( MAR 19 1921 )) -- A mil FOR : TAXI a"xi 139 or CALL j PhoneJ Phone JvV Hale PRINCE RUPERT ROYAL Taxi SERVICE j Northern British Ernie Lar;e i and Central Columbia's Newspaper I'HI.NCK HLI'KllT, D. (I, MOMMl. MAIlUfl 14. 1021. Saturear't CIrcwUtI irt Sl 4M. PRICE FIVE CENTS Mi. I1DKMTS TO TIE LIQUOR D) j NTROD.DCED IHING BOAT NOTLAD FOUND, BUT VESSEL'S CREW ARE SO FAR MISSING r J KUSSIAN TSAR BEFORE HE WAS MURDERED. ringent Laws Against Near ! FsMng Boat Notlad Beer Saloons is Proposedj Wr eked Off Alaska Irnev General tq Inlrocuce Amerdmn s This Aftei-j Was rr S aen at Narrow Point, Pi ince bon Regulating liars; lxon Liquor no; ruicnasea o Wal s s ai d; Thiej val New at f om Gve nment S ene Identifies Eoat m of I he law ii i uir ptM t nn itp lIUA li. Stringent lightening 111 All t OitlLL DU.il J i KKTlJlllKAX,.Mar li If, IiejHirt received here indk-ale that - mi'hiding 41k right of Ihe lupior tmi- SOLD CATCHES TODAY) he Canadian lihiug bout .N'otlad. mii'iii from lrinre Itupert ... , brer bur without of any ejill r near f.ntre early ill Felinmrj w wrerked oil 1'rinre nf Wale Island. ! fri"T the'leeiion. are features Eight Car Arriving Last Night Tie wreckage of a IIhing veel one piile north of Nnrruw . ili. lupior .ontrul bill li hi' ulrliird Uii Will Qo Eat Tonight. Point im I'rince of Wale Inland is lelieed to be the mi-ing i.. n lell. Karri, The nniriidnienl provide Imm' whitJi win reHrli'l on Marrh 3 to ni.-tom olIieiaN. The ... beer niol be Incn-ed. No Klwlil r friyrai.r 'nr arrivnl .Muling near utinibcr va the wreck i lt."J, I3U and the letter ".Not" were timu tin '-ai aftrrnoon j-'-M'Tilay i pn--.ni in.tier Jfl vur- hi Thf ueur aiiJ lll lip IhiiIh'iI "ill axaln to- iible but Ihe remainder or Ihe name board i-oiild not be found. ..IimI I.ill oiilv n to on er i-rnt hi weigh'. wUbl Irarp .r the i.iulil , -i.i ml train nill rrr ua found. . . 1 1..ii nf ln-fi liolilmt f.T Hit- at('rn A ii-li'iiiam ha Uppii rtn-eived in 17 t, IPr'r) rTlTT ITi in. i '.( I'oughl lt Hip xarioti Hlt TOM MOORE ON li..u-. - uli-iiv Hi. ualfrfrnnt al thi' . iu. lilllirij ..VIISU HIIIIII 4 ..ill ami 0li irha g- ilit moriiing. Titer' aiu'li.ired in a lotiv4i near Narrow n.it -( LABOR CAUSE ! mi nmr- faro rriMrli for ar- I'nint. flir i apparently nnl very BY IflS ENEMIES w liquor j d Iwvppii Hint' uihI liHinirri'V' j (jaijly dainag.-al. No word ha a n i!l r i ' lh ii -p. Tltprff Mrrp t3 oinallrri yel bei-ii rrrpived or Hie crew, , l .ml Ik b'tal" in f tr -alt tliU inuriilosr. I lio ever. So Says Former Emperor In Book Eastern There It Tells People Th" airixaU atil valrn wri-p The In al w4.it built in Vaitcou-vi He Has Published. nii Open Warfare to Destroy fillim: 1 in lUl'J. i 3! fl. lna. It ft. ...v.rnmenl Organliatlons. MiilipNrp. I3.m)ii wun.l. anJ) l.-a..: and lf feet d-t. Hie I XUK nA(itE, Marcll a hi- imui.r , M0l'' ".'I't'i i'yifl". In Hip l'. ii -II ..r fa.urn, jrrt.4-,. resiHtprp.I. om llK ,ias wt,Ueu for Mir.i'll.-'TlK'rr Hi. irw,l OTTAWA. an KtlvNi (il tfrage Cu. al nd Is ,mpd by illiai.i .V Hat- jj . nus Mi caWMHtflaitp in retard Ih th 11,nr aii'l"6e. lriMllln m an Mm, t alniw Hor apliml urgaolted Ubyr 1m liar Ala"l 30.m0 t.ili.. In llir ..i it,.. ,rmi,Uiif3 Mi H ri llal F-li'V t l3.C"anJ .' . TIip Tliii'.var left .everal da of fjnany ats Sf h -...Ptf a ewP-jfo'l Talmuia. 15.000 fXHimJ. ami I8KO Willi 'apl. 1. fiuvj..w of the , v.bu ()nJ fur Ulr ,v yrarj Ijilmr Omarr-. an in tha Itlii3p4pr. K.rtini HiiHl. In Mip ,p. y ami ,ir!r;'iiirr JMi.-i 01 ; :,, , , .,, hul p,.,,,.,. j I rliik'm InlerVfeSSr here. Mr. Moore lta boartJ. in ad CaHailiaii llxli aiwl M tjforasc ;iiip aiTtlliirr' on says In wa foih'd li i,i "j it. lylurtwd frinii a v"i-V frill in ,. t i a tr. Tka txcloiUe rlxxesrapb oi the ItuuLau Imi m i ! n didi.n In (Iip n-irular erew. tiV'ou inarliinnti'tn of i;r.al S-llllltft ill. I I... Iii enlll.i 'till. Olaeipr. is.ooo MHiml: si. riii at Loir ran at .tUtertoben ltb bit family it a '! ui.irouHii sM-arrii orin? maur itritain. Fran ami Itustia." riSH NAVY Willi Hip lead' g labor iii.-n ..' Hi' ami Hi rub. 5,000 fur the ini-Niliy iiipii. 3.iidO imiuii'I- before aU murder' at tbe baadi M Iorvky Lit twi i-.miiu. ii1 mI.I tlir ParlDc Yih-prip- in (MHirnN. atLti Lbe OcULetlLL. It i iii. n a' Ur. It" 'in- al IS.Hr and 6c. tj WANT AURORA MATES ARE I lint -l vs...... ,pl lliilanrw. . imjo puni: YlKinj. RECEIVES MEMORIAL (tli f 'Ii ' I.. It. ..--I rJ, t.oiA miiiihI. and Ynlunipr, 0.-(ii Six Sinn Feiners Hanged I FOR HER SON KILLED f Ui" I Ill I.III. to ih'IhhU. -"Ill to Hip raitaiHan TO DOCK HERE OBEREDUCEDflS: J-1 -: ami O.lil Sl.trutp ilo. al IS.Hr For ia Crime ! WHILE FIGHiING FOE .mil mi in i at il o . -i Complicity ' ""' wl: f rarrf V ' i f There Will r Tan Hp uIiihii (Iim mtiiII coiiiiiiimii. Board or Trade Telcaraohi Hon. 9 mo le.tniiK atxJ MiirtPB. fi.nO'1 Hon Peuntf Less Than Dublin Much Sti.rec?; Work in City Strpped; Mp- Callantyne, Peck and ti t iiit i. lip i n nil in n Kith an People of ..rat. a a nui.ib. nd aiimns ili-.-e Uit Year i id S' .iaiip ". at It).Ir and 6r. Crowd Knelt and Prayed as Men were li". at the call of King and! Ce?U Ho,9 country, lelt all that va. dear to! V .a. :i.oo j'und; l. I", K. H.ooo , iimlv and Annip TucV. , Lxcuted (hem. endured hardnes. racd Following Hie dipalcbeM tit-tlanger, im.fi " ; .iiiiJt lt tli lttal lKb and dually papl mil or Iibed in thi paper Saturaiy in t;i i It'.. and fp. lUMlMN, llarrh II. i pn- ,nnrk. The crovtd.i kn-elrtl ami the ig!il or men by the path orlregard It. Hip iloeking or Ilia r .iii ,too Mind; Cajrgron. merit eonviftr! "f ennipln ity in prayetL duly and .-ir jtacrillee. iin up 'Majely' Canadian liip Aurora. i.rinn ,...m.... and ltt.p ftll. M.ono tlir killing of rr'n tifllfpri in! Not 1nrr Hip exaculMni fnllnw-Ireland HtPir own live thai oilier might'Hi eouneil uf Hie Hoard r Trade tw. u, ( Hip ll-Millt Kl-lior- ep pip ulnl in Munt ing Hie IIMS riLnB havp the .Sinn live in frevdum. Let Hioae who held a ru.t'ting to dicu tl s:tu- t ii uilli'ii atyt It.Sr' and O. loy prbon lbi iiHM-nina. Thj" Feiner lpen nurt-p prtifounJIy cme ari. r ee lit IMhal hil name jatmn. It wna Ujd.t totelegrui Ii men were lutnapl tn aii at m- fllrred. mil firgt'lleji.",uj' Hon. X I. Italinulyiif. mioitrr of jqp.rt-ii ft -f a u.ihiii ,otlliM li Uir ji i atitt'itA' Kih n'til aiIJ Slurag tervaU ttf an buur. i - The eily i Hfe villi rJtp-lii- L r TIip. above. memorial. .r.e a .ru-kmcrine; fl,'Pe'k. iiieinbir fur tlie i :, hi I J.rtr and fir. Twenly llHtiiainl ier,mi ualh-;lHni in reeanl to m.il'le iIp-rrtl 'Reived la-I week, frtui ; HueHlllf Ulirici, eiiu i.api. iip, utrermr lilt . T'.t- oiiM IiiO i iiini l Iht, oiiUldi' the jail ami all work ivelnpnirnls fttlfi'Avtng lbe ha'try-in bam Palate hy .Mr.,IL J. Itohin ,f Hie Canadian Naval Service at i anadiiiit I't'l" and Cold ftttrrgr the rily Htopp'd until fln lug. !on. of St. John. N. ll .ului Ffuulinall. The wire.to.Mr, Hal- I.i.iliiiL. in Ihe eilv -."uUti herltanlyne '.said: ( al I ti- and Or. tlar ii.'iil V.i'itd iiomiiU In Hip daughter. Mr. F.' F. StiCe. off "A.M-d '.aifadiatt iotal htp STRATA IN utiadfji Kili and I'.old turHy SHIPYARD TO, i ,lie Me.Mordip Aparlmenl. Her I irora de.-iroii ovei hai l and dry-...... Williiim itiihiii.itlttckiug before h Paeitic . . Pin H.-HhtI aving al it 3t and Rv. TOM MOORE, President or Do- CERMBNY PROTESTS 'won. in 'whoe memory the crtlllj coaat. Kc)uimall il'" k l" sjiiall. PACE COUNTRY TAKE ON MENi; LEAGUE OF NATIONS Witt (i:liiiuii Tri)tl - nun I.Hlmr i "ii-titwit. ANARCHIST ARRESTED AGAINST THE ALLIES was mwi by K iig iteorpe v, was rtupert dtek avaiiahh'. ap-preiatp if have ship none vmitM almi; it killed inaelioii n Mareli 2). 1917, you FOR ASSASSINATION while serving with Ihe (inadian here rather than go to foreign Gtoloalcal ft..-... i. 'Mi In ipn warfare linn i'iuipd win Add to SUT Qradually as HFII1.IX. Mnr. li I 1. -The Mounted Hi Me Mr. Ilnbinun is dock." iimri' and nmrp iiipii to nr' ''l LATE PREMIER DATO They Can be Used to (ioveiiiHii'iil tin addreed upending a year in l'rinee Hupert. In disfussins the matter, the mm Mlniaiar, lradiral ilmlrlnrn, and In i-iiii''- Advantage. a note lo Hie League of members of the ll.-ard of Trade iliii-nrp lm niHile il innrr and Allltlli. Mnrrli II Alum. Naliou priletii)g against rxireiied (heiiwhr as not Leintr Hi.. rp.ll''C dimcult for llic rrpulur la- Mull ", tin iinnrrlii!. Iia li.'.-n ar. H. J. F. Turney of tln Wallaee Hie peiiallieM being en-Toreed MATRON OF HOSPITAL able lu undertaud how (be irov. r 'In- . , ' Hif iifcll',,rli!4VPtnci)tliitlieiJiHliHllBlrt rpl'l un.l i linrui'd wild (In- intir. (Uiiiipuny. Mlfit arnvetl lal uiabl, by the enlenle for MARRIES TELKWA MAN rillliejil eould send the vessel to 1 t i iiun-Uw maintain iiroitur rrlalinnn In'- der i.f I'rpinler laln. 'I'lir imlli'i Kujd thia murnlng dial they would (jprmmiy nnu-rullllmenl a foreign dtck when Hi " wn ' IHil. -t'l.ilnrWt5r rniiior and Htlo"HI. uy Iip bu r'.nfp'il and lia gradually increa'- Hie number or of the reparaiion obligation. Iwa available here. II n men- , -. . Ill I'nl. I Wllllr III- ui.lilliSl"ll. .Mr. gipii Hip niiiiip- of bin aofiiin-iint'.i men employed al ili hipyitrd. hut Weddlng of Miss Beatrice Uren tinned that il wa'pisible be rii 11 iJicmp'wrt ntHifprml wilh tlir e.xiM'ii. ' Jut now how iiki".v would eventually and Patrick Fegen ln Van- 'uld J J. but if'sbe ii im- InlllM" or tin .Mmrlcaii tiirauun be on Ihe job I Iiltld n it tin iney eouiii not etpiwivpiwi ut I I'l'arMf I.ulmr and rPiiraxriUntiWN nf roniiiaign," rtmllinipd Mr. Muuri. cuy. Tbey would employ unieiellt couver being (.pnt lo ealHaor i-'au Fran- il In IfiiOh iif hn italiitniil iinlniit itf "'I'ht' I'nlli-d SlBlr witrkrrtt air, In uileiuali'y handle Hie work. fiseo. mi!, QliaUtl ill tin fod.Tiitlon wtTf in luy fliinalliin. ciiiiclili-ralily In regard to Hie doekin of the B0LSHEV1K1 SAID The weddiuu took plaee recently ' Miri'i'i'iit. 'Mic lilg iiiii'xIiimi li- Mira ulT than lh Cauuillnii snrl Aurora, .Mr. Turin-)' aldhi linn at the home of Itev. A. I. MrKiil-non, GIRL KILLED IN SEMI-FINALS reunRPtl wait tin war Im'Iiik wngt'd rr, tinMifnr o the i-imdllU'iid tbey htd taken it up aetively with the TO BE ADVANCING of Mis I leal rife !. t.'ivn. of lilVt',"tl(t)i,r nn yrgimixi'd lolir huxi- i'tithiihiil hy Ii'HIhIuIIoii. ipinilmi'iit al tntawa ami with l.adysmilli. ami Patrick Itcgali. of AN AUIO ACCIDENT f "idlothlan itiilii.in fiiNur or I In- opt'ii iiiti. ""'I Tin. Iuwi fiiuotrl fur Mn'lr r-In Colonel perk hul a leJpgruni had AGAINST POLAND '1'flkwa. 'I'he eeremony wa per- to flay nrUij tin iwrcMitlly nf iiniriiiuir linn in Ihr ittl aiT.it'nt'Miy iinr, been received fr.mi thaler saying Itev. J. II. Cameron;'or;Miss Jemima Brawn of Vietorla t. l ined hy m inleniewrd iv wiiuiuiiiik uy u ri'i ion iPgiNiuintu. iH'inir ili'i'lilfd oga(nl a uiiooii-hIIIuI Jie had Itepuly Holh Morrell Injured. (be Ki(ilum I'nlnil Churi'li. Victim; MtMiw , Spending Money. tonal hy Ihe I'ourU, A re. .Miiilleril.,herul wbntaleil Ihe STOCKHOLM, March 1 F'iiii- i IJm What uiu mit't'liilly iiutnl wuk infill IiiiIiiiii'i' of IIiIm Ij tin Cluy-lun eae would not ! docked on Hi I A Riga correpondent says Mr. ami Mrs. Ilegun are well II. Interior M iirrli -Mifs ihe Bo-Shevlkl knovn in central yiiriOIHA. to'twenty -Ii nf Mirnl by Anll-'frunl law. Iiv fart very eoat. that eighteen "!!' liiljfjllio-ul huh i inyni') divisions with artillery country. The bride u suiter- Jeinlmu llrown wa kijle.1 and fll' Uiin ''""biJtrlalii riniilnyrrn In nowiijiuiirr many Iniporlnnt plpri nf Icgi-latlun Ihe lluxelttm Hospllul .Morrell eriuly tnjuretl. intimrenl t.r " wllijund nilifi- advrrlUIng fn tin1 larue i'liaclcil in Hit' pul for Hit' DIES AOEO 115. and airplane Poland corps In Is fur lvvi veui. while the irrnoui I jLewi(while Iwn other enCaped uiiraru- Tl 'artlek jiiiviiiiin'rii nf lln giving Hititi'fllttit n( lh" wnrkafH huvr advancing rgalnst cnuutry of Smolensk, one or H.h bi l known ami mot oiily when i "i"b!,e in "lll.tliplr pmlnii nf I lii iiiri.iiill Inr i iTi'iilly lirrfl'di'i'lnri'd uiu'oiibIIIii-iii MINOTO.V. N. !.. Marv'ii ll. the districts aueeweful farmera of Hie Hulkley which iliey wre iding .v. rtin ned thoso if 'ItllJ y ui lli fan ojicn liyp. nnl n ud Tutd from llu- hIuIuU' I'homua lo died at Hlltabaro ut Vitebsk and north or het Saturday. Valley. i.t. "Iii addition to thU nuuier booke." Ihe reputed ao of 113 year. places.