4 PAOBTWO THE DAIiy NBW3 n The 'Daily News SCHOOL BOARD Canadas Pavoril- Pi I'lUNfiR llUlEHT - IUUTISII COLU.MMA FINANCES ARE Published Every Af'ernoon, except Sunday, by The News Printing and Publishing Company, Third Avenue. H. V. PULLKN. Managing Editor NOT CORRECT OLD SUBSCftlPTION RATES I City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. $1.00 Ldmonton Screlarylrturer It By mnil to all parts of the llritlsh Empire and the United State. Arretted tor Falsifying In advance, per year $fl.O0 the Books. To all other countries, In advance, per year , S7.B0 CHUM ' . ' iMll.VTON, th-i ? -re4lo. TELEPHONE OS m l- ihe euafenaion -f W. 1). lirat- '! as s'reinr' ilf RdasatltnH Transient Display Advertising $1.23 per Inch each insertion -i tiool Ixiard. iiifiTinallott wae Transient Advertising on Front Page. . ,-. .12,00 per Inch SUITCASES laid by 'In tarit ( tntsleea he Local Headers, per insertion 25c per line lor- MatiKtrato I'riinrose char. The Tobacco of Quality Classified Advertising, per insertion ;2o per word Trunks' inr Mr. Hradley with false pre. Legal Notices, each Insertion t5c per agate line itensea in roHiteelion with fnntls Contract Rates on Application, CLUB BAGS 'L.tnti.W r a.. Ik. ..a. All advertising should be in The Daily News Office on day preceding Cltninuin William Use of th In Vfavnr of eomtrllssion " wrrr publication. All advertising received subject to approval. Lnrge Stock on hand. srhoel ttnard had ry llltlf la say n.T.rt. Pawle, fteorge Angell, , Prices very low. in connection with Ihe eaee. .lie M. Maneon ami Mr. lKm4l im DAILY EDITION Wednesday. Oct. 50, 1 9?I . nitniillfl linwviN' 'hat the chiml the council aide were: o. II. Net. J. F. MAGUIRE boanUKSd .terhted lo proceed with son. Itev. F. W. Karr ami W. I'. Good Newt In Nxt the Prince Rupert Hot the laying of definite charges Lynch. a.iivsl the aoefiended Mrrelry-I Regard to Shipyard. rea surer, and formal evidence Ihe PkilMletahm AlhMles It l splendid news that no matter what happens the shipyard has been plared in the bands ' won Ihe world series teds) by and drjdock will not close down. Tlie railway company FIRST BREACH OF the.Crown. defeating lb New York (Hants We offer C. announced its Intention of carrying fin the nrpalr and shipbuilding PROMISE CASE TO BE The rhenr aitatnsi IlradiVy is IS t t. This the feurtti win for the Athletic aut of sit "tlt.it June !!. on nr about I. win will be and business. Competent men engage everything go on , before. The Wallace Company has made a second offer TRIED IN THIS CITY at the city of Ftmonlnn. he did game and carriee the world's Scrcenod, mi guar-nr t r!i ..r - 4 unlawfully, fraudulently ami by batall rhampionshin. to the government and there seejtns a possibility that lhempny false prefeneee oliiain from the fays, deli vi r. ij now operating here will be able to secure a lease. It l to be Case Will Com Before Court Edmonton School District No. 7 of PORT SIMPSON GIRL Nsit Month; Special Coon-el assumed that the railwrompany is not anxious to run the, plant, Enaaosd. the Province of Alberta the sum of Sacked, per ton - $12.50 but if there is not a suitable offer il will have to do so. ST9I with inlenl to defraud and WEDDED TO ANYOX MAN The (Me ha bean set for Injure the eatd school district Bulk, AM between government ownership and private ownership, per ton - $11,50 lo the of Ihe bearing in a special eonrt of the contrary provision most people" In the city would like 16 see the Wallace Company aiarrlsoe of Mlsa Hslsn Brsnl-tan first breech of nromiae trial ever CrimifMl God of Canada. You.Cannot Beat and C L. Thcraen Took It! carry on. They seem to be an enterprising concern and they go held in I'rlnre ilupert! The Was Arrested. out after1 buslnes?. and when they get it they give good satisfaction. court will nit on November II. Following the information and Place Last Might at That Is their record. They are anxious to build up the The parties implicated are IomI romplatal of the school board, a Manes. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, PH. although In plaintiff warrant was leaned for lb arrant Hi make of it. There is business so that they may a big thing a has only been in town for ihe lof the aeeuaed. winch waa eTfaaled The w n Ming mK place auiet-ty possibility of the railway company doing the same thing, bHt last few months. The defend. al It o'clock by Chief DeteetfV at t a'ckiek Jaal night al the Phones 116 and 1 precedent gl few examples of works earrd out suecessfuUy I I very well knows in town. (haw of (he cltv p-.iee force al MeSMe of Miu Helen Hrenwm under government control. where hajiaa reained for several I be" oMre of Hsadlpy's lawyer. .f Part nisaf iwti. and K I. j The satisfactory thing to know, however. Is that the shipyard years,'and strange to say, he is WsJbridge & HeniH.,l. lull was TbiT.-n. of Astyoc. R- . tr h already a married man with R. Uraat aerforpied Ibe rrre- I is not to be closed and thai there Is a, likelihood of the business Hnmedtalely arranged and lb ae. family. Ompaeel for the plain. eaued eeeured his liberty vesid. mnny and the wttneesee were developing under some ausplees, either the lessee or the tiff will male hi finst apfa in hie arraigno i-nt m the notiee Miss Itartha I ire.I ten and J t: COAL! COAL! railway company. ' ance m a Prate ItHfiert court court. Aarused's own security in Hehetk. Mr. and Mrs. Tborsen CO , Lam lias been work In on Ihe Ihe turn of fifon rash waa accepted leave tonight for Any( where Austrian Condition eae for some considerable time a a suflli i.-nl tiod. bey will make their bom fail Very Unsatisfactory. As the matter has not been lar- .re well known In i.id Anyoi ed Defuse. Ills Honor the lid Prince itufiert The condition of affairs in Austria and Hungary and even in yet, Edson Coal plehtilff coohsH eonatde RELIEF WORK Company Germany are anything but satisfactory. How could it Ife otherwise that H i ant yet sab-Judire, and SYNOPSIS OF after the war condition whteh affeeledMhem so adversely? th Vftr itai no, hesitation In Phone 58 The wonder is there has not been more trouble in those countries tailing about the available evi. IS GOING ON dent. LANDitGT AMENDMENTS We are in a (M'i' ti Immedlsta 4. rf, If we-in Canada and the United Stales are somewhat restless afler ' Injured Client. erii.1 if f..' Cases Cos) the great upheaval, bow must it be in countries where there have OtST COL AT LOWMT PWCU When seen by a Daily New Russian Famine Committee of been constitutional changes and where many of those with wealth representative, be intimated that This City, Had Blasting Last Mlelwwi erl.a tt ClrM OROCR SJ0W-PHONE U and power were deposed? Such a condition of unrest is bound he intended la ptaee hi great Evening II fo IS an art II aa r' 1 I. Office Prince Rupert Feed! - rr-snt4W era imuI rw reliance the to follow a great war. unon personal 994 ImmA Ml l pea ranee of hl Injur!J ellenj There waa a meeting of the gr4 .tit trsstsa er tif Comae Second nth f.mt K4 me.M rr Reign of Charles and ln sweet lanes of bar voioe Kua.ian PasuisM Retsef Commit- see vMrfe u MS-iuaWt Mrwwltar!Uil rwrV' Quoting aawfd asyag be takf thai lee m the Mall Briarale moe'MM Wat Very Short. UojBlyre last v4t pmut f mm mm ika fr ev to see her was In lave bar andl evening. Keaorts were reeeived Three days ago Charles was procajmefkng of Hungary. 9 ilk Mat rwlMa. fcwt M aMkl he bad na. doubt that the jars J. hseveaesisi waa Today he is in prison and his queen with him. Siteh is the fate of woaM be itnpreeeed fa variably by permaaeat ettatrmau. appointed t.inry mp99lmmtm meS kings. It in a matter for congratulation to Ihe people of Hungary hi alient fram the nwmeat they 1'degrama.frosn New York and n rtt-Mieisr im .ae i mM9 iii kiiiiih war ! ae Dr. Sutherland that they were able so quickly to dispose of the rebellion. set eye on her. "The defend. Winnipeg establishing the .-al ium 4 tft4 94 iia MOI)IM pmt Id it.ate l9fi m x ' What shall be done with Charles now they have him? He ant is a sneb" be continued 'and Itraneb offieialljr ware read. 99tm9 WIT9 rxtia f9-99tm Cn In trmM.rMI P.P.S.. L.P.S., D.D.C a great sneb, U. A circular letter ts to be is. 99m tho I t9m. e4 S.. nhk has caused hundreds if not thousands of deaths in Hungary by his The Haintlfr aoaaseJ lali pmUmmi la,eiees. sl sued and will be seat to all re-ligwus. m W M-heaHk. etlM aM rash act. The only safe way of dealing with such a man, after he ma led mat ne wyuM atte are- fraternal and labor or- t.M4 ii..i.i. rrifWt 99 im DENTISTRY in all its brand had been given two previous chances to behave, is to let him share cedent from the 'tutes of iai Canifattons in the city. Although iMffiM ieii imI(immi itp9tr p9mnm si ttum r. the fate of his misguided followers. long as he ts alive fie Will Ihe Second. The defendant had ihe effort af the local SUM aaf i tmtwrfmr9. esr44 tt a'ei lata t 14 and IS be a danger to the country. It perhaps may seem a little barbarous intimated that he waa quite ixnfy uae hardly aostuneaced as rrar er Ckasra mmm m4 mmkw rur lisei.u-vih. m! Exchante Block, Suite 1 to advocate willing to marry ihs alataliff yet it was reported that there T9rmt4 9tm .MS fmmm s. t'H For Appointment Phone Elack such a method, but it is the effective only one. but beiag already married, nnder Uhr Tlti. 99994 b. ofcuiiwe la I wa already 1 1 31.78 on band. 9-9 th. r.ra. e lm.nu Ihe law of the lime of Jam Delegate repotted that the 4 It 94 f 919 tut I 99999 Liberals to Have he would be ggtfty of bar H9it4 .4 eaHitta a4 rvXtm alary I n-horfin-na Ultioa. the 4 k.m I in 9f9 r.ilc4 Good Majority. , Counsel eonsbfered thai bewaa Painter I nion, I be Trade and IV. fmpfr heMtee Crraa 'Icmm 99 re Mkr If M All signs seem to indicate that the Liberals under W. L. giving nothing away in thus dW I ahir Council and the Carpenters' UM la rr.-.wpitna.. l ii etta at. RFMOVAL SALI .Mackenzie King will make a pretty good sweep of Canada 'from cussing "the ease aaMlely b I m..n bad been iolerviewcd f.rw.4e viinewf rfiltlttf ados'lm acnttiatl forehand, as the defendant will 994 r tut 99 9 atalst.lMd Cra and tli ii had bean ... one end to the other. The Maritime Provinces will be almostKj" they given a (t.nleS t.4. We are moving Into new premier. hi own ease. , favorable reeenilon. All nroin. IV.itrr4 9t99. 94 im Cti la than tra.f. r r . ."onmj i.iuerai, uuenec wm oe uoerai, untano will send a number Legal Fireworks. laed f Mf S IHh4 kWHlIM, Third Atos and rather that " " they would ry what IIU l b4.! aflsr rirsan store r. im oot of Libe.rsis, and there will be several from the prairies independent An interesting display,of UksI tbey they "obl Inwards raising Srriul t 0"fwist een4l1lM oifcrlng evarytbmr while to b" 1 tff the farmer group. In Hrilish Columbia it is safe to say we fireworks is axpertraL As tb funds and giving assittanee r9 9m graiir ICM4UI mm mwiw 9999 m9J erM 99 oLr gSTlVEfiy DOLLAIt CAf H PUKUi shall go at least llfty-flfty. That is a pretty safe prophecy made public Is already eeasraerebly gem-rally Tne Painters' t'ni.-n '9994 MIC by mio im 99 ItMlvalrUi 9 miwit Mh m llurlfl. gip. you a chance ' ' hilerested in lb eaae as well ae bad gitrti a donation t 110 and mht lM not orM4W S mth for PrktS. rerently by one who is careful in his calculations. Others who n h ef.-a.4. vMt4HiKM iwH4 See our Windows the Interested in Court parties. have considered the matter fiavo come to the conclusion that there will h held in ihe Weetbotnie had Ihe Trades been eerially and Labor cordial.Council iniil NMaral tif fcar Maeii..m4s (etA-MaMa Furniture Store will be a considerable Liberal majority. With' this in view it is Ttieslre on Xovember 3 to (five he nernt meeting will be on .4Kknl f tw(Ni KBua rid euaairarooe mr HttlKi4 91 a ram4 Barrie's wise for Prince Ilupert to fall ui line. the community aa opportunity of Hunday -ning when detegales rm,4.: OMie.9i IUiM'M4IM et elf Kalf of 9 pvt'aual UM t hi-arhiif the evidence, whteli will from ail xHMetlea in the' city wits, la ss4s. be well worth lUtertinff to, at will be invited. A house to SCCMPTOSI' fS:CK CHANTS ACT b"tl plaintiff and- dfdant. as house runt as will 1 be then ar mwI4 Tfcs wm ail Mf ef ISIs Act o4.lr(Is alarg.4 u4 9rt. THEO collart, ltd. r Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE well a Judire and eouneel are ranged for and the work will be ft iim vllklt.Hh llU.hkJi MsiMifs iks Sslra Fvccm ml Altm TS . . - - " ' r rl r1 tneriilre of the Prince ltuirt proceed! with al one in or .4 a imt f9-mt9 My mvtilt SALI lot km Brt rmsn knust n.l b fOrtl Musu-al tar till. s4r Ik Act I iladS SON . Bociely. 9 der to ic i-1 fumla off twon. as Hi rroM for I9r from is 4.ta - saAa tAih. aafcUM lu rrr mim DENTIST monfha of November and I- ra frB. aa fsrmwlt. unIN "ul ". .,..af StOCt Ihs raerlualoa of tr Ik it.r (1 Ml Prices remain the same. HOMESTAKE MINE gember. ii feiL will Im Ihe 9tw This prtrtl- la alw m rt- CHONC BLUI SO WS8TMOI.S.S Visit his Omce Rooma 7 and 8 Smith i Unf al lam II... ffa .... ewatlt.N rs rUilna ( pr.melMw a a.rls lis ! Block or phone for an appointment. IS CLOSED DOWN i ported that the Wlnaifteg snni. Mipllafia ilu nr parsfcl reoordad It sfttr sMlra t-t , Br. Tse wast Werl eea Phone 675 in il t ee had already raised 110,. arc rmlllS fr fl yars. Office hoars: SMS, t to 6 and 7 to 9 ALICE AMI. Oct. ?D. The 000 whirh was balng forwarded L rU4,ITwIsloe 499 994 for rura M f 9)919 mnni Aul evenings, ll mi-stake mine closed down to I be Husaiau lied Cross So I. Mil. m smwunt af psrswila, 1 999 Sunday Appointments Lady Assistant la-t week. Tbe close down was clety. Iatrl UIM On 944t999 ffwmwli'ft-99l9K.. imrrluua carhi-r than the - irKtnageateui er 1tr tot hi4 Sr kmUn 1.1 PEMBINA l.jnfl A04 nm or 49,9 4t MiHlr4 asr ts bad noeeled and waa due lo If dlrcl nr Ie4lret, rmni4 trim ,: '.To buU. IUini I Msrtli II, I its. Hi- i-scepttonsl early fall of n.lluei1 IN... kelbllVa - . i at Ten Years Ago I iui.uschui os csiown VfJIIVVf . - - r - the Klteayft Hlaoier. LANOS la inita, ... ". l of Hi br s " - ,.-f I This is one Strand Tin- Cafe work don on i$ property In Prince Rupert I hntitos rr Im, f ii i..i.i r.. fr.iin (In Mt ul Ul' k tins sumuiar has bean blybLy Croaa arsnla M ul.pur a ooauiutoi nr - h it lire Cron lnAB. aealrlng rlakt tram mend this coal inhere n n-esDccially 9- a a 11 tmm ati.fa,-!,,, ()re wa anawttu purrhsMr h flii to oinrUu Oslobsr 28, 1911, burrh, ln.JLr fwrftllur, suited for -.-siim I'-r-i (u. ... Under New Management in the No. tunnel at a W. V, t tiUnnl f ceMllM of puirluw. if t uaier, d(Kily ininlsler . distance of lr( mud VVbrt ub.Mircka. Third 115 ft awl wr of nablic wtrti, Is in ttis city rs ao fun cmiih n r riiiul hi. Ladv.mith-WellingtonLM'P Avenue m aiglii wheu oiieratlasiai (, Mierlia prlea 4u a4 ihh btajr isw(etiag I ha new (loverniiient mm awinvwivii prvwnmiaiir r J r bulk. ed. ao that it i, iMiiMojeiW1 DslU.r.d in tJJ w- wfwrf. He is aaHferring with hoU ara Appllr.(lua mull b i "Best of Everything at the Cheap.at Rate." Ioly.muaia Hi sue of the ore shioui-is in I'rlnae nuert my aiar i. m.OMAZla Dallvsrsd In sacks, t S-The Home from Home for the s Uraslnc Art. 1SI. tor araUmail famous Ladysmlth-Walllngton . Working Man il la tt.p ssrs. ilSfc ini.-iiliun 4Mpnirl af Uiack IMualrr alitf of (lie Th. mrm ih. markat for osr lli.niH.iai -f v i 1 1 a ii Club dabate Mm for i-Mln S.trkla and tmu s.lendtd "' it In ruin- i i. i.i n M inlcinal ailmiANlrsllan sr Ummlul quslitlts of IhU liiencc oim Aaitl araail'f riaiia i laau4 x i siirinu 111 til u- by uoiii- mm tmnivn rangu irwrii li.r aai.b Coal,Con Subscribe for The Daily NewiEM'-SIS Isalnn " oerasioned conaider- fvrn,llk4 AmukUIUmv mmnmrm. fur h rsn won Miiae'ma Prince Rupert im.Te.t aliUouuli no result o.al. ft, mr partlaUf ttmm, wmiu Central HoUl fur uUra, canpars mr iravaUara, ua omoe, Wi- am -.-u. t Ii-. Nii-uh i si t 9994.