nia daKjT mwa McoJn in i I I I I ii . ra i.w.t mn-i niiUiiiLii.iiimiimm ' 1 ' II ' II ! To Be Dyspeptic rELEPH0NITIS I POWDER - flMS Is to be Miserable IN BRITAIN Westholme Tonight and TomoiW Dnteel liie Mr un'plic nuftrrs untold ssmiy Qovrrnment Proposal to Rata arirr rvr-M meat, and any mm who naa Rale Is Being Opposed D dysiiepaia knows mi Jy H would ri In rat three aquar meals a day and not BIG ATTRACTIONS I.O.MXIX. .Mtir.1, . Willie lie ftmisiHtl rr It sfier. yearly every-thin that enter the weak iinmarn arts Ki'MTitl (Utiiailiuii ell ia linvi- bi-rii 2 a sn Irrllanl. snd even the llllle mat IS Hffiu-fi or livoly i-uiHroM'i-fiy nver film rauws .iirh lurturc and IS dlaetlrd iiK'i'riiKr.t lit Hlri'ni ruihvuy faro, Vaudeville & Pictures mi imiirrrertly thai II duel Utile rooiL (itfut llfllaiii liu iu Ikii of ili!-ptilt nrfore yun ran eat heartily, snd nut puk and rhuoee your fond. Jon mull put ill fill hict-ras" of telilioiie yi.tir Hi.nurh intM nurti a rwiiMMiii Ihat lalp.i. II will nunufsrlure It un direatire Tlif IhiiIiii'.i jiiii'1'i -.lM ami m'li- rrrmriils. rrul pulille Imvu miITitiiI an ullurk JOAN and JACQUES MUNCH )r rr forty yesm liitriliirk lilmKl ' inner lia liininr up ami rrHi.nnf of wlinl Mime call ti-It'i'lioiulU" nrak slnniarhs la a meninl lioaltny nm as n rt'sull of an iinnouiM,iiin,nt liy dinon k Hwi the fund no kmrer eaunes,(, 'oinutf r (Ifii' iol Hint h" Solo and 1IIit. but is llmnwrhiy direned ami ,.... ,i i..,,,.,-.,, n,,, (..hMilmiie harmony MitiHlated. and enaDles. ne to r"" : , . ! ,, . . ...,..,. in f all Hie wh..leiMiie fawd required without nir tu .April I to HVM iii auu- rep 'rtoift o( k Soft, Smooth, rear ot any unpleasant after rrrrtts. 'strinern and linni''iliali"i Hi ni'w aaHaraTVv rValWkw classic & huu! Mr. Allre liefknurlh, leaserlaii. onL. ! stilijirrllirrH. MBaaWaJ' -yajMyHwaW nrllc: "I Have hern -a freal aunertr Tlit'sP ilicri'tf" .- art' Im'-hiI on a Clinging : renn indtreflHHi awl dyprpla f.r several report of n S-l- ,1 Coiniiitlti'c f Speeml Feature! yean. I routd nut rat anytiunt wilbotit the (III- llllll'l" of ( I t M W. Hllll I'-'H Iiihwi ilrina mmi the pain in ptl of; through silk; to an my sluiiiarh. e.'lia Uurdutk Muod f((f an .annual nlal of ftffltl BLIND SIFTED Incredible fineness ami htllera IKshly re.-..nune.led I irini a ,llIMHi (,.,, !1ji, apaintl tin Y0UT1 delicacy. That's the secret of the miiiiN. Tin' ran eat aiiylhint now. ami am In per- ""' i p Ipiusual dinslng of Face power ferl healtlL" iprtist'iit fee of Mi"'i' pt'iiti' ' with an all znUlA Powder Its minute JonteeL part B. II. H I iiMnufariumi uniy by lhePlltn al I pllllttr l ull hox u I Mack Sen.ett ides hold to the sldn tenaciously Ccrrii r. .Vilburu Co., Lituited, Turuniit,' Uul. jrriiinill for n)..rl tli!lnri'i. Ii' .i end invisibly. Purecontains no "UT 'ER I lonter If-ilanri'- will lf proM CC chemical substances. And alluringly llotlalelv iiirr-n- i'licw flia'K' J IVyma I. scented with the famous Odor MONEY MARKET Sffnlj ltiiv lol lllBilr lortM an inn Jonteel the blended olxi (it 23 U tigrant flowers. (L4itlrtt'y T. Mct-lyiiiont . aifd otiurfff of .im . Picture-. W l.tlt(, 1,118 fr Ihii tllfri'itw fiir. "f all Ask for Face Puwdii Jonue) r irsi m, 11 1 ?f r Cict.anga nf 1 17 I x'r hvi'i' pii'-wai' ' Vaudev iic - today. 75 N e It'll in if. 1.10. fal". lI'Hllf, H.35. ' 'I'ltr VoluillK of .Tll i' lel" V.1'1' ll 91" Kiaocrt l IWjiiinii i, 0.13. s Jh first oflk-inl -lai nil-ill ralli il Vou wlllbuMyourrtlfUo.v Lira. i.2. fortll till ti niiM-i' gr.iwii rMnl(l' i - Ine at the Swedt Markn. 2. III. ably ml! iul only ini" rfulii-lion Prices B8e and :c (Sre-rH'.'. U.I2. nf priilf-t iiTti m-iii in tli-jo t nit Kniiy, dl. iTinHrnil frMii elianiluT rery ORMES LIMITED i.liina, 57. r i uiiiiierVi- in I'oiinlry, Imt Empress Theatre, 'Fonight and Tomorrow Japan. 0H..SO. 1'iiiiiliiiit'tl art Ion i hi-lnx l&kcn iiy Lniliil Slati'n. 15. llo arinu cIihuiIm-i Willi a vn-w Norway, 10.35. i.i 'mi' alli'Malmii nf who! is SwitierluinJ. I 'J.J I. i'all'i tin- "lnliHi"n- nnpiiii.Mi BILLIE BURKE in "WANTED A HUSM) The Store Finlanil. It.SO. v ii I.iwIht s)iartii'.4 for a rrtr' S-rliia. 3.71. jwllii'li m dlllill-ill iii-'lllrii'iil . COMEDY and NLWS Ilollaml. 10.05. I Soiiii- are ri'ii mlt nruhnt.- a, Spain. 10.18. lluv.'jili. lint Miiiki.enalii 111111111111) ATKIt NOTICK. wptlen, Stt.on. iiclin.'! in llir iH-lii-r Dial llii TH: iTi:k ivrnni.nut Alter aad Arm:sk.Mininr and jwoultl Hi-riuusly injure I In- en iii-' TORK'S tleveluliieli l.4iiia Limited, whuelk ad-iJrf -. Victory Bonds ill future. I v, linle ioul(i'i ha In i'tt iiniird S My fur l a lipid lieeuev tirure,to like Anyul.and It.ue;..nve will rnie an " hiss. 7tft$;v' j A J',pillatl'0. ri'prcef(lliiy li!' iltl" anil elMtl-l In lariiaiiietit. THE CANADIAN SELL iu-er.rr reel rr water utit of Water Fart i8. j70i.i;' $1.00 -r. t:ni'k. alMi knuwn a I'all tlreek. wmeh pieH ur llrtul III Ham. pro-'J J 1 1 ' uur ui ronirtiiion TOVES. lli's eanrly and drains into Head of i'jt, ' lo Hie l'alpialer (leneral. Iiul : llif aliol ll f lln-old Hal rale 1 15 i'Urti:HA5l!NU "OWEK In Kurfi;ne,fr t ;H Allre Arm iimiit i.ioti wrel from nurlherly l!27. H7.50. . of Ci ily with unlimited rnlUl lullv ardeh llepul. recnhisl Utlie enrurareiHnl ye: er. iirtfe nnanciai nouies (ire tkinK ic ' Ui The water will be diverted mm Ihe 15,33, J7.50. The I'oelrua-trr pointed out that !! Hie impo-mion of u liillna -dr-am at a P'lnl une ttmtuiand reel uurtn-wrterly uuin'r up lorclRti M-cuntus iu icip Irln ' frvin the imiN'4t nmer or lot 11)31, 5)1.50. uam'Ft in lliv ilearliiient had -owle .if rharuet whrfli will uivan' :ir-J I, ati'l will tie u-id Tur 1iiiieile town exchange. As inv-tinent 's an we rcec:rr.r" Fred Stork's Hardware Miipiy and tMwT ptirffM' uinin the luwu-ie 15f37, 5,8,50. licbleil ami tl'e eot of plant inure a lo-aty iiiMiliou to lite Iii liar uf Allrr rieM-rttiett rm Towvwule.a In lH ami Lot lJ-A, LA XI .irr. Ihan ilotllile.). Hie rxppiwliltire vulilinerrial ln.ui- (liionglioul chi of French (iovt. A vkx cent. lion S iff I Second Avenue Till, nutire wa iifttel trii the around r the deiiarliiienl in IUI3-II wan Him I oil id 10"0 franct, par of exchat Re UlriR Slf l'o tf : ntw rlrl day nf Marrh. tsit. PHONE B'ACK 1 14 A ntv uf tiit unllif and an arMraii.n ........ . rl"1;.r--''- ' "- ts.iMz.miii ami 41 lyio-si njriire- able (Urtfl ly. Call, orphoni". for firir..til ur-UJUt thereto IM I the- "Water Aft, 1 el t ,-.HA liAA 'ISM." will be filed It the nllire of the iiiiii t,iiri,M,,. BILLIE BURKE IN, Ill I'Hiier Runrrl I iih! fiutnrl. ileeord McCLYMONT THOS. 'Water Herunb-r at I'rtiM-e Muprrl. II. E. II i rliiitonl Iiy the liuine-i ! nb.n-eiiun ! the snpliraliun may Im tor ln.lrH-l nf ltaM. Itarire S, and ailnala 'Med llt the nald Water lieeiinler ur milt ut?rt''A?wi.rnt U"r"' "' ,r,-oiiirMiinll1lial tife ll.e mtvenu "WANTED, A HUSBAND" IIh CMuplrulIrr ur Water lurtiM, I'ailia-'tiienl Hnihlluri. Vh-iurla, ft. '... wiutin Take nutiee thai 1. Julrm llailiaiei. utlineul lor.l .urer the l'leiine PACIFIC,CARTAGE LTD lliirly tlaya after Jlie llrt aprw-ariire tf !"rliire Ii.iitI. II. r. uertipatni rarpetjlrr, MIT .. erie- from the .Naliiiiml rHe- llii- miilce in a lral newspaper. 'Htemi M aiHDy fur trmi.H 10 iwrrna lllll'e lltirke - lale-l pie 111 re l Phone 93. S. E. Parker. Mgr. Alire Arm TowiuiiU', Cai.ur Land Dia- Hie fulluwinr uVvnbe,! uimH ne rniiuiaiiv nlileli nai.l n Irlei 1 Jifiiluefirtiia- al a runt irfanted ui an ealled 'W illi I -d A llulaii tul 4 and I THE VlTTIM of VertkiK. Ill a1 Careful attention river to all orders far ALICE AIIM MIMVI AMI llEVM.OPML.'NT land alxnil K.inii feet iMirtueerly frrnn ilviteli r ix fir rem. the IS irf the laiel Htlr set tiM wi the furniture, f refg be b ga'ajr ur other I . in an atjiiplatioii of n ioumikiii'-eloi7 UHII'AW I MIT ll. ppllrinl. niner ui i.m tail, iianre nutter at Im I Mir Iltori ito . in. Tlwftx transfer wnrfc Hi p itiei. arent. lll.lrlrt. Iheuee arimuat .Hie Miami lo tlie erli-e ha urown inereninuly FiveRosi OltDEBS takcm roa COAL ax D WOOD Tu. 'ai. ..r uv nr-i imiilii-allun uf this tviinl nf r4uiiH iiertuenand rrmlammx l Itiettirieiil mid riMrutie. anil the by Hiiuiitel'lliipWin-i Adam. trnttm "ne tl. i.Uy f l-rtar rperi. imlln- i- t. IMI. luure ur leea. - II will he loWI Ml tile Hliinren 'Map j . JIIJI IHI1L.WI). lroiive-l erfnrl nr Iwlntr niaile I'runl al tar braaea nf OMewaal S4 liaU-d Marrh ant. Il. Thi-alre. Tin' "lory is suaid l lie l"warl 11 iii!tMneiiienl of Hie if ealfy an4 I leoitr rf -munlMii. b) ai.Miirably ai.'upted in the romody NOTICE. Inrreaeea rlnlil the lta WIMM, Ike re tele red rrer ..f pioMi-ei la3'lil-.of peel I y Mien lltirke. IV above Int. Ii a-rrr a leawi rrafiie4 by i Tilt: MVTTHI of an apt-larallun fur the I.AXII Ain.. 1 The heruiiie l Amanda ijp-jr .1 haHei K hrse l yua. Uearr " Flour ur of frenh rt-rlmrale iif a title Uk iMlefl me jeia June. I VI , a 14 renierr Hhe-k "V- IjA t. Iilurk ? -and tM 'I'.i le. wa p.iii-r ileelKlier ia l.., 1 1 Hlurk It- Tuwn i.f Terraee Map 7). Natka of Inttntlaa la plf M Lt.n lw ' lii v illi two ir I frleiul In the -Il.frii,r pnf i,t the ! of IIm ., UMbM la h. h.s.. b. r.r New Shirts . unrate uf Ulle nrvertnt Hie alKive land I'KTItniMV Vl Kttiiivi. IMS. leoLelMiail xei'llon ol i-w or It It(J laaaiwal. It to M) MtealMt Iter Ike e havlnr lMi-n rudueed. tHitiee I hereby In oneen markilU lel.wla Xjnd lmtrirl.;(( Mvr,,,y H, ,mli iiipl In lier paralbaa of IMrty days ffwn the rrviee f .1 ... . ... : Iieeiittaie itialelet ttt kkeelta. and altuale .......... ..... .. . ....... . Ikta MMaiee. I eefeel .-.ii.i.ii'ii ui -iir 1 1 1 11 irotii 1 1 v dpi - - - - - ---- II... Z ITI1a UhllralK.ll iM-reuf. a rre.h reetinrs!' !)f B the WSSt Ciail fj ati'Ma I.I.UJ m tim,aH B-au 1 Ibe aaM traae rl the IKruter Healltj line in l lie name ur Atrred J. Morrl-. whirl) lrIMir or wt liiver. i;am annul lo h e married and ( the naraatlM s rwl and vaad uVSerlMHi Bie rrrtllirsU' ot Ulle tr dated lllh July IIIH VTir ami t nmiilieri-d r.l'.7-l. MITICE Hat Charles Wins, or nil til her mii toiii-li nlmlll her tin. Ikrrel'i Is naade aad Bate yocj lake M I ami rii'vlMry uttlre. 1'rtin-i lluberl, B. laiK-uHier. U. :., oreupaltftn arwawlaal, ',,.. ;. ,.,... ,,,... .,. i........ Irrnaeetile the peiaier pmaeediais U e That give a hint of finl d) uf rebniary. !!. laMjitt yeajr etatm ur tn tntm ascs pro- Bread II r M f.l.l on, llrlllliUie llailM-e, men KH-i lo a! ItH- rultottHiS deeCHbed lmi: -LiHiirMriidnr SPRINGTIME lum.irar i.f Titles. red arlkiti on no pari. al a sl planted si in Iraiuiiiif ramp to henHif herswlf. Mod ItertalM Ofllee, pnor Hubert. tat imrlheal rnriirr or . I- lia. inrnrc the tram lnn-y uieetM lier II L., ird Marrb. 1 Ii. Ill . li'irtn an rnalti; inenee eal 'f raaiiee; hriieyntiiiiiiiliu rummale arid II r. V 11.11 of. Loolts Biller ihetii't- -m.hiii an rliam! thetet vieU 10 filaiMel ..a (a ai a .f l lllaaat Fresh Stock just arrived ishi- t' iiiiiii 'if i tiiiurnreiuiui and run- llU Illy indiii-e a younit man ir, Crs-. in'iiiiir Mi am -, iwire or ie 'UNener t" pone a Iter intended. I'nx Ntipeh. v. u. CjIs Belter rttHIEs WIM. ,. . i.,,.,.... i i - i ) i ri n r a. ft re aw $5.00 Aimnn M. Hroo. ase, CEitTintUE or mrnovLntMs. Eats Better i.. and HrV McCormick's nan- January. tsjt raviing anly mil. ' ' fif.iirf ot her di i'i'plioii MiJ (he nx vitirr swi Nonru or-'ippurtTiii.'rH. imtnio Keeps H and -liipial of her liiiirovird nweel. VIMltlL 1 LVH aiiuab-. in the anrni InvieWWl of Hie I .Me iM.lrtli. Where ! I.earl form I he i liioax of I he kied on Ike kllaai lltver, adjouuat Family Sodas What About ,,elure. ll,'I aafal IMly bohler;Varaen rtfwanj rimtiK lla ot neatlle, $7.50 in lot lklr uf Wi.hirslon. Inned RIalea " r mrrira. Nnmlier nf holders lrr L Ch-uti VAUDEVILLE TONIGHT Winer. trlinrah' l?S-l'. John . Tkl- MiTH'E trut I, rdaard lewtn. 6 lbs. net weight Community free Winer's rertmrale Miniber ml IS t'.. AT THE WESTHOLME i ntrfMi al Hie etwl uf m ISO nays rrmi Big Value lw dale herei.r in ai'Dir In the ni, Herunier fur lttiRriie of Improvementi , Silver? fur 1 he pnrpoae of ubtatnins a kroai SHIRTS that have a distinctive Orant nf earn ur the ahnve rlaitra. , Solo and Harmony Singers In Mi IT IITIII.II TkK .MTt:E lhal srlirm phon f'-i , appearance, in materials that will $125 You can buy it from us Popular and Classic Songs.' mil.uarler I lie Sertmu ri4lillienrr4 IS of liefur I lie "Mineral Hie IHIIIKI Art" C.V.EV1TT give entire satisfaction. at the standard(price the nf lilTtlt aurh Ornnrale Ibis flat i.r diy Iniprnvrnienta.of Irtiruary, A. P. Anf lion' Komeltlillir iiin.'Mial lo I'rlnee Itll. .Mtlitl MODERATELY PRICED. same as in any city or lairnedi l.tiwanp I.KWI. Ai.rliior and e I j Eaton's. llupori will lake place at H'e This is CONTEST WEEK even from M'entliiilnie Theatre whpn the WA'I Kli xorini". for Window Display. Watch We carry a big stock in tegulur picture enlerlainmeiil In l'IVIII(iM AM) lit our windows. We will have Adam and Sheraton, be wiritf-l ly vveudevUie. Jnl) uul iMieiutiM'il'ill,ilint fiuiiH-aay Aitee-rm.Ululied, vimns hoe sil a't- "the whichl" un '" '' "imii tti... oreea if tiratl iiniee, nywa, ii. mu "i" sides Par five entries in this plate ,K contest rubir rv-lll atrt'liHllien Din aliiitv. ply fur a Hrenre tu take and use one $2.00 is lower in price. er.ii Irel uf vaier nut nf an unnamed The fwilure plrlure l "Jlllpil ererk, sl known a silver Ereek, nirli nk.Aj fWims aaairrly aiHl drains ml" Alice Arm, We Buy American Currency, John Vculli" with a Mafk Hellilell 00111-t.'t'y almul head of Aliea Ann at Dully Virdr-n UNG, TAILOR Bulger and Silver, Gold or Bills. Inii'otluctory feature. l'el The mater will be diverted frnm the Jeweller Ireani al a rmlni almul l-ul IT, Ulork s, H.I.. 1011, Allrw Arm TimuHle and HI WHIST LEAGUE la, iim,,i rue iLjue.tie 1n1.11 aunnltr and $3.00 power puiimMi upon the luwnalte Jvjrr.hed MUSIC FOR : Rupert Table Supply Co, a I'M ll audi Lot I07I A, Tovnalls of 1 Kullowliiir I Hie Mtanillntf to Allre Arm, II. 1:. ARTHUR Tliln iMitlie wal p'led on in frounn PHONH8 211, 21?. tli In fur tlio Dyliliavn Cup! on the Urn nay of Marrn. 1 0 1 1. . ... V A run uf lhi nnlire and sn anpllrallun I.. I'l8. IHirauaiit ihrrrln and. lo Ihe "Walrr Art. 48 Je- vmamim Phone Msasaasassssi aaiiaassiiissai saasiaasisjiaaaaa ssjm.j.juiil KnigiiiH i.r tuii... it sf IUU." will be llled In Ihe umre. of Ida ... Water In run.T al Prin'e Ituperl, Ii. ' W'ee'I' 1 . i Kiiiih uf Cauailit . H 5 10 niilrriiona to. the ippiiraitun may be eeeeeeee' faiil llli'd with Hie asld Water llerunli-r or with n Wl Anilrnw'a , , .. H 0 10 Ihe Oiii.piruller uf Water tu villa, I'ariia-nieiil rioiu uf I jialainl H (I 10 HuildniM, Virioru. ii. v... witnin OUR COAL WILL PLEASE YOU lliirly days aflrr Hie llri appcaranro of MARTIN O'REILLY Valhalla 7 1 it IIH nnlire In a Im-al nrwapaprr. For gwd , JrTljjsSl Clean Lump. Clean Eng. Mine Kua. IT'S HOT, NO SOOT Oihlfellima 0 t IS Alirs Arm Tuwiidla, Caraiar land Ms-Irfrt . Consumers Coal Company, Ltd. Kiiighlsof I'ylhiaa 0 7 13 AIJtK CUMI' AIIV WMM1 IIMIIEP.AMI Applicant.liKVr.LOPMtMT Klkn ...I !i 10 10 Ily 0, I', luel. attM. couver. U Smith Ulock PHONE 7 J. Lome MacLaren, Manaicr Th OH la of llm rral publlrslloa Of II" 0. W. V. A. U It 0 oulut l MirCb 7, IVil.