THE DAILY NF.W8. PAOE 0, "alunlar' Jllll, DEMPSEY HAS GRIT GH: Arnold - Notary Public AND KNOWS BOXING A FOR SALI Showed Thla In Fight With Blllle Westholme Theatre Modern live-roomed house tt Hoiileit real Miske La at Labor Day. on a fine double corner. Has u beautiful niiiriiic view. Very close in; The lob alifne urc worth what isjjeinjf Jack hempscy defended his lonight, Saturday U!kc for the house and lot?. ' title for Hi first time last LiiImh BARGAIN AT $3,600 CASH. Day aitniiist llllllp Miske. Ih' was the same terrible uiatib-i H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Unit put Wiljaiit aside. Hi-punches i Special ! Insurance RinUli Real Estate seemed In have atJii' 1 Special! siiperliiimnii forew behind llieni and Miske laslrd less lhail t li i - IDOLS rounds. s The chjdleijn7jjal,s-ril.iple,ii . Monday is $2.00 day at the ly and he knew how to lot. Ih' With liinded direct vn loos srnint Dough Raisirg Sale I he champion fmuenly and In-Uick nnd footwork eluded Bargains have been specially selected fiom all departments. punches. AlViouuh forced lo , RUSSIANS AND Mae David feu are listed below, but look in our window Saturday night for Imielive for a ywir under I lie enre of surgeons, Miske showtl more Monday only any of the following for $2.00. than liluiseir xslieu a much he tippenrcil heller scrapper mi IIm Murray Powell JEWELRY. MISCELLANEOUS LIST. ee of the Deinpry-V II lard French Ivory powder hovesV hialch and fougbt Haltliiic l.e- who is recognised Tin pins, brooches cuff links, Great Amlcabllllv Belnq Developed ll'!h pearl, ami gold filial studs, Kelt hair receivers. Jewel boxes, b vinky. n the moit fensa-tlaoul Between Two Former itctor ony hair brushes, hloller. Hut he wn an mulch for the CLAY" vhohakpfav buckles,- silver men's, walch Enemies. dancer on the pocket walclies. alarm clocks. (Hani Killer. Ieiiip-y di.(bleil fd lli'fprds in Ki$ chains, lockets, siunel rifu, walking slirks, ali trav. him in the second round with purc. - btttRe. former ItlWA. Laliv liio- ;& II- prtsJuciion. K'dd earimrs, walch fobs, cut alass hort hoit dishes, siUcj vicious blow oVr the tlmii rent arrival rrom M-wow d-clan- rill in? ii'i to r.oti. (dated bahy iiiiisf. 'r'olll fill Hen ami jui below Ho hcuri knives. .in'llin silts hoiih In the I bird round he kliocketl Hint b. w-rld I lllr rei J MONDAY ONLY S2.00. These articles sell nil the vvn him down three limes before ites how rlrtfeif Si.0-t Hussia I. window before. Jinn- up to "l.(ll. Miske.Mie was firsl forced Uuie hf! was iiiil. felh'd Xear Usiiitl Haul.its fi ieioioll'p Willi Hie,i Comedy, "fits and Fodder" Prices 25c wnd 55c and a Fox News Weekly III)"- MONDAY, $2.00. lie slaved down fur the rouitt if III Mumuiw now Hie TurHstt .... a legalhitl ieriii'e mir of . Hit nine net) lie was -inlliou liM'l A GIFTS THAT LAST , John Bulger; tct-regained(hat finished b feel.I he furtil The cln-sled ! nees liiosl ami suiiijiliinii.Ihr tin- iJi nrbed pill, E .ipress Theatre, Tonight only, Louise Min"Daigero:is Paradise" Jeweller i f a lian;liler blow t the In fnulla Kuropern dollies sl.'inai'h h'lh w.'d by a right to present a ftrange rmitrast in EMPRESS THEATRE Hie chin Hie iMKiiiy clotlieil Muscovites The Afghans and other New Two days only, MjnJay anJ Tu:sda. Jun: 27-28 Ka.lern deleuaiions alsu oeeuii) GUARANTEED KOAD ATTN ACT'ON. l P OPLK lit. luxurious flajhor- Week-End Specials ipiailer- give 'KeepSmilin" DELUXE ale hamiuets and olherwle car-; Fcaturirnr l.trunswick Sardines r- on with all H oiiiji of tin-1 PAT McCULLOCH 6 CALIFORNIA BEAUTIES 4 tina for 2So "Trade at The Universal dd Kasleni rurl. 300 Jars I'nre Jam. A)liner Trading Co.," Helgeson ICE CREAM .Members l.eirne's gmern. and Kiitg.ltcacli brands in Block. meiil an? freiiiently guests nil The Man with Feet that Talk Wonderful Sinjrers n I) ncer Having enlarged our premises Corneous Ci n.cs Straw. Hasp, and tloose- We offer you these In.uli and installed modern machinery these affair- .not nlrrfain lliej berry, to clear 25c quality (roods at (he lowest we are thoroughly equipped I' legation MMs"iiiiet equally la-: I'ep from SUrt to Finish. General A rv s.,n, 7"e Libby's I'ork & Means. 2"s, market, price, and invite lake car 'of our evej--growing Ice rhly in tvturu. , 2 for 35c. doc. $1.85 Hr-ids tins. I.eoinc has par your inspection, before y-u ream trailc. u j The hij.-ye.-l value we trade elsewhere. The ingrvdicnlsHised I ai-rominiHlali'il himself In Hie ! j "5 know -in psychology ,.f the K. ll,l of today, IMtc' lee Cream oT Hie best MEN'S DEPARTMENT. are ENFORCED VISITORS Sultana Ilaisins hi, hulk.... .low exchanges present- with the ; i; only .Men's" Suils in dark our cream heiilg importeb from I'lilers nf lurfcey and I'erstn. a 3 lbs. for 95c .... firry. All sizes while Ihey the south tci-weekly. did the rulers -f anebi ijuiys. HAYING GOOD TIME 8i-di-d Ilaisins in hulk la $17.50 Ice Cream Is made dally on our vrs:t t Persia. 3 lb for 95c 5(1 mly Meh's and aremlses in three flavors Vanilla, ( l.ibby's Tomato Soup . . 15c Ytiunfr A M"!4f"u' I'Hlay rrad ll.irry H- ri. kr. of Muiueapoli.. CAMPERS! Mens. Suils. AH sites, Strawberry and Chocolate. like whal , 7 tins for a TlaD , ."1 . ..r the minted lnily.on: $1,00 shades and styles. Special We also speclallie In Neapolitan tiiighl Uth leifl an ancient I.ibhy's Asparapu Tip . ItMjr,.u ar,. ,UuUuit mn en. at $22150 bricks. tablet of b"lr"?lyidlie dfserlb- frr,, ,y n. I,e v,ly vii white V , .,45c 7 only Younsr Men's. Tw-Pieec We solicit orders for Te.rt' lug the vtsi; of Ilalolonian to a .,, ita or-! oiuhl e Irsiu l--uig Snowllakn I'aslry Flour 10. Suils'in stylish brown Dances, etc.." and nil orders iiM- KIiik Cyrus, l'-r.tll. n IT .COST' ,W4lrt iIM, r,,,,,,.,,,, u(l, 1 sack . . pound , 70c t shades. Kxlra spei-ial $10.00 RtveYi special' htleutlon and 'ile- "The rnuwlitallw: yf,lhe Xov- j,,, pViucr Itiitwrt liiis mU.e.1. A. Malkin's Mesl Marmalade 3(1 only Hoy's TwoH'hxe liternf hy'rtdf Viwii Hiilonv.lilif i u-l tioveriifneni lias piaije it stlla-t. nl .Hi pail" ..-,.. 90c Hulls. -Short 1'ants uizes W'e make prompt shipments ol first official visit In lli- mU of lyli hoU.Mn'illild. ' Carnal ion Kvap. Milk Jo fit boys j in 17 years. ml of town orders l'rsht. ' pri'enli;iy lo the Shoh riMHi Nb $47,000 ............ 7 Una $1.00 slt.U,'lpi jS?nrr. Lveu N 'truaraii'tfc' 'that';ftliu is Wholesale in 'i a Kolden saUer an album If'llwaV-WfiifnJr. MK tfrwle uid Limit, li tin to customer. iihI only the rlassiesl but Cowan' Cocoa V4lb lhiv the 5 gallon lots $195 with plmlornplis of Soviet he.bin) his wife had a srest lime! strongest suit In town. lenders, of Hie uhole of tUssa .. . 25c Made for a real'boy. Note and upward us a periial present to the eieorhiMwrTrnUtii.w Smith's drape Juice, pis 30c the price $9.75 per gallon Shah frni f.einne." i (In In-half of Ihe re.t of the Extra Spaclal on Canned 50 I 'iru Men's Merrerled Two Stores A innn who rwenilv arrived . Sir. oMrl)c Il-lirie ruinpllioeiil Fruits at Pre-War Prices. Lisle Hose. Tim kind you from Moscow sawl: "Kew person- Me.Whi.'il. 11.00 for elsewhere. Royal Confectionery li. A. sitMiil lieiirral pay molie what a cIimm run-necllon Ie) Moiilr Slieeu I'caches Is jfreiiilil ami imsseiuer uvent, for Special. 2 pairs for. 95c le Monte llarllel Pears Is now exists lM-twei. lts. DeLuxe Confectionery jlhe way the iarly w a hum.led. le Montr Apricots Is WHITE WEAR DEPT. sih and ii" old enemy. Turkey. '11. KlIklMll. U I...... II.A ..U.I M THEY DESTROYED Ouukcr I'lums, Lombards or We (,'uarantee the following Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. mid for lli.1l lo.-'ller nil of Ho! . . , ., ,. 17 and 193 trry eniiriciu aiei soiieiious Phones In he rock bottom Near l.H'l l.eniiie i .neconi. tlrcru (laves, 2s. price for their eiijo)iorlli: III fael Ihe .lioe all .No. I lines packed ami arc the result of careful i-IikIiIHK ll' re wlial Hie 0I4I ln. whole uirl ! fflad of the opxir. " Km -MM Koeii:iiien could not do $150,000 buying on tern Markets hi heavy syrup. Assorted hinlly Ihey cre alien of. staying fceipial iuantities 4 tins $1.00 where prices are ri?hl. by idayiiiK up lo Fjislerti pyc. over. All iro on the I'riuee tieorae ; '" Miotic )(trr6rderrf" "arly Irficrieif "Mfri'lUif nii, iiiiouy. tinlay and will make the rotjinl $1.25 and $1.00 "The eulleil lloUJievim ill f, ouanlily we hate and unty Wc are a pulliiin limiled Indies' Atusliti. Qirspt fjv-er. Special Lots th.-e l'Ul. in r.uinlrW is 110I lima Inu ir'p siiglh hi Stewart o Vamriiivsr'on Ihe U-sscl.with ViW lh$ OF PROPERTY LAST YEAR !lac; 'and.'.einUrOi'Jerjj al all like Hie Hdsheviui of no l'ieslricthiiisjni lliosc thi loumrrow nM'iihlit 1 Mi-scow but ill eaeh Hie ee buy in case Juts. IrJioin-M $1.00, 66c, 65c ease v Ladies;. Mutiiil HIimjmiits Som OSVtS It lt TIM ISO Itussiau BKilulors have a distinct si Canned Vegetables Special. Special at 85o rrit. brand of propaganda designated Be Sure Your Fire Ouaker llrnnd Oirn. 2s. Ladies' Muslin Drawers r lo ioelail wilh uuclenl ruslom SrtUen 7. Quaker llraiid I'ras. 2. Special al$1, S5c, 66c, 50c L"l it. HUtrk 3 11 of the coui)ry ill (jeolion. For . Ouakcr llrnnd Tomatoes 2Vt Ladies' MuslilL Skirts, lace l c hi. Block i .. iiisiance, 111 rexhius where the glue Ribbon Is Out Assorteil (J Tomatoes. I tail-aiu'e and embroidery I rimmed t i 4. Hkrk iti.n Iraile in hatnars Is a century old Corn or I'ras. CombU at $2.50, $2.00, $1.00 l.ei.t I li..-j. Ht-sk S twi.un custom, mi Itidllltton UKHillsl free nation Special, per doz. $2.16 I.ariies' Mti.lin Mtcht Oowos I.l . liUirk fmi.M trade hu been made." Fresh llhuhaib,' i lbs. - Suecial al $2.60, $2.25 I '.l f,. Hls'k . ....... I ,. TEA for 25c $1.75 and $1.50 I.ol it, llStf-k Ii.u SMITHERS ll.C. llothousu TouiutoeH. We. iiae Just received I.'" fl. ! f lin.KH O0tT WAIT BUY TODAY !. Tl. Iilis-k SI fnii Ih 40c from Montreal and Xew - Al Ihe mectiut.' of Hie Kmilll I Make and Bonds 5 lb. basket $1.75 York markets a full line Stellen S. ers hwal of Hji 'iirtheru Interior Foreign Exchange LuiVc ?h. t Cucuio Indies' Iil i I. tM f ... im.lltl nh of and Children's Ij I fi, Hl'Sk li ... f.i. imi i-arb l'.o-operulve fissoehilioit held: Its Charm niivfitiinur 1 oriTS her each 30o Tub llresses and Middies al .. .. Tuesday. Mti Jloberl May. 1.1. 1, Ulurk li Su.iiv rarli off maw V'S Calforufa Holid Heads Head lettuce 20c prices that make (he Mi'il Lul II. Bfcsk 4H .. .. earn Morieelown, wan npHiinled dele-j Your Own rieliaiiKe.Osrriiiahl nterling.Prolll-francs are lu.and marks all legist, ring oi'i Odrer houses ces doinm irale lo hi tend ie general tuecl.'. advances. 1. ..,. .if ell l- New (J rem Cabbage, business in I'rincn Itupcrl. McC&ffery, Gibbons & illir to be held next Tlle-ijiiy al at Every Social Tea We advie uiwsiors i - is;- ", erlism"; S. Ihx. hir 25c Also a new shipment of Doyle, Ltd. Houston. liu prici's. and place Hieir onbT. f-r Ulic r ' T" ,ni m. tat '.WW' H'olaiocA. per lli 10c llotany Kergn Oresses and To desire and rvs Hie hrit or bonds wh us. e sell ton- r rl "!' . price.snd fPrytU,Spinach, 3 lbs 1'lald Hkirt al popular INSURANCE rh If AND Rf SrS AL A,.CSTATI Al Ho-'al in Smilheis. to show fjna,Judgmsnt lilue buy Kunipeatfeimlnawfi and sell all .Ta. ell "f a. I 'r r' J;"'mla,,1 llM.,ielc of Hi'- lor :'f. yield, -...'. 25c prices.' 1 a 011, I'tiesiiaylinr 10. n son was Ribbon Is esMnlisL Oy Its uiaUoa . lo daltn. i'K afV.- TS. iTered 1 iwlar Hlweu Qyiuns, 3 ftv.,....10c li ur Jtouk ara.jiol yet imjiii in Mr.vand Mrs Pauls. exclusive qusllty of flsvor and hondi furotsle-d inioii riM.if-1 "" Maid of Clover Creamery couiplele and we havo new . sroiriA Dlue Kibbon gratifies n.... u..,io. . siih I nl nrcselll low IcM'l" . MuMer, Jo hulk 2 Jb. (rouds inivina daily, Jf. leorire Wall's ipiarteile of pttdUeriininstlnK tsstf-df ball lu'ssers McCLYMONT ronlintieil Hielr for ai. 75c ttiere is any line you waul wiu-lliiiK lights th moat critics! wn, THOS; f'realm,at Ihe rounds Strawberries Arriving Saturday and w haven't yet shown Japanese polo K Itjs'unciuslled emmy sp-iwsls'no last Sunday, and in a wdl played All foreign bonds .onlreodn.V.d',t Lowest Price. It WD him It on the way or less.' nsvmant -"!lt humbled Hie I'elkwu We buy American Currency, we can trel it for you. Fancy Goods boys by -l a score of 1 1 lo 0. "There', a VllJetthce'' r 1 Silver,Bills Gold or UNIVERSAL In empress'rlm'is Bslcs ,Agsnt Rupert Table Supply Co. Trading Co. Bamboo Porcelalne,and Antimony Lacquer, yerv good indeed John I'rlncs L.ICupert.Christie ll.C, FISHERMEN!! PHONES 111, til. Phone 376. Toys Papeterles "'The dangerous I'nradls"," Ihe feature film al the Kmpressl Silk Iheulre which opened last 11 Ik hi Vc can now oircr Hot LhrniU. We iruaranUe our coal to eivt F. K. Akase & Co. draws romtncui.a ynod It deal is a of l llyhtfully favorable KT LAD1F5' AND CENTLE-lYl. FRESH FROZEN HERRING Real Coal satlifaction. Foothllla. Lump, $16.00 ton; pleaniiik? ciimeijy drama of Ks(-eril i. service MEN'S TAILOR stove size, tld.00 ton- Cftdomln Ktsm I'hon DRY ICE quick Red 86 I'.O. Hox 61 sixiely life. Miss Louise and ru mace Coal will surpriM you. More bcit-leii h -let soot. Fit OwuMTise CONSUMERS COAL COMPANY, LIMITED 619 Tblrd Avenue Huff, the populur star, is as do. THIRD AVr.NUB I -- LEE. oppmiu roi umu niiTFHAi F TANNERY - Prlncew Koyai Room 11 smith Huck J, Lornb MacLarcn,M anther Phones 7 & til I'rines Hupert, B.C. IlKhtful as ever. Thu picture Phono Red 136 . will hi InaaiM waM mm -,..ittiid tonight si 1 is, aaaaiiiea, i