I .:ii: BRINGING UP FATHER By George True Economy Mr!l 1 I COT TEN CME& BY COLLy-HE "VESjYnRDA-? AND WOttTH WHILE. TOUR? THIS NORNIM5 . 1 N.As 2 v nzsr I i o -. ii - F YOU end us your last year's- ikirt or drcts and bare it returned looking like new-5nt that true economy? Frequent Dry 53 Cleaning and Pressing " Jl- will prolong the life of your clothing and AGAIN AFTER SPORT keep it fresh and new. USiNESS DIRECTORY FISH CARS!" Tlir fialm of ritii Mrvinli eoA May we help you Hip ttir and I lie (li'mwlil s nf all Tliese nre Good Places to Make Ycur Purchnsea when You go out to buy economize? 4iiirttiiirn an- turning to I he mil-sid'-. President Lbcal Fisheries Association TIit- liashi-lliall rhi-ijuli' Wl.'as Montreal Regarding hat (InislH'd Jiil hi-rnro" inli'ri'nl MHBEI Canadian Same. v.on ll hao iliisl in it and mtw AintATKH WATF.ns rt llMTl Ht: AMI (iRN'KHAI. I.AI Mill IKS Sacked ml llan aro l'lnjj iitadc for die Steam Laundry T. 11. Johnson, president of Hie MKHr.MAXIilHK Ufmiirr arlivHy In nllior hranohr- atavtN BOTTIINO WORKS CANADIAN STtAM LAUNORt Phone 8 I'rincw Rupert hi-nm-h. Canadian t ii't. II i ilnnnv In hai- 11 ion rnee tn1 til WILFRID ORATTON Got. TWH wl Tia. i. rnr OwwBf 14 rriMt Dtpi Fisheries Association, telegraphed rboaa Giwa ill, tut smm1 IwoU rumi. imsrninpA or itm.M.r im'Iiii. iik- STEAM Sal unlay night In y. W. Wallace, lr. QH llil i.f which will I ikoty . IIAHRKlt SHOP I'AtXTKUB AN I JHFCO ATOJIK a s fif the, association secretary near 'ihU I'layi it w--k. Tlun tlirr' yokahama eARStn tnor n.'HMTtMlrl Mmilreul as follows: will ho nn ilium iii;iiil pamoN fur R(0 SOBOIN 'tlur hiLcsf in fof innt inn Ma-rin! lady Birlsr - Caltu -' fit IM Are. MlIB ol rrswr -- PIMM nr itf the nuiro pnerRdlc of llii'.nlhlf!. rRAW BR1CHU in-i'-espf-i refrigerator car i Third . rtxtn omi in. KANAI. ,0 . V.tU ii i assurance from railway oITU HAKKHS i!vrs ami Thc'Trnnls Clnli tins unlfri-il COtL i-i.-iU that lite first car will be ile- PKF.Il HTOItHS The Home nolx ami tappn and other iiiui-tni'iil LA CAISC SAirRV Ii .itkiI iii I'riniu ttupcrl .Vlun'li 31. -t- THS A. w. root co. - SI A. I e rrili iilule thai factory imist and must any tay now ih-l!..tiif rblrd Aeoe - - Phone II raiMcc stuetRT rtso CO. rhn. OIH. OKu s4 Wsikr. I Ihf rariiin'l rlits will Ik Mew UttlML rot. fa4 SMI Tib L 1 - ruJiiMiii'p this htiildint next week In out. Tlio (inici-r.x of tin cluli ix- CHINA nUtulKKUY. NOTIONS PAIVmiH AMI HKCOIlATOllHi Albert S 5! delivery. Please send Paint will add jfcars to the ,1-lTi-ri pi-ct ijuiti" a bHini in hi. liiu1 of. .omeoiu- io rai-lmy auam :i n 1 win TMC DINir ALLIfl CO. FISH MnittniWTS. ItFTAII. cll 4 CRCSirrr pk stt. Llmitej life of your home, and our j :Mr t tliit .iinnner and lan.i ar: Third Amur, oorusll Vt Offlr. ill rt vh;il ilillMU." new wallpapers wou'd make bfins nmili' for il. Th rluh -flii ' ARTHUR'S MAaasTT PhssjilttW Tblld A. Pkula inn A 4H. P.O. tl III' I'l.l'MHINfi the interior more corgfort-able weicnuif! ail now meniiiorn ami i I- CLKANIMi A.N II IMtKSSINO and attractive. CATERPILLAR otTerfnx tin' I'pitortunily fur cither OKNKIIAI. MKIlCIIANIllHF. STUN A IONQWUL Phaa S. exiri'ini-d or nv ilMrt lo TOavo DYK WORKS rreHf snd dry SILVERSIDES join, The fiiurl.o at the ArrnpolU HesaJnr IM Awene FScce IT WINO CHIN TUtH CO. 711 StcaoS Afae - PIM BlMl 71 1 IIKNTAI.8 FELL INTO SEA llill are in jrtl litip this tprinu. BROS, having fan-.t heller, throiiuh Hie ' CAFKS (illOCKHIHS r. W. HART Mm Stork III i ne it 2nd Street 1nlM lhan they did lasl year. n Tractor Was Pushed In at Stewartjtvtlh little repair they will he THC BOSTON ORILL LINIfT'B PRINCI RUPSRT OROCSRT siti p.Mvnxo TWrd Ae. rtvotae 417. taurt pUf lo rl Cur. MS six rlv l-aoce III Paints Wallpapers N by Train of Sleighs. jrepiiy for the player. BtLL a CROSSITT PkM 477. of Tail m THC CLITC CAFE I IIAnilWAHK Varnishes Kalsomine On.- of lhi caterniilar traelori An for barhnll lher Im .Mn ! Second Ate. Blrretl met I fer l!ie monew. tnj Stoea i?HEKT MCTAl. WOiiKH HOWS a MtNULTV Ale ' Vift I'uoiii'ii into iho fa m 1 luir-jiaiie planning' an yet, for it i nl i Glass, elc. luprbA'Mllerr. psiau and ritbrnara t yp-plits. u.v mi "j me irnm ui nieii:iiA i iitely inern win Ee any panic (itrrtklsf la Skl MtU! til CIOAIIS AND TOBACCO Thit'i totr- it W'usor & Newt'n't Art SvxWtt was hnulinjr. The cround wanjuntil the end of Afril or the flnl Rowrs I Pictures jii Piclore Praming UerIllipery ns the load pulle.l ,0f May. Some uf the enii.r VOS-AHAVA-m ThlM At. Wl I.MPOHTKIl finOCF.ItlF-S SmumI AeOK fftoo II to k ,1 r Listf in from I he Premier mine, and flayer hae left the city, hut; BIARaCT" For U ALBCRTA StlAT STISN a LONSWILL PKa S. Phone 22 tox 120 ii van fouiurimpoible to Mop i(.,iiiere P.O. a-e a sm.il nuinher left nnd, rifl Street - Pbua 71 A. Svaiion who arrived yexli-r. ja Very rre.1ilahe afrrreMlinn IIHITiMISTS l tar' i! q 'i hiy jn his launch has srone north .should" he rratly to laki the II.M W. J. McCVTCHCON Lrxr.MBM fom iimt: TAII.Olt.H f..IIIHM OKXTS t i 'ate Etiil with A scow lo salve the tractor. 0h soon the neaxon i a open, Sfeond Atemic snO Slith Street, L4n -aBSITRONO." Phes BlMl 400. T. ir omiu rt itnn in the meantime me work urolilp- Amoiiir the ahrnlee will I Jhe larieH dra( tauuae lo .lorthern B. TS II, BnsL AIo 'Jnl st prrNs( at.i I- r HIHUN l.'llfll III! I pini? ore continue. uteen horse ciement!on and hi heavy hillingl-liein? employed in carrying it 'will be missed bv Iluoert. hut!,. S.WWWII UWIIb UUl 1 1 rroni ttie mine lo the wharf where lj,nrny Shakcuenre. 1in nent J a ;u 1.1...JU n 1... ,I.U,n,mll.. . .".. ' ,,,r" "-'j "'"i"'""i ine most or iai summer up in tue have received during the last residy forUhe Prince Albert which,Yukon, i haek asain, ami will j Daily News Classified Ads. St. Rei$ three weeks will tro north this week for it. compensate largely for the h.-.J !m . be is timely hitler - - - - - - - -lliecaiim a a 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. NoAdrertlHmsnl Taken lor Las than (SOe 100 cars Coal j The Man in the Moon will a a whether ktar pilrher.Hen Self It will i uncertain he i ) SAYS:-tit- hack in time lo start the haeluill .VAftriD. Jftlll KI.t - -tlIOS halihui boat. ran nznT hi yH off I hi year, hut, no douht, fully equipped 'nro Standnn Nlgr from Marledd River mine, owned WAXTI'.U-To pnrrliae. hlaek l ull III.M ut) I4HI. some one else will lake the Knmne; I Otif oer. t up by Prince Rupert citizens. illr.llr. lias lieen u cuolne Minorca hen; nl-o to n-nl or j Day tty ijrnoii work. I he younper boys of 3SsV work boat JH b.p. heavy or laud at Itynu Point. Mctla-; We have the exclusive rigat to iiie uii Here, but ill Ottawa rc-cenljy purchase liuwgy r roaii cart, duly; katln. Hi n ctifUvatMl fur awny j STEEN5L0.SC l m: city ituii lie sri-n uiuiosi liny handle this coal in Prince Rupert. I lii-re wa a drop of 18 and stock saddle. For sale--i'MulioU roodilioii for aftemimn now playing "scrub" .ItxH work boat or (roller 5 h p. !, in iiihhJ Don't be misled hy other coal dejrreea- in ii hour!.'" If uric(y is parne on I hi street ami eles. military saddle. Apply Yale; gmrdfti or pullry piirpwas. Sheat Metl dealers who use ourlfirm; nsroe I he spire of life, that is Hie place w here. him 180. Dally .Vw OnVc 6? art foot runntMuit :o b.p.. ii Apply PJi. box 1G63, Prlno llu. to advertise their coal. . to live. II. t:. lerl. BeconJehtnd , If you want a real good screened . WANTKI furnl. -efiilesj Aanllarv and coal, call up I Tlllwotily tune n woman fnils Then lture i fiNithaii. That i ture. It you have anything to Ilunubout 20 miles, 30 h. p.; LOST il-.tlnf I 1 1 ain her point" j feheri he likely to comment" sooner limn sell call Red 243. We pay cash. IS ft. row boat, Z h.p. inboanl f.U.Strr?'srw-j Phone 58 ttri" lo sharpen a lead pertcil with hr.seball. It will he rememhereil F. M. Crosby, -715 Third Avenue emrlne; LOST OoM hr broorJi. eovered pn II 5" a dinner knife. that lasl spring the foolhallers West. t f Hull Zflxl. ready for enttlne; with tauM nmrgrU. HikIt Prince Ruperl Feed Co. were nut nnd plnylnj: (.'nines be. 25 h.p. 4-cytle engine.; please return lo Dally Tfcw ITS v'onderful what a o( of fore the snnw-'h'fl the Acropolis WAXTKI C-Woman for Keuernl 5(1 h.p. 4.cycl otiKine; " Ofllf RTiird. 63 Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. Address llaselton. 7 Cuaranlee people ilci iile lo be liiuie when Hill ground, but so far this year housework.. h.p. engine; liiey tlni dereit dop not jret them there are no zamc In siiiht. For particulars apply A. M. 4 h.p. Adams enxlne. I.OKT Iji1Ii trold wnteb. mono-grniii, i SMITH S MAI anywhere, 'junl ti"a i pf men There have been yuiie of the Harhcau, il Klxlli rtrefl. 03 M. M. KTKI'IIHXS. "J-MAV." oo bek. Return In AinnrlfJin Consulate. If h ml y oiiien hecoinc oinral as nsfi plcyers out, though, in more or KXIU'JIIr'QKIU.TIIUMAX WANTS FOR BAI.B I" h.n. statlonnry rcim on them and' linnioralily lei. impromptu practices. There a Job. His a Sport Kive a returned eiiKine, good condition, bar-. SHORTHAND TYPE WRITING Terrace Fruit Lands l.i-cs iin allrarihm. is Just as much cooil fool ball man a chance. Apply box rMtfn. .1.,, 4 le. I. .I I ! - - .-- .f.ii, l.-iu II.I'. IHllirilf i malerialln sifrht lliif senson a Pilman Ptfnogmphlc Hchool t-jllf.atM - ifi News nijke. fit) ary, alnioBt new. Hot f,H, I Jl KilM! Iiy the nvernse one there was Janl and the season, News Offlre. l'.enljiir elassss. Monday, Weil, 3.2 Acres, 1 mile from Terrace Kfi., Hi,. Kelf.uiaile man I about which v.ill open soon, will dnuhl. OUSI'KKni'KIl WANTFIV-Apply 111 nesday and Friday, 7:30 to 0 uui r"" . I and only 500 yils. from inn ioor u sjiecimen lis a home less he Just a Kticcessful a lust Mi's. Fetlierstonhaueh, Second FOII-HAl.lv Wee Mncriresor saw. ''clock. Individual instruction. ,f rVcond rt'M school. 5 acres cleared and liual Miil of rlfitlif's. year's when the Old Country jsaine 8!reel. ' . ' tf with exlra 7 ft. snw, in frwul No. 10 Pmllti Jllock. tf fenced containing 75 bearing trlipscd the American one in interest romlilion. Apply No. X Clinton ho...17 fruit trees. A spring j TIIKIIi: has heen'a food short- and number of gnnu-n WANTKI) Oirl to assist wild IIooiii. evenings. ii2 ACCOUNTANTS creek running across the an f in HuAsiii ami of course I hi idayed. i housework afternoons. Phone property. Good log house, rebellion just at Rfcdini; lime in 20. tf FOR HALV, Ten shares Heal Covn PXI'KIUKNCKn ACCOUNTANT 5 rooms, and good log barn. n I likely lo help mailers. II looks Jdarinti Ways. Apply W. J. would take charge of set of SKATING ON THIN WANTKD Cljrl to aislsf In hnuso Price $2200 cash for quick in if wo sjniiilil liava to have a Thomai. box IAS News olHce. lookt. whole, or pnrt tltne. out. Phone 3CH. keeping Wp sale. rolleciinn sfin for starving llu- V, K. WIIIIcroft.v Phone ICE AT SALT LAKE FOR KALK v - , :r . 64 TrolliiiK oulfll-4 h. 3lnck 259.-' tf p. eiiBlne. I'irsl f8S lakes i I W A X Tf:D-i-De j n a 1.1 n ir. Prices P.O. Inx KENNEY BROS. & CO. i ACCnnniXr; l the prpss rc. Sidney Oaixett-Jonss Got a Duck. rensuiiahM. If'one ?:i. Apply 217. tf DANCES Heal Estate and Insurance i.'.rN Deputy Minister NailiMi IrKik Ing In the Cold Water and ttrfctin,, I... .. . FOR HAI,lvf:nillAh baby-hiiKiry, F.VKRV 8ATURDAV MVBXINO. t Terrace, B.C. a (Hit. That'' Hie way wild these Lady Had a Narrow BOARD.AND ROOMS iriiftil ns new, 125.00, Apply 320 III) 12- Dance in Mclnlyre Hall. Prince It up'Tl people when they Escape. Fifth Avenua Wel.v 6f Admission: Gentlemen, 50e; ici-i ikihii ai i ue rupnai. HOARD AND ROOM HUITAril.F, t( l.Mlieii. 25c. ' , ri' 1 for onu or two. Phono Illnek fecond-hsnd ftrnl!ure bousbtsnd isvirtf I Bk dy g, " Over fifty ".rf.j-.Je y'r-U-i'iisy okoIh 217. 60 sold. P. LeClalfu, phone Jrcen I he trip Ut the Kail I.nke with the 644. M.T.UW if MOTOn BOAT WILL TOM LEE CO. I t idea of skalinzand some ventured rori tLi SOON BE NEEOED i ra son in In iv&tsm eiuta n,ln on I lie ice which was thin, huf very FOR HAM'.. Monarch range. 840 Second Avenue, West schei and itiHnttt. Th poiiont smooth. Kidney Jlazzetl . Jones FOR KAM'e-rFpurtpen.fool skiff, Phone lllue 317. 61 I sr quickly removed thui Those, who have motor i by of slipped through at a weak place with centreboard. Plrongly VEGETABLES Or, Chua'i Kidnylir pills. HAW DRESSINO. boats for sain should sd-vert i buill. box 163 ot the farther side of I ho lain and I2A.O0, Apply 1 a . . Wholesale and Retail On pill doit, tic, i eoi, News ofllco. If iso I hem soon as thn ..-ml! Dally (rot wet. Fortunately f"r IIAIil 1)111:981X0. very 5PIT.IAL SCAI.P ill Ouliri. season Is coming when Charte'A'tlc QfneruJ Contractors and him be had la his hand a long treatment, Marcel waving. Face, Labor Exchange FOR SAI.F-0n seven weeks old they will bft In demand. A rail which kepi bito from sinking. Hnlr dyelngr Ladies' Spaniel pup. J'honr Ore rn 171, mfangn, few dollars spenl In'ftdver-llslng Mri. Jot 5eoll Lad a narrow- . ,63 combines made Into swilchrp. a boat usually .1 KW" &Sifl' Prince Rupert, B.C. rare ac n Ta foimTvins Mr T Charlei LsQsrrq. 233 Blxth brings results, If life, Thone 547 P.O. Dor 725 Jnne, rloiily. She escaped with OA fl DEN WNUn.F, for sale, Ap. Htrrel. Phone nine 7 for hmns l rlKht. . price llllle more linn wet ffi. ply Prince, nupert Dairy. 61 appointment. if k