THE f ews FAGE TWO DAILY N CHILDREN LIKE AIR SAINT JOHNANB, Sept, 22 “Kathryn likes to stay places, while I like to hurry off to the next city. It’s heaps of fun seeing fiew places, and meeting people. Most everywhere we look for the children first.” The speaker was six-year-old Ja- nét Lee of the “Flying Hittchin- son” family who recently made Saint John their first stop in a proposed flieht to London, Bhe- larid. via Anticosti; Labradlor, Greenland, Iceland aha@ the Faroe Islands) Kathryn, two years iter senior, had voiced the opinion she was havine a gorgeous thme and would be reluctant to continue on the next leg of their jourhey to Aniticosti so soon. “Since we arrived,” Kathryn re- marked, “we Lave seen such won- derful beaches and I dearly love swimming. But in three hours after taking off, we hope to reach Anti- costi. that ts, of course, if we have luck. With good tail winds, we'll get there in two and one-half hours, but if we run into cross winds we may get lost and never reach there —so there you are!” G-E De Luxe Console Kathryn was very nonchalant $189 about her experiences in the air. “I Comptete with often take the wheel,’ 'she said, “but , 12 New Type G-E Radiotrons of course it is very simple to steer a ship and keep her steady on her is - course, All one has to do is to watch Believe “your Own the board and drift indicator. I haven't handled this new boat (8i- 1. “Twne-eten” karur. pape ag own a oy i tone 6 nc one, automatic x ne ofan See a extrardia Cet p y power ‘a i ias velume. coopaanannag Ty capella gun lity. 5. New Dynamic SPEAKER. her controls to me when he has 27 ve Niw Tree C-E i se a time.” AproTHoNs; giving purer 6. SPectA a \. aver Tone Conrro., to give any desired shading of tone without loss of essential notes. 7. Greatiy Iuprove> C-E The daughters of Mr. and Mrs George R. Hutehinson have been flying the last five years and nei- ther flying, nor being greeted by crowds. is at all out of the way to : y and quicter —s 3, Duat Avromanc Vor- ume ContHoL, =n nes effects aetinented Tone Equacizen, with ‘ desired acoustic orifices of G-E them. They generally sleep when =o “ee ieten Pr ay flying, their mother said. 4&4 Avtowatic Lo-Tont cabinet “boom.” “We enjoy flying ever so much, mes: but Mumisy says we~ must soon Settle down to school, where we can mingle with other children,” con- fided Janet Lee. “T guess she thinks we're too grown up.” cn © A DF A ON THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F. PULLEN - - - Mahaging-Bditor Toc H Bridge | Party Enjoyed * itt Twelve Tables of Cards Last Night at Delightful Affair in Hall 7 . On Fulton Street vO RIPTION RATES A delightful bridge party was City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period; paid tm advance... 5.00 hold jact even ng by Toc H in the For lesser periods, paid in advance’; per WeOR fo. | We hall of the organizatic n on Fulton By mail to all parts of Northern and Centra? British Columbia, Stree _ bald in advance for yearly period i There wer welve tables of bridge By mail to all other parts of British Columbia; the British Em- and prize-winners wer¢ ladies ‘pire and Unitea States, paid in adivanet; per year 2s... $6.00 first, Miss Winnie Tur ker; second By mail to all other countries, per year o.oo ccccckece ccs ~«« 908 Mrs. W. C. Aspinall: men’s first. Ian ADVERTISING RATES Fraser; second, Dr. W. C. Aspinall. After cards lelicious refresh- Classified advertising. per thsertioti, per word... ditto i Peay nS én as en ee Local readers, per insertion, per MMO ie ccitcdeemmnnee nin. 25 7x nensesdiings wane bn. ahs ae Lega) notices, éach insertion, per li suuaee AD oe St aa 2 of a committee ef which Reg Hodg- . - son was the I < Thursday, Sept. 22, 1932 BEGIN ECONOMY At ONCE Mail Schedule People of the provinee have been Jed to understand that Sie tliees Das the Tolmie Goverriment is in faver of the general prin- Mendat ees ant Beilin ciple of economy as recommendéé in the Kidd report. The} ‘veg yp Premier has already, saldsit will not apply to the farmer] From the east aiid the heads of several departinerits hud thentioned that vener DAILY EDITION One at a time, Ruth. "Tis Said George Brent, male screen here, will marry Ruth Choiterton-—-as Tuesday soon as she gets a Reno from Thursday and Satur- fécommendations in regard to theni will not apply but, as ~ dns a a er principle, withotrt detailed application, Tolmie aaa 12:90 pan ¥ wilde . + endat 7 .. fala Sauay eRe is In favor of economy: just as every person in this fair) tiursaay 9 pm. The end of man is an action and ri 11 p.m. not a thought, though it were of province favors the same thing as lon asit does not apply| « : ' September 12 and 21 p.m. the noblest.—Thomas Carlyle: personally, Here is a hint to the genial doctor. He has full control of the cabinet aad no legal quibble stands in his way of its reorganization as long as newbleed outside the Levgis- lature is not introduced. We stiiggest to him that he show himself in earnest in his economy principles by cutting the cabinet and cutting it haid. Judging by the long absences | from dity of its members, the work of the present eleven ministers eould be carried out by half a dozen or fewer. If he only reduced it to eight; as mentioned in a Victoria des- batch to a Vaneouver newspaper, that would indicate that e really meant business. If hé is to wait a year and have those salaries continued for that time, there will be a need- less waste of public money. This little gesture toward eco- omy would be a great help in holdirig some of his waver- thg followers who may have to givé him up after pinning their faith to hitn only a brief four years ago. | PRODUCERS OF BEAUTY It is pointed out by the florists, recently in convention in Toronto, that more money is invested in the florist in- coat or ee United ee than in the steel in- ry of the t eotintries. During the past twelve moths the people puitchased eighty million dollars worth of flowers. The figures are rather astoudning. We beg to refer this extravagance to the Kidd committee. | | ths Pa e tS OF de) UE EVERY DAY DVRIL IS THE STRENGTH AN ENTRATED GOODNESS .. BEST Northern B. C. Power Co. Ltd. (MewGeneral Eleétric Radio beaks. évén the famous. Tone-Test Winners! ENERAL Electric Radio has already earned a continent-wide reputation for realistic tone. During the past twelve miontlis, in a series ot utibidied torie-iests With other famous makes, G-E Radios have won again and agaih. But row General Electric had bettéred its best! A magnificent 12 tube Super-Heterodyne model—the J-125— introduces the amaz- ing néw high-power “ Twin-Push” Amplification which greatly improves toné at any volume. This new radio set is re-engineeted from end to end. It uses new type tubes, of a higher efficiency than has ever been achieved before. it has power so boundless that even the “peaks”—the spoken exclamations, the nidsical crescen@os— come through without a trace of distortion. Read over the radical new features of this great General Electric Radio, Then by all means hear it. MADE IN For Sale by LBL ES MALADY NOT CONTAGIOUS Japanese Seientist Safe Aftér 17) Years of Work Ameng Lépers MONTREAL, Sept. 22:—Seventeen years among the lepers of Taiwan, Formosa, Japan, have left Dr. Ma- kimoto IWaga in perfect nealth arid confident he will never contract the dreaded disease. Stopping at MOntreal of his way R-62X8 CANADA GENERAL @ELECTRIC FULL-RANGE RADIO Prince Rupert, B.C. Suk S Co GE lable Model J-79 (7 Tubes) $6950 Compete wit! New Type G-F Radiotrons G-E Console Mode! J-86 (8 Tubes) +109 + Complete with Naw Tyve C-b Raddiosrons LIMITED Baseball Sesies American League Washington 1-3, Boston 0-2 Chicago 11-3, Detroit 3-1 St. Louis 4, Cleveland 3 New York 4, Philadelphia 8 National League Cincimnati 0, St. Louis 2. Boston 1, New York 2 Pittsburg 9, Chitago 6 Baseball Standings to Berlin, where he will deliver a} paper on his €expetittietits with | w. Lb Pct ultra-violet rays and leprie bacilli | before a convention of scientists, | the eminent Japanese physician told interviewers he was “neither courageous nor fooliardy” in be- lieving it unlikély he should become a victim of leprosy. “And that simply because leprosy is not con- tagious, a fact not generally known by laymen but widely: técognized among specialists in thé matter,” said Dr. Iwaga After years of laboratory experi- ments, Dr. Iwaga said he had re- ceritly killed lepric bacilli by the special use of ultra-violet rays. “But that is only a beginnihg,” he added. “We have yet to negative the baefili in the human organism— and that ts a difficult step.” Condition of lepers in Wormosa was described as follows by Dr Iwaga: “Our lepers live in édm- fortable sanatotia, equipped with the very latest in scientific dppara- tus, and receive the carefiil attén tion of physitians who keep posted on every development of sclencé as it affects their specialty. Theirs is almost the life of a normal humdn being. Marriages between lepérs are pnot-infrequent an@ are sanc- tidied by the Japariese government Missionaries and nuns are usually attached to thés@ sanatoria and it is a curious faet that sooner of later nearly all lepers become \Christians.” F ‘Steamship Sailings for. Vancouver— | Tuesday—ss. Catala .. 1:30 pm Thurs.—ss Prince Rupert, 10 pm Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m | ‘Bs. Cardena ........... midnight Sept. 21—Princess Louise, ...p.m From Venconver— Prayer should be the key o’ the day, an’ the lock o’ the night.— Scottish Proverb ais ; . et Good Clothes Do Make You Great Order Your Next New Suit From LING The Tailor Second Ave.—Opp. Post Office Phone — 649 WIDE RANGE OF FINE QUALITY WOOLLENS TO CHOOSE FROM We use best trimmings; high clasd wétiniahshiif; perfect fit guaranteed. Sunday—ss. Catala... p.m | Wed.—ss, Prinee Rupert 9:30 am. Priday—ee. Cardenas p.m. ieeeteeeieeeenieeeet eee BADMINTON ORGANIZED |Rupert East Cheb io Contijue de tivities This Winter The Rupert East B jton Club held its annua! tit night and conducted els Those elected wer: } Presitient—Miss Margaret McKay ahi Setretary—Miss Mary Matti NATIONAL LEAGUE PéicitiveM tt _ , Glashan and Pete Fer ! Chicago 89 62 589 tne the Will be 6 Pittsburg 83 66 558 .* vanes | Brooklyn 19 #79 523 cluding shuttles Philadelphia 7 7 3513 = Boston 7 76 500 New York 69 80 463 St. Lottis 69 80 463 Cincinnati 58 92 391 AMERICAN LEAGUE —m Le: ‘ New York 104 46 693 Philadelphia 9§ 87 620 Washirigton 89 367 593 Cleveland 8 8664 570 Detroit 2 14 «493 Vv “3 St, Louis 62 87 416 ?) : + Chicago 48 100 9 , Boston 43 107 oo wu Ugo . ali 4 AS THE MOUNTAIN | A/R } a This advertisement is not publis i played by the Liquor Control Heard Goversuvent of British Cohan gy