THE DAILY NEWS. Flllj ", PAGE 0. -'"nil in j,,,, voNcouvan excursion TWITTERS OF HUMOR CATAMrirl REACHED THIS CITV ON G. H. Arnold - Notary Public EXCURSION BULLETIN BLADDER-I tti STEAMER PRINCE QEORQC Colli Inued from Pane one Westholme :: Theatre FOR SALE Editor Druce McKelvIe Qettlng Oul Dally Paper on the Weaver's Onheslra, oua of lbs A line double corner on SUtli Avenue. Section Kix. nt '.oil on ronnorlion. Splendid dwelliiiK sile. Prince Georue. best in Vancouver, Is aUu mak-liiff SI reel. Has sewer lomghl and Tomorrow-Matinee Surely a buy Jit $1,600.00 ch or $1,800.00 on terms or llince Mc)ilc is the editor of lh trip so lliere Is plcuiy and Niglii iHOO.UD Mfli nlid lialHlicc ill one nnd two years (fj, tiv !he Vancouver Hoard of Trade FORMER MATRON OF of linrinony Reasons In (hat of Trip.way. for the pair. daily paper. II i uininly coiun The prime reason of Ihe trip. H-Mon and either Ihe worthy HOSPITAL MARRIED as staled by lln ceurVkniils H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. nlilor hhs a larpc funii of wit or TO LOCAL BANKER heliielve. Is to meet the pe..phot Rentals Real Estate be Is In Willi an awfullv funnv Insurance the north and more fully cdti iHined. tlelly, there's no news cale llirtiisrhrs as I" ciiudlHons ill Ihe jxiper. Miss ElUabelh Atkinson, Last Throutili exeursloiis In Ihe past A few sample.: Night, Become Brlds of Qoef-fry couple f years r , Ihe Van HANDLING RED LIGHT . "VMJWs lo Surf Inlel yeelrr-day Whitehead. eouver Hoard has already pt-eiiv AREA WITH GLOVES Hiiirtiitig look rlii-ll'i- under well eoveretl the province and Bring in Hie vva(eiTall lo avoid kUiiik Two of Ihe most popular of this Is Hi l"l par' fb'Ul wcl." I'rlnce Ilupctl's ytini: person. IS DOING NO GOOD iil. I hey want Iu nrlianwi "Tlie was invaded Miss KlUaliclli Atkinson, former ulilp f. Miitry Your views with Ihe peiple and fc-'i yeMerday murium:. Humors give uialron Hi Ueiieral llospllnl iKtio Ihe iwlurol bnrrii i -Ihal Question of Car Parking Near nnd' tiwiffrey WhileJitrad, nc-rouulanl away I'ayue." is Old Gold '-' Comoi Avo. Again Discussed "Nunled- Ihe latest danriflK In (lie local hrunrli of have seemed to separate l Vancouver from uIIht parts by Police Commission. steps, sliHohlcs. slides, winkles, Ihe Unnadiau Hank of tVjiiimeiTe. the province. Tliey desire t" Nearly every one lias some old and wobbles. Apply T. S. Jutt were married last evening al 8 The all nijjhl pnrlriiiK or taxi Jnarn Ihe local points of view j;old jewelry around which is iu Hie 'vicinity of (Union Avenue Itixoti." o'cliK-k. with the objeel of fm oilliK cbei. j of dale nut (a 'Ilie happy tnetit. whlrb uul ur use. ''Mi Neln vvnleliln lite was dealt with nt the police eonu rr r-oerulion in Ills develup- We ran make it over inlo tuition meeting last eveninj. Miliars tin the Veiilure umkilt place In SI. Andrewa And lean loelil of Ihe whole province. Kiuiie new design r pay you C.ommiyxioncr Macdonald t.ied taxi to the doOk al Surf Inlet : (church, whs witnessed hy a J. I. t. Malkin. president of cash for. what Co nut need. 1 .ou't he how IhiKe two inen lare itumher of fn-ids who hnd you thai (here wnx too inueh of an Ihe Vancouver IWmrd ts inakinn JESSE L, LASKY " assembled for lic orraitiu Hi" frtttntt Von may fo surpriyrd vbal ineliHation to abhor t Ihe word '11 (Kill that his le'ul.' Sruc Arclihishop J'. H. l'wi- the I rip ami W. K. I'ayne. the you chi) do with some seoin-ificly "xeslrirled district" and handle LIS K ELSE HOT SPHINGS. ' cier (ifflrialv.1 and was assisted ioerjfetle and aciiv secretary useless article.. the situaliou with ttlnvcs. 'The i Keiierullnliuo. Ilie WALLACE , Transfer is net UK As l.akeUe Hot Srliigii hy llev. (Union li. A. Hlx. Iur-luir sooner Ihe authorities get down rmprles wine tif Vat-eowier'e parly John Bulger Line, Opri-iiUnf curs ami trucks the ceremony. Mrs. HI play- nni. rrcmcniie that surh exixts.j inl proinineni bui-ne from Terrace, earrylnu paien- til the Wcildiui: March. Jeweller Ihe sooner wijl il he ul oul of iiihi liiclujliia (leperal J. r. feeidlil ami iKurgafte. Hales: (liven away by II. T. Willed. business. J n retard to I lie pro-1 Huff Mimrl, J. A. TtriMVHfii, HEID $3 per perwoi each way or ?& re I lie brhle w ns tiuallendet. The liiliilinc of parkin;.- of taxi in Aid. I. II. Kirk. 0. Si. IIoMoii. J. GIFTS THAT LASTi turn if comiiDt hark Mime day.' (rrtMtni was arrumpanietl by HkkIi Dial vicinily, Ihe eoiionsioiier Slillweli taule. (UiplBin lUrney Freight and I skuhjc one c"nl ir TtMtker. who ncted a lst loan. mentioned il dini Jwhiitnu. Mnpr J. I'. Ilrandl. that wan Ifina IN pound. We meet, all trains. pleasint; slitht was tliwttli With the flul in view of slopplux1 John Itariodey and miliar loo I'l'Olllpt Si'rv ire. Careful d iving way which was furmet! .by the UM(leVKiHg , oMTutioUM that ar' Wire or write fur information. -lli (ilrl Suldes, under Miss IVlff numerous to mentkisi. "EXCUSE -n il lo he joiinp mi anomd there. The Visitors. iHiknif Wiiite. Terrai e. It. Tremayite. and lenenth whleh Mayor ltorheler wa in accord The col I re liV of the visitors the bride (Missed when Itvavintct Willi Ihe view .1 Ccmiiiiii-HioTier of the day follows: I ho chureli MY DUST i Mnrdonald ami stl,e1 Ihal he ilk'. l.nlrr n. bridal reception ainl; Mr. ami Mrs. J. I. It. MaJUn. MOIR'S 1 Mr. and Mrs. II. Welfnrd. Mr. not can who knew- it. WEEK-END SA'saaliliasif IsrMftH V t fks.1 tJk'a at fit am lit I QSirvmo'Miljfrlaaft&icivs r.oiiimi!ioiier Mytiill-Jone ai the home of Captain and Mrs. ,r' 'r'TTT ..... iml last uipht. 1 liHi Mm. v . j. nissr nu. i- present r.ut II. I.. Uobcrsou. Seventh SPECIALS S'j );urted !v jreat fast includirjf Chocolates fAvenue Kal. Tliere were pre. I And Mrs. S. A. (frown. Mr. and JULLY MARSHAL!. THEAPOKK ItOHERTS, eul teside (he bride and Kroom: . . i r- .i till YOU CANNED GOOD3. Captain and Mrs. Hooerson. Mi f1"' J '""""r. ... ". ANNA LITTLE and other. Mallli,'- Il l prit-.i- :"-, ! ICIIett. Mr. aud Mrs. I.. COME 40c ' lex. Mr-. Tyr-i Mrs. and; Mfu'r' .M,r" J"' Paramount Magazine ' Malkin'ft ltet Jtnyai Ann' ' TumU. Mr A laborer is worthy of tier i:herrir. Sjpi 5c KBKert. Mr. nlW Mr. II. T. W II. ,,t,u,- hire and a little bjt more. FIRST iualwr llni I'dled Clin rn-.s i led. Mi.'s Jen Willell. laftiMNi.MJ Ambfatm. Mr Burton Holmes Travelogue "Alsatian Days" When your stenographer Tllr lllliriurr (Nillrv nl fur t. Heavy pack 35c. 3 tins ! does good work make tier iu will folio Mir ulithn. II $1.00 I lor "Man from Mrs. W. It. lllxmns of Comedy, Egypt" happy witb a box of Mom's. lll wriuni M (ttp yusiartr flrt Sliced Kidhiwiu? llir n-'epl i.Ht. Mr.' Kinrt!mre I'iueuppte. Victoria. Iierite II. Ahwetl of Overtime lowl iu nrtnorrtlliin. Bl u It l "iir and Mrs. AVhlt. liead left for the terrors, .. , . U 2 for 35c; 6 51.00 j t. .1. .i I'rices - 15c ard UUMW lo I I Ujt t HTilnv II u and become Jpothxki" nur duty lo innurr J..11 iltt t'-l Motile Hirwl I'eacln-n. i more Interesting when be rjrm(sunres titiM In itlsft.'. 30c t ,H i.d a three week iday. ,"U.)'t !?.,MI?:;Mr;. I1M" is tatting such a reward. Yttur p-ilUT UJ d all Uul id They will return to the cily and I.ihhyV Itartlelt . lear. J. it. Ker lloutxate, H. T. Scarlet I Inrnriurr fmity etn. II lu oanrn. ( take up their residence in tlie Who cares how hard one tatu 30c ; I.. I., llordnii, Mr. and Mrs J rrluibunmieat Kill firilnw nrtil uu Summit A in. pari men Theatre works when one receives IK lierl. WtNW rrwwsl daU- rmi, I dtMelricl!. in talU j llarnsley. V. WHkitt-m. J. 1 The Empress such sweet appreciation. Ju mJf WSmnnplr'-twliSeit an" llrandt. C. II. Iiuiiniells. Mr. and Mirh iVUII will lit Ukro uT Thr mav t- -itiettnnr yon rsrr Combination SpeclaL Mrs. T. II. Kirk. I.. II. I.u-by. tij u ,mi tbr dl W arr iiilbMl nant K th rlsaaiAMt rnliimn t.uaker -Twiialoe. 2, Arthur Tii.dle. J. H Amiable -I and Tomorrow U f t mi lltr Juli. lUr uur man t j Tonight ralL Irvinx (lorn. 2s. i Nelw.n. C. II Jenny. W. K. I'ayne Ijuaker l'e, 2s. ! T. i. Mrl.ay. Mr. Hmniina. Miss Sales Agent McCaffery, Gibbons & Aorlrc eijuat ijoaiililies ) Me!cd f New Wesllliinsler. John L. Christie Doyle, Ltd. j of earli. mt dux. . . . 51.90 DE LUXE Mr. ami Mrs. II. A. Jones. Mr Dainty Viola Dana Watch this Spree for an.t Ml V-l. V-tnal Ml.a Vol. Insurance Real Estate IVince Rupert, B.C. j Additional Specials. II V I K r A iVl """ ot v"w We.imln.ler. S 1J pbon. 11 P.O. Koi 1628 ATJ IN XV-.L. Standard of Kntpire I'ump- j SinMli. W. K. Hlarni and Mi-s kin. Z-IU. tins. 3 for 25c Having en lurked iur premises uiKi. Mr. and Mrs. II. r. "The Off-Shore Pirate" Maid til .Vi-r I'reaoiery i and installed modern machinery. l,,Mr. ( Vlrt ona. James May-we Holler in hulk 3 lbs. 51.25 i are lli'.rmihly eUiipHl l "narj-. Mchol TlMHnpsofl. Her-lake "Ruth of the Rockie,M E uode G H I" lii an. huaar 9 lbs. 51.00 rare of our cvei-ifu'wniif Ice Itonnaii. Hoy MrKarlane liioil. tit 111-. lo em li I Cn-ain trade. ('eoeral and Mr, lluff Sluar'. i tiliticr The iiiredieiils lined iii "1 e i Captain and MrW. Ilatrd. Me, and Luxe" Ice Cream are i.f the lfc-t, 'Mrs. It. Kenton of New Wetiiin-our Th? Univer sal We buy American Cur cream In-in;; impurlco frimer. Mrs. W. T. Hunter. K. W the south tri-wrrkly. . Keimlysid, Mr. awl Mrs. II. Dl 1 Nt w rvisrait rency, Silver, Gold or lea Cream la made dally on our Tobln.of Vlclorti, II. M. IiIkkmi Helgerson Block BilU premises In three flavors Vanilla, of Victoria. C I ten tall. Mr. and k " kl arsl I'urnac Coal will sun"" y Mors 8trawberry and Chocolate. Mrs. T. W. Flelclier. Mr. and CONSUMtHS COAb COMPANY. "M".. Atrents for We also specialize in Neapolitan Mrs. II. K. llldley of NrW Wesl-tnlnslrr, fiocm II Smith Hum J. Iasie Ma !.. Msnsw l""""' ni Fit-Rite Clothinjr and Davis Storm Resista Rain Coals Rupert Table Supply Co. bricks. tlalvrrt Klmp.on, Miss We solicit order for Teas. M. A. Orccii, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. PHONES HI. H2- I aiicr. etc.. mid all orders are Thompson Of Krlowna. J. SMII-well $25 75c given c penal allriiliot) and delivered (ule of Tv'ew Wellililllei . by our own automobile. Waller Cliiie. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. 50 Men's and Young Wemake prompt shipments of Moullon. Mr. and Mrs. W. IL The Mens Silk Knit Ties Mountain Park oul of town orders llucknall. A. J. Chalmers, Mr. and Men's Suits Mrs. J. II. lUle of Xew Wesl. Values up to $2 00. Wholesale In minster. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Tee. Coming! Sires 33 to 42. Formerly Holidays are 5 gallon lota $1.95 Special IKirlrn, Mr. and Mrs. C. I.. Kirk $35 to $50. Special at Black Diamond and upward J. II. lllark. J. MrCallum of $25 75c each (Great West Coal Co. Ltd.; per kuII'ih Victoria, M. II. Jackson, Fred Two Stores Weaver, Alei. Shaw and J. Cairns. Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Jones. Outfit your boys now iu rendiness for Boys' Pants i Girls' Dresses COALS Royal Confectionery Mrs. William MrOueen. II. W. vacation time (irimmeii. Captain and Mrs. It. in Our stock arc complete i DeLuxe Confectionery I.. Aid Johnson, Klnir. Itobcrt Size's, 20 to 26 Regular j Regular $3 to $5. We hki'IiIr Injve in thin been dintricl pnOlC.for Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. i Cullman, Jr.. W. N. MrOillU. Mr. $2 value. Special at ! Special at there well known coals. The Phone 17 and 193 and Mrs. s. li. J owicr, J. () Oor-. Boys' Pants Special Prices f man, J. Hose, II. A. MrKelvlr. former Is liiluniinous 'al $1.50 i $1.50 to $2.00 and the Ijiller a ih a etib-hi-luiiiinotis Mr. nnd Mrs. II. 1. lllicuian. Miss this week Neilson I.ockey, Nicbolsiiii. Jr.,, c-oul. bolh of llrst Caplain A. II. MrCalliwn nf VmJ Shoes Tweed -las Running quality. Boys' loria, Kruest Mayuary lind Jameif Full line LADIES' SILK UNDERWEAR and 'J Im- Jllack Diamond coal hits The Inlander Maytiary of Victoria, Misses V. SILK DRESSES at less than cost a Ktenler sale lt IaIiiuiiiIoii atid'i;. Cass pf Vielorla, W. I. Underwear Pants Summer than oilier .doiuulic any Flrat Claaa Boarduif Heuss Mullen of Victoria. coal. I'rirvs delivered sacked Ladies' Botany Serge Girls' Jack Tar Togs -Mountain 1'a.rk. 115.00 10 SM4 A.Alranu IU knlna. frufirlctur f Sun 117 BIRTH. SUes 25 lo 30 tier Inn; jllark Diuiuond CaThmere $1.75 Skirts Middies sereeid lump. (14.0(1 per A sou was born lo Mi and Mrs. $15 values. Special at tun. Unsarled, l 1.25 and V. Merkley.'of Terruce. at the 35 from i3.26 respectively. I'roper (Sejicral Hospital on Juno W. Suits Sizes 31 to $7.50 $2.35 to $7.50 each weihl uuiirtillleed. (lull take phone red 157 .'in Bathing orders now, for delivery 17th Ciivti lh preference when you June mo uflrr. buy to Ihn inert'lianl who advertise etc Come In and look around. We are expecting- a full line We feel sura iT you xive In the daily newspapers and of Indies' and Gentlemen's Ready to Wear, of all the iiir couls a trial that you buy advertised kuous. f latest styles will Jim thoroughly hUlislled. Universal Trading Co. Pliilpott, Evitt & Co. Chartered GEORGE and Auditor.Accountant RORIE . Machine UAVE and Your Method.1'rsised Suit by Price our Cleaned reason Steam Jabour Bros., Limited Helgerson Block Hay Block, 1st Floor of itorta A Smalt.frlnaa C.A.,Hapart Vaowiuvar and able. Give u a trial Phone Green 317 and 555 niONE Federal MT Bulldlntf r.O. Boa Ml LING, TAILOR E!1 Corner Third and Seventh.