BRINGING UP 'FATHER M. . . . By Geor o Do mr vu - i i i m i i i f I w ff 11 i tMl mm mmm FrW . TIME NiCCMfOR, L 11111111 U!J.- 1 JZ c H AW 1 I L Turn r nubT. Ljrv RX? oauj caw. fcONHK uttT ME CLimoOVES (1 UlT TOOK eft, C L fU HMOU TMm I cnmlw TMWCKKiH The best place-to eat It home. But If you can't be home the best piece In niM . a Rupert la INDIANS FROM r The Man in the Moon 8L a , St. Keis Cafe BABINE LAKE j SAYSi- Daily News Classified Ads. g av Thlrt Avenue M thai the crmin ta 3 CENTS PCM WORD IN ADVANCE. Nn A1vortlmnt T-kn for L thnn OOa The Hi-imIcxmuw of the ARE DESTITUTE in lb lrlh situation there ta purtii'ttlar diner. another ariai about due. WANTED AUTOMOBILES COATS FOR SALE You oan always depend on Beitlnfl i rsal featt here--aMIfutly TUKHX l a prrp,.Hl to .nJ WAHTItt Oe-b.U. JO to AUPMT Motor l draleea Itaatl - twn a... prepared dishes, Arrive at Burns Lake After Losing Kx-IBMIg. Charloii to a lnwir foet tang. ilHt Im in gnoii' " Cars and Trwks Auto. sia&ooa madi from the choicest, Everything fti Camp ilad. We would like Ui miiI eondlUon. Of.i to l.ind-eay'e moniie rannira i iraa. ar-a ltlig 6 hi Mae. 4 eyltnd-r freshest meats, vegetables Fire. btm tn thr land of Inat ut Cartage unit xioragc ltj aorta and Kurd part a alwnjr $375 on -Paurth Wtroet gft I The pip"""and fruits.Bnn" homelike Mtr partv of Indian arrh-ed PIRB Chief MrfonaM ia WAKTKIV- ljt4f with t.o.inaa'1, horn for all awpneaa. Let Rent Ignltioa inlnlhle t, r OU, 100,1 xiirroiiiKlmuH will add to at Hurn Lakr from Hahim of a Umueand. Tbat Ml eaparieao. t wj iu handling 1 rL . rur tmppiag or salmon, i.i7f. n a Motor B04I enjoyment nfc the n Saturdaj last in a destitute brought baak from tlie nouth eaab fiood t ymir regiMtev. wagaa. pood fod. condition, owing to Mir fat ruc tern eHH at the ehe of hi Phone after p.m. tl I hmw, Ontwar Third and Ninth 1 r r-tirrnana ftantne in g.H tion of their eamfi by fir while holiday wa found money tar the ANM. tfl oonditifM aaaaan We rpselalize In private adult member were out attend muniripality. SITUATIONS WANTED SEWINQ jtiS -Phnirt H-mt. h p Dinner and Supper Parties. ing to tlMiir nets. John InsUr 11 " I r'airbanha. I vyl eyrk. n, Taxi Service in Connection it well known HaWn hunter wae , CAPT. FREEMAN be lake HKL4A1H.K woman wan l pnl-liun; OOWNt. CnaU. .VawaHjr auita and peel tmM. PHONE 456 rnr haviMt Iimmt while all the three ywam lo gel a linen for aooh for Iiuim-m or houea. Man HnMin made ta order and ewsir 3b h. work or pan-ratwad wofiiAn of th party lout miwl the A'arbeihong. U he ta as hna keepar; or an wora by day. elled. 7 IS TMrd Aeanoa. gr boat W anuianwd t'nr. if thir wearing app..rH. The gofttng etartod on ewtlewling that.! Apply IV.a tJV Italy News liMHla Its. f 00 application. auii wae hing fntablihd j quarter at a mil linn dofhwa, h nffioe. zJ I S M. by 7 fL eilntan Iroller. full wlnt.r hraAauarfpm, and ttiy will have to ka htaMolf like FOR SALE l wugto aautpnaent. ft.h. Vah ru,,,,,. The Quality Grocers had laid la ta-rir kupbIsf with the rest at us for a lew daga MI Nfe I thr finr art. wbMml 9wmm-wore roriKight unpominon amount yt. mNl SALaVMrUlary UMria than aey other mlnfc-ler. -u trottor . J ry-i lie local Iniliane. Thie nMte , enenDtatf with all stove to btttnan wlfar Harhari Hnsrtna. IWiJt iiat thftr Utmm i a Krttnin mat- CIIAHLH found the pea pie and whterfriait ftttnaga Hpawr. H. C Ha 1 1-7. aph. R. t R bnant. gim i.-ai Ail the Fixm s ur. including a it doe what ef Hungary ere Uo lungr lo noettana Coal Ilia nr. tr7 tCtafcth Anwi Waat.I P mraaMr nannr .h money ibey bad, their guns. want hi til mi he ftourtehad a mm month m nan. Telsptiaiw ftreva W. af. and atorage kmn.-n Burn uii t for narc. I rap. tHoohid. uow- gun and rnight have hot bim- Prhw t7i raati Phone Ftln j Prior t'm.m. Dittrikutvi whure. tMitu, blank Ha mbn m Mr nad tHM m wife, the form, IU. If, run YOURMtT DAftGat ar a. ; Karlbm luM-hamf, iaa e h in fitrt all thr Miuipmcnt nf a er Rmprea ioild hi nkuia. rial ovooi. rtyae UpW.UaVi Avnnr Wrai Thanksgiving Cl M KORTAIM JC hoaae Tor sal well organised Indian liuatiag Ttw fornor KiHprmn dmirt Orahaatra Phono Mur SnS. af 1 11 ronma and bath; lawn, -CANMMAN party. the eeverei Miniciiuialioii front VHPTA. ft las A lion! of rood threw is here garden and rhiohan houae.i TUITION ft drnfl, V ft A la haam.l all muiili'if aod i in inaiair iwpartmi'nf was righ' mrn wo. io mak- that Thanksgiving 'HiiiHuiuoald with HHmwUaloiy inen. Apply Part aaeh.Mamro baiana Hroa. a rent tf ft. AUHRKY Ittr:.. PrwaMaor and filled with 31 hf Fairhank. AC 12 ffi IM'iiiT a complete sueeoes. Lbut mo itH4ruUa fr tieir re Toaehar nf Ylolm and Pwna. A (ra ewsnal. Cheap for aak Jraobcrriac, Figs, Apples, lief bare yH bea T9Cf-d. ENTENTE BETWEEN AtWCHOrT I'OTATOIW Carload llmMad lumbar af pwgila a Hunt M ft IfL aValt. t ft Vimitf and John lnnU, vrifh a etoie arriving next week. Bpeatal eajHeJ. Phona IHue iaa. tf In beam, S in. atanklng trooi1 nalslns, etc., in fact nil and mnt taught fag a kfMmiedge of LIBERAL AND FARMER prfge. National Grocery, Fulton lew to atoeta. Juuta fir j Pne.-) U ry"i'Hf required for the the epeed with wtiieb lh In StreeL tf HAIRDRESSINQ H cfananaMi axn engine UMf. dian IfparVHnt uaoally aat For h abaap. Annry J Wia-lermn. I L If Hiniply says: "MfLbe next year Report From Ottawa That Understanding Fon BALE High alas, Meat, ."WW lUlimnBSSLNO. Mar- P O. (tax 117. tl.lll' ! P ' Arrived At te-twean aordwnod, I1&00 per full aordl cei wiTinir, snampooing, ainge-ing. he rnd twlegratn. Parties. deliveevd. mmttebmd Avanna.1 Hair toeing. Sealp treat, PUR On devbfcuender. tr i U Murto Bros. The ikoH of the town f nient fl baat. It lhona SO. if' a specially. Teupeee Nnrnegtaa style by Hum- l.ak qolrkiy ntaned a OTTAWA. ot. tATHare aro 1 anu wigs inr gPtiina and I ft. wtde, aaupkli with an n Phone 33 Third Avenue aubneription IUt whiob wa rr- rumor of an arrangement be JlARtiAlK tldd wntnnl dining trans formations for ladles. I pan- nf oars; ebeap far aaeh. Sold my mis IHiiiii-i to gnaruuy efMHign tween, the Liberal and Pro-gresaivea ruoan suite. faw mouiha Swilabea made up from la die' One staff aampMrd fL long to prfveni any imnmliatr euf- mi that there aball he t27SjS. Pbon rHwnm ts tf own eomlilngs. lKX IIAftHHn by S fL in. wide. Apply T. M. ffering and iby b(M that lh MV1' ttt Sixth Mrrai. Prtntr ' Urwtg. 8al Chrva. as little overlapping otibW as If to fcULK rttny hamty. Al- Pacific Carbft Indian lMpartutfit can cut Ihr nupert. H. a Phone Illue in the matter uf candkfotea. and red tape and dtapfir with a moal new. Apply IISA-Oth JAfi. ft h.p. alr 78. Ctafts. LeCieroq if thai after Hie aieaUan whiah J.- I few of the usual forntalUI. in Ave.. V... Phone JWn i. Ml enjun. In goad running r-dir. Lumber & order that ltn IndUnit way h ever has the lardn group ta LOST Ownar leaving town Prte. Ir.r- the House nf Oommon wiuWortn PUR MAI.fcV Ifg wood, twalve ,c outfitted in tune to rumi Ilia IIMM A ia- a government taking in the inches I A a head. A. tsaae-aon. LiiMT Hnneb of hya with Mn-HfhMlion fall hunt which man inueti boat "Bntla, Caw prominent lead era of the other Phon ikrrmn l. Sftg metal sing. PlnaW to (hem. group. para a ratnrn to Itally Hoar SO ft. Hunt, Id h. n ryelr ei. J. G. P11R oAl.K Thirteen room I-darn While Hie arrangaipejtt la a gin. Would make a fw Shingles SPOKANE LOST ONE looae one and titer will yet be tiouf, cemral local ion I troHtn or geoerol work boat Phoae Hlark ft. gftg MISCELLANEOUS. jaome overlappiRg. In ruU ae All fitted up for Mnniediai' PROPELLER BLADE eurae ihe defeat of lh Metgbon WiR hALK Buransi: ah lid WIXTHrt harbor for amaH boats;! A real snap. Appl A new shipment of Fir ttovrrnrnenl and lite aslaMieli- crlh and bath. Pbon irn no swell and no sharing; X. it. l4Lan w Hay. Dimension, and Shingles Injured Part Was Out Off Un menl of an administration that til- t5t wharfinger In constant alien, ENGINES FOR SALE will aland for modVrato tar. der Water with Chisels In daneo. Apply Northern Mx-thange. has just arrived, bought iffs. Hmaii open at ma lor aal.' Carttr Bay. Htting the slluation by PlMioe Hed Ml. S2 135 Becond Avenue. IS fu. imffala. hevy duly. 'I at the market's up Phone 010. tf ' pmviwe, U la el ear thai Ihe egl I cycla. laoo.oa. Lowest Prices In eonneetion with the recent Liberals will have the loraoat PROPERTY FOR SALE. RfcPAUiS lo typMvrller -SiaaV In h.p Pay A Imwn cluleh and i : aecidrtil lo the tainer Kpttkaue. group and that Maekenii King LANI Haselion IHatrtaC Irge 8tovna. sst ftaciHid Avonnc. ahaN. ItM.oC 1 t 1 Ask for quotations. particular of which were put will be I tie next premier. If and small tracts. Juquire IMtoall BUtae Co Phon 304. A h. CoUi. ptirleclloa. fconn ir linhed recently the Ketchikan Ihe arrangemeni is mimed out Wm. Grant Agrnay, Haialton. it Knox with rovoraible V" .. 1 . Chronicle BOATS FOR SALE , r say: T. A. t-erar will be hia chief It C. tf peltor. IUC.C4. v E. H. Shockley After Inning one blade nfher lieutenant. h.p. 4 ayvjie Port elui. n 1 propellnr, the nteamahip Hptikane FOR RENT Piaandrc buaL 34 ft. long. Id h. pr.ifwHtor and ahafthag. Utb I,f ' Planing Mills, drifted fur two hours iu the p. heavy duty anntna. All filled HiolVaW 4 eyl. 4 erele. f BOOTLEGGERS RAIDED To HHNT Knralshod bedrotMn in boat of Irto .. . . ri 7 Prince Rupert, B. O. vicinity uf llurit Hay, fifteen up abapc. wttli pgupcllnr and iacg miles south of rjwmmun liay. In irivta bona. Btaam hoaU l than cW of eugine. 1 IttrdO. l0UU ut until the email Canadlau elaamer PETERSBURG, ALASKA ed. eloa. m. Phone I Hook H. 4b-fl. boat, would make fin St) h. Hul4lakar, I cjl. 4 ey- .r ' Oedrio towed her into Carter TO RKN1 Kumlbd lloom. fishing ImmL with St h. p. gt with tftag., HUM. PMft'KWMIimii. Oat. 3S Fred Hay. ittwam louK-d Norfolk Itooma. Union oHgeno. Thle boat can 9 b.p. Unln eyl. 4 cyele TOM LEE CO. The remaining part of the Handy, deputy 1'nlled (Hale Phone Hlurk tig. h bought for 40 pr Cool lace blade was cut off under water marshal, made a whirlwind lhM amii.' Apnsy 9i. M. Sic it, b4. Atlas, full cautiuncni. 3 840 Second Avenue, West with eliiwl thero before ahe cleanup her by raiding four MHUHKKhKHINii room to rob! I eon. Cow Hay. eyi. 4 ayoMi. ggaoo.wo. ( gut under way. auln, tier speed place In lowp Wpeied of hav.T or riHim and hoard. Phon lied It h.p. ItiuiiMHwaa. 4 ayl. t eyele , ... 1 1 ... . 1 ' ing intoxicating lqu;rs eoit-eeahtd 481. (f IHIILT last month. Hull, Amor. VEGETABLE! reuuoau uuoui tine aotu an mmr aak.a . . Aiwa tor.Kent tctuMion. Alum-j Wholesale and Retail from the los of Uie blade, and on life prmTCi Ttie 11 1 MCH UJC, liailHUl IHMI, 4 fL Inuni ISM.00. baac, raid wenv sueoeesful uillwl HUir. to reiit.-BH. ItiU IliMtnis owfllj. 1SU. Jem, S fL i In. arriving here 12 hours late. t ayL 4 cycle. General Palmeg. Contractors 10 h.p. and they netted three trusKloada af Ph. a.' He ttt 26 deep. Djmiii aahln pleanur Labor A 2 per cent, general average with aJulali and irttoellor. Exchange evldeneo wlileh Is now njnlrig boaL Sft ft by S ft. ben in, 8 nit will be aaseaaed on the tnvoiee FURNITURE REPAIRS I0(kf0. ' hulls' roi h. 11. I'alioee Htuiine In firal in ii courtltoute, and wtiiau A value uf thr freight by the un aw coou.i Prince , Motor cyale. Rupert, B.C. I... AMixllUan .AL I Phone 547 P.O. Box 72t derwriters and will he anlleelrd eouaiat of a lot of flume hrw UONT IIUIN your Furniture for from the eounlgneee. whieti the Kovernment allego wont of proper tepar. Polishing, HHOllhS m.. ap,h -jt: - ith wiwi toting aold. Crating. 11. It. Ilerninliigs Cow Ihgr. I .1... dl 4maL nA aVa.i, The plane aearclied wera llig (late Hulson'a Mi3 BUSINESS IMPROVING Hay Co.), t ft. x It fl. beam. 2ft h.p. en- "HVlNtlUHK" engine. pretically ;i buildmga Antfiitlo oeaupleil by Third Avenue. Phone lllaek Night Phonaa J O. Htaan, J71 Coitla. J. H. Hmllh, the Arctic 0 ginr. (In of Ihe beat aar? now. coal HAS. Price h-"m ' 015. Ureen 471. tf w. ungwiu. SAYS COMMERCIAL MAN lintel and the Arctic club. gaiuo ovar tffruml in I'rtwcA1 fur auloli sale. tM Day Phono B Warrants have been ieaued WATCH REPAIRS Ilup4rti Could be ued a a i Northern Kxchang, I94 noaand STEEN.&LONGWIIL C. 11. iioi'doii. of Winnipeg. eharHing all owners of Ihe crtiieer or pleasure boat. Avatiuc West. 1 Jeweler and Watchmaker Thla boat made '" " ' . Mriio ' repi'afiiiativi f Hie Toronto plawe. willi having thiuor in more iiHHiey Bheot Metal Works Type Pouudiy Company. i in their iMaeeion, eoutrary to tli LCE S. JOE U.I summer than Ihe pel- siibcchjhuuub rw -aeked the city today looking up Imsl Alaska P. Q. Hux 1J00 for 1 1 at Apply B0ATI TO1 Agtnt for MeClary Purneaes poiu dry law. from St.. I Auto ntwrhere NIC Third Avenue. VHimi ItuDoftl N M Mel. nea among IhS print shops, lis em -iw Hay 1 Sanitary and All Wuyk Guaranteed. tig Home pnaiicaliy laya be find butine Itruaruv Tli..,.. I.... ....1 - Hooting Engineers - i'.u B HUH' II"W ll-l. o 10 Foot IM Neil ji ,.p u. new 1 Wuard MaK'"'1 iiw avnrywner iu Hie nasi a ttt. Kih U,16 Moui.l onte of old 1 5lb Palmnr engine, l.irg.. ,;uUn 4 IiihIi leii.ion iiiagtP'1"- Straet and Frew Street pit .1 Prinee Kupart - B. C good butniKi at Htlmonlon awl (year FOUND All ip gfiod shflpe and ruiiHiog from Ho lo aomo. , "' v ihe :i .now wm later Homing Ptll'M h of key.. Apply ordiT Hair pn CSMi lK) . oimIIIioii Northern KaelmCH' at other M,mi. along- the llne jon u. I'i, hilltop. Ho,,, u.Uai Iintlv N offn-e. If Appl lokto, Thud Vv'-nur. I Het oiiil Avelliie. '