v. TouringjGars ncf She imil TAXI Service For Prompt Q 1X1 00" Phone PRINCE RUPERT Umonilnrs and 7 rassenger jNljlit Sentlw Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Toorlrg Cart 4 I I'MINCE III PHUT, It. C. WKIINKsIjAY. OCTOHKIl 20, 1021. fwofi ciresiaiies i4a tf Salt 44. PRICK FIVE M.NT iberal Speak ers rnve m upert VMENT GERMAN REPARATIONS HAS ADVERSE EFFECT BRITAIN irk is Pleased - FLORIDA HAS FEARED LOST IN THE PACIFIC. Reginald McKenna Urges Cancellation of Debts WORST STORM 'olitical Outlook; MANY YEARS Owed Allies by Germany Meeting To-night CIIICXOO, OrL 20. Heginald MrKenna, ex-Chaocellor of Freighter Thame Sank But No the Hrtlili Krhcpier. MaleJ at a public dinner here that he Llets Lott Million Property lelieMt the payment of Oermaii reparations was only possible bf ,,. rUnI industrial centre and the jeile Damage, j cheap flerman peodurlHm with unfair.eompelition or.OriUsh am- keenly alive to III question of the exjKrt and wfieqent unemployment in DriUin. ii-tntl the mee-lings tliel were held there jai;khoxvii.i.k. Ma., u rl 2i Mr. .MrrTettaa aaid he peronally favored the cancelling of the The i-i i rm in .'v jtPii. night." declared Fred Hbirk. the Literal leM of ten ImIIhmi doliar Germany owes Britain and even the six i Irurk Ihr Wit c i,-l -f Hn--.l"i: iiniig .Jural electum. who returned this )..!erity mill dul n m:'. ii ! ! 1 billioiiM twed by the Allies and Dominions to Britain, permitting - h i eftei eawipaign Inp to the paper town 'ar Worth i f lni i- I ' rr ! the Briti-h ieiiple l produce wealth rather than take the dribble i l. niying .Mr. Stork to Prior Hubert we and trnerfy. Il.w aph: .if weaJth from Germany. The speaker suggested the same thing M . aaH4le for llurrard. and Prod T. --iiiniuiili-Vl.r wa bri!.. -i In--I was true in it leaner degree of the ten billions Germany owes the ween the rities mi.I i' n- w?:i.-.i .ternar Pie Yukon, who came north were under water It n n-ider- , I'nitetj States. ml stood there win n-- of llf'- 1 Kin at TW freighter Thames ink bu' ' OPPOSITION GIVES KING'S ' f Mr Ike crew was rescued. 1 GERMANY TO HAVE . .utlMafc.press- ' NEW CABINET BUSINESS OF MEN VICTORIA POUCE HAS INNINGS EVIDENCE IN wMli lll:M.IV Oet. JS.-Jo- COMMISSIONER W'S MURDER CASE ...-4 Gorem- Saveral Speakers Against Uirlh ha renin tied FINED FOR DRINKING ment In the Leglstaulre an German chancellor and 1 ' pre- ka keen imntroeted by yii:ihr:. im ss. .iie k'W Yesterday. Alex. Paulson, One of Murderers mm President Kberl to form a Hllllf-..ni-l J-e i I tl ,- - of W. A. Salsbury Recorr-mended NO DISCRIMINATION c t l-rt Haw cabinet of bmlaeee tl i.swleil yuill' h Una ikw AGAINST EX-SOLDIERS for Pardon. aen twUMf Ue RaaiB. .nurl llrtaat lit aminaT to be- v aire ai Ttte anUacs fdtowfd lti I Mr JTa aUW-.f ta. iiiTiiiiti ii i- iklnlH- "rt4 . A.CXIUhR. Oct. -ZO Mr. It a lriff liprtiton of ih Ben. larleailtW phf im) w fdap Tlie m.o!.itH.n speaker had'Jnsliee Gregory promised to ..f the mam ver the ttaWwin fined ttM their innmt: velerday. Several recommend Tor pardun Aler. tuanv award and tt arreaHanee "Mli B).i t- n y y irlitr .. . . . j wia si Kv for, kk wtom uutor the Oov- Paulson, the confessed aceom-.rnm.nt ireenl lathre h the xni r. In Mlfcr alfD im"e ln ele-j rtcui . . n u e. k -i au4.- folio. th Ubtln of lAke anaini llanes. I'liee of Allen Robinson. nw on ii tar a ilticix off w r i ..ii.Dnj.a mv-4I day a.,a by a pua fMML indiev tieorge ilun tt inn i hr wrh'Me if. ral r..r I tie murder or w . A. . -pi . . Uuawtui il l Uii part.-. 3 tr oa a trip imtei- ndenl ewember for North i he ii-teelie fiirtse la turn aanler ! aruuad c .. rc fed noa raoama taa da. a aco. Vaneoer. deiaande.1 the reiir- SaNbury m a hpldup last April, . I -..IHtj t..r U lev t the aud' of the nation of Han. T. IK Paltiillo. Paulson Kave Kin evidenee Ulure. rer unten I liar ta In the . i-.,.t. -u-rtrin ihst ss-aiiisi Robinson yesterday and -. I l-iiald and PROHIBITION !.iteiuiunr a caaaa la the pmr- CONVICTIONS SOCIALISTS lite..lli.minuter had uiiv,ailed to enforce-- he will be tried separately. mtrl ut the runiMiiomi. l The the reaulalton eielwlmir Amaties - ww had a CONVENTION WILLIAM MARCHANT AT REVELSTOXE MAKE SCENE be tmoi declared lumber that wark the an Paeifte rrown tandu Great PAT DALY GOT I'a.tern Iladwar had been eamou- '- rti m. Ike Secrttar Fortuna Lara Doern WITHDRAWS COMOX Six Months Imprisonment VV'tt-out Uproarious Time In French Baped In order to make it appear! $15,000 CASH linanetal iucees. Chamber of Deputies -kef Thraa Main Oblacl for Option of Fine ' for -li r Convent'on to Ce Held at Court Today. Pamuel (lulhrieL Socialist mem- i Which to SU-ika. Selling Liquor. . ii. :J iL. C October 29 Next. Der ior .eweamie,nam iiw 4uc enay on u PARIS, Oct. 26. There ernwent bad faileI praperly toJe"" 'l!;,,r!rn. From Supe- VAXOtU'VUC. ie. t - Al the ttrt. 4. uoroarlous In Sookane by HKVIMTOKK scenes n.- VAM:ll-H, h-t. i& - le-rawe -Six wsr pnXeet the interels of the work- (I r "ti-nma: of the Faople a iToat- I he -.ii.i-nlin. whiati atrH were r.uiMcled f infrar-Itna the chamber of deputlta insman and dieriminaled against Flllno of Notice. hilii.n Party emiirenHiMi jn-ter. of the lnu.r aet aad sent hare today bctitwen the Socialists the small iiner. nnoilaaletl htm. wi nd a t-preeiilalie wage-earners. day W. 1. Fortune. Mrrelary William Mar--li enred t" x m- tittis eaah wdb-oul and the members of SPOKANE. Oct. 56 .The civil till- .mh- Parson Legislator. tpi thai the AMieutliii h4 the oin f a fine yesterday. the right wlnn. So Intense aetion brought by Palriek Daly -n' ".f Viri. -iH, l.iiii-ral candidate said Ilia I It r re ureal tak ahead f it has Three wert etoanrett was the feellm on the resumption , Rev. Canon. llinebelitje. . to .recover the sum of et.960,-. ai for Coin.. Atbcriu i r-li t i a. - .-. t. i 1 1 v i i ....a I irl I ln-re we I he reiaeel if with makiiiti imMittaliitie nnd of the debate on I toYeriiiiietii usu tanni iu w I j mtlj TIMtl iie(niaiU IX. .l ttlll Hen hr .rei-nt art and ir.hihilia withdrawn. fined fsoo .-acli with eit. the general policy of the with unemployment anu uiir,hei! for a quarter Interest in i let A eninvenlii B of the I'ruvin-etal failure te define a laxallun ixjliey I be Premier mine at Stewart, f te within the r.ilro.' ind Government that President -u r aetle- irl)r will I"- held the root of the de- iui!Mlaiiiti fntai ouloide rr Peret was forced to suspend as clearty at H. C. has tarmlnated as the re-Mill I till. Il ;..-M'r -je purKie a llelobrr ?V al r. xirl.'.iay ATLANTIC SCHOONER the session. preMd finance of the working. of au agreement 'uut f Mr tl..in ma' a taiHli.ta'c men. He referred in tne pi'inonai .-Htri whereby Daly is to rveeive llii- is i.iid w r b-r i brut ta i "i b WKtU AftV tntn W invent igatioM be had made of sts.nuO inash d" f I aei-uee a r"p'T d- .tit. ervaae- id lite ir litsiltcu law ORIENTAL QUESTION SEVEN MEN MISSING NO MEETING TODAY leondilinne en the P. ft. H- where ihe untiee to dismiss the ease he had found no diseriniination f.i.i i the suoerior court a H vltuuld eurely Ue Ittta. lime CE LEAVES HU.'li-il. IN B. C LEGISLATURE against returned men as bad been here CHATAM. SB Th.. fiir the Itnrd .lite'1' ahead of I.iiMinX, iK-t. i. -Announee-al reporteu. masted sohoom-r Henry I'. K rent III-III m llii- -.i-rUl lUK "f c Mil- Motions Placed on Order Paper niaiie inx ui liMiay FORMER RESIDENT OF r. hotiud from Waltoa. Nova imc ul was INDIA TO ijpt.- thiiiiinii.K n luttitl'in. by Members for North Vancouver. Scotia ! Neu Ytrk. has been ;(bat (hre w uhj he no meeting CONTRACT LET CANADA APPOINTED Wreckeit oil llle Poli-H-k SJiouls of the lush ronf i te or of the 1 TWELVE AND HALF and iicr eryw of seven men j eoinmitlee wuich is trying lo TO SCOTTISH POST COUNTRY VH.tOIUA. ihrt. 3d.- Termlna- wbieli formula ly ueg.- adrift al i-a in a small boat, are. timl a FOR DOCK JOB PER CENT. WAGE CUT in.li of the An.-Jaaiteiie mitug. .ii iiy Hi mil.-. llobert treaty and the tightening up of Lo.MHiX OcL 28. Sir 0 At r.. . ON GRAND TRUNK RY. the imiuMtrelio Art aiiaiiii Il'.raig. who spent some years in Eno-T lailea Willi a irw i" brlninKi Understood Here That Simmons the Canadian Northwest, has been ab.tat (he lolal i-irlu-l-.n f "Construction Company, Win- !appointed chairman of the Scot- MON THK.VI., th l So. - A u n-tatlva ,loarJ of Agriculture. i'i-i asrei'iiN'iil Mwwii the itrieaiaU wa made provin- PUBLIC MEETING nlpsg, Have IL ( rUI UUe whru.tleu. S. Uanea ot 1"h for and Its tlraad Trunk Hallway ' Nbrllf Vaote' ple' ,w" reeehedin A DAY TAKEN ..ii Uim employees valla for the itcaepU Wort has been JJIOO th us mi Itio tmler paper to that t'Hiei " a nee hr the iimh pf a iselw aatl . ruwdt a half per wU eul. jieinHiig the elf.et. Empress Theatre, biiililinu f the superstrtielure on FROM CARIBOO CLAIMS II t the new m ean dork here ha beenl i'l Ill0 - underatiHKl ulewine of the Hi;wtiatkH.ituiiiMHy wUI re. CAPT TrTdLEY GETS Wednesday, October 26 lei to a Winnipeg Rem. The name' VANCOUVER, Oct. 2fl Robert irtHHi- of the firm is not yet announced.' Crowe-Swords, who returned unburn- tin- men any la if the 1 I fmat ilMlaion gives Ibew a letter BACK CERTIFICATE AT 8 P. M. but It is beltewHt 111 well informed yesterday from the seen of the linn circles that It I the Simmons gold strike on Cedar Creek la baala f"M tthieti it is welt, (be Cariboo, says the men are 'ared r.in.ipi.riuMi r.n of Inquiry i'"-ibly Suspension la Quashed by by Court Justice Morrison, M. A. MACDONALD, M.L.A. known had a low figure on, the Job gellinf ItuO a day out of the ii l Ui-em GLASGOW COMMUNIST There were four or live toeal ten elalms. "r i- decs ajtd several front (be outsida DRAWS PRISON TERM VANUOl'VliJl. Oil- 10. Mr. F. T. CONGDON, a well NciSON iulire Morrison uf the 8UireiM-ilnurl Former Goccrnor of the Yukon Territory. ; Colonel peck, on being asked a John McLean Sentenced to TweUe ImUy quasiMHl Hie iv regarding the matter, said he, UenelU Whist Drive and Months for Sedltloua bombs tisp"nton of Uapt. FRED STORK, knew lh contract bad been let. Da nee Ft IN BRITAIN Utterances. . Wllliaiii IliMdley ..f ili 8. 8. but be bad not been advised as te a Tomorrow Night In Canadian Kvporler win. U w liberal Candidate. who was the successful bolder. a St. Andrew's Hall I'iuiiii-ImI. UlVlulM n.-l. -lti .-Jultu Mo wi.iked on Willapa ai Tile Hltbi Cbfietim Cheer mm - will address the 'I'll n -nn ,,nc uf lilt- Mtif.'d il.i--W rr. ..I atu,ll of III . Iitu ais Ws meeting. John Knerson of i h- I'l l Fund "V sri.t'-'i. it I ... .t.-i-ed. HujMN Pn'f lit! Pupf I " a a enttisMNt It ladles Se tin i-I - i- SEATS RESERVED FOR LADIES, EVERYBODY WELCOME . a lajta lweie uioniba in priwm rr rived this iMawmug I r m an- li.iu-iiiig Mtiiliuus laiigii'im Advertise tu tbv Daily News. u . r. eeseaeeeeeeaeeeee