- 3; ee é 4 ¥% i inp . # an , iz 4 $ ws ' >: uF 4 32 Teg) & wat aie. at t : a a ' ‘. 2 git te! Ae jn, i . p # 4 %) Friday, September 23 1939 PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS iii : insist on “GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE”— The Origing TRAVELING MAN Use of Telkwa MAK For Sale at Vendors or direct from “Mail Orde THE DAILY NEWS. Dept.” Liquer Control Beard, Victoria. B.C. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA C al i A Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert U Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue ‘ g —- : | Says It Brought Relief From r on F Despite This, Philadelpbia Athletics mh PRES - -- Uangeee-nany } Constipation net Unable to Defeat Yankees ‘ ——— A letter from F. M. Dockrill, op- Yesterday Twins tin bilid, ithe ‘eieetteingh erator of the Bulkley Valley coal y , —— tory me the intes ALL Bean seoel ides ier to C. C. Ketchum for supply of a: Wrigley Field in Chicago > PHITION in: Fr day Se t. 23 1352 both. At the same time, it supplies ‘C0 tons of Telkwa slack coal at. he St. Lowis Cardinals, by de- Bottled apd guaranteed by degen DAILY EDITION - ae pt. <9, t8¢ iron for the blood. $6.30 per ton. Philpett & Evitt ten- feasting the lowly Cincinnati Reéas Soros Gientivet Dh a Cie ter bs The “bulk” in Aut-BRran is simi- dered $630 per ton and the Prince at Sportsman's Park in St. Louis town & Glasgow, Seothand DR. WRINCH RETIRES Dr. Wrinch of Hazelton, who for a number of years ha: represented Skeena in the Legislature, ae. resents that he would retire at the close of his present t . While it seems likely that the will net expire und next apring or summer, it is not out of place to mention that the Docto?’s retirement will be regretted by men and women of all political shades of thought. Dr. Wrinch is more advanced in his views than the av- erage citizen and that is one reason for what might seem| to be failure in some of his poli¢ies. When the Liberals'| eame into power the Doctor could not see why all business | which had been heretofore done with the government b | Conservatives should immediately be turned over to Lib- erals, He thought if the Liberals started a “no politics” policy t would be followed later by their opponents. Ac- cordinyly he recommended that the business be divided, Rome going to Liberals and some to Conservatives. This caused some heartburning in Liberal ranks but he stuck to his plan and kept it up until the advent of the Tolmie administration. Then to his sorrow he saw the old party system return in full force and his Liberal friends who had-shared the government patronage during the time| their party was in power found themselves with nothing /® On their opponents taking office. At any rate that is the story that comes from the interior. term WHY NOT START NOW? Dr: Tolmie has announced himself a unionist. He is said to be acainst the party patronage system. Here is his op- portunity to. show the electors that he is in earnest. Let him at once issue decisive orders to all his subordine ite throughout the province that there is to be no such thing as party patronage from this time on. If he does this we shall believe that he means what the support of the electors. If he fails to do that w know that he is not sincere but that the “no polities” er is simply an election subterfuge. ee ee -_—-_ — he says when he asks for)“ e shall) lar to that of lettuce. Within the bedy, it forms a soft mass, which gently clears the intestines of wastes. Being a natural corrective Ali-BrRan is not habit-forming. How much better than risking ills ar d lrugs so often harmful. i tablespoonfuls daily will over- come most types of constipation— Serious cases, with every meal. If you have intestinal trouble not re- lieved this way, see your doctor. Serve Att-Bran as a cereal with milk or cream, or use in cooking. At all grecers in the red-and-green package. Made by Kellogg in Len- don, Ontario. —— ; ‘Crew of Grain Ship Honored *elightfal Secia! Punection By Var- den Singers Last Night in Si. Paul's Latheran Chureh Officers and crew of the Norwe- gian grain ship Danwood were en- tertained by the Varden Singers at ior last} delightful social funct night in St. Paul's Lutheran Church. ! There were about sixty guests pre- |® sent and man wre would have bee ipacity of ‘ J ! pening of g al idress of App aiks~” were wy. Joh ess, Rev. P 7 re f bel ’ ief of- € ‘ de iblv. D ing tne ning ections by rd Sing De s re- vec iaies Keep a Savings Aceount Many forms of investment fluctuate in value and to turn them into cash may involve loss. But money in a Savings Account gives sure protectibn because it is always available at full value. Whether your Account be large or small, you will receive interested and competent attention at any branch of The Royal Bank of Canada. The ROYAL BANK OF CANADA CAPITAL $35,000,000 RESERVES $39,155,106 ASSETS over $725,000,000 CA YO Ge? “Rupert Feed Co., $640. Th: was given to Mr. Ketchum in of the fact that Philpott had received another coal! « order wore finally abie view -lusive possession of & Evitt ahead of the rder who lost to the to move into ex- sixth place New York Giants Breoklyn Dodgers Grounds at New York Yesterd ay’s Big League scores Employees’ Sick ns se. Pay is Approved Washington 4; Boston 2 NATIONAL LEAGUE Pittsburgh 7; Chicage 6 Hospital Board Ratifies Resolution Sent By Executive Committee te Convention 2 we court this mornu ad For Setting they wad one to fly into Lon- age, 4.5¢ and 2c we uggestion tha h don but the commercial plane, in *- rthwit) which they were making the trip,! WEATHER Rt: {RT : Out Fire Without had trouble and they had to drive} Dead Tree Point—Part cloudy.| Another enjovable dan . e. in by automobile the last 20 miles We n: barometer, 30.20; tempera-j|held last night in’ ihe C Having Permit — jture, 52: sea smooth iLatior Defence Lea Every man is worth just so much} Triple Island—Clear, calm; sea/‘arge crowd being in al i as the things are worth about which |*mooth iMusic was furnished by me Divisional headquarters of the 1. busies himself—Marcus Aure- Langara Island—Part eloudy.jof the League i provincial police here have been ad- lius \ieht southwest Hiatt sual brought refreshment vised that Albert Sattler of Fran- ght southw wind; light swell rougnt refreshme! cois Lake was recently fined $25 al — al and $5.95 costs by Stipendiary Ma- ¥ gistrate R. W. MacGowan at Burns Lake for setting out a fire without the necessary permit Blended Also in Stipendiary Magistrate MaeGowan’'s court a charge against fa ’ f Knute Nyvsen of Burns Lake of eI ¥ failing to do his utmost to prevent the spread of a forest fire Was dis- FOR Pi 8 2 missed. VANGOUVER WHEAT @) od 4 VANCOUVER, Sept, 23— Wheat Was quoted at 48! on the local 4 Exchange today 3 A letter from Provincial Royal és) dubilee Hospital at Victoria, in- a forming that $25 is the usual rate C T paid on each occasion in the case of persons giving biood for trans- fusion purposes, was read at last “ ” night’s meeting of the hospital 1f you “roll your own,” use Ogden’s fine cyt cigaretie tobacco board i 4 Be]