil VAXi:il'VKH. .Iuih- 10.-Alex . . ...... ... .... II: Independent. II; tmrra- Three Hundred Delegates from I. I: l.. a .. l II AC DTCIPMPH l,,l,"r'1 Ihwm away. Klrrji i,ury of llif liurch Mlnion. iir-.-Mj-MH'Hiiiiieiii. n.ani. huh I'aui-u'ii ami .Man iioiiinxnu nave i..., i- .il.htr..i All Parts of Canada at 'or tlieoi m IliU elglit day Irlpijiry wM)-. wbii for tliirly-eiulil been fouud nl guilty of tiller- been arrenled here charged with "n (Seorge l'.anl.y mini Editors' Convention i le In jf Himle merely a fec- years Utmtttl ainrmv ibe I ml lam l.iic a rWred rbeque for MII the murder of William K.a- pr f municipal affairs, U 172 oHdanr Cou4iJllnti. Tliey will f the UyH'j(aaa llier. where In connexion wlllj. Ie fraudul.bujjr. ajitymineiU JiteSS!U.,e.ji4,U4. ilmiU'LUu, .-va.no uiviyi -jioae. u'x-- IV Campbell, f Csqulmalt; WlWe BT'JfP'ftmity f that lift wa inirunn-niaifii iirraii hi oblaiiHng of iixmey rrom the' who wai. shwt lo death:'' 'tr,lh''tniiriendrni ' In Krdiierry di--lei-artmrui than three hundred delegate , tfttinUd on Tear Proba- when they rHuru l Yanrouter. d.iwn healbrnUm and wIiiiiihk r Militia and Or- iiishl of April 1 1 While -on hii trjr( uilli lvo jmiIU lo hear from all part ,of Canada at- . " tM U Suecaed Macdonald Alert Bay. the Halite- loUltirM and the f'MM' way ,"""'- Tlie vole yesterday wa. Ihe larg- tended the convent"in of; the Al Alert Hay an hour wan Church. The )nl expre-.ied je!t ever polled in Ihe province Weekly ?iew.paper' Aoocialiun ' IV an..11 ( A. M Ma-. prill. The quaint iahl of Ibe II 4 great eympaliiy for. Ihe wid- fdespile Ihe 'luirlnr-s of Ihe caui- which opened here yesterday. 4 i . n. ipal of l,w,,,lr , ii,Hh lllae were een and. ow and family. ; t 1 Former Newspaperman Gf Lpai'rn. 1'reKideiil V. It. DaviiM, oT the ri.;i in Hue city for illiree jn f nf t ntltr ibrrr A inuM inlereniing vle of ! KKiil.VA. June 10. Hit de- Heiifrcw Mercury. taid Ihal. out . 'I nially arcMiieti m ..... . nui.v. 1 .ia . thank wa expre-tl by Arch- nThis , fral of Hon. lleorge LaitKley, of 750 weeklies iu the iKiiniiiion i f the rl.-. frmnl ,hr rj r J,r benefit. Jul bi.bip I Hi Yernei, on InJjlf afj City Managing Big .mi ii f-if f r of municipal 'affair in of Canada, i?5 were now iiiem- i- and II. I.. Oiwpbetl, H-r,,re I Wry led an old Indian the hy-nod. to ine enennne f la (ue pasnairnewan rniunri. is uer oi ine asisociaiion. UWI115 HI . i .rineiMl al K.iii- ,.(,,,( IM4j a p.wli While he Arrlidearon t'4ilion. who ha D. lOl" I hl5 PrnVinrP conceded. Oeorge Cockburn. his lo the problem of getliiti; com- ; i ail.- ililej a nr. . ,(. ii.vee- er elrome lie worked among I Me cat natives liHl'ieiidriit opHiiicnl, has a ma- ietent printers, the president .me )er Vlif"' .thought (hey bad belter bo away ince tKJ. lleajifell and deep jorily. urged that siecial . printing V i.i.-h nine llie apfoinl. 1 mlui lmkr WU lt,MM lnr nln affection and a warm ajipreeia-tioii "If Uje people of tinada rould e indiirrd to use one KHind j f courses be given in the Jechtii- :!i 1- maile iternsaueni it which ttl imi broughi "f hi faithful work wai if llll more a week than they do al present, it would take four IlITII IT V"CITflR2 ARP !cal echool of all provinces. ' '' " rrjwlerel. Mr. , Al (M-,n Kalbn the .wean rer- voireil. Thnllkft were duly eX-pre.ei reighl Iraiii of :il cars each running continuously to nmiej 1111 11 uuuuiiu luiu k Knv Hales, mana-fer of the 'eH ij . rr.iiilMllon l i.inlv m. fallltir flier loiir- lo Ihe f.hureh MiiHi-ary miMf. HF"?P TnHAY association, said that a great ' 1 his vast load of O.ooo.OHO pounds annually." Thus, llriire A. h. i.himI of thr lHirl ,.rni Utntr al Ihe "a- So-rifty of Kmsland. which saving could be affected by free ''!) !. Uii i.mi, 11 mnrMiiv even ins ociely has mo I jreuerouly at- .MrKelvie put 11 nutshell Ihe essence of the idea at llie bark of none iKistal rales. .1- '-i.nl w- already r-aily ami were liown all llinmsli Ihe ile. the work H.f ihe Chnrcli (if "Made I campaign, of vvhicU lie i the manager. The A'ent to Seal Cove This Morning; : . Sl-i.li..ii at Ihe Ideating lal PacifiA Mill and over the town. in Canada far the l'"l sixty. uiiiliigii is being promulgated with the greatest energy all over Cams Lack on Train and Inrnnr cr tp Piif;Tii fc Mr ijimnlrlt Bca here They wrfr liniHenely lniireed three year by sending men of .he province at Ihe present time. Saw Dry Dock. ulljl or, 1.3 anuirn' "ToiinueiMletl. A dance Ihe flnel Christian l)-e 11 ml ' witli wtial Ihey mw. IN CANADA'S DEBT Mr. MrKelvie, who. is anions Ihe visitors lo the city arrvfug lU' '.-(njigi of ,Mf. June wii ul mi fof tliMM by the also nieaas for tneir supMirt. This mii-n:ug Ibe Vancouver! i Uir Vancouver Itoanl of Trade excursion, is an old tinier of t ttillni and Mie fSeiirieie tirvkiffolk -ami bv.bin wa The soeMy l now wilhdrawiug -villi Hoard of Trade visitors lo Ihe eily '1 hr fWl ,m1 the work I'r.ure Itupert, havfug-ouie j-cars ao been on the etilT of tin' liaily Report from Department of Fi im. alt rvied from tl wefv taken of the l?aieeniaker' ball, ivere taken in cars to Seal Ixive M be maintained by News. am. is full of enthusiasm and delight al bciu? able to visit the nance for May Was Issusd ' ..i.i.-, al Ilia uieeliiiu. rnwl ar. llie. emnduelnr of will. In future, where Ihey were shown the tlana-diau rily aiiuiu mid mel his nuiierous friends, lie is rombiiriiig busuets Today. lieu truelie-Ni ul lo lie Ihe orrtienlra, rounded up Hie Ihe Cliurvfi. Fish aud ld Sljriie Ikim- pleasure aud while here will leave 1111 stone uulurucdilo bring linr.i ninoli discussion on var-iou -villi ,,r ,r mtinimia next and Ihe renidenln Aftw II... Il-I...... 1f....u-l m,pulai-.-. ' ' before, Ihe citizens of Prince ' y"1 i OriAWA. June I0.-A de- m n ... which brought the Hill In- a male k! came down in (heir h4iulred topics nut 25c a day sawnall u the site of the pro- -Kivii idose llupert Ihe iiniKirlanc of ae-iw"u''l per e o $L7H385 , he ufl t' members of Ihe Synod illlo a inmor li-Mrlier uml and elicker. The nighl wa IKised ,mlp and null. Mel oilier by the lively ioiniiis Ihe other nails of lanuty pretereuce io 11. i prisi. ,aper f d Ju )(ay of touch Willi each : hi 1 1 a i trachrr. dark and dank Dial rrl o ucls it would mean an uXditiuu Ibe in supHiiiing lliin eiehauue of oplntoini. Ihe meeting province found l lm ... . . of the parly were lo Ihe payroll of Ihe province u w f ;(5.8IX588 In the "Made in II.C." movement. Mr. ,lcrt.as,. till iiioi.i in Ihe early honm drew lo a conclusion last of SI.000.0O0 ier provid- Iiroiiirlit bark lo Ihe dry. duck ... .... .. . . . - v. CREEK VESSEL iiiKlit. tuurh imporlaiil business Meh'elvie i one of Prince llu- year, o ------- same 111011111 ibi yer; is snown -v rieriil of ne iiiurninir. nearly ployment Tor IK.OgO or ..o mu .0 ,,, tlio;'' having been transacted ilid Ihe lierls warmesl friend in in flaeiai hiatement of the iiiimmI Ihe IkniI, Iniwevitr. iu Ihe 2M00 'I his would uautr uiey were snow n oiuer feelliiK of Chrintiou felluwshli south aud knows Ibe local ucimI , pers m.,,,,,,,,,,., of Finance Issued "1 of Ihe reception, of interest the water FOUNDER AND riijiiynieiU deepened, and' aspirations better than fully alleviate unemployment points 011 (04jay' i Surf Inlet. most (HMiple, having lived here problems. front. I At alMut nine o'clock yenler-Irrday himself for a considerable length Making a suggestion for This afternoOn launches will be njnijrcn IIIlfDCDMAXI LOSS OF LIFE morning. Hurf Inlel FISH ARRIVALS of time, and. having a keen interest I'rlnce Ituperl's part in llie..caiii-paigu. provided to tuke the visitors, lo lIUIitEitX LUillDCniTllll ivaibi'd. MIX hwuw wa pei(t in the upbuilding of tlos Mr. McKelvie slated Ihal various beauty spots in the U IP nrin T FTDWIC here and the parly went Up to Not Very Many Boats At E-x eily iu IU earlier days, lie Is Ihe lumber aud fishing iudus. clullf of the harbor. - l 10 ULW ftl rLTUWb '"r People Believed to Have Hie I trillion! Mine where they one .of the leading publicity (rfes rould be made to produce Toniithl there wll be the big wt Lives In Aegean Sea. saw Ihe workiuas Mug espe change Today. men, and journalists iu (he prov. much for provincial roiisuiup. dunce for which I'rince llupert is - v Wo Founded Elk Lumber 7? cially linpremieil with Ihe con-cnitralor. lure, aud can be depended upon Hon. Toys and olhrr wiMxIen going lo have the pleasure or Co. In Crow's Nest Country, IHl., j"" irlnnf av. .......j .Many had never een The following fish sales are to do his utmost toward furthering articles could easily be maile hearing Weaver"s Orcheslru, one ..1 1 " b'-lirvril lo lime lire 11 either Ocean KhJU or Hurf In rcHiiied today, from the lotJal Ihe Inlerosl of the north here. of the leading musical aggrega- FKHMIv June 0.--I, '. Moll, . Hi I 1, .,.,u r 11.. .1 1. l.lea mat exchange. lions or Vancouver, play; "'J Hnier here aud a pioneer -oiin- in 1110 iiriM-i-. let licfore and had no during Ihe course of his m tilt 1- vuii-.r li,,,,!.,.,.!!,,,, .i.i.i. .i..,..t- nuch plant eer exllkl. They c. A li- 3000: storit. activities iu the promotion Al midnight the party will sail ,,,e v'!, dead' at the bko farfnu CHICAGO WILL HAVE n"'k im,l i..i,...i....i 1.. it.. now have a heller coiireplhHi of Saturn, fiooo, s(li tiy Hie 't'-oU of the big work he is at Tor Stewart anu Anyox on their "r y1""' r",""Jed tl,e rf" Kca The xesiiel had Ihe iiiiporlatice Ihat such (dare Storaiui at U.Si) aud e. present engaged upon, CHURCH SKYSCRAPER excursion boat returning here on FJk Lumber Company here. pnr.,-,. rg ,K,nr,1 i..i.ja bear In tin- iirolnce an a whole. Sherman, 70oo Thorberg. A An Example. Sunday uivht. There is ttf be a irw ", Two piiKeeiigerM Aiimnir Ihe oilier enlerlain-iiiciiIm 000. In Cold Storage at 10.3c and big. reception al Stewart and tttn nu ked nn on bourd chip the etcur-skonlxt Sc. Another example Ihat Mr. Me-, Buldng w, Hous, both Ca. llyder, the Pioneers of Alaska Notice h'nbe. 23,000 lo Allin l'ilierien hrivte lasi tiigui gave m uie. hosts Funeral were -Irealed In n inv. thedral and" Offices Cost proposing to Ik' Ihe at a e 1 Irig plrlure shim' lal n Ik lit in nt H).7c and So. News' of the iinporlnnce of the I $4,000,000. big bauguel lor which great plans J. "MDIAni RAILWAYS which picture exrluhely of Maud. 3000. Washington. 1.5. rampaigli was that of Hie cigar tiuve been made.' The funeral service for 000. liullforit. HOOii. Viking. 1000 business. He said Ihal if all Hie the late Charles Embleton FOLLOW who exhiiiileil. lleide rititens THE Among the local U. S. Hie Nnrllt were June 10. This Arthur' Keen, lo Allin Fisheries nt IUj and cigurs smoked iu u ycur in II. ClllCA(lt). city iulrmt lo join the Vancouver excursion will be held tomorrow ulnYliig pleluren. C. vyeii) sltt'lched on end from is In' have the first church skyscraper morning at 10 o'clock In ""M'ltKAI.. moving 5c. - aud iiiukc the north trip goerninenl June III. - the prninclal world. Itev. John Prince lluperl on 'Hid line of In the l'lislucls Service Hail. Sea the K. P lo utiadifi riith-iayn. picture man. who 1 making Ccdrio, 0000, of Ihe. First tun i,lit ate Mr. uud Mrs. W. F. the Canadian .Vnlionul Hallways Thonipsnii, past of ritualistic All members and 5c. At ID.'J uUii taking lliem. Co.. Williams. M. 1'. MiCalTeiy. Fred "'K Hl.iiu Ihe inlli.ll the (rip. i Methodist Church, got Ihe (ilea to Hoolh they would reach from hem to the KntghtsofPythlas, Elks, '"'"ly ink..., In being Ihu inado flf lU'llnnee, 2S.000. Slmk. II. Oawsou, W. F. Ho. by Ihe 1-iNi.U A ricoid combined rnllicdrul and smoked in for a Sudbury. The- cigars id 5c. Can lsherles IO.Sc and and Sons of a requested l l nL ' Ml.- I "il.'d Kllllea. Iu the Irlp. A daily newspaper Vulid. "000 lo Hie province, of 11.0, manufacture, olfice building lo be built oil Ilia berge. It. Moore, (ieOrge A. Woodland. to attend. '""k under Ihe edit-ornhip Italy, lb.000; (I. Al Mr.Nlcholl. IJ1 C. liib-buns. lllig publUhed Vr"l,,r'J't' ''"J -.(rp- church's loop .r..iMiiiHry aud 5o. would stretch but lo Ter-riiii. lloyut Fish Co., al U.t'c E. J. Cobb, C. C. MrKelvle. form-erly C'C. Mills. of Mrnce will be l 'stori'ysj Hurry Alkius, ""Ken lVk,-v building n I , IM'C This shows clearly that ' 1000 pounds Thoio also W. J. CASH, E. R. 1 .".""July I- Uler the wlitor of Ihe Imlly Newa in w tO.Ko. It. (i'i not using enough of its high aud will tin surmiiuiilvd S. F. Johuslone. Mr. and Mrs. II. at H. President. of salmoir bought LOVE, kl" and chairman unC Mr. and Mrs. now will F. J. Tumey I ' ""dilioni. will be I'rlnce llupert iiwi production. wilh an inmienso svtio. Ji, of tin- "Madu ill II. C." campaign. cost 4,000.000. Hubert Wallace. of St. Regis Taxi. Phone 456. tf If llie people lliepruviacm (Continued on Page