Paso 2 rnn n.Aif.T ircws The Daily News THE WONDERFUL (FISHING BOATS i tm . r i m i m ll - i v i PRINCE RUPERT- BRITISH COLUMBIA FOR BfG RACE, Published Afternoon, The News Every except Sunday, by Printing and Publishing Co., Third Avenue. , FROITJEDICINE Km "mm mm m mm mm m til wm' H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. !Mayflower Being Oullt to Defond - n Every Home In Canada Needs American Title Against the j SUBSCRIPTION RATES) "FRIHT-A-TIVES" "Big Ark" City Delivery, by carrier or mail, per month .11.00 Tothoeinfirinjuitl ltdigrstien, BOSTON, Mar. It. Wh.lh.r By mail to all parts of Ibe British Empire and the United Htates, TorpiJ Liver, Comtipatic. .? er fbllinifSrlinoni'r liuld lir dm 1 1 in advance, per year ... . JO.UO Xrn-outllraJttt, XsunttfU, A'tf- ll r SpPtNJ. Mlt'CHI'Mt l cause .ill To all other countries, in advance, per year 97.50. nry TroiU. Rktumititm, Piin im iuieriiiiliiinnl murine niiilrnviT-w tkt Eaijk. .'C.trmJ MnWr Th ruVMiH . i ilii- ll-hiiiii lli'i'U TELEPHONE 88. affutient, "fruit-.Utn" jltri f lhisVHiM, li..cic-wcr itlld I'rn- prompt relief and aMurra ipVrdy y lii-fl o n haw I n Hie scenes Transient DisVlay Advertising $1.25 per Inch earn Insertion recovery hc the trtatmtnt Is of sl irinv hps-ohii llijs winter. Transient advertising on front page $2.00 per inch. faithfully followed, i stormier nflr-ii I'mti Hie tnrv Ixjcal Readers, per insertion 25c. per line. "Fruit-t-iitrg it tkt tilt tntJictiu sens ami nl.ii.-i without, due to' Classified Ktverlising, per insertion, ........... Vc. per wont node fro Fruit containing the iliscosiiiiii4 ( il.' international Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line. niadlclaat principles of apple,' f t It in v schooner i'haiilpl"nlil , '' oranges, fijj aad prunes, combined mid the ernfl Hud ; rr (hi l.tinn on -Contract Rates on Al .'IiC&tion. wilh valaa,Ue tok-i an J antUepUc. uii'lilioiK'il f Hie llllc rim'! "IT, All advertising should be in the Daily iVews onice on flay preceding SOo a box, Gfor$2.50, trial itc,2ic. Halifax. nri full. Kent) ' publication. All advertising received subject to approval. M all dealers or arm postpaid vj -ri a)r). nin (how purls Fruit-tilts limited, Ottawm, .pat, n , h.,( K , ,,,. f .frn.linir Caiuutu Hi.- DAILY EDITION. Monday. Mltt-ch U. m'l. 71 iunint ' leoptiy Hint Mio ilouci'siiTiniiu. SAILS K iperanti. wi.o from Hi Nu Prince Rupert as AWNINGS Sctin. rlnTinn, ta( N- Conodn'a standard! since 1858 Educational Centre. inlep, There seems no good .reason why I'riuce Rupert should not TENTS -The Kiwn I'm! Ilherinen ..f LclB,iiilliiiiiliiiiiiHiiiiiiiy a Sctithrnre- a Mi It It )! ki-i-n become (in educational centre us well n a commercial cenliv. 1 on ihe jjiirsii. n ain! In lriuniiv Much depend on (he people as In whether or mil I hey vili educational j. f. mTguire cvrry boat sailing it of toimi'" 'advantage for their children. 712 Second Are.. I'rinc Rapert v Ifnirrster are inert f roiil Ihe The-objection. made bv sorua.lo higher educntion is that only A genU fur Marilimij Proinres ulm liv i.l.-' MAIL BCHCCKJLI a few take advantage of It and they are rducnted at the expense; C. H. JONES & SON, tid. lhr a.:irtisnn; lilp of their present 'H ) 31 L and SUPPRT A LOCAL IM 40 years' experience aa makera prt( villi lhe home poftfc, frmuj lh. r-m of Ihe many. As one man puis it "the breys nnd girls are sent to Whirh.they llr-f went t .e, t h- ; Mnnrf.v. U 1,...lw. ,. .i' EAT the university at' a time when they Should be working. They -r result ha been li-onu Hint ', learn little that is useful while (here but Ihey come home wilh r.ui Iniii comment in the ires Jiv Frcm th Cast. exalted ideas' lif'lheir own irriportii'iice. As jt result of their utii-versily PRINCE RUPERT TIDES eontrivrry in the pilot &otuei jundaya, Tueaiiiys nnd Thurs-1 associations- they are lifted out of their former social lanrely onttu iiiie; of lw fr a days at 7:15 p. in. Rupert Brand flshinji rlHHner te rellmtl Tuesday, March 15. iniy class and make everyone feel that they are superior beings. For Minli. : 1 4 a. m.. 19.7 feet. for spi-ed. For Vancouar and South. thi you ask us fo pay, and we object."V 1 7 : i I p. in.. 16.7 feet. Canadian Boat ITm,I.v. 1 n The Daily.Vews does not agree with the objection against Low. 11:21 a. in.. 5.5 feet. The Canadian. fefeale, ! iThnrsdays '. . lip giving free or very nearly free educational training at the university 23:19 p.m.. rt.l feet. rK-r-imii, ri 10 work ni war l March 12. 23 ami .(.ril 2 I. S It is only by making it freethat the sons and daughters Wednesday. March 16. build a hnnt HiMi ewriil win m'tli From Vancouver and South. -BRIT. of Ihe poor can take advantage.of it as well as the rich. Doubtless lliph, 5:10 a. in.. 19 fort. faM and when she Ih?mh tr lakr Sundays 8 p. in.: 18:55 1 ft.t tti-ts form tn the ways al Lunenlmrti, there may be abuses of the system, but the aloofness we think p. in.. Wednesdays . 10:30 a.m. Low, 12:27 p.m.. 6 feet. lbo)e who saw her nnd tliH .Mo rch IK nndo trt we see in the graduates may be something we are looking for plan for her sail ehriMened tii-r SIMILAR TO ENGLISH SOLE and think we see. Iluiulretlsnf boys mid ,girls come from the The time ue4 is raernc Stan the ti? Ark..- . ' TO COOK Cut fish into university unspoiled socially yel wilh broadened ideas of life. dard, for the 120th Meridian west. Hdmite,Iy unefliwl l, m test with ;Son,lriy 0 nipm, batter. Place in hot fa: V The university should be reformed if necessary but it is a,very It is counted from 0 to 21 hours sum nimirnirniirii (Wednesdays V p m. very from midnight to midnight. lo.ike-1 about lhe, for a lw..,.. r From ,301.1) inr am. R. A" valuable institution, even a at present Ayol ,d Ae Am -constituted. The table given is for Port t defend their laurels. Thi-y ,t,, ! " ' ''" ' ' ' ' ' ' ' CanadlanJSock for . Simpson but the time for Prince e eral that Ihey think will; ,...,,. ',' Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co, Canadian Vessel. Rupert varies only a few minutes do. In H"tnn a syndieale was; . . r.. ; .. , on tome days and on others is rorme,t t.en.i.ler reprrxri.lai...,, jFcr . The cruiser Aurora is'loo long to dock at For Port Smp,oni rr.nd,-,e, Hsquinyilt. (he same. The range nf the tide r... Hits port irf the rare, and will. jB.y, Wile, Island that reason it is announced, she. willjiol duckju Hellish Columbia. may bt computed as 5 per cent the plnn for the Cunudian 'hal- Sundays and Naas D Prince Rupert seems to be out of the question. ... trreater at Princelupert than at lender lhm,n. it . ,UrkM i..'From p,. S!mpVon,Arrandale. mill JifCCn'si a Ca,nadiai hip;kejt Ujbylh people df Canada Port Simpson both at springs and U' '. ieat her. H-. wmUm i.i.oh ... partly paid for by Ihe people qf Prince Rupert, yet it is suggested neaps. Therefore the rise. In the .in m rrmi in"" Jiayimirpr. n'm T,IHIi,n a.m. Prince Rupert harbor is slightly 'n the builder's .toel at Hsex that she may have to thick, nt a' I'orVlgif porL prince Rupt dock greater than Port Simpson. villi a dozen rv more rilw shoXMns for this craft and the Quaan Charlott Islands: is.partictilarly suitably people here certainly The height is in feet and tenths itn either side nf herv oak Ueel.i f.r-.. rxperi nun miuer uicse -irc"iiiiaiiccs ne win ie seni nere. of feet above the average level of was rnnceltrif. v . ftarlma, -Man h 2: I I and 2 GRAND TRONK PACIFIC RAILW VhM is the use of having a Canadian dockru it is not to be ucd Jitver low water. Hucres, naval arrliiteet, wa From S S. PRINCE GEORGE -stlicr 1 : " ' rxinoitotoiml lit tier nnd for Canadian ships? , deijrti M.-ireh 5. 17 and 3 tlldiilalit Itnirilny for mn I-XU ACT. drew ii.' pl.'Aix, that a -A-hfiiian VV er. lrli.iiH .inil rWtl" Was Skating , .aid re.eiiiMed the Amr rienV Cup For Kajrar and Urn Yukon. ALBERT PRINCE ' Natkt of InMntlon S. 8. On Thin Ice. - lo Apply t defence yarlil. IIfMlule. Man-h 7. 18 and 28 l PurchM lntf. I'or Port fth-inelll. Maet The experience of some Prince Rupert.people5 yesterday was From Skagwa and Yukon. In-1 it IJiieen I liurloi'e - In nmu l.tiuj DKtrtrt, Reeordlnr Dli- Man-h 12, ti and typical of a great many, experienciw of people who live on the I MM or Coatt. Rinro s, and Itiiate al Br-m MUNICIPAL April 2 Mun-li lH;. . nt L'ntan Bar. idjolnlnr lot 199. j (Uwart, Mapts Bajr and 'Bwamp thoii irmnrr frontier. "They are a daring people. They oflen skate on thin Tike notice lnl Gorman R. Hmnnnrft. j PalnU Pa.aenirer Monday..Wednesday and "alurdar at H-fl' ice. Take for instance Ihe men who deal illicitly in liquor. They or Prior Ruprt. orrupation maotrr marl- OH fur Pmilhr-r. irieCVrafe. I !. " are taking chances. Many others are gambling wilh chance in i i legislation: Mareh .1. t and .11- inx dieeel ernineeimiia for .1 pnrrhae ttw fnllo Ins denrrilmi land Linn various ways. Thry ure skaliugVou Ihiu ice. Cciumriu-iiiir at a pol planted on tne FltOM Agency All Occnn Steamship Mia line or lot iss. tarnra l t rrm; Marrh t. 18 nnd April I for laratiMtao aid Immigration liwnro onia o rnaina; tnewr m to Petition Presorted to Legislature car ThiM oea. I ra t'- Restrictions. rnalna to abore; tnenrr lor adore to po but No Action Follows anl cbniainin forty acrra, nvr or la. While there must be some restrictions in regard to immigration MMMA H. HHODnunST. ijitolhis country, it must always be remembered thai Cana-dians Inim January t6. tftl. VIOTOIliA, Mar. 12. - Thai 'eaxonnJiie -opfMdtuiilly h every .do not owirtlhis. country in iirh a way 'if to act the part LAM) ACT. iiiven h the, Oovernmenl of TIMBER SALfyX 2317. or the dog in the manger ami refuse to lei nnyoiie fn lo settle roaai or notice. Hrili-h flniutda to the l iiiori nf Sralfd imdera win M revid ry in CANADIAN PACFIC up the vacant lands. - , CASSIAR IAXO DHTSICT DISTRICT Of Munii'iialilien and lo individual VinlMyr of Mnd at V c toria f n t Uir There are a great many millions of acres oT lnml iniused in TAkfc nollrr l rut .1 wrbatrr Smtt Sunn tnnnii fpalitiest to iiresont HiHr .iiwi nofin inx 11m oar Of-tarrs, llfl, camaoiaei eaarto this UiertSnre , of Trl'rrar.n Cwl, B. C, ocrupatlon ra;c for jrrealcr flnanrlal nsiil. I fur Hi purriu of Liik-X ttii, to rat B.C. Coast Stcahip Srnc millions of country who would like lo -and people Iwllan Aarnt. intmd to apply for prrmia. Olo.eea fwi f sprue,and tirtamrt list those lauds. There is no law of equity that can justify Ihe mo to lh- ronowim drarnned Undi mice to m-IiooIm nnd hoi(iituU ua an ara sdjolnmr In-rna l.'R. 0. I. Slide, iHiumnrinr ai a ckmi nunird auo mm people of this country in saying that the people who teed to use nicr or lr nnrtnwfit or ttu mnmHi the elalruient of Premier Oliver in rale lnll, yua Uurmtie imnot Die. 8.8. PRIUCESS WARY the 'laud should not do so. If being in possession first gives, a (It corner..I.... of Inlflal tfu IA.Trirrraph. Ih. erf. J.townait.k..n.. Ihe Lcirii la I ure, when Hie etiti.i inn. ' from To if. jreare will tm slkd for re-1 1 Fnr Krhlkn Junalu. SkAQwav. ASSia, right to hold the land, il all belgugs to the Indians. They were from I'. A. Mrliiiirmid. solieilor moral of limber. i limine inrnre wt 40 rnaina In in poinlif,,. not using it, sq the people from outside came in and look it. If of rommrnrrmrni, and coolainlnr lea acrea.1 n,. union. was preseniml.. II rurttM-r parilruia're of Mr r.wef rnrilr.' Rupert we do not use it, we must not lie surprised if some oilier people!more or ia.WFIISTEH SCOTT SIMPSO.T , .ui. .tir It...;wi.iniiio 1 iiemre K- ne run VlrlMal. IL. ;.. ..r Immn r'nreir, rnnee u..k t m 9S Aorll S 18 Ji come in from the outside and use il without asking our permis-j. Dale. Drfubr idlh. lto.l 'appear, lieforcyi? par of the lioiii nuptrt. :. r-. ttt-i..i. .nrf Seattle fom Primes 'l MT ff IIVUWIl I wm sat' siou .There is no moral right tf; hold land withoiit using it. 1 LAND ACT. i lo The in-Hfiit Premier lifc(nlin.olijertrd lo Hie TIMBER SALE X 2725. March 12, 23; April 2, 12 22. NOTICE OP I.1TE.1TI0.1 TO APPLY TO request set frth In Hie petition, seaexi lender will lie reeetTM by Ine j " In oun Charloii IEASE laianda LA-ID.Land niatnel which would Tie setting a precedent later than the 7m day of April. r rate. rerail. and m f K! AflL ii, me tue er elaa Oenr.fSl ner-tai I weiir x W. C. ORCHARD. Hrn.rdmr Dulriei or )kna. and fitcate of v.hlch no one lumld foretell lo eut a.loa.ouo feet of eprare and Hem- I al Xadro Harbour adjoinint Lota III Dr.JOS.MAGUIRE 1 7. and (he end. lie urged the Iloime not LoniMi mk-b it)laland.en area vueea ailualed inarkdie on Llineatone itiaiMie Hay,nia- I Cor 3rd Avenue and 41 ll Streat Prlnea Rupn,i Ar. .-1UIII.C. ina i. nam d. U,a ot Prlwe Huwrt.. nccuoation aiaairrltO grant the iieiilion. II wi re. iriri. Too tf) yeara will be illomed for re fnuval of Uinbrr. f urther pertirular of Ihe i:f)ief Forealer, DENTIST. Coinnvnrinr al a pout pianird al tnei . i Virions. H. :., or IllHrlrl l orraler, rruve ii.nnr. cvrnrr... oi , aaj, cm ueorre ., . . Su.erl, U. C. I.l n f ,l.nA 1 1 1 H un ta.m. L. . 1 ..ii. 1 . 11 1 j Iaa to tn low walrr mark or ,"ad.n Harbour; tnrnre aouihcaatrly and follow, Ten Years TIMBER SALE X 2S70. Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block lut tne aald low watrr mirk 10 rhama Ago more or Irae to a point due vtit 7.0 In Prince Rupert J Sealed tewlere will be received by ttwt RESTO rhaina frrm the Soulnwrat eornrr of Lot ( Mlnller nf Laurie al, iwd later HEALTH Lady Asristant Open Evenings i; iiM-nrr ran 7.iu cnaina to ine aoutn- lllun teetfi hi in., un dav nr April. lil WONDER eat ronier of Lot tnenre Office Hours: 111; Bona-wetlrrlv Ifi.r Hie iHirilHM. nf lirrniv X tl?0. In Phone 575 Sunday by and followlnr Ilia hlrn tr a March 14, 1011 jrul ,5 io imo r.-e of i..(tar. Stiniee. Hal-'ein 9,12; 1.6; 7-9. Appointment uteri oi .-.aoru iiai-uour 17 cnaint more or and ll'lulo.a. on an area aillarenl to leaa to the tx.lnl of roinmencement and Aid. Clayton wan "Hoed' liy j itMiiau ivwm. fiti itiaiui, I m-.n Pataare. Ren' contaiqinr a arrra more or Iraa. Herb IIL'.VE B. BABI.XJTO.t. kfriW.r., Tva..l l In it I nlol.l. ."'!!'' ' nam OKUirt sill lie allowed for re The World's Greatest Per Fred. Main, B.C.L.S., arrnt. counell when he said that rnretinet I,n!r-i Daira the tin daof January, nil. . . f further fwriu of Che Chief roreeier. f U.f,. t... ,Ka. he would iirniir all In militia tn !", a. i .. r loreeler, 1 ruire j VyUliUlllIB IIUVIJIH UUI liuirai What. Vanco; LAND ACT. Canad.1 here to prolecl Hie otrike- ,H"'r'- r No Alcohol; No Drugs. Sar afarB G, H. Arnold Public DISThTcT hreakers. - Notary CASSUn LAJID DISTHICT OP CABbUH. 1 V Bags ! Unequalled for the treat-jment tl.Kl . . TAk'E NOTICE mat we, 1. R, Htam and William lienholm has presenlei) of Asthma, Kheumat-i l-l I rei a-i t FOR SALE, II. F. kernn of Alice Arm. oeruranon rroa- Ihe prince ftupept Choral Knclrty heii'i1 fl pertora, Inirnd to aprly for Krrnuilfn to Suitcases ism. Stomach Troubles. Kid I :3 4. .I Wr m Fine 7-roonied house on a 38-foot lot, furnuce hel. On leaa In followlnf drarrlbrd lande: ;willi a aliiahle collection of a. I Sh. Flflh Awnuc, Fedion (5. $6,800.00. Terms lo he arranged. norm(.Airiinennna DMndary al of a Lot poat Kit;planted tnrnre on rol.tni..i.'"o ut oooss us a nuiinm in as.. j ney Complaints, Femajo re l' ' A nice bungalow on Flllh Avenue, Section 6, with one lot. OTuiA'ffTS "r orsnnlzalif,,,. Trunks Troubles, Piles, Skin 1 iJI i rooms and bath $2,200.00 on terms. t'. a diaiame of (i.s ft., more er leaa to lie t Jr-..VLi An excellent dwelling il on Dunsmulr Street between tin rail boundary of Bir mouiii mineral 1'Uf, O.T P. has enmnleled ur' It pays to (ret a roo4 Trunk Mr-1" Ti rlaim produred in a aoulherly Dirertiosil It a to rhooa ll hare and 81k Avenue, on Orafl Hill, 5050. $1,000.00. tnnr roiiowinr produrnon of and invar.veys for a branch of Ihe railway pay Tn T.fnnf1 Jt Pnnonlrt Pnrm. I . !!&&TtfurXrV'l,SS5Zita run from Fort lo Van. MlljUlU yJi W4a3UIV VI -ayMaaaaassi" H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. rr of t) lJl tnenre rolkmlnr norm Vom er F. M. Crosby Insurance Bonds Rentals bcuncury ef Ul JJ w point or com-1. For Sale by the Prince KMP" 718 ThIH UjeoreBiedt. I i m Avenue, Prince Kupert D.u intVTO ' I AdvertlaaJnhe Dally flew.. a